Bored Supercut - Episode 231 - 240

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where's the pen ellen ellen get in here now what does it run i've lost my pen and i can't find it okay so help me find it okay i mean where was the last place you saw it i don't know alan if i knew that i'd have the pen wouldn't i okay well why don't we retrace the steps and see if we can't figure this out because i haven't stood up all day ellen so there's no steps to retrace okay well why don't you reference like your calendar and figure out what you've done today and maybe that'll i don't use a calendar alvin it's all up here that's the stupidest idea i've ever heard you're pissing me off okay ron well why don't we use that mind of yours and work backwards from now and figure out what you were doing okay so at 3 pm i was i was facing this wall here looking at the whiteness of it it's quite white okay okay which means that at 2 p.m i was looking out the window here at the fire extinguisher oh yeah there it is which means that at 1pm i was looking up at the ceiling trying to count all the holes i started picking my nose at 12 pm i went to lunch like i do everyday at 12 p.m lunch which means that at 11 a.m yes i was over here i was looking at the carpet like this look at the carpet okay so before that then it must have been oh that means that at 10 a.m i was that's where i was spinning i was spinning on the chair because i because i was bored because at 9am i was drawing circles with the pen and then the pen ran out of ink so i threw it in the rubbish about where's the pen though and it's in the rubbish bin then isn't it yes yes yeah yes there's a pin yeah my pin great go away okay okay great oh god damn it's out of bank yes ladies and gents i'm back the perfect heist isn't complete this time i'll show you my secrets up front see if you can keep up [Music] hey man hey man i just want this uh usb stick thanks sure that'll be uh 20 little did he know i had a change race scam planned he'll never see it coming sure thing man uh do you have change for a 100 note uh yep that should be fine okay 50 60 70 80. change 500. perfect but this is where it gets tricky this is gonna blow his mind i've actually got quite a few ten dollars do you mind if i change some with you maybe 50 bucks uh yeah okay sean 50 bucks right one two three fifty and here comes the old switcheroo um i don't think that quite works it's just 40. it's not enough ah whoops okay oh here i tell you what if i give you five 20s then you can give me that original hundred back okay look at him trying his best to keep up 100 great oh no actually i'll give you the hundred and you give me i don't know 20 tens i don't think i have that many tens sorry oh okay i'll just take five fifties then and here comes the big bucks okay wait hang on it's confusing i know but the math checks out i think i know how to make this work i just need to get a little bit more more money sounds good to me okay so give me the hundred and then i'll give you three 50s because of what we did earlier if you give me the 20 i'll give you a 10. okay look you take 100 back for now i'll take your 50 for 20 and now i can take back your 100 and give you 150 that i will then immediately swap for a 10 your 220s for one more 10 and the 10 for your 20 and i'll take 110 back and i think we're good does that math check out yeah i think the math checks out yeah and that's it the perfect heist one last job they won't even know they were hit [Music] i think the math checks out yeah i mean i i knew the customer was scamming us from the beginning because he was he's always coming in here trying to scam us so i purposely ruined his change ray scan like it's pretty obvious but because he's such an idiot he didn't even notice and yeah that's my story okay so let's go over our kpis for the business plan that i've outlined i want each of you to contribute at least two to three different business ideas that you should have prepared over the last week oh please don't ask me first please don't ask me first please don't ask me please don't ask me first don't ask me first so let's start with ally so i'm thinking we need to make a more concerted effort to get casual customers to make small but meaningful purchases and maybe we should put a stand at the front of the store so much oh god she's so smart and so beautiful oh my god you know so much stuff i don't know so much stuff lost leaders then it might encourage higher purchasing that's actually a really good idea ally um we'll circle around to there and go into more detail really good oh my god i got through that somehow i don't even know if that makes sense i am nowhere near that smart i don't deserve this job okay next up this is it you should just get up and walk away yeah yeah that's right no normal thinking just leave please not me next please not me next please please please please please let's go with adam what do you got damn it i've got nothing i've got nothing i'm so useless okay here we go so our sales haven't been going as well as they used to and i think that's because we're promoting items that people don't genuinely want if we did some trend research into sale items what do you think of that idea oh why do you sound so smart why do you know so much stuff animal stuff as well adam's doing such a good job here he totally deserves a job why can't i be like that how does he even get these ideas i think we could bring more customers into the door hmm okay yeah i can see that that's actually some pretty good feedback oh okay i think i got through that without people thinking i'm a fraud oh god don't come to me again i have literally nothing worth saying oh no and ron's looking over to me please don't say what i think you're going to say ellen what do you got oh son of a okay okay that's fine you're all right just just open your mouth and start saying words and hopefully something comes out well even though we're just a text or people do have a brand loyalty to us that shouldn't be ignored i think we can leverage this by having a huge competition that incentivizes customers on a regular basis how's ellen getting all this stuff he's so smart well let's go over these ideas and discuss how we can implement these on a company-wide level oh my god i'm such a stupid idiot and everyone else is awesome i'm so insecure i hold it together they don't know that you're a useless manager okay guys great ideas let's um get into it what's