Pantone Colour of the Year Chooses What I Read | End of Year Catch Up VLOG

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hello my friends it's kayla and this is the first of three vlogs for the month of december where i catch up on my 2020 tbr because i still have many many books remaining that i wanted to read this year that i didn't my goal is in the first three weeks of december to read nine books over three vlogs and choose my tbr in interesting ways the first one is going to be based on the pantone color of the year and we're gonna find out the color of the year together i am wearing 2020s color of the year and depending on what 2021's color is maybe all three of my books this week will be that color on the cover or if i don't have that many books maybe i'll read a book that's this color and then i'll pick another pantone color one of my favorites from the past the pantone color of the year has been around for like 20 years and essentially every year they just announce a color that's color of the year that's what's in trend if you're a fashion brand you better be making some clothes in that color i take it very seriously there's nothing in here i do eventually want to own the entire collection of pantone mugs right now i only have the green one as someone who works in design i just really love seeing what the color's going to be i love predicting what the color is going to be my two predictions for this year's color well actually one year there was two colors which was weird um i'm predicting either an aqua teal turquoise because they've done that like six or seven times already and i feel like it's a safe bet or because it's already a trendy up-and-coming design color and in the 20 years yellow has only appeared like once ever if i could choose the color of the year i would choose a mustard yellow i just hope it's a color i have in abundance on my shelf that i can pick from but it would also be fun to pick three different colors they've never actually said when they announced the color of the year but i have noticed that it always happens the first wednesday of december so pantone color of the year 2021 webinar a behind the scenes look into the color of the year december 10th wait does that mean it's not announced until december 10th okay so i jumped the gun a little bit and you're now seeing this after i've already done one vlog this is gonna have to be vlog two or vlog three i have to re-plan my entire life i'll come back to you when this is actually happening today i'm wearing the pantone color of the year from 2004 tiger lily scene here ish these are all the pantone these are all the pantone colors i just wanted to document this because pantone just posted on their instagram some grayscale photos and that means the announcement is coming i did grab a couple of my official guesses because i think it's gonna be in one of these families anyway what i thought would be fun is to pull one of these like out of a hat and i'll just have to find a book cover that matches it i'm still gonna wait until the color is officially announced and then we can talk about more like what i actually want to do okay i've been checking all day let's see if it's it's yellow and gray wait it's two colors again ultimate gray i mean that's [ __ ] valid and illuminating i really didn't think it would be a bright yellow oh my gosh i should have waited this is literally my dream color why am i yelling i should have waited to read these for this week oh my gosh i have so much yellow i have this yellow i have this yellow there's yellow on here there's yellow on here there's yellow on here there's yellow on here i have to think about this for a second this might be my most chaotic vlog ever because i'm filming it before during and after my other two vlogs editing this is not gonna be a good time for me but i'm far too excited to like figure out my tbr even though i've now decided this is going to be my third vlog that i do i have all the 20 20 releases beside me and i'm gonna choose this tbr before i choose the tbr that you've already seen in the second vlog of the month but i just need to know and i need time to like go out and take these pictures because i have a vision for the thumbnail that you've already seen i haven't basically i'm envisioning like full covers with a matching outfit with a matching wall behind me so i don't necessarily want to pick covers with a lot of colors or with no color at all so firstly i'm absolutely picking a book that matches the yellow and gray combination of 2021 and i have three choices i can read the boy from the woods i can read strange exit or i actually have a copy of hollow lake on its way to me and everyone has been telling me for months and i'm gonna [ __ ] love that book so really i could have read just these three and i could have gone like really hard with this pantone theme but it's about the thumbnail like that's really all i'm going off of right now can we acknowledge that i was kind of close with this prediction but i put the other colors in my chocolate bag that i showed you in vlog number one first let me show you what i'm working with so if i pull a blue i have a lot of choices i just found this at the thrift store a couple weeks ago and it's an arc and i told them i tell them every time that they're not supposed to sell arcs and then it says it on it that you're not supposed to sell arcs i have other blue things although like there are some books in here that i am intentionally not picking because these two are going to be book club selections for various book clubs mine and other people's in 2021 but i'm just going through all my 20 20 things if i pull one of like the aqua teal ones i could go with one of these oh this would be a good one for the if i pulled the classic blue because this is like spot on to that classic blue and i could take the picture with the dress that i had on you probably haven't even heard