Survival Logic Compilation

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Serious question though :

What survival games are you playing usually ? i got bored of Conan pretty quick, same for the Forest (I do like 7d2d, but it's probably the only one i played a little bit serously)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Miserable-Ad-7947 📅︎︎ May 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Music] oh good Ellen you're in where are your clothes oh where are my clothes this is a survival game Ellen yeah you have to craft everything even closed especially clothes guys I better Rock oh nice job Adam hey keep that actually Brit's right we should be gathering materials everyone split up and see what you can find okay okay uh guys yeah Alan we know we're naked don't make it weird man no guys there's another player here on the beach ah don't worry about it they're a fresh spawn they're just starting out too are you sure yeah look at them in the exact same position as us they've got no clothes no materials they're not a threat hey I got some shelves over here oh my God [Music] guys he's already crafted clothes should we get out of here Alan there's four of us and one of them just focus on finding materials man yeah I don't know man it just feels like maybe guys I can see a log do you think we can get wood from it [Music] foreign but I can't put it in my inventory hey guys he is definitely building something right now so what do you think how do we get the wood then what are you talking about it's right there log equals what yeah but like how do we get the wood out of it guys he's like smithing or smelting or something he's definitely doing some Iron Age right now oh oh hit it again all right okay guys I think we really need to hurry up okay I did it oh my God whatever dad [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh what happened has anyone figured out how to craft anything yet no not yet don't worry I'm gonna have some more wood soon surely there's a fast way to do that it's about to break I can feel it I don't know Adam what's the point of getting more wood if we literally don't know how to craft anything look just keep experimenting we're bound to figure it out eventually I don't know Ryan and they're like I don't know blueprints or something you're a blueprint Ellen what [Music] I'll unlock your secret [Music] [Music] foreign like that I don't know it just felt like the right thing to do oh turns out tools are like really easy to break why Brett hey you know it's fine it's fine we'll just make another one right you do remember how you crafted it right oh no oh I'm sorry what have you done I'll go punch some more trees uh yeah so how many sticks do you have on you uh ten I found some iron earlier and are we going in the right direction I don't think we're supposed to go in any direction Adam I don't know just randomly started taking damage oh have you checked your hunger meter my what do I do oh you're hungry eat this okay let's go ow what now ah the salt and the jerk has probably made you thirsty you're dehydrated you need to drink something okay uh oh God oh um yeah can you can you come here please what's up you understand about the meters though oh yeah I think so can you can you help Ellen it's piss me off okay okay let's see what we've got oh okay so your intestinal fortitude meters at two percent which is not good because it's taking your sanity meter down and that's taking your stamina down with it oh your temperature meter is too high really because you wore infection resistance meter is too low and you've got a severe vitamin B deficiency uh oh anyone's sick so you're hungry and you're thirsty again oh wow that's like a lot of meters to keep track of no one said Staying Alive was easy well actually staying alive is a lot easier than this so how is this fun you'll be fine yep chew on this what is it Ginger it'll settle your stomach look I'm going to level with you Allen you're not gonna make it without some major Lifestyle Changes I think we need to get you on a basic meal plan we need to get your Macros under control so your effects your carbs your proteins you need to be topping these up at least every few minutes the same goes with your water you need to boil it though but don't drink it if it's too hot because then you'll scold yourself and you'll need antiseptics if you can cure your wounds and get your nutrition under control your sanity meter will rise and your stamina meter will follow soap but you need to be keeping an eye on all of this all of the time keep an eye on it maybe is this a game to you Alan I mean yeah this is your life we're talking about I mean yeah I know well I thought I just wanted you want to survive yeah it doesn't feel like it I do I need to hear you say it right do it I'm honestly I want to survive you can do better than that I I want to survive say it again I want to survive louder I want to survive come on I want to survive I can mean it I want to survive I want to survive eat this oh my god oh that's so much better welcome to the new you you know what I think I can't do this of course you can of course I can yeah you know I'm not gonna survive I am going to thrive watch out well there's a new job oh yeah um watch out for zombies There's zombies in this game right it's fine oh what really come on we have to build a base somewhere yeah but I was kind of hoping for like an epic Mountain Fort or like a a waterfall or a cave or something just not this we have been walking around four hours we have to build something before the sun goes down yep bro why zombies remember oh yeah yeah zombie I am guys