The Proper Response | Bishop Keith Butler | May 31, 2020

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welcome to Word of Faith Church online I am excited about the message this morning I hope that you're an expectation to hear a word straight from the Holy Ghost that will bless you and your family I want to let you know that we have a live chat well we have chat hosts that are waiting to speak to you to hear from you to greet you so go ahead jump in the live chat we love to talk to you and we also want to take your prayer requests to the throne of God if you need prayer for any area of your life we'd love to hear from you we love for you to send that to us and we will hook our faith up with yours and we believe that God will answer your prayers so let's go ahead and join a service you were the glory to God hallelujah come on put this together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] alright alright alright [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh me too [Music] [Music] ah Oh to me Oh yummy bread Oh my hands the Prater [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah all we lift you up all our praises glory to God all we lift you up we gave you the highest praise there's nobody like your Lord glory to Gaza and if you beat for two kids successfully begin the glory to God hallelujah oh we bless your name hallelujah water you turn into wine [Music] oh and you open the eyes of the blind [Music] oh there's nobody like your Lord nobody into the darkness oh and I love those actions we ride all night oh there's nobody like your Lord nobody like your why did you turn into wine oh oh and you open those blinds and I oh you're still healing today no I'm not like you into the darkness shine out of the ashes out of the ashes we all there's no one nobody later is healer awesome and power [Applause] [Music] thank you we praise you we bless you and magnify your name you are worthy of glory in our place hallelujah glory to God water turned into wine oh you're still healing today there's no there's nobody like your Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] like an old one [Music] I do [Applause] I got in Zeeland awesome [Music] [Applause] and if they want to say and if I what who could ever stop us and if our God is with us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] Fletcher [Music] [Music] oh hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you're grading your higher you stronger glory to God hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus oh we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you our power is in your hand glory to god oh no situation no circumstance no sickness no disease no poverty oh we bless the magnify your name thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh we apply your word Oh Holy Spirit have your way Oh Holy Spirit have your way everything we say everything we do glory to God hallelujah thank you Jesus oh we do to you come on let's sing it together there's nothing worth more that could ever come close ever come close no thing can come there Oh y'all livin what's your presence Lord your breath oh I've tasted and seen tasted and seen of the sweetest of love when my heart my heart becomes free and my shame no us in your presence Lord there's nothing worth more no there's nothing there's nothing that could even come close no see you're living oh it's your presence Lord your presence [Music] [Applause] for I've tasted and sing oh yes I had five trees in NZ so sweet on the sweet is so low in my heart sometimes becomes free and all the my shame is erased I'm done Oh your presence Lord Holy Spirit you are welcome here [Music] [Music] oh you poor wee lorry god to me Holy Spirit you are welcome here we welcome you into this place Oh [Music] to be by Oh your presents lower your trailer Holy Spirit you are welcome here [Music] Oh welcome you we welcome you plays and Oh Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] Oh holy holy spirit we honor you we honor you we honor you we honor you we are you holy spirit or have your way we honor you we are you Lord we praise the holy name we give you glory honour praiseth there's none like You Father Son and Holy Spirit you are Savior you are healing Lord you are our provider you're our protector hallelujah and we worship them praise a holy name we give glory to the Lord hallelujah praise the Lord glory to his name there's none like You Lord not as wise as you were not as strong if you none as merciful as you we give you praise and glory hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] Holland [Music] Collin [Music] all in or we honor you impressive oh oh really God hallelujah [Music] hahahahaha praise you Lord amen glory ticket thank you Jesus praise God amen go down the key for me let's go down Momo let's just pray though [Music] flip and bless just live towards heaven haha towards never and praise the Lord let's just pray the Lord this just [Music] No [Music] doors and praised oh one more time let's praise Lord just the law lift our hearts towards heaven let's just live our hearts towards never [Music] the [Music] No ever No let's just heart stores careful hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah why should we praise him because he saved us he's healed us delivered us provided for us protected us shed his blood for us all we gotta lift our hands and our hearts and we ought to give God praise and glory and honor I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ it is the power of God unto all salvation to everyone who believes and I believe prays does anybody else here believe a man well god is good all the time brings welcome to word of faith Saturday night edition brings God amen I want to look at three people and give them an air high-five three people air high-five praise God then you can be seated in the name of Jesus praise God Amen Jesus is Lord over here gone by the way of you're a first-time visitor here tonight I'm gonna ask you to our East and back up so if you're here for the very first time would you stand back up again praise God any first times in here everybody here is there is a better in praise God alright then give yourselves a big round of applause amen yeah you are you are the shock shock team you're the SWAT teams you're the Amen special forces you're the Green Berets amen you're the Navy SEALs as in here hey glory to God Amen if you're British you had a special air service in here with my man okay go where they got I mean hallelujah Amen glad to see you out tonight god is good first of all we want to of course May 30th is pastor Deborah's 65th birthday praise God amen May 31st is our 46th wedding anniversary so I want to thank all of you I've sent cards and letters and all that to her praise Allah even when I got here to give me some big envelope that said past a double praise God so he wanted to thank you for all you've done it is not too late if you want to if you want to send any word a note to her say anything to her Amen I can