DeBruycker Charolais Ranch AR 2015

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you know today's Charlet cattle are not the same as they were thirty and forty and fifty years ago just like your Ford pickup and the Chevy pickup is improved in the last 34 years it's safer and drives nicer well our Charlotte bulls are way better than they were thirty and forty and fifty years ago - and they're safer and they drive nicer because the calves well and they grow extremely well those calves go to the feedlot and just gain like crazy you know the Packers that we deal with just you know they the comments we get from them as they can't find enough cows out of articles that one characteristic that I liked out of the de Brecker genetics is the thickness in the back end if you look at where the back straps are added you have a nice flat thick kind end on them and the cow carries a lot of weight there and that tells me that it's gotta put towns on that calf and produce a steak at the end that the feeder can sell to the Packer the brokers are known for really great cattle and they will buy our calves from us so that shows how much faith they have in their own in their own bulls you hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich this week we're in Dutton Montana at de Brucker charlet the directors are third-generation ranchers have been in the industry for nearly a hundred years and almost half this time since the early 1960s they've spent raising purebred Charlotte cattle and Charlotte bulls they started with a dozen heifers and have expanded to all parts of the United States and internationally as well customers appreciate their deep roots years of experience and proven feedlot and carcass data you'll meet the de broker's when the American rancher begins starting a profitable family business supporting a lifestyle and pursuing a career in agriculture are the top three reasons why cattlemen become lumix dealers being a lumix dealer gives me the flexibility to run my own business make my own business choices work with some great cattle producers as well as help them have a successful livestock operation build you and your family's future with the industry's leading free choice liquid supplement dealer network superior livestock auction has been the pioneer in livestock video marketing since 1987 each decade we built our reputation take great pride in what we do best marketing the country's greatest calves with value-added programs during our summer options for full delivery our vac program set the highest integrity for industry standards and consigners and buyers alike reap the benefits superior livestock auction let us market your cattle the superior way visit us at superior welcome back to the American Rancher the de Brooker Charlet breeding program relies extensively on repeat customers and word-of-mouth advertising the family has an exemplary service record for dealing with customers and a commitment to promoting the Charlet cattle and charlet bull breed the de Brecker motto has always been just facts not fads following this pillar has resulted in top quality genetics and herd uniformity well it the broker charlet we're a family operation that we've got different generations involved my dad mom started it by buying their first Charlotte cows back in 1963 bought the first heifers then and just started growing from there sold a few both locally and and through time just kind of branched out my oldest my older brother mark he's been on the ranch since the mid 70s and raised in Charlotte cows my brother-in-law Joe Campbell came back and married my sister back in the early 80s and during the 80s they they grew the operation with my father Lloyd and then I came back home and then early 90s and and today we've got next generations coming back in so you know I got started when I married Cathy and I really hadn't been around cattle at all but being around Lloyd and Mark and Brett you know it's just they're great fit for just about any other color cattle out there but what's really nice about being in a family operation and working together is that we get to see each other on a regular basis you know what every day or every other day we're getting to talk on the phone see each other face-to-face I get to see my dad and my mom you know all the time and visit about you know what we're trying to get done with the operation and the same with my brother and sister and and it's you know we're just pretty fortunate to have the kind of family ties that we have to each other and and you know not every day is a picnic but you know we love each other and we and we enjoy working together and we're always trying to strive to do the same you know the right thing for our for our customers and and we feel like that's the then the right thing for us I take them out in the barn with me when we're doing the barn work and stuff and Trent and Seeley they get to tag and milk cows once in a while don't you so the cattle business is a wonderful business to be in I mean we're just very fortunate but you know besides trying to make the best cattle you can and making the genetics as good as you can you know one of the great things is you get to deal with people in my mind and I really enjoy dealing with both new customers current customers and you know it's just great to be able to deal with them on a daily basis and find out how our genetics are working for them the Brucker share labels make our black cows better cabin went well birth weights on these bowls their tabs are really nice out a 550 I think we assisted probably 10 or 11 this last winter so really good percentage I do have a good relationship with the de Brecker family they have helped me get to where I'm at and I will give them credit for that because I put together a herd and by using their genetics I've got a uniform or uniform herd coming and so they've given me lots of opportunity that every year we seem to get new calls and and have new interest in our genetics and our Charlotte Bulls and our cows I'm always just a phone call away to try to help a new guy try to figure out what our operation is about and what what our genetics have to offer him and we I purchased a lot of bulls for people sight unseen and send them all over the countryside and it's always with that my personal guarantee of you know if you're not satisfied neither am I so I I want the guys that want to work with us to be as satisfied as possible and and try to get them the best bowls we can Sam what do you like about it like working bulls go ahead said I like working boys dad nice and loud one more time nice around you like when we return we'll learn about the de broker's innovative lease bull program you're watching the American