I think this is great I mean look at it it's a beautiful little clade I mean there are a lot of resources around yeah and you know what there's a stream nearby for water oh really okay fine but as long as we get to build an epic fort with the big guard Tower if we clear cut some of the trees over there we can build a pretty sweet shelter and then next to it we could put a greenhouse for our food and then Channel The Stream so we could irrigate our crop oh and buy those rocks is a great place for smelting and Metal Works oh and over there is a great place for crafting and like storage that is a great idea yeah yeah that's the spirit the only element is our imagination oh yeah yeah you're right let's do this [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you well there it is [Music] huh I kind of look better on my head all right something's going down everyone yeah elbows oh get off my phone did anybody build a torch there's no place like home yeah how long is the night cycle in this game right level two crafting table complete I think it's a pretty good place to leave it for the day yep and I finished the water catcher so no more dying of thirst for us oh a nice straw about him hey they don't go really good with the garden that I just built over there yeah I just want to say I think we made some pretty damn good progress catch you guys later oh actually that reminds me I better head off as well I've got work early in the morning okay see ya see you later hey I'm gonna shoot off too are you all good yeah I'm all good just finishing this up I'll see you later hey good job today by the way I feel like it's all coming together yeah you too [Music] oh please don't do this please don't do this okay look we are just starting out okay we have nothing that you need please cut us some slack [Music] look we are real people with real lives and real feelings okay I I work full time I sleep I do my laundry I only get time to jump on here like once a week if that like it is the only chance I get to catch on my friends and decompress and if I could fit all that on the sign I would but there was not enough space on that sign so would you please cut us some sorry what other players can be so cruel yeah like life is stressful enough and sometimes you just want to escape exactly yes wow I am so sorry about before I I just I've I've had a really bad year I had to put my dog down last month so oh man that is so rough yeah yeah the head of 11 years since she was a puppy and she's just gone and life just doesn't stop and people expect you to be okay but you know I'm not okay I really I really miss that hey um our Camp's just over the hill so I can keep an eye on your base while you're gone really you would you would do that wow thank you so much it's fine you look like you need a break you you have no idea you know when we started playing this game everybody was warning the player base was so toxic but you you've just been so nice hey I'm happy to help thank you thank you so much I genuinely appreciate that anyway I should get going it was so nice to meet you and hey thank you I I really needed this it's okay surviving is hard enough and we've got to look out for each other another day another [Music] all right now to work what the hell what happened [Music] thank you oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay [Music] what's going on Ryan can't talk no time God damn it whoa run what's going on some serious that's what's going on yeah but like specifically well I was out exploring and something killed me now I've lost all of my stuff oh bro that sucks yeah and my inventory was stacked now I've got to go back and get it before it despawns or some other player Loops it yeah but just maybe you shouldn't be taking so much stuff how else am I supposed to defend myself Adam it's just that you keep dying do you think maybe you should cut your losses I've spent four hours collecting all this stuff I got wood I got iron I got electronic components I had an Infinity bow that's infinite arrows Adam I can't afford to lose it and there is no way I am finding all that stuff again yeah I understand it's just that we're running really low on resources so maybe just be a bit more conservative I am getting my stuff back foreign I think you just need to take a moment just just calm down you know maybe have a break no no Rowan no come on Adam this is my stuff look Adam it's the only way I spent the last three play sessions getting all the materials for this this is a titanium flame Katana that is a tactical Kevlar vest yet once I get all my stuff back you can make 10 flame katanas no Rowan I just can't have another stuff back that I've never played a shitty game ever again well that's a bit extreme give me as long as you promise to look after it okay great thank you sucking Pizza no Adam where's all that stuff [Music] is there any way to skip to a morning no not on a live server with other people man night time is so boring hey Alan do you have any feathers I need to put these arrows uh yeah I think we've got some donut storage cool could you go grab me some actually can you grab me some electronic components yeah can you give me some scraps if really hello holy hello ah guys hurry up Ella we need the scraps guys there's another player here what yeah there's another player in our base what do they want what are they doing I don't know they're not really saying anything that's not a good sign are they at least scratching up and down they're not really doing anything uh excuse me so we we don't want any trouble guys I don't like this but they're not talking we have to assume the worst I vote