V8 Ranch & Ranch House Designs American Rancher 2016

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we bought the VA ranch in 1971 mister Hyde Park rats enter taxes and I found out about it a week before Christmas and he wanted to sell them and be paid and be through before the end of the year it was one of the better Brahmin ranches in the United States and there were three branches were bigger than them but that that cattle work were well good cattle and I knew it and so we bought them and then we needed some more bulls and I bought some bulls from different people i lured some bulls from JD Hudgens which my wife is kin to them and mr. Jordan told me suppose and then we bought some bulls from us sugar corporation from the get-go in 1961 since we purchased this herd there's really been about four crop here that we've used they've had to be out of a cow that have we kept a replacement heifer and had to be out of a cow that had a regular cabin interval and over to Cavett kick every year unless you had flushed her and interrupted her because that was a man-made deal that cave had to get up a nurse so you're insured that that dam had a good bag she had to index over a hundred on weaning weight in the old days you had weaning weight now you can set your parameters at EP D's and fourthly she has to have to look in the physical characteristics that we like so we selected those cows for years and years with those criteria in our mind and if they failed on one of those particularly if they failed on we had to nurse that case because the dam had a bad other that that knocks them out the first thing no matter how good they are they've got to be out of cows that had beautiful utters and if you come and look at our cows and I try to show people whether they're coming to buy one animal or 101 I try to tell them let's go look at the cows and look at the utters we don't have every one of them perfect but we've got most of them pretty nice centered welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich today we travel to Hungerford Texas a small town outside Houston that is home to one of the world's leading Brahman outfits v-eight ranch originally founded in 1944 by an automobile dealer who named his ranch after the v8 engine current ranch owners Sloane and Molly Williams purchased the ranch in 1971 today the couple still works the land and cattle with their children grandchildren and great-grandchildren driving through the pastures at VA you'll find some of the best Brahman cattle in the world that's why when cattlemen choose Brahman influence to produce cattle in tropical condition due to their intense hybrid vigor heat tolerance and efficiency v8 is a brand they trust in the last year cattle from v8 bloodlines have been born on every continent or cattle are raised stick around to discover more about this top-notch operation healthy cows start with the new hired hand automatic livestock sprayer rancher invented to provide an efficient alternative to poor on and injectable parasite management systems the portable design allows cattle to treat themselves had to hoof strategic device placement with passed through activation technology takes the stress out of parasite treatment for cattle and the rancher leaving more time to tend to other vital tasks on the farm to learn more visit cow sprayer comm the new hired hand makes healthy cows easy here at v8 ranch we have approximately 350 purebred Brahman cows that we use strictly for purebred production within our purebred program we have about 300 recipient cows and we that are involved in a very intensive embryo transfer program we have our embryo calves out in January March April and May September October and November two calving seasons to kind of help us have something to sell year-round we also have another herd of approximately 150 purebred Brahman cows that we use for f1 production well we breed those cows to Hereford bulls Angus bulls and Shorthorn Bulls every female that's produced from that f1 program goes into our commercial heard a lot of people don't realize that we do have a very large commercial operation here within the v8 and we feel that that that commercial experience and using our genetics in that within that system gives us pretty good experience on how our cattle perform in a commercial setting 75% of those females are true f1 females whether they be Brahman Hereford cross or Brahman Angus cross those females for the very first heifer made it to low birth weight and get sober Angus bulls every calf that they'll have after that will be sired by Charlotte boy it's been a busy fall and spring at v8 ranch after hosting their first ever spring born heifer public auction sale last fall v8 ranch celebrated tremendous success at the Houston Livestock Show the ranch won all four division championships in the female show and brought home the banner for the International Grand Champion grey Brahman female for the second year in a row they were named premier exhibitor of the show as those of us in the cattle industry know life rarely slows down on the ranch for the v8 ranch team working to produce elite Brahman cattle that excel for both seed stock producers and commercial cattlemen their team is constantly working to improve the Brahman breed we feel it's very important to produce the best quality animal we can possibly produce because not only are these cattle these Brahman cattle that we're breeding gonna go to what go out to work here in the southern United States along the Gulf Coast but they're also going to go into tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world and those tropical and subtropical regions the world we're sending these genetics make up the majority of the the cattle population worldwide so if we can not only improve our cattle here in the United States to be competitive with the other breeds here that are more common here in the United States and we can make those cattle perform and do well