Rancher don't go away the wait is over superior livestock is now offering an online store where you can buy everything superior from ball caps vests jackets gloves and more superiors online store has what you're looking for plenty to choose from for men and women whether you're shopping for yourself or in need of that perfect gift go online today at superior livestock comm and click on our online store you'll be glad you did join the team the beef Quality Assurance team getting vq a certified shows you're committed to practices that produce the highest quality beef in the world and by visiting bqa org you can take the online certification course at a time that fits your schedule and from the comfort of your home or office you'll also find lots of helpful tips on improving animal health and animal handling practices get certified BQ a certified because it's about doing the right thing visit BQ today and become a member of the BQ 18 welcome back to the American Rancher the de brookers were one of the first to develop the least bull program this initiative enabled people to use char labels in an affordable manner which in turn created more customers for the Sharlee breed the kind of bowl that we're trying to raise from start to finish you know he's got to have a nice small head on him good smooth shoulders real good length of body the one long pull with a good solid back on him their hindquarters need to carry all the way down to the hock and just you know be real stout and wide we want that depth of body in the in the animal real barrel shape that's what we like is a barrel shaped animal and they got to have great feet legs so they could they can travel in you know tough country like that high desert country and Nevada and Oregon and that kind of I would say the biggest benefit of char labels over other breeds is the fact that they just bring free pounds to the table for the rancher Pete you can use our char labels the calves well and then they grow like crazy once they hit the ground the comments that I get from a lot of customers is that you know if I use your shower labels and even some other Charlotte boljan etics is that we can always tell your calves right away at birth and then right on through the growth period of the summer and fall because they just come out and they're just built right and ready to take off and and add pounds the first year I bred my calves to Charlotte Bulls from de broker's I brought them to the feed yard I weigh every calf individually to be able to collect another piece of data on how my cows are performing and maybe to be able to create a better female herd but when I started weighing them individually I found that the de Brecker Charlotte calves that particular year outweighed my black calves by a pals so that was pretty easy math we've been using the brach your bowls for dried out 25 years now my dad was he's one who runs this place I he's been around a lot longer than I have but I've been involved with it since oh six oh I'd say the main thing would be their explosive growth on the calves we've had them you know up next to different breeds like Maine Anjou and Angus and it's just night and day difference so our Bulls are developed in such a way that you know their their qualities are expressed and they're really ready to go to work what makes me proud is that we sell a lot of yearling 12 13 14 month old bulls into that high desert country in Oregon and Nevada and those bulls are strong enough and they're phenotypically made in the right way that they can go out and just travel that country and really do a good job and get the cows bread without you know without having big problems and I think you know it's it's genetics that do that and it makes us feel good to know that our customers can take bulls of that age that are developed that way and and they're just ready to go to work we will wean the bull calves about the middle of September the first October we bring them in and we start them real slow on a high roughage ration they'll be fed hay for three weeks and then we'll slowly incorporate a little corn and distillers into the ration feeding the Bulls a high roughage ration trying to get a average of three pounds a day gain just slowly developing the Bulls but at the same time trying to express their genetic potential we feel that the way we develop the Bulls growing them slowly make them stand up better help them stand up better and and have some long longevity out on all on the range for the customer and so I think that one of the biggest bonuses to use in Tobruk of Charlet is the fact that besides the hybrid vigor that they bring to the table from just being an out cross we also have the built in genetics that will you know create even even more free pounds than just the just a hybrid vigor if I have problems with a bowl that I either leased from them or purchase they're very good about making sure that they'll find me another Bowl to be able to get my cows bred on the year so that's been also a plus because when you buy a bull from another breeder and that bull goes lame or it gets hurt you're out of a bull and you got to go find another bull and it's the same situation but the brokers take care of you whether they take it out of their own herd I'm not sure but I get another bowl if I need it so I think one of the biggest advantages we have for our Charlet herd as far as improving our own genetics and no one if we're heading down the right path is that we buy a lot of calves back that are right that are directly sired by our bulls and so that not only helps that producer who's using our Bulls we try to support him as best we can but it also helps us because we get to see exactly how our cat will perform on grass in the feedlot on the rail for the Packer we get to watch that from the beginning to end and and I think you know we learn faster or than most as to how our genetics are performing for the industry when the American rancher returns we'll learn more about de Brucker charlet stay with us Spears country page the go to marketplace if you're in need of buying or selling cattle right now the country page offers feeders calves bred stock and more cattle ranchers like the country page because it's easy to use cattle have a set asking price and then you have the ability to bid at room superiors cut your page also has 24/7 customer service to help you find what you're looking for costs appear today and see how the country page can help you did you know every dollar invested in the beef checkoff returns $11.20 did you know that without your checkoff foreign demand for US beef would have been six point four percent lower did you know due to your checkoff fifteen point seven billion more