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good morning friends I was struggling it's my hair welcome to the slapshot read-a-thon this is a read-a-thon where we're reading hockey related books I'm gonna try my best to make this not boring for people who don't like hockey but relevant for the people who do like hockey so today is the first day of the regular season I think Montreal is actually playing today which is exciting maybe I should answer some basic questions you may ask going into a hockey related read-a-thon for myself like my favorite team our family team is officially the Montreal Canadiens because Robbie was born in Montreal my team is the Blackhawks I also do love Montreal my secondary team is the flames which I can't say too loudly because in British Columbia it's unacceptable you're either a Canuck fan here which I'm not or an oiler span which I'm not so in this family we watch the flames the election of Canadians you watch the Blackhawks we watch whoever might be interesting that year and then usually whoever knocks out my team depending on the year I'll watch them as they move on to the Stanley Cup or like if our favorite players have changed teams sometimes we'll watch new teams every year like PK Zhu Ben left the Canadiens so we watched the Predators occasionally one of the non fictions I was interested in this week and I'm thinking about picking up maybe I'll check if there's an audio book it's the Subban kids multiple kids in the NHL I don't think I've ever read a nonfiction hockey book but the audio book would be cool what else might you ask of me when did I get into hockey not until I had a child do I play hockey no in fact I can't even skate but Liam plays he has been on the ice since mmm four years old and now that it's October we are at the rank six out of seven days a week so today we'll be there for skating tomorrow hockey practice the next day skating the next day hockey practice the next day he's has a game and then I think the next day he has like a more private coaching type thing I can't think of what else you would want to know because it's five o'clock in the morning I guess you want to know what I'm reading so if you didn't watch my TBR I have top ten becky nico to know which is the y8 contemporary romance I have Michigan versus the boys which is aya hard-hitting contemporary and I have a deal by Elle Kennedy which is an adult romance I accidentally called it erotica which people did not appreciate I don't know the difference between smut and erotica and I guess just romance today he's also pictured a free Liam so he made me dye his hair just a little bit blue last night and what else what sweet wings I'm wearing these are called breakaway there are full-on hockey legging there's boys and girls playing hockey all right here's my outfit for the day pretend you care okay I'm off to work penguin Random House Canada audio presents how we did it with new band plan for success at hockey school Angela Michaels do then hi I'm home in a strange turn of events I completed an entire book today already I honestly just downloaded this book so I could like give the first chapter a try see if I wanted to read this on my commute every day this week it's called how we did at the Subban plan for success in hockey school and life it's by Karl Subban who's pinky subin's father if there was any nonfiction that I was going to read for this that's what it was I love PK Subban he's one of my favorite players watch I didn't think I would truly learn anything from this because we just as a family like don't take hockey that seriously honestly at this age it's gonna sound weird to anyone who's not a hockey parent but at this age 9 years old you pretty much know if your child is going to excel in hockey or not I don't know if that's true for any other sports but you know we put hours and hours and hundreds of hours into hockey and Liam's not going to go to the NHL that's not anybody's goal hockey's just like a fun thing so we're we're chill about it you know so I I thought the book would probably be a lot of like life lessons and like how he ended up with three kids being drafted from the NHL which is insane the audio book is eight hours long I listened to it on double-speed which I've got a couple comments lately then I just find interesting one of them was critiquing like how much can you really understand if you're listening to an audiobook on double-speed and then one was actively like angry and saying it's not real reading if you're listening to it on like chipmunk speed it's confusing because I listen to audio books at the same speed as I read I've tested it out multiple times it's like a proven thing that our listening comprehension is like two to three times what our speaking ability is so I don't know if it's different for everybody but like I can hear every word just fine I understand everything I prefer to listen on double speed I feel like if I'm listening to an audiobook instead of when I could be reading with my eyes I wouldn't choose the audiobook over reading with my eyes if it was gonna be slower so I listen at the same speed that I read which I guess is two times two speeds somebody would speak I don't know I don't think it's weird and the last three hours of my day I was the only one in the office everyone was at a photo shoot today so I was just doing graphics and working on stuff that didn't require like thinking too heavily few know what I mean it was more mindless artistic work so I just listened to three hours the audiobook and then finished it on my drive home and I just it just ended as I pulled into the driveway I'm gonna go inside though so we can talk in there oh I'm so tired only got five hours of sleep and literally for no reason like I was doing nothing I just didn't go to bed until after midnight so I got myself a coffee Liam will be home in about half an hour and then we're gonna go well he's gonna go skating this book was a real joy to listen to you feel like it's a five out of five I really liked everything that it covered so I knew literally nothing about Carl Subban going