Hereford Producers | The American Rancher

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coming up the barber bowls really put at extra rib on these Catalan people sell pounds and that's our goal is every way shape and form nobody can ever knock the black ball decal three breeders reveal the power of purebred Hereford seed stock next on the American Rancher [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam medic in the past Hereford cattle were the dominant breed of the American beef industry as other breeds were introduced Herefords took a backseat but today the breed has regained much of its former glory on this episode three breeders will demonstrate why Herefords are important to their bottom line first we're in Thetford Nebraska where the Hoffman family operates a highly respected multi breed seed stock program that takes advantage of black Baldy composites at one time there is nothing but Hereford cattle and a majority of the US and the Hereford cattle that carried some of the problems that people still like to bring up from 30 years ago those cattle got eliminated when times got tough the breeds got strength and the breeds needed for a crossbreeding sector - now you've kind of heard every joke there has been about Hereford cattle but nobody can ever knock the black Baldy cow and that's why we have both Hereford and angus because we don't necessarily preach to our guys that they need to be straight effort at all but we do preach the power of the black Baldy cow and the power of the black Baldy feeder calf so the two breeds complement each other extremely well we have an extensive embryo program and and I don't know if everybody always totally understands the embryo deal it's not major science say it's simply kind of a step up from an AI program but at the same time it allows you to maximize your best genetics and it allows us to sell big groups of full brothers and you know some ranches might want that and I think it adds a lot of genetic strength to a commercial cow herd if they tie together similar genetics to and our embryo program lets us do that and it also lets us have large tire groups and now we're running a lot more cow herd too than what we've have we've taken on another a long-term lease that we have and and it'll run a substantial amount of spring cows so we just really try and manipulate the best genetics we can out there we don't we don't skimp on anything I think we take it very serious and we keep all the little things in check and it seems like it kind of takes care of the big things in the end but we just really watch the structure on these cattle I think we really keep our nose to the grindstone on foot quality and longevity in both the Hereford and Angus cattle you know every breed needs improvement and I don't think we're too proud and either breed to ignore that and we want to fix the major problems or the little things too that the different breeds have we want to get taken care of here so they don't ever factor in later when our commercial producers have them in production we've built a feedlot here at by my house this allows us to sort up our Bulls a little bit better make them a little bit uniform put them in smaller groups or right here handy when people come look you can get through a lot of bulls in a hurry here and at weaning we'll bring in our spring calves and we develop them pretty slow and we don't want them gaining much over three pounds a day our older bulls and coming two-year-olds for our sale they're all developed on grass so they're ran a lot like commercial cattle to the point of the winter before the Bulls sale and then we bring those bulls in and as much as anything we don't have the time to get out and go feed these Bulls in the pasture and stuff in the winter so we do bring them in and a lot but they're developed on grass until like the last three months before the Bulls sale and we rely a lot on the compensatory gain these Bulls will put on for our sale but it's awfully important to us to keep the feet and legs under them so we've really focused on not developing these bulls and a lot through the summer on the older bulls we make sure they get a lot of exercise and they're out on pasture or huge traps just off or more longevity for our customers all our bills will be fertility tested within two weeks of the sale and if they do not pass they do not go in the cell we don't let let anything be marginal the bulls are all handled on foot and on horseback and with the four-wheeler a little bit too and and yeah we feel like like everything that leaves here is really pretty well mannered and and can be handled by anybody you know these bulls are subject to anything our customer does dogs I used dogs to gather Bulls out of the pen so their dog broke we feel that herd health is a big part of what we're doing here you know and and I feel like we work really hard to keep all the problems out of these cattle if there is problems there there dang sure taking care of them gone before before they ever reach our customers you know and we're really proud of the end product that we send out and feel like we've had really good feedback over the last couple of years and and a lot of happy happy repeat customers any good program or product starts with good people an honesty and integrity runs real deep they're just the best people to deal with you get the total package you get he'll help you market your products stands behinds are both just extremely pleased with the way the Bulls held up in the quality we've added weight to the cattle have a lot more thickness and depth I just I think with the Angus and the Hereford troughs together we put the two the best things there are in one package his Bulls last a long time and that's the biggest thing keeps becoming Beck's as Bulls are sound conditions right develops them right and they last forever the Hoffmans continue their legacy