pounds of beef or sold in the US while you manage your operation your checkoff investment results in higher prices which means stronger returns for your bottom line get to know your check on at my beef checkoff calm welcome back to the American rancher the de Brucker aim is clear to raise cattle that produce the best and create profitability for their customers the results have been outstanding cattle dat calves well grow fast and attract top beef prices at the packing plant dubrow's many years of dedication commitment hard work passion and belief has all paid off de Brucker Charlet and their breeding stock lines have become a cattle industry's benchmark with the cattle market as good as it is and today you know these prices are extremely high and and when you think about what a Charlotte bull has to offer and what I think is what a de Brucker Charlotte bull has to offer you know is another 50 pounds at weaning time maybe even as we've heard from some customers up to a hundred pounds at weaning time and if you think about that and you throw $2 a pound or $3 a pound depending on the weight that your operation can produces you know that adds up to a lot of money for your pot for the producers pocketbook and and can really help him make big strides into the future just having those additional pounds besides what he would normally produce de Brucker Charlotte is the home of performance carcass and show winning cattle commercial cattlemen everywhere know the name for their incredible package of performance grade and yield it's the genetics that bring you what you need the breakers we've been going there I think this was my 22nd year at the Brecker sale and we've been so we've been by using over 22 years and they pretty well proven ourselves and what I like about Lloyd is not only did we like the Bulls they hold up in this country what I like about them is they come to Winnemucca and they bid on their calves and so it's a win-win for everybody and so we were up there this spring buying bulls I don't know how many we took out of there probably a hundred bulls this spring we've taken more times and but I guarantee you they'll all be there when I'm I could bid on their calves and performance of the debecker Bulls is incredible and so anyway that's where it's been a real good good relationship there one of the reasons we whip the broker's is because they had the cavities figured out in old-time Sholay's were tough on regular cows and then we've always bought the good what I consider to better bull the de Brucker family has purchased my calves historically and they've given me a premium on them and so I haven't had to sell anywhere else but I believe that they are giving me a premium not only on price but also in weight we obviously can't buy all the calves but they they seem to really appreciate the fact that we're there supporting them and buying what we can buy well you know we try really hard to support our customers as best we can the great thing for our customers is that generally our genetics will will create premiums for them and you know we may not always be able to buy we can't buy all the calves out of our Bulls but we're always in there bidding on calves out of our Bulls and we're trying to help our customer realize the the most income he can off his cattle and so we try really hard to bid on and buy calves out of our genetics from the marketing perspective I would have to say one of the smartest things that we've done is get aligned with superior and you know they're progressive genetics program and they help us by you know broadcasting our bull sail and they come out and do a fantastic job video in the Bulls for the sale and I just think that you know from the big marketing picture we do a lot of paper advertising and radio advertising but I really think that one of the best things we do is working with superior and have them help work with us to get our name better known throughout the nation our annual bowl sale is the first Saturday of April each year and we've begun broadcasting the sale on superior each year and it's really been a good way to branch out and get in front of a bigger audience and a lot of people that call are a little worried about how they're going to bid on a bowl or how they're going to handle a bowl that far from home and between the superior crew and and myself and people in my family you know we're always trying trying to be there as best we can to help those new guys utilize our genetics I wouldn't say that we've ever had a real focus on a certain number we want to get to we just want to mainly just try to produce the right kind of quality and and supply the demand that that there is out there for our bulls so you know fortunately we've been able to produce the bulls and the females of the quality that we think that are good for the commercial Rancher and the demand has been there and continued to grow so this year we sold about 600 bulls in our annual bull sale on April 4th and that was up 50 head from the year before and and we'll see what next year brings private treaty seed stock selections are available now so come visit beautiful Montana this summer do Brecker Charlet will help your bottom line as far as the future is concerned you know there's a couple different segments to that one is we've got a lot of young kids coming back to the operation I've got some nephews and nieces that are interested I've got my four daughters that you know we're still pretty young and I don't know what they'll do but you know I'd hope that one or two or all four of them could be interested in coming back and and being part of the operation and so you know the goal is to continue to grow the operation right now we market about 600 bulls in our annual sale and private treaty another three to 350 at this time but I see no reason that you know as as as we as our name grows and people get more exposed to our genetics you know maybe it won't be long involve a thousand head in the goal sale or something in the future so as long as the commercial ranchers are are looking for D'Brickashaw lay genetics we want to do what we can to support we hope you enjoyed our story on de Brucker Charolais to find out more about them visit their website de Brucker Charlet com that's all the time we have today to find out more about us visit our website the American rancher calm or check us out on Facebook we'd love to hear from you I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you right back here next time you you you you
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 40,025
Rating: 4.8279572 out of 5
Id: TBgJdJ0iYU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2015
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