Boys Night Gone Horribly Wrong - IMPAULSIVE EP. 211

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come on girls get that jiggling come on girls get going on a little grass thing and there's just a surfer dude baked out of his mind 18 colors 210 with a bong the size of my body just sitting in a chair and it's that no one looks at them welcome back to apostles ladies and gentlemen yeah number one podcast in the world here we go make sure you follow us like and subscribe do all the things you know all those we're rolling yeah i guess here we go here we go that really just happened that's the intro welcome back like mike said hit that subscribe button or don't i can't tell you what to do it helps though highly suggested though there's some good things happening on this here channel i'm sick of this [ __ ] channel no you're not i'm not but i am i'm sick of quarantine guys i i'm not in a good mind space right now i'm a little better but you know it's been a rough week if you guys are in the maverick club you know what i'm talking about not to withhold information but i'm i'm going to withhold information so if you're not part of the map i mean [ __ ] go sign up two guys did a review of uh subscription services cardi b is uh only fan and they checked out youtube memberships too because youtube has memberships right right right youtube has their subscription model for creators and uh i'm gonna i'm gonna pat ourselves on the back over here at team maverick they said ours is the best user experience the best paid experience for the subscription model it's so funny too because every time you're on a a call now i bop in i always do the same thing oh yeah like this and then i come around the other side and i sneak in the other side and every time now they go i wanted to buy your book but i live in austria and they don't sell your book here and i'm dead serious like four calls in a row now every person i'm like well i mean i guess you're a member of club mavic right i guess i'll just send it to you for free i'm literally in the hole at this point and i don't even make any money off the [ __ ] club but i appreciate it you know you're riding for the team you're a real writer you're a loyal guy you've proven you're loyal to me lord said to me a lot especially this past week and uh you helping to make the maverick club members really happy here these guys colin and samir they made a really good review video they're sharp they're sharp guys it'd be interesting actually to have these guys in the podcast to talk about uh the intricacies and uh uh pools that different platforms have they're smart what they say about cardi's uh about cardi's so it's true i skipped right to the part about you right uh i got up to the part about me and the only one i didn't watch was cardi's because you know what else is doing subscription service first off this is a there's a great business model for creators subscription service monetizing super fans i don't know why it took uh so long to come up with this idea uh or at least activate on it obviously it's been an idea every creator has been pitched hundreds of thousands of times about different players we can create a platform just for you like how many times have you gotten this we just heard it the the the thing is though i don't think anyone's activated the right way like even these guys were talking about youtube's membership program and they uh they pulled up uh i don't know his name marquise brownlee the tech guy he had it some creators have patreon cody co and his boy noel have patreon they got they're making like 80 90k a month just on patreon bella thorne just just went to only shot all the fans down they what happened crash the site it looks like she's going to be making between a million and a million and a half a month on only fans how hard is she going like full nips i don't know i didn't i didn't sign up i know like she's done it tana has done it um you know and now cardi but what happened with hannah because i haven't heard any development with channels she may have treated it like as like a quick bag because she made a [ __ ] ton and she did she did it free but then uh you could buy her titties you know what i'm saying like you pay pay per titty right i think right yeah and she did that and i think she made like i don't know what was like a half mil millie like really quick come on in a day two days yeah so but is that it though because like dog the point of subscription models is that they're recurring it's recurring revenue monthly revenues passive income right so she just keeps up with her already subscribed people like half a million dollars how many people say a hundred thousand people pay five bucks well no yeah because hers her subscription is free and so she actually doesn't need to continue providing anything until she wants to because because they're not paying awesome but it also doesn't serve the same benefits as the record because because listen the world not just creator but the world is changing the subscription subscription is now the core indicator of business health at the corporate level if you look at amazon amazon releasing prime was the key to key metric for success it brought them from whatever to you know truly almost probably a trillion dollar brand now whatever netflix all about subscription like all of these big companies are going to that monthly recurring revenue because not only is it money that comes in but it's money that comes in every month that you can show investors that you can show stakeholders in uh publicly traded companies yo we know this amount of money is coming in next month every month like clockwork it gets delivered rain sleet hail snow no matter what happens that money's coming in and that's very powerful for brands creators and large corporations absolutely the caveat is you got if you're the creator the provider the product the platform you gotta keep providing yeah i think a lot of creators struggle with that bro i'm going hard for the mavic club and i haven't even like fully activated yet like i i put in you everyone in this house knows like i put in a really decent amount of work to provide that extra piece of content for the video to figure out the right split so we can give you discounts on merch picking our members who win the ten thousand dollars every month coming up face times yeah we do like two to five a week we do uh we do dinners we do get togethers like i'm going [ __ ] hard and this is just a fraction of the benefits that i labeled so like if you're gonna be a creator who does hop on the only fans or even like uh smart enough to reach out to chase to set you up with your subscription model know that it's gonna be a little work right you know like unless i i ain't got no titties it's it's so funny you said that because that's also like the the other like part of it is like the workload is there's such a contrast between the male workload and the female workload like like even when it comes to like to amara like she she's like i'm like yo you you've just been sitting behind me while i work for like a week like are you going to lose money you're not doing she's like yo if i want to make a 200 000 just pull my tits out for 30 seconds my my week's over oh my god my week's over bro i made a quarter millages it's over i just it's so it's so unfair i've literally been thinking lately and i didn't tell you guys this but i was thinking i already have titties like i need to don't hit the gym enough i apologize but i was thinking about getting bigger titties and doing only fans bro talking about uh implants yeah um i wouldn't no no just cause you got you know you're gonna want to take them out eventually and it'll probably just leave some scarring you don't want i have so many scars i also i guess i could just use my my penis too my mom told me no no the demand for uh uh cook is much smaller than this so much smaller but i do believe i do believe that and i'm happy to say on the show i think i i probably have the biggest penis in the influencer like remember how you said you're the best fighter and the and i got the best feet too and the best feat i think i had probably have the biggest dick in the influencer game bold claim yeah because you know banks i heard is his guys a swinging winkie all the phase boys temper you gotta imagine he [ __ ] does a little twist with the hips knocks you out do you think the um the the average penis size of a creator is higher because you have to exude that bde that big data well maybe that's where the the pool of likability comes from like why are these creators so confident because the bulge in there why are they so charismatic because of their dicks yeah it's different for me obviously you know not the mcroppiness well it's just hard we're running around with the penis smaller than you saying that you saying that is like me when i go to dinner and i'm like i'm broke like you you yourself [ __ ] liar bro like a we i'm so very unfortunate you're telling me i'm kind of when it comes to tiny penis land yeah we unfortunate very unfortunately have seen each other's penis not me i've never seen mine it's hard because it's hard to find i can't see it stuck in the dick but you got to provide you got to provide for these people you know and i'm going to start taking pictures of my penis i just won't do it unless the demand is high enough which is what i'm saying the demand was high enough for bella thorne to get our only fans yeah do you think she's