worldwide I think we make more of an impact with that being said 84% of our bull sales here are to cattlemen here in the US 54% of our bull sales go to commercial cattlemen whether they're breeding them to Hereford females angus females to make F ones or any other English or European breed we like via cattle because they produce the right combination of the bull that's got good style muscle maternal traits and carcass quality that there's cross very well with our purebred angus and producing an f1 bring his female that's got the right look with good style straight lines natural muscle and maternal traits and that we are using as our base for our replacement herd here in the Gulf Coast of Louisiana about 20 years ago and I was actually wanting to start my own herd as a teenager and a really good family friend recommended that we go down to v8 ranch so I loaded up and went down there with some reference one day and they introduced me to Jim and Sloan Williams and Jim and Sloan took me around their pickup truck and showed me a lot of beautiful heifers and some bulls that were prospects for something for me to start my herd and that was the first experience I had with the v8 ranch VH unique we feel as one they're really focused on cow families and with our background on the horses were strictly focused on the maternal side and the mayors and when we met v8 when I've got involved in Matt via to realize that was really the focus was cow families and in the future and where the cattle business going to go in part of the a it's so unique to us is you can plug into any part of their program that you feel that you're interested in and they'll let you in them on the best of the best if you walk in and you have a relationship because we feel like the relationships are so important then you build a relationship you can be partners with them you can buy them out right and there's a lot of opportunities of VA and the cattle are tremendous one of the characteristics that make v8 cattle so special is their signature v8 look that v8 cattle offer much more than great design while many breeders focus on mastering one area carcass traits performance or maternal quality v8 ranch takes pride in raising cattle that master all of these and at the same time maintaining I appeal this commitment to producing an ideal animal has earned the ranch more than 60 national and international grand champion placings and secured 30 trait leaders in the ABB I sire summary success in the show ring on a national and international level has attracted the eye of many in the cattle business and driven demand for v8 genetics well we're looking at a cow that's gonna be functional she's gonna have some durability to it she's gonna be structurally sound but she can move and travel and be productive out in the pasture won't a cow that's going to be easy fleshing v8 ranch we want a cow that's gonna show femininity when you look at her you know she's a cow you can see that femininity that she has and has that v8 looked at that we've bred for 50 60 years and she's gonna have to be a cow that raises a good calf every year give adequate milk it's a good disposition about her and has some longevity and durability maintained yourself you had on their feet and legs yeah I like showing most people would say Jim Williams like showing but that's just one of the the tools to use but the shows give you a chance to exhibit your animals for everybody can see I've had people tell me before I've got a really I think I've got a bullet that could win that Eastern show I tell them you need to be showing that booth if you have a book to win Houston you gotta be need to get him out there but people like the social aspects aspect of shows it's a lot of comradeship there and it's a it's the most expensive way to promote your cattle but probably one of the best what kind of sets v8 ranch apart is not only of course we've had great success in the show ring and all of our national champions and international champions that we've exhibited every year what sets v8 wrenches apart with the added I appeal that we have we take all these different measurements and focus on birth low birth weight and growth traits and and as well as the carcass traits v8 ranch is a leader within the Brahman breed not only here in the US but worldwide for for the performance traits here v8 I'm the herdsman I take care of all the show cattle in the show born it's fun I had never experienced that before I came here I'd showed my whole life but never actually got the Grand Champion slap and so whenever it happened for me here and it's happened a couple of times so actually the first time it was twice back-to-back days and it's it's a very humbling moment and you realize you did more than once you don't continue to make friends they kind of harp on you a little bit but it is a very fun calming experience more so than the catalog say the people is what makes me a special it's you don't stay in business as long as you have doing business the wrong way they do things the right way they're built on godly principles they make their money off the ranch off the cattle it's not any outside sources of income and I think whenever you're in in business that long and you and making your money at just that business I think it's a it's a testament to your passion and your work ethic and that well does it run dry and so what I think that's what sets him apart accomplished in every area of selection v8 females are in high demand in fact v8 heifers are sold via a waiting list straight off the cow this year v8 kept back the top 15 heifers of the fall 2015 calf crop to offer for public auction the fall born heifer sale will be held May 30th and 31st @dv auction com along with the reputation that v8 ranches had for the 70 plus years ago they've been in business one of the things that makes me most proud about being wrench.now is the focus on quality not necessary not necessarily just the quality of