me talk about so many of these books because i've just like had them reserved to the library for so long this one is also like a dusty blue that i'm pretty sure we had oh am i popping up the pantones as i talk about these because i love that for me remember the cup remember i've never told you before the coloring right now is like super warm so whatever i'm holding up isn't gonna actually perfectly match the pantone color anyway but if i pulled the purpley i think there's been a purple maybe i could read this one although i might have already read some of these books in vlog number two here's another purple i'm pretty sure there's been a pantone that like perfectly matches this which would be kind of cool although i am only pulling one out of the bag and then one i'm gonna pick myself maybe i'm like already gonna pick this okay i have some yellows that i would love to read here's another yellow this came in here's an orange i don't think these ones really work these are like nice light blues or grays and then these ones for greenish this one's green and red and yellow and this one is all pink and then some of that classic blue too so that's that i might have some other ones that i don't have in my hands so we're gonna pick a color and then find a cover that matches red wait did i even have did i even have a red i have this red sweater and i know of a red wall right by my work that i could use but none of these are fully red what am i done so with absolute perfect timing harry lake just showed up in the mail i'm really looking forward to reading this it was one of those ones that was just like relatively on my radar i don't think i've read from this author before but i was interested in it and hadn't heard much about it and then in the last couple months actually i don't even know when this came out so like maybe it just came out i've seen a couple of my friends absolutely love this and hype it up so i'm really excited to give it a read it's a why a horror which i don't read enough of and there isn't enough of and in person it's a little more gold than yellow but i'll put the pantone side by side with the cover so you can see that it's good enough i think and it's mostly gray so i think the colors work and then i pulled that red and i've been thinking about it and the only cover the cover with the most amount of red that i have is these vengeful hearts which is a why a mystery so maybe we're doing a full week of why a because i decided for the third pantone i'm gonna choose it i'm just gonna pick like my favorite pantone out of the group or one that i think would make a good thumbnail photo we're gonna take a picture of this with red we're gonna take a picture of this hopefully with yellow somewhere and we're gonna take a picture of loveless against a purple background i already did that why am i pretending i didn't already do that we're taking a picture here's my book i can't see it there's a big purple wall purple wall lots of things happening on it that doorway is like the exact right color that's funny i picked loveless because i think it's the perfect pairing with the purple pantone also i really want to read it it's also a different vibe from these because it's more of a light contemporary i don't know i think it's like a coming of age uh girl discovering her sexuality but i don't know how heavy or how happy it goes but it's definitely not a mystery or horror and all three of them have a teenage girl on the cover so that's our theme i don't even know where loveless is i brought the book with me and then i think i must have left it in the jeep so i'm going to check out the audiobook because it is the longest book of the three and it would be nice while i'm present wrapping i was trying to decide if i can show you the stack but there are some gifts for robbie in here and he watches my vlogs so while i wrap all of the presents here's a little sneak peek at some we used to do a theme with christmas from liam you we always bought him something to wear something to wait something you want something you need something you wear and something you read definitely went a little bit off this year definitely a little excessive we're also working on sponsoring a couple local families so some lots of gifts are going on and i was really excited to do like as sustainable wrapping as i could i should last week or the week before those reusable like fabric um wraps and then i have some cool boxes but then robbie showed up of course with the wrapping paper he was really excited about so i think i am going to um wrap a good chunk of liam's gifts with the baby yoda there's this really cool tick tock trend where you wrap gifts so they look like a totally different shape and i want to try that but i'm not crafty there are a few ways that i can be crafty but in general like i'm just not good with my hands creating things like origami forget about it can't figure it out so yeah gonna listen to loveless what i know about it is we're following a girl and she is discovering um what asexuality and a romantic romanticism would you call it that what it means to be asexual and aromantic and all of those things and where she falls in there and why um she has never felt like a desire to have a partner or sexually attracted to anybody i've had mixed like most people i've had a mixed history with alice oseman um i read solitaire like before it was cool then everybody's reading radio silence and i read that and loved it solitary didn't love radio silence i loved um whatever that other one is called about the boy band i didn't like but that wasn't surprising i don't really read graphic novels so i didn't pick up her things that everybody loves but i'm excited to dive into loveless oh my god i should only film in the dark sometimes i'll like throw our sweater take down my hair just so i can film a clip because i don't want you to know how disgusting i truly am but i cannot be bothered