Book of Colossians | Bishop Keith Butler | April 29, 2020

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good evening and welcome to tonight's service before we get started I have a confession to make I want to keep it 100 with you during this time I have found myself a moments of fear and being anxious about this virus and the effect that it is having on our world then with a small still voice the Holy Spirit brings me back to life he reminds me of the promises of God God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind he continues to draw me back to the word for encouragement and before I know it I'm back in faith this is what I going and having church is so important every week we received the Word of God through Bishop Butler's messages and then we have to decide to meditate in a daily we are so thankful for the word of faith family God is using all of our platforms to spread the gospel the good news of Jesus Christ did you know with our word of faith Facebook page you can bench watch all of our services look we all need some encouragement and don't be a hoarder share this encouragement by sharing our page after all sharing is caring now the moment that we've all been waiting for fresh from the well and another throwback price session from our worship team so get your praise on share this on your Facebook page grab your your Bible and your notebook and your almond gulp milk join in on the chat and let us know where you're watching us from enjoy service that we will worship that we will adore that we will praise that we will exalt that we will bow before we love you Jesus we worship You Lord I worship him he is worthy he's worthy he's worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] think you're my hiding place my refuge my treasure by [Music] whoa oh it's a beauty Oh God Oh [Music] [Music] because you're with me I will not [Music] say your my heinie plays my i play my sacred boot my treasure Lord you love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] welcome to word of faith let's take a look at some of the things we have going on this week hey sis how do I get to the Word of Faith text blast it's easy just text connect two two four eight two six six nine nine nine zero click the link to fill out the form then check opt in and click send request wow that was easy you're the best early morning prayer we'll move to a live prayer call join us Tuesday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. as we pray for our family our church our community and the world call four to five five eight five seventy one eighty three listen to the entire message over the phone during our call in service times call for two five five eight five seven one eight three on sundays at three pm and thursdays at 12 p.m. small groups are now online to get connected go to word of faith that CC slash small groups today in a world where everyone is crashing the net these can become shaky that's why we're faith has increased your ability to watch us online having trouble accessing one platform don't worry we have you can join us and live got word of faith that CC word of faith dot church online or word of faith about CC /watch slash wafak and you can do that at but don't miss the service you'll see you attention parents kids world is here to assist you with talking to your child about Kovach 19 and providing lessons for your K through 5th grader you can download to quick and easy documents confessions to speak over your children and how to talk to your children about Kovach 19 and fear in addition we'll have a new online lesson available each week this week's lesson is about Jesus mission to give us a real and satisfying life right at our website at word of faith dot CC / kids world resources want to continue to stay strong spiritually by studying the Word of God for the week go to a word of faith dot CC / media to download the sermon notes that will be available after the message we encourage you to continue to meditate and stay fed on the word of the Lord during these times raise your hands high and never stop reaching for he is worthy with our faith building products you can take your faith to the next level visit or got word of faith CC [Music] you can now watch where to faith online with closed captioning updated every Tuesday and Friday go to word of faith about CC slash closed caption to enjoy our latest message hello beauties this year we're bringing our Mother's Day event to you you're invited to an online Mother's Day celebration on Saturday May 9th at 1:00 p.m. we'll sing laugh and hear encouraging words from our first lady pastor Deborah Butler so call up your girls and tell them to meet you online let's show our love and appreciation for those special ladies in our lives especially the ones we call mom [Music] attention all youth Friday May 1st from 7 to 8 p.m. we will have a Friday night live virtual game night admission is free download the Xoom app and follow us on instagram at glorify god or go to instagram calm / glorify god for updates and login information also don't miss our upcoming youth service on zoom' mark your calendars for Thursday May 14th at 7 p.m. be on the lookout the link for this event will be updated on our Instagram during our Sunday service will partake in Holy Communion it doesn't matter what you use what matters is having the representation of the body and the blood to remind us of the sacrifice made so grab what you have and join us May 3rd for communion sunday as a church word of faith is always looking for ways to help those in our local community hospitals are in danger of experiencing a massive shortage of blood caused by the many blood drives being cancelled due to the school and other organizational closures related to the Kovach 19 outbreak to prevent this we are partnering with the American Red Cross to help provide blood for our local hospitals we're asking our church family and friends to make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross let's put our faith in action by serving others go to word of faith dot CC / Red Cross to make your pledge today don't forget to share with your family and friends thank you word of faith you're invited to wear to face dr in prayer service on Saturday May 2nd Bishop Keith Butler will be hosting a special service on