BOSS RUSH Bro and Sis!! Super YOSHI 3D World!! *FULL PLAYTHROUGH!* [World Flower 100%!!] 2-Player

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today we play Super Yoshi 3D World with my sister she is Yoshi and we take on one of the hardest worlds in the game and the Boss Rush there is so much laughing and so much screaming in this video there are so many unbelievable moments I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying these videos thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoy this video okay so here is the first level of world flower are you excited switch shop circus if only circus was also spelled with an sh then a demolition I don't think that thing's gonna move yeah wait come back here look there's a warp box right here where do you think that takes us do you think we actually want to go in that I actually don't remember because I haven't been here in so long let's go see oh oh you just have to tap them all activate them like that stop it there we go okay at least I got this stuff okay but that's kind of funny that you have to go backwards let's see anything else back here okay I think that's all okay so it's nice that we got that first one oh now we want to activate all these do you remember the first time we were at this circus level like this in this game [Music] um circus level it was just like this where you have to activate all these do you remember that or no I'm trying to remember do you remember this oh yeah yeah yeah I do remember yeah this is one of the first levels yeah this is World 1-3 or 1-5 or something oh do you want this you want this I think you want that I think so I want that Acorn yeah go take the acorn yay thank you great power up now you can do great stuff yay oh yeah Acorn that's the cat powerable I can look like it oh it's wait just isn't it get them is it after you complete the game you get this power up oh no no that's a very good question though oh where's the final one we need those we need both of them yes you want me to kill this yellow execution don't worry I got it I'll take it take your time I'll rush for this one here yeah but uh to answer your question the power up it's not that all super Bells become like that after you beat the game it said that's a power up that you can start to run and do don't fall off because I died yeah you can start to get those power-ups in the post game world oh I see warn me when you fall off like that do not follow yeah okay get those because I know that when all of them light up the enemies get defeated wait hold on let me actually take this power just for a moment so that when we go here we actually get two of these that's better use of it okay come get this one now okay here we go here we go uh it is called the lucky Capital power up Acorn power up is something else Acorn power up isn't in this game I actually don't know if it is called the acorn oh we gotta get that okay get back up when you know when you're sliding down and you want to go in Infinity no idea what you're talking about [Music] come on there we go baby let's go okay get those boxes get the question mark Vlog see if there's anything in them or just coins and come on come on don't fall off come on okay what did you mean by Infinity oh did you mean when you start climbing how do you keep climbing yeah uh hit ZL or ZR and then you could climb again yeah you could only do that once though oh I see it's okay no just Infinity not infinity and beyond uh-oh zappy guy almost got me what are these zap you guys called do you know their names they're called zapdoids okay we only need one more who's gonna get it I'm gonna die if I go there don't die don't die don't die don't die wait for me to come back wait for me to come back wait for me wait for me wait for me wait for me wait for me don't jump don't jump I need to get this guy oh here we go okay we need one more green star where's the last green star oh what if we had to time wait wait there must be somewhere here wait what's this oh I know where it is you see that oh okay careful do I throw it or jump and throw it jumping check if there are more baseballs there oh there's one more she's gonna get just like that because I get the points you're mean it's just a strategy it's an evolutionary space and now I have to be careful yeah [Music] here I can help you like that did I knock you off by ground pounding I actually didn't mean to do that I'm sure you didn't oh don't die oh boy okay now wait what's the point of that oh I guess it's to get the top of the goal okay let's go I'm taking you with me but why did you jump off oh baby you fell off maybe Yoshi didn't hold on to a small little T-Rex pause you mean Mario's hands that is why I have small little T-Rex Paws no I mean Yoshi because he looks like a dinosaur oh remember that time you were playing something like a grapping game on one of these mini games there's way a lot of grabbing games I have no idea what you're talking about it was one of those mini games like Mario Party yeah and then there's four different gloves you see your hands like the hands of the characters and then one was green and we were like oh I wonder whose hands oh yeah yeah yeah okay yeah I know what you mean yeah so when you're playing a Mario Party mini game you can see which hand course you can only see the hands of the characters you can't actually see the characters and there was Mario Peach and Yoshi and some other characters oh oh yeah the fuzzies catch up to you you die so you don't want to get caught by the fuzzies so we have to be careful isn't this cool how there are these moving blocks of water well yeah and then you see the green Yoshi hand and it's very obvious that it's Yoshi and then one of us oh there we go then one of us made a joke about yeah how we wondered which hand belongs to Yoshi even though it's very obvious which one belongs to Yoshi some of the other characters might look more similar oh I don't think I could actually get through there because we are small ground pound on this ground pound and hold the ground pound button hey nice you got it amazing good job yeah that's fine that's fine we're actually doing great okay yeah all right so that they don't come to us and I want their coins okay be on the lookout those spikes in the right I know a guide okay I gotta Focus now oh boy jump again oh boy okay I'm back oh you're back so that's okay so I could die now no wait wait we might have to go there okay I'll stay here in case you die okay you go there I would have liked that mushroom but that's okay how am I not dying oh I'm not done oh my God so close perception okay let's dive then so that we can redo that that was actually unbelievable there's so many times that I almost died I can't believe that I didn't die there well till the very end oh I guess now we have these this might help us okay let's see yeah just don't get hurt okay okay why didn't you say okay no promises it's almost like you haven't played this level so you just do it a moment ago you're probably for the same trap every time like there are mites that can figure this out uh oh oh that's bad I took a risk it was not worth it did not pay off the stadium the spikes until I realized I'm like okay you know what I'm taking this time just so we can defeat these guys that might be a bit easier now if we could get some power-ups from here is there a block here where's the block Uh Oh I thought there was a block here I guess there isn't I didn't want to get boosted like that there's a spicy spiky here Mario that was absolutely pointless what I just did there now he won't get you oh thanks okay we gotta be ready for the green stars exploring things here hey you get those three get those get those there okay I think I got them yes there we are okay we got them all yes we're going without me I'm gonna try and catch up whenever I come back to town come back to town can you swim underwater forever I in this game yes in this level maybe you want to go in there yet or yeah let's go in because we have all the green stars so it doesn't matter oh and now I think they're actually gonna chase us see over here even they're chasing us so we have to get the top of the goal pull here we actually can't wait go as high as you can yeah I can see how the fuzzies are still chasing us here we get you yeah I think in the previous version of this because you know how a lot of these levels that we're seeing are remakes yeah yeah in the previous version I don't think that the fuzzies actually chase you in the final round that's more exciting when they chase you in the final room yeah that's a rule of life