going hard hard there's only one way to find out like i know for a fact kevin you got only fans and you were subscribed to bellator he's telling me hell no david we got any perfect in this house brad no you want to do the most [ __ ] up thing dude i actually am not subscribed to any only fans i've never and i know you're not a girlfriend i know don't surprise me i know what you did you sponsored that meme the other day when your girlfriend gets mad at you for watching porn and then when you get mad at your girlfriend because she's in the board that you're watching bro that was the best meme i've ever seen in my entire life but uh but no but it's a it's a platform that's worth you know a lot of money and so you would think that i'd at least like well i should at least subscribe to hers to see like to know the platform she gets the emails really and every time she says hello josie it's the maverick club she reads me the emails that we send it's good it's good to have someone on the inside you could be on the inside in inside of amara on the inside but then that's exactly what mike's mom said not to do oh dude do porn it's such an easy bag dude because if you all teamed up i'd probably have to kick you out of the house what like for a uh um for like to do a video together bro what if you all became the next leo lulu though bro you wouldn't have to kick me out of the house i would just buy the house do you know how much that would be fun would you would you buy a house yeah i told you i want to because i want you to move to somewhere different you know you want something better you want to right now i'm already looking i'm already finding myself you know on zillow scrolling past the big houses like right so david dobert just bought a 9.5 million dollar house i got itching grass david i said that looks nice it and that does look nice i want to pull that up for a second congrats david he was one of the people like you know internet stars a lot of people think uh this [ __ ] is easy and it's it's really not and a lot but a lot of people still somehow managed to make a uh a life for themselves out of it and and don't deserve that a life that great david is one of the guys where um i'll go ahead and say he deserves every penny of this 9.5 million lm mansion i was thinking about how hard he'd been grinding bro for the past well maybe not 2020 so much but before uh i think he made vlogs three days a week for like three to five years do you know how hard that is yeah i don't it's almost impossible to not drive yourself crazy trying to be that creative every day three days a week for 150 weeks jesus but yeah look at this house he's come a long way from airplane mode remember his rolling airplane shot he killed it he killed it he really did yeah do you think that grass is real no i don't think so it's so beautiful out of these it's so pretty dude but like they got they got uh what's it called an infinity view the windows and and the glass opens all the way up so you can just walk it outside and inside becomes one 7 800 square feet six bedrooms seven bathrooms nine and a half million dollars i think it's safe to say he takes the cake for most expensive influencer house like who would be competing with him jeffree star but i don't i don't know how i thought jeffree star has got like a banger with like a bunch of lambos parked in it and [ __ ] yeah but i'm talking about strictly in his house that's it the shusher jeffree star i actually would be mad if i didn't know the answer oh 14.6 million i stand corrected every star is like look at that pool like the epitome this is a resort this is a sheesh yo but i still don't know how he does it i don't like the makeup so i'm so removed from that industry obviously i have no idea because he his youtube presence isn't it's not it's crazy when he a big splash i feel like he just like walks around his house with like a hairless cat and just pets it and just says like like and just walks past and like goes on twitter and he's like let's see what my [ __ ] minions are up to today you know what i'm saying like just very like it's like that kind inspector gadget yeah that you never saw his face sure sure there's no reason he he shouldn't have uh a peacock running around one of those large flemish hairs the giant rabbits that are like fifty thousand dollars into those looked into getting one massive massive big rabbits yeah size of uh size of evan yeah maybe even bigger you should definitely have one of those because at what point i mean are you just go you should buy some dumb [ __ ] like some real some assets that really depreciate i haven't bought anything still the slushy machine you grinded it mike i think that's such a false statement man what do you mean you're buying stuff all the time this package is showing up every day t-shirts i bought shoes shout out this is from the beg for mercy cover i got some compliments on this i feel like a lot of people watching this probably don't know what the beg for mercy that g unit cover is but you buy fashion stuff just the shoes but even though saint laurent shoes those were because i returned a different pair of scent rock shoes that amara bought me so like i'm so stingy dude when it comes to when it comes to money dude i yeah and i think about that and also like it brings up a larger conversation that i wanted to bring up on today's show which was i was talking my buddy from from back home from milford connecticut and who are you waving at joe josie hey joe's girlfriend yeah i love her a lot so i just waved that was so nice i just had a moment it's fine and he said to me he was like hey man he's like a long time no talk about why he was in san diego visiting and he was like uh you know he's like i i made a ton of money selling masks this year during the covid thing of people 33 million yeah he made like a couple million bucks off the cover thing and he's an upstart kid from milford like me and he goes you know i've got everything now you know i got the nice place i got the girl and all this stuff and everything could have ever imagined to have and i can't help but think that i've never felt as carefree and happy as those days we were both broke hanging out in your apartment norwalk connecticut with no prospect for what we wanted to do for life and five dollars left in our bank accounts to buy a junior bacon cheeseburger with after a night of going out and kicking it with a bunch of [ __ ] dimlets you know what i'm saying and it just and it just brought up this like this like thought that i had you spend you spend so much time like chasing the millions chasing that dobrik pad and i think a lot of people discount the the um the real the carefree days of of you know that precede your success the days you spend with your homies you know just just kicking it laughing about [ __ ] without all of the [ __ ] um pressures of of of adult life you know what i'm saying and this and i'm not and listen i'm not i'm not putting it down i love having money in the bank i love all this [ __ ] but but he i said dude you're absolutely right man like i can't remember the last time i just laughed until i cried with no you know uh care no no you know uh pressure about what tomorrow's when the next video is dropping if this person's intentions are this like when how am i gonna how much of my tax is gonna be this year like all that [ __ ] that comes along with the success that we chase so much in life and it was just it was just interesting for me to think about that statement for a second it's different for every person i totally get what he's saying like life there was a time we say there's all the time there's a time when life was a lot more simple yeah you know and there's a lot less to worry about but depending on who you are sometimes i mean for me i'll speak for myself i when i was a kid i was so excited to be an adult i was so excited to have that freedom and do the things that i wanted to do and not have to be bogged down by what you know my parents wanted me to do if they wanted me to go to college or what like my football coach wanted me to do like i didn't give a [ __ ] about playing football in college they would try to make me do it i was like yo i can't wait to develop as a human and do the [ __ ] that i want and now that i'm here and i really got that freedom that i was uh hungry for my whole life i'm so happy yeah i'm sorry like i'm actually i'm happier now so it's interesting that after your boy made the money he's still reminiscing about his his pass and the the the takeaway is this and i always try to do this and i'd like to think i'm very good at it is uh mark when you're having a life moment or like like make sure to clock engage the present moment and say oh this is this is a very special time in my life i'm going to cherish it i'm going to live in the moment as best i can so i don't 10 years later have to be like man those were the days nah [ __ ] these are the days these are the days so like cherish it don't take it for granted live live as viscerally as you can in your own body and taking everything that you possibly can and be happy with the moment garyvee said this uh on his instagram the other day and i [ __ ] loved this clip i've been thinking about it a lot and uh i'm gonna play here for a sec progress doesn't happen without this check this out one big question yeah so i know you're a big advocate for eating [ __ ] for a couple of years so you can have caviar for the rest of your life but you're