Palumor's Outlaw PvP Guide for Dragonflight Season 3

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hey Pals palamore here and welcome to the official best Outlaw PVP guide you will ever watch all of dragon flight right now really quick I'm going to tell you guys what we're going to go through we're going to do this really fast and we're going to be really efficient with this guide number one we're going to talk about gearing stat pry then we're going to talk about some of the talents there's a couple things that can really change how your build's going to feel we're then going to talk about roll the bones uh blade flurry some macros and stuff and then we're going to get into the actual rotation and how to do burst as an outlaw Rogue um I should have time stamps throughout the video If want something specific um but that's pretty much it really quick before I jump in anything I just want to say the reason I'm making an outlaw guide is because we hit a donation goal on my stream I stream every single day at patmore so huge shout out to the supporters on that donation goal um supporting me so I'm able to do stuff like this but yeah let's get into it first thing we're going to talk about is just gearing um gearing is pretty straightforward on Outlaw I've been playing Outlaw all season um even before the sub NFS and stuff so I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what gearing feels like uh in General on Outlaw your versatility scales pretty well um compared to like sub you'll get more value out of Versatility so having a high amount of verse is really nice it's just raw damage raw damage reduction on you um really good to have a lot of verse so make sure you get high verse on every item ideally should be pretty easy with PVP gear um after that you want to have a pretty good amount of crit so Outlaw actually has a lot of crit modifiers um I'm not going to get super in- depth on it right now uh we'll talk about that later when we go into like roll the bones but basically I would aim for anywhere above 30% crit but I would not go above 40% 40% is getting really high I think anywhere from like minimum like 30 to 35% is probably a really good window for crit um between the eyes gives you 20% bonus crit so that means if I go up to the dummy here and I get between the eyes up you'll see my base crits already actually over uh 50 since I have 31% base crit this is a really good amount of crit um if you get a shark buff on your roll the bones you also get 60% increased crit chance on between the eyes and then if you get a a shark buff as well you get 15% more crit on top of that 51 on everything so yeah I would like I said anywhere from 30 to 35 feels pretty good um with the rest of your space if you have uh stat space for gearing I would just get Mastery Master is going to give you a bunch of just random RNG bonus damage um when you're playing and obviously if you could get more verse instead of Mastery I think that's more valuable but if I had to kind of explain like the stat pry it would probably be something like this right here like verse very good crit to 30ish and then Mastery is going to be way better than haste um haste is just not very good for Outlaw you have pretty good energy regen cuz you have a lot of adrenaline rush up time in the game like over half the game you basically have Adrenaline Rush active um plus you're playing two points in this Talent over here Vigor behind my camera so you have like a lot of energy regen in general um you do not really need to get any haste it's not going to do that much good for you all right next up we're going to talk about talents so people ask about talents all the time uh in general Outlaw tree is pretty straightforward over here in the Rogue tree behind my camera once again it's just this Vigor um no thistle te that's all that's happening down here I would not change anything on this side if you ever want to sometimes in matchups versus C fasters let's say I'm playing with an Arcane Mage my Arcane Mage can apply slows to the targets constantly so I'll drop this super big crippling poison uh and I'll actually play mind numbing poison and then I could play like wound and mind numbing just to reduce the cast time of targets I'm hitting lately I haven't really been doing that as much I don't I think it's actually really nice to have the super crippling poison it feels like I just have more up time um on my target anyways so that's an option if you want to switch something but in general I kind of keep the same tree all the time um I've also experimented with switching Blackjack into tricks of the trade and then playing the tricks per P Talent this doesn't seem to give like too much of a direct benefit so I stopped playing that um the only other thing I could think of doing is if you're playing like 2v2 as double DPS I was playing some with my Mage friend what I will do is sometimes I'll drop the crippling poison slow and I'll play Nimble fingers and this is to get down to iron stomach I think the other thing I dropped is Rush setup so if you play iron stomach here with Nimble fingers you have a way better heal and you can also play this PVP Talent right here called drink me up Hardies this increases your heal and makes a heal allies so that's like a nice little healing