I like it when people chase me in the final room we're over 300 green stars how many green stars did you think were in this game um I thought only 100 or 200 maybe yeah but now we're at over 300. get ready for piranha creeper creek after dark oh yeah this one's challenging I remember some water everywhere Oh you mean the original yeah right you think this level is going to be sunny I don't think so why why are you laughing yeah Mike oh it's so dark why do you think it's so dark oh wait wait wait wait wait I'll take the fight the fight I think we have to light all them up don't get hurt don't get hurt do you see the things that you're lighting up yes yeah so don't get hurt wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me see what's up here can't remember if there's anything up there hey you threw me into the poison oh my gosh yeah now how are we gonna light all these up okay I'm not sure wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move okay just wait a moment just wait a minute you're not listening okay now wait wait wait no no no be careful okay that's fine it's okay yeah get hurt look there's one more to light up and I think you get a green start for lighting them all up now what are we gonna do maybe with enough friction we'll light it up yeah try that just keep ground pounding on it ground pound friction now this time we're both oh boy okay we're both going to be normal sized so we should both be able to get a fire flower right or is it just one Perfect all right so we can do teamwork now yeah because before we couldn't do anything or you're just going wherever you wanted and you weren't listening careful not to throw me yeah whoa oh I accidentally three that actually was an accident I know now I'm the one that's not listening but you get another fire flower so you get to try again so you're lucky you want to stay away from you so you don't burn me by accident and I don't throw you I don't think I can burn you but I can throw you by accident I don't want to do that but I throw yeah I want to be on purpose there we lit them all up nah we do get the green star so it's very lucky that we did do that isn't it nice okay now let's go through here and we're both fire which is nice also right wow we have so many coins yeah we do okay let's see anything up here yeah look I'm up here oh wow nice yeah Isn't that cool you want to hit that [Music] can tougher I don't like coin coffers why not because they'll keep coughing not a wanna get a cough I'll hit that nice defeats those guys oh oh that one's actually enough to be close I threw you into the Poison by accident right now shoot fire try and get this box oh one up yeah but that doesn't matter okay wait does this bring us back to the very beginning or where let's see oh yeah right here okay yeah so it's a good thing that we were able to check that out okay let's like bees on fire yay oh nice come on is there another one yeah that's beautiful yeah keep that in our store so you go first and I'll follow you behind so you don't throw me off okay will you follow me into the dark you get it is that a song or something yeah it's a song it's by Death Cab for Cutie whoa wait hold me hold me face that way face up left no I want you to face that way yes perfect oh boy this is so scary you killed us you know I always die 10 seconds in a level oh boy okay let's take our fire flowers take it and go oh you took mine oh uh well you could have another one then we'll get another one soon or you could just take that one anyways okay so that's fine let's just get rid of this guy whoops the guy kill this guy for me I can't get him do you see that's why I told you to get him right now wait let me use the fire flower I'm here okay now let's take these there we go okay now I can't remember Rose is there was there anything to light up here or no I don't think there was anything to light up there's just a lot of points over there right okay so that doesn't matter okay so come back down okay oh whoa okay I'll take a fire flower in here okay you're taking my finger flowers oh boy Whoa I almost got hurt that was a really close one yeah it was hey where are we gonna go now I'm trying to get this right here thank you guys that's actually very nice yeah okay you take out those enemies okay [Music] okay you're not taking them out oh I'm trying I lost it I lost it okay we've got to get another fire flower if we want to light them all up okay what we needed don't hurt me go get the piranha plant go take out the piranha plant what go jump on him obviously okay let me try and get him don't jump on him come on running out of time I can get him go get him why didn't you get him I missed him why not him I'm really good at aiming at those things maybe you should give me the power up nope I got it you're really good at getting hit go get that piranha plant over there because there's the thing that we have to light up oh he's sitting on it yeah I think he's sitting on it almost got him you can do it I know that you can do it yeah let's try again you can do it I have faith in you I know that you can do it come on big Yoshi you can do it okay come on little Yoshi do a spin and right there there you go you got a great job okay I got it now wait for me to come back in case you fall in the lava and then you can go get him okay how am I gonna get it though this is scary I'm gonna stand here and wait for you okay stand there and wait for me good job yeah okay now wait oh boy don't move okay good good good very good okay now we want to continue across you want to get hurt by these guys oh oh no I didn't make it okay I'm a little yo she hears some try not to die I'm just waiting for you and wait can we get that guy to hit these things with his fires because we need wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait he's gonna shoot the fire at me wait okay oh no oh it doesn't reach okay yeah and uh we need fire to get those wait wait there's an invisible block right there ah no it's because you're little oh no that's so sad so sad so sad okay let's jump off then this is hard this might be one of the hardest yeah I think this is one of the hardest ones it'd be good if we could destroy these guys because then they wouldn't be trouble anymore that's so nice Okay you actually have to work a bit hard to get them go get the guy up there or you know what maybe I could even get him [Music] it's collided the song When Fireballs collide yes you got him good job nice okay now hold on there's one over here that I gotta get and yeah don't use the fire flower power up yet let's just keep the ones in storage until we need them let me go here so you can see better oh that's actually great I'm gonna get it on the first try now I'm scared because I want to accidentally jump out into the poison I think it's easier if you go on this part and go like that from right good call oh that works okay nice now let's see where we're going next so another fire flower don't lose this foreign okay got that one very nice okay now let's go on to this one here and that one well I might get hurt here oh I got hurt so did I think can you stop on fire oh no I'm gonna wait here then yeah wait there wait there yeah that's the perfect place to wait just wait hold on I'm gonna try and get this guy but I might die doing this okay nice I got that guy well let me get this little guy whoa oh boy it's so hard to see okay wait wait let me go jump onto him he's gonna start shooting at me yeah I hope not okay oh he doesn't even see me uh-huh maybe because it's too dark because it's only enough okay I'll take a fire flower and I'll light up this one okay okay cool and then there's one I'm facing yeah okay very nice should I move out of your way then yes yes yes oh no oh no oh no give me get out okay let's get rid of this guy let's just take out these piranha plants first wait do we have oh we have one more fire yeah we have one in storage it's a little challenging again oh I'm almost dead too so hold on you go first okay good thing that we communicated that yeah because what if we both die here after all this work and we have a nice amount oh 99 seconds foreign I'll take the fire flower now just trying to like these a lot is that the last one that we need that one right there yeah okay get him no hold on wait I'll hit him then you get him almost died it's really hard get him okay good good good good good good okay the last one last one what if this is Green Star number three [Applause] [Music] okay now I think we might have to do the same thing in the final room yeah there's stuff that we have to light up here also 51 seconds