tell you she being a blessing to me for 46 years she's been a blessing for you praise the Lord Amen praise God hallelujah so corso all her children grandchildren everybody got her so hey I am right here Amen praise the Lord hallelujah praise God Amen we all go right to the announcements and then we'll go to the special music right until the word of wherever whatever else the Holy Ghost has in mind welcome to word of faith let's take a look at some of the things we have going on this week join us Tuesday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. for our early morning prayer call as we pray for our family our church our community and the world call 4 to 5 5 8 5 71 83 listen to the entire message over the phone during our call in service times call for to five five eight five seven one eight three on Sundays at 3 p.m. and Thursdays at 12 p.m. kids world is here to provide lessons for your K through 5th grader this week's episode is called mousetrap right at our website add word of faith dot CC / kids world resources as a church where the faith is always looking for ways to help those in our local community hospitals are in danger of experiencing a massive shortage of blood caused by the many blood drives being cancelled due to the school and other organizational closures related to the Kovach 19 outbreak to prevent this we are partnering with the American Red Cross to help provide blood for our local hospitals we're asking our church family and friends to make and keep an appointment to give to the American Red Cross let's put our faith in action by serving others go to word of faith dot CC / Red Cross to make your pledge today don't forget to share with your family and friends thank you where to faith what's up you I want to remind you that we're continuing our weekly devotionals that have been made just for you so please make sure you check out the weekly devotions by going to word of faith CC forward slash youth and make sure you stay up to date by following us on Instagram and underscore glorify God underscore I'll see you online hey this is Bishop Butler praise God we are changing not from two or three services now but going down the two instead of it being Saturday night at 5:30 than Sunday morning at 8:00 and in 11:30 we're getting rid of the 8 o'clock service it will be Saturday night at 5:30 Sunday morning at 11 that's Saturday night at 5:30 Sunday morning at 11 we still will have the 10:30 online service or you can watch online if you want to do that but if you're coming out to a live service you either come Saturday night at 5:30 or Sunday morning at 11 I look forward to seeing you don't forget fight that good fight of faith listen up glorify God youth services are back in person at Word of Faith starting Sunday May 31st to ensure your safety social distancing will be in effect we're excited to meet you as a family once again see you there greetings word of faith family starting Wednesday June 3rd we will resume midweek Bible study services in the sanctuary at 7 p.m. we're keeping your safety in mind for guidelines on how to stay protected while we worship together please visit word of faith spatsy C we look forward to seeing you word of faith invites you to stay connected and up-to-date with us online and word of faith that CC check out our app and follow our social media platforms in addition be on the lookout for a daily word of encouragement from Bishop Butler we will continue praying for you and your families until we can all be together again happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to ya [Music] happy birthday to [Music] [Music] join us wednesday evening for midweek Bible service and next weekend for our Saturday and Sunday services stay connected with us on Facebook Instagram Twitter the word of faith app and add word of faith [Music] Oh [Music] the doctor [Music] and no matter what [Music] all right here we go the vinyl the final bag I know and no matter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh hallelujah we have no reason we have no reason to fear it we have no reason to fear Loreena hallelujah Amen the Lord is my light and my salvation the scripture said whom shall I fear the Lord is my light of whom shall I be afraid go early that God hallelujah amen I'm a radio a testimony we had come in just the other day praise the Lord it says here I was taken by ambulance to Henry Ford Hospital with a high fever and difficulty breathing I was diagnosed with Kovac 19 spent 70 day 17 days in the hospital during this critical time I called the Word of Faith pastoral care team to pray for me because I needed God's power to strengthen my lungs and beat this virus today I was discharged from the hospital my doctor said my recovery is a miracle from God and I and that I need to thank God I told him I've been thinking God but he just just didn't know how much thank you [Laughter] glory to God Jesus is the healer and he is Lord to the glory of God the Father amen now father we come before you and your Holy Word today in your people we thank you for your goodness and your mercy thank you for the grace and love and kindness we look to the Holy Spirit as we have invited you Holy Spirit even in song tonight for you to speak to us lead God direct uplift us praise God provide revelation for us the Holy Spirit we yield this vessel of clay unto you we look for you to use it as you so desire to bring forth the unqualified Word of God we're open dear Lord to whatever gifts graces anointings manifestations or demonstrations of the spirit you would see fit to grant us tonight and father for whatever you do we give you and you only all the glory on all praise we ask this in the holy mighty matchless and highest authority of all Jesus of Nazareth by his precious blood everyone in agreement with this prayer said amen as you see it open your Bibles to Matthew the fourteenth chapter please praise the Lord but what I'm told y'all want me to have is clock on me so so that's what I'll do now that don't mean I'm will pay attention to it praise God hallelujah all right surrounding the events that had been happening recently I know as as I watched as a as a young man was being murdered in broad daylight on a Main Street with people on look on lookin on looking and taking pictures didn't faze those involved on the murder at all I can't tell you how grieved I was I was how so grieved just watching every time I saw it it just like ripped my heart out of my chest and of course with having all the events that I mean these things have been leading up for a long time and I had to knowing that this was going to be a hot summer when you had this shut-in thing happen that just added to everything else so you give people too much time you give them when they lost their jobs you give them where they're shut in for a couple of months and then you have throw one last log on the fire what you're going to have but everything that I attempt to do is and as I said a few weeks ago everything that happens you first go