Same Book Tag, 4 Years Apart

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why do I have to expose myself like this [Music] hi guys I'm Lola hey this is Lola hi friends it's Kayla today I'm gonna go back to a G booktube and do a book tag so in 2016 and 2017 I did this tag called the TBR tag where you talk about all the books you have to read so that was three and four years ago and I'm gonna redo the tag now and watch the old ones with you we're pulling of Billy Eilish you know when she did the same interview three years in a row but I have one from February 2nd 2016 I never even noticed the date I haven't watched it or anything but I browsed the questions I didn't think of my answers the last question on the tape is a book on your TV or you're dying to read and if I haven't read the book that I mentioned in either one of these videos I have to read them like immediately that's my game plan the other one is from April 2017 I'll also put the originals down below if it's still live and a thing from so many years ago before I show you me from 2016 remember I was young I had no full-time job I'm old and wrinkled and stressed now so let's begin first question is how do you keep track of your TBR pile should I answer my answer first or should I look back at my other answers I guess I'll answer myself in 2020 I keep track of my TBR just by here they all are they're organized by anthology adult fiction actually some adult nonfiction thrillers and then over there is why a and over there is arcs and then we have my TBR closet which we don't need to talk about I don't keep it organized I just throw things in there that I don't know what I'm gonna get to read 2016 me what's up as far as my physical books I have an entire double shelf of be our books under the same shelves I just bought two more and put them on a different wall I also have a giant stack of just this many down there weird that pile of books got trapped in the closet I picked a better wall for my shelves basically the way I organized my TBR books is these are the ones that I'm most excited about Sam 217 is gonna have the same answer I have 80 books here and I have like around 200 books in the closet I also have a TV our shelf on Goodreads but that's it like 200 bucks and they don't totally match up with what I only do now you're you're pretty much more organized now okay that wasn't very exciting number 2 is your TV are mostly print or ebook I think I've gone through phases where I do use my e-reader more pretty much at the beginning of my channel and then there was like a couple month period last year I was reading a lot of ebooks but I don't think I've read an e-book in like six months so my TBR is almost exclusively print books I only have a couple key books that I haven't read I don't stock pile and buy and find ebooks and then don't read them have I I don't change I guess the only ebooks that I read nowadays are arcs so pretty much my entire TBR is physical it's not the most interesting video I think they've learned that like I'm a pretty a consistent person so though what has changed is I barely get arcs compared to 2016 I don't request or except very many arcs it's actually not the electronic kind number three is how do you determine which book from your TBR tarrif next so hmm it's path based on like what I want to read and half based on what not I'm obligated to read because I still want to read it obviously or I wouldn't own it but it's like a very organized reading schedule it books that are coming out that month so I have arcs of them or next month or brand-new releases I'm really interested in or challenge videos so sometimes I choose my own and sometimes it's completely up to someone else actually it's probably more than half most of my reading is just very organized based on like what's coming out or what I want to accomplish off of here I'm not a mood leader I don't know was I different in 2016 a lot of my TBR is recently released things like there's at least three or four books every single month that are new releases that I read I don't crack into fame like older TBR books as much as I should which is kind of why I started the shelf so I could one day room every day and have a physical representation of my TBR the only time I pick something that I'm not moved for its if it's like did make sense yeah at this time I was reading a lot of movie annotations spoiler alert I'm bringing that back a little bit this year 2017 I decide what to read based off of what's new and then I decide what to read based on what I've owned for over two years I'm doing this closet unhaul project where I watch my haul from two years ago and I have to read all the books that I haven't read yet I also read any books that are becoming movies in the upcoming like months and ways on the shelf three years ago have I read these books I see illuminae I see a lot of books I've on hope but I also see quite a few books I've gotten to half these books are in my TBR closet now to die so yokes pretty sure there's a question on this tag that's like is there books on your TBR shelf that you don't he'll ever read and I'm scared to answer that question number four a book that's been your TBR list the longest oh boy um I should probably just watch this to get my answer because if I mentioned something in one of these videos and I stopped it read it then it's still the book that's been on my TBR the longest um I feel like it's gonna be Americana today I want Americana doesn't 16 the book is managed TBR's are probably like 10 years as the Saturday variant but I only recently bought this a book that I've owned for a really long time that I haven't read it would be Pride and Prejudice okay I won read Pride and Prejudice at this point and to definitely don't own that copy anywhere