the grounds of word of faith simply drive to the Hagin gym parking lot tune your radio to the provided FM station and hear the word from the safety of your vehicle service starts at 10 a.m. on the Word of Faith grounds at 20,000 West Nine Mile Road Southfield Michigan for 8 0 7 5 see you there hey you word of faith family during these difficult times we remain honored and committed to supporting you and serving you while you're sheltering in place by staying safe and home we want to encourage you and to let you know we will get through this together word of faith invites you to stay connected and up-to-date with us online and word of faith that's ICI there you'll be able to sign up and receive daily devotionals of hope to help renew your strength also check out our app and follow our social media platforms in addition be on the lookout for a daily word of encouragement from Bishop Butler we will continue praying for you and your families until we can all be together again thanks for watching join us Sunday for our Sunday worship service and a Wednesday evening for midweek Bible service for more word of faith news stay connected with us on facebook Instagram Twitter the word of faith app and add word of faith dot CC praise God welcome to Wednesday night Bible study praise God we're about to get into the word in just a moment but it's offering time and often time is a time to worship God as well we worship God with our giving hallelujah let's read a text from Acts the temp chapter verse 1 it reads there was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius a Centurion or a captain of a hundred men of the band called the Italian band he was a devout man notice the definition in part not all the daddy gives a devout he's a devout man one that number one feared God with all his heart proverbs 8:13 I believe it is since the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride here you can see the evil way in the forward mouth he's a one that feared God with all his house which gave much arms which was of course money to the people and he prayed to God always so he's a man who feared he's a man who prayed all the time to God and he's a man who gave a whole lot for his God well in verse 3 says he saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day the angel of the Lord coming in to him and saying unto him Cornelius verse 4 and when he looked on him he was afraid and said what is it Lord and he said unto Him your prayers and your giving are come up for a memorial before God did you know that your giving is a remote a memorial before God Almighty and you know at this time no Gentile had been saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and noticed the first man and first family that God chose someone who feared him someone who spent a lot of time praying to him and someone who gave much to him and his people praise God well God had Peter come down there and Peter of course was on that housetop and the Lord by the Holy Ghost spoke to Peter and said now you send men down the job that's where Cornelius is Amen you tell him what to do he gets there and Peter recognizes gosto and something special and when you read in acts 10:44 while Peter yet spake these words it said the Holy Ghost failed on all the know heard the word well praise the Lord not only was Cornelius the first recipient but his entire household will all fear the Lord and if you read the whole text all his family and friends God remembers your giving so we're about to give praise God's will prepare yourself to give today in the name of Jesus we want to thank you for your constant support you've been granting us keeping the doors of the church open and operating during these tests in trying times praise God keeping your church going there are five different ways in which you can give if you're in the metropolitan Detroit area praise the Lord you can come right here at Word effect to where our office is our office door is open 24 hours a day and there's a place that's this offering they're offering envelopes there you can fill it out put it right there in the slot we'll get it second way you can go by text message at two four eight two 150 490 or you can give online at word of faith dot CC / giving you can give by phone at two four eight four one nine four nine three three or you can give by mail right here at word of faith at twenty thousand west nine mile road Southfield Michigan four eight zero seven five entitled n if he would Accounts Payable praise God we we shall receive it praise the Lord and so now what we're about to do as we offer up our offerings today we're also going to do it with our confession at ideas confession you know the scripture in the Old Testament God built the children of Israel something to say when they gave praise the Lord and they confessed that God had brought them out of the land of Egypt supernaturally and how he had provided them and other things that they said and in a New Testament today the Bible tells us about our confession as well and so we confess what the Bible tells us that we received when we do what God says praise the Lord just like this man I know great things happen to you so let's do our confession right now it reads because we are tighters the windows of heaven are open the blessing is pouring out that's right say it behind me because we are sewers we are furnished in abundance for every good work we receive perfect assignments raises and bonuses contracts and benefits sales and commissions settlements estates and inheritances interests and income rebates and returns checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer scholarships tuitions paid in full bills paid off and debt demolished royalties received and properties acquired we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and even our aircraft God is bringing into our hands seed hallelujah we command our abundant harvests to come abundant harvests come to us now harvest angels go get it bring it unto us right now in the name of Jesus and father we thank you for the honor and privilege to Solon and give today we plant this seed out of a heart we give you praise in glory for hallelujah we thank you that Ministry angels are bringing returns unto us we worship you and Naniwa forgiving in Jesus name Amen praise God hallelujah well amen