2016-08 IBBA American Rancher Brangus Feature

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hello and welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich the Brandis breed was developed to utilize the superior traits of Angus and Brahman cattle the combination results in a breed which unites the traits of two highly successful parent breeds the Brahman through rigorous natural selection developed disease resistance overall hardiness and outstanding maternal instincts and Angus are known for their superior carcass qualities today on the American Rancher we'll take an in-depth look into the brain gas breed we'll discuss the advantages of building your cow herd around this base it's all coming up on the American Rancher so stay with us hey folks doc Lambert here we are here at Town Creek farm just east of West Point Mississippi we've been looking at some tremendous bulls today probably the best set of bulls I've ever seen here Town Creek farm we're going to sell these bulls on October the 15th at 12 noon along with about 300 commercial females gonna be 170 Bulls about 300 town creeks sourced commercial females and it's certainly an event in October that you won't want to miss October the 15th at the ranch near West Point Mississippi make plans to attend Oak Creek Farms 49th anniversary brainiest sale offering 140 forage developed bulls as well as a high quality source verified group of commercial replacement heifers the sale will take place on October 29th 2016 at the Oak Creek Farm sale facility located in Chapel Hill Texas also be sure to attend pre-sale activities on Friday October 28th to hear presentations from multiple industry leaders while enjoying the sponsored ribeye dinner for more information on Oak Creek Farms forage proven cattle visit Oak Creek barns calm hello I'm Joe Kessler with the oaks farms we'd like to invite you to our sale of this October we're offering 150 big stout Brandes Bulls from proven southeastern producers these two year olds coming twos and yearlings are packed with growth performance and carcass in addition 65 registered Brandes females sell CU halloween weekend welcome back to the American Rancher the Braga's cow has been developed with an emphasis on versatility and problem-free low input characteristics she is a cow that acclimates to all types and kinds of environmental conditions and excels in fertility efficiency and longevity without compromising growth or carcass attributes Franca's cows are moderate framed animals that are known for their built-in longevity without standing under quality and excellent milking ability these high quality long-lived replacement females with built-in adaptability hardiness and maternal excellence are the result of breeding through brain gas bulls we've been in the cattle business since the 40s here here in Okeechobee our primary breed is Brandis in fact ninety plus percent of our cattle are going to be bring us sired and we use a lot of brainless Bulls on those cattle we're basically in the cow calf operation as most of the cattle ranches are down in this area we produce a calf and send that 500 to 600 pound calf in the summer months out to the feedlot states in Texas and Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska a lot of those places so we're in the cow calf operation so we have to have really good cattle really good females and we just always felt that that brain is female that three-eighths Brahman blood is about what you need down here in South Florida and the brain is female has just always been the most efficient cow that we've ever had and we just think she works really good and her calf goes on into the feedlot and does exceptionally well there I don't know of any issues that the cattle have going into colder climates you know most of ours go in the Texas Panhandle and Oklahoma but we have sent ammonia to Colorado and Nebraska before and the key is we're getting in them in there in the summertime these calves are ready to be shipped in July August September so they're able to get in there and acclimate and put on a little extra fat before the winter gets there and then they perform very very well we've not ever had any problems you know with the cattle that we sent further north we've been in the brainers business Oh going on about 17 years we've had cattle uh about 40 years and I was a commercial guy like a lot of the other guys are and we got acquainted with Joe Reza check about 16 or 17 years ago and decided we'd try the registered end of it the brain is cattle are a real good doing type cow they're really good as everybody's in the southeastern part of the United States is aware of their excellent mothers they produce good size calves and the commercial guy that's what he's really interested in is a bull it'll go out there and give him a good healthy calf to take and put on the market with a lot of good weight at weaning and the brackish cattle give a lot of good milk and the heifer end of it we sell commercial heifers off of our place and those heifers if you cross them to keep your heterosis right are going to produce for many many many years we've got some cattle on this place right now that are 17 years old we wind when we went into calf yesterday off of a 17 year old cow that weight 600 local 600 pound and the longevity is just outstanding and we started off with some commercial cows and with Angus bulls and then we got into a raster to hang us cows and that didn't last but about a year and a half and and then we got heard about the brightness have a little sale over here in Tupelo I went over