BR Cutrer / Ranch House Designs | The American Rancher Dec 2020

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[Music] coming up erc stands out clearly for their ability to blend old school traditional brahmin values with still tons of innovation we've been able to make super strides over the past 10 years we even have a customer with over 120 000 in online semen and embryo orders this year a young couple from texas raised the bar in ranching innovation next on the american rancher [Music] hello and welcome to the american rancher i'm pam minnick today we're with brandon and rachel catrere a young texas ranching couple whose roots run deep and wide in the beef industry brandon is the manager of br catre incorporated the couple's semen cattle and branded beef operation and rachel is the founder of ranch house designs a successful ag marketing firm together these young ranchers are building a strong and innovative future in agriculture for themselves and their customers so brc is a new brand because brandon and i started our ranching entity about a year ago but ranching isn't new to our family my ancestors were some of the early settlers in texas and actually survived the runaway scrape and the woman i was named after rachel hudgins was the first woman in our county to register a brand of her own entity and she along with her four sons started one of the most famous brahmin operations that still stands today and that's why we care so much about tradition in fact our motto is where tradition meets excellence because those are the things that really mean a lot to us and so when brandon and i got married i think that my grandpa noticed a spark in us that maybe he saw in himself and his wife when they were younger because both of them are really hard workers they're always hustling always making deals and so my grandpa would give us a lot of chances to get started in the cattle business you know maybe he heard of a lease place that was coming up or a set of commercial cattle that might be for sale and and he would tell us about those and kind of give us guidance over the last 10 years we've grown from owning six head of cattle when we first got married and zero acres of land to now we own about 350 head of cattle and over a section of land and we've done that in 10 years and i know to some people that's small but to us that's a big thing and it's something that we're really proud of and just hope to keep growing for our daughters we aren't afraid to try new things but we're not going to forget that old school foundation you know that my grandparents taught us and so our goal here at brc is really just to break down these old barriers that the brahmin breed has faced in the past and take the brahmin breed to heights it's never seen before and we just have an amazing team here at brc and it's all people who are relatively young like us and people who are hard workers they believe in doing right by others and really just having fun every day we like to raise cattle that are great for the show ring and great for the everyday cattlemen here in the southeasterly united states and throughout the tropical climate areas of the world while a lot of people use showing as a source of fun or a hobby here at brc we like to use showing as a source of advertising and getting our cattle out there we like to sell great cattle and we also like to treat people right and so i think the biggest part of that is you know the only way we can be successful is if you are successful i'm from mexico uh here in biarco trading caprero and the hermanager and also i wore the bull development basically with management all the bulls and we try to make them with a better disposition to the moment to work than same with other persons and we management the nutrition to keep them in a good shape try to get the better results and reproduction we get better results when we add the cows when we put embryos we try to do the best and uh management everything in the right form and help everybody with uh what they need you know we love brahmin cattle and we love people too and being in the seed stock business has afforded us the opportunity to enjoy both and we've also been able to be put together a team of young professionals who share the same interests brahman cattle and uh and are people oriented and so what we try to do is is we always try to strive to make things better in both our cattle as well as our customer service and so on on the cattle side we're always trying to produce brahmin cattle that are as functional as possible they're as practical as as possible cattle that have good udders and feet and legs and all the things that go along with that but what sets brahman apart uh you know and the reason we like them so much is because if you get the added traits of of heat tolerance and longevity heat tolerance uh affords the our cattle the ability to to work in some of the harshest environments not only here in the gulf coast region of the u.s but also worldwide if you inject a little bromine into your herd you can add so much more efficiency into those cattle not only being able to handle the heat and the insects and the humidity but also it's a reproductive efficiency because the maximum amount of hybrid vigor that a brahmana is able to give when you're crossing them on the hereford cattle or the angus cattle or whatever or whatever breed you might choose you know that f1 hybrid is a fantastic animal here in our country as well as is from stretching from florida all the way over to mexico and uh and we've sold cattle and bulls there from coast to coast here this past year as far north as oklahoma and kansas we want our cattle to be user friendly we want them to be easy to handle easy to maintain and not cause these commercial cattlemen who already work hard enough uh any extra burdens while i always pay attention to the functional traits of feet and udders and and things like that we're also trying to improve uh dispositions which it in