Akaushi-Heartbrand Beef | TheAmerican Rancher

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[Music] coming up the premium for akahushi is all the difference between breaking even and making a profit the demand is greater than any of us can keep up with so there's tons of room for more breeders to come in hear the story of akaushi cattle and their positive effects on the beef industry next on the american rancher [Music] hello and welcome to the american rancher i'm pam minich on this episode we're focusing on the proven success of aka ushi cattle a waigu breed from japan that's now proudly known as the american akaushi the expectations of american beef consumers are very high across the country butcher shop owners doctors award-winning chefs and supermarket executives affirmed that the akushi breed exceeds those expectations a lot of people have heard the term wagyu and waigu means japanese cow it's country of origin and we embrace the term waigu because it means japanese cow of which akushi is a specific breed all akushi or waiku but not all wagyu's akushi kroger spent a lot of time redefining the grocery experience and we're committed to providing friendly service in the freshest possible beef in town the flavor of akusha beef is great it has a rich buttery flavor and our customers that have been able to have it too echo those comments as well the diets of americans are constantly changing so we look for customers that shop in other areas to kind of bridge over and look for different offerings inside beef commodity or different categories that's why we're so excited selling premium acadusia beef over the years i've learned a lot about the beef business and the marbling is what sells the beef but that's what my customers wanted they wanted the marbling i remember the very first day we cut into the super well marble piece of akushi rib i was stunning it was intensely well marbled great flavor great color cuts very well and then it has the taste to match so a lot of times you'll see stuff that's insanely well marbled it doesn't have the taste to back it up but every single time akaushi has that profile people buy with their eyes almost 90 percent of the time they want to see they want to come in they want to see a very beautiful marble piece of meat that akushi marbling is second to none especially with akanushi all the health benefits associated with it higher monounsaturated fats higher counts of oleic acid the trend for beef is definitely eating less but eating more responsible beef so that's what we're very excited for teaching consumers and seems that that's where our customer base is focused on what we serve at tris is a globally sourced seafood and texas steak i mean it's it's that simple the next generation wants to know where their food came from what they're eating how it was raised and and was there integrity in that whole process from the ranch all the way to the plate and i think akaushi is leading that way currently and have been for a while with the dna testing of knowing what their genetic is you go to a restaurant you have a bad steak it was maybe it was cooked perfectly you're like oh it wasn't tender i could make a better one at home well that's because of lack of marbling and serving a lower grade program and trying to charge a lot of money for it in my mind there's the right genetic makeup and really understanding how to utilize that waigu genetic properly you get a beefy steak that you'll never forget and there's nobody that's going to say i can make a better one at home we serve ribeye tenderloin and 60-day dry aged strip we use salt pepper garlic and we we focus on the crust getting the mayar the mayard reaction is the natural sugars in the protein caramelizing that's the creation of browning this breed is the most consistent for sure so putting this this genetic into your breed is a no-brainer in my opinion i've watched that as a consumer is on the plate level for years the only reason any of us do this is the end result and that's the guest paying for that steak akushi provides that beef eating experience more consistently than any program and i've eaten all of them and i've stood behind it for years and i can assure you putting this genetic in your herd will make a huge difference for the for the end game and without getting too technical the akoshi beef it's the most unique beef in the world first of all it has high concentrations of what's called mufa monounsaturated fatty acids there are good fatty acids and there are bad fatty acids the the saturated fatty acids are the bad ones the unsaturated like the monounsaturated fatty acid that's the good fatty acids that's found in high quantities in akoshi beef in addition the american heart association does recommend a diet high in protein and in this monounsaturated fat that's not all there's also a substance called cla conjugated linoleic acid when we consume that it actually helps our immune system so again you've got the best tasting beef on the planet combined with the healthiest beef on the planet that's a winning combination and all the different cuts of beef have the same health qualities from the hamburger meat all the way up to the steaks [Music] we've got four restaurants here in fort worth texas fond hills find texas cuisine specializing in as many texas farm to table products as we can get i come from a ranch and family and we've we've tried a lot of steaks a lot of beef and i went through as many different programs as we could find the akiushi has been the best product the best most consistent best tasting best to deal with that we can find in the whole state of texas this is what we like it's a beautiful meat it's got an incredible texture to it it holds its own look at the marbling that's what we look for i want