build on the left tree um but in general for 3v3 I always keep this the same in the right tree this Talent right here this makes your passive cooldown reset also reset your evasion so this is like a huge part of what makes Outlaw really tanky to melee so I would recommend not really changing this but if you're playing versus like double casters and evasion is not a huge cool down for you you could actually switch this thing like a be and this is going to give you bonus damage whenever you're stunning a Target so this is really nice for your team and for you uh in 3v3 depends what you're fighting I'm kind of lazy I don't switch it a lot but that's like one of the only things you change and then the other thing the last thing there's a lot of debates about this Talent Point down here count the odds Killing Spree green skins in general no one's really like Team Green skins I've tried a little bit it's a little bursty it's not bad but I like to play Killing Spree the difference between killing spree and count the odds is that count the odds is kind of like a PVE pick if you have 100% up time on your Target and you're spamming ambushes sinisters and dispatches you'll get more roll the bones Buffs and it's going to net more DPS overall now in an arena environment you're not going to have 100% up time so you need to think about about um what has more utility which is kind of why I like killing spree so good things about killing spree really quick uh number one it's very energy efficient as you can see if you're spending full combo points on this you get almost 3 seconds of killing spree and it only costs 45 energy and it does a pretty good amount of damage so it's really energy efficient burst and the other thing is this this uh ability actually resets with your restless blades which is the passive or spending combo points just resets your cool Downs so for that reason I really like killing spree Killing Spree also breaks you out of roots so if a mage novas you and your Killing Spree um it'll break you out of the roote so really good uh and then the last part of it people don't generally use Killing Spree super defensively but if you read it 100% of damage taken during the effect is delayed and then it gets taken over 8 seconds so in a way it's kind of like a preservation of o or time dilation so sometimes in 3v3 if my healer CC and I have a killing spree I'll I'll throw it just to kind of like reduce the damage I take and slow down the game a bit so yeah I think Killing Spree has way more utility and it's way more of a realistic talent to take in PvP but some of the best Rogues in the game are just playing count the odds and that's completely fine as well it's kind of preference uh I heard calish say this the other day I think if you're new to Outlaw I wouldn't really mess with killing spree I would just take count with the odds because it's just a passive thing it's less for you to focus on and you'll have a lot easier of a time if you want to step it up a notch and get spicy Killing Spree is really fun and I would recommend checking it out PVP talents really quick in general at Baseline play injuring brawler every game this is just really good I play take your cut every time I can um because this gives my teammate haste something to note it has a very small uh range so 15 yards is actually way shorter than you might think um with all my modifiers and stuff my melee abilities have an 8- yard range which is right here to the Target so about double this is probably around right here this is about how close you need to be to your teammates uh for the roll the bones buff to go through on take your cut so this is something to keep in mind um make sure if you're playing this you always run near your teammates when you're going to use roll the bones to for for them to benefit and then for The Last Choice it's kind of up in the air sometimes I play Veil midnight um I play this into a lot of things it's just I call this God cloak it's really op um if I'm not going to play Veil at midnight I could maybe play smoke bomb sometimes I'll play Veil at midnight and I'll switch hasto for smoke bomb it kind of just depends on the vibe in general I think the best talents though are these three I end up playing these three a lot can also uh play disarm sometimes I'll do this combo right here uh but yeah in general I'm kind of Baseline this and you can you can kind of flex these however you want based on the matchup leave it up to yourself to decide next up I want to talk about roll the bones itself um you'll notice whenever I roll the bones boom this thing pops up right here this is a weak Ora I'm going to link this we Ora um below my video description or something like that um this week or that I have it's basically designed for PVE so whenever you see like a font pop up saying how good the role is keep in mind that's not directly uh relevant in PvP but it's still just I use it as like a little popup to kind of show me what Buffs I roll it'll tell you if you get a big roll if you get like a five or six roll so it's really easy to know when you have like a lot of damage and once you get used to it you can kind of see what Buffs you have just to give you an idea of how much pressure you can put out um in General on Outlaw I wouldn't overthink roll the