and bought a couple of maybe six or seven and started off that way and then just fell in love with them they could tolerate the heat and the cold and they just did much better than the cows we had before in saying all that my wife said why don't you just get if you don't have a cow but you have a good cow so I tried to start doing that and raise better better cattle and what's so rewarding about this is you know we sell a few bulls and heifers and we've got a good reputation around this part of the country that we have good cattlemen I had a lady called me the other day and she said oh I bought a bull from you two years ago I want another one just like it and I said lady I don't know if I got one just like it she said but my daddy told me to come back and get an old one from you I took my calves to the sale barn and they topped the sale so we that's really rewarding when people come back and tell you that kind of stuff when you take the hat off if it's meat under all of them but actually with the brainless breed we have better weaning weights I mean they went over a hundred pounds more at weaning and the price is really good but far as having a brainless cow you can survive you can survive during the worst times without a doubt the brainiest breed has been around about 65 plus years now and it was really a merger of two really good breeds and the Angus breed and the Brahman merged those two good quality attributes of each breed into one super package that fits in any environment in any part of the world you only put them in obviously excel in the really hot humid areas what they also excel in those cold environments in the Midwest they work well on fescue they seem to handle that fescue toxicity better than any other breed that I see out there you know the breed was developed because they're in a very hot humid air yeah and that were selected for that poll miss they were selected to maintain Tarkus attributes that we see all without sacrificing those great maternal instincts of these cattle house I think that if you look at the history of our breed we've gone bottle transits like other breeds have we got the cattle too big will get them too narrow over time but I can tell you now these we've got a great job we've moderated these cattle they still have the same towns if they're a more moderate frame they're wider base their most sounding they're feeding legs and we have lost nothing in terms of cut carcass attributes and certainly have a lot anything in terms of femininity in the female that we have in these and as you mentioned earlier the heterosis is a key component of that because we can take these cattle put them just about any other rigs you want to get to and you're going to get pounds on the ground you're gonna get that benefit of heterosis because that to breed costal we have research has shown that the brain goes breed will produce an exceptionally tender product with increased marbling from high quality high yielding feedlot cattle the brain gas breed has always been at the forefront in the use of technologies that improve Cattlemen's ability to more accurately select cattle that are profit makers in the commercial industry I feel like the brain gets breed was the first boss indicus influence breed to really address feedlot issues and carcass issues and brahmin derived cattle and they've done an excellent job and they have an awful lot of tools we use a lot of EPDs to select cattle we just use an awful lot of different technology we do a I'll and some heifers and doing some experiment there that way we can use some really really good bulls artificially breed them to to some of our heifer calves but the technology is out there and we pay an awful lot of attention to it we're careful not to get sucked into something until it's absolutely proven but selecting cattle I mean you just have to put your criteria down and what's important first and foremost our first criteria is a good female that will produce here and raise the calf till she's ten or twelve years old every single year we require to bring a calf to the pen every year but then a real close second is what she's what that stare mate is going to do in the feedlot so that's important to us you have to keep up with technology you have to you is everything available to you or you'll be left behind well here Dirk's qaddafi'd yard we deal with a lot of Angus producers and brain gas producers and and we're able to monitor the Angus I'd going through the brainiest site and what we've really enjoyed with the brain is cattles where we're making bigger because we don't have as much problem with back fat on them the combination between the boss indicus and the Angus we can go larger we can put some good sized ribeye set out of there plus with the boss indica sides we get better dressing percent when we're sorting grid and cattle it at this feed yard we're looking we're selling carcass weights so for every 1% increase in and dressen percent is like adding two dollars on the live price and so there we see a lot of the brainiest cattle yielding sixty four and a half to sixty five and a half where the plant average today is sixty three and a half so it's two to four dollars more just for carcass weight the quality grade coming up through the angus we try to watch that side side of it then the brain is free to get the quality grades out of them we see a lot of anywhere from sixty to eighty percent choice or higher on them we have one set of cattle that the customer actually shoots for have as many Prime's and as he does selects and he's getting it done the outstanding