yeah okay let's don't get the goal yet because we still need the final one okay okay hold on let me just take one moment over here to get up and let's see oh boy okay do you want me to do this jump sure let's see you can do it move out of my way so I'll have to get the goal pull after this thank you amazing we got it oh boy with 16 seconds left that was definitely one of the hardest levels we've had maybe even b-hearted yeah I wasn't even talking much because I was so focused on trying to light up all those torches yeah it took a lot of time and a lot of attempts yeah I'm glad that we got that it's rewarding to complete it who wins the one who got the green stars and did all the work oh boy wow that was fun but challenging I like completing levels like that yeah it's very tough all the we have to be very cautious with guarding our fire flowers there it'd probably take me twice as long if you weren't doing the level with me are you ready for faster fort fire Bros yes faster Furious fire Bros it's almost all F's faster Ford fire Bros if only instead of bros it was something with an F yeah I was about to say that her phones faster Ford fire froze those are froze you want that green star oh nice oh oh and we only have uh 20 seconds yes we've got to be very careful with what we do here okay get that fire flower do you remember this level uh not really oh yeah get the time in there go through the pipe very good now ground pounding on that ground pound on that ground pound on that one no ground pound on this one get the time nice and I think we have to defeat these guys I can't see oh my God I couldn't see where I'm going it looked like I was gonna land on his head I can't see where I am where am I oh there I am I'm about to die okay 14 seconds left not a lot of time left okay do we have to go up to the top I'm not sure if we have to go up to the top here let's get on top of this guy get on top of this guy oh let's see I'm not sure if there's anything there wait no no no no no no no no you can't now okay now wait wait wait let me get up here okay okay hey now come here come here I want to see if there's something here I can't remember if there is something here oh greenstone perfect okay good thing that we came here okay not a lot of time left okay now come to the right quickly quickly quickly we gotta fight some more time where's time right there oh no holding on one more second wow okay now we know what to do kind of okay go get them okay I'll get the power-ups here then you continue on you continue on continue on I'll get the power-ups oh that thing hit me that's okay here I start to kill him and I died I'll come here and I'll get it this time where are you right there behind you okay go ground pound on the thing oops hey did you get the time yes okay let me take out this fire bro there we go now go through the box perfect very nice very nice good teamwork yes okay so now we don't have to go up to the left so now we can just go straight across here [Music] and we're both little so we have to be careful yeah get the time and ground pound on it good job good same thing on the next one now try again there we go good job okay now let's go through here 30 seconds on the clock we're both little so we have to be careful oh oh this is gonna be tricky you know what you want to take the fire flower power up or do you want me to do it you can do it okay please okay gotta be careful oh no we gotta get him we gotta get the fire bro we need to defeat the Fire bro that's when the warp box spawns there we go nice yeah very nice 11 seconds oh four stars yeah where's the last star where's the start oh oh wait what if we bounce off the guy where's the star though oh no you gotta come back for the star because we only had three seconds left so I thought you know what let's just complete the level we'll come back and get the final green start right now where could it be oh yo she's not even in the picture yeah you're in a bubble you know where hmm where do you think it is I don't remember that really long box shot in there I think it was between maybe there and mending the level let's see why is Mars fly golden when we didn't get All-Stars uh it's golden because we got the top of the gold pole but see how this one has a green star at the Top This one doesn't have a green star at the top makes sense yes [Music] make a Yoshi sound okay everyone goes wow your toad voice is amazing yeah that's very good sounds very country I don't know why oh we're almost out of time okay now where is Green Star number three going to be let's hold on Green Star number two is up there so Green Star number three has to be somewhere between here and there 15 seconds oh you know what it is I think it's ground pound right here yeah there we go yeah cause I thought there's a shiny spot right there so that has to be okay now we just have to complete the level that's funny okay now we just gotta defeat the fight I died too oh no oh no okay let's try to get those power-ups at the beginning here okay to the right sure I'll get them you continue on it doesn't matter you didn't get them no I farted in a bubble so we're getting nothing we're probably gonna die again I died already okay I've got to be careful I'll wait for you to respond actually we have 13 seconds just die no I will not okay I'm jumping off because I know we're gonna die nope we can make it okay now let's do it like I say oh okay let's get this all the power ups and go quickly oh okay good plan oh good job getting him I think that should be your responsibility from now on defeating that fire bro sure because you're very good at that I had a bit of difficulty with that but it seems like you're much better at it I know to play to our natural strength keep going okay I'll go into this one then that's where the that's where the what go on hey but we're gonna get some more time here and now we just have to finish the level we have to get a Firepower up you are on player bro Duty you know what that means I have to kill him yeah so why didn't you it was what it was on your side I'm on your side I'm on your side what's that from I remember hearing that from some game it's like when you attack someone that's on your team they go for I'm on your side I'm on your side Naruto wait we're switched again oh no I don't think it's from Naruto I don't know what it's from Pokemon no whoa I barely won that some Fighter game uh-huh I got under 9 000. you know how never mind over nine thousand yeah yeah okay that's five this one is six so that one must be seven so let's go six seven no five oh yeah four six yeah so it's been a while since we've played do you remember this level let's see what did I say faster for fire bro so many apps why is the last one on an F2 okay ready four this is the next one world flower Dash five and at the end of this world there's the Boss Rush are you excited yes I am so the Boss Rush what is that again oh I think we gotta catch this guy first oh we ground pounded together okay remember how to play this game yeah because we took a little break since we last played wait let's come down here let's see if there's anything down here I don't think there is but come down here maybe there'll be something hidden back here behind the level and look closely because if there are any shiny spots on the tops of Hills oh look it's a Luigi do you see this yeah yeah the Luigi Emoji not Emoji yeah oh these guys attacking it's not a Yoshi it's a low she what do you mean it's a low she I don't understand because of the elf the first letter of mine oh oh I get it oh oh and I get to have this I have a cat now you remember the Super Mario movie oh yeah that was pretty cool we actually got something from the store today a mushroom oh yeah we got a mushroom from this well like a Mario mushroom mushroom you just got a mushroom yeah okay now we gotta be on the lookout for where the green stars are where are the green stars at do any of these Rapids have them where are you here I am what are you doing there you want to come in here oh look a fire flower I'll take that I'm gonna try and jump in this pipe right here oh I missed I'll try too because there might be some other stuff back here you're little get the one up yay no don't die I just died okay we need one more green star and the stamp wait let's check back here because this stamp might be back here let's come back here somewhere let's look around here come here come here come down here because we didn't really explore this area this stamp might be here oh look right here something maybe this is where it is you're gonna get teleported yeah because