into it he's originally from Jamaica and he narrated his own audiobook so it was really enjoyable to listen to I really liked his voice and lent itself well to an audiobook and he was talking at the end about how he's now a public speaker and I can totally see that but he was basically in the educator still is in the education system he was a principal for a really long time and he was talking about all these super cool ways that he implemented changes into the schools he was involved in and how schools and grades and even specific kids weren't expected to do much and how he was trying to change the whole culture of the school and make really positive changes and everything tied back to hockey obviously and we went through like PK's entire career but from a father's perspective which was cool it talked about his trade it talked about you might remember that injury that happened that well in my opinion it wasn't groundbreaking advice it was more of just an acknowledgement of hockey culture and how a lot of things are misunderstood and how he comes at certain things differently than other parents there was this whole section that I jotted down notes for because I wanted to share it was the most impactful part and then I left the post did it work it was something about I can't remember the words it was like external versus internal motivation and how like if your kid is doing it for themselves it means more it's they're going to do better at it and they're gonna do it for longer then if they have like external bribery which like it's kind of an obvious thing but maybe not like for all obviously not for all sports parents because everyone goes to the sporting events with their kids where there's other parents losing their minds anyway let's go to the rink I'm probably gonna bring top ten with me that's the first thing I intended to read it's exactly 10 p.m. on the dot and I am gonna get my first good night's sleep in a while I only read about 50 pages of this I don't have a goal for how much to read every day like any time or during a read-a-thon usually but if I did have a goal it would obviously be more than 50 however I read technically an entire book already so it's not like I feel behind or anything on my reading this book is interesting it started right off the bat with these two people who supposedly been best friends for so long having sex I've read a couple other books like that and it's been a critique of mine that like we don't get to establish a relationship and it's so much more telling than showing it's like oh we're best friends we've never thought of anything thought of each other best friends our friendship is so strong we would never Bowl and then suddenly they're hooking up like a chapter into the book however this isn't doing that I thought it was doing that and I was scared but that scene happened and now we're back in time like when they first met and I think the whole book now is gonna kind of lead up to that event I don't know if it's gonna jump back and forth between timelines it hasn't yet we're back in freshman year when they first met and I think it's gonna be huge I really hope I like it I haven't read just like a light happy contemporary romance in a while I feel like I've heard there are some heavier topics in here as well so I don't know the overall tone yet but we'll see I'm gonna continue in on this tomorrow I'm honestly like not surprised I didn't read a lot my slowest reading days of the week consistently for Wednesday and Thursday so I didn't think that I would kick off this read-a-thon in some grand way anyway I'm going to sleep I see in the morning it's um oh my god 6 p.m. my hair looked so cute today my outfit was so cute today but likes that didn't help anyway but I just haven't had a chance to vlog until now it was a busy day at work and I got home and still had like three hours of stuff I needed to do so miss Li is hockey practice Robbie and Liam are there right now I missed the hockey game I wanted to watch who's playing today I think the flames and to the Canadiens both had a game today maybe one isn't on until 7 o just kidding the flames game is starting right now I'm just gonna read during intermissions and that's the plan okay I lied there was a little bit left there's a little bit left of the Montreal game and it's amazing and Carey Price is great and he actually lives in the same city as me actually a lot of NHL players live in the same city as me everyone buys houses spends their summers in the Okanagan fun fact anyway games on BRB shoot out from the first game I'm watching in the season I'm glad he's not here to watch he gets hidden Nate Lewis if he gets it in they lose no no no no no good morning I forgot to wash my hair last night so I'm a and I haven't half up and I think it'll be okay had to put in my planner wash your hair today because my life is too hectic but I am just schedule when I wash my hair otherwise I'll forget although today is national taco day so we're all gonna go to a taco truck for lunch for top 10 I'm on page 138 which is about a third of the way through not feeling great about that but I'm really liking it it's super cute I don't think that the teenagers sound like teenagers at all it sounds like a grown adult writing teenagers from back in her own time anyway I'm off to work oh shoot I forgot to film the taco truck I didn't film anything today it's the evening I have five minutes and they need to pick up Liam but I just got this package we hope you enjoyed this why a selection from our winter 2020 season there are so many books in here wait I completely forgot fierce reads oh my god such an idiot they did one of the coolest influencer mailings I was basically this email and it was like pick a color of box do you want the yellow box the green box the blue box or whatever and there was a list of titles that were coming in that box and I think it was kind of themed like one was heavily fantasy one was heavily contemporary I was so stuck between two I think it's just really cool that they did that because it makes it less unsolicited rather than just sending