the past brahmin cattle have have gotten a bad rap for but that's something we worked really hard on uh and as brahman breeders we want to take our blinders off to some of the things and problems that brahmanas may have had in the past and focus in and zero in on how we can make those better well to me brc stands out clearly for their ability to blend old school traditional brahmin values with still tons of innovation and what i mean is brahmin integrity and still selecting cattle on principles that make them profitable for the gulf coast cattlemen and making sure cattle work for your customer is important and ways we've gone about doing that is ensuring that cattle meet rigorous performance testing in terms of birth weights weaning weights tenderness uh marbling measurements and then also backing those cattle with genomically enhanced dpds and economic indexes and so making sure the genetics the phenotype and overall their performance matches the environment and then we go into talking about brahmin country beef and that's our way of making these genetics available to customers nationwide and internationally as well and so we have cattle for all types of operations whether it's show focused folks or folks really looking for volume of semen for commercial cattle use and so very progressive in terms of performance testing and genomically enhanced dpd production one way here at brc that we help our customers is giving them a route to go with their cattle and so customers that purchase bulls and purchase semen from us we help them market their cattle in our cooperator program i'm a fourth generation uh farmer and rancher my grandpa jack o'garrett's with me today i bought the cattle from him in 2016 but many years before that my great-grandfather was he got into the brahmin business with mr edgar hudgens pass it down to my grandpa and my grandma and i'm just carrying on the tradition i decided to partner with brc because brandon and rachel are very well known in the brahmin breed not only for quality cattle but just quality people as well and i like to surround myself with people who uh who can make me better and brandon and rachel are very approachable they're uh they're very kind they're very willing to to help others and you know they're people that i admire we do something a little bit different here um we're kind of breeding more towards the uh the commercial cattlemen type cows i like to call them the cow man's cows because they're a lot more moderate everything you see in in the show rings a lot larger frame animal and so when i say the cow man's cow i say that these cattle are easy keeping and by that i mean they can keep their condition on them through the hard times you know the tough winters and all that kind of stuff they are smaller framed but that means that there's less input that needs to go into them so with them being able to maintain their body condition and they're they're more susceptible to breed back and fertility you know you got to have calves on the ground a commercial cow man that's how he makes his money so that's uh that's why we we do what we're doing after the break by being able to identify the genetics that have been able to be more tender grade better in terms of marbling uh we've been able to make super strides over the past 10 years we'll learn how the coutures developed america's first 100 brahmin branded beef program and how your operation can benefit you're watching the american rancher stay with us reproductive success is critical in every profitable cow-calf operation that's why you need effective easy breeding with vita firm concept aid high concentrations of organic trace minerals and vitamin e found in concept aid will ensure more of your cows breed back faster plus you'll be giving your herd the m a firm advantage leading to healthier heavier more uniform calves at weaning provide a firm concept aid effective easy breeding hi i'm bob mclaren with 44 farms we have a new program with walmart called prime pursuits which brings together great angus producers from around the united states together to provide great beef for the consumer producers all around the country we would love for you to join us in this great pursuit so please give us a call we would love to talk to you about the specifics of this great new program thank you established in 1987 superior livestock auction is the largest cattle marketing network in north america we sell forward contracting load lots of ranch fresh cattle on video and internet auctions last year almost 1.4 million head were sold by superior livestock auction and they brought top dollar world champion auctioneers present your cattle to buyers across the nation we have over 8 000 active and qualified buyers maximizing competitive bidding and true price discovery your cattle stay at the ranch until delivery and your superior rep writes you a check when it's done simple as that our job is getting you the best paycheck possible we know that most producers only get one paycheck a year for their cattle and more cattle men and women trust us to get the most out of every sale call us at 800 800-422-2117 or go online to learn more about how superior livestock action can work for you [Music] welcome back to the american rancher the brc team has always worked within a spirit of innovation and they believe in the work they've done on ramen carcass improvement so much in fact that they developed america's first 100 brahmin branded beef program ramen country beef so over the past 10 years we've collected carcass data both live kill data from steers that we've harvested as well as uh ultrasound data on all of our cell bulls all of our replacement females and replacement bulls and through that data we've been able to identify lines of cattle that marble better uh as well as produce acceptable ribeye areas and and through the actual kill data we've been able to track tenderness as well and so with that data we've compiled and being able to select that