to the word and find out what's the spiritual reason for it because the spiritual reason then will also lead - why'd you have physical manifestations of such things no question without doubt okay that justice must be served in this matter and the whole nation is watching in the whole world's watching and I'm confident that justice will be served I'll also think that as I heard on this subject about this four years ago I did a sermon on this issue and I talked about the fact that there were in our immense police officers both present and retired good ones good people I told there are good ones and they're bad ones like anything else there are good ones there are bad ones my problem is is that there is no way that the people in that department didn't know that was a bad one let's see what all of that all that background to him and nobody didn't know so those in blue must police their own ranks because they know when somebody is bad and if they know somebody is bad they gotta speak up - amen unless they get tarnished then everybody blame all of them okay for what some idiot does amen praise the Lord but I can also tell you that the initial response of peaceful protest is certainly correct and allowed but when you devolve from that and you go from that to harming innocent people and property that had nothing to do with any of this you are way out of line and you are certainly wrong and you should be called out for that and you should pay a price for that two wrongs my daddy used to tell me how the boys they used to tell me boy to you two wrongs don't make ray amen now the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has a responsibility to go to the Word of God and has a responsibility to be the light of the world and has a responsibility to be the salt of the earth okay amen tonight I'm going to ministering to you on the subject of the proper response the proper response first of all racism practice by anyone is sin regardless of your skin color background when you make decisions to act with hate against someone because of whatever their looks may be and then decide then to discriminate against them based on that is absolute sin it is outside of the love of God the only thing that it produces a strife strife is of Satan and it opens the door for more the curse now we talked about the curse of the law we've had many days but the curse of the law is poverty sickness and death and you've seen it now because what's happening in with the strife Amen you caught there causing people to become impoverished amen when all these demonstrations are complete I belong they run I was 12 years old I remember the riots in 67 68 I live in the riot zone the tanks rolled down my street and we slept on the floor as 50 caliber machine gun bullets were flying down Street I never forget that are you listening to me and as they burned up the neighborhood that neighborhood had not recovered when I by the time I became a grown man so what it produces is poverty sickness and death and that's of the purse God's Way as always the right way is always the best way hallelujah it will produce the results that you need Thank You Lord hallelujah and I get a bit a meander never survive praise God hallelujah but I want to share with you because Jesus talked about the end of days and I'm going to remind you once again so turn to Matthew 24 because the Bible is true when I talk with you I always talk with you about what the Bible says about it amen you can go to CNN of Fox or whatever else will opinion but I go to the word because the words the truth the opinions are like but everybody got one just different shapes and sizes come on somebody now Jesus talked about at the the end of days here in Matthew 24 he says in verse 3 I just take to be part of that he says tell us when shall these things be what should be the sign of your coming if you don't have underlined the word coming she's underlined it sign up you're coming and at the end of the age the word world is actually older or aged jesus answered and said to them beware let no man deceive you all talked about that deception it's the number one thing first of all amen for many underline she'll come in my name saying I'm the one did that's annoying it and they Scholesy deceive me in other words follow me you should hear Wars rumors of wars see that you'd be not troubled or frightened this the word trouble for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for now watch were okay nation now the King James translation was translating 1611 from Septuagint the Greek text the Greek word for nation is ethnos it's what we derived the English word from ethnicity so he's talking about a race of people or groups of a race of people he said here ethnos will rise up against ethnos and so what he's telling you is that at the end that racial strength will be heightened now during Jesus time you had racial strife then you had everything that you have here after 24 going on at the time jesus said these things but he was talking about at the end at the end of the age and now Rita now explains to get further he said for F na shiraz against astronauts and Basilius the word kingdom basilia refers to nation states see so so he says people groups and then nation states so people groups arise against each other and then countries we would say today shall rise against each other and there shall be famines shortages pestilences like coal bit 19 earthquake in diverse places and all these are the beginning of Sorrows as I told you recently the term Sorrows means in the Greek the pains of childbirth so what is telling you is that the closer you get to the blessed event which is of course the rapture of the church and then the ultimate rapture blessed event the coming of the Lord Jesus these things getting more heightened and happen more frequently and that's what you're seeing if you look at natural stuff if when you talk about things like global warming earthquakes all these other things there and there are other scriptures or you know talks about all these I'm not gonna walk you through that tonight maybe another time if you want me to I'll walk you through all of that but it tells you the deed the kerbin this thing we'll be up and it tells you Jesus tells you that this happens because Satan knows that his time is short but what else did he say Jesus also said in verse 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all people groups and in all nation states and then shall the income and so the crazier things get the more the gospel gets out amen as I have talked to pastors from around the world and across the United States during this whole worldwide pandemic what has happened is that the vast majority of them their outreaches have gotten bigger what's happened is that the amount of people they are reaching they are reaching and we are to reaching people more people online then we reached physically even though we had an online presence is triple the Quattroporte in some cases more than that depending on a given week