that we kill them we are not killing them yeah guys what am I doing am I killing them or not absolutely don't kill them oh nope they're gone what yeah they're going to disappear I don't know where they are I mean maybe they'll leave us alone right like how bad can it be other players are bad Alan they're out blood they're probably gonna get their friends come back guys guys yeah yeah they gone hey sorry my mic was off I thought that you guys were new so I bought you some supplies ah thank you yeah that's really what for yeah no problem welcome to the server it's not so bad thanks well I'm that far from my day so I'm just gonna really spawn now bye uh yeah second chest fourth row down okay okay so uh make sure you organize all of the basic crafting materials by category so it should be easy to find everything all good right team I'm off Scavenging oh Brett before you go I've packed your lunch so your hunger meter Stay full while you're out Scavenging God thanks Adam not a problem be safe oh I don't feel so good ah oh man you're burning up and your meters are out of whack I guess I shouldn't have eaten that raw meat no Ryan you need to cook meat before you eat it yeah um anyway take two of these and it should be fine thanks Adam and um what is it sweetie whisper broke no well I've made a whole lot more they're just over there so you can grab one of those and I'll fix this up for you tonight okay Adam how do you okay uh it's three iron and gets in the leather strap okay okay oh it's okay we'll fix this up okay now do you want dinosaurs or Roblox okay you take that Adam did you say three or four iron ingots uh three in a u-shape okay I love you love you yes hidden hey then yeah what is it honey who's that oh my God look at these Noobs blow okay everybody we're going inside now I don't know we were just gonna and the first one inside gets a cookie run away nudes walk away that's for the wrong Camp stop it not even touching you okay team you can come out now rice hey Adam do you have any more leather I'm just trying to make some boots uh yeah how many do you need I'm like six oh yeah great I think this is Scrappy had a couple of clicks East we need to go check it out it's what I mean like leave the base yeah come on but I'm making a hat he's making a hat yeah look I know it's scary out there okay but we're going to need to get some more resources at some point we can't just sit here that's right we should probably do some scouting thank you never know what you're gonna find but this is exactly what we've been preparing for okay this is it so dare up and let's do this foreign [Music] [Applause] Ron what the hell what where are you close oh I just don't want to lose anything what well I just spent a long time crafting all my stuff I forget I just leave it all here right it's really dangerous out there man what if you get killed so what I'm not carrying anything valuable all my stuff's safe back here at Camp I got nothing to lose baby nice everyone ready yeah [Music] let's go [Music] oh hey Adam what happened why are we back on the beach I think our base was destroyed so we spawned back here what how did that happen I don't know we must go on whatever guys guys I think there's a what happened I was just holy where are you come on guys I hate spawn camping it's so lame guys I think we need to draw this fire okay how do we do that if we can get you up there do you think you can take him out me yeah you've got the most stamina out of all of us your best chance to get into them look maybe okay um Ron and I will dress fire hopefully that'll give you enough time to get at the beach guys I don't know if I'm really there's no type of games Ellen okay okay yeah I can do it yeah okay let's move on three okay okay one two three [Music] thank you [Music] bro no stay with me you're gonna be fine this is it for me Ellen wrong don't don't click that man you're gonna make it okay you're gonna make it you listen to me listen you show that lazy ass spawn camping freaks of that they mess with the wrong news yeah finish this rolling roll it yeah what are you doing go on okay [Music] oh God damn it oh come on why you doing this I don't know it's bored I guess and there we go just like that badass is complete nice job man it is all coming together guys great work guys [Music] so what do we do now what do you mean I mean like the base is finished what do we like do what we I guess we could get some more food oh no we don't need to because Brett automated the farm so we have like unlimited carrots oh it is awesome [Music] what do we want to go up Scavenging find some more building materials well no because our storage boxes are already overflowing what would we even build yeah true yeah [Music] or we could Advance our technology there's the whole Electronics tree which we haven't explored you know like wires and machinery and stuff apparently it is a little bit tedious though PBS sounds fun yeah I know so what do we do I mean I guess we we just kind of exist yeah what I mean we're not gonna starve and we've got all the materials we need and we really we have everything we need to live a comfortable life so I guess we just kick back and enjoy it retirement yeah okay cool okay cool yeah do you want to follow some notes oh yes just over there thank you very much for watching that video guys and now like more videos subscribe and click the the Bell bye is that okay that's fine
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 483,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: v0eRoXDSLEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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