uh we've we've been able to branch out and start our own little branded beef program with purebred brahmin cattle and we sell that beef here locally as well as we have the ability to ship that beef nationwide but we can do it with confidence because we know the genetics that back them up and so over the over the past two years of our our brahmin country beef uh we've killed numerous steers uh and through all of those steers we've only had two that hadn't graded choice and we've only had one where we've had issues with tenderness we've been able to track that for the past 10 years from all that actual data from those steers as well as ultrasounding all of our replacement females all of our replacement bulls and all of our cell bulls we've been able to locate and identify the bloodlines that are more apt to marble better or have bigger rib eyes and and things like that and then even at taking that one step further with our partnership with zoetis we've been able to to focus a little more on the tenderness side as well because we all know brahmins traditionally have gotten a bad rat for lack of marbling as well as being tough in their meat and so by being able to identify the genetics that have been able to be more tender grade better in terms of marbling we've been able to make super strides over the past 10 years i think the first year we killed a group of steers i think 27 percent of percent of them graded choice since that time we had a steer ourselves that we were keeping back for our own family's use when we got that steer back just had a great eating experience the steaks were good they were well marbled tender uh and so we it kind of sparked the idea of brahmin country beef and been able to sell it here locally we've been able to to help our community out by being able to provide a healthy safe locally sourced beef and it's been great and we've also expanded it to where we can deliver nationwide as well since a locally source and locally grow and raise uh i think it's create a big impact on the community especially to our patients and to our staff to know that their beef that they're getting it's from a local area and taste and the flavor of the meat is really fantastic and they really enjoyed it with all the dishes that we said out there we set a a kit like a gift set for doctors and for vip members that it comes with a great body of cods usually our t-bones re-buys and tenderloins and we also use it for some of our company meetings that we serve them and also board meetings we give them a really nice uh prime brave or rebuy the beef it has a really nice strong and earthy flavor compared to another type of like an anangus type of thing um but yeah yeah they really really really enjoyed it by focusing on all these functional and practical traits and and trying to improve the traits of carcass quality and disposition that brahmins have gotten a bad rap for in the past we've seen our market just expand uh exponentially over the past year especially we've sold cattle coast to coast and and throughout most countries uh in central and south america as well as australia and southeast asia and sending genetics whether it be semen or live cattle or embryos to those areas the us leads the leads the world in effect efficient beef production as well as as food production as a whole so if we can make our brahmin cattle competitive here the sky's the limit especially on a global level and so uh by doing that enjoying what we do providing user friendly cattle uh and and and the best customer service that we possibly can we hope our customers can be extremely successful and keep us in business and keep me in a job that i really enjoy because i love brahmin cattle and i love ranching and being able to share it with my family and our and our team coming up we have beef clients with total orders of seventeen thousand up to twenty three thousand dollars so far this year we even have a customer with over a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in online semen and embryo orders this year learn how rachel's company ranch house designs is helping to improve the bottom line for ranchers in one of the fastest growing and profitable segments of the beef industry stay with us here on the american rancher introducing vitalx feedlot starter tubs formulated for beef calves before and after weaning to help decrease pull rates and stress while increasing saliva feedlot starter tubs contain diamond v nature safe which supports immune strength antibiotic stewardship and gut health they're also packed with a veil of four a nutrient containing organic zinc manganese copper and cobalt vital x stretch your profits with every lick visit to find out more the superior country page is the leading online marketplace for buying and selling load lots of calves feeders and breeding stock the country page is an efficient easy to use and low-cost solution for selling cattle you set the price and move at your pace with flexible delivery options the country page matches the best buyers to the best sellers at the best price for both parties call or log on today to find out more about the superior country page show the world that you ranch the superior way with apparel hats and other merchandise from the superior online store whether you're looking for a gift or something for yourself the only place to find official superior livestock branded apparel is at the online store features name brands such as port authority click and dry duck hats jackets shirts vests gloves coolers and much more are just a click away order today join superior livestock auction for our monthly holstein steer and dairy influence video auction with the largest number of registered and active buyers in the nation competing for your cattle sellers enjoy proven price discovery that pays top dollar buyers get high volumes and steady supplies of quality cattle backed by superior's trusted experience in national livestock marketing superior is your source for dairy