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I'm putting in a rule that I might regret that if anything any book shows that more than once I have to read it coming in at number three is the nightingale by Kristen Hanna a five star read are they all going to be amazing I did not expect to end up with such a lowly rated book in reading other people's favorite let me acknowledge that I'm an idiot I'm not that dead inside I have no soul I feel nothing all this does is solidify that I'm still that picky [ __ ] hi nice to meet you hi friends it's Kayla here's the concept I want to read books that I'm set up to love this month and who better to take recommendations from then all of the book tubers who read most similarly to me who just put up their favorites videos for the year actually this isn't just about people who read similar to me it's about people who raped similar to me so I have some people in mind who have watched for years and I know that we have similar reading tastes I'm thinking Elias who just finally put up his video today of his favorite books of the year which is why finally getting around to this I'm gonna react to Elias this video Natasha Chelsea and Gabi I think those are the people that first pop into my mind that I know we've read similarly in the past so I'm assuming they're favorites videos are gonna be full of books that I've also loved or could potentially love I wanted to have five book tubers but I really didn't know who to go with else so I asked you on Twitter months ago who reads similar to me and I got a lot of responses some I don't agree with some I do I tried to do this based on Goodreads but the thing about is when you do that compare books thing it's not as helpful as you might think it would be for this concept because say me and Ally have read a whole bunch of similar books we have a high percentage of similarly shelved books but the ones that we have in common are ones that we both rated two and three stars so like yeah statistically we have similar shelves but our tastes like that's not really helpful to me I want to find the people who rate the things I rate 5 stars 5 stars 5 stars so for my fifth person I am gonna watch all of the people that you suggested so Ally Emma and Maura Jacqueline Chandler Rachel Sajid Joey if they have favorites videos up for 2019 I will be watching them and I'm gonna I'm not gonna show you a reaction to all of them I'm gonna film a reaction to all of them sorry memory card and then I'll basically take whoever else has the most books in their top 10 or whatever that I also had in my top 10 or I've read of 5 stars I'm gonna pick that person and pick a different book from them I'm choosing one book from each of these people to read because the likelihood is I'm gonna like it if you want to skip all the reaction stuff and just get to the reading I'll put a time stamp because certain parts of this video for a different audience and yes while I'm looking for books that I am set up to love I am going to step outside my comfort zone a little bit I have to be candid and just tell you right off the bat that wrap ups and holes are my least watch two videos on booktube so I genuinely like don't know and you can't guess and feel like a bad friend for that I can't guess these people's favorites I don't know what's gonna be on their lists at all well I know Natasha and Chelsea and Gabi are getting more into adult romance and that's not something that I read so maybe I just haven't really been paying attention when they're talking about adult romance I think red wine morel blue and the flatshare have been talked about this year but I don't know by who and I don't know if they loved it cuz I know I followed some people who don't like those books and who did like those books I'm putting in a rule that I might regret that if anything any book shows up more than once I have to read it so we're gonna start with Elias Elias and I have similar reading tastes with our light fantasy preferences and also some of our thriller preferences I think we pick up a lot of the same thrillers and then sometimes we hardcore agree and sometimes we differ he also reads much higher fantasy than me let's start with his favorites video and CMOS books that I read in 2019 Oh Christine later no no I don't like that there's werewolf islands by Tracy neither cots alright oh I heard he mentioned that coming at number seven sorcery of thorns by Margot Rogerson I read an absolutely adored it was will song by no stripping and oh I know I've seen that mention the weapon I've never really paid attention to what it is so do our thriller selections anonymous girl by Greer Hendrix and Sara cannon okay so the next book is lock every door so good coming outs number three imaginary friend by Stephen Chbosky oh it's a long book that was on my TBR and I did plan to read it but I just didn't like get to it I it's had a pretty low rating from a lot of my friends so hmm okay coming at number two this book was [ __ ] insane you know gasps hey I read this from Kayla's recommendation when I can influence people can you honestly really guess what my number one of 28 this book remains at number one ladies and gentlemen are you guys surprised Starla see fire and Morgenstern okay so stats on aliases video for I have read before two of them I didn't like two of them were in my top ten books of the year I'm not making any decisions at this point um though I know you have all told me to read imaginary-friend incessantly I just it's so long other contender is great well violence urban and of sorcery thorns wolf song and the starless see most of those I'm I wasn't interested in before now but I could open my mind alright Gabby um Gabby and I have similar taste in thrillers especially the weirder thrillers I think she picks up a lot of lesser-known well titles in general but talking about thrillers she picks up a lot I've never freaking heard of and then we like similar adult fiction sometimes