Bought a locker online for $250, but it looks TOSSED! How did I do at the abandoned storage auction?

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[Music] all right lockernuts we are back in business bought one today uh online auction 250 bucks this is definitely one of the lower priced ones that we saw it's awesome going really really high today we're in san ramon not far from my house this is actually where i used to rent locally it's very expensive to run here so um i typically like to buy here because well people gotta have some money to rent here as i know the customer that's what we got check it out oh yeah okay looks like the photos i'll tell you i'll be honest with you that right there is one of the reasons why i bought this okay that's a nigel painting actually let me flip this camera around and let me get some lights on in here take a look this is the fun part okay here we go all right so yeah as i was saying um got that light on that definitely helps in here this photo right here this is a piedmont graphics oakland california okay it's nothing it's nothing that special but um the print the artist rather i think that's nigel it's a famous painter from the 1980s um it was very cool back then and i saw that i thought well maybe they got some more 80 stuff in here that was my thinking that's kind of interesting what is that candle holder that's what it is yep put the candle on there so it doesn't fall over what else we got we got some junk this whole locker could very well be junk all right i know that was a chance when i bought it but uh there is a lot of boxes so that to me said there's some let's see a big dresser here and we see did you see the chairs over there and the i saw that in the photos online so [Music] could all be it could very well be junk like everything see how everything's pushed to the side into the corner and it's kind of open right here this could have meant that they took all the good stuff out and put everything they didn't want over there yeah that could be that could very well be there's some shoes though i don't like how that was torn open like that either silverware was it torn open all right well anyways it's a big chance that this is going to be a dump trip for me or a donation trip but hopefully we'll get some better stuff out of here by better stuff what i'm talking about stuff i look for to either put on ebay or to put in our live auctions costco empty um you know or go to the flea market with but the lower end regular type stuff i just typically donate and uh this is not going to be the only locker i buy today hopefully i've got my eye on a couple more we'll see what they go for but um i won't have time to like really take a long long time with this kind of stuff so this piece right here has got a different look it's a little dirty get some photos we got we got stuff in the drawers maybe it's a good sign i don't know all right let's get let's get well you know what no you don't need to get started just yet let's poke around a little bit more this stuff is not looking so good right here oh beats that's a good sign all right could be a good sign boy everything looks tossed and junky though ooh cuisinart there's a cuisinart coffee maker that's the same coffee maker i have at home my goodness i think that's the identical coffee maker i have at home it's a decent quality some clothes all right huh a lot of clothes i'm seeing a lot of clothes here this stuff more furniture it's a big couch right there okay well hmm it's hard to even know where to start so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go get my gopro i'm gonna go get a cart i like this thing right here that mirrored piece the mirrored dresser i'm not so hot on but i like that driftwood mirror that's kind of cool all right yeah let's look a little more a lot of clothes and this piece right here i thought maybe a solid marble i'm kind of glad it's not even though that would mean it would be worth a little bit i don't know what to do with that all right guys well at first glance here i'm not seeing anything too great this isn't this is not a sexy looking locker it's pretty trashy but we're going to uh hey i'm still going to get my fix on i'll be going through some boxes here and very very soon i just got to go up to do a little bit more paperwork and get a cart and get my gopro and then we'll get started how about now i'm glad i don't have my locker down there anymore he's right there down there and think of all that work wouldn't you be able to get in there great all right guys i'm here set up i'm all ready i've got a sim card in here but it's a new card and it's saying that it doesn't read and it needs to be formatted and every time i hit format it runs the process stops i start it again it says same thing needs to reformat so something's wrong with the card i got another one in the car but i'm here this is like i'm going to show you how far it is it's ridiculous i bought like the the furthest corner unit inside the longest hall trip of any of the per uh any of the lockers here i just read purses any of the lockers here uh that figure so anyways i'm not gonna be able to use my gopro to get this straightened out but check this out okay i went through one box of clothes already