also a huge advocate for happiness over money huge would you recommend picking progression or happiness happiness happiness is progression that's the confusion brother the question was confused happiness is the [ __ ] progression what progression title extra zero in your bank account buying dumb [ __ ] happiness is the [ __ ] progression y'all hear that is that not facts it is i gary always makes me laugh just the way that he's so uh passionate about it like the littlest [ __ ] you have to kind of laugh but no 100 percent it is and like cause a lot of people confuse the two like oh man i'm not happy but uh i'm grinding and i'm making a lot of money there's got to be a connection it's got to be a balance and a a point of intersection with those two yeah and and your message is exactly right i mean it that's i guess that's what i was i was uh was trying to get at was just to clock those days like you said and you know when i when i think back to the to the days with him just kicking it and laughing in the apartment those were great days and there are great days now but it also it also just depends on what you want what do you think what do i think you have had a a big break yet very true as an artist but i was with you in high school we did that we did the kick it days yeah and you're still out here on your grind absolutely trying to stay happy and also trying to make progression yeah i would say this i've gone like some serious ups and downs had basically zero dollars in my bank account living at home uh trying to make things happen and at that time was certainly choosing happiness as my form of progression um because to have no money i mean the like you said the pressure of success you're not thinking about the next thing you're loading up your plate you're kind of for me i was focused on the things i loved um which then took me to kind of the money that i was looking for i guess um am i completely secure and set up for the rest of my life absolutely not i like being hungry um but i'll always be hungry i always want something more so maybe your friend just doesn't know what he's looking for mike that's the next thing um because i think i remember you telling me this is kind of a bigger deal like one big thing that took a lot of time to kind of come together um so maybe he just doesn't know what he wants next you for example mike yes you have money now and you're happy and excited about this moment but you have the next couple steps i had planned right and same with you logan you you have the money but you kind of have the next few steps in mind of what you're trying to do which are focused on happiness however you've been set up for quite some time now you kind of went from college ticket days to all of a sudden earning more money than so many people you know and love right around you um and very quickly and only have been up in there for the most part right uh which is which is interesting to say the least so i i would have to say i just think i i just think people are i mean humans in general are simple so it's so easy to look back and say man those are the days but you don't remember that back then and you know a decade ago for all of us we still had to make money somehow like as much as carefree as it was not [ __ ] really bro i had to study for tests i had to do well in school i had to work out like it's we forget and rightfully so because how can we remember every intricate detail of the the events that happened in our life 10 years ago but we forget how how much we we were struggling i'm sure if you put us in any of our shoes from the version of ourselves 10 years ago we could come up with some problems i remember my i got in massive falling outs from my parents every other weekend because we're on some dumb [ __ ] you know so it's it's so easy to look back and say well those were the days because you forget about what those days really were like and that's why i'm telling you engage your life like really pay attention to how you feel and the things that are going on around you so you don't have to have those well i would have shoulda coulda moments we've we've talked about this on the show before and i think i struggled to find the article last time but there's actually some metrics and studies around the the amount of money that the happiest people in the world make and and it it it i guess it was done again recently in 2018 and and they said that people making 95 000 a year was the was the kind of the the um range for happiness yeah like like like the sticking point for the happiest people and i i'm hungry because basically basically what they say in the study is that people with a little bit less money but more time are the happiest people because listen no matter what you believe as you watch me or you watch logan or you watch the other creators that are buying those houses and doing all this stuff time is not something we have a lot of it's just not we we j we generally do grind from the moment we [ __ ] wake up until like there are days that we wake up at eight in the morning we're editing at 11 30 or giving notes to the editor at 11 30 as we go to sleep sure and so no matter how you look at it dedicating an unhealthy amount of time to anything in life whether it's drugs gambling sex or work is something that can drain that it can drain happiness from you this kid this kid is as mentally tough as they come and i've seen him even buckle a number of times under the pressures of the [ __ ] job they're they're witnessing it right now yeah you guys have seen me run around the house like here's how i know i'm [ __ ] up i don't shower for a couple days straight i start smoking weed i start sleeping more and you know i had some some things go down in my life again if you're in the mavic club you know that uh have kind of pulled me off of the content wave recently if you follow my vlog channel on youtube i haven't been posting as often like i went from three times a week to one time a week like that and it's because like i'm just not in a place anymore where i will be a slave to my audience like i [ __ ] love you guys but also if if this isn't right my content's not gonna be right and then i'm not gonna be happy and now you have a slippery slope that leads to only only negative [ __ ] in my personal life especially like one dude once you once the actions and the things that you're doing publicly start to affect you and the people around you that's when you know you got to pull back this is interesting though because you're in a position where you are kind of in a comfortable spot and you can take a day off now imagine you're still on the grind coming up and you can't take it i told you i was there like like yo don't make no mistake you got to put in [ __ ] work yeah i'm saying once you get to a spot where you you can kind of look around and say i i'm i'm semi-complacent with what's going on in my life and i deserve this i owe it for me this is not make no mistake this conversation is not telling you to take a pass and and uh take a break whenever you want no [ __ ] that you're gonna need to go through like a grind stage you're gonna have to work to get your [ __ ] yeah but once you got your [ __ ] and you're pretty locked and loaded that's the biggest thing don't like don't don't feel free like you owe anyone don't feel like you owe anyone anything or that you need to grind for for every single dollar that comes your way for the rest of it for the rest of your life and that's and that's been one of the biggest learnings for me like i i you know i tell you this all the time i don't leave a single dollar on the table if a brand if a brand hits me up and i don't have an ad for that week and they undershoot me and they offer me a bag that's not large enough i'm generally i'm just out there every dollar if i have to fly to indianapolis for 10k to i'm gonna [ __ ] fly like i grind grindgren and i don't think i need to that's the thing and that's what the biggest the biggest study on this was done in 2010 a princeton study found that emotional well-being rises within increases in income but the biggest gains come in earning up to 75 000 a year beyond that the increases were marginal and so this was in 2010 and so obviously it's up near 100k now but basically it says like yo once you start hitting that six finger range if you're one of those people that continues to just go after money money money money money money at all costs so that you can buy [ __ ] designers so you can fly privates you can do all those things chances are the time you're losing in doing that and the neglect you're giving to your family to your loved ones to all the other aspects of your life drain more happiness than the extra dollars provide yeah and so it's just something to think about i mean we've definitely talked about this before but it was just you know something my homie said shout out patsy uh i hope you stop making so much money i don't know or just i don't know keep laughing bro get my uh get my director's hat back on tomorrow yeah that's exciting dude the kid leroy up-and-coming artist upcoming hip-hop artist directing the music video for a song called wrong and uh it's been a minute since i truly wore my director my especially my music video director last time was for uh why don't we who i think you're doing phenomenal that's cool to talk to those boys in a while because we're supposed to bring them out here so they used to be conglomerated in a house and now they're you know adults