like literary fiction family stuff differences she reads more historical more romance and our fantasy taste doesn't always match up so I would like to leave her video most likely with a thriller recommendation just like I left at Lisa's video I went into a wanting something paranormal or weird or horror II do you put up her best books of the year three weeks ago that's how long I've been waiting to watch this day I'm gonna be filming my favorite books of 2019 video all 15 of these books on my favorites of the air books that I would highly recommend coming in number 15 is scythe my nail Schusterman I would read that maybe is that the passengers by john mars this book is a sci-fi thriller is exactly I'm talking about we she reads stuff I've never heard of I have said I want to read more side either Pet Sematary by Steven yang oh good birthday by meredith's rusev also gave that pattern the one by John marks top secret by Serena Bowen and Elle Kennedy okay a strangest book on this list but that is a house at the bottom of a lake by Josh malar Minh this is a book that I wouldn't go around just recommending anybody because this book is definitely very strange and very weird fact iris one of my favorites of all time is the bromance book club by lisa Kay Adams interesting gonna be the silent patient by Alex my colitis right that one can like it lock every door yeah Riley staggered this is another one of my favorite thrillers of 2018 a same red white oil blue by a scenic Winston I'll just be honest I have no interest in that but I think it might show up on multiple people's lists so hey I'm anticipating having to read it maybe it'll be incredible if we read similar things and we love similar things when it comes to thrillers or why a why wouldn't I love the romance that they love I don't know the turn of the key but Ruth wears good I read it five stars in my top ten coming in at number three is the nightingale by Kristen Hanna no comment someday someday by Emma Skye under honeymooners by Christina Lauren mm-hmm I should have predicted Christina Lauren would show up on this list because I know I think there are collaborative author team sorry have I been yelling and like I said I knew romance would show up here okay so of Gabi's list of 15 I have read seven of them and five out of the seven were five-star reads for me two of them were in my favorite books of the year list I'm really glad there was the sci-fi thriller mentioned because what was that author's name John Mar I'm down that's an easy pick something that I think I could like let's move over to Natasha she has her top 10 Natasha and I we read a lot of the same weird stuff I get a lot of weird recommendations from her thrillers and horror we also really like similar ye contemporaries like hard-hitting ones what we don't really have in common is our adult romance preferences Ozzie and I don't read many and she reads a lot more graphic novels than me again I don't read any so anything is more than zero hey folks welcome back to my channel I've been gone for like a month and yeah I missed you let's get into my top ten books of 2019 so my 10 favorite book of the year is the nor girls by mu I understand why people love that book and like I said we like a similar hard-hitting contemporary so I have read it but that one just didn't do it for me the troop by Nick cutter I've heard quite a few people mention that I don't know if it would be my things number eight Pick of the Year is red white and royal blue I knew it I don't love to read about royalty but I haven't so much in contemporary books it's more so been a fantasy preference that I've made but it's now officially on my TBR that is my first 100% read because it's been in two people's lists I've heard it pitched a million times this year and like I said in my goals video I need to solidify like what I like and hone in on what I like in adult books so apparently adult romance we're gonna give a shot kinda want to reread it shall see about it a bunch of times if I'm predicting correctness is probably her favorite book of the year last gonna go ahead and predict on in my mind o mentioned three times probably in this my seven favorite book of the year but I just know about it like wrecked me is a heart in a body in the world nope a heart in a body in the world oh isn't it - of the person I originally heard about that book from well weird I just hauled that says to turn to the key by Ruth where it takes a lot to get a five star like thriller mystery out I mean same is hollow Kingdom biker James Buxton it was pitched as a crow a domesticated crow named shit-turd who really likes Cheetos in a post-apocalyptic setting sure moved up into my favorite stephen king shocker if you guys don't know what that says that is Christine my Majesty pink King it's been mentioned literally twice and that is middlegame by Seanan McGuire not gonna lie rad this because of Kayla hey I'm gonna do most of the books on my list she just has recommendations and I know the books that she recommends doc are gonna be stuff that I like and that is the flatshare by bass O'Leary I too have heard that pitched a million times this year but couldn't really remember who talked about it and in what context if they liked it or hated it so I predicted that one oh I just absolutely adore this and Agana can thank Kerala for this recommendation cuz it blew me away that is is king okay so stats for Natasha's video um I have read five of the books in it three of them were in my top ten of the year as well I'm already reading red white royal blue so we could count that but everything else like in drinking enough I'll pick something from there I don't know for sure yet now on to Chelsea so like Natasha Chelsea and I have some similar reading tastes where we differ is adult romance and graphic novels again for similar stuff we like a lot of the same light magical things heavy contemporary stuff and queer books I think I would like to leave