once again welcome to Wednesday night Bible study what we do is that we teach most times the books of the Bible we teach them verse by verse praise the Lord and we walk through the scriptures you need this type of Bible teaching as well as the type that you get of a more extemporaneous nature on the Sunday morning unique verse by verse teaching book by book teaching deeper teaching in the Word of God it helps it helps you get it grounded get roots into your praise a little so you need both not just Sunday morning you also need tonight / hey Scott Alleluia alright let's get into the word in the name of Jesus father we thank you we look for the Holy Spirit a little big within us Holy Spirit grant us words from the word grant us understanding revelation from the word we receive it by faith today and we thank you for it in Jesus name hallelujah let's open our Bibles again to Colossians chapter 3 praise God we left off last week with verse 21 which is as father's provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged and again I want to encourage you that if this is your first time or second time praise God hearing us teach this way go back and get the entire book Colossians you'll see I also have in our East door I've taught the entire Book of Revelations you can revel a ssin series and all other types of books of the Bible and you go go back through and you can walk through the New Testament with us wine the New Testament oh well there's a reason why there is a New Testament the scripture tells us in fact why impart that says that the Old Testament was given for our admonition and learning and so we were to learn from it praise God we would be warned about some things about it but the scripture also tells us that if the Old Testament could have done a job totally there would be no need for new in Hebrews but there is a need for a new praise God God dealt with man in the old way he wasn't born again he wasn't filled the Holy Spirit yet God had a mission to get it all the way not just to Jews but to the whole world that's for the Ministry of Jesus and Jesus coming and being raised from the dead and then the mystery been fulfilled which is now we are born again Christ in us the hope of glory we are spirit filled changes the entire dynamic first Corinthians 10:32 once again told us there are three groups of people in the earth when it's my black white red yellow brown it said there are three groups of people in the earth there is the Jew there is the Gentile that's the unborn again non Jew and enison there's the Church of the Living God so when you read the scripture you need to determine who is he talking to see if he's talking to the Jew then he's not talking to the church if he's talking to the church praise God he's not talking to the other two that's important because if you try and base your life and take Revelation when he's talking to a group other than to you and then try and apply to yourself you will get the wrong interpretation confuse yourself and confuse others the New Testament is given for us des and the what we call the epistles both the Pauline or epistles of Paul and general epistles books like James and others praise the Lord are there to teach us what we do in 2020 amen I said hallelujah it teaches us what we do now and there are in particular in a New Testament which you don't have in the old because it hadn't happened yet three groups of words in particular that tells you what you are supposed to have those words are in Christ you will read verses says in Christ in whom like in whom you have redemption through his blood or in him of him are ye in Christ Jesus who's made unto us wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption for example one verse says so that's in Christ in whom and in him when you read the New Testament praise God particularly these letters and you come across those verses then you know dis belongs to me now I can believe for receive it praise God and have it the name of Jesus alright so once again for those of you who may be young and these things or newly thing is one it takes some time and laid it out to you so let's pick up here with verse 22 the day in chapter 3 it reads servants obey and all things your masters according to the flesh not with eyeservice as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fearing god now of course during Paul's day and Paul writing the church at Colossae you had in the earth indentured servitude and you had slavery you had both and it hasn't been that long ago a few centuries ago that you had slavery Amen so what he's about to say he's writing to those who are indentured servants or they are people who have voluntarily allowed themselves to become individuals who are wet it was as contractually or some other kind of way or those actually happen to be slaves now let me also say in advance where those of you watching me in the United States and that is yes what I'm about to read these verses were used by slave masters in the South in the United States to suppress their slavers their slaves but that doesn't discount the scripture or the meaning of it or that the script is right because they chose just to take D scriptures and not take all the other scriptures that talked about how you don't enslave a man and how you treat a man and all these other things they decide to just cherry pick what they want it to misuse and people still do that today they'll cherry-pick care and they're just one of the reasons why verse by verse teaching is important amen as one reason why we do it and so that you learn about context context is very important the praise of God I mean if you just take one scripture and don't take any of the scriptures before or after word you'll wind up with error you got to read the whole context so now he says servants obey in all things your masters the New Testaments translated once again from the Greek because Greek was the business language of the day just like English is the business language of the day today what was real curious to me is that when I first start studying this is that the word master or translated master it's the word cluros that's the word we use with Jesus when we say Jesus Jesus is Lord Jesus is kurios Jesus is master praise the Lord well glory to God he said and then of course that were curiosity