it took the song to get there oh that just brings us over here it's like everything just keeps bringing us over this way don't fall [Music] yeah if you want to get this let's go oh no I didn't mean to go up there no no but let's get lunch I guess and let's jump back out after this okay go back oh you have to be towed in this level look oh you have to redo the whole level yeah let's redo the level then or you know what let's just finish level let's just come down here first let's see what's down here because there's got to be something down here it's gonna be something new here let's come down it's gonna be something right here because look there's a pipe right here where could this take us let's see this fight brings us what if it just kills you oh what if it just brings you back to the beginning start okay but hold on we still have to find where either the last greens start or the stamp is because that code switch obviously gives you either green start or a stamp oh did you see this oh no what are these silly frogs jump on them they're silly little frogs they're called coin coffers remember they had stuff like this in Super Mario 64 kind of similar to this not really they've got a thing like this that gives a bunch of coins isn't it like a boo or a ghost no it was in the snowy level don't know if I remember that I was so much younger when I played huh where did that come from [Music] hey now you can climb this is so much easier for me now yeah but where could the stamp be because we gotta find the stick looks like there's a circle behind that yeah it does where could it be though lions lions there were four lines there uh let's just try and get the top of the goal or you know what let's defeat this guy first oh there we go he's defeated and let's just get the top of the game no I think we're gonna get the stamp with the toad so where do you think the last green star is oops for you sure okay come quickly come again go now ready don't fall okay one of us okay there we go at least I didn't die third time yeah we have to find the green star in the stamp because we're missing two things so do you want to be Yoshi I'll be towed sure and you think with the toad symbol we're gonna get a Stamper star either a stamp or Star I don't know but then we're still missing one more thing yeah or wait are there no stamps in this world I think there might be no stamps in this world so it might be just that we need this uh star there has to be a stamp no no because I think there's one world where there are no stamps look over here none of the levels have stamps see so I think in World flower they don't have stems yeah because we took a break for a little while before completing World flower that's probably why we don't remember so you'd be the same character I'll be Toad and now we'll go get this star let's just run to the end I'll race you come on little toad the toad runs faster than Yoshi so you can't keep off and see is that actually true yeah yeah toad has a faster run speed but Luigi can jump higher different characters have different stats like Peach she can float but and what about Mario uh Mario is just like an average character he's all around pretty good I'm doing great so far wait what was that woo sound who was that I hooked you up that sounded like Mario was saying that I think it's toad for some reason because Yoshi doesn't make that sound for sure toad would go oh and it's over there oh why is that such a hard spot that's the hardest spot that it could be who do you think's gonna get it yes you think at least one of us were careful are you gonna pop out can you pop out no I can't even not bubble again so it's just mushroom head now turn on say something like toad that's pretty good people in the comments last time you do that they were saying that you're very good at the tone voice the 300 points the least I've ever had I think well I'm glad they like my totaled voice maybe I should just permanently have a toad voice or something wait you don't order food at stores I mean you could wait no but we have to get behind this guy so you need to get injured in order to go behind him oh is it yeah see it's right under him let me get it it's going to come closer to us it follows you [Music] [Applause] is there anything down here oh look there's some kind of box oh it's a fake box we don't like fake boxes how do you jump through him uh you can't okay yeah hey this level looks familiar but it's like kind of like black and white yeah it's not really black one it's kind of like brown and gray wait let's see if we can go through this painting because didn't you want to go through this painting before well not you but in the level I mean well maybe there will be something nice up there let's see oh I made it up without the couch but we already have two green stars we have so many and look it's end of the level already you think so yeah I think it's a fake one why do you think it's fake try it no I'm from last time I did this from last time but last time you didn't do this is your first time here we might have to go real quick but we might want to ride the sofa there's a pipe over here yeah you might actually have to go up there to get the green stuff [Music] oh I'm in a bubble but it just Blended in with the ghost hopefully the sofa is going to come back go over there I tried to come back he just turned somehow and he turned we need this sofa though here I know what to do what how do I pick you up hold the Run button wait maybe you could actually Boosie home jump here I'll try and boost you okay I'm gonna just go back see ya what if it Oh I thought I kept spinning it just we would just keep being there is it back no it's not back okay hold on hold on hold on I'll actually do a jump with you and then go jump off jump off let's just restart the level I guess no I don't know if we have to go up there we might not have there's a pipe so maybe we we get a stamp or well no there are no stamps in this world I think and maybe there's a green star up there oh there it is get it oh you got the crowd eggs you saved us and now you just have to finish the level did I punch you guys that why he lost his crown I don't know or did you get whoa I'm dead keep going wait I think we might need that uh warp box down there because that's a fake goal pull I think okay wait because look this one's fake right look or you keep going further see but look if you keep going I think the same thing just repeats but I did see a warp box though yeah yeah because look there's this warp box it just brings you back so it looks like you keep going through the same section here so if you go into that door that brings you where you just were and then you have to jump over these oh no yeah don't worry about the crown but look we're here again be careful okay I'll wait for you here so we don't pull the die hopefully you come here okay let's go into that warp box there we go see if we made it and now it's actually wait let's yeah let's check if there's anything back here wait it won't let us go back that's weird all right now just don't die now it's gonna be the end here wait there's nothing here though come on keep going it's probably gonna be a goal pull soon maybe the gopal's here because we have to get the top otherwise you have to redo the level this has to be ready okay where is it okay nice we both got it who do you think is gonna win in this level I think me because I got two green stars yeah you actually did quite a bit here and I'm little that doesn't mean you won't win if you're little yeah that's true but I am little I lost my crown well your crown let's see oh you did win okay so this is dash six I think I think this is flower six that we just did so let's see what's down here this one is eight so let's go to seven first so seven should be over here seven flower power time pipeline boom Lagoon does that sound what do you think this level's gonna have oh I like this one I'm glad it's not black and white wait come down here check it there's anything here oh I got a cannon yeah I'll take one too so hold on let's come back there to the start because there might be something there at the start come here [Music] wait I think we have to explode that Bowser there actually oh there you go yeah we have to explode I think all of these we might have some stuff and I think so oh never mind it looks like it let's explode the pipe wait is there anything off here to the side because I kind of remember that there was something that we have to do with these let's kill all these things here maybe and and nothing yeah we didn't get anything weird okay oh yeah