Behzinga Opens Up About His Love Life (The Fellas Podcast EP. 1)

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well well well would you look at that it's the very first fellas podcast i'm absolutely buzzing you know we did a little test run yesterday me and chip and it went very well yeah now i'm sweating my back out so yeah we're uh we're pretty excited today and we thought we had a bit of a debate me and chip we were like should we do the first one with the guest should we not do it with a guest um what we did know though was that we were definitely doing it with alcohol so here we are in our bar set and um yeah we haven't we actually decided to go for a guest today do you want to do you want to introduce the guest for his channel yes and obviously i didn't want it i didn't want to say this as my first thing on the first episode of the podcast but i think i need you need a poo i need a steamer mate uh but anyway yeah no uh today is the uh the titan of youtube the unit it's bazinga come on the fellas the the man of how to be bazinga yes a recent release yeah by the way congratulations on that thank you very much i'd give that a sixty-five percent on rotten tomatoes [ __ ] buried in roger bro for real though i was watching that and i was there like this actually came out a lot better than i thought it was although i have to admit i still stand by the fact that the title's [ __ ] terrible what was the title again no i will tell you bro the title is how's it been oh it's like a minecraft thing honestly i remember saying in the in the group chat to the boys ages ago yeah the talk was how to be bizinger and we said then we said it wasn't that great but it's what youtube wanted to go with um it's true so if they do like say they do a how to be account for easy oh no it would it would just it would just be a tutorial on how to drink just be him playing qpr korean they're going into drinking fellas i've winged it all this way through and here i am i've got a podcast but yeah no so who knows in the future i think i'm one of i don't know i think they might have another hell to be i don't know don't quote me on that well before we get stuck into that series because uh well you know i made a little appearance in that series but you know i'll talk about you know how how i performed in this series in a minute uh i just want you to run us through your uh drink of choice because um you actually specially requested this drink which is coco canoe i've never had cold call canoe so when you grow up you've got a little bit of a sweet tooth right malibu it goes down a tree tastes like syrup and it doesn't feel like alcohol when you get older 25 a little bit harder hitting coconut jamaican rum white rum 37.5 that's outrageous so what's malibu then what percentage is malibu 20 something oh so this is 22 yeah i think it's i think it's 22. the final boss so this is essentially when you get a little bit older that's for the adults yeah that's not for me no no i'll run that with a diet coke all right well what i've got um in the inventory today is a little captain morgan spiced yeah that's key spiced um and then that's also got a diet coke you might be wondering why the diet coke out well i've been watching lots of stuff about sugar and supposedly sugar is no no no no no no no no no at the end of the day you're right but did someone just no oh it's just you bro it just made sorry about one drink so yeah that's what that's what we got on the menu today but you can see if you're watching this on youtube then you'll be able to see that we have a wide range of options now one thing i did want to do [Laughter] all right well this is actually ethan ringing off the oh my god off that do you want to explain to people what exactly you've just done there so there's this little thing that happens uh when we do pub golf things like that that was the infamous sound of the sambuca alarm i can't believe you've done this so do you know what that means oh yes everyone here has to take a sambuca show oh yes what about what about what about cameron charlie phones cameraman he's shaking his head right now he's shaking his head those little glasses just over there yeah yeah yeah oh we don't actually have any shot glasses do we no that's all right though let's see i'll pass this down um so you know if you if you're listening to this on spotify or apple music just know i've whipped out the uh the luxardo sambuca this is the finest sambuca is it is it because it looks like the equivalent to a glenn's vodka bottle it's the local boss man yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we ran out of budget when it came to this you're trying to kill him oh chill just give it now you're going to try and kill me look at what you've done look at what you've done all right anyways the cameraman though oh he's got one there this is always a good start to a podcast there you go not too much for the camera man i hope everything's in focus there you go can you see him guys is it looking he's dressed very well today cheers to the fellas cheers to the fellas fellas wow we're off to a flying start don't worry oh it's definitely a boss men's boat uh yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah no that was really nice guys um all right sorry so yeah now we've got the alcohol out of the way uh well it's not by the way i can already feel it's starting to like hit me already you know i think this is going to be a terrible podcast we did the live we did the one yesterday our test one sober and that went so well and then chip will come and text me today he's going oh by the way i need some drinks before we do this and i'm thinking why does he need to do drinks before it yeah because the test one went so well no but it is it was i have never ever done a podcast before have i okay and i the idea of a podcast gives me a bit of anxiety you know sitting there people going to see the real me normally they see me banging fortnight no one actually gives a [ __ ] it's chip and he's a [ __ ] but no one cares now they get to see the real me and i'm gonna see how stupid i really am but at the same time i'm a loving man and you're excited but i'm also very weird so [Laughter] we we know that i'm excited though i am excited yes very yeah we've been wanting to do this for a little while a lot of you guys may or may not know about you actually i've i think you've been begging me for like yeah a couple years yeah couple years this podcast he wanted to start his podcast like way over a year ago and i was just like no no don't care get someone else you stink and now here we are 20 20 bro and he still stinks but cheers he does 20 20 bro he doesn't so let's talk we briefly mentioned um how to be bazinga but it was a youtube originals so you got paid lots of money for it uh i'm not gonna ask you i'm not gonna ask you i'm not gonna ask you all letting people no 100 but hey log you can i will let you know that yeah at one point because the production company got like extra amount of budget or something for talent or whatever yeah uh dave is going to give me an extra bonus thing i said give it to teenage guys trust me wow wow i did let me tell you something that is you are a lot better man than me because i wouldn't have done that yeah i would have taken that i've been in salvages that is very nice of you but i have to it has to be said i also did take a little bit of money away they actually paid me to talk about you which i thought was quite strange that's that's quite nice yeah no hey i really appreciate you sorting me out here hey it's honestly about your mic it's itchy about the mic you're talking into yeah is actually yours really that's not bad and you spoke about your bro yeah no it was very nice you got paid to talk [ __ ] about him i would do that all day for free well i was willing to do it for free but they just they gave me money so i was really i was really guessed about that but one thing that i didn't notice about the the series was that there was a lot of stuff not left out but for example my interview was an hour long yeah well i imagine all the boys interviewers are now long you're i mean you did multiple interviews um and so obviously they had to condense it down into three episodes but it was that there was actually a lot more wasn't there yeah we need an extended cow for easy cut you know you know we should try and request like an extended like friend cut i thought you did a good job you sounded like a robot listen listen no you did a good job you just sounded like you wanted to die but you did a good job yeah do you know do you know what that is actually a fear of mine is i actually just like my monotone voice when i'm in situations you were super serious i was watching it i was like listen this guy said i've never seen cow like this in my life i'm off to do an interview for you by the way text him an hour later he goes oh boy they had me on the ropes he's like you guys i got they got me so no there's a bit of context when i say like i'm on the ropes right so i sat down and i i think they're just gonna ask me about bazinga my good mate yeah um and they did do that but they also brought up a lot of like the darker sides of of the documentary particularly the bit where you were um you were going through a rough time inside your flat and then uh about the part about you getting in the car and then not wanting to come back right but first of all i never knew that this was going to be in the documentary yeah so i've sat down and there and they they've gone to me um so like what happened with all that and i'm like they they said it in a slightly nicer way but it was like that and i was there like okay first of all