first to your authority so he said service obey your authority according to the flesh so now he lets you know he's talking about he's talking about people here on the air amen we would say a little different today we would say employees make sure that you do right by your employers amen that's how we would say today according to the flesh he says not to do it with a service or as men pleasers but of in singleness of heart fearing God let's read a few of the verses that might help us with this first of all let's turn the first Peter chapter 2 and we're going to read verse 18 over there praise God see what the Apostle Peter had to say about this very thing first Peter chapter 2 let's begin reading verse 18 he says servants be subject to your kuya's subject to your masters with all fear we would say reverential respect not only to the good ones and the gentle ones but also to the forward ones the forward ones are those who are not so nice amen for this is thank worthy which means this is notable if a man for conscience towards God in other words the reason why you continue to obey to rightly serve to give a hundred percent to do all you can for your employer you do it for a conscience toward God it says here even if necessary endure grief suffering wrongfully for if for what glory is it if when you are slapped around that's the word buffered it for your faults you take that patiently well I mean you deserved it so you got it right but if when you do well if you're doing right and suffer for it you take it patiently this is acceptable with God he continues on and says for even hereunto were you called in other words God said this is what is expected he's unknown it now remember anything that God calls he also unknowns in other words if God called you to a place and let me also back up here you should know be in a job or a profession unless you've done what proverbs said that is you sought the Lord you in all your ways you acknowledged him and he directed your path you don't just take a job because it pays more in somewhere else you don't take a job because I don't know you happen to like that field you take a job because you went before God and you allow the Holy Spirit leading guy to remember last Wednesday we found out that we are the bodies of Christ and members in particular and every member in the body has a particular assignment God God wants to place you in a place not only does he place you in a local church amen and but he also put a will place you in the job and place you in a profession if you happen to be a high school student watching me or you're a freshman or a sophomore in college and you're about to declare your major you don't just decide well I like this area so I'm going to it no what you do is that you get before God and you let the Lord open your eyes seek his face praise God and let him give you what your assignment is you see you don't necessarily follow what the things you like you follow what your calling is Amen what does God called you to do and whenever God has called you in into something there will be a grace for there being anointed for it praise God it's not just us preachers this is also true praise the Lord of or anyone if your call let's say into law enforcement if God called you there be a dragon you for it got caught looking for it there being an anointing for you call it for it if God called you for it'll be just like me it will define you ministry defines Who I am Amen I mean there's no way there's nowhere you can separate me from ministry and ministry for me I'm called to ministry amen and so I think it I breathe it I pray about it I everything about me is it's it's in that tournament when God calls you and places you amen then something all of that then it's part of you also why the scripture said let me go to Romans chapter to him and come right back to Colossians or Peter rather amen but in all Romans chapter 12 Thank You Holy Ghost praise God if you're watching me give me three heads today Romans chapter 12 let's read here to praise the Lord with verse 2 and be not conformed or model to this world or this age but be transform or change by the renovation of your mind praise God that comes from meditating the word and what happened you meditate the word spend time with God you find out what you're supposed to do so it goes on to say that you may allow or prove what is that good or beneficial acceptable well pleasing perfect praise God choice of God because we will all stand before God and give an account for whether or not we were where it was supposed to be doing we were supposed to do praise God for his purpose and not ours there will be either lack of rewards or many rewards given to the believer let's finish this in 1st Peter he says in verse 21 for even here in 2 where you call because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow how he walked see he did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth even at the end he said Father forgive them for they don't know what they're doing praise the Lord verse 23 says who when he was reviled he reviled not again he didn't do tit-for-tat when he suffered he didn't threaten but he committed himself to the judge with judgeth rightly now so that when we go back to Colossians then we can see their Amen because when God places you in a particular place you just can't leave because they don't treat you right now I'm not saying that you don't have legal recourse and all that sort of stuff alleluiah but I'm here to tell you that the Holy Ghost will release you if you're in a place and it's time to go he will release you and he will place you in another place when it's time but don't just do things after the flesh after the emotion follow the Holy Ghost thank you for all that amen I'm getting on here amen all over the place right now amen all right so let's continue to read here Colossians 3 so he said obey and all things your masters today we would say your employer's according to the flesh now what I service as men pleasers but do it in singleness of heart fearing God and another one I think I might add to you turn to the first Timothy chapter 6 praise God let's read verse 1 also praise God first Timothy 61 says let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name the authority love the koreas of the Lord and His