and the first piece i pulled out check it out hudson jeans those are hudson jeans are actually pretty nice that's there's some money in those good quality jeans probably 50 bucks 40 bucks at least a bunch of dresses and stuff it's all decent quality and then i have some a little bin set up right here of lower quality here's a couple mismatched shoes and this is all stuff that i'll probably donate and i'll keep the better stuff there for probably flea market or i don't know what but yeah i'm gonna probably go through these boxes and just show you what's interesting that i pull out and uh hopefully the first trip that i make to the car i'll get the other chip and that will work so i can get some gopro action as well all right here is a box of books and stuff but look at this i've got a fork here not terribly exciting but it is made in germany all right so look that up because stuff in cutlery in german made in germany sometimes can have some decent value here's a little earring that's nice and i see down there a whole bunch of change that's often a good there's another earring i like when i find change in lockers i don't know it just uh it just makes me feel good all right guys it's a little hot in here um i was just filming for probably a good 20 minutes and my gopro seemed to be fine and then it says bbb card error again with the new sim card there's two sim cards in a row neither one seems to be taking and both are not formatting for some reason so i gotta go home and get the other one it really takes me off i don't know i i don't know if any of that video is going to come out all i can tell you is that you're not missing much this really does this unit does appear to be gone through already i think what happened is uh the people came in and gutted it before they went delinquent on it or something i don't know uh it's unfortunate and it looked like that but i was willing to take a chance just because here in san ramon there's a tremendous amount of decent clothing though but man it's so hard for me to make it back and close basically those three bins right there i'm keeping we're gonna take home and look up this stuff right here i'm comfortable donating because it's just not high enough and just donate donate there's gonna be a lot going to the street to the dump too cause i see a lot of broken stuff in here but i'm gonna donate as much as i can i'm gonna keep the better pieces i don't know how much video i'm gonna get here guys because uh i don't wanna slow down and and i gotta go faster on this i'm gonna be bidding on another unit here in just a couple hours i'm hoping to get that one maybe that'll be better but uh i got to get through this so if i find something interesting i'll stop and update you but for now the gopro is a bust i'm not going to knock this out today anyways i'll have to come back tomorrow so the gopro i'll get that back in action so you can at least get a little bit unboxing right now not missing much okay i said i'd start if i got something interesting and what is this right yeah that's a fake louis baton yeah i can tell just by touching it is fake it's not fooling me but it did get me excited for a half a split second there leave a tone pretty funny coach i don't think so i think it's a fake coach but i'm not sure um it's not gonna be too valuable either way but yeah check it out here's the label if you're curious there's the label doesn't look to be too spectacular or impressive but we'll put it aside anyways i do like that i'm finding so many purses just haven't found any like really high value purses but purses still sell i mean at our auctions are at the garage sale there's still still there's another leather purse here it's not bad all right guys i'm making some progress i'm definitely biting into this area right here um working my way back all right it is uh yeah that box looks nasty i saw the cuisinart but i didn't see all that okay so got some got i'm getting stuff pretty well processed here and i got a little flow now finally got some empty bins to work with it makes it go faster i wish i had a garbage can but it's okay man there's some decent stuff in here i'm finding a lot of tagged clothes not like a ton a ton but maybe like every 10 or 15 pieces is tagged so that's decent and i've seen some pricey stuff all this right here that that that these two oh i just started going through this all that's going home with me janna's gonna have to take a pass through it because i think there's some nice stuff here some of this we might light up in our auctions i think it's good enough quality i really do this is nordstrom stuff the lady shopped at nordstrom quite a bit and uh the lower end stuff and by lower eye tank tops this has a stain on it um not like terribly bad if it's terribly bad i'll throw it in the garbage but the stuff that i think is like lightly clean like cleaning needed like well maybe that's a little more light but it's got it's got it's got some spots on it it's not stained okay it's just dirty so um that's that bag's going to the thrift store i got a little bit of stuff piled over here for the dump but surprisingly it's not that much stuff my dump pile is very small right now that's fantastic i love that i can donate a lot and light my load