try that oh oh I hidden block let's get it get it hey nothing there okay I'm going through and you're coming with me what if I blew up the pipe while you're in it would you die uh I don't think so wait wait come up here can we come up here yeah we should be able to yeah because look there's a Goomba right there if he breaks out just coins you know how to dive no uh jump off the wall do a spin jump into the wall and jump off then hit Z and dive button when You Face Forward which one's the dive button dive is ground pound and run together hey I'm sorry I forgot about that blasted my hat off okay give me the mushroom at least sure you didn't oh that's cool okay let's break this one oh little Goombas came out anything down here you're doing something over there while I'm over here okay no more shooting me fine watch out yeah I am it's like extra wait wait let's check anything oh I can get another one now oh good no I'm not gonna hurt you okay but I think we do need to keep these because I think there are some things go through that one oh I saw it there's a box Where'd I go a hidden box am I the red or the green one uh you're green because you're Yoshi watch out don't get hurt by these guys oh no no no no something popped up on my screen oh no oh no you can't see the screen oh boy I accidentally brought up something on my screen that blocked this I was worried we wouldn't get the green star yeah but we got the green star okay that's amazing I don't know if you want to keep jumping up there oh hopefully we're not gonna miss a green star wait we can't blow this up can we know it doesn't look like it's Invincible maybe if you shoot a thousand times something will happen you know there's actually a game where you can do something like that where if you hit something enough times then you can actually break through it yeah like Paper Mario oh yeah yeah yeah there's something like that I love I lost it be careful not to lose it don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it start where is this forward go forward go forward now come on okay I'm trying I'm trying whoa how are you so good I don't know how I did that yeah now come here because we might need that power up oh blast this blast this right here right there we have to do that pretty fast okay okay so I don't kill you where are they go get some down there [Music] yeah that's okay well let me get one of these just so we have a backup okay where am I there I am okay yeah cause you're really the MVP in this one I guess so wait for me or just yeah yeah come on I lost my thing right away you want to go up I don't think we need to because don't go there actually come up this way bless this or come up here I think this way might be better where's that gonna take us that launches us up here this might make it easier to get to the top of the goal pole I'm guessing because in the other level that isn't a remake I think over there is where you get a stamp or a green star so this might help us for reaching the top level yeah shoot that Bowser shoot him wait is there anything up here hold on you probably want a ground pound here because look at how the flowers are arranged yeah you gotta run up isn't that funny Oh I thought that green thing came out oh I almost exploded this flagpole okay I'm gonna spin just watch out okay hurry oh you made it in time yeah look how many seconds left yeah 69 seconds left and the level is complete and we got all the green stars that's amazing look at the Goomba in the background you won look by how much you got almost double my score oh I did pretty good okay so that was Dash seven so this one should be nine that one's nine so let's go to eight first do you remember this level because I think in World flower a lot of the levels are remakes of earlier levels but more difficult sometimes it's a speedrunner oh yeah this one looks familiar to what we already did yeah but it's a different way for what well wait for me cause I'm back okay okay yeah I'll take one okay you gotta really listen to the music ah get him get him get him get him block him with your tail attack with your tail like that yeah I think that's why oh look there's a Mario switch oh you're so lucky you didn't die I know okay that Mario switch basically did nothing man you gotta get that green star over there yeah this one's a bit tricky the beat's a little off yeah well it's not a little bit fast yeah a little fast yeah let's see I forgot how to grow oh boy I had a dive is ground pound button plus run how do I keep getting damaged the silliest stuff is damaging me so far you're the MVP of this level yeah so far let's hear we gonna get double cherries here you think nope I don't want that Spike to get me oh no I'm done wait wait yeah wait for you and then we'll climb up yeah let's go ready okay I'm too excited hey just listen to the music don't talk ready let's go hey hey I saw that coming yeah I saw that coming too oh you start from the very beginning oh my goodness how could we do it don't die good okay just get the power-ups let me get one there we go you get one okay now don't get hurt then we can just float it'll be easier exploded you oh it explodes at the end there when it comes in contact with something it explodes okay I'm gonna just float to you get ready I'm gonna slip to you again okay I'll just get us through the level like yeah there we go I want to keep this power up when we really need it yeah don't carry me I didn't know that thing another one exploded at the very um well depends what it comes in contact with I think it exploded because it hit you oh okay you ready to go I think up there's actually a checkpoint flag come where are you I don't know where I am zero lives oh how can we be out of lives that makes no sense what yeah [Music] that's sad yeah I died so many times I got rid of all of all of our lives now you better not die yeah this is actually sad can we get this or no let's see where these are oh I've got to get up there let's see okay and do you think it'd be easier with four people trying to collect all the green coins uh maybe but I think some things would be quite a bit more difficult actually yeah wait what happens because I think we actually do have to head down there for something but maybe not actually I'll just go like this okay this reminds me of something you mentioned that we could play a game sometime where you control it and I just do the jump button oh yeah yeah they have a speed run category like that for Super Mario 64 actually that'd be cool where it's two players One controller we should do that sometime yes I'll too bad those aren't lives yeah are you ready yeah I'm ready stay in the middle part Yoshi's invisible right now it's a superpower where am I going oh this is good yeah oh there's the last green star all right wow almost made it but if you stay in the middle you actually don't have to move you could actually be in contact with both that's actually smart yeah okay uh but I think after this level we're gonna have to go and get some more lives assuming we finish this right now just quite quite quite let me listen and let's go there you go easy all right there we go do you want to celebrate too early sometimes I play Super Mario Maker too I go there we go and when I say that I died to the end so let's go get more lives yeah remember didn't we have hundreds of lives or something so I guess I died over 100 times what's the max lives max number of lives that you can have a bit over a thousand I think wow wait you're not even here where are you where did you go where are you are you gonna show Yoshi oh there I am five up nice so we got some more lives how do we get five lives I guess when you run out of lives that happens five lives fries five lives Burgers and Fries five lives in low she Rises I don't know hey do you remember how to get more lives here I know I think you have to get the Cooper shell or something yeah and keep jumping on it or something or something yeah do you want me to do it or do you want to do it I don't remember how to do it okay I'll just show you how to do it and then you'll know for next time okay so you come down here okay take this guy's shell oh no never mind we'll take the next guy's shell then you got me just don't get in my way okay get rid of that guy get rid of them go take care of them where am I right there good you got rid of them exactly this request no wait don't stand too far come here come here so I could see look don't stand close though you gotta go like this there we go okay we're gonna get a bunch of lines this is cool yeah and you can go for a limited number of time