i've never had time to process this whole event myself yeah so they've just sprung it on me and then do you know that feeling yet where your throat just goes so i was tightening it up yeah and i'm they're like well i can't cry on the camera they used a bit of it in the trailer you can see there's a bit where cow goes like oh man and they never actually put any of that section yeah in the final one um but yeah so i was there when i was there that i came out of it and i was like they had me on the ropes i was on the right i messaged him saying they had me on the ropes but it never made it into the final cut so i don't know if that's a good or a bad thing but nah you did you did a good job with it though it was actually a really good documentary i watched it last night just because obviously i wasn't going to work i don't actually give a [ __ ] bob's like [ __ ] is coming on my podcast if you hear me refer to chipper's crimes by the way yeah that's like probably we haven't explained that no we haven't explained it no names times whatever you want if chip was in the dark right this guy's claimed to famous i'm the only one allowed to call ethan a donut because this is his favorite thing listen to me i don't know he just likes his slide because he used to be a donor and i used to be he used to roast me when i was skinny so i have really claimed my title as well you used to roast me so now i used to i could i get to wrestle all do you yeah yeah that's fine and here we are but now he's not a donut now he's beautifully well built you know what [ __ ] it dm me [Laughter] speaking of that speaking of dm dmv speaking of dms yeah your dm's must be nice since you lost weight ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do you yeah are you are you would you say you're active in instagram dms i would say just [ __ ] spew it out we need a [ __ ] good title mate i would say i have had my eye caught by a few do you know the funny ones get me better than that that was this [ __ ] new i'm allowed to swear right yeah yeah mate yeah the [ __ ] little snowflake thing that they chuck in like ice balls understand what [ __ ] oh i don't understand what it is do you know where it's from no no no so what happened was um okay i'm gonna get wrong but i'm pretty sure it was quavo slid uh you know that girl so we sweetie yeah the the girl rapper anyways sit her damn with just that and then she replied and they started hooking up just off of him replying with a snowflake and now i'm not too sure if that's like in reference to like gear or bag but i don't know what he did just he just chucked a snowflake in there and it kicked off so then next thing you know dm requests were just filled out not a fan of that no no that one's just she was probably just trying to pick up a packet who knows might just pop and pop embezzle the message so so in terms of your dms you you're an active i do i check my dm requests yes i do but i've tweeted in recent months don't slide anyone's dms with a private profile oh because you've said this this it seems very shallow right but if you're if you're approaching someone in that sort of environment saying like listen i think you're attractive let's go out i can't then i'm not just going to judge it off of the little circle in the corner bro i can't do that yeah so if you're applying for the job there's some times that they can't happen the cv has got to be if you're a boy if you're applying for the position come correct all right there you go so like if you yeah but it makes total sense though because what is the point in sliding dms if you can't see what the uh you know what you're gonna potentially get in return exactly it's it's it's it's realistically just a shot and dock if you do that because but sometimes surely if it's an absolute worldy sometimes obviously you've got to just put on your vision and just go doctor strange and a [ __ ] someone's trying to snowflake someone's chucked the snowflake online are we talking just um normal i don't say normal but just like um you know regular people are we talking there's some there's some verified ticks in there [Music] you have you don't have to say who i'm just trying to know if there's ticks come on drop us scrub a sweat give it look give us a tip give it give us a [ __ ] title come on if there's kicks in that's fine because one of the things that i noticed with ethan yeah and i think i think everyone can agree on this right so it doesn't matter what video it is if ethan is in the video and there bro there could be a chick about two miles in the background the the top comment no matter what we'll say ethan shag that bird have you not noticed that no matter what girl or video that you're in yeah you've shagged all the birds in the video is so jarring right because everyone thinks i'm a notorious shagger right you are i'm not bro i'm actually let him speak for it bro i know he's he's you know what he's selected this guy i know i know i know he's like very picky and it's not like me being stuffed but i can't really do the one-night stand thing i have in the past but i can't do it properly i usually like speaking to someone knowing what they're about uh-huh knowing because i think one of the biggest misconceptions about you is that is it you you poor the first thing that that's in front of you can i tell you that's not the case another one of the most jarring things is any girls that i might even just be mates with yeah constant bro just barrage of internet yeah oh you're polka now you're poking out you're po the boys use the word pork i don't know yeah really sorry that's what happens when you got a skin fade though [Laughter] my skin fade is is yes it's called you you've got a small cure on you no it's a good skin pain i'll give you that if i was a bird look i'd want to be poured okay so i just want to clarify the term ports is quite well quite obvious no but there's a lot of people that uh when i use the word port they genuinely don't know what it means but talking to the younger viewers here oh no no no no no we're just thinking they might be the ones that don't know no just in general if you're an adult you know no no i think it's very it among us is that our work we use pork yeah so yeah it came from him i think i've used it in other friend groups like football groups they don't know what port means so it's a very welcoming little member paul paul come with your little member mate if you want a book remember but the misconception is everyone thinks i've talked everyone with my little member no however i've got very very minuscule body count and a huge member so don't get it twisted my member is selective of his partners that's a good thing though that is a good thing would you would you say you're selective i'm not as selective as bed yeah but compared to you i'm a [ __ ] christian angel saint mate anyways it's about time we moved on to the next topic yeah of course of course um well what have you have you got any upcoming projects obviously you've got the gym shark stuff yep jimmy stuff gymshot's actually a blessing you know what i don't know if i can if i can say but you know because we're on a black friday yeah have you seen it i haven't seen i haven't seen it yeah yeah yeah it's hilarious but i don't know how much i can say about it so we'll leave it but me and bez did jump on something i've been repping all the skinny legends recently he's on his gym thing at the minute yeah he's been smashing i'm there at 10am oh he has he has i see i've seen him he showed me the progress picks and he's looking good it's the traps his traps have gone back yeah no but gemstown's a blessing you know because i used to wear their [ __ ] and just tag it in pictures but then i didn't realize when the whole thing sort of got in when he started speaking communicating and stuff like he realized that ben francis owner everything my original founder was liking my pictures like a lot of the people were liking my pictures from way back when i wouldn't have even known i was just wearing a brand because i like the brand and then yeah i mean proper family vibes that's so cool would you say that because i feel like those guys have always traditionally had um like you know athletes and with no disrespect to you you are not quite you're not a professional two years into yeah you're someone you're actually very much the opposite someone that was going through a fitness journey just amateur so were you one of like i haven't seen another youtuber per se sponsored by jim sharp in the sense that that's where you came from you yeah yeah like you're not a fitness guy you have they have other fitness youtubers yeah of course youtube but i think someone that comes from mainly especially face center in the us he was a gamer okay he's been with jim sharp for a long time right um but other than that i'm not too sure i'm just like a lifestyle slash youtuber base like i don't think so because i would argue now that you probably like at least as far as i'm aware like you're one of the top top guys there in terms of you know just the numbers and everything that's going on i think what i've done well is managed to diversify it like a little bit just the audience like you've now got people that usually think are just cut cut cut dons you only go up to stages but when you realize it's just a journey for everyone like fitness journey anyone can get involved and then that's i think that's an appealing thing for gymshark they've managed to get into this whole you're a youtuber you're part of this assignment it's really big and you're going on your own fitness journey you've gone from bears all buzz donut bears to look at you now and they what they wanted to