because people grow up and so they got different houses some of them live together some don't and uh i think quarantine hasn't helped our interaction with them either because we don't see them out or it's not it's not is moving out of like your friend's house like the key metric for adulthood is that what you're trying to say to me right now like oh oh i was looking right at you you're like i mean they're just not you know little childish immature loser [ __ ] asses anymore who live with their friends so i mean no no no i'm just playing the day you move out i'm gonna cry i am too and that's why i've been trying to avoid it and i have people that are telling me that i have to [ __ ] do it right now and i refuse to [ __ ] do it but yo i i yeah i got involved in this i wrote the treatment the breakdown spent hours yep hours on end you know trying to be creative and by the way the concept i i think is very good but it reminded me like really really how difficult it is to direct like like truly like to sink your teeth into directing projects um i i'll pat myself in the back i'm pretty good at it but it does sometimes feel like work so shout out to all the directors on the planet uh the problems that have arisen in the past 24 hours what's the biggest obstacle you're up against right now there's a couple dude how weird is this that you just keep getting slammed yeah so in a tough two weeks for you so just just i broke my wrist and my ankle so i can't really walk around set um you know going through some things privately with josie but you know we're in the midst of it and we're figuring it out she's looking at me right now maybe you're so beautiful you know i'll stand for you babe like i sent for you and uh i'd say probably the biggest one is that you know we're less than 12 hours away from shooting about we don't have a lead librarian because because amara was supposed to do it but then she got in the fight which directly correlates to the relationship with me and so i don't know if lana rhodes is going to start in the killer right music video and we don't have a replacement but little mosey at least everything's good with mozy right well that's the thing what do you mean i don't know i woke up this morning a little mosey arrested felony gun possession uh which is tricky because he's a feature on the song and he's supposed to be in the video tomorrow which i don't think we could shoot him out if he's in jail shoot him out uh yeah actually it's a film that might be a good concept though oh yeah just go into the the i don't know if the judicial system allows uh media inside their prisons oh god be a maverick dude be a man you [ __ ] maverick apparently he's good he's alright he's good for now like we're going to get him the music video then you know he's going to deal with whatever he's got to deal with hopefully one of his homies take to fall i know mosey would never fellaini come on that's lil mosey he would never bro so yeah we're going to kill it tomorrow kill it i mean with the i don't know you're the one making the connection using simple american slang yeah signifying camaraderie you guys are going to shoot a great music video that's for sure you got dang right well dude you're one of the best at running in gundam dude you'll pull it off dude you know just just make sure you're fully loaded and you know ready to ready to pop off dude we we went out this week yeah do you remember that do i remember of course i [ __ ] remember i put out a very important tweet after that that said life stops when boys nights stop and boys nights have been stopped for a while it has had it has been a while since we have had a proper a boys night yeah and we had a very proper boys night it was good you harry jowzy shout out harry jowzy yeah his boy christian his boy christiane yeah it was good just a couple couple dudes you know taller and six feet eating steak and drinking a little bit i drink sure i drank we look like a football basketball team when we walk in the [ __ ] like harry harry's six five you're i'm six three you're like five eleven it's it's it's a [ __ ] it's a pretty type it might shave three inches why he shaved three inches bro uh but yeah i i drank uh and i ended up throwing up on the side of the highway like yeah oh i was that guy i was there oh no no you have to understand what happened here so we so we went to this day if you're partying with harry josh you're gonna have a hard time that's what it was okay that's what it was so we went to this dinner and me and him are like me and logan are for lack of a better term domesticated animals at this point we have girlfriends you a girl comes out i if a shirt gets raised too high i block it out i don't see any [ __ ] i'm blind blind i'm blind dms coming through they i have a new folder called trash if any girl dm's me even if it's just even if it's my mom yeah straight to the trash back to general blinders on don't want to see you it's all i see tunnel vision that's it girl bro i'll sin for you babe fast so we go out with harry josie who you have a vagina i was gonna say even if you even if you don't have legs around the vagina like he's in it bro he doesn't [ __ ] give a [ __ ] so there's so there's a little bit of a contrast so we go to this dinner and uh sober 2020 i'm sitting there watching these guys get it started and i'm eating my steak because that's kind of my my crush right now is my food so i'm eating i'm eating he's harry starts ordering drinks now logan gets his first red bull vodka what he likes to do with his first one to three drinks is i wouldn't even call it chug it's more of uh absorb them he he sticks a straw in the glass and just simply absorbs the drink so within a second it is absolutely gone it disappears yeah so he has about three red bull vodkas and then they start the shots and i see him just keep doing these another one another one people are sending shots over ghost to the gram center all these people are sending shots over i'm looking at logan i'm like dude this kid don't got the tolerance but how many but hold on how many shots did i real realistically take my guess is that night you probably took between 15 and 20 shots of vodka god yes you did throughout the course of the night you bro see here's the reason why you're shaking your head you don't remember you bro trust me trust me end of the end of dinner how many shots are five okay there we go by the end of dinner right here's where what here's what i'm gonna start getting hazy for you do you remember shotguning a white claw yeah i bet you don't miss this kid this kid literally pops a white cloth no they do it for him they give him a white claw shotgun no he looks at me he goes how do i do this i've never shotguned anything before i go bro put it in your mouth pop the thing and let it go and he goes he goes he pops in he goes bro i go that's not how you do it dude it's carbonated how does any person do that it's easy once you learn how to do it it's very [ __ ] yeah if you're if you're not you it's so much easier i could probably do it with a sprite i forgot about that the harry's house pit stop so so we make the pit stop oh well he grabbed his toaster and i said you got to bring your toaster to the party otherwise i'm not going and these kids were so slush she brings his toaster to the party by the way he just plugs it in at the hot house in the hollywood hills that we're out he plugs the toaster in the wall left it so they have a new toaster now he wakes up the next day and shows me a picture of his counter with no toaster on it but we go we we go to this party and uh i'm like watching this kid like continually fade and this is me and him at the party by the way we're the only two dudes at the party like yo don't like no girls could come within feet of us bro like i'm this is us dude stay away stay away all [ __ ] times don't cadaver these [ __ ] straight up bro with like a magic wand and they fizzle so we leave the party disappear we leave the party it's like 3 a.m nothing good happens after 3 a.m nothing good happens after 3 a.m that's when all the [ __ ] [ __ ] up [ __ ] starts happening so we go we get in the uber and we're driving home we're on the 405. we go over to the 101. everything's good logan's what he calls collecting he's taking a little bit of a napski on the way home he's he's a tired boy he works his ass off and he is trash so he's sleeping it off i'm on instagram just scrolling and i feel a light tap on my arm and i look over and he goes he goes yeah it's cool like this it was just like that and i knew that that thumb meant yo get this thing over to the side of the road asap and our driver was this really [ __ ] like he was burly burly man with a beard that was more of a neck beard because his neck and his face weren't clearly defined like where the next stop is they started the same and i'm looking at him and this dude this dude first of all i had to yell at him because he wouldn't go to the speed limit we were in a prius he would we're on a 35 road he's going 22 i go bro i don't mean to be a dick but you got to get the speed up on this [ __ ] thing so i'd already had an altercation with him we weren't friends and he gives me the signal and i go dude i need you to pull over right now he goes there are cars on the right then left of me i can't i go bro i don't pull the [ __ ] car so he pulls over he gets out sits on the hill for like 15 minutes just just just yeah just yeah violent uh it wasn't violent but it was so