her video with a heavier contemporary I could find something that was a heavier contemporary with a little bit of magic I feel like that's something we both regularly read my top 10 books 29 surprisingly not a single one of these books has any like speculative which is interesting because my favorite genre I tend to classify us like contemporary with like slight fabulous speculative elements in it there is one bottomless that maybe kind of Sorna has a specular development to it well okay we'll start with book number 10 permanent record by Mary HK Choi haven't read it actually I do have it on my TBR shelf because a publisher sent it to me but I have the mighty heart of sunny st. James by Ashley herring the blade cute okay but we have with the buyer on my buyers blossom 805 stars almost made my top ten books of the year fix her up by ten maybe an adult romance a very very smart adult romance opposed I mean here Jordan finding Yvonne by Brandi Kohlberg hey write that you gave it four stars girls on the verge by Sharon pig's Waller this book is about a girl who desperately wants to have an abortion I did say I wanted a hard-hitting contemporary from Chelsea that book in this subject matter just isn't something that I traditionally like or like to pick up so I'm glad she loved it though we cute by Emma Lord all right you have the flatshare by Beth oh oh guess I'm meeting some adult romance this week month how long is this gonna take me oh my the last year poets of the sea by Julia Drake I have see her mention that a couple times but I don't think I've really paid attention to what it is although I do also know that sage from Sage reads um they have a queer Shakespeare read-along Club book club thing and I think they read that was I think I was did their December book so I'd be a little late to the game but I would love I would I know it's Shakespeare inspired number one I'm sure that you can guess what I guess I can yeah but it has not yet been included on this list red white and royal blue by casing the question okay so Chelsea's video I only read two books from her list of ten but I'm very interested in the poets of the sea and I guess technically I'm supposed to read the flatshare and red-white-blue okay now to watch everybody else's and then I don't want to make you sit through a whole bunch that I didn't go with it didn't prove to be you the most similar so I'll just cut to whichever one and didäôt being the one okay in Zoey's video she's holding up the dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker which almost made my top ten and I've been told Zoey and I read really similarly there's so many booktubers that i've only recently subscribed to and so i don't know their reading tastes super well yet the day i am filming my 10 most favorite books of 2019 and i have a lot of books I really enjoyed in 2019 hopefully they're the same as me one particular genre that I think I'm really starting to just love and understand what my particular taste is is in the mystery / thriller genre one of those that I absolutely loved this last year was baby teeth by Zoey stage this book completely caught me by surprise I've heard of that pressure loved in 2019 was everyone's an alien when your alien - but the grown-up by Gillian Flynn I love the grown-up but not very many people do this is been drinking it loved so much in 2019 was to be honest this is by Maggie and Martin I heard of it but I'm not interested was no exit this is by Taylor Adams like that - I read that because of Gabi is lock every door by Riley say this right means a we know how everyone loved this when my fourth favorite book of 2019 was a house of a lake by Josh malar Minh my third favorite book was also a mystery thriller and that was turn of the key by Ruth where this book in particular means so so much to me this okay maybe I have to read it that book is there's something about spice India minute grandpa favorite book of 2019 is this is my brand I love this book with my whole heart and that is the dream writers by Karen Thompson an idiot I didn't even think yeah duh the dreamers is so good and I'm oh my gosh I honestly um okay so I know I'm picking something from silly because she Wow one two three four five six of her ten books are books that I not only have read but loved two of them were in my favorite reads of the year list two of them were in my favorite reads from other year lists one of them almost made my list this year so I have four to choose from honestly none of them are something that I actively like already want to read I'm leaning towards baby teeth because so many thrillers were on here that I loved so much that she also did that there's only one thriller she mentioned I haven't read so like I have to I'm gonna have to regroup think about what's happening check where I can gain access to these books quickly because we're already a third of the way through the month so regroup okay so what I've decided is I'm going to read six books total I really want to hit everything that I like to read so I want to read something more hard-hitting and magical I want to read a thriller I want to read sci-fi I want to read well romance cuz I have to you want to read horror and I can hit all of those things and read from all five of these people with six books so what I'm going to read is the two romances that have been selected for me red white royal blue which is about two boys in love it's like a forbidden romance because they're political differences one is royalty one is political leaders child and then I'll read the flatshare which is about two people who share an apartment because the economy and but but they stay there at different times never actually meet so it's like a shared bad situation I think but like not together which is such a stupid concept but also like funny and also adorable I don't hate romance okay I'm not that dead inside well so I found red right royal blue at the library and then the flatshare is on