of raising quality Hereford Angus and siming as breeding stock the entire family works on the ranch and as every ranch family knows generational commitment is the bedrock of preserving the ranching Way of life it's probably every cow man's dream or every ranchers dream to have a son involved in the operation we've got another generation coming up adjacent kids that you've got three really good kids and hopefully one of those will want to take it over but there's just something about a family operation that it makes it easier to fight all the struggles and all the battles and I don't think it's probably ever a prouder moment enough to have a father have his son come into the operation and know that maybe the things that you work for all your life are gonna continue on and that's important coming up we export to Canada Mexico South America Australia the United Kingdom holdin her fruits line one genetics are at work on ranches around the globe that story is next on the American Rancher stay with us did you know that your cattle can begin to feel the effects of heat stress anytime the temperature reaches 70 degrees or above vita' firm heat is a fully fortified vitamin and mineral supplement with the am affirm advantage that reduces heat stress in cattle by lowering body temperature and helps fight against fescue toxicity as an added bonus it contains garlic a natural insect repellant less eat stress means better performance keep them cool keep them grazing fight affirm heat hi I'm Bob McLaren the 44 farms we have a new program with Walmart called pride pursuits which brings together great angus producers from around United States together to provide great beef for the consumer producers all around the country we would love for you to join us in this great pursuit so please give us a call we would love to talk to you about the specifics of this great new program thank you superior livestock auction now offers a monthly hosting sphere and dairy video auction with the largest number registered and active buyers in the nation superior livestock auction is your source for lightweight dairy influenced calves sellers enjoyed proven price discovery that pays top dollar buyers get access to high volume and steady supply and everyone appreciates superiors trusted experience in national livestock marketing go online at superior livestock calm register and to find out more [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher Holden Herefords and Valier Montana is a family operation with decades of successful line one breeding experience Holden is home to 250 registered Hereford cows and a hundred and fifty commercial cows that are used as recipients for their embryo transfer program Jack always says that a line breeding program can only succeed if you call hard you must keep moving ahead with the best genetics and that's what the Holden's do best these cattle are line bred they're predictable they're consistent what our customers love and come here for is these cattle are proven predictable they're uniform they're consistent in type and kind it's what you see is what you get they breed true and you know and and with all the data that we have behind them in the years of selection these cattle have proven themselves to work and then we know you know with the data behind and what what they're gonna do what they're gonna do for us and what they're gonna go do for our customers just getting ready for wean and right now this time of year we're gonna wean this set of bull calves just finished baling straw and finished up our second cutting hay crop had a real nice hay crop this year thankfully and gonna be in good shape for hay you know this country it takes 2 to 3 tons of hay per cow to get a cow through the winter with cabin and everything especially with with cabin and january/february like we do right now we're also fall calving we'll have about a hundred calves born in August and September for our in our fall program and so we've got that going on and and just getting ready for what they say is going to be a nice long long winter kind of get these Bulls on feed and get ready and rolling for sale and this fall and and start doing pictures for advertising we started out small and we've grown to where you know now we're marking in 150 bulls we have about 400 cows a year between spring and fall 2/3 of those with calves in the spring and about 1/3 in the fall we're actually cabin right now in August August and September and then our our winter cabin is in Jan we're in February proving the genetics of the world's line one closed herd requires superior data management from all breeders the Holden's conduct extensive performance testing on their cattle to optimize the genetic potential of their line one herd we got our first registered Hereford cattle line one Hereford cattle back in the early 1950s so we've had registered Hereford cattle for over sixty years now we were pioneers and performance testing my grandpa was one of the charter members of the Montana beef performance Association we started performance testing in 1956 we've always believed in performance testing our cattle we weigh all of our calves at birth we do weaning weights take yearling weights we do ultrasounding we want to take all the weights and measures on these cattle that we can to give our customers all the information that we can about them you know make sure we have accurate information going in get accurate EP DS out we really try and be ahead of the game on the technology end of things to give all the information we can for our customers people sell pounds and we wanted it in the right package and the right kind but but people get paid for the pounds of calves and also the the right kind that goes along with it and that's our goal is to produce cattle that that do it every way every way shape and form we are really known for our cow herd in the maternal land and the