and praise the Lord we are getting in our case and other pastors told me to say we're getting people from places in Navigon you're getting from Somalia in Egypt North Korea and China amen China where North Korea if they catch you you're dead and they take your whole family and they're dead amen we're getting them from Muslim nations we're getting we're getting is spreading out all over and of course almost every state United States so when the enemy tries to use his tactics in order to stop what God's doing he fails everything it just fails everything what's happening in in what's happening now is that the stage is being set with all these new people and all these people finally getting Bible teaching all these people finally people turning back to God and hallelujah that's what's happening out here the stage is being set for a worldwide move of God revival of the church and Great Awakening that Jesus talked about that the whole world will have the gospel it will be witness to every person on the planet didn't tentacle so you have two things that's going on right now amen which is why he also told you he said don't be disturbed he said fear not don't be anxious the hallelujah about that then in the Book of Luke because Luke Luke gives you just a little bit more stuff than Matthew did let me turn to Luke 21 can I get three hallelujah tonight 21st chapter Luke in the 22nd verse Jesus is talking about these very things he said but these shall be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled warned them that are with child to them that give suck in those days for there should be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people they shall fall by the edge of the sword shall be led away captive into all nations Jerusalem shall be trodden down in the Gentiles to the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled now he's talking about this portion he's talking about the Jewish people before ad 70 before the Romans came down burnt down the second temple and and most of the Jewish people got dispersed amen but he said Jerusalem shall be trodden down or the Gentiles will have control of it until their time is fulfilled or over well Jerusalem praise God the city went back into Israel's hands in 1967 six-day war now if you keep on reading here praise the Lord let's keep doing it there shall be signs in the Sun and the moon and the stars and upon the earth anguish nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring these are natural things the natural disasters men's hearts failing them for terror for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken Danya shall you see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory when these things they began to come to pass look up lift up your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh and he speak to them a parable which is a parable is a short story intending to illustrate a point he says look look at the fig tree and all the trees when they now shoot forth you see and over your own selves that summer is now or now at hand in other words there are signs and indications that tells you what sees you are in so likewise when you see these things come to Paris know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand barely I said to you this generation shall not pass away till all of it be fulfilled heaven and earth shall pass away but my word won't so you take heed to yourselves lest at any time pay attention to yourself what you're doing lest your heart be overcharged which means burdened with drunkenness or surfing surfing and drunken is basically the same thing headaches drunkenness cares with the word the word distractions so that that day comes upon you unawares for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell in the face of the whole earth so you watch therefore and pray on the line pray always and you be it be accounted worthy to escape all those things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man and so he told you you can pray that all the stuff don't touch you all you missed why why he tell you fear not he said he yeah and see David David talked about in his experience when he came up he said and Psalm 91 a thousand made for by my son ten thousand I'm right hand so that means yeah man that stuff happening all around David but he said oh but it ain't coming at me already right now he said that this generation shall not pass away until all everything's happened on the only question is how long is the generation in the Bible we know what the maximum time and no man knows the day or hour but we do know the season he's already told us we're in it we can see the fig tree here hallelujah now our generation the maximum amount time of the generators 120 years that's the maximum time it can be shorter than that - amen but for certain there are people in this room who will be around when that time comes I believe thank you Jesus all right now go over to God now there are three points I want to give you tonight about the proper response so turn to Ephesians chapter 6 amen so number one is understand what time it is they know what time we're talking about this is this is not the time to be lakhs of days ago this is not the time to be well I just got my head buried in the sand about my own life don't care about nothing else Amen this is a time for the church what's happening was about to come forward is the church's finest hour I'm here to tell you that that move that this stage is set for that move of God is going to produce the largest harvest of souls and one generation then all of the harvest of souls before combine you ain't gonna have a few million people get saved co-ordinate God there's gonna be a bee in front of that big thank you Jesus what's following is a move brother Hagin I was listening to a prophecy my spiritual father made concerning these days I was just listening two days ago though there is coming does the word is the basis amen but there's coming a resurrection of the nine gifts to the spirit at a level go over to God there will be no denying you see when you read about all the stuff that happens in the tribulation God will had made this so plain so much evidence about him it's his power and its people therefore a person to walk away from and decline God there's no doubt that they could never say I wasn't sure they made a decision God's heart is one of mercy and his desires as I said in Timothy is that no one beat lost but that everybody be saved and I get Amen on that and so number one know what time it is so we talked about this glory to God just in time stage jesus said that's prophesied know what time it is we are in the countdown generation amen I was watching if the space shuttle thing flight praise God private public partnership Amen up to the space station so I had my little grandson sitting in the lap saying I want you to watch this so he's sitting in my lap and that countdown calms you know t-minus and they got that okay blast off and that thing went on up there magnificent too cuz