necessary it was one of the ones where it had to happen then you're immediately rejuvenated uh i will say i gotta pat myself in the back i'm never and have never been the dude to throw up in the car that great job in the uber like i'm like i'm always put together enough to go yo i'm gonna do it and then the key a lot of people don't do this when you know you're gonna throw up in through the nose out through the mouth does that delay it if you you can stall yourself okay 30 seconds if you're really focused right right here you go and just focus on not throwing up in that uber because that's an expensive fee and 250 to 300 bucks and so the guy comes up to me and he goes i i thought he was going to be really pissed off because we're sitting on the side of the highway which is dangerous he's got his blinkers on his little prius and we're sitting there and he goes hey i must say thank you so much for having me pull over some girl last month pukes all over my car the next week another girl pees all over my car so i was like i was like no problem man i got you so he he was so happy and he started giving logan would you like some water for your mouth or maybe just your hands i'm just yakking and i'm like yo i know my boy mike got my back literally he's behind me and then i look also and barley uber drivers out of the car you want some water i'm like you you're my best friend now he goes he goes he goes it is okay you got out of my car and we are okay because of that and so then we so we drive home we get to the house to the gate we get to the gate and i'm like all right i'm gonna let's get this this kid inside he sits on the curb outside the house well i'm like bro we are well at this point you weren't barfing or you're just sitting there no because i was going through oh you are yeah a lot i don't know what it was i talked to josie i think i gotta stop mixing vodka and tequila oh yeah that's bad news no i'm mixing definitely don't do that number two probably just don't drink as much yeah it's all poison probably don't drink in general like i i was no i was out of commission the next day the whole day i was in bed till like four or five like what am i doing you could ha here's the issue most people can have a drink i think they're just study came out that lowered it from two drinks a day for a man one drink a day it's safe it's good it's fine you'll be all right oh yeah yeah but don't do a hundred binge drink is what they call it yeah you have no chills at all it's all right to just chill a sip of beer i had a beer yesterday it was really nice just one guess what that's not us man yeah we're not right now i've got a bit of an intuitive personality man i'm not good at that kind of stuff so i took 20 20 off and and has been the best year of my entire life crazy imagine this for a second 2020 has been the best year of my entire [ __ ] life i talked to the guy at the restaurant i taught i talked to him i was like he kept asking me oh how come you're not doing shots with your boys i was like i took a year off and i recommend one year especially to people in their their mid to late 20s take a year off are you getting one gave this advice to harry too yeah you were preaching to harry i assure you that the quality of your work and your workflow and the good and beneficial stuff that you do over the course of one year of not drinking and not drugging will be enough to set you up for a positive trajectory for the next decade i i am dead [ __ ] serious bro like like it it puts a rocket booster under whatever you're already doing you are fully focused fully committed every single day there are no days where you wake up and you're like wow i actually can't do anything today cause i'm hungover sure there are no mistakes you don't make mistakes because you're on top of things you are in your right frame of mind at all times you're not out eating fast food you're not partying you're not doing all that dumb [ __ ] so it depends on what you want some people want a party they want to eat fast food to those people keep it [ __ ] going yeah but if you want to if you want to be successful in life and you want to do something over the course of 365 days that will change your life and truly make you all you can be take one year off one full year off from everything from all the drinks all the drugs and just see what happens and then and then message me after year and just tell me i'm right tell me i'm [ __ ] right that's all you're gonna do i broke on your drinking thing yeah it's all right dude like sober 2020 about halfway through turned into not not always sober 2020. yeah it's hard with everything going on i just didn't remember the beginning of being locked in our houses for the entire year unable to do anything yeah see but you couldn't expect that and then sometimes the rules got to change mid game you know yeah for me it was at the beginning as soon as i was like oh we're gonna be locked in the house for every single day for the next six months i was like i'm gonna go have a drink how much how much longer do you think until we're uh out of quarantine gotta be waiting another couple couple weeks right no i mean dude who knows that we ever have ever done for the rest of our lives who [ __ ] knows who knows what happens you know what i'm saying i i don't know i don't have the answers to those questions there's gonna be a baby there's gonna be a baby boom on god quarantine babies absolutely you know bro when people are bored they just [ __ ] i'd say like rabbits like flemish hair yeah can you imagine what you would have gotten done this year if you had stuck to your game plan you may not think of it you may not think of it but i'm telling you if you had those 42-bit days back that you spent 42 20. he's drank like intensely not even intensely you've had like probably two nights out a month maybe i was gonna say i'm i'm probably only like ten nights oh ten years oh yeah i'm like i'm like ten nights of like proper like [ __ ] you guys both did a great job of changing your relationship with alcohol mike clearly if you had to cut it out that's good yeah but logan you're just absolutely there's a lot of partying going on last year dude i was trying to explain that to harry the other night i was like and obviously you know i'm just gonna be careful with how i say it but we were we sucked last year you know what i'm saying we were [ __ ] sucked and like this year it's crazy to see the amount of growth that has happened in both like when you give that kind of [ __ ] up yeah relationships help too in a massive way i called that one mask called that one remember remember reminisce about what eight months ago i said 2020 is the year of the girlfriend i remember it guys some kind of psychic ask me a question i'll tell you what's gonna happen in your life uh what am i doing well this thursday rich that's that's your answer i love that answer my dad has a kidney stone will he pass it no unfortunately yeah this one's going to hurt him badly yeah medication they uh they told me to drink silly celery water and a whole bunch of coca-colas and and jump up and down didn't do anything one of the dover one of the best thing i've ever heard one of the doberry brothers asked me if i wanted to do a collab with him and his girlfriend am i going to do it no what the [ __ ] no you're not one of them reached out to me and asked me if they could break into my house or something for a vlog well i get that but i get to respond you know i'm a big collaborator so i yeah but i'm putting maybe you should maybe i should do it too i just haven't i haven't responded yet they'll probably see this first i'm gonna put maybe maybe i don't know if you say you're gonna put a poll on the screen will you put the poll on the screen no we never do okay if you haven't if you haven't caught on yet every time we say we're gonna give you guys a pull we never ever give you a poll what else is going on i got something big oh god this is huge eight feet tall 24 feet long that's what's happening thursday when you said i'm going to be wealthy and rich paint a huge painting guys i'm doing it you know i know i've told you about it i've told you about it it's happening what are you gonna what are you gonna do st this little pattern i've been doing you can see it on my instagram but it's just uh three colors going over and over and over again and a massive canvas sounds exhilarating it's gonna be a marathon live stream you can find on my youtube channel that's for sure are you worried about what people say uh that that idea of it's about as fun as watching paint dry i love it i hope to bore everyone halfway to death with this thing no i'm not doing it for anyone this is me this is me running a marathon without any training no i know it's a joke of course no bro i watch paint dry it's pretty boring but it's good meditation do not watch paint dry yes i do i don't know what do you mean when i'm painting what am i doing when i'm looking at the painting i'm watching paint but have you ever found yourself literally just like intently going yeah there there goes watching it in the sun probably well if you were zooted enough off awesome [ __ ] wiley weed no dude you would stare at a painting on the paint fumes alone one time i painted my dad's garage and it was like a lot of spray paint and i completely forgot about you know wearing a mask oh so you basically huffed and you got i was i was so out of my gourd just accidentally huffing spray paint that i was looking