texture and i want marbling when it comes to premium beef everybody knows prime choice select that kind of stuff but when it comes to the high end once you get above prime akiyushi is the greatest word i can use right now it's absolutely hand crafted really impressive beef it's got a flavor that's buttery that's got that olive oil kind of flavor it's incredible once you get to the high end of steaks akiyushi is where it's at up next we needed to go with the breed that we knew could produce that high marbling and that high premium meat every single time very consistently see how ranchers are taking advantage of the demand for aka ushi beef more on that after the break here on the american rancher this is hard brand cattle family owned family run prime focused and home to the largest and best source for akushi genetics in the world u.s commercial cattlemen are buying our bulls because they work if you raise akushi cattle we have a buyback program our cattle grade 45 usda prime less than two percent select averaging a 2.8 yield grade it's time you earn premiums over commodity prices akushi provides beef customers with the best beef eating experience visit us at heartbrandcattle.com introducing vitalik's feedlot starter tubs formulated for beef calves before and after weaning to help decrease pull rates and stress while increasing saliva starter tubs contain diamond v nature safe which supports immune strength antibiotics stewardship and gut health they're also packed with a veil of four a nutrient containing organic zinc manganese copper and cobalt vital inks stretch your profits with every lick visit vitalix.com to find out more established in 1987 superior livestock auction is the largest cattle marketing network in north america we sell forward contracting load lots of ranch fresh cattle on video and internet auctions last year almost 1.4 million head were sold by superior livestock auction and they brought top dollar world champion auctioneers present your cattle to buyers across the nation we have over 8 000 active and qualified buyers maximizing competitive bidding and true price discovery your cattle stay at the ranch until delivery and your superior rep writes you a check when it's done simple as that our job is getting you the best paycheck possible we know that most producers only get one paycheck a year for their cattle and more cattle men and women trust us to get the most out of every sale call us at 800 800-422-2117 or go online to learn more about how superior livestock action can work for you [Music] welcome back to the american rancher we just saw the demand for akushi beef on the retail and food service side but now let's hear from ranchers and how they're taking advantage of the breed akaushi genetics increases everyone's operations marketing versatility from selling seed stock to branded beef programs all of which deliver great premiums for your cattle i would say 2009 is definitely that aha moment we were sort of looking on where to branch out the ranching industry was changing started studying what the akushi were what the potential was in the breed where they were going to go and it fit us to a tea i was really excited about it we came and bought 100 cows and four bowls and that's where it all started from the demand for high quality food production is there and i think the more we evolve the stricter we come with what we're actually going to consume as a family so i'm proud of what we're raising for my kids and for the kids of other families that we sell to [Music] the premium for akagushi is all the difference between breaking even and making a profit and that's been the key for us as far as as the growth is it's allowed us to put more money back into it instead of keeping the herd small and i can't say enough about the the buyers because they're they want the cattle akushi is a high fertility breed uh that's adapted very well in the united states adapted very well here in central texas but more importantly what we've kind of seen over the past decade is how they've worked so well with the domestic cattle here in the united states so when commercial producers introduce akushi generally it's a form of bulls they buy bulls most of the akushi bulls range from five to eight thousand which is right in line with with a market price for good registered cattle in any breed by using akushi bulls on their cow base they're able to keep all their production the same yet getting a premium over market to those cattle we run a cow-calf akushi commercial herd our cow herd is mainly half bloods or three quarter bloods akushi we put registered akushi bowls on them we knew that we wanted to get a premium for our calf crop and in order to do that we needed we needed to go with the breed that we knew could produce that high marbling and that high premium meat every single time very consistently as young ranchers whenever we started out or had the opportunity to start out we couldn't think of a better breed than to go with the akushi the defining moment was i was down in plant in corpus christi and saw a set of cattle that were they were cross of red angus and akushi and they graded 75 percent prime they had no euro grade fours or fives uh which is a key component because if you minimize that outside fat but still get the marbling that's that's the ideal world and these cattle did all that and that just said you know the the cattle performed well for the rancher they were great for the meat packer and absolutely super for the consumer so it was the best of all worlds and it can change the industry i thought that at the time and feeling is even stronger today their vigor their longevity their health the the breeding end of it the bulls how they hold up how they cover cattle these cattle are extremely light when