“Everybody is a Little Bit Choteau.” | DeBruycker Charolais | The American Rancher

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coming up just where your nastiest old clothes that don't the dress code around here Soto was a small communities in Montana it's the guys that are involved in agriculture that keep them going and everybody's a little bit Shoto [Music] so have you ever beaten a traffic jam of angry red water you gotta be a little bit crazy it can be pretty dangerous bad day it's a painful things it's just a real important profession to brings birth to life and bring food to the players de Brucker Charlotte brings us a very special presentation next on the American rancher [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich this year de Brecker Sharlee produced a film that shows the world their world in Shoto Montana today we're happy to present a very special edition of the American Rancher with the u.s. television premiere of de Brooker char lice everybody is a little bit Shoto you're gonna like it [Music] my name is Carmen the work with my brother's great best friends now and it's been probably more time together than we do with our wives I don't know being a Cowboys is something different every day even after chasing cows it's always different but what we grew up doing and it's hard to change what you do growing out Shoto is a small community like a lot of communities in Montana pretty neat that we're all pretty much agriculturally driven a lot of these small communities and kind of takes everyone to make a community everybody's a little bit Shoto [Music] I live here with my wife Emily and daughter Saylor and after a long day of Barbara interaction that's great to come home to especially not only to see their smiling faces and hear about their day and play around with Saylor and it's pretty great I love the life out here that we get to do it on our own and that we work together as family it's not a one-man job it takes everybody on our gutter your job I'm kind of new to raising kids here there's a lot of amazing support in these small communities I mean you know everyone and just look at the superintendent right here [Music] this car yeah I've driven looking around the school a few times I I do it once here and it's always a surprise because the kids don't know I have it there there's a few kids who do if you kids are into cars but not many and so when I Drive it to school it's always whose car is that the kids are the best the kids are the best part of the job it's great to to just be with kids and help them the kids are far and away the best part you know in a small town you know you got to have a tire shop you've got to have a service station grocery stores the main thing to keep people going and we're fortunate that we have a lot of loyal customers and I've seen their their kids grow up and now they're coming in and doing business with me and they have kids that's what I love about the small town but yeah we'll actually fixed the tire on this car not too long ago the passenger side front is leaking and silicon took care of that for me that's a pretty neat Camaro wasn't it it's I like fast cars but the truckin is a thing for me [Music] well to be honest with ya I hate my truck because truck usually means work but trucking is the only thing I know how to do so that's just what I do we're on our way to North walk down a feeders and show it off Montana to start hauling bulls down for the new preferable sale that's coming up this weekend [Music] I've been doing it for almost five years do it daily it's my job make sure the fan I try to get it right every time mr. job I enjoy it like this one here I see him talk to us a curly column curly because it's area been cut I like to look to that we're just pulling into North Montana feeders and show to Montana if you start loading the balls for the direktor annual bold sale [Music] [Music] they can be pretty dangerous catch them on the wrong day have a bad day what's going on buddy hey how are you Wiley not too bad murder here halt symbols down today huh this is Brett de Brooker he's got the D'Brickashaw relay bull sales coming up here on Saturday selling 700 edibles to be a farmer in ranch you've got to be a little bit crazy and you've got to be a bit of a gambler the biggest risk that we have is we can do everything right 364 days and that one day of bad weather and all the sudden things go south if real nice head-on big spot thanks dick you need to take on 20 hour shifts for a week straight and then when calving comes around you know that that's 20 hour shifts or 30 to 45 days long [Music] you got a right sized calf calf is good and active and the mothers trying to get him licked off and get him going and he's already getting ready to get going in life we can't you can't beat that checking out the first steps to that little calf sure is nice so it's really important to have great people the feedlot because you want them to care for the animals the same way we do um you know I've been strong bones for 20 years now I think it's probably one of the most rewarding things that you can do it's like when your mom makes your bed you know she throws the nice warm sheets on your bed it just feels so good to jump into [Music] yeah so right now we're at the feedlot and we're loading the Bulls to get them down to the auction barn and at the same time we're testing bulls with dr. Bob Lee to make sure they're good and healthy for our customers what means money bud means moisture moisture