i was definitely standing there for probably four hours just like this watching the paint dry for sure so do you are you an artist just as an excuse to get high on on paint fumes and that's why i brought you guys here today i need you to have an intervention with me hell no why not because that's like terrible for you one and no i don't huff paint for the intent of huffing paint i started wearing a mask i started not or uh opening the windows you know putting the fan on i never done a thought i never did i didn't even know what whippets were it's it it's it's new yeah popular like no whip it's been around forever even since my days wait well before that but in la they're very popular they've been they've become streamlined isn't it isn't that straight to the brain yeah it's so weird because you'll go into you'll have never been to l.a before and you'll go to one of these parties in the hills and you'll walk into the room and like obviously in my days when you'd walk into a party there would be white lines and residue on the counter now you walk in you see all these little metal metal canisters i saw it it was so weird do you know what i'm talking about you have you in the back there david if you played like airsoft they look like the the co2 you're like why is this what is all this [ __ ] why are there canon like i've literally gone into rooms and you so many canisters you can't even stand off bro look look see i'm a young innocent lad so when i saw this for the first time where drugs usually are i said i'm confused now it's i see co2 canisters for airsoft gun and a whipped cream charger so weird drugs in l.a are so like that and like ghb bro look like what are these look at this [ __ ] guy dude i feel like that goes like just bubbles to your brain right away oh no this can't be good for you his habit of huffing 75 battles oh my god yeah is whip inhalant abuse on the rise yeah don't do whip-its guys don't just inhalants are so bad for your brain so bad for your brain mostly some people i are uh not turned off at all by by the idea of the drug or the thing you're doing going directly to your brain it's why i actually don't do a lot of uh popular la drugs is because when i see like this or even cocaine like the thought of it like like directly to my brain or cavity brain cavity terrifies me you're right before the drug i'm like no why would i do that if you don't if you turn into a vegetable you're [ __ ] yeah i mean you saw my brain you're you're almost there your brain came back with some interesting uh results it wasn't that it wasn't that bad i'll i'll send you the thing um but it wasn't it wasn't all that bad i was actually surprised they said it i had what mirrored cte in a veteran football player it's not great absolutely it's not great but i thought there was gonna be like these massive gaping holes from mdma and and all that kind of stuff and actually it wasn't too bad and there's and there are ways to fix it i know when you did your brain scan you then started doing the oxygen therapy right hi hi hi hyper what's it called hyperbaric that that can start to reverse that that damage to the brain but really people just people just uh there's a lot of people out there who want to have fun and that's it and that's all they want to do with their life and and and a lot of times that's how uh experimentation and then addiction and drug starts people are like i just wanted to have fun and they know the risks they know the consequences but they prioritize the fun and it's a really dangerous juggling act that exists for experimenters and and people that are in active addiction because you know you are doing really heavy damage to your brain you know and so it's good that you recognize that and didn't start [ __ ] snipping whipped cream canes you know yeah i've just always been even like when we were coming up in high school i was the last one to do everything i was the last one to smoke i realized i want to drink i was i was just like like you i'm a logical guy even like the things that make no [ __ ] sense i try like i focus more on logos than ethos right logic rather than emotion and when i was growing up i just didn't i did like that their programs kind of worked on me scaredy just it was like okay the okay just simple okay so drugs make you a [ __ ] [ __ ] maybe temporarily but if you do them long enough possibly with some real life repercussions that are long-lasting so okay check it if i just like don't do them i probably don't have to worry about me being an idiot for the rest of my life it helps yeah but then you got the people that want to experiment that like then they're like what did you say i was like oh i got it i got it i got a c but i'm not out here just like slanging it back every weekend you know i'm very particular with what you do my timing and what i do but again it goes back to you guys have plans for like your future and you have things you want to do and accomplish and you can't have a mush brain and accomplish the things you want to accomplish sort of not even that though like it is yeah but how easy is is is it to just make the decision like i don't want to be a dumbass forever like my brain intact we've talked about this at length obviously on my episode as well as other episodes and there is a massive correlation between drug use and pre-existing mental illness pre-existing self-esteem issues pre-pre-existing confidence or or body dysmorphic or whatever issues yeah logan is a extremely headstrong individual focused goal-oriented go-getter entrepreneur he knows exactly what he wants from life and he's going to go get it that is rare very rare there's a lot of people on this planet who wake up every day depressed sad unsure not confident in themselves uh with low self-esteem low low uh image of themselves i know because i've been there and drugs have always been the go-to means of making yourself feel better when you've exhausted other options or haven't exhausted other options and so you know unfortunately as long as there continues to be mental illness or um you know lack of of health on the mental and an emotional front there will be ways to then deal with that chemical escape what if what if uh in a crazy turn of events although we've talked a lot of [ __ ] about the potential dangers of what vr could become virtual reality becomes a healthier escape for people who are struggling amazing you know that's pain yeah i wonder if that has its own implications i think as we're seeing not just vr but also other safer means to meditation to exactly breathing yeah but whether to escape or to correct because those are your two options at the end of the day right you've got an issue you can either rock it's fight or flight it comes right back down to fight or flight you're either gonna show up fix the [ __ ] problem or you're gonna run your ass off to get away from it right and so and so as we continue to evolve scientifically i think we're coming up with more ways to either correct the problem or or you know fix fix the issue at hand without making people resort to drugs and alcohol and so like whether it's vr whether it's uh meditation breathing or you know whatever whatever comes down the line i think we're moving the right direction the hard part with those is it's not as simple vr might be simple meditation isn't as easy as just smoking a joint or drinking a beer but it's equally it's weird that it's equally if not more effective absolutely without the side effects obviously i've talked to so many people that have said that uh that their uh meditation rivals their last acid trip incredible good for them but they probably took them a little while to get into that right so how you know how do you balance the easy way versus the hard way and know that the hard way might get you the results you want or the easy way which is going to take you away from your problems and you don't have to do anything other than sit there i mean people are always going to take these way you know as americans were obsessed with the [ __ ] people how can we change we got to change that we could do that take the hard way the scenic route is more beautiful trust me well as i always said there's no no such thing as shortcuts in life right and if you do take shortcuts it's you know you're generally going to trip and fall like logan did over that cattle you know what i'm saying and so like don't don't don't chase cattle take the long paved route yeah that might be it might be a bit easier and less dangerous like honestly like i i said this to you today on the phone after i left a very stressful encounter with with someone i called you and i said bro if something or someone [ __ ] with my happiness right now they're gone it is the only thing i care about if someone called me tomorrow and they were like yo right now red pill a billion dollars cash blue pill no money but guaranteed happiness for the rest of your life i wouldn't even [ __ ] pause for a second before i took the happiness just like garyvee said dude money doesn't equate to happiness so whatever you're doing to make you happy if that right there make jake happy then i'm [ __ ] happy for him i'm happy that he [ __ ] did it how much money could cut your tongue out full just out oh [ __ ] i know the impulsive viewers would love that yeah you know how much to talk uh i would say uh like really like really full full on uh i'll go halfway i'll go halfway oh half half yeah sure i saw it in american horror story yeah