Bounty Hunter and You | Darkest Dungeon 2 Guide

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so I'll be all Shuffle and in this video we're going to do a guide for Bounty Hunter this is our first character guide it's going to be a little less editing and a little shorter than some of the other ones and that's just because Bounty Hunter is special in a lot of ways and he's a little more straightforward so get ready for that and in this guide we're going to cover how to get them what his gear is what teams he works on what his skills do and what he's good at what he's bad at so get ready for all that very cool stuff so starting off how do you unlock Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter is at the altar of hope you have to spend a few candles to unlock him and then to get the rest of his moves and items you have to spend more candles he's a bit cheaper than the other Heroes comparatively which is nice and the one tip I will give about unlocking Bounty Hunter is that he is much stronger than heroes are the other heroes are at base this is by Design he's supposed to be a strong character so even if you don't have a lot of other things unlocked and you're early in your profile it's actually okay to grab him at least just so he shows up you don't have to get like all the moves and stuff but getting him early can be beneficial for your team once you unlock Bounty Hunter he will show up at an inn just like this one thankfully I got him right after I went through the valley because I was gonna record something else so we have his poster that pops up in the back of the Inn it's it may not be you know readily apparent they've been making this easier to see as time goes on which I'm thankful for and if you see this poster you can Mouse over it and then you can pick him up so when you click on it I'm going to hopefully not blow out everyone's eardrums [Music] there is no man behind the Hunter's mask only a terrible thought The Thrill of the hunt the promise of payment [Music] so as you saw there that's the process you click the poster and then you swap someone out of your team for him this actually has some really good benefits and some notable drawbacks but what is Bounty Hunter good at he is incredibly versatile this means he can fit in any team he can do a multitude of jobs well he can do two jobs he can do tanking and uh like tank support and damage he can kind of mix all three of those if he wants to he is good in every single region in the game because of his kit we'll talk about that and yeah look at the notes he has no setup stun skills which is very very cool what is he bad at it's actually kind of hard to pinpoint what this character's bad at but starting off with what he is bad at he has pretty average damage you know he can do a lot of damage you know if something is comboed and vulnerable he can do a lot of damage with collect Bounty but that's some setup and only he is able to do both of those at one time so if you want to do something like Encore Mark for death and then collect Bounty right after you can do that otherwise it's going to take one or two turns from other people to set him up I guess smoke screen can do both if he really needed it which shout out to smoke screen plus right but yeah so he can't build Affinity this is a strength and a weakness but I'm putting it in the weakness section because since he can build Affinity that means that when you go to a node that has a choice and two of your teammates are fighting over it like they don't agree on fighting the enemy or running away Bounty Hunter can sometimes give you the choice that you want and since he doesn't build Affinity it won't impact the team at all which that's the good scenario for it the bad scenario for no Affinity is building Affinity is really important in the game and if you basically take someone out for an entire region that's three characters not building Affinity with and that can be very detrimental long term so you always have to have a plan with that in mind either a bunch of items ready for that person when they get back or making sure that you're okay with them not you know getting anything for instance you go to Region Three someone has nine Affinity across the board which means they're just neutral and they might slip down and have bad Affinity you can swap them with BH and they build nothing up to the mountain and then that way you don't have any items for them they stay neutral at least so there are some ways to work around it the other negative of bounty hunter is he is a big candle investment you have to put a lot into the altar if you own all of this stuff and he takes four every time you hire him he takes it at the end of the run though thankfully so it's not like he immediately just rips them out of your inventory you know but the candle investment it matters the hiring him for four won't matter eventually but starting out it does matter a bit so be wary of that now let's talk about his skills when you also to start off here when you hire Bounty Hunter he'll show up with a trinket a random trinket it'll either be something like this basically a mid-tier trinket like this one or I think heart Seeker or even um the heel one protectorate he can show up with that or he'll show up with this class string it's this class strings are much more rare for him to appear with but they are very powerful so looking at his skills though starting off collect bounty this is just a very tight damage range 8 to 12 low crit but 50 