doctrine be not blaspheme so God's name and his teachings are carried by you by your actions to people the scripture said that we are their signposts we are there today oh we would say signs up on the highway they make decisions about doctors they don't know yet they make decisions about God by what they view with us praise the Lord now let's go back to Colossians and we left off with that into that verse fearing God that's why we do it we do it with singleness of heart fearing God and what so ever you do do it heartily or do it with gusto Aster's unto the supreme was already praise God the Lord of lords and not unto man so you don't work for the boss you don't work for the General Motors and you don't work for whoever it is you don't work for that person is your view your view was that no I work for God Almighty I'm his servant here I'm here to affect other people whether not even I might be in a place where I don't get really to tell them about the Lord while I'm at the job but they can see with my life and they can tell now that's something about you and they're come to you and say well you know there's something different about you what is it then you can tell them about the Lord what he's done for your life and how it's made you new and you can tell your testimony praise God and God being glorified because the reason why you were put on the earth was not just for you to eat drink be merry and have sex and die the reason why you were put here in the earth is to carry out God's plan so that other people can find out the Word of God find the will of God praise God you may be a part of the body of Christ as - I meant to educate people about the Word of God praise the Lord Amen but whatever it is it is to do the work of God in the earth that's why you exist and so if since that's why you exist then the one who put us here has the right to direct us as to where he wants us to go and if your attitude is good regardless to whatever it is you are facing praise God then guess what you can deal with whatever comes your way and the scripture says when you do what God says he turn it around you can turn that situation for good I don't know how many times I've talked to people who came to me and told me about their employment situations and the Lord I told him what God's Word said about it and they did it with patience over time and God flipped their circumstances got either moved the boss or God eventually told him as time somewhere else and then gave them triple the income or something else happened to him I mean I've had all kind of all kinds of testimonies over the years of that kind of way but first of all they found themselves where God wanted them that's why they were there praise the Lord let's continue reading amen so he said again in verse 23 whatsoever you do do it with gusto unto the Lord and not unto men let's add another one to this let's take a look at Ephesians chapter 6 I'm just going to give you Scripture after scripture while I'm at it praise the Lord Ephesians chapter 6 praise God let's read verse 6 Bangla read verse 5 we'll read on down servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh with reverential respect in singleness in your heart is unto Christ not unto them verse 6 not with eyeservice as men pleasers but as the servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart with good will doing service as to the Lord and not to men knowing this will help you praise God if you're in a tough one situation knowing that whatsoever good thing any man does the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free praise God that's God's promise to you God cannot lie one way or the other you're going to have exactly what the fusions says alright now let's go back again then to Colossians chapter 3 verse 24 knowing they meant that the Lord that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ you shall receive the possessions that God has for you because as Jesus you saw your servant and not that boss good or bad praise God you know this particularly true however he worked for the church if you work if you work for God in ministry he works on we're in ministry amen I mean it should be double for you because you are the tip of the spear you're involved in as God's special Warriors I mean you are God's what team I mean you you are God's special forces you are involved in amen you are involved hallelujah and in making sure that the gospel gets out and so there's big reward when you have that column in your life now I was saying that unless we first look at this chapter 7 and let's read verse 22 also it says for he that is called in the Lord called in the Lord being a servant is the Lord's free man in other words the scripture said he has been made free likewise also he done is called being free is Christ's servant and so how you view it is that no I'm not I'm not an employee you are serving a dis man a woman I'm an employee and servant of God Almighty and God Almighty has asked me to serve this man woman was just read the brand-new verse you are bought with a price be not the service of men yes you have been purchased and what price was it that was paid that price was the blood of Jesus Jesus suffered Jesus shed his blood Jesus went to hell in your place praise God he redeemed you he purchased you and because he did he has every right to tell you what to do amen hallelujah well praise God let's read the very next verse here brother let every man wherein he is called therein abide with God so it's telling you then you stay in the place where when you have been called amen we're God places you amen that's where you are I mean I had an opportunity - were here when it was a baby ministry it was about one years old talking about 12 months or so and one of the biggest mysteries the United States this name of I say this name of in the US almost everybody would know it one of the biggest ministries in United States came to me as a little storefront pastor but they had become aware of me and they heard of me and and they asked me to come and speak for 30 minutes at their big huge church other Parker and so on yeah yeah so I so I went and I did exactly what they said they said speak for 30 minutes I spoke for 29 and it sat down he's both obey amen and the place exploded praise God I mean few began to shout and