today um it's a bad day for my uterus that's all i need to tell you and the last time i had a bad time with my uterus was i think 11 months ago i'm sure i vlogged about it then too i think we were on a hockey trip my uterus left me alone for a good year and now i'm scared especially because i have to film like this is what i get for not pre-filming any of my holiday falalalala stuff it's gonna bite me in the ass because i know that i'm about to have no energy and feel like [ __ ] for a week so that's what's up today the boys just ran out to grab groceries i like that um like parking lot pickups or whatever it's called click and collect is like so easy and convenient but i do hate how many plastic bags they bring home so that's the only downside but we're lucky that we have that available obviously and right before rob left he brought me in a package that was sitting outside the door and it is my phone case that was ordered like so long ago now and it's not actually the phone case i ordered because i never would have ordered purple but i'm not gonna think too much into it it does match the book that i'm currently reading kind of loveless which also as soon as he left i realized i don't have it's still in the vehicle and i just saw that ashley is doing reading sprints starting in like seven minutes the one thing that i don't even know if it's like pandemic related or the holiday season related oh you don't need to see me but i'm really loving the amount of like community reading sprints and live shows there have been recently and they're really helping me get through my reading so i want to participate and i want to read something today so i'm just going to continue the audiobook for loveless i actually think i'm halfway through um and i wanted to switch to reading it physically because i'm not enjoying it and i don't think that it's the audiobook and the narrator but whenever this happens i like to switch mediums just in case like that would switch my experience it's not that it's a bad book at all it's just i already know at this point that it's not gonna be a five star so i'm naturally kind of gonna struggle through it what i do appreciate a lot about it i appreciate this book 100 the discussions about again a romanticism being asexual and aromantic um are lacking in general in publishing i think this would be such an impactful book um for teens which is who it's written for just discovering these terms themselves especially the scene regarding masturbation and porn and um sex dreams because i even like as a 30 year old woman that discourse specifically like the scene and how the friends were discussing things um and how different people visualize different things and how sexual attraction comes into play in so many different aspects of life is not a conversation i've ever seen in a book which is really cool i really appreciate that it's about shakespeare they're putting on a play so that's really fun um i love the exploration of platonic friendship in general the storytelling itself just like isn't doing a lot for me but i know it's important rep so i'm continuing and i'm sure we'll recommend too many okay i gotta stop looking like this on the internet hey lola i i do too i was debating i was like should i go live and i was like i need the motivation it is five hours later and i look the same i am probably two-thirds of the way through loveless i i forgot the name of the book but no i didn't i was hanging out in ashley's live show for five hours and i did not get enough reading done to show for it there were lots of reading sprints and i kept getting distracted by things i mean important things like putting my kid to bed but then unimportant things like making a bagel at 11 pm i still feel the same about it uh i like it i'll recommend it i think it's a needed story i'm just like not the most interested in the plot um the messaging for sure but the plot itself there's starting to be a lot of like miscommunication which is frustrating obviously like authentic i think to a lot of teenage friendships and relationships but her development is so important obviously um that i get it it's good not great i'm gonna wrap it up first thing tomorrow but tomorrow's also a heavy filming day so we'll just go with the flow i never go with the flow what am i talking about hello friends oh focusing i am very tired if you already saw my video from the week i'm reorganizing my tbr it's already pretty late into the day but at this point i need to now put everything away i'm cleaning my house today and i'm just gonna finish the audiobook of loveless because i don't really have time to sit down and read i need to multitask so i'm gonna get through it while i reorganize all of my bookish things no montage no interesting stuff because i'm saving that for the video you've already seen there's been a storm warning on my phone all day like i can't even swipe off of it it's like snowstorm morning snowstorm morning and i'm waiting for it i mean honestly we have a surprising little amount of snow for being december like everyone's grass is still green i finished loveless and i'm giving it three and a half stars i'll definitely round up on goodreads because there's definitely not enough books with ace and arrow rep out there and if this will help anybody discover this book or be able to recommend it to somebody else like that's super valuable i actually think this would be a really good gift for like adults in your life who not your life i mean just like generally in life who maybe don't understand the terms this book does a thorough job of describing um what those terms mean i think it's really important that we see a character who identifies with both of them because often we see one or the other and i think it's definitely useful to have the conversation happen multiple times in this book and have people come at georgia with the common things that people say to people on the