other quality and the fertility and fleshing ability and our females 40% of our calf crop born every year is from embryo transfer matings out of our very best most proven cows we don't use young heifers we use cows we know a lot of really proven cow lines and it's our way of getting more you know females and some you know herd and sons and our sale out of those really great cows and more of those genetics out of those top females back into our herd we also for over 30 years we have parenting's verified all of our cattle used to started out back in the days with blood sampling now will you DNA for everything we also 100% of our cow herd and all of our sale animals have genomically enhanced EPDs with the 50 K panels on them so just a way of getting as much information as quick as possible to make help our customers have accurate information to make the best decisions they can when they purchase cattle from us and for ourselves for the cattle that we put back and our herd to know what's going on so I I do believe you know technology it's out there is available to help us all make better decisions you know and the more tools that you have in your toolbox to improve your breeding program the better yarn our consistency that hold rules have has really been a big factor in our success in our cattle in the last 1214 years our weaning rates have changed a lot in our fail weights have increased probably about a hundred pounds if you raise in the commercial horn or your Asian registered heard you need come up to Jack homeland and and look at the cattle we think it's the best Hereford cattle there are I mean they're the most consistent perfect cattle there are in the world in our opinion I've always thought it was the best maternal cow herd I'd ever seen and so we've tried to stay fairly close to that through the years the commercial guys they liked a good pigment on these bulls they like him to be marked well and that's a plus in our part of the country and the other qualities so good on these cattle and they've got such a strong set of cows that we're able to improve I heard through those genetics through the Bulls the reason we all come back is they have uniformity and consistency because of their line breeding program that just goes on and on and on the the Holden Bulls they they stand stay together I mean we we've got Bulls that we've had eleven years since the very first ball week brought and oh they're absolutely I mean they're like your pad I mean we pad our Bulls every day they they're they're just not absolutely wonderful on you know being gentle one of the reasons that we came initially to the Holden program was because of consistency and art being attracted to the line one program and we are we stuck with the line bred program and our line one program and our operation as well and we believe in it because of the consistency that we've seen in Holdens program work you know the ability that to find certain performance traits that you need in a bowl and see that carried on generationally is really important to us and it's really important to our customers coming up they gain exceptionally well we sold our calves that market this year for a top-dollar high standards produce high dividends hear the story of Barbara ranch Herefords next on the American Rancher we'll be right back superior livestock auction is the largest cattle marketing network in North America superior sells fully contracted and immediate delivery load lots of cattle on video auction that are broadcast on satellite TV and streamed online superior does it by marketing your cattle through the largest qualified buyer base in the nation your cattle never leave your rank until delivery day your superior rep will be there when cattle are sorted and loaded then write you a check when it's done simple as that superior livestock auction sells more cattle each year than any other livestock auction in the UN giving you the best opportunity for top dollar on your cap superiors number-one focus is getting you the best paycheck possible most producers only get one paycheck a year and that's why more cattle men and women trust superior livestock action to get the most out of every sale your hard work deserves top dollar so call superior or discover more online to learn how superior livestock auction can work for you the superior country page is your 24/7 marketplace for buying and selling load lock cabs feeders breeding stock and other cattle cattle ranchers like the country page because it's easy to use and they get the jump on current market conditions by putting cattle in front of buyers right now cattle are ready for sale at minutes so buyers can start bidding call or log on today to find out how the superior country page can work for you welcome back to the American Rancher Barbara ranch in Channing Texas is built a decades-long reputation for producing elite cutting-edge hereford genetics their high standards are evident by the success of Barbara seed stock and commercial customers the East Coast they always want really a show-quality look the West Coast customers are more bigger stouter probably larger growth the Bulls are all developed right here on the ranch when we wean them while we we process them give them all the shots brand them at that time and then we grow them out try to enlarge traps our younger bulls are run out here on hey grazer at this point and they just they just do very well we supplement them a little bit with a 12% growing ration just just trying to keep them going not not get them fat but just where they're ready to go to work whenever they get a new home we primarily aim for the commercial band because that's the backbone of the industry but we do sell a lot of bulls that go back to the registered person our cattle target both commercial and C stock producers they're not split between the two we believe that our Bulls our progeny our genetics