the day they got the camera it's stuff that's you know rather the rubble the resolution on it you know not like the old days grainy I mean right so that rock is going up praise God and you can see how is how magnificent it is I'm going to tell you the blast off spiritually we own the lost pride and his t-minus incorporate God hallelujah and man I'm telling you that it's gonna be so plain you talking about word wisdom word of knowledge is earning the spirits gifts manifestation of gifts of healings praise God amen special special faith all these things the rekindling of it and then my dad was prophesying about it praise God hallelujah and I look forward because I'm gonna walk in there and buy else anything here gonna walk in there yeah oh yeah I've had it happen a few times but I'm coming walking that Coria to God hallelujah number two is put the blame where it belongs Hebrew excuse me Ephesians chapter six let's read verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood so amen so our fight is not with flesh and blood is not with blue people who wear blue it's not with white people black people brown people red people yellow people our our enemy is not flesh and blood but Satan wants to deceive people and so what he wants to do is cause you to move away from focused on God's Word and focus your attention on flesh and blood because if he can get your attention focused on flesh and blood and get out of the realm of the Spirit you have now placed yourself into Satan's arena to kill steal and destroy and we just got to be smarter than that look at your neighbor down the row and say we are smarter than that we gotta be smart we just have to be smarter than that we just can't be caught up in that we got to understand where our enemy is he said we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual witness in high places these are all these are all different manifestations of demon spirits he says in verse 12 but wherefore instead take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand the word we're standing here in agreement that you might be able to resist when you take all of them God's armor he's provided you you can withstand in the evil day the word evil means the hurtful day and having done all to stand stand there for now unfortunately the King James translation translates this blanket having done all to stand people read that and they go what that means hang on that's not what it means the actual Greek is having overcome all since you are the victor say I am the victor having overcome all through Jesus stand therefore and it talks about the Greek word there Pross face-to-face you are the victor so act like you the victor say I got the victory say it again I have the victory over what whatever demon spirit at whatever level whatever - he may use with Jesus death burial resurrection means is that you have the victory if now this that's the big thing if you know that if you receive that if you act on that go where to God and decide not to be deceived decide not to be afraid decide not to be troubled decide not to be distracted keep your eye on the prize hallelujah we're gonna shoot anybody if we're gonna shoot the devil that's where our gun is game is this aim hallelujah he said so haven't done all to stand standing therefore stand having your your Lorne's praise the Lord gird about with the Word of God that's the truth put on the breastplate of being in right standing with God that's so identity plate right in front of you have your feet covered with the preparation of the gospel of our a name or peace with quietness and rest instead of anxiety and above all the word above all means in front of anything else take the shield of faith what do you do with that shield where would you shall be able to extinguish all the darts of the wicked and put on the helmet cover your head with the helmet the thinking of deliverance and then take the sword of the Spirit that term sort of the spirit means to soar with the spirit uses which is what the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God it's not a period there and the Greek word there word is Rhema the sword of the Spirit is the word of God spoken out your mouth praying always with every manner of Prayer and definite requests do it in the Holy Ghost do it in the spirit and watch there to thereunto with all perseverance and other words continue don't stop amen and supplication for all the saints and then pray for the preachers prophet and that others may be given me pray for your preacher amen that others may be given me that I may open my mouth boldly and not look at what men's faces may be or what they may think to speak boldly the mystery of the gospel of Christ hallelujah amen so number one put the blame where it belongs for number two put the blame with a bull turn to Matthew chapter 12 thank you Jesus glory to God as he a see you devil you know when I looked at police officers face he looked in his eyes I saw that demon I saw him maybe if y'all look if they run out again and they run that they stopped that freeze-frame you just see him saying just got a hold of them and I'ma tell you what's a gonna do with you saying to do with he'll he'll use you and then when he done with you he'll move on and then you'll wake up and go what did I do and suffer the consequences are you listening to me amen are you listening to me Satan kills still destroy Isis when I sons first time I saw it I saw write anything so I see you see so you you got to get your eyes off the fact that he was little he was over a white officer the white officer just was used by a demon spirit to incite okay to kill steal destroy so that same can have what he wants what does Satan want chaos and when he Satan gets the rule and there's absolute chaos then he can do what he wants kill stealing destroy because he don't know how to do anything but that now here the worst is a matter for you 12:25 praise the lord jesus knew their thoughts said unto them every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation every city or house divided against itself shall not stand if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall his kingdom stand if I by Beelzebub cast out Devils by whom do you your children cast him out therefore shall they be your judge but if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God didn't the kingdom of God come unto you or else how can one enter into a strong Mans house and spoil his Goods except he first bind the strongman and then he was Paul his house one way for saying to buying us is to get us in strength because we're the ultimate strongmen craters heat is in us and he doesn't work how we get bound is when we get out of the lane of the Word of God and then we are bound and that's how Satan plunders your house amen order to go now turn the first John chapter 4 thank you Lord Jesus yes Satan mean you will not prevail no no you are not gonna prevail here you're not gonna prevail across this country no no no forbid it Jesus name no but with God needs