and i'm finding good stuff here i mean i was i at first i'm like okay this has been gone through and it's mostly closed but it's good clothes it is good clothes the furniture back here doesn't really do anything for me but hopefully it's clean i maybe just list it for free and blow it out really quick if not i live like seriously like a mile or two from here so anyways uh so far not too bad but nothing like no real big value exciting finds yet but i'm still going through it but here is the exciting thing i bought another locker just a few minutes ago online i flashed a photo of it right here i paid 910 and guess what's in there come on guys guess what do i love to find in lockers what i love to find what does everyone love to find in lockers a safe it's got a safe 910 uh i don't think was even that much for this locker based on today's prices it wasn't that much for this locker without the safe i thought i was going to go heck of crazy i was willing to go 12 1300 on it i didn't have to and i'm happy about that so we'll head over there tomorrow and work on that like you know pay for it pop it open i think i'm gonna try to rent it for a month give me some time we'll do that tomorrow for now i've got no rush i'm just gonna take my time and keep going through this stuff sorry i'm not getting more on film but believe me you're not missing anything unless you like clothes i know some of you do but uh it's not that much to miss i'll restart it if i find something exciting okay there's my third trip to the car third cart load this is keepers right here these are donators and uh let me show you what i got left here it's a lot but i i have made it through a lot of stuff this dump pile's getting bigger there's a lot of empty boxes back there so it's not quite as bad but i gotta knock all these boxes out and but um in those boxes there but look at this this is actually kind of a nice surprise if none of those mirrors are broken right see that it's a mirrored dresser and this is the matching side table right here so it looks to me um actually that looks a little different actually it is different it's mirrored but it's not matching so we'll sell those separate um but as long as none of the mirrors are broken i think that might be 200 bucks right there it's pretty cool it's pretty cool so yeah the pink stuff here that'll probably sell it looks clean this hopefully is clean and not tore up and uh that'll sell i think that's a big ottoman right there in the couch or or a chair or something i don't know but anyways hope that's in there yamaha all right well that's it about two hours before they close i'm gonna see if i can bust this out quick trip home to dump the personal stuff and then a trip to the thrift store to drop the donations all right i'm back uh it took me just a little over an hour to make those stops and uh i thought i was gonna be really impressed here just throw some stuff on the car and leave but i got a code yay so instead of having to be out of here by six which is office hours i've got till 10 that's more time than i'm going to spend here um because yeah there's not that much to do well this probably took me four hours but i just didn't plan on spending until i'm old i gotta get my sleep but jana's back at home i dropped a whole bunch of boxes off for her she's going through the stuff right now to uh pull out anything that's you know she determines to be good enough for our auctions hope hopefully she'll find a lot in there and anything else she's gonna put aside for the garage sale this weekend and uh yeah so i'm doing the first kind of like i do the first layer of sort bring it home she does a second layer of sort and it's like sifting gold right the big boulders out first then smaller smaller smaller until you get to the really good stuff that golden shiny stuff all right guys here's another load i'm started to bring home stuff to sort through i don't know if this is worth anything anymore but p90x it's got some sticky stuff on it but it's brand new sealed um no this is kind of funny i've been putting all the coins in the sock right here it's getting a little bit full and then i found look at that i've got all those coins right there i found one necklace floating around i'm not even sure if that's a necklace yeah i think that's a necklace i just been putting the nicer stuff in there stuff to take a little bit closer look right here i've been going through this is bathroom stuff and look at this this is why i just started the camera this right here all right i really haven't found very much good stuff at all in this locker so oh man wouldn't that be nice oh it does say something what does that say what does that say i don't know i don't know all right there's a couple pieces i'll bring those home and sort through them i don't really see anything too impressive but i didn't even really think i'd find anything i thought this was picked clean picked over there's a few more necklaces here the fact there's a shoelace in there too does not give me much hope but you never know i found crazier stuff than that so i'm gonna go through this box very carefully all right guys done clean space i love that feeling um actually i took me three more trips here one or two trips with the truck one