book outlet so both of those are on their way to me then I'm gonna read two thrillers one of them is the more sci-fi one one is the I don't know domestic psychological so the one I have chosen which is about like DNA picking your soulmate I think I'll listen to one scrim from a bunch of different perspectives so I wonder if it's a full cast which would be cool to listen to and then baby teeth again is available in my library and Dawn book outfit so I requested it from the library imaginary friend I'm gonna and poets of the see my next two because I wanted to read some weird stuff those I'm gonna have to buy like brand new from chapters I'll check back in with you when I have something to show you just kidding I'm gonna start the audiobook because I already have it so the one what was his name John Mars let's get into it so the one is very interesting so far I'm definitely gonna read at some point like the physical book but the audio book is amazing I'm already halfway through and there is an entire cast which is cool so it follows this woman who invented or discovered this blood thing where two people are like destined to be together based on like your DNA so she is one of the characters were following and after all these years she has finally found her match sounds like you get matched on this app with like the person you're supposed to be with and then we're following a whole bunch of other characters and their match and there's so many different scenarios so like some people are like just testing their marriage to see like if they are truly destined to be the other or finding out who they're supposed to be with like this thing is ending marriages people are going to connect it to serial killers we're following a serial killer as one of the narrator's which is so weird and yeah it's um very high-energy there's like a plot twist at the end of every single chapter a very heavy-handed one like blah blah blah opened the door and saw a man she never thought she'd see again next chapter next narrator and then we don't hearing about her again for like five four chapters I want to say the writing has skill to it because it's keeping me intrigued it's very action-packed but it's not the type of writing I'm used to reading in a thriller and I just picked up this along with some other books that I'll show you when I start reading them so I can read some physical copies as well I'm enjoying the audiobook so much but I also want to experience it with my eyes a little bit the next one as will show you I picked up the last true poets of the scene and I'm about to film a recommendation video for Shakespeare stuff and I clearly haven't read this but I'm gonna mention it as like a book I'm planning to read that also has Shakespeare elements even though I don't even know like the reference so I finished the one and I'm giving a five stars this was like ridiculous and I think that's what I realized that I liked about science fiction thrillers like this isn't on the same level this is all I can think of nerve so many people hate this book I gave it four and a half stars not because of some impressive writing style or like really smart plot twists or anything but just because it's fun and dumb and high-energy and ridiculous critiques of thrillers sometimes is like oh this is unrealistic how to suspend disbelief blah blah blah but in a sci-fi thriller that's kind of the point I loved this and this is what I talk about when I want more sci-fi I love it because it doesn't really leave time for you to theorize most of the thrillers I read are psychological they're slower paced and I love that and I love coming up with ideas and thinking about what the reveals could be but I also like a book that doesn't even allow you to do that because it's so high impact that you're just along for the ride and it's just not I was shocked by so many of the twists because I hadn't really been pondering about what was coming all of the perspectives were equally interesting like I said we've got the girl who like discovered this thing created this app and all of the implications that come along with that how she changed people's lives for the better how she ruined marriages but is it really her fault or is it the people involved in relationships because they wanted to see who their true match was and then it's like every perspective kind of leads to another perspective or not even like a heavy-handed way but kind of I felt like they were discussing things and then in the next perspective there would be somebody who was challenging something that was just mentioned I thought this is great I'm so glad I started with this a 5 star read are they all going to be amazing oh my gosh I officially have all the books but I can choose what I want to read next I thought I was gonna do this but I'm actually thinking I can do that I actually tried listening to the audiobook and I didn't like it because it's good because sometimes I feel like when I read dual perspective books the writing is really similar and the characters voice is so I'm really similar but in this one Bethel eerily clearly like tried to distinguish between the characters via the writing style Tiffy's chapters are more traditionally first-person leon's are more I don't even know what this is called but it's not like he's not narrating it's written like voicemail and that says what the voicemail said and then his like inner thoughts and like quotations and like traditional writing it's like Holly this me this Holly this and I think that helps distinguish things but it's not very pleasant to listen to it just sounds very robotic so I'm just gonna read it with my eyes so he works a job where he only needs to be in the apartment from like this time of night to this time and then the girl she gets the flat in the bed and everything for like the rest of the time and so they never see each other they never meet and I'm assuming loads of romance so they obviously get connected in some