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hi friends so people have been doing these videos lately that's like the person in front of me decides what I eat another youtuber decides what I eat but get this books decide what I eat this video popped up in my sub box from Alex bucks and paperbacks check out his channel if you like challenge videos and I just I had to do it immediately the idea essentially is anytime throughout the day it's time to eat if you flip up in a book to a page and in whatever food you see first is what you're gonna eat for that meal so we're talking breakfast lunch and dinner and then depending what pops out I might have to flip to more than one book if it's just a beverage maybe it's snack I don't know I'm giving myself a couple of challenges or a couple things to help me out because hi a thousand books to choose from like where do I even start and maybe you could use if you want to do this video too I'm gonna choose a book with food on the cover it's gonna be one of my first challenges for myself I think that'll help make sure there's food in the book you'd think the second one is to choose a book not set in my country I think this could be fun for like you know branching out different types of cuisine third one is to choose a book at some point today that is not realistic fiction so we're talking fantasy sci-fi who knows what food could pop up and how we have to make it work and I think a fourth challenge that could be fun is having to find an image of food and recreate that so it could be a graphic novel maybe a children's picture book maybe the food that you saw on the cover I think all of these challenges could fit for one book or four different books or whatever so we're gonna jump back in time irony filmed breakfast it's eight o'clock I should be getting ready for the day but the power's out and it's so overcast that the house is so dark you're just gonna have to look at me like this I need to pick breakfast and if I have to cook it I can't so I'm basically gonna cross my fingers that the page that I flipped to has some coffee on it or smoothie we could go out so I have a selection of books with characters who are Indian South Asian and I'm thinking if I pick the right one I might land on chai and I'll just get to have my normal morning caffeine or if I get dimple hopefully iced coffee would be on the page and I'd be fine too my husband's leaving he has to go work and do something so Liam and I are on our own for this breakfast I need you to select the right book yeah this one am al unbound by Aisha Saeed one of my favorite books this fits for the challenges that I'm giving myself this is set in a country in which I do not live should I flip early in the book I would say pretty early in the book so just like things that people are hanging out we're on page 16 well the in the kitchen thrown in the kitchen there in the kitchen both girls followed me into their bedroom exit out bedroom asses you turn it okay soon they were chatting and giggling and getting their dolls ready for a tea party that's food tea there's the first mention of a food or beverage in this book and I have to count it tea okay but that's not food so we still need to figure out food I'm gonna pick another book but I get my tea so I feel happy it would be nice to pick a book that has a character who doesn't eat meat so I wouldn't even have to worry about stumbling upon that obviously I could just take whatever they made and make it vegan vegetarian whatever thinking about vegan characters star girl I think dawn from the babies club I actually have a book specifically about dawn oh um hazel from The Fault in Our Stars I just looked up a list of vegan Oh being characters add the last song the girl from the last song Miley Cyrus okay I just found Dawn's California Diaries what I would normally be having for breakfast is a smoothie these are diary entries so I'm not sure she would mention what she's eating but again I'm gonna flip to kind of the beginning in the hopes it it's breakfast like breakfast should start at the beginning of a book I don't know we're doing page just kidding there's no page numbers oh my god they're in the kitchen wait okay I'm getting a really good look I just want to mention that ducky and I sat at our kitchen table and split a bottle of spring water not even a whole bottle of water oh my gosh she sat down the other side of the table and began to breastfeed Gracie well I'm not going to be drinking that Maggie said she'd be eating like a normal person lately or that she's gained five pounds and needed to buy new clothes okay so I think um dawn has a friend with an eating disorder it's kind of the plot of this book so she's talking about how little she's eating Shaima how she gained two pounds proud of ourselves and John says I didn't think we would have to eat any more meals watching Maggie pick at a carrot shaving and then announced that she was full so here's breakfast just kidding it's only a shaving and only half a bottle of water don't worry Liam you get the other half no carrot I don't actually drink bottled water regularly don't worry this was actually just an empty water bottle I found in my recycling that I bought one time and I filled it up with tap water so I'm gonna go get my tea now look we're right next to a juice bar smoothies acai bowls today can I please get a venti almond chai with a shot of espresso I figured I might not get any more caffeine today so let's make it a dirty chai we're home still no power I'm just gonna get ready I think I have enough light delicious all right what we're up to now I took photos a bunch of bookmarks did a couple things around here I'm hungry I know shocking considering I've already had water and carrots today but I have to head back out because I have to drop all the bookmarks back off at my mom's for her to ship out to people I also have to go to my my parents because my dryer broke so I need to dry my wet clothes somewhere today has been a weird day also I'm shipping out a bunch of books to a library in Jamaica today which is super cool they had a