get involved in that it's gone from someone who's showing all these kids across across the planet hey there's so good you can go from what i used to be to look at me now yeah and they obviously want to get involved so it makes sense such a good brand not even just on the front of like being how like all the products and stuff like that just everything behind the scenes but they smash it yeah no it seems like a like a lot of brands that we we'd come across and work with like are still sort of like they're headed up by like a lot of older heads who don't really get done that whole company bro everyone i've met that's a part of that company is bang on the same vision of like listen the world is like just you like everybody yeah yeah yeah like family that's what i was about to say it feels like from your post and everything it really does feel like a family energy and i guess that does stem down from ben francis the the ceo or well i think he's stepped down as a ceo yeah he's not the ceo yeah but you know you can just tell that it just filters through the whole company so that's pretty dope yeah and so chipotle by the way here's all bird oh the weather one yeah yeah yeah yeah they broke up doing it yeah they did that in your dms no i don't know i mean if they don't know whether one is get out of here man that story is actually pretty nuts though yeah it is like didn't he just like she couldn't he she could not speak a word of english but then they both i think his twitch chat was trying to like they both did rosetta stones someone happened and he ended up learning like a men this happened he ended up learning her language and they were just yeah because she was a weather woman and then these things happen man some people just aren't meant to be but you've got to be grateful i rate how it happened though yeah for the time that you had because that was yes are you grateful for your previous relationships uh yes i feel like i've learned something from all of them that's what's most important have you had more than one i've had one since i've known you it's only one i've had one long-term one and then i don't know just a couple of a couple of minor ones couple no not relationships over there just they're the weird like you know when you see yeah it's in the middle it's not it's something yeah maybe like again until until you get there i'm pretending i get it i know what you're saying i've said this so what are we and i know it's cliche everyone says it you see like the tweets so what are we but it happens it happens and even if you if you set pace from early doors and say by the way i'm not really looking for anything serious but if you want to continue right that's because that's because the way you are hitting it is relationship style what hitting is no no no no i just think bro like if you hear well bro of course it are we talking about it must be great to talk to women by the way don't play the little virgin roller i know what you're on no no no no no no no i am a nice christian man at the end of the day i do my christian [ __ ] i roll up to church on a sunday i have a some burger shot and that's it yeah man i i can't help but notice you your fanta fruit twist drink is now running yeah um can we get a top half time half time united winning one nil short time ready the showtime reds are flying oh oh can we get you i'll tell you what can we get a score prediction of tonight's game for united versus we're recording this on the night that yeah is it let lebzek leipzig i'll be live i always get it wrong you know it's a foreign team to be fair so i'm gonna go ahead and say the showtime reds will do up a little three one number rashford will score so will fred okay and then um russia will get another i've really just [ __ ] spitballed that one and uh well what's going to be interesting is the fact that everyone now listening to this will actually know what the result was and you'll either yes i've got a question for you as a west ham fan yeah you know like as a united fan i can always back my team and say they will win every single game all right who it's against even though like for god against real madrid they're better i'll still say we'll win do you believe that when you go against someone like men city uh madrid what would you say are you gonna go into like oh we still can win or you just i'll tell you one thing about supporting west ham that's so weird is that we'll have newcastle first two weeks of the prem battered look like honestly like a championship team yeah but you always know that this team i think in the changing rooms they flip a coin they say let's well let's do nothing i think it's like a relegation or champions league coin i think this club they do it they do it in the change rooms they go right come on in well draw again draw against city uh three nil the spring result uh leicester three nil walls four nil they we didn't think we was getting a point two week uh week eight yeah no i mean so one so are you close to any of the uh with the west ham players yourselves do you know any of them so i've i've filmed with mikael before yeah probably one of the nicest footballers in premier league football that you'll ever meet really it comes come from not only two in the midterm he's having a season bro come out just come through the ranks again like a jamie vardy story bro so nice so nice filmed with him at west ham in the morning training round then he followed me in my car all the way to my old school filmed within my article and made it sound a bit strange you had the uh antonio uh voice uh yeah video message in the stadium that was cool when i saw that i was like uh best think it was for the last black ops i can't remember i can't remember there was a call of duty event uh and michelle walked in and obviously i've lost a lot of timber since the last time i probably saw him yeah all right you're right mate and i was like you know you don't remember me in it i like i filmed with you at west ham you came to us when you went ah you lost some timber oh yeah yeah yeah so that's sick you still have your season ticket there or not no no you don't have it i remember when we first moved to stratford actually when west ham first moved it was the first season they moved yeah yeah there was a lot of like uh well to be perfectly honest with you there's a lot of season tickets going because that's a big company especially does it fall out for a west summer game uh big game i mean it's a big team games but big games yeah so but like there's a hilarious story and i think when we eventually get harry to come on like he'll be able to tell his side but like what he i mean he got his hands on a season ticket and then it was quickly followed with death threats and all sorts of yeah but oh yeah i remember this but yeah i feel like when we do it with harry we'll get him on to tell that story because that is he brings it on himself but he looks for it though he loves straight he loves another one everyone that's ever insulted him has been baby yeah he's it's weird now because all the footballers the young the people that because you gotta remember the youngerness right yeah they would have they've been watching the pack openings right they'd be watching the background i can't wait for mbappe to message me about the qpr mode because i swear to now you're really pushing it but no a lot of the english footballers came up the ones and that they all come up they all used to watch us go right that's how it is that's what i mean like you can't sit on like a oh my god because the world implodes it's just like you're right oh [ __ ] no but it's amazing it's an amazing feeling though yeah especially with like players from young team whatever it's so cold mm-hmm so sick so i mean if there's any liverpool players out there just shout me in i'm waiting surely you've got liam miller miller what do you wanna under 23s players you have had to have a liverpool player in your dm's like cal like summer he's had his how about mine what's yours i don't want to talk about it bro you're about nothing i'm i'm high and dry out here but um it's okay hey at the end of the day i still love you talking to football let's do a little top four politician then okay all right well since you're coming out with that big chest let's let's just before we've got it after that after the reason by the way fellas before you go ahead and do it this will probably be the hardest top four people will be ever considering how this is going right now liverpool dodgy city dodgy united united chelsea chelsea considering all the signings are looking like shawn should i think everton might get top um i think they might come four four five no i think i i do really think and i fully believe all my heart that everyone will end up top four yeah i think either four four so they missed out against everton in that game and with your court but everton i'm actually kicking on i think everton for yeah the top two so come on man you got this come on come on you got this bro leicester out of it now i think yeah i do still think it's between liverpool and city i do think it is it is i i just don't think they will they will kick in and the fans will come in after with van dyke's injury and the amount allison ends up out as well i think you might come second i think city might just little aguero back i don't know if i'm back in that one [Music] it's a good i don't think united no no i'm not talking about united i all right so he said that liverpool what do you say second liverpool i think liverpool will still finish first they're gonna make a january center back signing i believe in klopp he's klopp is better managing passion than pep that is to