just got me thinking how much would i do that for no no i'm out no amount no i don't think it could do it because i'll do i'll do bodily harm you want you want to take off both index fingers let's talk let's talk you want to take off uh uh you know like a portion of one of my testicles let's talk about it you give me a 2017 merch here for a fifteen percent of one of my balls i'm there what do i do one thumb one on your dominant hand dominant hand one thumb how much that thumb cost think about it like how much your body parts worth to you 100 mil holy [ __ ] do you think this [ __ ] little thumb is worth a hundred million dollars 100 million jokes yeah please i'ma get 100 mil anyways guaranteed every time i set a figure for the year i get it yeah i'm already early for this year so i get it anyways this is my working thumb this is the time i send you oh that's your scroll with the thumb i said emails that's your swipe right there's the thumb i double tap [ __ ] pictures off yeah this is my work thumb you want to take this thumb i'll give it to you for a cool five and a half like five and a half mil you want the left thumb you can actually you know [ __ ] just take it i don't know you know you're offending people with no thumbs right now add them to the left marginalized groups offended by mike i bought my ranch good job foreign a while ago four million and one dollars yes and my dad calls me he said logie how much would you be willing to sell this place for quit that why do you ask you know we're still in the midst of heavy renovations trying to make it a super special property why why are you asking this question you know i love my ranch he goes well there's some people who have put in offers interesting because not for sale like not no no not for sale but i i had to come up with a number and the number i landed i was like 25 million hold on i go i go that 25 million you go wow you must really like it then i said yes absolutely no shot and even if someone offered me that much money i'm not sure i would do it i'm just not done with that project in this phase of my life yet but it was i noticed it was the first thing that i bought in my life where the return on investment is positive 2x a 2x right at least because all the offers right now are like two two and a half million dollars i bought it for a million and one if i spend another five years in this property dude this this place could be worth five to ten million dollar like legitimately it's the last private property in the douches valley canyon what now douches the dutch is val it's dutch oh i literally thought it was called the douches valley i could not think of a better place for you to live no like for the love of god it's named douche valley valley logan paul lives in douche valley i just i'm not so good at making solid investments trust me i know better than that yeah you're terrible can you imagine if you had put that million in one dollar on the day you bought that into tesla what did it it was september something right no that was when we were out there september last year when did you buy bro x though no way no way dude tesla 2x no it's no stop i'm not talking about 2x homebrew i'm talking about it must be hard being elon musk when you're what did you what did you say the month was let's just say november november first 300 a share it's now worth two thousand six two it's now worth two thousand you would have dollars are you kidding me that's also like putting a million dollars in a tesla not a lot of people just like oh yeah let me just put a million dollars in a tesla well not a lot of people buy ranches in duchess valley either times times two thousand i'll do 2100 2100 shares i would have made six million dollars man all right you [ __ ] up you bought a million-dollar ranch now you can sell for 25. no no one's paying no one's going to buy memories the memories you got to think about the intrinsic value of the property where you are and what's around it no one else in the world will ever have wait so you got to start marketing to like foreign billionaires because that's a rare property yeah sure sure we just got to sit on it for a minute just you know what i'm saying for the memories though like through at usp i'm saying the people that will live there in the future the memories they will make are extremely valuable and people will uh will pay a pretty could you be my realtor from now on absolutely i need you to start selling all any properties that i'm going to sell with future memories and see how much that's how they sold lake havasu do you know about this i think dan pena talked about it he went to lake i think it was havasu in where is that arizona oh it's over that way the only thing i heard him say was that he would punch any person in the mouth that talked [ __ ] to him ever yep but he was all he said was like look in there that's where you'll have your dock that's where you'll have your uh your grass yard where your your children can run around and play sports and that over there that's where you have your you're gonna have your man cave and all this so you'd sell people on the dream that was part of his real estate pitch that's a great i mean it's great yeah i'll do it we just got some commercialization to do that'll really up the value of this nice point is i'm not ready to sell just wait till you put the theme park in oh yeah that's gonna be sharp yeah that's the value what is the melting pot of the united you already know so don't answer what do you what would you consider the melting pot of the world spa you know the united states cheesecake factory are you [ __ ] crazy he's not wrong i love that place you know i love to go there yeah it's great but like a fight with me i the melting pot of america it's los angeles these days is it not could you just got the answer wrong it would have helped my segment so much all right long con considered to be the melting pot of the world is new york city everyone thinks that you know the five boroughs it's where people show up and everybody gets along with each other it's considered the melting pot of the world this morning in an effort to escape a fiery and depressing and sadness-filled morning with my with my sweet girlfriend who just hasn't been that sweet the past [ __ ] days we went on a bike ride through a place by the name of venice beach huh what'd you see things i can't even begin to explain it's crazy there are things that ha there is i have been to enough places not all but to enough to say that there is nowhere on this planet as [ __ ] weird as venice [ __ ] beach quite the eclectic area yeah you're riding on a bike to the right of you there's a ferris wheel and a roller coaster to the left of you somehow a couple college-age dorm kids are ripping shotties but playing ping-pong to the to the right of you there is a tent village filled with hippie drifters walking around saying this is your dharma this is your dharma to each other you drive a little bit further there's a little girl riding one of those little [ __ ] big wheels with a a a snow cone then another you know girl goes by you with pink hair listening to girls just wanna have fun screaming straight out of the night like it might as well have been plucked from history all of a sudden you're riding a skateboard shoots at you right there's a skate park and bob marley's there escape bro like people working out muscle beach big psychopaths gymnasts on the rings flips there's p everybody comes by with this you know speaker there's the guy the guy with the guitar on the roller blades yes what about the boxing team and the six foot six gorilla uh they're there too everybody that you can imagine there there's a man selling hot dogs on sticks there's vietnam veterans tripping on acid bro it is the most insane [ __ ] place i have ever seen in my entire life and you you ride through it and here's me thinking like oh my god like i'm totally like way too normal for this place and i look back and my girlfriend the biggest porn star in the world is riding a beach cruise babe babe i'm like we fit in perfectly this is exactly where we [ __ ] belong there's a scent too you smell it you know you can smell it the venison you leave and it stays with you with you but honestly like i was watching there was a uh uh high impact training workout session going on come on girls get that ass jiggling come on girls get going on a little grass thing and there's just a surfer dude baked out of his mind 18 colors to tan with a bong the size of my body just sitting in a [ __ ] chair and it's that no one looks at him everybody's like this is normal this is norm everything [ __ ] goes there no no you want to know what i didn't see the whole time one police officer not a one i rode that entire [ __ ] boardwalk bro from from santa monica to venice and when you get to venice you're just like a free zone what is happening who are these people who are these people that are just it's just crazy it's crazy how you can go two miles down the street and you have santa monica which is the exact opposite two two and eight one santa monica is classy family friendly family-oriented they got the uh the rides and the games and the shows there yeah and it's crazy to imagine that some people grow up at this place some people grow up in that chaos crazy do you know one of the people who grew up in that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this girl josie in in santa monica right dog she grew up running around that but can