you all these books without telling you it let you have a choice and at the same time it wasn't just like obviously everyone's going to request the most popular titles and so I think a lot of books go under the radar and don't get picked and this is such a good marketing way to get people to still have choice but still get books that are under talked about I guess so there's a ton of books in here I've never heard of this one's called finding mr. better than you bye Shanee Petroff I have to leave but I'm gonna read all these synopsis and tell you which ones I'm interested in there's one called in the shadow of the Sun by M Castellon lucky caller the new Emma Mills one was in this box and I had to pick it I just had to I love a man who's writing so much this has to do with radio broadcasting basically then there's one called defy the Sun by Jessica Fleck little universe by Heather give me trios there's one called The Silence of bones and then there's one called Oasis heavy dragon hoops is this a graphic novel it is it's like 11:00 p.m. that was way too close to my face and I'm 100 pages from the end gonna finish this gonna be great good morning I slept on my hair wet last night which I'm really regretting cuz I don't want to have to do it before I film today but I'm gonna try and pre film I don't know three videos today I have my stack of books actually this video I want to film and post today so I'm gonna need to get going it's army like 10 a.m. the boys are in another city for soccer I don't do soccer I'm I go pretty hard for hockey season I do every practice I do every ice time I do it all soccer is more of Robby's thing I'll go occasionally but this is like their final end of your jamberry thing and I'm just I'm just gonna film today and this one is my quarterly update and favorites about him this is up that's already up I did finish top ten last night and I thought it was good it wasn't really anything special it didn't make me feel anything I really like the relationship I like just a lot of things that it did as far as hockey goes there wasn't really many you know hockey games or anything but there was a lot of reference to the pressure of hockey you know from his family and he had been getting concussions and stuff throughout the book so there was some nice commentary there and yeah it was just a lot of different years of their high school time being friends being more than friends having a few relationship being in relations with other people I really liked how the time hopped around I think it was smart oh the timings of the timeframes but overall it was just nice fine not something super memorable I think I'm in the mood for this Oh God okay I just ended up ending finished filming one video I haven't had any coffee yet today so I need to go out and get that before filming anything else and then I think I'll just read the first couple of chapters of the deal just so I can say that I started it and get the ball rolling this day didn't quite go as planned how many pages did I read 14 I read 14 pages and then I remembered I had about seven things to do for work I filmed two videos I did stuff for the book charm shop I went to film another video hey what happened well so in my closet and I was looking for something for the video I didn't remember I stood up and one of the drawers of my Alex night drawer was still open and I banged my head so hard I want to say I passed out when I took a nap I've really bad headache I've taken two naps Robbie went out and got dinner from like the local pub because I didn't want to wake up then I ate a poutine and then he went back to sleep and now it's dark out and we have hockey at 6:00 a.m. so now I'm just lying here watch a couple of booktube videos of dinner and I need to get back into the book so basically there's this guy and this girl one of them is like really the girls really like smart in class and the boy he's like failing the class he needs a tutor in order to pass the class and be able to stay on the hockey team so I guess that's like they're gonna have some kind of deal about tutoring but I guess they become romantically involved at some point that hasn't happened yet I think there's been two sex scenes between him and someone else so if I don't update you until the morning I'm sorry they posted a new video and that's great hey okay I'm slowly being convinced I guess I didn't read the synopsis well enough this is a fake dating story and I'm excited about it so far it hasn't done anything to annoy me which new adult often does I've also only made it to 50 pages though I don't know what is happening with me I bought this shirt for a because it looks like it's about me on a shirt to say good morning I might like a page it certainly I'm on page 130 I think and I'm quite liking the book I think it has its problems but I know it's time for hockey our first early morning game it's been 10 hours since I talked to you last what has happened Liam had his game he won his game he also got the first penalty of his life and of the entire season yay then let's see we went to breakfast I think about three hours of my day was spent lying here trying to convince myself the taking a nap would be a bad idea and just like watching YouTube videos and I should have just napped because I am very tired I also finished the deal mm-hmm reading conversation what do we want to say about this I didn't vlog while I was reading the book because I don't need you to see me blushing over a book this is scandalous I haven't read a book with such explicit sex scenes in a really long time and I just don't know that I love romance I will say the relationship was fun the banter between them I really liked two characters I thought the deal was fun like the dynamic was cool some things that have bothered me about other I don't know what you want to call it new adult or romance or erotica or whatever certain things that happen in those books didn't happen in here multiple times I thought it was going in a certain direction of like cheating miscommunication and those things didn't happen there were definitely some romance