means a good crop moisture means good grass good grass means good cows healthy bulls and when it's muddy at the feedlot the Cowboys get a real good workout so at the feedlot we've got a dress code and our bouncer and they use the one that it forces well if you show up in your nice clothes gonna have to go change some old clothes it's gonna get dirty [Music] families do caps and jackets and like a family tradition and Harwich which keeps their families you know legacy alive generation to generation you came up with this beautiful things come to me it's a gift I'm telling ya not always so they come to me right on time especially take a while I think I've been working with the directors for so long money gave it some Brown making a sound yeah everything you said I couldn't have I got my own back reproductive success is critical in every profitable cow-calf operation that's why you need effective easy breeding with vitae firm concept a high concentrations of organic trace minerals and vitamin e found in concept aid will ensure more of your cows breed back faster plus you'll be giving your herd the EMA firm advantage leading to healthier heavier more uniform calves at weaning bite a firm concept aid effective easy breeding [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the owner forty Bulls loaded at Knotts Montana feeders and we're headed to Western livestock auction a good truck driver is extremely important to the operation Wiley is one of the best because he cares for the animals the way we do [Music] [Applause] that's Tracy she owns a gym here she keeps showing [Applause] [Music] I started a gym up here I was working out at another gym that closed and had an opportunity to start lining up and just really enjoy the camaraderie of a jam [Music] having a gym in a small town is wonderful I heard from the bigger cities a bigger challenge I didn't get people to come back here and surprise surprise I did we have a lot of fun outdoor sports available here in Montana and so being in shape really helps to enjoy those senses my name is Karen Loman I'm manager at Rex's [Music] yep I never need anything like her I'm gonna start working out with her when I retire though so I may have bad things to say about her yeah better be nice though right yeah Cheers a pain in the butt when she was little though because she was always the adored one because she's the youngest in the family it's not cuz I'm the youngest is just what's the favorite cuz I'm so cute yeah [Laughter] [Music] hi dog what are we gonna do today I'm Douglas Peterson my family has owned this store for 71 years keep people happy yeah keep people have keeping my guests happy I mean that is what I absolutely live for she was like my second wife I would call it my second wife and I keeping those employees happy because they are the people that interact with my and here's one of my wonderful guests in my store she has known me all my life yeah I knew her parents [Laughter] [Music] keeping things keeping things faced is very important they say 2% greater sales if you can keep everything looking really nice and with that back to you Wiley you're still trucking so have you ever been in a traffic jam Oh traffic jams out here or fairly well non-existent what traffic jam traffic jams no I can't say that I have you know it's funny because if in Shoto if you have to wait more than behind one or two cars that are one stoplight it's a long wait this backside came here a few years ago and because we had never had to stop the sheriff stood here by the 4-way stop for a few days to help us the citizens learn to stop in the middle of Jodl I sit here and watch the traffic go by and living here this intersection is really nice I like it yeah yeah usually comes out you you wave to him because because nine times out of ten you do know there's four types of waves that that we do out here there is the regular wave the small finger wave and some of them will shake your fingers or the big tractor way I always with a smile everybody waves if I didn't wave back me or my ask them to get a phone call or text message asking if I was it about because I didn't wave [Music] we are on our way to after livestock with edibles we're gonna drop these off with preparation for little prick normal sale yeah [Music] come too far is to raise my flattening called quits so keep keep on pushing through [Music] I can remember my first full sail that our family held I was 13 years old and it was my job to rake up the leaves and I hated it [Music] [Applause] [Music] fulfilled it are you ready bull sale is a day of satisfaction the entire year's work is coming down to this one day and you're dealing with your customers that have become your friends through the years it's really awesome this is Jill Campbell my brother-in-law he's richest guy in the family he even puts carpets out for his cows that'll be wealthy to carpet a barn just like in the 70s when they had bands carpeted my brother found him they were getting all throw it away one man's junk turned into money for us on a wall [Applause] I've got about 80 Bulls that are going to be sold and set I love going up to look at the mountain range every day and it's the greatest place to raise the family oh yeah my nephew Jesse's awesome and he's got another ball in the sale and and that just brings a big smile to his face and he's filled with joy if you have to learn one thing from Jesse it's about how to enjoy life and the you know he's so excited [Music] I'll raise about 250 bulls a year