Super Mario 3D World but DON'T TOUCH YELLOW!

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oh we're back with more colors because you guys love that gamers welcome back to super mario 3d world minus bowser's fury because this is the wii u version okay there's no bowser fury here papa where are you at basically today it's the no yellow challenge the rules are simple you know them we pick luigi because we always pick luigi i don't know why it's become like a staples of this channel at this point let's pick luigi all the time and basically what we need to do is to go back to world 1-1 or let's just do this and then do that we go back to world 1-1 and we try to make our way through the world and see if we can make it without touching yellow so basically if we don't touch yellow we cannot have a cat bill because cat bales are yellow so right now you see that i have one but i'm gonna fix that in a second if anything is yellow we cannot touch it no matter what as luigi so basically you see this beautiful block no no touching you see the goomba no touching well actually we can't touch the goomba but it's giving us a coin but the coin doesn't touch us when we defeat the goomba so i won't count um this is orange and yellow so we're definitely not gonna touch it and uh ah those yellow yucky coins we can't touch basically you know me i don't like touching coins anyways so i'm i'm actually happy we're not gonna be touching those in this quest are those crates yellow or the they're pretty much brownish i think so we're gonna try to make our way without touching anything that's yellow should be more difficult than uh some other colors but i think it's gonna be possible to be the world the first world anyways so uh yeah let's just keep chilling here what a bee oh don't fall in the water there's coins there okay so you see this beautiful cat bale man i wish i could get this bar up but we can't so sadly we're just gonna keep moving uh those guys might be yellow i don't know i don't wanna i don't wanna try this those crates you know what i don't think they're yellow no i was gonna say we're just gonna walk uh all right let's not fall down this time we just have to be careful and just move here and then we just basically chill all right we just chill we keep moving and nothing is gonna go wrong there we go man that was way too easy uh are we gonna collect that coin i don't know let's hope not okay we're good now the coin was pretty far and the top of the flagpole is indeed yellow so for this one we're just not gonna touch the top of the flagpole and we're gonna be all good so world 1-1 complete world 1-2 here we go koopa troopa cave uh hopefully the only things that oh the koopas are yellow so we're gonna have to say goodbye to them we're gonna have to avoid the koopas okay that might be a trouble in this one might be a problem especially without a cat bale can we get a fire flower no i touched it does it count i touched it with the touch screen uh let's let's just ask the the judges okay they say don't do it again so let's not collect the flower because we're not supposed to use the touch screen to hit the yellow things i think that's illegal whoa whoa whoa whoa invisible coins that was dangerous good thing i didn't collect them i always forget this game has so many like uh hidden coins that are that appear when you touch when you get close to them it's super annoying okay let's go here please no yellow coins hello turtle you're yellow the flagpole the midpoint flagpole is also yellow so we're not gonna touch it i shouldn't be afraid of coins though because i've i've done this game without a coin uh so i know where oh no i know where some unavoidable coins are located and they're definitely not in 1-2 so we should be good as usual we grab the bottom part oh wait that path might be yellow is it yellow guys i don't know let's just jump and let's not touch it and we're gonna be okay all right if this path is considered yellow then i might be in trouble in the next level we'll see we'll see one dash a charging chuck so basically these guys are yellow and i died so these guys are yellow we can't tap them to remove the helmet but are we gonna touch i mean if we jump on their head do we touch the head or do we touch the hair is there another way to defeat them without touching them i don't think there is with luigi uh because even like if i do this i mean if i do this i kind of low-key jump on them right i have another idea though because we have access to every single characters in this challenge so i'm gonna try doing it with rosalina because she has a spin attack basically we're gonna use the touchscreen to get rid of their helmet so that doesn't touch yellow and then we're going to use the spin jump in their backs so we're going to touch their shell so about a beam about a boom then we just wait for them to move and wait wait wait wait oh my god they're going going so fast oh okay i think it's going to be possible i just have to stop being bad you know oh okay that worked what about this guy yes okay coins uh oh no we have to grab the star without touching the coins or oh we can we can wait and they vanish i think rosalina you helped us out good job good job next up is 1-3 and if this road is considered yellow then i can't touch it but i don't know is it yellow it's more beige or something what is considered yellow can be uh decided by many people like is this supposed to be yellow or is this beige again you know what we're just gonna pretend it's yellow for now and we're just gonna be careful we're just gonna jump uh oh oh can we do wall jumps yes we can do wall jumps and the background is not yellow okay this thing this wall not yellow brown it's brown guys it's brown or beige but it's not yellow you see the spell block that's yellow so you can clearly see the back wall is not yellow oh no how are we gonna okay we're gonna have to be big brave about this one okay wait i have this idea no wait can we okay good wait did i touch the pow block i don't even oh i don't know but i'm not i don't know if i touched it but we we don't have to so let's keep going anyways this yellow block is annoying oh my gosh it's possible okay okay how do we get up there we're gonna have to use wall jumps hey can we i think we can just jump onto the red thing okay it works man there's so much yellow oh no wait those coins what am i gonna do i think i'm gonna stand on the corner the border here and barbie to avoid those coins and then i need to jump on the blue thing or the red thing maybe now the blue thing is going to be the way to go oh easy game easy life oh um yellow question mark i don't think that's yellow guys is it yellow tell me the comments i don't think it's yellow i think it's wood is not yellow and this is is this yellow you know what guys i don't even know what's yellow anymore what is the color yellow that was good that was good oh no oh no oh no is this yellow is this yellow guys if it's yellow and dead if i considered those cat goombas to be yellow you know what let's let's test it this thing gives us a cat bill if i consider the cat bell to be yellow then i think i have no choice but to consider this floor to be yellow as well and therefore when i got out of the box i touched it so uh dang it this one's not possible ah i'm so mad i'm so mad it's i think it's not even on a split path so yeah we cannot beat the stage and i don't think we can get to the secret exit in 1-2 because i think you need um you need a cat suit but i have this new idea with rosalina we might be able to do some spin jumps to get to the secret area okay give me a give me a second guys i'll just get back to the secret area and we'll test this theory because if we're able to get through the secret pipe in this in 1-2 we're gonna be able to clear this world and get to 2-1 meaning the quest would still be alive all right we are approaching the secret area and to get there we have to use this no just kidding not this is there another pipe that brings us up or maybe we can just do this wait wait good thing i learned that from mero uh how to do those jumps oh wait it might be possible gamers wait wait wait wait wait it might be possible let's get a jump wait how do you do this there's a way to do like a bunch of jumps i learned that from watching me rose video so i just need to figure out how we do this thank you mero thanks to you the quest is alive we can go into that pipe which is orange not yellow and we move to the next world and this quest will never be over it will never end we're gonna get to bowser i'm telling you guys we're gonna get to the end of the oh wait a minute is this sand in in 2-1 considered yellow uh let me just make sure that's not yellow that's beige all right you guys tell me in the comment section if this scent is yellow and if we can keep doing this quest uh and make a part two or if it's over and we just move on to the next color thank you guys so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it and if you did smash like subscribe and do all that fun stuff and i will be seeing you in the next one buh bye
Channel: More Nico
Views: 96,940
Rating: 4.8601398 out of 5
Keywords: Nicobbq, Super Mario Maker, Super Nico Maker, SMM2, SMN, Gameplay, Fun, SM3DW, Super Mario 3D World, No Yellow, Yellow, Challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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