you can keep going well you have the time in the top right corner do you see and do you keep all the lives that you make right now yes even if the game time runs out I'm not sure if you have to complete the leather level level or not if you pause the game and pick try again then I am guessing maybe you don't because normally you lose your power-ups that you gained if you do that but I'm not sure we'll just complete the level just to be safe who do you think would make the funniest sound getting one-ups Mario probably sound like that you sound a bit like a dog eating Garlic hey do you think that's enough lives you have almost 420. oh perfect nope there we go oh I need to go up because you have to bounce on it oh there we go oh you went to you got too too many oh yeah I'll just die then oh yeah well I'll just go complete the level then okay but you know even with the crown there's no way that you're going to beat me I'm going to have the most points for sure you know why because you get points for getting lives yeah yeah after all the times that you bounce on the shell like that you get a bunch Let's Race to the end Let's Race To The Finish whoever gets their first wins I'm trying to run run faster Yoshi I teleported I'll just make us go over here oh I wanted to make us go down no I was pointing to the right yeah but whoever's at the front gets to choose I believe no I think it's who was in the back with the crown usually yeah whoever's wearing the crown [Music] I am a Koopa so who do you think is gonna win me or you I think Mario's gonna win this time this might be one of the highest number of points we've ever gotten let's see it's probably the lowest number of points I got yeah oh actually no not that many points I thought I would have gotten a lot more let's go up to World flower wow three of the rare worlds already we have almost completed Yep they're very rare they look rare look at look at more okay seven we haven't done nine oh wait we did complete eight right yeah you did have I seen what now we're on ten or nine we're on nine nine yeah that's where and look at this over here isn't that suspicious look what's on it look at the symbols do you know flower stamped flagpoles that means taxes that you need to get flour the top ones [Laughter] it could be some flowers look like that yeah or it could be a fruit yeah oh 100 seconds okay we have to rush okay perfect that we can start defeating these guys [Music] there we go then come on come on go take out the Goomba stack on the right I'll take out the center one oh no oh no there we go okay I got him okay and does that mean something here this time here dude you can see them all right back I go there you go I don't know so okay yeah yeah get that time now let's run to the right because there might be something here check these boxes okay fireflowers oh they're the fire flowers okay perfect we uh tap power rope's my favorite yeah let's climb up this way oh oh there's something right there go get that oh I got injured okay come here okay we need one more where's the last one that we need boomerangs also wait boomerangs can we break this or no let's see no maybe we need the cannon for that oh yeah we probably do oh hopefully that's not where the last green star is go through that pipe just in case I don't know if that's where the green star is go through hurry hurry hurry we don't have a lot of time oh yeah it needs bouncing because there's no uh floor for you to land on so you just went straight up okay come on come on no time to play games hey you got some of those where's the green stuff oh oh with fire flower we can probably have to light all these up or maybe we have to defeat that guy yeah there we go Okay so we've got everything okay now let's go we have less than 30 seconds left so that warp box appears for defeating all the Goomba Stacks I think great and we have all the green stars okay now we just have to reach the top over here yay we did it yeah I had lots of confidence oh that was great that was great teamwork yeah that was good we're a good team we make a great team brother and sister team nice and brother wins bro first assist team yeah but it's not really a team if it's me versus you what do you mean because we make some videos called bro versus sis oh yeah when we play against each other okay so next up is flower 10 and then look what's coming up don't you mean star 10 yeah starting yeah no flowers and stars are honeycomb Skyway wait do you remember this and I said this was gonna be one of the hardest levels and then yeah the first attempt so this one might be even harder let's see what's in there yeah you were worried it's going to be difficult because it's like the angle's different than uh other levels maybe it will be home we might have to defeat all the enemies don't lose your boomerang these guys defeat them eat them defeat them and defeat these guys do we have to defeat all of them I'm not sure there are some sections where you do yeah where's the guy he's coming from oh yes got it I just needed that guy nice oh big guy yeah Ice Ice Baby huh now the video loses monetization for copyright oh yeah I hope not yeah that'd be so sad we'd have to mute the part where you see did not fall oh boy whoa oh I did fall no no and I Lost My Boomerang oh it's gonna be a little bit more challenging you know I'm little okay uh you go through the pipe nice okay kill them somehow no you didn't you have to hit him twice very little yes okay hold on nice nice okay now we have to defeat all these guys okay let's go I think you have to defeat all them here we can do it I don't know some got away already I'm back here you little flying thing I didn't realize I had two Mario's like this I might have to lose one of them yeah I have to give up that one you're throwing me I'm sorry oopsies okay we got them all I think we got them all okay wait don't go into that Pike here don't go into that pipe yet wait wait yeah now we go through the bike see or jump over that oh thank goodness that worked okay don't go through yet oh you see why because there's no platform to go through yet okay now be careful because the Isis I like how Yoshi jumps when he's on the ice I jumped right into that but I was little anyways oh I don't know if you have to defeat all these guys to get the green star or not but I missed one already AKA low she wins by doing absolutely oh look at look out look at look at look up uh you might have to jump into that if I don't get with the boomerang you know what hey you just killed me yeah oh no oh no where are you oh boy I have to go on top of it oh no oh no okay I'll help okay how are you gonna help how are you gonna help can you jump up oh there you go there you go okay they're all defeated now we can get through here oh boy that was like a boss oh be careful be careful wait wait don't grab me don't grab me okay I'm up here get up here in a moment wait you might be able to because Yoshi can jump high come on spin low she do a wall jump off of the front and then a dive onto it you might be able to do it no come back here hurry I'm gonna jump into the golf balls maybe stop time so let you try it oh I have an idea wait for it no pop My Bubble um okay try and get up here do a spin jump onto it there you go oh no but jump once you land on it yeah there you go hey your turn yeah I'll show you how to do it without pushing the other person up looking for like this and then just jump right away by being polite yeah ready three two one [Music] [Laughter] you go three two one and then he quickly jump into it but you don't get it yeah who wins what if you won I would be so upset I did so much work in that level I did all of the work you got let me help and then you just jump off I already knew you on the level but after you got the second green start you were way before that so here's I think the second last level in World flower hopefully we have the top of the goal pull in every other level and all the green stars and all the stamps because the level after this one is a tough one I don't know if we'll get on the first try what is this one oh you remember this level when are the spikes gonna come oh probably oh no uh-oh where's the fire bro come how did he hurt me okay I'll take that I guess I'll take this then that's fine wait is there nothing up here why would I thought that there'd be a green star up here all right ready to go yeah okay let's just come along here careful they're gonna be spikes they come out when you step in that area see how this Spotlight landed on me yeah when the spotlight is on you that's when the spikes appear oh yeah do