with the trailer i'll show you that in a second one trip of the truck to the thrift store one trip to the truck to the dump this morning and then now boom one little cart left and now i gotta load down my trailer and uh head home i'll show you what that looks like all right hey i forgot to i forgot to film this when i left the unit but basically what i did is i went home and i added all kinds of stuff that i had already brought home from this locker so you see a lot more boxes oh it's windy today too i don't know hopefully i'm not too bad wind noise this piece is out of my garage but basically everything on this trailer right now is all from that locker that's a lot of stuff that's a pretty full trailer but i'm going to be adding a little bit more a little bit more from my locker yeah some stuff i've been sitting aside it's ready to go um we'll have a little bit more but it really is like i'm a little nervous about taking this much stuff to a garage sale because um the yard's not huge and this this is a tremendous amount of stuff i don't even know how many people are going to get tomorrow so but it is a lot of furniture furniture unloads quickly sells quickly i mean one big piece boom gone you know it's easier to sell a chair than his entire box full of clothes so um and i'll be selling the furniture cheap tomorrow so i'll try to add a little bit more to this and top this off plus i got to get all the tables all right guys so if you've been watching this sorry to get more tape my gopro really disappointed me um on this venture but uh as i mentioned earlier i did buy another online auction same day a little bit later that one had a safe in it and i've started going through that one yesterday so i'll release that footage my idea might have my gopro and that one quite frankly was more interesting than this one this locker in summary had a tremendous amount of clothes i was a little hopeful thinking oh these are going to be nice clothes and i saw some high-priced tickets i saw some brands i recognized but janna looked through it she said no this is like outdated by about i think she said 10 to 15 years a little bit older style stuff a lot of it is heavily used and stained and i i saw some of that in the locker but you know inside the lock it's a little bit dark and you don't really see stains that well until you get them out into better lighting so a little bit disappointed but anyways we didn't miss much with that one but still 250 bucks i'm gonna make some money on this one was it worth it though i don't know i'll double my money but um it's close to home i'm always willing to take more of a chance close to home because i don't have to drive far and also i know i'm in a better zip code that worked out for me recent with the versace locker it didn't work out for me on this one but i'll do it again i mean i'll take another chance again uh this one looked picked over though and that's absolutely what it was that's what i think now i found a little bit of photos but not that much she came and got her what she wanted so anyways okay guys here's the table this is the best of the best uh i mean maybe not i don't know i didn't put any clothes here we did pull some clothes out but this was all in that plastic bin that i said okay here's the better stuff i got to take home and look at it let's go through it real quick okay so these posters are all 80s 80s posters this one for example and it's hard to see but it's the go goes and i'm wrinkling it up with the one-handed stuff uh it don't matter it's already wrinkled up but it's still kind of cool go-go's i think there's three duran duran's and this one's adam and all from the 80s like one of them's got 1983 printed on it actually i think this one right here maybe not yeah 1983 printed in england and that is the random random that's the early one too the baby's in all right so i don't know if there's value on those which is kind of cool that she kept those this right here seems to be a nicer scarf and kind of funny because we found those really nice scarves and they said seda which i just learned was italian for silk this is made in italy and here is the designer enrico kovari i actually have to look this up still i didn't get to that all right the p90x as you saw i flashed on the screen because i researched this about anywhere from 35 to over 50 dollars used it seems to be kind of a big range in price i got it pretty much cleaned up took a little windex to it and then so there's some sticky stuff like a sticker residue from a sticker i took some lighter fluid to take off the sticker residue works like a champ a couple of cds here this one's the old brand new david gray this one's not it doesn't look like it's ever open see that i don't know yeah they probably just put the sticker back on gwen stefani we'll add those two a lot this one also you saw me flash the price on it this surprisingly is the 30 dollar bill right there pretty cool i took all the chains that we found put in this tub right here a lot of quarters in there this will add up this is going to be a few bucks if i had to guess i don't know between 20 and 30 bucks so here is this is it for the nice jewelry this janna went through it and said this is the nicest of the jewelry we will be lotting