let's go in the depths of the closet I've definitely owned water for elephants for a really long time over two years and I feel like I've owned under the dome for a really long time as well I have under the dome wait listen I started under the dome I started under the dome again I watched the show didn't like the show tried the book again it's not that I'm not interested yes it is I own under the dome and I have no intention of reading it but that's not my answer for book that's been on my TBR the longest because it's not my TBR I put it on my rent shelf because I have no intention of actually ever flashing this but my Stephen King collection is large and beautiful next is a book you recently added to your TBR what an easy question this is the book I most recently purchased it's called this I use the time war by a mal elmo tar and Max Gladstone I don't know what this is about and I'm probably gonna say that two more times as i rewatch myself I have not been recommended a book as much as that one in the last couple months like ever I just got an ad on my own video but I think my most recent when I went to the bookstore and got was in a director would buy Ruth where oh I went to the thrift store and I found only daughter by anis no extra that was three years ago it's still on my TBR shelf not even in my closet like I'm still actively like they treat it next question is a book on your team er strictly because of its beautiful cover I hate that question because I have to acknowledge the fact but sometimes I just buy pretty bugs it's probably our home sick songs I think this cover is stunning I specifically didn't buy this book like 10 times saw it in the bookstore didn't buy it because I wanted a different cover and then I found this cover I think on book outlet and I was like pretty what is this about don't know I'm ever gonna read it I'm not gonna say no but like when let's go with how to tell to Leah from the night sky and on Beauty both of these books I picked up didn't read the synopsis had never heard of them before just bought them because they were pretty and still haven't read so actually I don't think I own those anymore it has to go with the Penguin Classics Oh Vanity Fair Jane Eyre and Sensibility but at least I bought them from the thrift store and I had so many more now hold on like so many more I love this collection I would say maybe a third of these I have read but not these editions I just love my collections of classics even though I haven't read some of them oh here's the next question when I was scared of a book on your TV are you never plan on reading I hate this question why do I have to expose myself like this I don't think I would truly ever buy a book that I never in a million years could imagine myself reading however are there books that I pick up and I add just because I want to own them most definitely oh look another stack of Penguin Classics I have a problem some of these I have read some of these I actively plan to read but then I most definitely picked up ones that just go with the collection and I don't know what they are nor do I have any intention of making time for them if I got to read them at some point in my life I'd be great and I might look for opportunities to pick up thank you but uh the answer is yes it's okay I buy things and I don't read them I'm sure 2016 me did that too oh no oh you know what you guys I'm not even gonna try and lie this shelf is books that I most want to read okay but I might have just put this one on here because it was the right size to fit with my really thick paperback I don't reasonably think I will ever actually read Game of Thrones I just own it no that is inexcusable not that I don't plan to read Game of Thrones maybe you would consider that excusable it's one thing look at me justifying my life it's one thing to buy a book because it's part of a collection it's a whole nother thing to buy a book just because it is an appealing size like what are you doing I can't believe you said that out loud okay let me just say if you haven't gone and watched my decade of reading video it's one of my favorite videos that I've ever made and I discussed my entire reading journey and booktube as a whole and I I talk about it all so I think it makes sense then I bought it because I didn't know please go watch that video you'll understand me so much better 2017 Kayla were you a little more restraint anted to own so my answer is Outlander because they show up in my closet on call two months ago and I didn't read it those of you who weren't around for 2k well probably like what are you doing Outlander yeah no I didn't read that but I also got rid of it so it's it's fine oh my god next question what's one an unpublished book on your TBR you're excited for so I'm sure at this time I didn't have physical arcs to show you and I or did that and it's probably how it's supposed to be interpreted it such as like an unreleased book they not on your physical team here just on your like magical mystical imaginary TVR but I have a physical answer one of my most anticipated unreleased books on my TBR is the June voice by court Stevens she has written one of my or my all-time favorite book so I want to read everything she writes I'm apprehensive about the June boys because it's very different but it's probably I don't know it's in like my top 5 most anticipated books in the year 2016 and 17 could you imagine if I mentioned a book that I haven't yet read the mean wild oh I have so many um I have like probably 50 books coming out in the next year or two on my TBR on my Goodreads else but my most anticipated of course is the Raven king whoa oh you didn't like that as much as the rest of the series I'm sad for that girl I could tell you like a million I'm probably most excited