way so that's just what I felt like reading this weekend sci-fi and then a romance and then a thriller and then this weird thing and then of romance and then oh my god the biggest one at the end so I'm almost done with the flatshare you knew this was coming I don't like it this is so frustrating because obviously like I don't really care it's just that I have to tell you that I don't like something and I just I can already see my confidence why did you waste your time reading this you never liked romance like why are you reading stuff you don't think you'll like you should have picked a different book from the video that you would have actually liked people get really upset when I read things and don't like them and I'm sure the majority of people it's from a good place and you just want me to read stuff I like but from my perspective it's fine because it's only one day of my year this accounts for math is hard point three percent of my entire reading for the year so like yeah it's a waste of time but I'm still glad I'm testing it out just to challenge my own thoughts and I'm just gonna move on to something else and it's gonna be fine and then the other comment that I'll get is um a frustrating one that I've gotten on a couple other videos where I read stuff that I traditionally don't like and that's when people say that like because I went into the book with a certain assumption I like already set myself up not to like it and I don't understand what that means it's the same way that people tell me if I knew too much going into a book that's why I didn't like it like these comments from people I definitely understand if that's your own perspective or biased towards reading but that just like never happens for me the book is the book and my experience reading the book is never impacted by like my preconceived ideas or like what I knew going into it unless it's a thriller and a huge plot twist was spoiled like in Evelyn Hugo I gave it three stars I didn't give it three stars because I thought I would give it three stars and I didn't give it three stars because I knew she was bisexual like sometimes you those arguments confuse me so much now I seem like I'm grumpy and you're like well that's why you didn't like book because you're in a grumpy mood I'm probably giving it two stars if I give something two stars people are like ooh spill the tea tell us all the issues and problematic stops there's a problem with this there's nothing wrong with this but I just don't like it and I can't say I don't like romance because I just finished Little Women and I was so wounding over there romance in there and I wanted it to be more romance so who am i what am i doing I don't know I'm so bored I don't care all right finished it two stars perfectly fine book just not from if you liked the Rosie project I feel like the main guy in here reminded me a lot of was his name dawn Tillman or whatever from the Rosie project and the Rosie effect that was another romance kind of book when I thought I liked romance I wanted to read the romance other people reading and that one was like a - hey - star as well I think it goes without saying that I'm not saying anything about the people that said this was their favorite like this wasn't even a recommendation this is just people saying their favorites so I'm obviously not saying anything about their preferences like nobody told me I would like this so this was all my own fault Chelsea loved this I didn't but she also traditionally likes romance and I don't Kelsey also likes marketing contemporary was a little bit of magic so do I so this is most likely to be a winner so this is where we're going next it's been a couple days I just have the flu so love that for me haven't really do anything but like lie in bed or lie next to my toilet so I'm actually listening to the audiobook of a generic friend so I'm a third of the way through this it's broken into three parts so I'm just starting the second part I love this basically it's about a girl who needs to like change her ways she was getting into some trouble in New York City partying a lot not taking care of herself and just like not really caring about what she was doing and then she got sent to this small town called lyric where like her family kind of originates and she's starting fresh she shaved her head she's dressing differently she wants to be invisible basically and she's working at this aquarium and there's a boy there who I thought she was gonna fall in love with but then I remembered this is queer they didn't read the synopsis but the synopsis talks about a girl named Liv that she meets so I think their relationship might be more of the focus which I'm totally here for because I love her character I don't know how it's like magical or anything like that yet maybe it's just like the mythology behind like the family and the ship wreck that her and liver like looking into but it's also about heart in contemporary because she's going through stuff but her brother just attempted suicide and there's a whole thing there about like how she feels responsible and how she wants to help and how she did the wrong thing and his situation is obviously difficult so a lot happening I'm really enjoying it the writing is perfection imaginary-friend I'm actually more than halfway through this somewhere around here but I'm feeling better now so I might switch to reading it physically I you like the audiobook so that's good it's very um Stephen King I'm getting such Stephen King vibes just in the writing style but I can also see how it's very much like Stephen Chbosky I can tell this is a Stephen Chbosky even though he's only ever written the Perks of Being a Wallflower I feel like so many of the characters are reminiscent of perks of being a wallflower got that same like Catholic influence we're obviously following a young boy who's experienced stuff but then this one obviously goes in a totally different direction because it's horror