bones because it's going to make your gameplay feel really weird never play around your Buffs play the game the same way always but having an idea of what Buffs you have is really nice there's two Buffs that are really nice in my opinion there's broadside which is going to give you more combo points and then there's the shark buff ruthless Precision this one's going to give you basically with your um as long as you're 20% crit and you have between the eyes up which put you have 40 it gives you 60% extra crit with between the eyes so because of the way we do most of our damage which I'm going to explain in a second during ruthless Precision buff we're going to do T T of burst damage we'll be critting every single between the eyes the only thing I really want to talk about with roll the bones like I said don't go in depth because of our foret if you read it roll the bones additionally refreshes a random buff you already have what this means is that every time you use roll the bones you want to already have a buff um when you're using your loaded dice so loaded dice is a talent we have here after we use adrenaline rush it means that our next rule will give two Buffs so at the start of an arena what you should do is something like this um let's say you the gates open you blade FLIR and go stealth and then you want to roll the blow uh roll the bones AR slice now since you're playing underhand and upper hand right here none of your Buffs are going to fall off except for your actual roll so let's say you go ahead and open up now as soon as you build back uh you roll the bones ability you're going to press it right away so you'll see in a second I roll the bones again my weak or will go off to roll and I have this loaded dice buff so what this means is as long as I roll with this buff before broadside Falls I will get three Buffs guaranteed because I have loaded dice plus I have a buff already up from the start of the game so this is like a really good habit to get into on Outlaw it's going to increase the amount of pressure you put out early into a game uh it'll guarantee that you get those three Buffs you'll see this impact your energy regen your combo Point development all of the good stuff is going to make you do a lot of damage on Outlaw really good habit to build the other thing I want to talk about is blade flurry in general blade flurry is uh an ability that can do a lot of damage for Outlaw when you're cleaving this is an ability I think at a high level you're going to want to use and cancel a lot so blade flurry anytime you're hit hitting more than one target you want to have this up I would recommend tracking this I use tell me one right here um really simple add-on it's kind of like a simpler weak ORS just to kind of track my uh blade flurry this also gets built back through our combo points um so every time you want to do a bit more damage you're going to want to put blade flurry up to do a bit of cleave now that being said I think it's extremely necessary at high rating to have a cancel blade flurry macro really simple macro slan cancel Aura space blade flurry and what this does is if you put blade flurry up and then you hit this macro Bo boom it'll take the buff off so this way let's say you're playing with a mage you're cleaving cuz there's two melee on you and then your Mage goes I'm going to get a sheep I'm going to get a sheep you cancel your blade flurry that way you're not going to break CC obviously next thing I'm going to jump into is usually people's favorite part we're going to talk about the actual DPS rotation in Arena what it's going to look like and how to actually burst as an outlaw Rogue so first thing first I think this is what I always tell people when they ask on my stream for advice on Outlaw the way you play Outlaw in the current season is season 3 Dragon flight is you play around crackshot this Talent is how you do do big damage this is how you top The Meters this is how you pop off basically anytime that you're in stealth you have subterfuge or Shadow dance up your between the eyes does not trigger a coold down and it will also do a dispatch for 50% of normal damage um it's nerfed in PvP it says 75 here but it's 50% of normal damage so the way you want to do the most damage is ideally you know you have that ruthless Precision shark buff BTE has 100% crit and then you're using your vanishes offensively if you're able to to just Spam between the eyes and then build it back with Ambush or pistol shot procs um and then during dance as well so vanishes and dance um things to note really quick about how to do this burst we have a talent called improved Adrenaline Rush when you activate adrenaline rush you will get full combo points so something you can do is you can dance let's say let's say you stun a Target and then you dance and you have full points built up let's say you cheap shot full points you can press between the eyes now if you get a proc from Ace up your sleeve this will instantly kind of refill your combo points again so you can just press between the eyes over and over and over again every time that happens sometimes you'll get crazy RNG and you just keep pressing between the eyes and you're just slamming your target but what you can do is if you have AR coming up you can actually uh press