about anthologies coming out like three sides of a heart because you love to hate me mm that's the other one meet-cute I think comes out doesn't 18 though what's the other one Oh welcome home I read all of those this is what I was falling in love with short story collections I read all of those and I gave most of them like average ratings next question is a book on your TBR that basically everyone's read but you this was probably so easy back in these days I feel like I'm more selective about what I read I've more honed in on what I actually like and for most of the book Oh for most of the books on my TBR I feel like I couldn't tell you a single person but I know for a fact has read it so I guess I have to say up sideo just because this is the only like popular why a fantasy on my shelf what did this girl say that's easy oh hey Potter haven't read any of the Harry Potter's everyone their mom and their grandmother the Hulk has read Harry Potter it's okay you've read the first book now and that's enough I like that my focus was still like popular young adult or middle grade fantasy he's not gonna be my answer to them 17 - oh no I know cinder I have not read the lunar Chronicles everything I saw the red cinder a book on your team here that everyone recommends to you I love that one you know what I've been recommended a ton lately is into the drowning deep mirror grander Sean Maguire I'm scared to read this because I don't love mermaids but I want to get more into horror everyone thinks I'm gonna love it - sixteen what were you recommended and have you read it oh this one Outlander Outlander is hugely popular and everyone who reads it totally loves it that is a book that everybody recommends but I don't think that many people are recommending it to me so I don't know about this another round get that coin they're all living together over here and they're all why a fantasy or sci-fi uh-huh illuminate a court of thorns and roses in six of crows I have actually read the first chapter of all of these I did a try a chapter tag and I didn't hate the beginning of any of them but I definitely on haul the court of three zeroes which very many many people were upset about but illuminate when I did read it in that video I loved the beginning so I can't believe it took me like two more years almost three to actually complete it so good recommendations in guys next is how many books are on your TBR shelf and I have no idea it's about a hundred and my TBR closet 200 whatever I have just under 80 books on the shelves I have probably an equal number in my pile and I think I just answered that all of the books together I think there's 250 so the Shelf in that shelf that they didn't think would be that full when we built those shelves I thought I wouldn't fill all the shouts but I filled all the shelves so my TBR hasn't grown it's pretty much stayed the same because I've been reading so much and I've been accumulating the amount of books and getting rid of the amount of books it all just makes it even like I always have two to three hundred bucks to to throw the last question is a book on your team here you're dying to read and this might affect I mean I hope it won't is there really a book that I've was dying to read in 2016 and 17 that I haven't gone to that would be shocking but if there is anything then I have to read it in the next month my answer now dying to read is probably my arcs but other than that I really want to read Empire of wild this is like a brand new release I wish I was excited about older stuff but that one shared Emmeline wrote one of my favorite books and that one has been getting amazing ratings and reviews so I just want to soon as I can dozen 16k don't let me down probably night film by Marissa I'm a Russian or reshot Marissa Marissa Mojave loca this I only bought recently but it's been on my TBR for a couple years and it's a little daunting because it's big and I have a lot of other books on between for this you read it it was fine Wow ky 2016 knew how to just answer questions with one book when did that change 2017 oh man mostly everything on this shelf right here but if I had to choose oh my god pick something you read read wonder this please I would say dangerous girls by Abigail Haas because when I bought this a couple months ago I was so excited about it and I just have it interesting that both books that I picked at both of these tags are books that I read right after and gave three stars and weren't as good as I hoped they were that's it that's my TBR tag from 2016 10 17 and 2020 this is my TBR shelf I usually do a TBR shelf tour every year um let me know if you want to see that I genuinely want to know because I have done like a full every bookshelf in my house to her like less than a year ago so I'm not just asking to ask I'm asking if that's something that would be interesting or if it looks similar enough that you're like no do something any other video ideas I welcome my it's interesting how every single year I have felt either really inspired creatively or really ambitious with my TBR and I feel like this year is very TBR focused I'm really excited about a lot of books but for some reason I'm just lacking in like video ideas and creative juices like I have so many other things going on I can't think of what I want to do here besides like reading challenges that take weeks or months so give me any of your if you're still here at this point oh my gosh we're a long video I love you a lot as a friend I will see you later at the keys for watching bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 38,945
Rating: 4.9685469 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: vxYNPBeelfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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