here though gotten his warriors see he needs people though who are unafraid to step in again I use it into me now here first John chapter four notice what the Bible says here go over to God I'm a look at verse o verse mmm let's take a look at verse 18 there is no fear in love perfect all completed love throws fear out because fear has torment he that feareth is not made complete in the love of God we love Him because He first loved us if a man says that I love God and didn't hates his brother amen he is a liar now I understand I mean when I'm sitting there and I'm up first time I saw just man be choked out eight minutes you ever had anybody just step on your finger can you imagine eight minutes on your carotid artery and after the flesh I got very angry sitting there I'm I had to I had the Lord help me with this one come on somebody I said you got to help me with this one cuz of me I'm getting very upset right here hmm and he helped you raise God's and then go to my word now go now where what I say about it sometimes you don't want to go to the word you wants I just want to be mad Lord let me be mad it want me get over there anyway glory to God now nobody said the man said you love God but he hates his brother he's a liar for he that loveth not his brother whom he have seen how can he love God whom he have not seen God will not allow you to get out of look you're going to say this and this command may have we from him he who loveth God love his brother also whosoever believe him that Jesus is the Anointed One was born of God does anybody hear that so whosoever and every one that loveth him that is born love of him also that is also born of him by this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments and was that he just said it that you love your brother this is the love of God that we could keep his Commandments his commandment is not Grievous it is not too much for whatsoever that includes all of us that is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory in that where victory means the means of success that we overcome the world even our faith the world the word overcomes means that you in a fight if there's nothing to overcome Amen this whole verses moot glower to God sometimes you got to overcome your own flesh and your own mind hallelujah but what overcomes the world is our faith in God not faith in the system system may work it may not work because we certainly seen a lot of times when it did sometimes it does and I'm a dead praise God but our faith in God must never be shaken Amen because it causes us to overcome causes us to win y'all now saying Amen enough for me Galatians chapter 5 now referring to faith going to God I know people don't want to hear what I'm saying right now because they want to be angry I know the flesh wants to be angry hallelujah and the enemy of bring to your mind all kinds of things have happened in the past in prison amen I've been an individual that was grabbed by police officers thrown over the hood of a car rifle through indignation out on the street for doing nothing but carrying a bag of groceries I've had that happen to me and other things I've had them happen to me I've had things happen amen hallelujah and right away the enemy bring right to my mind all that I've had number things happen okay and brought brought to my man just don't even so you don't know who's been through what I can tell you some stories amen hallelujah I just decided I'm not focusing on the past I'm not gonna play saying it's game because I lose if I play say the game are you listening to me you lose if you play say it's game I'm in the winning business anybody else here in the winning business I'm in the winning business right Scott I'm on the winning side I'm not gonna take my uniform off go or any God though he said in Galatians chapter 5 verse 6 amen for in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision so he's not he's not talking about some religious practice doesn't decide it but faith which worketh by love in urges that Greek word faith is made active and efficient by the love of God Saints attend is to get us out of love because his plan is total chaos people group against people group four years ago when I minister on this subject talked about I didn't miss it this way but I talked about this issue I did a whole sermon on it and by hearing emerald I did a whole sermon on this issue and walk through it police officers everything else and talked about six ways you have to hand over whoever face it police officer what you have to do something like remember that well one of the things that that I talked about in there was about the fact that what you have to do in these these scenarios is that you must always remain calm always always looting now you have to become you've got to be clear-headed the worst thing you can do at a time of emergency a time of unrest is to follow your flesh worst thing you can do you wind up being a 19 year old kid I'll turn the crowd and get shot with somebody aged 19 baby tragic you'll be somewhere you shouldn't be are you listening to me you have to listen to the spirit be at the right place at the right time because that part of your protection package that God has given you by the Holy Ghost now you're listening to me this is very important amen because they're going to be more foolishness that happened and as it happens further further down the road the people that everybody's got to look toward it's the folks that it may be falling bow to right or left but it don't touch up that's us lift should lead the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Saenz plan is total chaos group against group now I was then I said four years ago I said what Satan is trying to promote in America he's trying to promote a race war that's what he's trying to do he's trying to promote on a race war that you have total anarchy and chaos of witches I also said four years ago the effect will be there will be lots of mamas black and white who will have dead sons who did have to stand before God unprepared for eternity now turn to Matthew 14 how did Jesus handle an unjust murder you mean there's a case in here with Jesus handed unjust murder yeah so let's go take a look and see how Jesus handled the unjust murder praise God because jesus is our example Matthew the 14th chapter verse 1 at that time Herod the Tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus he said unto a service this is John the Baptist he's risen from the dead and therefore mighty works the show forth themselves in him then he goes back and tells you the story for Herod had late he had laid hold on John bound him put him in prison for Herodias sake his brother Philips wife for Johnson unto him it's not lawful for you to have your brother's wife if I say yeah yeah and when he would have put him to death he feared the multitude because they counted him as a prophet but when Harris birthday was kept the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod that had to bend some dance