influenced calves click to find out more welcome back to the american rancher in addition to working with brandon and their cattle operation rachel catrere is the ceo of ranch house designs a marketing firm that specializes in developing marketing tools for ranches and ag businesses worldwide for over 20 years the company is known for creating beautifully designed and functional ranch websites and logos but in the past year the team at ranch house designs begin working with ranchers who are adding a farm to table component to their marketing it's a fast growing and profitable segment of the beef industry that shows no signs of slowing down so i started ranch house designs back in 1999 when i was actually a student at texas a m university and if you remember back then websites were not a thing and my grandfather was having a production sale and i wanted to try to think of a way to help him get the word out about his sale and so i went down to the local bookstore and bought web design for dummies and taught myself how to code an html website and from there it really just took off through word of mouth i had a lot of friends in the cattle business that reached out to me because it was such a new technology at that time and asked me if i would do websites for them and that's really how we got our start but the thing i think that really makes rancho stand out is that we have a really talented team of graphic designers and marketing specialists but at our basic level we get it of what it's like to be a rancher and we know how you feel when you're having your production sale we know what it's like to have you know a lot of expenses during certain times of the year and we live that lifestyle right along with our customers and so we're able to relate with them very well so logo design and web design is probably our two biggest core businesses at ranch house and we do currently over 800 websites and in 2020 we have done 150 logos for renters all over the world and we like to keep our pricing fair i think that's important because i know how expensive it can be to run a ranch on a day-to-day basis and so our logo design pricing ranges from 500 to 800 so that's a very affordable investment in building your brand and our website design pricing starts at a thousand dollars to two thousand dollars and one of the cool things about doing a website with ranch house is that we also offer unlimited updates and so you can update your website every day if you would like and i think that's really important for keeping your website fresh and getting the news out there about your business so this year after covid one thing that we really noticed is a growing interest in ranchers who are doing farm to table beef and that's actually been the biggest service area that we have worked with at ranch house in the last year and through my experience with brahmin country beef we've really been able to help a lot of our customers figure out things like how to sell their beef online how to ship their beef across the usa and how to promote their brand to give them a little bit of diversification in their farm and ranch income with today's technology the sky is really the limit on how big you can grow your brand and your customer base we make it so easy to help ranchers develop a farm-to-table business whether they need help with designing a logo or coming up with a booth for a farmer's market or even going full-fledged and selling beef online and shipping nationwide we can help ranchers do all of that in the last year we've really seen this segment of our business grow of course we can help you design a ranch logo or a ranch website but so far this year we've worked with a large number of ranchers who wanted to try something new your customers only know what you're telling them so having a great website is a big part of your story and making sales we make it very easy to design your logo build a website and help you sell beef semen or embryos online we have beef clients with total orders of seventeen thousand up to twenty three thousand dollars so far this year we even have a customer with over a hundred and twenty thousand dollars in online semen and embryo orders this year so if you're ready to help your business grow just reach out to us and i'm also a big believer in helping people get the tools that they need to do their own marketing when they can because remember i am a self-taught graphic graphic designer as well so ranch house designs also offers a lot of online courses for ranchers who want to just to do just that to learn how to do their marketing one of our most popular courses is our farm to table boot camp this is a 99 virtual course and in that course we walk you through what it takes to start your own farm to table brand from start to finish another popular course we offer is our five year marketing plan for seed stock operations and in this course we also outline what you should be doing in the first five years of your seed stock business and all of these courses are available on our website at and they start at just 99 so if you've been thinking about getting a new logo for your business or getting a new website or upgrading your existing website i'd like to invite you to check us out at and set up a call where i can get to know your brand and see if we would be a good fit we hope you enjoyed the show today to find out more about us visit our website or connect with us on facebook i'm pam minich for our entire american rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next [Music] time [Music] do that was superior
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 7,231
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: american cattle breeds, beef recipes, cattle breeds, cattle for sale, cattle genetics, feed efficient bulls, livestock auction, purebred bulls, purebred cattle, raising livestock
Id: 5RvuoGigSeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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