bonus damage on combo which is very nice Bounty Hunter also does not require Mastery he comes in with all this stuff maxed which was very nice Mark for death we talked about this before combo and double vulnerable this is a lot of damage not just for him but for whoever else decides to hit that Target come hither very good move can use it from anywhere surprisingly High crit rate uh combos the enemy and pulls them forward so you get to do two different things you may want to combo the enemy you may want to pull them you may want to do both and this helps you do that caltrops this is why the old caltrops were renamed at crow's feet and this is a range bleed attack that lowers their movement resist and speed kinda wish this was a position token like controlled burn but it's not and caltrops is it's okay like this is it's not a bad move it's just the the times to use it are not readily apparent flashbang is much like his dd1 move except it can't hit Rank 4 which is a bit strange because in dd1 its best application was to hit the thing in Rank 4 and stun it and then pull it up all the way to the front if you're lucky and then kill it afterwards or just leave it there so flashbang is still really powerful in this game it can stun if there's combo it will days and it will blind or at least it'll try to and that shuffles enemies so this is a really good move if you have them in the back and then it's actually yeah let's highlight the moves that we're we're talking about so stare down is one of his tanking abilities so that's what I was saying he's very flexible in what he can do he also has a ton of HP by the way his his defensive stats are monstrous which is cool so stare down can be used from anywhere to Target anything it's got a one turn cooldown gives them two taunt takes off vulnerable so it helps them it's kind of like inverse block if he's you know gonna tank and then it weakens the Target that he hits with it and that is really nice because double weakened again this is kind of like flipping Block in a different way so instead of you making sure you take half damage you know you get rid of the volume which is what block would have done anyway and then you reduce the damage that you're taking by half and this isn't necessarily just the same Target hitting him twice it could be you know one target gets a hit in and then another Target gets a hit in and then something else has the two weakened so it's a really good move hurlbat which is apparently a name for an old throwing ax that's a very very cool choice this move is really good so in the back Bounty Hunter can Target anything with it does some pretty good damage at six to ten fifteen percent crit is really nice ignores Dodge against combo and the bonus damage when burning Target is a very odd choice this doesn't come up too often but it's it's nice when it does but usually I don't plan around this just more of a if it happens thing No Escape is a ranged stun attack this kind of makes flashbang a bit Superfluous or can you say that word a bit it might feel a bit unnecessary or it overlaps with flashbang in a way but this is definitely the better range stun that he has it just can't Target the front and so no Escape it just does a little bit of damage has some good crit ignores Dodge entirely and it combos the enemy while stunning them it doesn't need combo to stun it stuns and then combos that's really good for any follow-ups that are coming finish him this is another move he had in the first game this ignores death flow resist by quite a large margin 20 is really nice has a lot of reach too so if you stuff him in rank three he can hit stuff ignores block also good pretty decent damage and then if they are stunned or days then you get bonus damage this is a bit harder to pull off because BH is kinda slow I think his base speed is three yeah yeah so actually is it yes so having something dazed or stunned that doesn't get a turn before he gets his turn a little tough to work out I guess the ideal scenario is the enemy goes first someone else stays as it and then Bounty Hunter goes but it's still a good move and then uppercut this is back from dd1 as well this is another no setup stun and it knocks enemies back only by one space so it's not the knockback isn't as good as it could be but I mean this move is already super good so if he's up front he has this move like no questions then we have bodyguard which is kind of like Defender honestly it's like unupgraded Defender but you know two guard two block is it's good so he has some tanking abilities he has he can pretty much do anything except heal himself that does it for his abilities and as far as building him goes usually depends where he's at in the party if he's up front I like to run something like this so we have collect Bounty finish him uppercut Mark for death come hither usually come hither and Mark for death are on pretty much every build and then as far as the attacks go if he's in like if he's up front then you give him the two ax attacks and then if he's in the back you give him the two uh throwing ax attacks so have hurl bat and no escape and then pretty much the fifth slot is flexible to you you can also swap out Mark for your death if you don't just want it usually I think the least used skills for me are Cal chops and flashbang not that they're bad it's just his other stuff's really good but you know you can go super utility with him like finish him for the dbr piercing um I know set up stun and then something like