ropes in here this book could be deemed problematic in some ways I'm sure but overall like it was just kind of fun but in general reading an entire story revolving around two characters just like constantly thinking about each other that element of romance is why I don't really pick up romance I think I prefer books that have a huge plot somewhere else and then a relationship I love a good relationship I love a good romance within something else but a book where every page is like them thinking about each other how they're gonna be together how they're gonna sleep together it's not something that I love to read you know 300 pages of even though I liked everything that happened in here and I liked the conversation there were other things happening like he plays hockey there was conversations about his hockey games but I think there's only actually one hockey game described and not in much detail but that's because it's not a book about hockey this book was definitely intense it covered uh rape abuse there was a lot talked about and I think handled in a good way there's one trope that I didn't enjoy it all and it's about women and like sexual pleasure but it was tied to trauma so I don't even like want to get into like how I feel about it because I want to respect what the book did as far as new adults that I've read if that's even what we're calling this I don't know the terms anymore I haven't whatever it's one of my favorites the relationship overall wasn't to cringey it was pretty self-aware and overall respectful right it was fun I'm getting up four stars even though I'm giving a four stars no I'm definitely not continuing in this series I am NOT suddenly gonna start reading this genre maybe once in a while I feel like this could be a couple times a year type of read for me now we're going out I need to buy some fall boots and we're going out for a birthday dinner party so I'll see you maybe not until tomorrow actually because I don't think I'm gonna start let me converse the boys tonight so see you tomorrow unless something fun happens while I'm out that I want to show you tell you hello here we are did you just hear lamps a gaudy the lighting is really beautiful oh my God look at the lens flare lady was crawling out the window Michel Bing Michel beer and win two chapters and I got the plum plus I'm a plus member now that's a free shipping that's ten percent off on my purchases six that post hello I didn't find any fault boots that I liked so I'm still wearing flats even though it's pretty cool today this is my outfit and I find boots but I did find books I found this really pretty edition of The Odyssey I found black leopard red wolf so these are only a couple bucks I mean I'm one of it but I think I left it in the car in the plan today it's to go to work and then come home and read like the first half of unless you converse the boys if you don't know the plot of this neither do i I more or less know that it's focused on a girl joining the boys hockey team there's no more girls team and I've gotten a lot of comments saying that it sounds like she's the man I mean not by him had to buy that movie with Amanda vines and I guess that comparison makes sense but also it's not about her like pretending to be a boy from what I understand he's just standing up for herself and her rights to play hockey and they don't want her doing that and they like ice alter or haze her or do something so I think this is gonna be pretty heavy why a contemporary from just like my assumptions going in turn off my curling iron I'm not for that at least once a week and we're off to work I don't even want to flip this around like to see myself ma'am yeah okay hi it's Monday I know it looks like I'm asleep but I'm not I haven't updated you today and now it's 9 o'clock at night I'm tired vlogging is hard no not really I just like I'm not good at I'm not good at this anymore what happened to her I am reading Michigan versus the boys this is a pretty fast read I got 270 pages and like half an hour I'm just not really in the mood to read and I don't like forcing myself to read because like that's boring but my goal is to stop watching YouTube and maybe get to Page like how many people let's shoot we get to the halfway point we should get to page 150 so I only need to double like what I've already done which seems like nothing I just got home from work and had to do like a million things I had to do some work things then I had to do some booktube things and I do some books two grand things and I had to do some bookmark business things we're about to launch new products in the book tram shop it's not just bookmarks there's also something else that is really similar but people who don't read a lot might like which probably doesn't apply to you so I don't know why I'm hyping you up go and check the link anyway Michigan versus the Boise it started off like pretty much expectedly they budget cut her team but there's also other teams that were cut and she's connecting with like certain people from the other teams and commiserating with them which seems like it could be cute and she just went and tried out for the boys team she didn't conceal this she's a girl but she just wasn't trying to like outright be like oh here here's my long hair and my makeup to face the way that she would traditionally look day to day she kind of kept things a little more low-key so she could fly under the radar but they noticed right away anyway and they don't seem to want her on the team but nothing we detrimental has happened so it's only gonna go downhill from here I don't know how intense this gets oh my god I can't believe it's the last day of this read-a-thon one because I feel like it went by really fast too I feel like I have no footage my goal is to finish Michigan versus the boy is this evening this evening it's straight-up nighttime but I did that thing where I put in a load of laundry so I have no choice but to stay up for another hour until it's done and I can put it in the dryer overnight I'm on page 150 that is almost exactly 50% I can't read a hundred fifty pages in an