you understand that was easy there yeah hey see the green star up there careful to not make this Spike spawn okay careful okay let's go [Music] did it run out I don't know okay because there are some blocks that do have infinite coins whoa I was just standing there and it poked me oh boy I almost got hurt okay but there we go okay we got that by we I mean I guess I got it for us Mario got it for us yeah you're welcome oh careful here oh which one am I whoa my crown are you dead no oh no I'm little little bro I lost my ability don't hold me put me down put me down I talk to me and my son ever again we got a checkpoint black hopefully we're not missing any green stars looks like we're missing too well hopefully we didn't miss one that we should have gotten oh I'm broke I'm dead wait for me okay fine I'll wait a moment oh I'll take that I want the Cat Power Up Wait is there a how are we gonna get that first my bubble again how are we gonna get that without dying that might be tricky I think we can do his teamwork I think I can get it too because look oh he could have jumped up and spun the other way okay don't drop me why would you do this [Music] look what happened wow bad timing yeah that's what it was you know some bad timing why is he some bad times I'll show you some bad timing okay boy we might be able to get something nice because you bumped into me okay I get to have this oops bad timing careful what you say Mr Cat Mario I'm not gonna go in the back of the pike that's okay oh careful over here we lost that that's not good well if we lose my power up don't break the blocks wait wait wait wait wait because we want to jump to there because that's where green star is you see can you make it to that green star without getting hurt [Music] I'm trying to oh you died I was trying to spin to the green stars but I how did you die what killed you I'm trying to spin why are you laughing and um I wasn't able to spin for some reason yeah why what was the reason I did [Music] I was just who can kill each other I'll go through the pipe this time okay now we already have that one so we don't need that anymore we just have to go here okay I'm dead oh wait for me maybe so you have to restart the level again yeah you make it I actually had a chance you would you try to jump you're so far away why did you try that because it was just the biggest jump I guess you know she doesn't oh where's Yoshi there he is there's Yoshi stop throwing him off why are you golden you think you're special [Music] Ponyboy yeah okay now look to meet the spikes okay come here oh oh this will actually be hard [Music] cause I'm almost dead [Music] don't both die go yeah we did come on turn around why is he dive in the way you push him Mario's a bully to lochi so I'm saying it's so weird [Music] to go he's dead oh okay now look this is the way that you want to go through because look when you have this the spikes don't hurt you then you can just go like this when you're Yoshi the spikes don't hurt you that's not true okay don't get hurt don't get hurt because I can't keep this power up forever there's a time limit on how long you could use this power up before I'm sure it'll last maybe it will wait okay we have all the green stars okay that's fine hey no careful here careful let's look what's gonna happen [Music] looks very shiny for some reason like a doll because he's all wet he's made of plastic just like Barbie just like Oppenheimer I've been seeing the new Barbie Oppenheimer movie everyone well a lot of people have been seeing it 329 green I feel like soon we can access that cement block in the middle here whatever I don't think it's something Roxanne cement concrete what is it Stone yes dirt uh I think it is a flower but look the level that we have right now coming up this is the final level of world flower look what it's called Boss Blitz I have a feeling we have to fight fire Bowser or Shadow fire Bowser maybe maybe or maybe it's just a bunch of bosses that we've already fought before maybe look I'm running in circles around you are you getting dizzy oh very dizzy okay dizzy now yeah wait let's see do we have everything yeah we do oh in World Mushroom we forgot to do the mystery house we should do that first actually because people actually said that in the comments oh you thought they're joking no I didn't I actually forgot about right now I just saw and that reminded me and they're paying attention that's good yeah it's good that people are paying attention in the videos yeah so it's actually off here to the side we never did this last time wow so let's do this Mystery House brawl and this is actually one of the coolest mystery houses too that's like Fred fredburger steak oh yeah there we go forgot he lost his hat oh man we barely made the first room and we have to clear 10 rooms if you mess up you have to restart from the beginning can I bring the no you can't bring the snowball with you oh okay two out of ten complete what's that okay why didn't you get him there we go okay good job what's next oh if I don't die wait because you're little good job oh no the boomerang got me after they were defeated that's so scam now we're both small so we might both die wait wait what do you have to do oh I think there are invisible guys around here somewhere oh I see one here the left oh get him get him ground pound them is that it okay guys good thing you got him I couldn't find him I didn't see him okay we're halfway through oh no I need that mushroom whoa did I get the mushroom without killing the guy I think so nice job I'll let you get the green star I'll let you get the coin oh not the last one no not that one that one's oh you gotta get fast now wait wait wait you can't get them while they're zappy that's why you're silent you're focused I'm getting it oh you gotta get these guys fast there we are yes okay two more Rooms To Go we've almost got it just don't die don't die don't die oh no so when can we attack them they're pink oh oh don't die don't die oh don't die don't die don't die go go grandpound them go again [Music] we are so close dude I was like an inch away from the green star I was closer absolutely no I respawned it was right on me there basically oh I died I died get him get him get him no I'll just stand here oh did you hear that it will sound oh you got to take that um you have to come find me okay get the one on the right okay or maybe I'll get him I got him hey I was planning to get that guy okay you get that one then invisible guy no not yet I got this guy I got this one you got that one so I can get the star hey stop it you keep getting on Teamwork Makes the Dream Work why you always say that where's that from wow I got it and then they hurt me work teamwork is you waiting to get it go away now what's next [Music] get him before he teleports okay you go get him now go get him okay oh this is where we died last time oh don't die don't die don't die there we go my controller's being weird oh is it yeah is it really are easier it is final one don't die are you little yeah they miss you so be careful and yay yeah we got it awesome good job who do you think wins I think Yoshi because he got all the green stars almost yeah maybe I don't know how it'll work let's see [Music] Yoshi what that's so close by 600 if I got just a few more coins I would have won that's unbelievable but we're both little look at that cute little yellow thing illuma it's an egg yolk yeah it's a floating egg yolk you know what let's go back to world 1-1 just so that we can get some super Bells quickly before we do the Boss Rush okay good idea Boss Rush is like a bunch of different bosses we'll see what are you doing see my controller is uh not 100 working you remember this song nope never heard before like one of the most famous songs in the game oh what game is this [Laughter] let's get that one yeah wait oh you got both of them oh yeah when you make Gary sounds before so I'm like Gary getting hurt yeah how would you know what Gary getting hurt would sound like just assume that it would sound like that oh bounce on me no you bounce on me okay let's go this way don't go up there there's nothing up there that we need how do you know because I played this game you sure yeah and there we go now we each have it just don't get damaged now we each have a super belt and we have two super bells in storage yay what would you like better if we have our in-storage items shared or if we each have our own in storage item what method would you prefer uh let's do shared yeah of course you'd like that better how about you you don't like sharing sharing's caring