the minister got up the well-known minister got up and he said you folks act like you've never heard nothing like that before in your life well what happened was the power of God just manifest in that room that day well not long after that I got a then call from this Minister and their board saying we want a church to be planted in another part of the country in a beautiful place I mean a place is almost as nice as Hawaii just gorgeous at this time we're talking 40 over 40 years ago but I mean just gorgeous wonderful places a place that you know yeah you just up and go and it said not only that we're gonna give you we gonna buy a church building for you we're gonna pay your salary we gonna help you with housing everything raised God well I miss your sound like God to me I mean man I mean at that time what I want to live there are you kidding me and have salary paid for here I got a little storefront Church and we have to believe God disciplines in the use of faith just to be able to eat here every day and all and all those things and just all the stuff that come with starting something scratch with son time and they're gonna build by us a beautiful building they're gonna pay us a full-time salary they gonna help us with our housing praise God all of that you know and my flesh said my mind said yeah that's God yeah that's God me and Deborah said egg and so we're thinking about okay that's God let us go and it's awesome and I got pretty buddy now my eyes am I in my there's nothing them didn't love people but yeah this was an opportunity of opportunities and when I prayed about the Lord said don't you dare well even though all that was offered me I wouldn't talk to it hey man what I was called to was to serve this little different and those people here but that little storefront don't kept growing it's nice though friend anymore and now we administered the thousands of people praise God i'ma tell you why that is that's because we're where we're supposed to be I'm prompted of the Lord also to say something else here here - I just I sensed in my spirit world my wants me to say this and there are people who have died prematurely over this in other words that God had something very important for them to do from his view it was important but maybe not sorry man but God had some importance I'm doing the Holy spirt kept trying to put them in the right place and they would not listen the best he got said all right have it your way Satan came in killed him Amen alright praise gone now let's go back again let's read what he said in Colossians chapter 3 known this verse 24 that of the Lord you shall receive the possession for you serve the Lord Christ but he that do it wrong shall receive for the wrong which he had done and there's no respect of persons now he's going to amplify on this point in chapter 4 verse 1 because remember the chapter divisions were put there because the New Testament was not written with chapter and verses and divisions men the translations teams added the chapters and added the verses praise God so that you could I could say fine chapter 4 verse 1 and a something that thick okay and you can find it praise the Lord and they put the divisions where they thought it went and and they put the commas and periods I mean the Word of God is from heaven and it isn't on it and is without error but men make errors and sometimes they made errors and in their how they put things sometimes but it's good chapter four verse one masters or curios now he's gonna talk to you the other side about this those of you who are an employer I'm an employer well we have interchanges you know day by day but roughly I'm an employer 130 people in the United States and overseas so it says here masters give unto your servants that which is just the word just is the word equitable that which is equitable and equal or right knowing that ye also have a master in heaven and his recent verses along these lines to it was go back to that book of Ephesians and I stuck with verse eight but let's read verse nine see verse eight of Ephesians six told us knowing that whatsoever good thing any man does the man shall he receive the Lord whether he be bond or free verse 9 says any masters do the same thing unto them for bearing threatenings which means praise God moderate your threatenings don't be an individual just using your authority and then twisting people and doing harm to people and doing wrong to people just because you can he said Amen knowing that your master who also is in heaven praise God neither see their respective persons with him so he's telling you to what he's telling him praise God that the individual who is the one in charge has the same responsibility you do your work because not under men but under God you do it with the right spirit that you show love and respect when you do it praise God that you don't misuse your authority because what you do you will have to get before God and you gonna have to answer for that praise the Lord well well what else did he say here praise the Lord I'm ticularly the 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 it's the next book from Colossians and 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 17 amen I'm gonna come back to that in a minute praise no I don't wanna do that one just yet let's go back to Colossus again Amen praise God amen alright so he says so given to your servants that was just equitable knowing that you also have a master in heaven then he says in verse 2 continue in prayer so whether you are an employee or you are an employer you're supposed to spend time before God see III try and listen to the Holy Ghost about what he wants me to do with my employees amen I have of course people under me who are in management managed vary in different areas and then some of them have managers under them praise God etcetera etc and at the top what I try and do do the best I can pray before God find out what he'd have me do for amen do the best that we can do for him now of course I have never met an employee never met one in over 40 years of ministry I never met and deploy me who didn't think they was worth more money I got this come with the territory praise God but you do do the best that you can amen hallelu have and your responsibilities to everything so he says do what continue