about half of them make the sale what I like about this I'm able to work with my son's checking cows and this beautiful countryside I feel very lucky [Music] - Adam without profit cattle service from College Station Texas and I've been in the Charlotte business over 55 years and I come to Bibles for some of my customers I consult and help charlie breeders all over the United States with their breeding programs and we found that director genetics are the ones that work the best for us and in all conditions and all over the US there's 15 different people that are being on this indication from Virginia Mississippi Tennessee Oklahoma Texas Arkansas well we've selected the 500 bolus he's long great disposition a lot of volume capacity nice smooth young looking head that should be easy calving and just all the economic traits that we feel like will be important to our customers know this bullets yeah he's pretty awesome big things it means everything there the turbines and being different than Jimmy's BBB nugget [Music] now sex license 27 as he comes into the auditory time when i-65 total orders policing sounds fire eight twenty nine and fifteen others that's the farm thank you very much at 44 farms we believe work starts at sunup doesn't stop until sundown we believe in order to live off the land you have to love and respect it we believe that cattle are just raised they're nurtured and we believe when you do things right with honesty and integrity well things like quality and consistency happen naturally 44 farm steaks responsibly raised all natural beef the superior country page is your 24/7 marketplace for buying and selling load locked calves feeders breeding stock and other cattle cattle ranchers like the country page because it's easy to use and they get the jump on current market conditions by putting cattle in front of buyers right now cattle are ready for sale in minutes so buyers can start bidding call or log on today to find out how the superior country page can work for you when the young senses Oh my dad was a pioneer he was a visionary and you know he took on projects that nobody else would have wanted to take on and he just wasn't afraid of us went after it my dad of also in Denver Colorado and with taken upstairs be Hilton Hotel it was brought upstairs there not work Alabama and we still have interest for $50,000 and my mom is just the most loving person in the world [Music] [Music] how I'm still at the sunshine trail launch they call it the ten apart in the place and mainly for senior today just a pleasure to work with all what do I do and command out given what problems they have and how to refit and then check to make sure they're still living and ask for a copy and guess you're calling me boss well I'm a little bossy fishing today we got a girl up I don't know one thing about being older we can get away with a lot you just started wholesale there's a big day starts early and ends day the way I try to get food inside with a lot of coca-cola and caffeine this message exactly bull Sylvia we have a big lunch that we serve for our customers and all my sisters and sister-in-law's sister we have such a great lunch that sometimes it feels like people just show up for that [Music] an interesting story we we just Santa senator Brucker gives to the feedlot and we've got a lot of praise from the operators there about how the cab's look in their uniformity isn't so there's really a nice set of cams we combine both here for my 15 years there's a lot of beautiful dynamics that work really well in our country well we like the way they breed and how they produce for us so you decide which bull you buy yeah usually okay I believe in western livestock 16 miles southwest of Shoto our ball is going to his new home what you guys name the bold Jesse yeah we always name the deeper it goes after the pen red heart yeah makes them easier to remember there's like 5 holidays in the season there's the birthday Christmas and Thanksgiving bestir the de Brecker Wilson this bulb was not on the radar when we went into that sale but he he just had qualities that I liked long the flattop that width and then you have that belly capacity and we're trying to raise pounds and that built by my product so this is it this is our Bulls new home I'm running the atmosphere [Music] I'm Ryan saucy atmosphere will I see you just feel fortunate to live in a small town that we do and be able to raise my children you have our family and very lucky to live here [Music] you don't have to worry about locking your pickoff when you go into the store or leave your pickup run on 30-below days because yeah if they steal it it's gonna be one of your buddies that needs it it's great living in the West Shoto is a sense of togetherness you know like it's not just the town or just the location or the buildings or whatever it's the people and the feeling that's the people bring you know creates a community and I think that that feeling can be found not just in our town but in you know it's all of the small towns all over the world I think you're in small communities you know your neighbors as you said if you feel safe when things do happen people come for you - hell yeah people are willing to step up and help it feels comfortable it feels safe it feels it's home
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 12,915
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Id: tr4JR0-Pe2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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