because of what you see in verse 7 wherefore he promised with an oath to give her whatever she would ask and she being before instructed of her mama said get me John the Baptist's head on a plate and the king was sorry I opened my mouth Here I am I'm drunk I said something nevertheless for the oaths sake and then was sat with him at meat he commanded it to be given her he he sent and beheaded John in the prison now John is going to be taken and killed his head is going to be cut off why because the king got drunk because a woman had a plan to kill him that had him killed this is unjust murder there is no justification for John the Baptist to be killed now remember who John the Baptist is John the Baptist is Jesus first cousin not only that John the Baptist is the first one to recognize who Jesus was amen obviously the angel told his mother but John the Baptist was the first one I mean to the Lord told John he said I'm gonna tell you who he is and him praise God when Jesus walked by John said this is the one that the Lord sent he's the savior of the world go over to God and when Jesus said now I'm gonna need you to baptize me John said what no no no no no no you baptize me amen so I want you to understand who this is this is someone who was obeying God he's a kindred individual with Jesus spiritually and naturally so what was Jesus reply when this unjust murder happened praise God his head was cut off and put on a plate Brock gave to the little girl and she brought it to a mother oh my gosh he has disciple John's disciples came took it and buried it and then went and told Jesus and when Jesus heard of it he departed by ship and he went into a desert place he went away the scripture tells us in Hebrews that Jesus was tempted in all points like we are in other words that he felt all of our emotions amen and so he he leaves and he goes away and gets with everybody he gets in a desert place and I know what he did when he went in that desert place he wouldn't he began to pray when the people there heard where he went they followed him on foot out of the cities plural so here's a multitude coming and Jesus went forth and saw that great multitude and he was moved with compassion toward them and He healed their sick Jesus understood that who was behind this one Herod the king no Jesus operated no scripture said in Philippians chapter 2 that he has a human body just like you do and his human body then could respond the same way yours could to the same stimulus that comes your way they wanted to make Jesus a king and Jesus could have led an insurrection right then against Herod and there could have been bloodshed he could have taken it to him amen are you listening to me but instead Jesus understood that his enemy was not Herod or the damsel or the mother of the damsel Amen or that or the plan that Satan has to try and take out this man and God Jesus understood his enemy was Satan and the best way he could harm his enemy was to cause people who were bound by the enemy to be released praise God so what's he gonna do he's gonna start healing people that's hurting a devil alright Satan takes 20 years to keep this person I end up with Jesus delivers them in a matter of a few seconds glory to God then they began to testify about how wonderful God is Jesus began to heal their sick amen he does it all the day long and when it was evening if disciples came to him saying this is a desert place the time has now passed send them all to the way that we may go into the villages and buy themselves vittles Jesus said you know the story they need not depart give them to eat and they say unto Him we have here but five loaves and two fishes I've explained that he said bring them hither to me he commanded the multitude to sit down on that grass took the five loaves and the two fishes looking up to heaven he blessed and brake and gave the loaves to his disciples of the cycle to the multitude they did all eat and were filled they took the fragment that remained twelve baskets full they did had eaten were about five thousand men beside women and children straightway Jesus Constraints disciples again to a ship go before him to the other side while he sent the multitude away yeah hallelujah well go where to God the next verse tells us he didn't goes to the mountaintop to break so how Jesus handled this unjust murder Jesus then picked up more ministry to help more people now I want to close with this turn Isaiah 59 thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and I was a a 59 let's read here about praise God something that today with seemingly you can pull this out of the headlines today verse 12 it says for our transgressions are multiplied before thee our sins testify against us for our transgressions are with us and asked for our iniquities we know them in transgressing and lying against the Lord departing away from our God speaking oppression and revolt conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood judgment has turned away backwards justice stands afar off truth is fallen in the street in equity or equality cannot enter yayyyy true Freimuth and he that depart from evil makes himself a prey and the Lord saw it and it depleted it displeased him that there was no judgment now I told you what the word judgment is as a verdict amen and then he says here in verse 16 and he saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor therefore his arm brought salvation unto him and his righteousness it sustained him for he put on righteousness as a blessed breastplate he's talking about now Jesus ministry the helmet of salvation upon his head put on the garment of vengeance for clothing and was client with zero as a cloak according to their deeds accordingly he will repay fury to his adversaries recompense to his enemies to the islands he will pay recompense in other words trust me nobody is going to get away the courts may not get him public opinion may not get him but trust me God will hallelujah so so so shall they feel the name of the Lord from the Westons and his glory from the rising of the Sun you see when the enemies shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him amen now notice what he said God wondered that there was no intercessor here's the last point the more we see these kind of things the more God's looking for people who will allow him to express his power in the earth how does that happen that happens because they are believers who will allow themselves to become intercessors they will stand in the gap we need to stand in the gap not just for the young man who was murdered but also for the family of the murderer and the murderer we just stand in the gap for everyone are you listening to me praise God hallelujah somebody amen we have to be the ones to stand in the gap so that God can move and that's what he wants from us God wanted back in their day because if you keep reading in Isaiah and elsewhere it said that all the things were turned on his head said there was no justice it goes on to say that right