the animal themselves as far as I appeal which is important to us but to quote the added benefits of the selection pressures that we have for birth what low birth weight high growth and even the carcass value in these Brahman channels that we're continually trying to improve and strive for I think that the work that's been put into it the love of the cattle the love of the breed the level of the cattle industry in general and the risks that were taken back in 71 when mr. Sloane and Miss Molly made the purchase you know that's a pretty big undertaking that most people most ordinary people wouldn't be willing to do it and they were willing to do it took on the task and have been extremely successful with it getting us to the point where we where we are now at ranch house designs we know cattle that's why since 1999 hundreds of ranchers have trusted us with their advertising and website design needs as leaders in livestock advertising we know that an exceptional website is just as important as having that prize cow herd or herd bull the talented staff at ranch house designs will create your custom high quality website as well as your print ads social media business cards and videos at prices you can afford all of our websites come with unlimited updates a fast turnaround and excellent customer service from a team that knows and understands the cattle business increase your ranches exposure and profitability with a custom website today visit ranch house designs calm for a free quote and to learn more about our services welcome back to the American Rancher it was a love for v8 ranch and Brahman cattle that lit the spark for what is now the world's top livestock marketing agency ranch house designs well in college at Texas A&M in an effort to continue to help with her family's cattle ranch v8 ranch Rachel decided to build a website to help promote her family's cattle sale many in the industry took notice and soon friends and family began to ask her for help with their own websites it was then that Rachel saw a need for a firm that specialized in serving ranches like her own and the foundation for what became ranch house designs was born I guess you could say that I started ranch house design really with a little bit of luck and a whole lot of love and the grace of God I started the foundation for what would eventually become ranch house designs about 20 years ago while I was actually student at Texas A&M and at that time my grandfather's ranch which be eight ranch was having a large cow herd reduction sale really to help relieve some of the financial stress on the ranch at that time and I wasn't at home to help do the work on the ranch but I wanted to help in some way so keep this time computers were one color and cellphones did not exist and Facebook did not exist so I had the idea to make a website for our ranch to advertise the sale and I taught myself how to do it and I still remember the day when I was up in College Station and my granddad called me on the phone and said that people were showing up at the ranch with printouts of our sale catalog before it had even been mailed because they had got it off of our new website that I had done and that proved to me at that time that online marketing works even in the cattle business and today even when we get new clients to the ranch 9 out of 10 of those say they found us online today ranch house designs is a trusted source for a variety of marketing services from website and graphic design to social media marketing brand creation and video production the ranch house designs team knows what it takes to improve profitability and exposure for any brand I think that people a lot of times are confusing words like marketing advertising and selling and while advertising and selling are really part of the greater marketing scheme at ranch house designs we focus a little bit more on a specific marketing definition we really believe that marketing is kind of those tried and trued adjectives of telling your story and then really building that relationship with the customers so we then take those that tried-and-true definition and we project it on to today's more modern techniques and those platforms that we're all familiar with now so we really take a lot of those things and will will help tell your story through your website through videoing and then we're going to turn around and build that relationship with social media we do a lot now with kind of eblasts newsletters blog spots different things like that at the end of the day at ranch house designs we really believe that marketing is connecting the customer with your brand and with your business and we have a large toolbox and we use a little bit of everything within that we catalogs we do print media we do websites logos you name it and we really can do about anything but at the end of the day it's really centered on that storytelling and that relationship building we want to make sure that the customer knows you we want to make sure that the customer knows your company your products your business and has a good experience with that they like you they trust you they want to come to you it may seem overwhelming to get started on your marketing plan but it's actually really easy to get started with ranch house designs the first step is really just to go to our website and we have a request quote form on there you just fill out that form type in what you're interested in one of our dedicated project managers will get in touch with you either by phone or email and that initial contact is really where the relationship starts where we start learning about your business and learning what your goals are and the more learning we do and the more questions we ask you the better we can understand where you're hoping to go and help you achieve your goals through whatever project we're working on you with we work with a wide range of clients we work with small startup family ranches to some of the biggest