me i hate him so i hate saying that so from top to bottom first place you've got city second liverpool third you've got spurs and then fourth and everything so which is pretty mad because you've left out united arsenal bro it's fair though considering what's happening they might go psg and get them what's happening they might go psg and get results then they hold six against first like they held six firmly held six as well as a little report and then and then you'll go and draw against newcastle and stuff like this like i just don't see you getting top four chippo you're a top four i'm gonna say liverpool will take it yeah i think there'll be a center back signing maybe even two considering fabinho is just oh yeah you've got so there's a couple signs going in there klopp's going to be at the honors now you got coming in so i'm saying liverpool are gonna take it still yeah because i think klopp's a better manager than pep yeah and i hate saying that as a united fan but i just believe it i'm not sure no i'm a realist uh i think seattle comes second still yep because you know say they've got all that money they'll end up spending about 100 million in january uh and then this is the hard bit because of everything that's going on um i'm gonna say i'm gonna personally put spurs third because they're looking really good i agree yeah son and kane right now and beyond they are looking amazing even when kane uh assisted suddenly that day did you see what happened after the celebration someone was like it was you because they just keep going don't they better tell a kinetic and then fourth i'm gonna say obviously my team because is that a roster no because i do believe so if he'd done it he got third once yeah he can do it again no problem yeah we had a [ __ ] start but we had no preseason so wait explain it zero please who is your team who is your team manchester united everyone knows that already i've just got an issue with all these showtime reds as you call them no no no this guy shout out to this guy has four dog games four horrific we had no previously one alright game yeah and then he might go psg and might make a result even though psg's defenses fella in fairness in fairness i think psg played uber i think i think you have to back like we had no p no preseason we lost the crystal palace we got battered it was [ __ ] but the players looked like [ __ ] okay we've gone to newcastle we've done all right we've gone to psg we've done more than all right in paris russia's took the keys on we own that stadium look i've gone to chelsea who've just spent what habits wanted they can't have it's a generational talent what's he done i've got an issue with that i do i do think habits will end up being good but in that game it was obviously we had chelsea more what one shot on target in 90 minutes i've got an issue with how that's pretty much lamps you just think you're fat lamps if you guys want like the final top four prediction like this is how it's going to go down anyways go on watch this um so liverpool will sign a center back in january and take it right cop i know you're a big fan of it yes just sign the center back um uh he signs the center back right uh city to come second but the city to come like first to third is gonna be close and i think city to just clutch at second place yeah but it's all going to be very close this season what what's good about this season it will it will be a lot more fun no one's taking it no one's flying away in third i'm gonna go with spurs but in fourth i am actually gonna go chelsea i reckon it's going to take a minute for them to click but when they do click wrote that team has a lot of talent they're going to stop podcasts with this guy man embarrassing well so that's what i've got and then i've got united getting relegated so oh just just look i'm i'm a united fan i still get blue pulled a bit credit can i look i can't can only show time reds not get a bit of credit uh not a moment no i apologize to any women that were out there that had to experience the last 15 minutes of but you know ladies would love a football chat but but this is naturally going to happen when there's alcohol and a few fellows hanging around um so but yeah you might be wondering why ethan has been screaming crying i only call him crimes okay so before we start this podcast about six months ago i wanted to start a um a cri like a true crime show right you know like uh ellen and neal has or is that uh what about uh buzzfeed a buzzfeed yeah obviously you guys all watched buzzfeed um yeah we do the conspiracies alien [ __ ] uh unsolved mysteries and i was like i want to start a show like that and build a a similar a set like that we were on holidays and uh we was and i told you right and everyone everyone was back in the idea because they know because they know that that's something i'm really into and i was like we would love to do that um and i want to call it what can i call it and then so i don't know who came up with it i just don't know who said it but someone said chipotle crimes it [Music] we're going to call it the cciu chipper crimes investigation unit and i was going to build a set similar to what you're looking at today um but obviously more crime based around in his investigations anyways like a private investigation and that never happened but in fairness it came true with this i always wanted to build a really nice set call has uh paid money for it yeah well yeah you know i chipped him with a fiver went halves in it to be fair um so yeah that never happened it never happened and then now instead of chippo crimes or or chip crimes whatever it was going to be called just got shortened this thing is so we was on a night i've always had it he was like what my save does on your phone and i've i've only ever had him as just chip yeah he went i'm insulted what's up what so i'm not renaming him to crime c26 oh c26 that was for your birthday 226 for my birthday we it was just a big event and i ended up calling it privacy 26. but you have you ever had a nickname it's just bears donuts these are all just mean things i don't know if i've been we'll see there's eastern even in my farm yeah i think carl saved as freezy i've got you which i'd never call you i've got you down as josh chip that's exactly well that is possible that's exactly what mine was and he got really offended by you know what that is that's terrible that that makes us so much trend that is bollocks josh it's not it's not josh the one that i know and love my best buddy i've always called you but it's josh the chip one right what circus saying that's zorko okay i'll take that okay you know what do you know if he if this was just josh i was gonna kick that's right i've got like josh saves i had one right where uh i had i had to change so i used like a screenshot from a conversation me and harry had but in order for the fans to uh so i had him under like harold bogg or something like that yeah and then but what happened was he was there like um well for the video i needed everyone to understand that this is wrote a shot right so i put his name as harry w2s just for the video and then i never changed it back so what happened was two weeks later um uh i was like oh let me show you yeah you sent it to me earlier so i'm showing harry this and he goes why is my name harry w2s and he was genuinely offended by it how are you offended you get harry harold so you know theo yeah theo host of rival podcast waffling which is definitely not as good um i've got him saved as obviously i used to live with theo and now i don't thankfully um i've got it now we love leo i've got him saved as president of the world you're the only one laughing for a video but i've just kept it ever since and i'm just like and now i feel rude changing it because i don't live with him anymore so you're not going to tell us why he's called president of the world uh it was for a video i did for some time i got a call in the middle welcome to crimes's stories number one what why the hell is he talking about sorry um you know in group chats where someone like puts something in and everyone goes that's so difficult it's just air and it's just amazing it's just you've had a bluetooth cameraman's enjoy you've had a no it's not enough you've had a bluetooth moment well well this is why i'm not very proud on twitter oh you're actually not i'm not and i've got 500 what 500 like somewhat thousand followers i'm not very fast that's actually pain you know it's apparently because uh could never be literally but um yeah oh oh well okay flex that family you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] okay um so wait you said there's a reason uh um so obviously i've obviously given up on it in recent years but when i was trying to get married they were like oh it's because you don't have enough news articles about you right so apparently that's what they want they want so when you google like young chipper by the way they've absolutely just waffled to you there by the way well obviously maybe they have but stuart said it and someone else who did it said the same thing okay and i think it is actually a quite criteria right now i think it's once your name is put in place obviously for someone like public domain but it's like he's yeah that's a [ __ ] for someone like me it's like oh yeah maybe he's got that many followers but like he doesn't no one like if you don't give a [ __ ] about him and you type click news there's nothing about it no no one cares about him at the end of the day oh i care about myself and that's all that means that sounds like everyday i love myself well as uh you have to love yourself though and if you don't you're living a [ __ ] life have you been loving yourself lately oh speaking of oh wait much better than speaking of loving yourself you haven't been loving yourself physically you want to tell everyone about this new journey you've embarked on which one because no no no no no no no uh november oh yes absolutely so uh i'm going through a uh well i know it's not november and it's not even november but i started about two weeks ago i am currently going through the process of we're doing no busting we're doing nothing so if you're out there right now and you're watching you're listening on spotify or apple and um don't wait don't bust just just let it go because you are a slave obviously men always go wait clara always qualify just real quick so when you say no but you're talking about no fapping no fap no but you're allowing a woman to make you bus that's fine yeah yeah that's fine but no i'm doing that because that's what i've been doing for a long time no but you can you can do that but i'm not doing that but i'm just going full cold turkey let me control my own body because as a man like i know all the men out there watching even even the women you know you can get you can become a slave to it okay you know when you get bored when you just feel like going you're like [ __ ] it let me do it okay and it's like you'll go for it you know it happens so so have you had so much so normal i know so many people watching and listening right now will relate to that yeah even though they won't want to admit it no that's fine that's what the fella's podcast is for you don't watch you need to just take a break quit pawn quote everything quit doing it take control of your body retention yes i've been doing it for months when i was first told best butt and i said oh best by the way i'm doing no flapping turns around so and goes oh yeah see my attention i was like oh this one is experienced i want to talk to someone that has a best way to explain it human race right you've got you've got human race been around for millions of years just knocking about back in caveman days or whatever right when this caveman is eaten and then once you bust it's job done isn't it because you're here to reproduce your job done you sort of get i wonder how they figured out so you think about it you wake up you right oh job done like your head is just saying all right job done i'm finished yeah and then if you do this three times a day bro you're [ __ ] you're constantly stuck in this state of oh yeah get that [ __ ] get a fire up spark in the belly bro get put up so so it's more productive okay so it's more just like uh there's there's no like drive to do anything because you think the job's done yes because listen way way back in in all of this wiring bro yeah job done it's true it's true but you might have you might have made your breakfast might done whatever oh [ __ ] it i've had a tug yeah job done bro what are you gonna do see your desk for the next hour or two no let's get active bro let's do something let's work out apparently like all that it's got a lot of like positive benefits does once you break past yeah it's like two three weeks right so much doesn't even pop into your head because you wake up you're like oh [ __ ] jim oh let me do this so so i i think my biggest weakness is touched on it briefly is it when you're bored and towards the end of the day where i don't actually have anything to do yeah where where all my job is actually done yeah i've only got one more job one more job because it's the end of the day it's gonna give you like a five minute burst of pleasure and it's like oh let me just [ __ ] five minutes man it's not worth not even that hey to be honest at the moment it'll be one minute smashing it i'm done so even if you think all right cool i've got nothing left to do apart from just jacket yeah don't jack it jump on an app test your skills so or at least like like because what i found with me right is not only did i have more of a drive to speak to women and have a lot more confidence in speaking to women what happened was it sounds cliched but a lot of women bro they like they they're all being broke they're radiating uh-huh it's it sounds very [ __ ] but it's real so so would you would you so i'd recommend it when was that last year so when was the last time you uh i don't have it slapped it i don't have it without it no but like are we talking like a month no i'm talking about four plus five months oh wow okay so okay i'm like 10 days deep right now all right so it's like having like someone that's brand new to the to the north smoking i think when you hit the fourth day you're like oh my god i'm trying to beat you my cock's gonna explode before it feels like such a good feeling you're you're right that falls honestly it's like the moment when you need to beat it more than ever yeah but you've already hit the fourth day so you know you have this second fault thinking i need to just keep going because look at me right now i'm smashing and then say you go out yeah so you've got friends that you are a little bit flirty with yeah go out man use your use your skills bro be confident so yeah go out there have this happy conversation flirt okay so you enjoy flirting bro i love learning floating's so fun so so these are these are all obviously positives of it yeah so my argument would be um if people are aware of post not clarity oh absolutely though because a lot of the time a lot of times you'll go do your thing and then afterwards you go thank god i didn't invite xyz round oh but so so so now instead are you not just inviting them around and then not only that but then once you've done the deal with said person you go why the [ __ ] have i done that no i don't invite birds around anyway because at the end of the day my flight is premium so you have to be worth a little bit to come in i've been there yes i've been there so what are your thoughts on it but it's not me thinking [ __ ] so it's more thinking you're [ __ ] idiot like you probably shouldn't have done this but it's not their fault is but you do not of course that's true it's all in your own mind yeah because i've so i was in your mind yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah feel free to cause this is what happens listen you're coming your drive's broke it's what joe rogan said bro it literally the steering wheel goes from here to here bro yeah and all that's happening it's whoa and it can happen it's so quick it can it happens so quickly as well like you can go from like you're chilling and the next minute you know you're [ __ ] dick's frobbing and you're just like [ __ ] them just get a bird round no i don't know that myself i'd be interested to know if this is the same for women not sort of like the things that masturbate but they're kind of i mean like the so say you're out in shoreditch you think oh man i could do a little something mm-hmm hello ethan oh yeah whoever yeah go on i wonder because you don't do it it does i feel like men are a lot more just no he's here he does that's on the table the blokes are just saying like listen sometimes these things happen no i think i think girls are the same whether i don't know whether girls have like a an equivalent of like post not clarity but can we get like a this that's a good point that isn't good this is the fella's podcast but it is not he's gonna get some glasses absolutely i want some lassies to come and speak absolutely oh no there will be there will be for sure though yeah we're sure we've got some lined up but yeah no definitely postdoc clarity is huge it's a massive thing where you just think the next day [ __ ] idiot it's not there's nothing like cause sometimes they're [ __ ] beautiful mate they're gorgeous people yeah you just think porcelain clary clicks in with like 10 seconds off yeah oh no it happens yeah [Music] and god should not have made me the other day while saturday and we've made it through paul's fault clarity it's the thing bro all right so well i want to congratulate you ethan on your what four months five months yeah yeah i only can dream to do what he does i'm on whatsapp whatever you're in the beginning i'm on my beginning and i feel great some semen retention i feel great semen retention they're out there if you if you if you're watching there's been years without it oh no the guy that went there thousand days yes have you seen this video i am lucid yeah yeah yeah he went a thousand days and off episodes the best thing that ever happened tonight so if you're out there watching on youtube if you're listening ethan's done it i'm gonna start just just take a break you know leave that leave your little fella alone leave the little pillow yeah let the little fella just just let him chill man let's see let's see here you know what kyle's gonna join us on this i've already had i've already had a confirmation from uh my good friend i don't know if he wants to say that's what i'm saying it uh wrote to shaw says joining me oh yeah he takes me tonight saying chip i'm gonna do what you're doing i'm doing no fat november and i want all the boys and all the men that are listening to this all the women as well let's just put it down let's just chill for november let's just put it down put it down you know leave your hand away let's just get [ __ ] beved instead yeah no yeah these things happen man these things happen you'd be sat there at your desk and you think oh man that's just [ __ ] it's just [ __ ] it's so true mate it's just you you move your hand through your mouth across your waist you're like oh because then you then you sat on your desk right and bam oh my god just to myself next thing you know trust me you know you're stroking one out