straight-up horror like weird spooky the audio book has freaked me out a couple times basically this boy goes missing in the woods his family is new to town they're running away from some bad people in their life I mean he disappeared in the woods for a week and then he comes back and he not has abilities but like he's smarter and stronger and came more capable and so he brings some other kids into the woods with him and they're obsessed with building this treehouse and there's basically like voices speaking to him and telling him what he needs to do it's definitely pretty repetitive maybe it's necessary I don't know yet I'm interested about the ending because people have I've seen people say that they didn't like this book specifically because of the ending and I want to know that means my goal is to finish both of these today wish me luck I'm still making my way through the poets look they can never remember the title I finished imaginary friend but I'm very tired never like I can form my thoughts yet so I'm gonna finish this one and then just tell you what I thought about both of them I didn't love a necessary friend let's start there let's talk about books first of all as I put this back together let me acknowledge then I'm in a biack I can't really recall if I mentioned it something about this book being magical or weird or other it's not I'm not sure if I always assumed that this book had something weird to do with it or if when Chelsea started her video and said one of these books is slightly speculative that I just assumed that this was the one because I didn't notice any other ones on the list but thinking back it's probably the Elizabeth Acevedo which everyone says is like slightly magical but when I read it I didn't get that at all I thought it was like metaphors but anyway this is a hard-hitting contemporary female female I'd liked this a lot it wasn't a full five star for me I wish it was but this really just solidifies the like Chelsea is my go-to for heart hitting recommendations because this hurt me it was beautiful I loved the by representation however she never uses that language for herself which bugged me like just a little bit a couple people call her bisexual in this book and there's also this one scene where the love interest asks if she's had sex and she says yes and then she says both people which is referencing boys and girls because this is the first girl she's ever whatever we just made me a little sad because it could have been a little more inclusive and then another scene she asked the girl if she was into girls because she was starting to get feelings and the love interest was like no I'm not into girls and then the first time that they kissed the main character is the one who initiated it regardless of like clues and hints and as much as like you know you can feel like somebody wants to kiss you it's still just like a little I questionable that she just like kissed her after she was told like straight up I'm straight that didn't actually affect my rating and all those are just things that I noticed in the book um I think it was a for starting out of 5 just because as much as it hurt me and it was beautiful and all the things I never like cried or how do I take a moment to compose myself it was just a really lovely story that I'm so glad I got to read something that did have fantastical things is imaginary friend Stephen Chbosky sadly no this was not a great one for me um good thing I appreciate so many things that this book did but I don't really think I enjoyed the process of reading I love the nods to Stephen King people can say any horror book is like Stephen King know like this clearly referenced Stephen King in a lot of ways very clear like references to the shining house I shouldn't have read this in between reading this and then trying to do a review because now I can't remember what I was thinking what I was reading this this was definitely a big picture kind of book like it loops it's kind of uh it's a broader thing then just the story so hard to explain it would make a great movie you know how you watch movies and you think it's just like this story between this husband and wife and then it turns out it's like actually about you know it's a metaphor for like something bigger everyone talks about the ending of this and like getting angry what the ending or not liking the ending I feel like the ending was really not predictable but they made a lot of sense like I understood where it was going and it was it fit with the book there were a couple scenes in here that were really intense um I actually really enjoyed the scenes between what was her name honey he's not gonna be in the synopsis she was like a kind of side character um Mary Katherine her scenes were so intense there are some stuff to do with dears she has some conversations with God and as a non religiously affiliated person in any capacity Wow they were very intense and moving in a weird way like very raw seenu's just like I brought up things that like might bug people this has nothing she was my rating but I want to bring up if you're somebody who's bothered when disabilities or other things get like magically fixed in books by like the magical elements I would let you know that dyslexia is a plot point in here and it being like cured after this boy goes into the woods it's an important part of the plot and it makes sense and it's part of like the broader conversation but I know I know a lot of people are sensitive to that in books although if you're sensitive to there are so many trigger warnings that like every book on the planet could have so if you need those things take care of yourself and read into those things if you need to you hello again today that's dangerous we're reading baby teeth this is a book I'm 100% gonna finish in a day because I need to know what's happening oh it's 300 pages I think I can do it I haven't read the synopsis yet but I'm almost halfway through it's