they're born and they grow like no other that that we've been associated with not every breed can adapt to weather what we have down there and we've been very happy how well that these cattle especially the bulls how they adapt and breed back and stay in such great shape they shine they make us shine their carcass merit is is bar none the best i've ever seen [Music] we've been able to ship genetics all over the world embryos semen bulls and and live cattle so we've shipped these bulls up in into canada montana idaho these bulls have been able to adapt to many different environments extremely well the libido of the bull the soundness of the akushi's feet and legs and the longevity of the bulls has really been impressive uh and been very well accepted by commercial bull buyers what's really been fun for me to see is the growth of the akushi breed it started out as a small herd but today we've moved on so far past that at heart brand we've been very fortunate to grade over sixty thousand head of these akushi and of those sixty thousand forty eight percent of them have graded usda prime and above we also have a very attractive yield grade average yield grade of about 2.5 so what's so great about these akushi is they put the fat on the inside they put the fat in as marbling and don't put excessive back fat on so we've got the red brangus that are american red branches mamas their large frame and the hybrid vigor crossing one breed red branches with another breed akaushi the offspring are just beautiful f1 steer cats which actually are about 10 months old at this point they're probably closer to 650 700 pounds the heifers are probably 625 650. they're heavy they're really beautiful calves we're at the edge of the chihuahuan desert from mexico we're an hour from the mexico border and it's very sparse a lot of prickly pear a lot of mesquite a lot of coyotes it's pretty rough um the cattle we have no issues they do good in heat they do get in cold i actually have never seen a climate that they don't perform in our cows breed back in 30 to 45 days their productivity is pretty insane we have low birth weights we're cabin out from like 62 to 75 pounds the fact that these cattle can go on and perform at the level they do it just puts them so far above other breeds and i think if you're going in as a seed stock producer that's a great avenue there's a lot of room but also going in as f1 producers buying the bulls putting them on whatever i like the angus crosses i like the black wagon crosses those f1s will perform at a higher level than the full blood animals of those other breeds when people use akushi genetics their application is limitless i mean some people use akushi genetics just to increase their fertility their utter quality just on on the female side most producers that use akushi genetics do to increase their their bottom line we also have guys that that use akushi genetics uh to to run their own beat program uh and some some uh completely see using akushi increases their marbling uh regardless of how they finish the cattle whether it's pasture uh whether it's a high high grain diet so yeah those akushi genetics are just so versatile and how people can use them that's the reason i mean it's continued to grow after the break the biggest opportunity for the beef industry is know what you're raising we'll see how the akushi breed is using technology to find even more success you're watching the american rancher stay with us this is hard brand cattle family owned family run prime focused and home to the largest and best source for akushi genetics in the world u.s commercial cattlemen are buying our bulls because they work if you raise akushi cattle we have a buy back program our cattle grade 45 usda prime less than 2 select averaging a 2.8 yield grade it's time you earn premiums over commodity prices akushi provides beef customers with the best beef eating experience visit us at heartbrandcattle.com reproductive success is critical in every profitable cow calf operation that's why you need effective easy breeding with vita firm concept aid high concentrations of organic trace minerals and vitamin e found in concept aid will ensure more of your cows breed back faster plus you'll be giving your herd the m a firm advantage leading to healthier heavier more uniform calves at weaning provide a firm concept aid effective easy breeding the superior country page is the leading online marketplace for buying and selling load lots of calves feeders and breeding stock the country page is an efficient easy to use and low-cost solution for selling cattle you set the price and move at your pace with flexible delivery options the country page matches the best buyers to the best sellers at the best price for both parties call or log on today to find out more about the superior country page [Music] welcome back to the american rancher the future of the beef industry is in the hands of ranchers across america and a successful future is based on data the growth of the american akashi association is proof of how much traceability and data really do matter we are definitely excited about the future because of the growth in the premium meat market and whether you're raising any breed of cattle the key is going to be quality in the future quality and traceability i have been working with the akushi association for the last four years five years with your membership you get digital beef which i highly encourage everybody to use because you can track each cow each calf how productive the cow is we knew that we wanted to get a premium for our calf crop and in order to do that we needed to go with the breed that we knew could produce at high marbling and that high premium meat every single time very consistently and we do that with using a lot of