whole list of wish list things and I have a lot of them as arcs so I'm going to probably spend $100 today shipping these but one of the books is with the fire on high so before I send that package I'm gonna use this as my book to pick lunch this fits for that challenge of finding a book with food on it we've got lots of fruits this also works for set in another country because she travels to Spain for a good portion of this book I'm a little nervous because she's a chef and she makes you know interesting things I remember there's a lot of like octopus ocean creatures not quite sure how to make that work but we'll just flip and see I have a lot of other ideas for food on the covers like Twilight although what if I flipped to a page where like they're sucking someone's luck what I need to eat blood cuz that's their food dig would have been really fun with potatoes I think contemporaries in general are just the easy thing like there ice-cream-truck more ice cream let's see what we're having for lunch oh my gosh I'm on page 75 there's barely any words on it fries I had a tray with fries and an apple pie do I have to eat both those things and walk over to the shake machine girl I do not eat the burgers here I struggle to eat anything I can make 100 percent better in my own kitchen but I need this job so I quickly swallow and say I mean everyone likes the number six right forgot she works at a burger joint okay that doesn't excellent oh my gosh as if I picked up a book with a professional chef who cooks wild things throughout this book and I flipped to a page where she's eating a burger and fries does it say where they are cuz it sounds like McDonald's who else has apple pie so she works in a place called the burger joint okay sorry I had to read the whole scene so basically the boy comes in is ordering from her and that's what he's ordering she recommends him the vanilla milkshake and then she loads up the tray with fries apple pie and then recommends the number six so I guess that's lunch burger fries apple pie a vanilla shake where am I going for this just an W have milkshakes because they have the beyond burger I really don't like milkshakes Oh but until he does have the vanilla milkshake Liam's gonna be stoked come on we gotta go get lunch lunch eww yeah that's more excitement than I even expected here we are I honestly should have chosen any other day to do this because it's so busy here on the weekends it's gonna be hard to film in there so I'm sorry if I silently eat my food but I don't know if I should talk to you [Music] so lunch was good it's a good thing I ate a big lunch I am so ridiculously full but who knows what we're gonna have for dinner so at least this will this oh my god I'm so full I never would have normally eaten a lunch like this husband and my child are headed off to do something I'm going home I met up with him here so we could go in and eat I didn't want to go through the drive-through and get all of that like trash this day could easily be so many bags and packaging and plastic so we went in where they actually and Ellie is really cool and they do like compostable straws and our food all came in like little ceramic or metal containers and it was really good the fries weren't good I don't really loved their fries the burger was great as usual I do not like milkshakes so I took a sip and then gave the rest to Liam and now I'm taking home my Apple turnover and that's what's up okay I'm home so warm that's the thing I can't imagine doing this video I didn't live huh right next to a bunch of different um restaurants and grocery stores up but I'll be spending the next couple hours editing a video doing a little bit of work and I don't know when I'll be hungry for dinner hopefully I get to cook something though I don't have many groceries so I'll have to run to the grocery store I'm just not really one for desserts in general so okay it's not as sweet as I thought it would be so at least there's that I'm pretty sure I haven't had to McDonald's one and probably over ten years ago and I remember being really sweet it's actually pretty good I'm most definitely too full to actually eat the whole thing I know I think I'll pop it in the fridge when Liam and Robbie get home from basketball I think they're just playing at the court and down the street um he can have that okay I've washed my hair and done some boring house things and I'm ready to pick dinner originally when thinking of this video I was like I'm gonna chew something that I know there's food in I feel like Harry Potter would be an interesting choice anyone else is doing this but also the Hunger Games could be interesting I still want to do that challenge for reading something that's not totally realistic but with how lunch went how can we find something in an unrealistic book that's still realistic to eat and maybe even dare I say it fruit so I grabbed three things that I'm thinking the Maze Runner because I think they grow their own food then I was thinking Animal Farm because it's realistic but not and they definitely are gonna talk about eating in here and it's probably vegetables because animals eat vegetables but that would if the page eyes look to is eating another animal or eating slop or so then I thought watership down this is bunnies they eat vegetables well I just get to eat a salad cuz that would be Moraine but again what if I have to eat something that's not like a human food The Maze Runner again I want to start at the beginning because I feel like books get more intense as they go and they stop mentioning mundane tasks such as eating so we're on page 58 guess we'll have to see okay the girl arrives in this book way earlier than I remember but it says guess we'll have to see what she does Jeff said to know in a particular we can feed her soupy stuff if she doesn't wake up soon soupy stuff soupy stuff please elaborate oh my god it then there's a whole kitchen scene right after that cuz Thomas says he's hungry okay so my appetizer is soup and then what the kitchen is small but had everything one needed to make a hearty meal Thomas pulled out a