and then uh you've had a gaming channel on the game i know you know it feels like i live alone right so um yeah sometimes i'm [ __ ] bro you'll be sat there you know your feet are up and you're scrolling yeah doing whatever i think yeah or something yeah i [ __ ] pray my little sister and my mother and not watching this because i'm so excited i swear to god they're watching this i'm done i ain't going bad tonight but my mom and my sister have been telling me they're so excited for this podcast and imagine their faces [Laughter] so we're talking about uh well we're talking about mums i reckon um it is time considering we're getting near to the end of the podcast for one more sambuca shop considering it's the first podcast ever i think we do another one oh my god it's that time i simply can't believe that the governor's just he's just let us know again oh my god do you know what it is it's our duty i would feel like i was i was cheating the world if i didn't do it i mean it'd be it'd be very rude you're trying to kill him again very rude considering we've got a little extender's background going on does the cameraman want a little a little another little ring surely surely where's the rules we treat people here we go i say we treat them like i'm the host guys just come back from our p break one somebody's shot for the boys the cameraman charlie cheers wow boss man's [ __ ] booker oh well i have actually a pretty interesting story about a lot of people a lot of time when i tend to go on other people's podcasts they always ask like the the classical video like what's your weirdest fan interaction okay yeah and it's actually about me taking a piss uh taking apis um i was in a nightclub in nottingham and i went through it's all making sense already no it wasn't ocean that's for trying prism is i went to the toilet and this was what like how how many years ago maybe like two or three years ago yeah two or three years ago uh anyways i've gone for a slash and as i'm taking my slash it was one of those ones you know how there's just like a metal slide and there's no like separators or anything like everyone just piled up against the wall it's a club pisser mate that it's a urinal anyway so we're all there then next thing i know i see a phone selfie pop up from underneath from underneath yeah keep in mind i've got i i have got my shriveled up little member just hanging out pissing like thinking this is i i shouldn't be interrupted here he picks up he goes yo cal breezy like this hold up i'm i'm still pissing he's pissing as well just next to me and i go i pushed the camera away and i said your man like we'll do this after i've taken a piss because i have no problem with taking photos the issue is just why are you doing it while my cock's out that's a bit strange so that that for me has been like my weirdest or like my most uncomfortable fan interaction i don't think i that is a weird one i don't think i've ever had anything where it's really for me i don't i've never had anything like that yeah and obviously i don't really get pissed off anyway no considering that's quite good you're quite yeah yeah yeah i try my best i i would say i have quite go for them what about even when they can get really oh i've got a couple you've had a couple straight what are you what are your strengths halo tower when we used to live oh yeah okay that's a good point to be fair don from i think he said he was from kazakhstan something like that he just sat outside took a picture he didn't happen to be borat did it no no no but yeah but it was it wasn't he wasn't brought up a little kid and i thought well nice took a picture with him in the concierge when i was like you shouldn't really be in the concert yeah then follows me through to the lifts gets in the lift with me and whilst i'm in the lift we're having like a little bit of a spot i said what are you doing said um my family came all the way here to find youtubers i said right well you're not finding me cause i've lived here for i think three days oh is it cool for me and my family come to sit in your flat what what no you know i live the floor above you yeah got the floor i i i walk out there if i said stay in the lift i was one of those ones where it was like listen [ __ ] stone yeah because you're not coming into my flat do you know how weird that is pulled up in concierge then followed me into a lift and said can me and my family come and stay so was it just him or was his whole family was outside and how old was this guy 16. oh my that's the thing i can't go to him like listen you so you didn't let him in the flight did you listen i made sure that lift went back down yeah yeah yeah staying there you're not coming in my flat and waited for about a week go away you said you just went back down did he went back there went down yeah lock the flap didn't come back out um and then another one uh fan meet up uh young female fan gave condoms in a in an envelope that is very strong i do think that one's quite odd surely you felt very uncomfortable i don't know about that one yeah that is weird that's what i'm saying because one of the biggest things that i've noticed is that a lot of the time when it comes to meeting people in the street obviously they see so like for example let's say you see an actor you watch their movie you know that you know them in the movie is is different to them just walking around and be like they're playing a character and you're just a fan of that actor and you you wouldn't necessarily think that you're you know that person very well um because you've just seen them in movies whereas the thing is we are so frequently uploading we well i mean in cyberness almost daily across all the channels right yeah and so it gets to a point where people think that they know you like on like a personal level so so when they meet you they come with this really strange thing but you have to remember while that might seem the case we know nothing about it and then when you don't react how you are on a youtube video they're like oh the best way i explain it right is is the difference between celebrities and youtubers even though some youtubers are a lot more recognizable than some celebrities in some cases as well because of how active you are because yeah socials the way you the world views the youtubers celebrity divide is youtubers are seen as your friend yeah as soon as your friend because you see them so often you check in with them every week yeah that's what it's like they think oh that's my friend i get it we upload every week you may see us every week like you're checking in on a friend but like you said when i see you i don't know jessica i don't know david yeah i don't know you i really don't know anything about you and then you might catch me when i'm literally just about to go dentist to have my tooth however and it's like i mean one thing that is always an issue is like that's how one person's one time yeah and i do get that that's that one person's where they think [ __ ] i'm not gonna see calgary right right we're not gonna see ethan again but sometimes we're humans in it like sometimes you catch us in foul moods like horrible could have happened to us that that uh so i i mean i've seen a video i think you guys were on like a a sidemen filming day i forget what video it was but a guy comes up to you and first of all a bad sort of thing i i mean i'm not being a total dick here but if you're already filming walking up yeah it already makes us feel uncomfortable do you know what it is it's the initial like zero animal feel isn't it it's like it's like the instant you haven't come up and said hey how are you yeah yeah it makes you feel like pointing out honestly makes you feel like you don't like you're some like you're done you're not a human yeah you are some object that people and a lot of people everyone knows you when you come to me filming like that that is bollocks a lot of people will combat that with well you made a youtube channel you want to know you've got to remember that everyone behind the fella's podcast whatever yeah are humans just like just like you you're watching this video right now you're listening right now we are exactly the same but you know you know what the best way and it accounts for loads of things in life it is like imagine okay so put yourself in your shoes let's say i've rocked up to you and i just pointed a camera in your face that's weird that's weird yeah even if i didn't even know if i just walked up to the bed with my camera in his face he'd be like what the [ __ ] you're doing so could you imagine a stranger is when it happens the one that you're talking about i'm confrontational right i don't mind saying what the [ __ ] you do yeah absolutely that's true absolutely and it's not the fact that i think i'm i'm not very much like what are you doing like realistically think about it like if i came outside your house and started going all right all right yeah filming yeah you'd be a bit like what the [ __ ] because that that whole interaction could have gone 10 times better had he without the camera what's up said hey man would you mind if you said a quick video or a quick picture whatever make that interaction goes ten times better yeah i mean i think people need to understand that i think it's like you need to understand that you can go up and just say look can i get a pic what we're gonna do say [ __ ] off no it's not gonna happen okay you know but then again that's what this is don't be scared you focus on the negative ones but there is a hundred nice people that come up even on the way here um picking up my bike to cycle it yeah um guys like yo now you love your stuff yeah crack it