between the eyes and then if you don't get a proc you can just use Adrenaline Rush fill your points and then press BTE again so there's ways to kind of combo your damage the way you're going to do the most burst as Outlaw and the most damage overall is getting the most value out of crackshot so yeah like I said during your vanish window when you have subterfuge and during your dance window you want to spam as many between the eyes as possible ideally this is when you're going to use your ghostly strike as well with like your Shadow dance and stuff um ghostly strike does also reset with combo points so you have this up more frequent than dance probably so that's completely fine in general though Outlaw is very straightforward um obviously Blade flurry off and on we want to do that to Mid Max our damage but we're kind of just using Sinister strikes and then if we have Ambush procs we can use Ambush because we have a talent here Ambush gives us a lot of combo points and if we get a pistol shot proc we get a bunch of combo points from that as well if you have an ambush proc and you have a pistol shot um it's better to Ambush because we get more points and it does more damage but if you want to be very energy efficient pistol shot procs are actually super low energy um so they can actually give you a lot of points so sometimes when I'm in a shadow dance if I have a ton of energy I'll just Spam ambush in between the eyes over and over but if I'm kind of energy starved and I need that damage really bad I'll just use pistol shot procs to get back to another between the eyes um but yeah like I said in general for the rotation crack shot is where you're going to get all the value out of your big damage and I guarantee you all of your favorite uh best rank one Rogues would completely agree with this this is just the way to play olaw right now something else to note about olaw what I was just talking about is since we do have this Talent underhanded upper hand this actually gives us um a 3se second stealth window which is the same thing of subterfuge so the way that these interact is they actually stack with each other so you see I have another tell me one here when I come out of stealth I actually have a 6C subterfuge which gives me a long time to kind of get those crack shots off so just doing the basic rotation here it would looks something like this we're going to ignore roll the bones for now but let's just say for example um we're on our Target here we want a kidney dance we can dance press our Ghostly and we're just going to spam between the eyes we didn't proc so we Ambush we got a proc there so we press between the eyes twice our dance Falls so we could banish and then between the eyes again and as you can see I have a ton of energy so I'm just spamming between the eyes here and when I don't have between the eyes I'm just going to press Ambush now times that you want to use between the eyes um is when you don't have vanish for like 45 seconds or so and if you don't have dance for like 15 seconds or so whenever you're in that window you'll actually build back between the eyes before you build back vanish or have dance back so it's fine to just throw between the eyes um but in general like let's say for example um your dance is back in 5 seconds and your between the eyes is up you're going to want to wait to press between the eyes until you're going to dance that way you get the most value out of your dance if you between the eyes early to like maintain the buff then you're kind of griefing yourself and you're not going to be able to dance anyways till it's back or else you're just losing a lot of value but yeah guys I'm not going to make this guide super complicated I wanted to make it very short very accurate on the most important things um I'm not a guide maker that's going to make you guys sit through a bunch of boring stuff so yeah if you guys have specific questions make sure you guys leave it in the comments I do read all my comments on my video Even You trolls I see your dumb I see your dumb comments trolling my ass I see them uh and if you guys want to live answer without any delay I live stream every single day at palamore and after posting this guide I'm actually going to be live streaming um I'm actually competing AWC next Wednesday with like a Content team I'm playing with Hansel and crusader so I'll be live probably playing 3v3 with those two right after I post this video so you guys can come say what's up and see me over there but yeah thank you so much for watching the guide guys I hope you guys enjoyed and uh I'll catch you guys all in the next video
Channel: Palumor
Views: 27,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow pvp, wow arena, rogue, assassination, sub, sub rogue, subtelty, wowarena, roguepvp, wowpvp, shadowlands, new wow expansion, shadowlands beta pvp, shadowlands beta, beta pvp, shadowlands rogue, shadowlands rogue pvp, rogue pvp, beta rogue pvp, shadowlands sub rogue, shadowlands op, shadowlands best class, palumor, sub rogue oneshot, oneshot, twitch, arena, guide, pre patch rogue, new sub rogue, shadowlands best spec, new build, 1v3, 1v2, ipalumor, pikaboo, venruki, xaryu
Id: HijYRnspcp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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