Bowser's Fury but DON'T TOUCH RED!

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oh look at bowser he seems a little bit mad gamers welcome back to more nico and today we're gonna do the color challenge but with the brand new just released video game bowser's fury baby look at bowser he's mad because we're not gonna be touching red today so let's start a new game uh to avoid oh no i ran out of save files all right let's take this one so to avoid spoiling you guys i guess i'll just play the first couple island and i'll skip through the story so no spoils on that part alright gamers see i do it for you i'm a good guy thank you so much basically the rules are simple we cannot touch red if we touch red we lose so no red touching okay and uh so far so good there's only grass oh no no there's carpet but that's okay we can avoid the carpet i don't think it's red i think it's like purplish see the one thing i learned about like these challenges is that i think i might be color blind because uh especially in the mario 3d role yellow episode i was literally touching yellow and i wasn't noticing it so small brain those things are red so we're just gonna you know jump over here and we are probably gonna be okay oh no the cat shine okay here's the cat shine the cat shine is yellow on the it's yellow on one side and red on the other side so fire fire is okay we're good so the cat shine is yellow underneath it so if i catch it from underneath i'm okay i don't touch the red part so we're all good and we can keep this quest alive but okay all of those orange red blocks from bowser's when he's in his bowser fury mode i'm gonna have to be on the lookout for and there's even red on bowser so when i'll get to fight the guy i might have to uncover some big brain strats to avoid doing that but we'll see if that happens and um we're back but you might be wondering hey nico why are you wearing a beanie today you never wear a beanie what what's going on uh because of amazing potato virus and the look down uh i can't get my hair cut okay so uh my hair is disgusting so no more hair only beanie all right gamers only beanie from now on so we now have bowser jr and wait a minute i know what you're about to say i know what you're about to say nico this menu is red guys i control the blue arrows duh so i can select the menu no problem you guys sometimes okay if i read one more comment saying hey mario's wearing red you lost the challenge you're not clever okay that joke has been done 20 million times it's not funny anymore all right power up time okay see mario's yellow now so shut up he's not red oh i have a tr i have a feeling we're not gonna be able to collect the cat shards oh there's red posts here also if bowser jr touches something red it's not my problem look at this cat this cat is red this cat's gonna love me right no don't love me cat no don't love me cat ah okay this cat loves me but i don't want to be loved i do not want to be loved by you cats so we're just gonna move and let's collect some coins they're yellow they're not red uh we're gonna have to touch those things here okay that's good that's good oh my gosh that was that was actually way more stressful than i expected but i think we'll be able to get our first epic cat shine well actually that's the second one but oh red side no no no no yellow side masterpiece all right that's cat shine number two and um yeah i need to make sure i can't touch the cat shards okay i cannot touch the cat shards look at them look at them let me zoom on it let's zoom on it okay these cat shards are way too red okay i cannot collect those so that means that the cat shards things we're not gonna be able to collect so that actually probably means we're have we're gonna have to move to yet another level so i don't think there's gonna be red in this next one so that should be actually possible to do it those things not red they're orange oh wait wait a minute wait a minute bow bow break this thing all right can i break it without falling down just to show you guys see this is red this springboard is red so we cannot touch it thankfully uh the catsuit has been buffed and there we go we did it oh wait i have this big brain idea if i send over bow bow to collect the red thing does that count look i got the shard but i i didn't touch it it was out but it was alba i didn't do it it wasn't me but yeah i feel like you guys are gonna accuse me of touching red because you always do and i probably touch red without even noticing at this point but we'll see all right here we go here we go do i see some red only some blue dab i love how you can stack power-ups in your inventory that is such a cool feature that i wish they would bring back like in every single mario game from now on hey this cat is going to be afraid of me now hey i'm not a cat anymore you don't love me red cat oh you're not even red you're pink wait a minute the boomerang i throw is red gamers oh no is it red i think it's red well okay we cannot use the spar up anymore it's too dangerous um good thing we learned from our mistakes and we're never gonna oh that was a close one so the boomerang is actually red so we cannot even use boomerang mario well okay sorry if i used it previously let's pretend that was a glitch okay and from now on no more touching red like i actually feel bad for people that are looking for like a serious no red challenge when watching these videos because they don't know it's just me memeing around i just want to play games and have fun with you guys basically that's why i do these things all right this is gonna be easy to get as well uh yellow side here we go but i have a feeling that bowser's fury is gonna be furious in a bit so we're probably there you go oh oh because this guy he's thick boy but he's mostly