on with this day on the way home from work or whatever like you do get those people but i suppose everyone tries to think of the negatives happens at the end of the day though i think we all handle it very well i think you've got it for now for now oh my god i think in terms of awesome so i feel like i feel like wait were you on that you were on that night out as well weren't you the harold cigarette slap oh how was mate that was that was like a that was a that was a classic classic one that was like a classic but he was very much in the right i was literally stood right next to him when it happened yeah that guy was being a complete this is what i said on insta live after the one you were talking about i said on insta live you only see what that person i'm not yeah am i i'm not filming every person i meet so you're only seeing what that person uploads same thing happens harry's out for a friend's birthday yeah don's just filming him being weird he went up to him filming him saying oh let's get a pic he said look he didn't want to take a picture for whatever personal reason he didn't want to take a picture you should then go no worries that's fine pleasure to meet you it is what it is an embarrassment to the guy that was trying to do it when harry slapped the cigarette out of the hand and actually backed himself this big man from essex or whatever he was fully just backed off but it was doing that whole oh what you just saw it was like that but walking backwards i was watching it in my own eyes and thinking this guy just spun the biggest deal but but he you know you know what hello he's like within two hours it was up on tick tock it was on his all this time harry did harry nothing wrong the rest of harry's name by the way yeah yeah yeah the rest of harry because harry didn't want to slap effect he was upset he doesn't want to do that so this is what i mean you might think oh harry really enjoyed doing that no he ruined the rest of the night he did yeah he didn't come out didn't he stay there no he went home yeah he went home he was really upset about that and that guy [ __ ] his nails just because he's filming him no one gives a [ __ ] why are you filming him yeah okay what for your shitty little title with 100 followers but the guy that's that's the point that i'm making the guy ended up taking it down because the backlash was there like were you just a douchebag ended up speaking to his friends at the uh in the smoking area for like the rest of the night and it was like classic that's what i got but they gave me a they gave me a good insight and i'm like i was so sorry about it and i was like you should be though because you literally you're trying your time's in this moment oh my god i promise you that i can put i can talk someone out if you see this man i'm a talker i'm a talker i told you i said i was like it's very weird what you guys doing you just filmed the random guy because what and they were like yeah you're right you're right i was like yeah i'm all right i i've said it to ethan before i reckon if there was ever a situation i'd just choke you in there because you wouldn't be lost yeah because you no no it's like you wouldn't even say anything of importance you would just waffle your way to the point where they can't be yeah so but but that's the point i mean like if there's anything if something escalates you just stick back in like oh crimes you've been subbed in ollie's done you can talk if you could talk you talk your way out of anything i could talk one way out of getting stabbed to death would have gone to my head and said you are going to die tonight i swear on my mother's [ __ ] life and i love my mother to death because i'm not sorry i will be able to talk myself out of it so so so what you're saying now is that should that go wrong not only will you die i can talk myself out of anything ever yeah okay so not only are you so you swear on your mother's life as well so not only when you die i will then expect your mother to die as well no but that's the funny thing my mother won't die because i would have talked myself out of it that's my mother that's my mother i was born with that sound guys it's not true look if you've watched my fortnite channel on my main channel you know i can waffle i'm friends with this [ __ ] [ __ ] at the end of the day this is my best buddy that should show that i'm a waffler if you couldn't if you could talk you can talk your way out of anything all right swear to god it can happen all right quick questions little little little ones to uh to wrap up because obviously if you guys know especially pre-covered we we were like the night out we we have like a bit of a i don't say like crew but like a a squad that we would tend to go out with yeah a bunch of boys bunch of fellas going on a night out um who would you say definitely gets the most oh definitely even me no no no no no no way this guy's holding it to be fair ethan is honestly one of those guys that gets waved but can handle it very well if i had to say honestly with my heart it would be hairy this time i was about to say it's gotta be harry i bet it's gotta be harry right this don made journey juice johnny juice yeah oh the journey he's just you get an evian bottle you empty it you put vodka or gin or whatever it is it's a makeshift drink that you use if you're gonna go in a cab or something yes yeah yeah journey juice his journey juice he uncapped it in the cab and it hit the ceiling yeah like this is how much alcohol content was in there you know he's so i was there when he poured it beforehand yeah and we had an entire bottle of i mean if you're if you're watching the youtube it's one of these here but it's a full like we're talking at least a liter of whatever it is and he's poured it in that and then he's topped it up with a bit of sprite and and look i know a lot of heavy drinkers he's he's gone and had that but oh the rest of the night he's he's he's done perfect he's done it doesn't mean it would have to if we're talking like who gets the most peppered it's always hard look i love the boy to the deaf same bro i would beside if we took harry out of the equation i would never say that any of you guys get super pepper because it doesn't happen and i don't know if that's because we're all similar rage obviously i have something like i know i've never seen bears no i've never ever seen bears on the road i've never been nuts i've never i've never seen you hammered the last one was last time i saw cal hammond ages ago you saw that the challenges you saw that was some state yeah you saw that one that's how many people in fairness me and best become friends with like the last prop offense in the last year carl in the five years i've known you i've only seen you probably been hammered like maybe once i don't think i've ever even i've seen i don't even think i've seen kyle be sick and i've been better like like obviously i've never seen you being super super [ __ ] so uh mate it sounds like you've seen me a lot you've obviously been into it you've obviously seen me be superman so like i will never be sick on a night out but i will be sick very easily in the morning the next day so i mean for me in terms of in terms of you know harry takes the cake for being the most peppered but um in terms of who suffers the most from a night out like now it's definitely before back back gumball days we'll go into that it's me back in the day bro i used to be able to firm it like a boss but now it's gone it's me because a lot of [ __ ] goes on in the night okay i'll be finishing my nights out at 7 00 am what sort of [ __ ] once i what sasha is what you want to think while you have okay the end of the day i will finish most of my nights at 7 00 am okay and i'm 26 okay i've been doing this for 10 full years i remember taking a break when i was about 23 for about six months and what a great break it was but i have not stopped doing what i've been doing since 16 years old this guy sounds like a professional athlete there he is i got injured when i was 23 for six months but you know i'm back in the game i just knew the injury it's the injury look i i know a lot of people watching this will relate to it they're all like similar asians when we were started 16 to 18 whatever when i was 16 start again on you know you'd start i'm from manchester it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole no no manchester united i went to uni what else are you gonna do you're just gonna get beved and whatever else boom you start you go and look at me now i'm 26 and it hasn't stopped so guys essentially long story short if you want to end up like triple get on the booze so unfortunately for me i'm built different you are not i think i'm built very well you know no you're built very well you got colby which means you're not built like me obviously that was actually one thing i was actually going to talk about just like sort of at the end here was um you did test positive right the let me say before he carries on he did test positive and obviously we've got our little group chat and he was so upset about it because it was an upsetting thing because he didn't he couldn't come out for a couple things we had planned and what happened he was you felt better within about four days he wasn't even that it was it was three minutes best best started feeling ill obviously it was like oh it's looking like a rhona bang four days later he's like oh i feel great well training and he's great like you're meant to be ill way longer than that he smashed it so can you just briefly explain what it was like you know having covered is a bit of a matter what was it what was it like we went on a night out with harry