that this card from my nana belated birthday present from three months ago oh cute yep oh right on cue got some scratch tickets here two one dollar cash fortune what a haul yeah do you want one oh yeah okay thanks good luck [Music] nothing oh my god what [Music] i just won oh great how much i just won thirty thousand dollars what i just won thirty thousand dollars let me see look oh you're dead i just won three thousand dollars oh my gosh alan and i just won thirty thousand dollars that's the best i'll imagine all the things i could buy all the amazing things i could buy with thirty thousand dollars the crazy thing is i'm just such crippling debt at the moment that money would have really come in handy oh i know that sucks man wow thirty thousand wow that was so funny to think they were both my scratch tickets and then like i gave you one like not a minute ago i could have won everything but i know right and thank you so much for giving it to me yeah yes thank you so much is that it what he's gonna he's gonna keep all of it well yeah i want it yeah you did but i mean you want it because i gave it to you yeah and i said thank you adam i definitely wouldn't have given you the scratch ticket if i knew it was gonna win such a life-changing amount of money yeah i know alan and that's why i said thank you i tried to show my appreciation for you i heaped gratitude on you did you not hear that well call me crazy but that just doesn't feel like enough okay i'll tell you what i'll tell you what here we are 100 here's 100 bucks oh wow thanks ungrateful much are you serious adam i just gave you a hundred dollars alan i didn't have to do that and i didn't have to give you a scratch ticket but i did out of the kindness of my heart i can't believe that you're being so self-centered that you wouldn't offer me at least half adam half of that do you think problem solved friendship's more important than money boys oh i haven't seen a win 30 thousand dollars sure i'm keeping this oh i'm happy to serve you or i can help you oh i'm available as well or me i'm here or maybe uh my checkout is open i am free and ready to surf come on come on over here i am more than happy to help sir [Music] you must choose but choose wisely for the true till operator will give you your product in a timely fashion whereas the false operator will waste your time staring into the pits of eternity you must believe me i am the only one worthy you know the truth sir i am the one don't be mistaken by their foolery i'm the one you want i'm surrounded by liars if you want to be served make the right choice look into the truth of your heart sir you know which choice come here now you must believe me the fate of the world depends on it the nine i'd spiral dangles over danger i promise to [Music] three till operators alike in dignity efficiency or incompetence make a choice and you'll see make a choice sir make a choice sir make a choice sir make a choice [Music] hello how's it going this is a nice oh so sorry i've got better fingers today i'm more flawless you chose poorly here's the price on this cool um i'm going to see if i can find it in the system oh it's not in the system it's not in the system and i just can't wrap my head around it i think i'm gonna have to go out back and find the price for this i'm sorry sir this is gonna take quite a long time sorry sorry sorry quick crown talks bumps over the crazy rock nope to quick ground flocks crumps over to raise your dog dog my name is rowan i'm the creditor of ray tech huh my name is crow and i'm the founder of rating okay just fly the quick crown question holder here's ryan what are you doing do you have a kit do you ever chip get how to greet sometimes what do you ever regret how to creep sometimes how to sneak sometimes ron what are you saying do you better not get ciao to seek bum signs do you regret like you forget ronnie you ask me whether i forget how to speak sometimes yeah like you just you just wake up and you just frag a tomato band you're like a fragrant tomato are you being serious honestly now that you're thinking about it i bet you down to chucal you fancy you francia rucal ryan you were free bequiculus what was cat i said rowan you were free bequiculus truck what i trolled your toe okay queriously what the truck is flowing on guys i could finally got a geek how does one forget how to blink some rhymes upper fighting to chick bomb talks rhymes over the crazy road my name is cronen i'm the channel jerry flaytek la boyce geek what do you quirk my name is ellen i'm a flamboy at flaytech what are you jerk my my name's madam madam ah i'm a boy at latex flat flay play quick natick play kick flighting fleeting ah sir oh i think i'm flaming the stoke the big sound crocs mess over the crazy clock the big smile flights comes off with the crazy ball my name is chowing i'm the furniture the fatigue this i'm flying gnome okay so just to reiterate if anyone with a vaguely eastern european accent calls then i don't work here anymore okay are there any questions adam who's the small child standing behind you oh yes uh this is my niece phoenix uh i'm gonna be babysitting her today so ellen i need you to keep an eye on her what well i mean i do it myself but obviously as a manager i'm far too busy yeah run that's not really part of my job description isn't that uh maybe you should have thought about that before signing this thing yeah because this is right there um employee agrees to babysit any of ryan's extended family failure to do so will result in an eighty percent pay cut i need to start reading my contracts yeah ellie can you stop the shells please uh do you want to play a game on my phone i have some games on my phone sure um thank you i'll be really careful with it no worries either this one is my favorite thanks oh she seems really sweet hard to think she's related to wrong you're right oh yeah that one's really tricky let me know if you need a hand do i look like i need your help old man what listen here this is how it's gonna go you're gonna give me anything i want or i'm going to tell rowan that you were mean to me uncle warren ellen was so mean to me today i think i'm going to go now you can start by giving me a 50 out of your wallet harry styles has some new merch that i want i'm not going to do that oh what the did you hit me give me the money ellen or i'll tell adam you hit me adam [Music] yeah hi adam um could you show me where the bathroom is please