remember the work Makes the Dream work I don't know some people use more resources when you're in a group sometimes sometimes I wish you could just have your own stuff well I'm not a free rider only one I wonder why I won yeah I don't know were you talking green stars or something okay so how many green stars do we have 339 we might be missing some yeah I guess we must have we'll see if we can access this after we complete this level hopefully we can get all the green starts be careful when you go through the warp boxes because you don't want to go through a warp box right away because there might be a green star that you need okay I see okay so let's see Boss Blitz are you ready just listen to what I say and everything will be good okay sounds good through this you're the boss okay let's go to this one first I don't know what the best order is oh do you remember this boss um it's gonna be a snake oh this guy yeah you remember now right yes I remember what's his name hmm slider beef slider his name is King and you jump on the Red X yeah whoever does it gets more points I know that so you're quick at jumping you're not a fun whoa on there yeah I didn't see that when was that whole form uh every time he drops like this oh it's like you're taking some damage here oh he wants to go here come this way yeah come come here you coward we've been waiting for you okay now wait don't go through the word box yet so I don't know if a green star spawns right away or not or what it's gonna be let's wait here yeah no don't throw in the office otherwise we'll lose our ability oh okay so there are three green stars to collect here let's collect that let's go through this next one this might be this no it's not the snake boss do you know who this is uh Tokyo Drift Pom-Pom that's her name good guess though this one yep nice hey you stay on the left I'll stay on the right okay I got the two top ones hey that's one of mine you're in my district I don't know where we think okay oh I died I didn't that's right jumping on Pom-Pom but she pom-pomed me away look there are 401 seconds left but you know what there's a super cool trick that we could use to take on the snake boss oh wait this one's Motley boss blob I think do you remember who that is oh it's a snake yeah okay so let me show you uh here's the craft oh yes and I don't remember the female one go to them in this level go to the back okay to do what go like this dive onto them like that uh go collect some uh super Bells if you can oh no I didn't get it because Yoshi has a higher jump so it's easier for you to dive onto them than it is right now when do I do it anytime like now just spin jump and dive onto it oh try that one jump onto this where am I just finished up and die I have no idea where you are oh you're right behind this one there we go I got a hit on it I wasn't able to hit this one well get behind it try a ground pound jump too and then dive onto it you try it try it try it stand right behind it walk right up to it oh walk right up it from behind and do a spin jump and dive onto it no no you drove past it try again one more time where are you right behind the pink one I can't jump on yeah make sure to Face Forward stand right behind it oh that was gone yeah try again we don't have a lot of time if you don't get it this time then I'll just do it okay oh there you go you got it I can't see anybody finally got it okay don't go through the box yet because we might need something yeah green star right there okay now we can go okay that was Green Star number two oh hopefully we didn't miss one Green Star number two isn't it yeah hopefully these give us green stars oh do you remember this boss oh yeah the rocky road boss yeah Rocky Road Golem from Pokemon isn't that type of ice cream from Rocky Road hey hold one of the balls hold the ball don't lose it don't lose it don't lose it and you have to throw it after a moment throw it and pick it up now don't lose it okay throw it throw it pick it up this is gonna hurt you oh it hurt me yeah I told you okay now I'll hold this one so that we get defeat the boss quickly because if you can do okay we need him to spawn oh no I didn't lose it it's still here okay let's throw the guys oh no oh no I didn't realize that he started attacking again oh that is so sad so sad everyone say so sad so say it's so sick hey now he's gonna spawn some more rocks we need rocks so we can use your son I guess you never touched me a must sign ever again oh you need the green star oh thank goodness you've got that before going in here okay and that was Green Star number one so hopefully we can get number three soon get that yay and fall off yeah who is it oh it's pom pom's boyfriend I don't know if that's brother or boyfriend or what jump on it why don't you jump on it oh I didn't think it would work just hang on to the wall now like me oh yeah good idea yeah just hang on you can also use the cat power up jump on him why don't you jump on a plate this do you think you could do that you have to get the final hit okay oh it's quick yeah just keep jumping I'll just hang out on the wall here go get him go get him go get him get him get him get him get him now hi guys uh-huh come back think now well I thought you got bigger no you didn't get bigger go get him out get him out get him out before he stops uh he stopped that's cheap I'll just get him anyways oh I I thought he was dead he's just sitting there wait wait we need the green star wait where's the green star maybe we get the green no it was uh we got a one-up because we reached 100 points I think but I'm guessing the final green star is probably gonna be in that room oh wait we didn't face Motley boss blob yet dude because there's only 126 seconds we have to beat Motley boss Bluff it looks like it uh-oh and we don't have a lot of times we have to beat this guy quickly then okay this is the one with the Goombas right no I don't know what you're talking about I think you imagine the boss maybe I dream about Mario too much to think about maybe bosses that don't exist yeah you have to get behind this guy no you gotta hurt him right there oh oh one of my Mario poems oh jump on him jump on him jump on did you get him no I think I might have gotten him with a cat okay we're running out of time but we need two more hits I'm dead I'm done are you uh-oh I became regular Mario where is he okay there we go two hits on him okay we need one more hit on him we've only got 80 something seconds left okay don't rush through the warp box just in case we need a green star I'm not sure if we need a green star okay let's see where's he where's he where is he are you paying attention it's right there okay go ahead go get the final hit yes I got him no it was great for me I got or sorry it was red the eight thousand is red so I got oh funny okay green star green star careful yes okay now rest it let's go let's go 55 seconds okay so we have plenty of time oh and we also get extra time here I like how it's two Yoshi's yeah it's kind of funny let's climb up here my friends nice doppelganger Mario yeah come up here technically Luigi's also your twin where is he so your quadruplets then yes exactly plug it first yep wow I'm actually kind of surprised that we got that on the first try were you surprised excited to carry you and I even gave you some winner okay let's see let's see who won wow double your score oh good job thank you looks like someone has done quite a few more Mario bosses than me maybe and wait what's gonna happen now the final world is now open what do you think is gonna happen when we head up there um I think Bowser's gonna be there let's see I really recommend you watch my video where we play Roblox Mega Obby with my sister the full movie you'll love it if you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching I hope you have an absolutely amazing day ahead and take care everybody foreign
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 47,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario 3d world, mario 3d world, funny mario, mario full game, yoshi, yoshi 3d world, super yoshi 3d world, funny yoshi, mario animations, yoshi animations, mario movie, super mario movie, full movie, yoshi full movie, mario full movie, brother and sister, brother vs sister, gaming, funny gaming, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany sister, zxmany yoshi, all bosses, mario all bosses, mario all levels
Id: MS4aqflbmcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 0sec (4980 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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