the night i got my drink chucked over me yeah my voice was by the way just so you guys know this is crap wait th this is this is like in within government guidelines yeah you were allowed to go out in the uk two people about to publish if you sit on tables with your friend one of your friends yeah at the time that was the case and it was only you and harry it was only me and harry on the night out chick comes over throws glass over me on a funny night but my my voice was really raspy like i sounded like really like really raspy i was cutting out it was sort of raspy and i thought i feel a bit [ __ ] and then you know after a night out you usually think oh i feel [ __ ] right yeah i couldn't shake that [ __ ] i was like [ __ ] like everything hurts i feel [ __ ] my voice was getting worse and worse so i was like let me order a home test order home test bang back to him done the test two days after doing the test results come back that's what i mean by he said positive and i was already skipping in the morning doing weights in the afternoon i remember i remember you texting me like three days after and i was like wait this guy's literally gone from possibly having cold we didn't know at the time yeah two and he was like i feel fine i tripped and i was like [ __ ] me like since then i've realized different blood types respond differently to it all right and obviously if you take care of yourself you respond differently yeah 2016 beds would have been peppered i reckon well i was about to say like obviously like the fitness journey and everything like that probably off in a massive way i think three days was the max that i was you've smashed it have you have you had it how do you reckon you've had it i think i think about it because it raises me yeah yeah i remember you telling me you thought you had it in like even cheltenham racism yeah you went champion races right now yeah i mean it was known as like the super spreader event yeah so i think i probably did have it but this was before this was yours you're built well as well though so you probably just i think harry's probably had it due to his chronic fatigue well this is the thing that i wanted to ask you about was that obviously everyone knows covenant and it's like a bit of a fever always the symptoms are very different for everyone but um it's not only that but like there's a lot of debate about the longer lasting effects and one of the things that you said that you felt really not lately but since it at least is definitely more tired yeah i wouldn't say i wouldn't call it chronic fatigue because you've never been diagnosed whatever but one thing i will say is first couple weeks well our first weeks after i was fine but now yeah i just i can't seem to shake it like i can't seem to shake off feeling tired it's like you'll go to gym or whatever or you'll play football and then you think i'm next like i can't do anything i'm exhausted so then you sit there and it's hard to even like muster up like you might even be just sat playing among us or whatever and you do think you think what time do you wake up today i think 12. oh that same as me fella balls oh yeah always woken up you know what let me just can can i ask you guys about this um all right what kind of curtains are blind's got in your room uh like like so so let's say it's to be honestly uh guys let's say it's 11 a.m uh how much light is in your room that's a straight how do i get a one cup of one cup because i've i've i've obviously been one no no well i'm asking it i've obviously moved into no walmart's next obviously 50 grams of light brown obviously no listen listen listen this is why it's so obvious when i lived in southwest london just a few months ago i didn't have curtains i had like this thin white blind and it was bollocks and when it came to 7 a.m your room was lit up now well now i've moved to uh we've moved into central yeah i live near you guys uh and i've got cones blackout curtains oh dangerous dangerous yeah that's on my skin so i wake up uh what ten and nine sometimes and it's so dark that i feel like i'll just go back to sleep and that's what my skin i do guys the old blind so much because he used to wait until like six seven yeah i was like no let me get the curtains gone but now like what bet you said today i wake up at like monday to friday i usually leave my blinds up so that the light will wake me up friday to sunday no i'll have friday sunday i'm black completely i want the room a dark dark yeah when your new flight is it curtains or blinds it's black out blocks so remember in the in the um i was watching a documentary yesterday obviously and it was obviously all filmed in the yeah all windows and now we've all moved to i'm telling different locations there's a better spot on there like it's almost like the weekend is a bit of a reset you get your you know your deep sleep you just fully reset on the weekend but during the week on the weekend no let the light when you're sleeping you're mad i don't fully reach out no i think it might be the opposite actually i think i think your weekend is where you're putting in a madness and then his weak days basically let the let the world do its thing monday to friday and then whatever you do on the week whatever you do on the weekends yeah why do till friday to wednesday it doesn't matter monday to wednesday sorry what sort of weak split is it look fella i was born anyway this is the game's game the game's going to be here i'm super happy about that i don't think many people know it bears used to live in a place that was not close to us so same for me i went down my uber history yeah uh the other night bro same journey oh constantly every seven days like every seven days for so long same for me every time i want to go on a night out i would have to go into central london where cal lives uh and that's cost me like 30 pound for an uber and it's a 45 minute uber so let's move into central you move and i'll move and eventually it happened and now we all live and now we are in central the golden triangle in manchester you know where the footballers live pogba oh yeah it's called the golden triangle you definitely pulled up your house lives within this golden triangle fair enough and that's why it's like in pogba central so without going back into the football stuff i think we'll we'll call it there just before these i'll just scrap it out because i've heard enough of cow's voice to be honest um well i want to say a big thank you to bez for coming on being the first ever guest on that that's actually quite i remember he asked he asked me on the night out yeah that's the thing i asked we did yeah cal was the one that said to me though kyle was like we need someone kyle said to me we were discussing should we do it just me and carl should get a guest carl said to me look let's get a guess and i was like all right who do you want to do he's like let's do something we know let's do best and he was like right you asked best and i was like nope you asked me and then what did i do i think cows are expecting me to detect text beds yeah i mean and what did i do i waited until buzz was hammered at 3am at my roped him in my calendar the fella's podcast 100 because obviously i'm bad so i have to i have to book it in it's like best was there my flat plane crash bandicoot i got best by the way um obviously carson supports me uh yeah we want you for wednesday uh podcast and he goes yeah no problem yeah and there we are so i mean we should secure more guests like that just make sure that absolutely peppered and then just be like i think it's definitely a good strategy right because in the canada it's still on there fellas 100 i think i've had an amazing time i think i think the best ever guess who could have as the first is best yeah so thank you very much we appreciate you coming on um and if you guys haven't already checked out go watch the how to be bazinga um ignore the title it's really crazy the title doesn't do it justice it is an incredible it's all about ethan's journey from being someone that you used to be being a donut to be in look at look at this look at the state of him now can i get a zoom so can i whoever's in this gonna get [ __ ] zoom in his fella look at him now and then look really closely at the crocs hoodie that makes him look so good chisel jaw you look incredible well done tell you this is one of my favorite hoodies but i've been saying it and it got jacked yeah he was he was messing with me like where's my question it turns out on a night out someone took my one home i didn't have it for two months heartbreak that came back um and if you guys are watching on uh apple or spotify make sure you hit like this is our first time doing it but i'm pretty sure there's like a follow button or like a some sort of notification thing so i'll just press that yeah follow the fellas we've got our instagram so we're at 20k our next step is 50k so that's the big one that we're trying to hit 50k come on now if you want to follow the fellas on instagram you can also follow me i may not be here on a permanent basis but no no no no no no no no but you are here you're you're innocent of the fellas this one this won't be that this won't be the last time that you see missing on this podcast that's for sure ghost of the ball before having thank you very much have a good one yeah hope you enjoyed guys so it was a great time sweet lovely you know oh
Channel: The Fellas
Views: 1,250,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oW2nJpEROog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 18sec (4698 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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