hour but I can get close so I'm not gonna get a great night's sleep but I really need to finish this book it's one amazing too hard to read so I just love the book in general I love the writing I love the story there is a great amount of game play like active like describing the game getting goals which is something I've yet to experience in this hockey reading week so that's great this girl Michigan is getting more and more I mean abused by her teammates the tone of this is really strong and I hope it continues and I'm assuming it's gonna end on like a really good message right now she's just taking the abuse she wants to be on the team so bad she wants to prove herself she doesn't want to seem weak by telling somebody and when she does speak up the team is not being reprimanded so it's proven that the people in power aren't gonna do anything anyway besides cut her from the team which is not what she wants and I feel like with that the tone could easily skew like in a different medium written by someone else it could skew to like oh she's so strong she's so brave for sticking it out but the tone is appropriately like her acknowledging like this is wrong this is illegal I am being treated unfairly so that's good and hopefully I really don't know what direction this book's gonna go if she's gonna get the girls team back if these boys are going to be reprimanded if terrible things are gonna have to happen before things change or if she'll just like change the boys minds enough to see her as a real person I don't know which direction it's taking which is I was gonna say fun it's obviously not fun to read it's keeping me on the edge of my seat but also I just have this feeling of dread for her which is a testament to the writing so it's actually a positive thing you taught him he'd okay that was a rough ream and I need some time to process so I'll give you a final thought [Laughter] tomorrow the book was 5 stars I don't think about that I just like I need to cope what's happening is balance oh no ignore my pile of laundry welcome to my final thoughts this was a really good read-a-thon I don't think I realized while I was in it then it was a great read-a-thon but hi this is a great read so first i read the book by Subin what was his name I don't know I don't have the book in front of me and that was four stars then I read top ten by Katie - no this was like a 3.5 but I do have good feelings towards it I didn't even mention the main character is bisexual and I feel like the bisexual rep was like amazing like I was just really stoked that that came out of nowhere I feel like nobody hasn't in that when talking about this book or maybe I just haven't seen enough people talk about the book then I read the deal by Al Kennedy which is a four-star I think I talked more in length about those Michigan worse the boys was five stars I think I already mentioned that I don't know why I'm trying to wrap up stuff I already said I just can't get over how good this was there are so many tropes that this could have fallen into one of which I keep thinking about how much I appreciate the fact that there was a relationship in here but it wasn't the trope of like the sports team not wanting the girl on their team and then falling for one of the boys on the team I feel like I've seen that done ridiculously much she's the man which I already talked about is a perfect example I don't read a ton of sports books in general but I know I've seen that done in movies like overdone completely overdone the relationship was so cute it was the perfect amount of this book it was the only part of the book that didn't make me wanna die it was just placed in there at the perfect times to give you a reprieve from the intensity this was the perfect amount of hard hitting it's mid why a so it's featuring a 16 year old character I feel like that's the age range it's perfect for if this book was upper why a the assault and the abuse would be a lot more descriptive and even rougher to get through with that said it is one of the most difficult reads ever just because you don't know what's gonna happen to her and with the age range that we're in I don't I don't know about spoilers when we're dealing with trauma like this if you need to know what triggering topics there are I'm sure it's on like the website on the good read but it's basically what you think this team is gonna do to her but it doesn't go as far as you think it might which is perfect for the age range it's obviously shitty for anybody to read this so it's not like oh this is perfect for sixteen year olds they're gonna love it like this is impossible to read at any age the fact that anybody has gone through anything like this is just like as a mother one of the worst things imaginable the fact that you know my son plays hockey yeah he's nine years old this is about a bunch of like 16 17 year old boys imagining like young men behaving this way in this environment and letting sports become anything but a positive experience for anybody outside of sports to just like the way that oh my god the behavior and that's like I just I could barely read it and the ending is perfect if you're worried about how things are gonna end up like I can't think of a better ending than this highly recommend especially for the people who do already really like hockey because there is the perfect amount of like descriptive in-game stuff I just can't get over how good it was like every single choice was perfect and that's it that's a slap shot readathon I'm so glad I participated I had a great time I didn't vlog very much I feel like it looks like I live in my bed when in fact the times that I filmed my clips ours like the only time I was actually relaxing throughout the week and I didn't lock anything else because I'm just impossibly busy and thank you very much for watching I will see you later
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 46,088
Rating: 4.9629488 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: cRKuC03CJMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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