red a lot of red on this guy he's so big like that's actually impressive having like a king kong sized bowser in a video game you know what i like it i like it okay let's grab one oh let's grab a random cat shine and uh make him get out of here oh wait next star is guiji i think we can fight kuiji without touching red because guiji is not red so it should be good all right guiji uh you're gonna be my safety oh no he's got red eyes okay we gotta make sure not to touch his eyes and we're gonna be good if we touch guiji's eyes we're in big trouble all right cool cool uh can i get a bar up from this thing please no mushroom red oh oh oh this is looking bad gamers this is not looking really good right now especially with the fire and the piranha plants now uh oh no okay okay he's going away bye bye bye bye my dude well okay piranha plants they're not gonna be cool but if we get uguiji if we get if we get if we get come on go eg what are you doing bro easy game all right one more guiji should do the trick just fine there you go and we get the cat shine but the yellow side obviously the you know me i don't touch the i don't touch anything that's not the yellow side of gui g because i'm not like that we have five cat shines meaning we can actually hit the gigabill and avoid those piranha plants uh there might be a key on top of this so we should go and check it out as usual avoiding the red over here the red over there and is there a key no the key hasn't appeared yet see i don't know how the challenges how they work the challenges in this game because i know there's a key that's supposed to appear right there but i guess i have to like leave and come back for uh for it to appear i think see now this change there's a switch now that wasn't there before that's what i'm talking about i don't know how that i don't know how that game works that's what i'm talking about okay this one should be easy to grab since everything's yellow uh is it yellow or is it beige orange maybe one thing's for sure i think the red challenge was a great way to start because i i have a feeling the other challenges are going to be more challenging you know yellow side all right six cat shines i think we need eight to awaken the cat bale next up so let's um let's try to get up there in fort flat trap oh i forgot about that there's blue and red things so we're gonna have to jump on the blue uh how are we gonna do that okay let me try something crazy red no no no i didn't touch red no cut that part cut that part no i didn't touch red okay we start over i have this big brain strut i wanna try and it's gonna work okay trust me oh never touching red baby first try too i'm so good at this game i'm so good at not touching red you know who's not good at not touching red this guy because he touched the red thing and then he touched the lava hey hey touch the red thing for me will ya oh you dead hey hey you follow me you're the last one alive you need to fall oh okay you need to fall okay there you go cat shine baby man we're gonna win this game without touching red i feel like at this point we should make a real challenge what do you guys think should we make this a main main channel video beating the game without touching red that would be a crazy oh that's a bar up hopefully it's not red hey that's orange guys that's orange look that's orange and i'm touching the green leaf so it's all good so it's it's it's allowed okay i'm allowing it and uh the rules are simple i make them so uh that's how you get to do whatever you want you make the own you make your own rules you know we still need one more cat shine to fully get this bell to awaken a second time see it needs oh wait no it needs five i'm dumb okay then we can fight the guy all right all right bowser just get alive and we're gonna fight you come on fight me irl okay i'll punch you i'll punch you babao the bell awakens we're all gucci we can get the bell which is not red it's yellow so it's all good and now let's see if we can defeat the guy without touching some red i have a feeling there's gonna be some red around uh his little like thingy on his face might be red so we're gonna have to be on the lookout for that i think i might have to avoid touching him for now or maybe i can hit his oh i can hit his side yeah that worked that worked we can hit the side okay new strats oh and this is the ground pound strat this gun this is gonna work if he doesn't have red on his belly and of course no that's yellow that's yellow on his belly so we're all good i can't wait to read the comments of people telling me i touch red you guys stop seeing red everywhere okay there's not red everywhere trust me okay trust me i'm a gamer and there we go we did it we have unlocked some new areas and some new worlds and if you guys enjoyed this video then we're actually gonna go visit those look at that look at that look look at that area it's pretty good i'm just gonna wait wait it's coming up it's coming out of the water it's a brand new area and if you want me to go visit this without touching red well smash like subscribe and do all that fun stuff and uh thank you so much for watching thank you for supporting my beanie thank you so much for being in support are you part of the beanie team today please tell me you're part of the beanie team i need to know and i'll see you oh look plus he's actually plus he's doing the outro because plus he's waving you guys goodbye so uh bye bye
Channel: More Nico
Views: 455,763
Rating: 4.8186488 out of 5
Keywords: Nicobbq, Super Mario Maker, Super Nico Maker, SMM2, SMN, Gameplay, Fun, Bowser's Fury, Bowser Fury, Switch, Nintendo Switch, New Game, Wow, No Red, No Yellow
Id: c8uEas9ZlIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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