in prayer because when you seek the face of God it will help you do whether you're the master or whether or not you're the servant whether or not you're the employer or you're the employee when you keep that line with God open it and keep that line with God working things work he said continuing prayer and watch in the same with Thanksgiving he's talking about to do what keep your perspective amen persevere in prayer don't stop praying pray for your employer pray for your employees pray about your job spend that time in prayer praise God now a God will hear your prayer and your prayers powerful Jesus gave us in Luke chapter 18 turn over there Luke chapter 18 Jesus gives a parable of how powerful prayer is to God he says in verse 1 and he spake a parable which is a short story intended to illustrate a point he spake a parable unto them to this end that men aren't always to pray and not to faint saying there was an acidic judge which feared not God underlying that right there in this story the judge feared not God neither regards man there was a widow in that city and she came unto the judge saying avenge me of mine adversary and the judge would not for a while but afterward he said within himself though I don't fear God and I don't regard men yet because this Widow troubling me I will avenge her less by her continuing coming she worried me the Lord said hear what the unjust he underlined the word unjust see what kind of just see what the unjust judge safe shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them now what he's not saying he's not saying for you too bad your God that's not the point it is the point of this story is not where I'm I'm gonna keep badgering God until God who is the judge well first of all and he's not talking about God because God's not unjust and he does regard their Amen Jesus is just illustrating the point the point is that if you come to God and you come before him he's gonna hear your prayer he's gonna ask you a prayer if an unjust man who doesn't fear God done regard man yet simply because this Widow persevered and he would answer her how much you God's Son God's daughter going before the just God that God not would not hear your prayer amen your prayer makes tremendous power available Ephesians 6 says amen now let's go back to Colossians because we're got ten minute about ten minutes left before we're done with the book of Colossians praise God so he says so continue in prayer and watching the same with Thanksgiving there's that gratefulness be grateful praise God the word Thanksgiving means be grateful God hears your prayer read grateful you got a job be grateful you're an employer and you get to minister to people praise God be grateful that God has placed you in a place and you get to affect to her for the kingdom of God be grateful about it he says in verse three with all praying Paul said also for us that God would open unto us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of the Anointed One for which I am also in bound in bonds that I may manifest as I ought to speak Paul said you particularly need to pray for him the preacher you need to pray for all preachers those of us who were called especially for pray for your pastor Pastor Scott you need to pray for those and he tells you why pray for these folk so that a open door may come yes a Satan attacks in particular those at the very point of the Spirit the apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers are I attacked more than anybody else did you know that some studies have shown the for example at pastors that their life expectancy is lower than the average person United States that's a divorce rate unfortunately is higher than the average person in the United States amen and there's so many I'm sickness and disease it's because of stress it's because of the attacks some of them are not well taught in the world they may be called but some of them are not well tall in the word so even though they are called being called does it mean that you have some teflon and stuff just bounces off of you just cause you call we have to do the same thing with teaching you we have to build a faith we've got to get over in the word you gotta you got to walk in love you got to stand there you got to face the devil for it's gonna go to all that's just like anybody else and if you don't then the same thing happens to other people happen to you too Paul said in first Corinthians 9:27 he said I keep under my body and now to bring it under subjection lest that by any means though I preach to others I still could be a castaway so amen just because you have to call it you have to do it so he said pray for them that God would open doors for them and that there would be a opportunity to bring forth the word a door above us I've been privileged to have the opportunity praise God to speak to presidents of the United States and years pass Amen to business leaders and to all kinds of people who are considered to be high up in our societies and had the opportunity to share Jesus with them and also with people on the street thank you lord what an honor it is to minister to anyone the kingdom of God you ask God for door utterance and your job talking about this context of this ask God for door of utterance at your job so that people can find out about the God that you serve but particularly he says about the preacher here he said praying for us that there be adorable utterance to speak about the mystery of Christ then I'm dead I'm called to do verse 4 that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak in other words that everything I should say every piece of revelation all of the anointing that should be manifest comes out because it can be hindered amen the enemy comes against us and then he says in verse five so then walk in wisdom towards those who are without wisdom employee-employer praise God preacher redeeming the time which means don't lose time let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you amen even when you're witness the Bible tells us not to cast pearls before swine in other words there is an individual that is prepared now to receive in those they're those that not even allowed the Holy Spirit to lead you distance personnel God's prepared to minister to finally last verse praise God for us let your speech