this up uh just like you see it here this will be in our monday night auction this piece right here was just brand new with the tag that's why we included macy's 34 hours all right but it's not as nice as the other pieces these pieces are pretty cool but this is my favorite right here this right here because it's got the indian head nickel all right or you can call it buffalo nickel whatever got the feather right there pretty cool piece that's a silver coin so i wouldn't be surprised that feathers also silver and you got some beads here and some leather so a leather strap i think that's a neat piece okay over here is kind of all the rejects like uh you know then we have like one earring there you know even like we have a pair right here it's just it's just not nice enough to put in our lot so what we'll do is all this stuff here we'll all go into um a miscellaneous bag this is what we do with this kind of stuff we'll put in a bag and just sell a bag of miscellaneous jewelry some of it's mismatched so it's broken but this stuff it is what it is all right this piece right here it's kind of pretty but i noticed when i was reviewing the video it looks like it's corroding right there okay gold doesn't corrode like that right so it's probably if it is gold it's gold-plated and whatever the base metal is is bleeding through that's my guess i don't know what it says right there it says like edco or something edco i think i'm not sure what to do with this ring i think it's still pretty but it might make it the back it might go separate i'm not sure we have this little old camera everything's kind of gross you know she's got like makeup or something all over everything there's no card in there i think there is a battery i found the battery charger that's good um the battery charger alone sells it's probably 10 bucks i don't know nothing too huge or significant this bose system's not bad but again everything's so dirty you see it charger i think i have one of these um the remote i'm assuming is for this probably is it's a sound dock surprisingly even though it's an old format right here still oh i think you can replace this too i think this part comes off maybe you can buy a new one still these sell for 50 bucks so surprising 50 bucks right there um i'll probably just sell at the garage sale though because the condition on it's not super great but um yeah still surprising it gets that much all right this not a big deal here either but uh keychain there's a coach a little coach keychain seen lots of wear it's in perfect condition though i mean besides the wear kind of gives it a little character all right this this i i have never found one of these before this is a mini disc it's kind of funny huh that i never find these i don't think mini disc ever caught on so um it's like a cd you know i think they thought this was gonna be the next greatest thing it's a mini disc so anyways i looked this up surprisingly this one right here sells for 30 bucks so that's going on ebay big surprise right there all right and then we had a few gift cards zero ballot zero ballot zero balance however just like it says right there 15 bucks that one had the money went on my account and that makes me happy right now it's friday afternoon and i'm preparing for a garage sale tomorrow hopefully i'll get this video out before then um well anyways i'm doing all i can just not enough time in the day i'm tired and i'm old what can i say i work by myself this is uh it's a lot of work for me so i'm doing my best bought two big lockers this week and um i'm trying to keep up with it but you know what it is fun even though this locker really wasn't that interesting it was still fun i still like the adventure and i like the the mystery and i hope you guys like it too all right i hope the video came together well i don't even know at this point um why do you see me wearing my earbuds because i like listening to music when i'm loading and unloading makes it go by super fast so i'm going to get to that right now and like i said the other locker is much more interesting i only went through it for about four hours and is a lot of garbage just to you know just let you know there's a lot of garbage what i found is a little bit better more interesting stuff and corona and i would sorry i always do that now um what i found was a little bit more interesting definitely some you know a little different stuff and some hints of some collectibility so i'm hoping in the back of that locker it seems to be getting the better the deeper i go and i'm hoping in the back uh there's going to be some collectible stuff back there there could be i see some comic books i see some marvel stuff um batman we'll see all right well that's just a little teaser but anyways thank you guys so much for watching this video next one will be out soon until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,488
Rating: 4.9581299 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks,, Gucci, found money, found cash, Versace, vintage designer clothes, Fremont California, Tesla, Silicon Valley, 1980s, Bought online, storage treasures, storagetreasures
Id: 88aZ-y6r9oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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