wooden chair blah blah blah what are you eating Chuck brought two plates with sandwiches and carrots over the table carrots okay the bread was thick and white the carrots sparkling bright orange Thomas's stomach begged him to hurry he picked up a sandwich and started devouring it so my dinner is a soup and a sandwich and what a whole carrot baby carrot carrot sticks let's see if they describe the soup they make for her doesn't see what's in the sandwich but I guess that's a good thing because then I can choose I don't want any more bread today she's got like a grilled cheese and tomato soup and before I go I'm gonna bring home something that could be a dessert or snack in Mississippi at the time to find a picture so I'm trying to figure out which one of his books will have pictures of food the baby surf club ooh do you think they eat snacks in here no food come on with that what is that ring ding what's a ring ding is it like a ding dong I don't know what that is because I think it's an American thing but I not heard of a ding dong is it like a Twinkie it's like a brownie what is this well I'll keep that in mind it was nice and cool this morning and now it's super hot again I'm heading into the grocery store to do an entire grocery trip and I'll also grab a couple things that I need for dinner I'm planning on making my own tomato soup but the last goal times I made it it was bad I'd like to try again but I might also buy a prepackaged but no no [Music] raising ring ding all right I'm home I've got everything I need the only problem is I'm not hungry at all I'm gonna go for a hike and we're gonna hope that I have built some sort of appetite when I get home because if I'm not in the mood to eat then I'm not in the mood to cook and then nobody else eats I'm gonna pick a new audio book to listen to which will be fun [Music] okay it's like seven I'm more tired than hungry but I have to feed other people I'm balancing you on my Earth Balance traditional spread right I'm gonna use this my jeans if you've never made a grilled cheese on sourdough I'm telling you you're missing out on life and this is my little grill that I've had for so long and it's just like a penny any price basically so I just put the sandwich a angrily and it's a great time and we're gonna do tomato soup oh and carrots how many do you think I shouldn't eat oh and I did start an audio book I started moon of the crust it's now which I do have a copy of but I got for free I'm Scribd so it's not like I bought the audio book even though I have a copy and I think I got and listen to our double x bean so I got two hours into the six-hour audio book and I think tonight I'll just finish it like with my eyes in case you wanted a book reading update [Music] okay before I eat I have to put away my cheese and I haven't had a chance to use the big thing I got I use these like silicone food grade silicone things like I'll show you it'll like stick like saran wrap and I've been using little ones for bowls and stuff and I haven't had a chance to use a big one and I'm unnecessarily excited looking at who's there it's so fun anyway that's my wrapped cheese thanks for coming my demonstration okay here's my dinner a tiny little bowl of soup and a little sandwich and a little carrot good grilled cheese great carrot now what you're made to a famous mukbang legend eating on camera oh all right I'm not even gonna try to pretend it's not the next day it's the next day I was so full yesterday that I bought the treats that I was supposed to you and then I forgot they were in the cupboard and I just kind of fell asleep and I was going to share them with my family and we're all gonna sit here and do a taste test of my version of a ring ding that I found but look I just got home from work and two of them are missing clearly nobody cared that I was trying to film a video I don't blame them this is not something honestly I would ever buy so it's understandable I'm more surprised that Liam didn't eat all of these to be honest but this was the closest thing at the grocery store I was at that could be a raining I'm much more of a salty girl than a sweet girl but I'm gonna try one there was no way I could have eaten this yesterday it was just a weird day for like how much and at what point in the day I was eating that I kind of just crashed it was like a food coma so this isn't the exact thing from the book but it's chocolate and cream I got it from the bakery section but it's not like all the labels gone now so I don't know but it's not baked like in house anyway it's shipped to them so I mean yeah that's good just for me if I'm going for a treat I want salty things I don't know why I think that's definitely a sign of getting old every time when I was a kid and I would buy something sweet I would like offer it to my parents and my dad was always like no I don't know sweets I know things are too sweet for me so technically I cheated a little I didn't let books choose what I eat for 24 hours it wasn't within 24 hours there's still 24 full hours this was fun it definitely went better than it could have gone like I still got caffeine I got some food I would normally eat there wasn't ridiculous things where I had to stretch the rules I had some things that were open to interpretation that I could choose what I wanted I really want everyone to do this because I think it would just be so much fun to watch I had so much fun watching Alex's if you do do this I would personally recommend getting together all of the items at the beginning of your day maybe choosing all the books and then you can organize when things are happening maybe that would make it less fun I also know this video isn't a realistic concept for certain people for certain diets for certain incomes but I think would be so fun to watch so if you do it please let me know down below i'ma see you later thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 45,036
Rating: 4.965466 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: CbFqcEvFWcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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