the american akushi association and the research behind it and with the tools and the accessibility of digital beef and all that information of the epds and the low birth weight bulls which is really important for us with the young herd and also a lot of first time heifers having someone who dna verifies the lineage of your cattle is extremely important the american akushi association is the only association i know of that proves dna verification for a branded beef program and having that ability to have that many animals going into a branded beef program that have quality data that have yield grade data that have growth data that have been dna verified provides great value to have large numbers of data to back up the akashi breed of cattle every year you want to be progressive you want to make a better product you want to make better cows and you want to make better beef to help your entire industry i think using akushi genetics increases the palatability and the healthiness of beef all over the world regardless of how they use it this is the age of data without a doubt so if you look at normal cattle production the people that raise cows are not the same guys selling meat if you look at pork or chicken or eggs or any of any of those types of of animal protein the people that raise the animals are the ones that sell that product and beef is is the most segregated so i think that is the biggest opportunity for the beef industry is know what you're raising the akushi from a business point of view put us in a unique position to where there is a demand for a product that's dna certified and the akushi association specifically allows you know tracks this data and how it keeps the science and the business data readily available at our fingertips it is a hundred percent certified kayushi yes we are because we have dna to prove it which i don't think there is any other commercial breed that actually has a database like that and it's a lot of work and i commend the association for really keeping up they are very easy to deal with well run they run it very efficiently backed by science and honestly my role here with the association is to oversee day-to-day operations which include dna submission cattle registrations and member services the american aka ushi association is a unique continuously growing and constantly improving registered breed association for full blood purebred and percentage akushi cattle today we require dna verification on every animal we register to ensure buyers confidence in the animals they buy and to open the door of opportunity for breeders through branded beef buyback programs the american akushi association sets itself apart from other associations by not focusing on only one portion of the beef industry but instead focusing on providing a complete program from conception to consumer ultimately the american akashi association hopes to maximize profits for our producers feedlots packers and retail and food service clients by increasing the demand for beef to date the american akushi association has registered nearly a hundred thousand akoshi influenced cattle we invite every rancher to visit our digital beef page which is akushi.digitalbeef.com you can search epds different members or look at pedigrees that you think might fit your operation goals or needs for the last 15 years i i've yet to have a bad stake that's an akushi and does all the things all the research says we the industry needs the the akushi cattle are and i've looked at the angus program i've looked at about every program everywhere in the world the only genetics that can eliminate the select and have the prime are the akushi cattle so to start from that beginning and to grow a breed of cattle that was really new to the united states over the period of time we call it the american akushi we're developing a breed of cattle that works in in the united states in a western hemisphere type environment and today you find our product in major retailers uh across the country as well as a lot of restaurants and grocery stores our goal and what we feel like from where we are today in 10 years from now i feel like you'll see akushi beef being asked for as the number one premium beef in the united states if you told me 10 years ago that we'd be selling 500 bulls a year i might not have believed you but we are selling 500 full-blood akushi bulls a year the akushi breed has become mainstream so i feel the consumer is going to continue to want premium high quality beef and akushi puts you in the driver's seat to produce that great beef that's super high in premium beef that the consumers are demanding the demand is greater than any of us can keep up with as at this point so there's tons of room for more breeders to come in whether it's seed stock or f1 breeders we hope you enjoyed our story on akushi cattle to find out more about us visit our website theamericanrancher.com or connect with us on facebook i'm pam minnick for our entire american rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next [Music] [Applause] time [Music] do that was superior
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 81,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heartbrand beef, beef cattle farming, beef cattle operations, beef cattle, beef cattle breeds, beef cattle nutrition, beef cattle showmanship, beef cattle auction, beef cattle feed ration formulation, beef cattle profit, beef cattle ranching, beef cattle vaccination, beef cattle production, agriculture, animal agriculture, auctioneer, cattle for sale, cattle management, cattle marketing, livestock auction, livestock management, marketing livestock, raising livestock
Id: JCMxrr2kST0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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