ace spectrum about how like eventually you'll find somebody you love you won't be alone forever like maybe you haven't met the right person although i do wish that it also covered um like when people say like oh you just have like a low sex drive and that's what it is i also kind of wish that we had explored the ideas of being touch averse and sex repulsed a little more because i think those are identifiers that georgia could have connected with on an extra level and then not every ace person will connect with here's the thing about reading rap before um there are tons and tons of books covering a specific identity and that's that sometimes we expect a little too much from them don't get me wrong i'm not saying that um that allows the book to be like inaccurate but this is just one girl's story and i think it does do a good job of covering that like every single person who identifies this way might have a different way of describing what it means to them so georgia has a very specific way that she feels and it is explored that there are multiple different ways that people feel and that everyone is valid i didn't love the pan rep i think it was a little cliche but again i don't expect the book to be perfect and there is no perfect this is just like one experience and not every character has to say all the right things in order for me to like recommend a book so i definitely recommend this it would have been valuable for me to read as a teenager i especially love the conversations about um treating your friendships like relationships i loved how well-described platonic love went and her connection with her friends and how like deep they were in their friendship love and how supportive they were to georgia definitely good went on a little too long a little repetitive but i think it is still good that she had the same conversation multiple times and kind of discovered new things every time she had the conversation of discovering her sexuality so that was my pick for 2014's radiant orchid that's the one i picked on my own 2014 was a good year it's the year i discovered booktube it was the year what else i started a fun job that year what else happened in 2014. i don't want to say like liam isn't my favorite at every age but three to four years old is probably like the most fun age so 2014 what a good time good time for radiant orchid next up we're gonna read these vengeful hearts which is the color of the year for 2002 true red what was i up to in 2002 i was 12. i have done a childhood rereads for 2002. okay i can't find it but i was reading flowers in the attic in 2002. which is an interesting pairing with this one following a 16 year old named ember i don't think i'm ready for this oh man there's an elite club called the red court and i think ember is infiltrating because two years ago they caused an accident that left her older sister paralyzed and now we'll see kind of like mean girl vibes i don't have the highest hopes for this just because why a mystery is i i know like i know that i say i don't like them but i keep picking them up just a couple a year i think it'll be fun i'm gonna try to not take it too seriously i'll check in with you tomorrow the snow hasn't begun yet but i have a feeling we're going to wake up to just a winter wonderland and i'm kind of excited i get to work from home for the next week it's always stressful working from home but liam and i can take a lunch and go build a snowman or go sledding or something ew this is what working from home looks like lane what are you reading today i'm awesome i don't got nothing to read guess how many books i bought you for christmas how many yes eight four yeah did you see that no how'd you know i don't know i just guess oh my god so i'm filming a video it's very late i was supposed to film like three things today i had this whole plan i was like i'm gonna work i'm gonna work for the whole day like a normal person then i'm gonna finish everything up and i'm gonna film a bunch of videos what happened instead is i finished work and then i couldn't find the little thing to attach my camera to my tripod so i ended up lying in my bed and crying and eating a whole bowl of jalapeno cheetos and then i got over it and i actually i'll show you how i finagled this it is not sturdy but i basically put my tripod on my other tripod so oh gosh oh hey you can see my box of tissues and my bowl of cheetos so we had a bit of a frustrating start to filming my 12 days of content i can hear liam sneaking around the corner working and filming and vlogging and reading and keeping up with tasks and preparing for christmas not easy especially with children involved who just stare at you so i'm not getting around to filming that second or third video today because the sun is already going down it did snow which is beautiful check it out it's lovely oh somebody's getting towed oh somebody couldn't make it up the hill great it's first day of winter it's also my mom's birthday i was ranger yeah december 21st is the official first day of winter even though it has felt like winter for months so i was gonna run down to my mom's to drop off a birthday present but i don't think driving in this sounds like a lot of fun seeing as i just saw somebody get towed anyway that's what's up for me i'm still sad about not being able to find that piece to my camera but hopefully it'll show up i feel like i lose it probably once a month but i've looked in all the places that i traditionally find it when i've lost it but we figured it out had a little emotional breakdown but that's also probably due to the current state of my uterus i had a really weird dream last night i was basically um let's say passing um chickens out of my body and not like um feathery like cute chickens like slow roasted barbecue chickens and they were all like this big and they just kept coming out of my body it was very upsetting and then of course i googled like