be also with graces I told you what the word grace in times past in the in the New Testament the King James Version the term grace I found it that word chorus a Greek word is translated not only grace but it's translated all meaning at least 17 different other terms praise God sometimes you got to know by the context well here's another one of those let your speech be always with grace and one of the terms you'll find in the New Testament this word graces the word acceptable let your speech always be acceptable seasoned with salt meaning praise God that it is what love is with patience it's with the anointing that that you may know how you ought to answer every man you're supposed to be prepared to answer anyone about how good God's been to you my last verse 1st Peter chapter 2 let's read verse 15 praise God hallelujah I hope you've gotten something out of this first Peter chapter 2 amen come on page turn let's read here verse 15 praise God for so is the will of God that with well doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men as free men and not using your liberty as a cloak or as a covering of maliciousness but as the servants of God honor all men love their Brotherhood fear God honor the king you don't have kingship today we have presidents or prime ministers we're you watching me servants be subject to your masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the forward but this is thank worthy if a man for a conscious towards God that why we do everything praise God the rest of this chapter Paul talks about individual people praise God individual things he wants them to do and talk about how they had been a blessing to the church at Colossae read the New Testament read the epistles read the Gospels praise God meditate upon these things next Wednesday night we'll pick another book of the Bible as the Holy Spirit leads us to begin to study in Jesus name praise God now you might be a person here that says you know I really want to be born again I know inside me that this Bible's right inside I know Jesus is the right way to go amen and you are right and I'm gonna tell you how to get him today or you might be a person who's known the Lord but you fell away from him we call it being backslidden but you want to return to him you want to get right with God again we're about to pray and when we do we can take care of that you can recommit yourself to God the way you should praise the Lord but how can I be born again the Bible tells you in the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 9 that if you will acknowledge Jesus Christ that's the lord of your life show believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you would be saved says the tenth verse says what you heart you believe unto right standing with God and with your mouth acknowledgement is made unto your deliverance Romans 10:13 reads whosoever that would include you calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved first John 1:9 was was written in way with Christians it reads if we would acknowledge ourself God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness well if you've been cleansed from all unrighteousness what are you rises again so we've gone to pray of you fit either one of those two I want you to pray along with me and pray out loud with me Jesus Christ of Nazareth we're coming to your heart you'll be placed back and right relationship with God this bar here's where we are right now let's pray dear Heavenly Father that's right I want you to pray with me out loud in the name of Jesus I do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God daddy died for me on the cross where he carried my sins for me thank you Jesus you were put in a grave I believe you're risen you are alive right now coming to my heart I accept you as my savior now and asked a master of my life Lord I repent of sin I returned back home unto you I confess that I've missed it praise God I thank you now heaven is my home jesus is my lord glory to God well if you confess Jesus as Lord evil I believe he's raised from the dead now you are born again hallelujah and placed in right relationship with God finally important to you and I want to say congratulations we want to give you some free material here now that you've made this wonderful decision if you prayed that prayer with me we want to give you a free ebook called well where do I go from here if you're on our church online platform this clio click the slide below to complete the form if you're joining us on some other platform you can go to word of faith dot CC slash salvation offer brace got complete that form will get that free book unto you praise God in the name of Jesus we want to encourage you to come on line with us on Sunday morning at 10:30 we'll be ministering what the Lord has given us to preach glory to God we know that it will be a great blessing unto you and if you're interested in more verse-by-verse teaching like we're doing here book by book teaching in the bible we have many more go online praise god and you can order other material i've written over 30 books praise god that will bless them and help you in Jesus name well does the key bullet reminding you to have a wonderful day and remember to fight the good fight oh babe thank you for joining us today congratulations on making a decision for Christ make sure you complete the form to receive your free booklet it will tell you where to go from here this is the first day of the rest of your life we love you in closing we want to make sure that everyone gets involved with our faith groups online don't forget to share your testimonies with us at the address that is on the screen have a great rest of the week meditate the word we will see you at the next service god bless you and remember all right I can't hear you say it come on say it Jesus is Lord you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 795
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Colossians, WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus, Jesus Christ, mindful, be mindful, Lord’s power, power, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, Sermon, video, Book of Colossians, Bible Study, colossians
Id: qnWb-tQ-t1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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