maternal strengths feedlot performance and carcass merit of rangas are advantageous and these cattle are extremely adaptable in order to work from north south east to west this naturally polled black hind breed was developed to withstand extreme climates and challenging environments they are Hardy disease and parasite resistant cattle that efficiently produce uniform predictable calf crops there's more to come keep it right here South Kona Valley Farms a division of the Seminole Tribe of Florida is proud to announce the increase to their annual bull and female sale November 18th and 19th in Fairmont Georgia offering over 170 registered rangas females and 200 Brandes Bulls loaded with power performance and backed by the most extensive feed intake data available in the brainiest group be sure to tune in right here on superior productions for the September 1st cow country sale in Okeechobee Florida selling over 800 Silicon Valley Farms sourced commercial females we know your options for bull power are endless but do realize there is a difference gene trust genetics not only lead the brain to spree they take a backseat to no one in the industry regardless of breed with decades of experience in the seed stock business and information backed by the industry's most up-to-date tools you will clearly see what the gene trust difference can do for you join us at our to fall sales in November as we offer nearly 500 brainís and ultra black bulls 150 registered Angus females and 800 commercial bringas females looking for an elite place to market your roping cattle would you like to show your stock to potential buyers all across the nation the leader in livestock marketing is now offering the superior horn cattle sale on Saturday September 17th this will be an excellent opportunity to consign potentials bred stock and broken Roper's broadcast live on superior click to bid for more information and how to consign your cattle call today at 842 to 1 1 7 or visit superior livestock calm you welcome back to the American Rancher the IBB a has been a leader in data collection as evident by only one of three breeds that currently have 100% of the breed on a total herd reporting or thr system in 1995 they were the first breed Association to publish ultrasound EPDs in fact the breed was the first American breed to have a full menu of genomic enhanced EPDs measuring performance fertility and carcass the other history of brain is cattle I mean we were the ones that initiated ultrasound genetic evaluation then went back to 1995 and 1996 where Kansas State did the initial research using brain gets cattle and therefore that set industry standard really should be ultrasound in cattle a yearling unfortunately brainís was including that project and that really carried our name forward luckily our breeders have taken that wholeheartedly and they've done a superior job of increasing intramuscular fat or marking these cattle while we keep maintaining or increasing the ribeye size is they've moderated these cattle they kept that big rib eye on them and they look great right they're long any other Angus cattle that we see effort the data that the IV VA collects from the total herd reporting helps tremendously with my bull selection when I go to a sale or when I'm looking for her desires to AI my cows - it's an effective tool that I think everybody should should use when selecting which animal they want to use and as a brainiest breeder I'm very excited about the use of new genomic enhanced EPDs offered by the IBD a by increasing accuracy on younger cattle it makes for even better selection tools for the registered breeder as myself as well as the commercial producer we utilize that daily to define tune our program we're also using that data to help you know create some commercial in her TP DS try to make our overall cow herd better we're trying to use the data to help enhance some of the DNA work that's going on now we can we can a sire trace every one of these calves and carry them all the way through to the slaughter facility and entire all that information together so I'm very excited about the technology of utilizing DNA we're on the forefront trying to utilize this stuff and we we've got a lot more data to collect but it's very exciting and we're doing everything we can to try to try to provide data to thy BBA so we can utilize it as a tool to to improve on the DNA and the APD's of the breed Oh in the past 10 years it is just over and above it just keeps on getting better every single year I have more data and more data to choose from so I can select the Bulls better so that we can have just the calves that come out of everything around here they just look like all brothers and sisters born in the same time same month it's just a wonderful uniform herd the Bulls are doing really well I'm only needed to call three or four a year I'm not buying as many during the year we have it a good hurt established and I can be much more selective on my bull picking now which is nice but no they if we're calling them it's probably because they've been here too long and it's not because they're not working Brian gasps cattle were developed to excel in all environments while being loaded with the convenience traits such as moderate frame easy fleshing hair shedding ability maternal calving ease polled nests longevity foraging ability and perfect utter structure one of the major reasons that we shifted to bringas cattle was here in southwest Arkansas we have a lot of fescue and anybody runs cattle and fescue knows that these cattle can be affected by what's