can you imagine can you do when i was that age maybe we'd go to taco bell and that'd be the thing for the night right as a 13 year old like you know getting into the life for the first time and seeing the [ __ ] that no human should ever see it's crazy because it's like it's a a a scale of the lowest levels of depression like like and sadness and like you feel all these feelings as you ride by like i saw this one guy you know it's 110 degrees this weekend yeah [ __ ] l.a it's been 110 degrees forever now and you see these people sleeping in the grass just with the sun just beaming down on them they've got no hair left there you know la has a massive homeless population and and california in general i've always thought that it in a lot of ways has always represented this place in your mind when you're a person who struggles with emotional or or problems that seems like the place you want to go everybody wants to head west jim morrison said it better than anybody you know you know there's no place like the west right and everybody's headed west and i think so many people made that venture i want to be the next actor i want to be the next this and i want to be the next that and so few of them actually made it happen rightfully so it's hard to do and so you've just got this massive uh population i hate to make it such a sad thing of of broken dreams and l.a is such a in a lot of ways is a city of of broken dreams and you see a lot of these people you know scattered around the boardwalk there as well but it's it's like this massive contrast and you've got the asian people with the um with their ipads out you know posing in full suits well sir why are you wearing a full suit it is a hundred and ten degrees out with a palm tree in the background you got people spray painting it's just such a diverse and eclectic crowd i just i digress if if you're not from los angeles and you plan on going to venice beach just put on bug spray before you do uh if you also could wear a bulletproof vest i'd say teflon any anything it's like it's a funny place it's like going to a circus but a real life right it's not overly dangerous i never feel um scared i mean you definitely have some people there that are that are out of their [ __ ] minds but they don't they don't i think they've learned to not you know threaten the taurus but um i saw sasha baron cohen filming borat did you see that he got sniped do you know this snipe there's a borax sequel coming oh yeah i saw that ladies and gentlemen uh-oh ladies and gentlemen come on what are we doing so we're gonna be on the lookout i mean i guess yeah they they someone snapchatted him filming an episode or what looked appeared to be him in his borax costume while a pickup truck was being towed behind the film van i'm so sorry up on the nba players really quick i was looking for it if there's if there was ever a time where we needed some but it's the time like thank you sasha for for your virtue what an incredible man how do you even like prank people i don't know i don't know because because here's why as well everyone knows everyone knows even the knelt boys i fear this is gonna happen with them like like they're gonna reach a point where you're so recognizable if the person that you're pranking doesn't recognize you someone will there's definitely a workaround but at what point does everyone know borat is [ __ ] with you like it's it's borat maybe you'd know right away because it's borat but like when he did the political show and he had have people on i have no idea how they didn't know how would you ever find yours maybe they just get the wrong lead and the stupid people go because that one guy had to like leave his position and yeah government yeah absolutely some [ __ ] yeah oh yeah that's right did he like show his butt or something something crazy something wild i ca i can't believe how he gets these people to do these things he plays on their stupidity we do we do it a lot too you like play on people's ignorance it's it's fascinating it's a fascinating i think clyde needs to make a comeback daniel's clapping yeah but i mean all the way and then all the way up to uh flat earth and i and i i miss i miss that i miss that i really do i know if there's one thing that's contributing to uh you know any kind because i'm a happy person but to any kind of unhappiness i have it's that we have not yet shot another flat earth it will happen no no no of course not of course not and obviously i'm you know i'm working on cartoons right now but still it's just not to say like we're developing new formats right we're doing it i'm i'm gonna start you know be a little smarter how i navigate the space who knows what's gonna happen but i got something in mind some longer form projects that'll make you happy you did the sketch without me and i i was so upset about the only thing that i do right now that fulfills me in that is the ads on my youtube channel you know my skits yeah my ads and people love them and i love doing them i love dressing up and i got i got an ad i got an ad that i'm actually probably gonna film right after this uh it'll be the first like brand deal i've done on my on my page in forever we're giving money back cool that was like my one thing i was like yeah just yeah just giving some money back it's a lot of money too yes yeah i think 30 30 000 30 000 which is cool which is awesome uh but my concern is that i'm i'm pretty much only posting like once a week now so the one time the one video this week is gonna be nestled with the ad i'm so confused how the audience is gonna take it then again i think times have changed where creators can do ads now without being just sellouts like we got to make our cache somehow it's pretty nice i as a person who's never done an ad i question whether or not i should get in to that world like i don't know if i ever want to do it i don't really love it the audience the audience is here for it if they're really your fans or even not so much it's i mean it's awesome get that bag right but like well you gotta find it or what do you think they'd be like well i understand yeah you know like wow maybe i watched the minute and a half or maybe i didn't who gives a [ __ ] this is my guy like you go get your cash i mean there's there's movie trailers before every movie that you've ever gone of course commercials on the thing or you pay a subscription price but but the biggest thing actually obviously at the end of the day is all about how you deliver it how much work are you willing to put into your ad spot to make your audience feel good about it and i've had the opportunity since day one to sit there sit at a computer with this and be like all right guys today's video is sponsored by and i've never [ __ ] did it i always script it get other actors for it and i shoot it and the feedback that i get on my videos is the ad spot was hands down the best part of this video i watch your videos for your advertising oh no that is the best thing that i've ever heard because the advertisers love to hear and i'm happy that my fans aren't pissed that i'm selling to them depends what brand you're working with though not for me i'll make any brand fun i can make a bank fund i can make a [ __ ] uh uh i can probably make up nice what do you mean do it all the time i did it for an internet security company last week yeah it was just good it was people love it yeah but what if they have requirements like like what i'm doing next week is that i have a script right right okay which i ain't gonna follow which i ain't gonna follow if they don't approve it there's gonna be a [ __ ] problem because i will not like bro i'm not gonna sit here and say exactly what you wrote remember when i make it mine i had a script for a game just like you i dressed as a thor all right i've got something to tell you you know what i'm saying like there's a way to make it fun there's always here's where this one's gonna be fun because i'm [ __ ] giving you thirty thousand dollars that's fun oh bro that's fun people know you gotta [ __ ] especially uh even on this show we're like always going back and forth on doing ads you got an hour and a half from us you can't listen to 60. give us a [ __ ] well thanks guys for listening to this brand free episode in exchange hit that subscribe button and you could win you could win some you could win what can we can we give away something to the audience i want to give son to the audience i'll give i'll give someone that comments mac give me something something it'll be it'll be a piece of the painting painting there goes understanding our engagement on this episode just every comment just turned into one [ __ ] thing dude you should give away your thumb i will give away my left thumb there we go to the most to the person who needs it most in the comments below alright guys we love you thanks for listening this episode we'll see you next time with lele ponce next thursday it should be good yeah old friend can't wait to have her on the show take it easy bye
Views: 929,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, onlyfans, logan paul maverick club, maverick club, logan paul onlyfans, mike majlak, mike and lana, david dobrik house, the kid laroi, harry jowsey, logan paul ranch, bella thorne onlyfans, happiness, comedy, venice beach
Id: q3wa73kfsjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 33sec (4293 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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