agribusinesses in the industry but for us it's not just about designing a flashy ad that's going to show up in a magazine or a really cool website it's really about creating meaningful marketing pieces that are going to connect with your customer and that are really going to convey your brand message in a cohesive and strong message if you've never heard of ranch house designs before odds are you've seen their work as they partner with many of today's leading names in the ranching business with demanding ranch life sometimes producers just don't have time to do it all and that's when they can turn to ranch house designs with any marketing tasks the ranch house designs team has a reputation for quality efficiency and creativity that any size ranchers marketing plan can benefit from we've been with ranch house designs for about three years now I've known Rachel and her family just from their reputation throughout the cattle industry I mean Rachel and the v8 family and the v8 ranch or why they known as having some of the biggest and best commercial and registered sales in the country so you know I noticed the ranch house design logo on a lot of marketing and advertising that I really liked the look of and thought that they could really bring a professional kind of reputation to our look as well so one thing I like about ranch house is that they have such a large staff so if the person you're used to working with happens to be busy that day or is out of the office that day there's always someone who can pick up the pieces who is willing to do a professional and timely job on the project that you have at hand so it's not like you're so relying on a single person it's a real team effort from a group of people who can get the job done they can do it in a timely manner and present you with a really professional product pretty much no matter what the circumstances we've been a client of ranch house design since the mid 90s when the King Ranch Institute for ranch management was was getting started we used them for for most of our marketing and it was very effective in in 2014 we we knew at the Institute that we needed to build a website that was that was revamped had a different look to it and so we turned a ranch house designed to help us through that process and they were excellent and providing the feedback the guidance that we needed most importantly they helped us develop the field that was appealing to the ranching industry because we wanted to have a site that our stake holders those ranchers across the country could feel comfortable about and was aesthetically pleasing when they viewed it in our experience with ranch house designs the the staff there and ownership seemed to have a genuine interest in helping us to develop the products that we're looking for that helped us meet our goals over the years I think what makes Ranch House a favorite choice amongst ranchers is that we get it we we not only know the marketing business but we know the cattle business just as good if not better and we're the people who are out there on our farms and ranches every day you know the team at ranch house they're gonna be working on your website or your marketing during the day but then that night they're probably gonna be out of their own farm checking cows or mixin feed and so when we make a recommendation it's something that comes from our heart in our it's not something that we just read online or heard about that might work it's those tried-and-true practices that we're actually using it in our own farms and ranches to impact our own family's livelihood just as well and one thing that makes the cattle industry different from other industries is that it's really an industry that's based completely on love love of the land love of the cattle love of the family and that's not something that you get when you're marketing a lot of other products I mean I'm sure the people who are marketing cars they're proud of that car and they love it but they don't love it like how the rancher loves his product and our team at ranch house strives to give that same level of commitment to each and every one of our customers to know that when you work with ranch out so you're getting a dedicated team that is invested in your brand and invested in your product and wants to see your operations succeed just as much as they do their own operation ranchers choose to work with ranch house designs because the talented staff are experts in both marketing and the cattle business v8 ranch hosts four main online sales each year and their next sale is just around the corner if you're looking for the highest quality v8 has to offer the next opportunity to purchase elite Brahman females is that their upcoming fall born heifer sale May 30th and 31st check it out at Divi action.com for more information on v8 ranch and to see the entire offering available in the fall born heifer sale please visit v8 ranch comm we'd like to thank v8 ranch and ranch house designs for sharing their story of success and ranching Heritage with us to get connected with us visit us online at the American ranch or calm or check us out on Facebook I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time ever heard of site decked an injectable good because site DECT an injectable is the fastest working dewormer on the market today and the faster you stop raising worms instead of cattle the faster cattle are going to grow right what's even better when the site decked an injectable has only a 21-day withdrawal period you know what that means don't you you don't have to wait as long to send a calf to market talk to your veterinarian about treating your cattle with site decked and injectable
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 14,032
Rating: 4.8811879 out of 5
Keywords: Superior Livestock Auction, The American Rancher
Id: jMeelvD2mvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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