known as fescue toxicity and we have a lot of the toxic variety of fescue on this ranch as do a lot of people in the u.s. that run cattle on fescue and the brain is cattle with their heat tolerance they can handle the elevated body temp caused by the fescue toxicity so we used to run straight cattle instead of these cross type cattle and what we found where the cows were always in the ponds they were always in the shade and our weaning weights and our pregnancy rates suffered because those cows just couldn't perform in our environment when we take these same rangas cattle and throw them out in the same kind of environment with the same management our weaning which jumped by over a hundred pounds or pregnancy range jumps 15 to 20 percent we consistently are able to have these cattle produce and raise good-quality calves and then do it again next year and that's that's what we're in the business of doing and that's why we've settled and that the prank is Cal just works really well for us that little bit of here just really helps with that heat tolerance and that pesky toxicity heard an elevation of about probably 6500 feet I run cattle up to probably 10,000 in a lot of this country that you can see behind me these snow-capped mountains as the snow comes off I'll move over into that country and July and into August is we got to get into the hotter hotter days of summer and weather weather climate here you're going to look at the winners will go below zero on a fairly regular basis you know December January into February three months then you're going to see well like last week I was up here when I push cattle up here three days ago I was short-sleeved shirt and we were pushing 80 degrees and again that's that's something that is really critical here is because we see these huge temperature swings and again these bangus influence cattle these brainman influence cattle just seem to seem to come through it better they're just not as receptive to that temperature swing that it doesn't seem to affect them near as much as you know you're straight bred Angus cattle or you're straight bred other cattle obviously longevity means a lot to us because when you take the time to both call your poor performers as well as selectively choose your retention heifers we put a lot of effort into that there are a lot of characteristics genetics facts and figures that go into our retention heifer program and when you take that much time and effort to select them you want them to be long-term mothering cows for you that are consistent year in year out and that's what we've had here at this ranch and we've had it because of the brine gets free they are just very very reliable cattle there are many avenues to take to get your operation into the Brandes business first and foremost you can utilize multi-generational registered bring us genetics by connecting with a registered brain gas breeder secondly you can bring your own first generation brain goes through the use of certified seed stock or upgrade your cattle through the ultra black breeding program the the ultra black because the Bulls that we sell private treaty here is probably our number one seller you know it's a they people's we're still counting in the borderline of the country where they need a cleaner sheath and a not quite as much ear and but we're also get hot enough to where we need some heat tolerance in it and to beat and the ultra black Bulls have met it all the way around bring us obviously fits our marks more suited for what I'll call that hot humid Gulf Coast that Southeast region of the United States these cattle slick off they get really slick during those hot times and don't worry about standing in ponds doing those kind of things but we take them to ultra black side of that it almost takes that little bit of a nudge to use the ultra black to get confidence that bringas cattle in the end will fit even in cold environments we see these cattle up in Colorado up in northern Missouri and they work fine those cattle hair up where they need to or fill during the hot heat of the summer time they'll slick off if they need to I think that is one of the beauties of these cattle but they're so environmentally adapted I don't care if you're the south east as hot as humans you can make it or they're in the Midwest Iowa Colorado where it gets extremely cold throughout parts of those years those cattle just excel in any environment we put them in as our nation's ranchers continue to look for resources to help rebuild the nation's cow herd remember this the brain gas breed is the most versatile problem-free American breed of choice for the profit minded cattlemen for additional information about brain goes cattle or to find out how to connect with the brain us breeder contact the AI BBA at their website go brain goose calm that's all the time we have today to find out more about us visit our website the American rancher calm or find us on Facebook I'm Pam Minich for the entire American Rancher team thanks for joining us we'll see you next time you you you
Channel: BrangusVideo
Views: 74,380
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Keywords: IBBA Update, gobrangus, brangus, cattle, brangus cattle, heat tolerant, disease tolerant, environmentally adaptable, american rancher, cattle rancher, cattle producer, commercial cattle, commercial cattlemen, brangus breeders, breeder, international brangus breeders, international brangus breeders association
Id: R_D34u9Gd74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2016
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