work for both sectors of the industry our commercial customers down at San Sabbath have been the big staff bulls go long problem and cows and you can put a Hereford bull on that cow herd and make some incredible tiger-stripe f1 females and to this day I don't know of a more sought-after or higher priced female for replacements and those tiger stripes down in that part of the country this need pool ranch that is right here in Channing they bought 40 Bulls over the last three years Snead ranch it's well we've raised cows for about a hundred years Pam Stevens she's the president Joe pulls owner we've got a ranch in Hartley County Mora County this one here Hartley's about 21 thousand acres which I try to run some progressive genetics produce a product that everybody wants the Barbara Bulls really put it they put that extra rib on these cattle and that extra pound that's a lot of structure again just a great k if they they gain exceptionally well yeah if you're looking for a good genetic program the proofs in the pudding on them it's done wonders for our herd you know our replacement females they're they're just a quality that we hadn't had you know and I believe that the genetic serve what that's from and it's the barber genetics and they helped to sell them and that's you don't find that very often Jason works there at superior he's pushed the product he's went out and talked to people up and then he took all the bids and you know we sold our calves that market this year for a top-dollar that set a Snead pull cattle sold really well in our Breckenridge cell this summer they've got a couple excellent reps up in the Panhandle in Carson wobble and we'll Durrett they do a good job of marking those cattle I try to assist our customers and those two reps and marking the cattle as far as lining up a couple bars for him actually really successful in it this summer had the top buyer that bought the cattle for dollar 66 which also made that one of the higher sets of cattle that sold on Breckinridge especially for that weight class region and being Hereford cattle also have the runner-up bidder on there too so whatever Barbour ends can help our customers be more successful we definitely like to do that you get a bullet gets crippled or something happens to him and they'll stand behind it and you know they've taken my under there you know picked him up and worked on him and fed him up and got him back to where they were right again or they replaced them and that's pretty outstanding we're all consumers of something in this world and there's nothing more frustrating than when you have a bad experience buying a product somewhere and you can't reach someone you can't get it returned you can't get it exchanged you can't get more of it even if it's something you want more of so customer service is something that we take very very seriously here I think what has made Barbour ranch stand the test of time has has been there's word Bale has such a high degree of integrity and when he tells somebody he's going to do something you can bet he's going to do it no matter what he always stands by his word and I think our customers appreciate that if they buy something and it doesn't work out we make it right the future of the barber ranch is only as strong as the industry it serves so the entire Barbera family will always strive to improve the quality of their genetics by doing so they help to improve the quality of the entire Hereford breed when I was a kid Hereford really I'm the only cattle you saw you would occasionally see a black body or maybe a short horn but but Herefords were dominant you drive along the road that's all you saw and they they kind of taken the backseat especially back in the 80s when all the exotics moved in and then the black cattle have kind of taken over but the people the commercial herds have got all those black cattle now they're wanting to put a white face on those calves because they get a premium so the herds are kind of moving back into the driver's seat it's pretty cool I think one of the main things that makes them so popular is they're so versatile they're docile their ability to adapt and thrive in any climate and cross on any breed is phenomenal and I think it's second to one the popularity of the baldy female whether it's a black or a red Baldy we've got a great new program an alliance with the Red Angus Association that allows us to market those genetics and they're both so complimentary they're so maternal so our goal here is to always stay on the cutting edge of our breeds leading genetics we want to be the go-to choice for both commercial bull buyers as well as registered seedstock Hereford breeders we we take great pride in the fact that we've got such a nice niche in terms of a breeding bull buyers group elite donor females that are always in demand we've got a really nice cultivated youth group that enjoys competitive show heifers it's it's unusual freedom to be a lot of things to different people but I think we've done a really nice job here at Barbour and being able to offer different groups such a wide selection of brief leading genetics here that's all the time we have today to learn more about the efficiency and profitability of Hereford genetics log on to Hereford dot org and to find out more about us visit the American Rancher calm or connect with us on Facebook for the entire American Rancher team I'm Pam Minich thanks for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was superior
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 18,682
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Keywords: american cattle breeds, angus cattle, beef recipes, cattle breeds, cattle for sale, cattle genetics, superior livestock, the american rancher, superior livestock auction
Id: SgX3pVvHGQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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