dual perspective but it's still written in third person so I don't know if you really call that dual perspective or if it's called something else do you know I mean because technically if it's a perspective it should be from the character not about that character I don't know enough about books to know what to call that both got Suzette who is the mother of a child a child No and the child her name is Hannah so we're reading about both of them I do think the third-person narrative is a good choice like it's still written as if Hannah was narrating like it's referred to as like fishy fish and mommy and daddy it's spoken like a child but it's not from her perspective anyway we basically got this tense mother-daughter relationship the daughter seems literally evil the mother doesn't and so far like nothing's really happened as far as their roles like it still just been the same thing like Hannah does something evil Suzette gets upset about it or tries to help Hannah does more evil things she's that tries to fix it she's gone to some different schools and she just doesn't get along with people like she's kind of like him I'm wondering if this could be speculative like is she actually well couldn't she be the devil I don't know or it could be and I'm hoping I'm hoping that we have some sort of unreliable narrator but is that even possible to pull off in third person it so Sousa is a devoted stay-at-home mother doing everything she can to connect with her seven daughter who cannot or will not speak oh yeah I forgot to mention that she doesn't talk and they're pretty sure it's by choice the book starts off with her taking her to all of these different doctors and trying to find something physically wrong with her before accepting the fact that there must be something psychologically wrong with her daughter I'm back and I didn't like this book sad for me so I don't really know how to talk about what I didn't like about this book without completely spoiling it so skip ahead I guess something I realized I don't like in mystery thriller type books is when all of the characters remain in those same roles that he talked about the entire way through the book nothing happened in here this evil child continues to be evil until the end of the book and the kind patient mother continues to be kind and patient until the end of the book like I told you I was hoping for plot twists I didn't get one I was hoping for unreliable narrators didn't get one I was hoping just something wasn't as it seemed and even if I could completely predict those things I would have preferred that to happen then nothing to happen I'm trying to think of what I can appreciate about this book maybe you would like the representation we have a character with like a chronic illness she's dealing with Crohn's disease and she's had a lot of surgeries and she talks about like her future and stress and potentially having to have like a cult Colin Colin osku me egg and her daughter definitely takes advantage of that this is a one star I'm so sorry I did not expect to end up with such a lowly rated book um in reading other people's favorites it's just sad feeling all this does it solidify that I'm still that picky [ __ ] hi nice to meet you it was just the most repetitive book I've probably ever read in this genre it was just like the same thing happening over and over again testing the kids sending her to school the mom being sad dealing with it telling the husband like she needs help him helping for a second and then not really understanding that the girl is evil and then the same scene and in the same scene and in the same scene my bad not my kind of book I'm going to read red white and royal blue now my last book I just posted a picture of it I haven't actually technically started it but I just captioned it what have I gotten myself into this next book is definitely the most outside of what you would normally expect me to read so I definitely wanted to post an Instagram of it and I have 30 comments of people freaking out about it oh alright we're not gonna beat around the bush about this uh no I didn't like red wine we're gonna blue yes I'm talking about it yeah you probably stopped coming [ __ ] before you come for me I didn't hate this um and I know I always feel like I just reiterate the same [ __ ] all the time like no I didn't like this but I see why people like it but it's so true like i 100% understand why people love this I tend to not like romance that where there's such high stakes and this one obviously had really high stakes being about like politics and royalty and all that kind of stuff I think people would assume well I know people would assume because I've gotten comments and already that I am NOT gonna like this because of the celebrity factor and I'm happy to say that that didn't actually impact my enjoyment of this I think I need to do an entire video about why I don't like books revolving around celebrity culture I definitely need to think more about it but one thing that I can definitively tell you about books about celebrity and fame is I find a lot of them pandering this did not do that I think a lot of times books talk about the rise to fame and like going from a nobody to somebody and people using you and intentions and sudden expectations of you that's something that I don't really like about books involving Fame and again this didn't do that there are obviously some expectations stuff involved in here because it's to do with politics and royalty but that wasn't the central focus and the central focus was just this relationship which was fine there's nothing wrong with the relationship there's nothing wrong bees characters I think Casey McQuillan did a great job in the first like fifty pages of already tackling the enemies two lovers thing and convincing you of their relationship and convincing you to love these characters and that was all super successful at the very beginning I found this too long like if I just