you know the two tank skills there's there are a lot of flexible ways to build them it's just wherever you put them in the party so he's got some really cool stuff going on there and important I don't know if I said this earlier but just in case you only get to keep them for one region when you hire him so you pick him up at the end he stays with you till the next in and as far as Paz go he has none I mean this is basically Wanderer Wanderer for him but it's called professional and what he can do that I don't think it says in there play on hit class it should say this he has the ability to recycle combo so if he hits if they're comboed and he hits him with collect Bounty there's like a 50 chance that he reapplies the combo afterwards this only goes for a couple of his skills but it is important to note that he can do that so he's pretty much a combo machine he can build it he can spend it and he can keep it on targets one final important tip that does bear mentioning is that when you hire him is really important you have to have a goal in mind I mean you can just pick him for fun if you really want to but his best applications are if you're going to fight a boss and you need his help especially at the the beginning so like region one you can take him and he gives you a really good chance of winning or something like at the end of Region Three there's the Cultus mini boss at the end he's good for that too and then the final thing or final reason to hire him is to swap out someone that has a very bad matchup in the region you're going to the easiest one that I always cite is if you're going to the sprawl which has burn resistant enemies and it also gives really good burn trinkets and you want to take your run away but she sucks in the sprawl so you swap her with Bounty Hunter and now suddenly you have a really good team member to help runaway get burnt trinkets while runaway doesn't really weigh down the team by you know being a difficult character to run in that region this goes for stuff like Alchemist PD well maybe not Alchemist but you know blight PD and the feder or gray robber in the Fetter for instance because she does some light damage so if you can see a reason to swap someone for him usually it's the right call but just bear in mind you'll get to use them once per region he has about a 50 chance it's a little less I think it's like 45 percent chance to show up at any in except the mountain so make sure you're using him and timing him correctly but also grab him if you feel he's gonna be good because if you wait too long you may not see him for that run we'll round out the video by talking about Bounty Hunter's Trinkets and if I obviously look different it's because when I did this section of the video I accidentally left my mic muted so that whole part is gone we're gonna do it again so with Bounty Hunter's trinkets we have three class ones and in terms of like the neutral trinkets it's kind of hard to make them work for him because you know if you take him early you're not going to have many and later on you might want to be giving trinkets to other people but on the off chance he does spawn in with his own personal ones they are pretty good so the crime Lords molars gives them bonus damage if there's combo or bonus credit they're stunned I don't think this means I hope this means days too not just done because otherwise it's a bit harder to pull that one off and then he has movement resist piercing which means come hither should stick so this is a really interesting one and something to note too if the target has comb owning its bonus damage he doesn't have to consume the combo so if he just swings like finish him it's gonna get bonus damage which is nice utility belt this makes flashbang specifically a lot better just because I think it double dazes at that point and then the weekend on hurlbat just is fantastic that's a really good one to have and then caltrops has a better chance of sticking it's debuffs and I wouldn't specifically build around caltrops for the shrinket but you can if you want to kill list is ridiculous and what you want to do with kill list is feed him every kill in every battle especially if there's like a boss later on in the region because this can ramp up very fast most fights have three or four enemies and if he gets all three or four of those kills he's getting like 9 to 12 bonus damage her fight that is huge that's gonna do for the video like I said a bit less editing in this one and the next video I'm thinking is going to be run away it was Jester in terms of the vote but I want to make sure that but I want to see if I can get to the shrines and have a tutorial on how to do those because people have trouble with them so thanks for watching and I'll see y'all next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 49,884
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Keywords: darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2, darkest dungeon 2 gameplay, darkest dungeon gameplay, let's play darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2 guide, hellion, plague doctor, highwayman, jester, darkest dungeon 2 release date, leper, man at arms, runaway, occultist, grave robber, darkest dungeon 2 trailer, darkest dungeon 2 review, darkest dungeon 2 changes, let's play darkest dungeon 2, lets play darkest dungeon 2023, darkest dungeon ii, darkest dungeon 2 tips
Id: Cx6C9JEqj5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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