what does it mean when you dream about chickens and one website said it means something good is coming into my life like a good surprise but then i had to be more specific and i was like okay what does it mean when you dream about cooked chickens and it basically said like you're gonna have a great day so that's how my day is going you're welcome for the update so i started the book and i wasn't really driving with it i just got this robe in the mail and it's everything i ever wanted um i think i'll go back to that book but i don't know i already went out and took the red wall photos like i feel like i'm committed now but it just didn't grab my attention right away so i moved over to harrow lake which i'm really liking and i'm gonna make dinner now also i got a package i feel like i haven't gotten any like publisher packages in a while but it's gonna be 2021 releases which is exciting so harrow lake is about a girl who i i don't really know the beginning is a little bit confusing because i think we have a couple different timelines but facts between the two timelines don't quite make sense to me yet i'm like literally in the very early chapters but there's a girl whose dad was like a horror movie guy director oh i see now i was wondering why she ends up going to live in harrow lake because i thought her father died but in the beginning of the book he gets attacked but he's not dead so i was like how does he die but actually reading the synopsis it explains that he didn't die but he's brutally attacked and like can't take care of her so she goes to harrow lake where he has like filmed his most horrifying movie and i think somebody died on set and i've heard that the audiobook has some different narrators and that there's like a podcast or interview element to it so i'm gonna check that out i think i'll just listen to it while i make dinner and see if i like it but i'm only 30 pages in so far and now that it's so snowy i don't know where the heck i'm gonna take the last photo for the thumbnail okay here's what's in the package i just dropped them oh my gosh okay so i have been so excited for the project for so long i mentioned it in like three different upcoming release things like as the cover was coming out as the synopsis was coming out i've just been so hyped about courtney summers upcoming thing and they also sent me love as a revolution uh i adore renee watson this is absolutely one of my most anticipated reads of next year i'm not sure when it comes out february and february so we'll probably get to these in february and then pass them along to other people uh i know i've seen people excited about this i don't think i've seen anybody talk about this so if you would like me to pass along my copy to you let me know in the comments i literally love both of these authors and have given them five stars in previous books so i'm excited um i need to get off camera i just realized how ridiculous i look like i knew how ridiculous i looked but the longer i stand here the more i look like i don't know a powerpuff girl about to like box somebody hello day whatever of this vlog i took a little mental health day and today i'm just not trying to think about filming or getting anything done even though i have so much to get done um you all were asking me where this was from in my last vlog and it's from walmart i didn't actually know that which is why i went and looked i thought it was gonna be old navy um but i bought it thrifted years and years ago so it's probably not actually helpful to you i took a nice much needed bath and i have been i'm trying to find a more appropriate word for binging oh man the way that my language has changed in the last couple years on booktube just all the subtle words that i have taken out of my vocabulary but never like talked about i'm realizing that it would be more useful to talk about because i was just watching uh noelle's vlog and she was talking about how she does she tries not to say hi guys anymore and i did the same thing a couple years ago when i realized it wasn't as inclusive as it could be of an intro which is where high friends originated and i'm now realizing that's actually kind of like valuable for people to hear i think people talk about instead of just for myself i look a little rough i want to stand further back i'm just letting my hair and my skin breathe what was i saying um binging watching marathoning let's use marathoning the um hills and the city reaction videos from whitney port i discovered them a couple weeks ago and i grew up with laguna beach and the hills really impacting like how i behaved as a human and how i like expected my life to look like in my 20s and it's so funny to look back on now and watch whitney give like behind the scenes stuff and just like her reactions to what was real and her just authentic like view of the show as a grown adult 10 years later so it's been really fun so that's what i was doing in the bath instead of reading my book which i will get back to i will i just i don't want to sound like a broken record and talk about how like stressful life is here's the places i know that i'm failing in life um which is okay where do you think i'm failing in life i don't know i know i've been failing in self-care and i i know it doesn't look that way which is just like it's such a skewed thing but i can see myself falling back into the habits of when i was working from home back in june along with like a lot of other things going on just put me in an unhealthy spiral and i can see myself going towards those things so i'm trying to like get ahead of it the other place i really feel like i'm failing i'm not about to cry on camera is just like being a fun parent so i have to turn on my fan because i'm making lunch oh god that's so loud i know like everyone is struggling with the holiday season in general and like i don't have it i have it great compared to so many situations but i