don't think this should be pitched as enemies to lovers I expect that to be the entirety of the book but like by this point like they were already like having sex so I think people like that about this that this is a safe book you know it's not necessarily about dramatic coming out stories or queer trauma there definitely is a lot of layers and aspects to the story and to a lot of different characters but in general like the relationship is safe to read I probably would have liked more time spent outside of the relationship it's interesting that in fantasy if someone says that something is like politically charged or there's political intrigue that actually makes me like less interested in a book and a lot of times the fantasy books that do have political intrigue I'm like all I want so much more of the relationships and the characters and I wish it focused over here but in contemporary settings for some reason like I didn't want the relationships so much like I wanted to read more about the political climate the amount of politics in here obviously works for everybody which is why I think people like it because it's just a little bit like it's telling you how much better I don't live in the US but like clearly the political climate is a little more positive in this book because it's like an alternate reality I guess where a woman got elected instead of Trump and what that kind of looks like and so I think that's probably why Casey McCoy's didn't chose to cast a biracial Mexican main character because it's commenting on what's currently happening in the states without being so heavy-handed about it I'm just offering some like representation and positive vibes I know that a lot of my friends who are Mexican do not like or appreciate the representation in here but that's not something I can really speak on so if you care about that conversation I would look for it obviously it would be nice if like the number one high pyramids of the year that's a male male bisexual biracial protagonist was a bisexual biracial male author just because it's an underserved group of people but hopefully this will one open more doors for other authors not there's anything wrong with this book or the author or reading it and will also encourage people to pick up more books written by that group of people because they're out there as for my star rating I'm giving it a 2 I'm giving it a confident - I have to stop reading books based on what other people enjoy or the potential to enjoy a 2 star doesn't mean I wouldn't recommend this it just means that I didn't enjoy the reading experience I didn't like how this was written I think I would have just personally enjoyed it more if it was a first-person narration because clearly we have a main character the perspective is from him but it's still written in third person present and I think if you're gonna write in that style like I would just prefer it to be like a little more dynamic more characters getting the focus the pace of this was not my favorite um it just didn't feel like a traditional like three act kind of structure which is what I would normally expect it definitely slowed down for too much of this for my enjoyment like I said like certain relationships happen too too quickly for me and then I would have like certain things to be explored we jumped ahead in time a lot more than I would have liked but obviously it accomplished so much like for everyone else it established a great relationship and I know a lot of people love this because of the escapism of it which I totally respect maybe I would enjoy this more if I was American I don't know but I definitely did not connect with it because I'm not American like I feel like I can still appreciate everything that happened in here and I absolutely I get it I just this type of book isn't set up for me to like but I'm glad that I read it anyway just so I can know because like it's the case of anything I read like I just read Little Women right and if I had hated that everyone would have come at me like well why did you read it in the first place you don't like classics obviously you're challenging my own belief system about books is a good thing because I found one of my favorite books and sometimes it just doesn't work out that way but whenever you're reading and enjoying it's right like you're doing the right thing you're reading what you like I'm so glad and don't let anybody tell you that you shouldn't be reading something ever this is the year that we support everybody in their reading no more readers shame in 2020 okay what else happened in this video because I feel like we're kind of wrapping it up I didn't like these so much I actively disliked this this was okay this was great this was incredible so what have we learned nothing I don't know I'm never good at these like end of the video discussions because I've been filming for so long I don't even know what's happening anymore I'm also going to direct you to some other videos though because of course this is a fun video idea and other people have been doing it as well and a couple people have been reading books that I loved in 2019 sometimes they loved them sometimes they didn't I'm so sorry Theresa but if you want to watch other people more maybe eloquently explain their feelings and maybe enjoy books more than I do dovie's are down below enjoy bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 164,298
Rating: 4.9594774 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala, zoereads, ellias reads, myreadingisodd, natasha booktube, chelsea booktube, kayla booktube, lala booktube, gabbyreads, gabbie booktube, reading favorites, reading challenge, secret tbr, reading booktuber favorites, reading other people's favorites, 2019 faves, top 10 books, top ten reads, favourite books 2019, best books, top books, reaction, reading vlog
Id: J4T6Cw3EEEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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