of course thank you [Music] you're not going to believe me but i think phoenix is legit a psychopath hey ellen who are you hiding from no nobody i'm just talking to born old ally over here that's not demeaning at all please don't leave me i don't think you're boring thank you i hope you weren't planning on tattling ellen what no didn't think so now give me your car keys no you smell bad what sounds like a pay cut son i'm not gonna give you my car keys uh oh wrong answer did you push me [Applause] oh sweetie are you okay yeah i i fell and hurt my knees oh okay look let's get you up here we go and we'll go get you an ice cream for that boo boo okay thank you [Music] what all right guys get around uh there's some pretty serious breaking news i don't know how to say this but i'll just come out and say it covert 19 as a thing in case you haven't heard of it it is a pandemic the first ever in human history wow ron you are unbelievable it is unbelievable so to keep us safe i have taken the precaution of getting us masks that's a good idea wearing masks at work yeah so take your mask put it on and get back to work guys no ron you're not wearing the mask correctly huh it's got to go over your mouth and your nose where does it say that ryan's kidding you guys he has to be kidding that's the only thing that makes sense tell us you're kidding ryan i'm not kidding ellen where does it say that how are you alive well speaking of being alive and we stopped talking about it and put in our masks it would help keep us alive right back to work ryan get back here and put your mask on properly you need to put it over your mouth oh all right rowan it's got to go over your nose oh what that well now you've just scrunched it up what do you want from me um look okay you take your mask and you put it over your nose and your mouth like so okay and now you're good well first of all where did you get masks from and second of all why don't you just tell me that great done easy well it's hard to breathe just right [Music] oh okay whoa whoa i can't breathe i can't breathe rowan you're literally taking massive breaths right now i can't breathe all right oh god oh [Music] hey all right oh oh oh my god that's so much better i can breathe i recommend giving yourself a breathing hole okay much better [Music] was that little old lady lost do we need to call someone oh um oh god what's she doing why is she looking at computers no no she doesn't know where she is hey excuse me do you need any help god damn it ally now she's going to come over here and bore us to death with stories of world war ii and the great depression and the undeniable sex appeal of neville chamberlain oh i'm so sick of hearing about that guy even though i would oh no she's coming straight yeah one of us has to talk to her [Music] oh hello dear hello i was just wondering if you could be a sweet little angel and and help a dithering lady such as myself i'm looking to upgrade my computer ah oh okay lovely i'll try not to waste too much of your time i'm sure the manager would be able to learn about computers i would have asked my husband you know but of course he's been dead for 20 years you know how it says oh i i don't quite understand was a regular neville chamberlain [Music] if you know what that means i'm sure he was fantastic but anyway if you're looking for a computer do you try to keep busy it's been a lot harder since the children left the roast but i do have my nine cats to talk to oh well those cats do sound wonderful anyway for a computer for someone in your age randy now that my orc warrior is on level 60. warrior ryan i'm pretty sure you have to put that glass up against the wall for that to work shut the down i'm trying to hear if the coast is clear oh guys i feel bad yeah i suppose it was pretty mean of us just leaving him out there alone yeah and the only thing that makes me happy is my phone which i left out there okay let's go save adam and our phones and so i've been leveling up my holy paladin which means i'll finally be able to heal in the raids i'm looking forward to it so much managers here adam step aside oh sorry the boss is here i better get back to work all right my lovely see you at mine tonight for the raid it's gonna be so good i'll bring the chips and i'm looking forward to meeting your cats [Music] see you then see you later nerbs what [Music] [Music] hey ellie have you seen my pen no i haven't seen it i mean i had it right here hey adam can i borrow a pen um actually no i've lost mine too in fact i haven't seen any pins around in ages i am positive we just restocked pins unless we're on hey ron you don't happen to know where all the pins are no kind of sorry what are those well i know where all my pins are rowan those are quite clearly the missing office pens from downstairs you're hoarding them and you're using my pen right now this is my opinion ron that one's literally got adam's name written on it i have no idea what you're talking about these are all my pens okay ron i'm just going to borrow a pen real quick get your dirty filthy little hands off my pens right i need a pen to do the stock take i i need it not my problem ron can i please borrow a pen to do my job okay i will let you borrow one of my pins wow ron thanks do you confirm that you want to borrow one of my pins sure okay very good okay i will need you to sign this contract saying that you have borrowed my pen okay whatever [Music] can i borrow a pen to sign the thing oh do you want to borrow another pen just the same pen okay you got just signed there to say that you borrowed my other pen to sign the contract same problem i still need a pen oh do you want to borrow another pin just the one pin okay yeah how let's get out this sign and another contract saying that you're borrowing the other pin just there ron i don't understand your logic here i need a pin to sign anything you give me oh you i've got you a pen to start the whole the whole thing yeah of course sorry sorry i see what you're saying now yeah okay cool uh just sign yeah i'll give you the final pin now no i'm not i'm not gonna we're done i'm not gonna do this [Music] guys subscribe yeah yeah videos subscribe bell twitch we will stream and twitch [Music]
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 687,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: a17cjR_Mmwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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