just feel like the holidays are supposed to be about like fun and family and just like taking it easy and i never get to like relax with liam like i wanna i need to make time to like bake cookies and the fact that like i haven't decorated my house this year is just like bumming me out which is such a silly thing to care about and like even with christmas dinner like i have no plans to like make a christmas dinner like we're not doing anything with anybody until like it falls on me and like i didn't plan anything so i basically just ordered a lot of different cheese and crackers online and i bought this giant beautiful new like charcuterie board and we're just gonna eat cheese all day and i don't know what else i'm not gonna talk about my list of tasks again i feel like that's all i do am i disappointing you am i ruining the vlog like am i failing in that aspect i can't think about that right now yes i'm back in my robe yes i'm going to cringe upon editing this later but aaron alana monty and kay are doing reading sprints so i'm finally gonna get back into hero like it's been like eight hours since you last saw me and my hair is still wet or maybe i just put too much product in it i apologize for my lack of professionalism but there's no way i'm sitting up to film this final clip today i finished harrow lake and i thought it was fine what i did get out of it is i can add it to the unexpected list of my most red thing of 2020 which is teenage white girls with daddy issues and two syllable names who move to slash live in a small town where spooky maybe supernatural things are happening you know mayhem margo mila lola ada oh and jane i would really recommend all of those books in tandem hero like is interesting it is more of a mystery thriller than a horror which by itself you can pretty much come to the correct conclusion that it was a three star i liked the spooky elements i liked the atmosphere but that's pretty much it it's basically like there's some mysterious things going on with her mom with her dad and with her and the short little podcast at the beginning disappears until like the last page which is a really good element and it was a little surprise and it was fun but i wish there was more of it more like articles and news clippings and it was that kind of book i don't know it was like a little bit creepy there's this person or entity or something like following her and the descriptions of like this sound was intriguing i think i like the concept of this more than the actual follow through i think the average like why a horror or thriller fan would probably like it just fine much like with burn our bodies down i feel like i wanted more throughout the book to root for like i wanted to care more about the main character i wanted there to be different relationships that i really cared about i'm a little bummed that i'm just reading okay books when the hope was the end of the year that i read like incredible books okay hello i'm feeling better today that's not really true i'm just pretending i feel better because it's time to film and i have to get back into the pepe zone i'm currently filming my quarterly update even though i haven't finished the one last book here but i felt comfortable filming it because this definitely isn't gonna be in my you know top five favorites of the quarter that i talk about like i already know that and i'm only a third of the way in and this is what's gonna force me to finish it because i already included it in the stack and i took a picture of it so i can't go back now i can't dnf it and i shouldn't dnf it because i paid full price for this a couple months ago this was a choice that i made i don't know it's just a little over the top for me already um and i also just don't know that the author really knows her intent behind um the things that the red court is doing or maybe i just don't fully understand it yet maybe it'll come full circle and it will um even like contradict itself like maybe what we think the red court is doing isn't actually what's happening because it seems like if you wrong the red court the red court this like a group of people at school um will basically reveal your secrets and they'll like get revenge and that's why ember is in an interesting situation because the first time she meets with the red court to be like included in the group um they mention all these things that they like know about her because i think the whole point is that if she doesn't follow through with everything they're going to reveal her secrets but then sometimes the things that they do to people doesn't really line up with what seems like their goal because like the very beginning of the book pretty much opens with her having a conversation about being in the red court and somebody asks her like or they say you don't seem like the type of girl who would want to be in the red court like are you prepared to write slurs on people's cars and i was like how like why is that the very first example that we're given because that has nothing to do with like finding out the truth about somebody like that reflects on the red court so i'm just gonna power through this today because i want to be done with it it's weird to like already know that this video is probably gonna end up with three three stars and like i'm still pushing forward with it but who knows i'm gonna be optimistic maybe it'll turn around 48 hours before christmas i'm finally putting up early i'm spinning up some decor [Music] yes i'm back in my robe for what you might have thought is the final clip but no i don't want to be dramatic but this book is making me lose brain cells and i i don't want to read it anymore but i only have a little bit to go so i'm going to finish it tomorrow which i actually don't hate because tomorrow is christmas eve which means you have spent the entire month of december with me up until christmas so like basically i i did vlogmas so let me lay out some of my issues keeping in mind that yes i recognize this is a why a mystery and nothing matters first up our main character's name is ember embers dialogue does not match her internal thoughts at all likes so much so that it's distracting and then at one point she was saying like oh my friend i don't explain myself well and my friend always knows what i'm trying to say and finds the eloquent words for like what i'm thinking but then like on the next page she says things like my something something meter hadn't climbed back down from nuclear threat levels after he struck with his origami heart and then a sentence later she says his gaze wove invisible threads binding us together if only for the moment my theoretical pacemaker was probably firing up in preparation for cardiac arrest being with chase was a sharp exquisite exercise in being alive and then earlier she said something about her breath escaping through her heart she's very over dramatic but she is a teenager and she's in love but also third fourth issue whichever it is they have no chemistry there is zero chemistry i'm cringing every time these two characters interact and i to scream issue number six the love interest orders a mocha and asks for extra vanilla syrup and maybe this is a regional thing but mochas are not made with vanilla that one's being really picky maybe the mochas you know maybe it was a special life remote maybe saying extra just means like additional and i'm being aggressive for no reason but i didn't like it also i feel like i predicted the queen of hearts from page five and if that turns out to be the culprit i'm gonna be mad it's officially christmas eve you may be thinking kayla do not dress very festive is that what you were thinking haley you don't dress very festive we're doing some christmas present drop-offs and then we're going to get a fancy dinner and bring it home so we don't have to cook yeah thank you for your but yeah yeah and we still have to take one more picture with harold lake so we're gonna go find a yellow wall and it's gonna be great quite magical i thought yeah yeah um what else i finished these vengeful hearts and i'm giving it a generous three star if i wasn't taking into account that i'm not the target audience for it it would be a two but i thought it was fine i would recommend her friends pretty little liars it was very over the top and ridiculous i had some good messages it had some weird messages it had some plot holes yeah yeah okay we found this not quite yellow wall but i think maybe i could turn it yellow this is very yellow that's not so yellow i feel bad that like i haven't filmed us taking this photo because like we're using the camera to take the photo so they haven't been involved we're here it's happening click click click okay i just want to do a quick check-in at the end of the video to say happy christmas eve do you say happy christmas eve merry christmas eve i say happy christmas eve and merry christmas that's what i always do always you're always leaving people a happy christmas happy christmas eve which was yesterday at work i love that for you yeah uh what was i saying how pretty you are i was agreeing i hope you're having a great christmas eve i we all opened one gift tonight and they were all our coziest gifts rob picked me out this blanket and i picked out a baby yoda was gonna call it an animal what grogu he's a person too a stuffed grogu and the what's he wearing it's just like a robe it looks the exact same color as the blanket exactly like this so i'm basically mommy mommy rob got a shirt yeah come show me okay rob's love of hamilton runs deep it's on them they can read it right we don't need to read you could sing it young scrappy hungry you look handsome i'm not throwing away my shot you look real good i look like a young st necklace right now i also just wanted to clarify that when i was talking about um these vengeful hearts my understanding of the i can't even remember what it was called now but the club or whatever like wasn't accurate basically what what happens is it's like an anonymous group who people can like slip requests into this like locker and no matter what the request the club will do what they ask and that's how they like get people hooked into it and then those people like have to return a favor etc etc i just wanted to make sure i said that because i knew somebody would probably correct me with like what the club was actually doing so it did make sense that they would do like terrible tasks and i think that was a setup just to show like how like gross the club was but then it was weird because it almost made us like think that the main character was justified in like wanting to be a part of the club not just to avenge her sister but like she just started to get really into the club and she was like i actually really like [ __ ] with people's lives so it was very strange also i posted um a thing on instagram asking you what you thought the theme was and i just thought it was fun and i wanted to acknowledge all the people for guessing the theme i think only one of you was right but shout out to you i think like 100 people guessed that i was just reading books based on my outfits which like is fair that's the whole point that was the teaser but that's too simple so that's it vlog over i'm really excited to kick off tomorrow with the 12 days of falalalalala i didn't even say it right i'm gonna take that sound clip and use it for my intro oh god i don't sit on it okay now we're looking at tick tocks so i have to go i've just never seen that before i thought you'd want to see it thanks for hanging out with me and i'll see you tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that welcome to my health oh
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 50,113
Rating: 4.9844704 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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