became wrong and wrong became right that it all turned upside down Jesus said at the end that deception would be the number one thing deception just what produces instead of right being right right being seen as wrong and vice-versa because people want to see there's a film over their eyes and the only thing that can help them is that there's a light that drives away their debt darkness and that's the power of God and the power God gets to the sinan ear only because his people are those who intercede hallelujah God needs you now to be more than ever the prayer warrior more than ever because your words have power the Bible tells us in Revelations praise God that the prayers of the saints are under the throne of God and that God will answer every single prayer in his time hallelujah and that prayer praise God releases God's angels and angels hearken unto the voice of the word of God prayed by the sinks and then when angels get involved in the society whatever the demons trying to do with warning you of God begins to show up at illusia Transitway those enemies glory to God and produce a corridor like a quarter of the anointing a quarter of the move of God a quarter of miracles Alleluia according believers walking hand-in-hand shoulders and shoulders in the anointing of the Holy Ghost eventually people go there's only one way his name is Jesus I saw him heal the sick I saw him cast out devils and I saw what happened on the streets we have to get out of our churches and we got to pray glory to God all street corners and we got the fray hallelujah shopping mall and we got to pray wherever we are and people may not understand but praise God you know you'll bring him power into this store you're bringing empowering to this mall you bring empowering to this beauty shop you're bringing in power brains got into this school God looking for an intercessor and he's looking for you now was the time go where that card for real believers that stand up not those who just come to church there's lots of church growing people hallelujah that get nothing done I'm not talking about praying just to pray as a thing that we do I'm talking about praying in the Holy Ghost getting the Word of God in your mouth that is the sword of the Spirit pray in the scripture glory to God out loud and then thanking the Lord and you heard my prayer and the Holy Ghost is coming in I'm telling you the Holy Ghost is coming in praise God if God gives people who will do this the Holy Ghost Alleluia will move like a mighty flood praise God glory to God so I refuse I'm refusing to allow chaos to be the order of the day the rest of this summer my God can turn things around suddenly [Applause] turned out about ha Florina card a little yeah someone to lift your hand praise God open your mouth begin to pray in the name of Jesus father your word said when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord raises a paw standard against him we're praying for the rising of the standard who yeah that's standard praise cut to go into the courthouses going to the governor's mentions go into the White House hallelujah go into the city councils go into the mayor's offices hallelujah we pray for the wisdom of God to be manifest in Jesus Helen Helen my son today we pray in the name of Jesus for you to raise up signs wonders miracles kiss manifestations demonstrations of the Holy Ghost on the streets of our nation on the cities in our nation hallelujah in Jesus name we rebuke poverty we rebuke sickness we rebuke death hallelujah and we loose the angels of God angels hearken unto our words you work for us the scripture said so we command you in Jesus name to go and bring forth God's will and God's Way man in the name of Jesus hallelujah glory to God glory to God I'm studying the Book of Ezekiel right now my own personal study and one of the things God told his eco he said man you're gonna have to put your face against the wind I use an antenna he said be not afraid of their faces he said don't be afraid of their faces you speak if you're the only one speaking on social media in your family who knows they may be talking all kind of foolishness by the by the devil but Amen you are the light of the world you are the solid ear put the Word of God in your mouth and then pray we pray hallelujah Oh Hamas aha we pray in Jesus name even so come Lord Jesus or does pray in the Holy Ghost for Thomas AHA yeah no massa hey summer Wardell no massa Heshy namaha warm three shimmer and ah ha ha ha ha ha yeah no more cinema kill the moss so don't don't be caught just looking at the things you see look past what your eyes may see and look over until the realm of the spirit with me look over into that realm and see demons fighting and retreating can't you see when you speak my word and see what I say and allow me through prayer to get involved in the situation then you'll see in the realm of the Spirit the enemy yep yep backing up he'll flee look over into that realm not just in the natural realm but understand these things saith the Lord that when you do the things that I've said that what I said will be so your faith will bring about victory but not just for you it'll bring about victory for those around you where you go victory will come where you go light will show where you go power will manifest because I've called you to complete me in the earth and I have annoying that you to do this job this is the hour not just of destruction the enemy things but it is the hour of my power it is the hour of my manifestation and it is the hour of my glory so lift up your head or your gaze and be lifted up ye everlasting doors the King of glory is coming he's coming he's coming in and yes as he's coming in he'll come and get you - and the time will be you'll see that victory belongs totally to you I've loved the holy ghost hahaha glory to God thank you all we thank you and praise and worship you we glorify you we honor you praise God thank you Jesus so get your head up amen get your head up squash your flesh raise up your spirit I said squash your flesh raise up your spirit there call her to God amen there's some strong believers in this room call word of God some strong believers in there even you God said raise a gate he's a game to next level praise God he didn't do it to the end she'll be see finest hour of the church is soon upon us Oh an hour that many wanted to see and they won't they're gone to heaven already amen but some of us will be here go over there God all the way to the return on the Lord Jesus Christ don't worry to God glory to God one more time Mick your hands in prison thank you praise God thank you Lord we thank you in advance you hear our prayer and as we are praying all week long day today praise God seeding into the earth so that they can be experienced we thank you for hearing our prayer in advance and thank you for the honor of being used by you whoa-oh victory belongs the deed victory belongs to him Oh [Music] to me [Applause] [Music] victory and it belongs to me to me one more time [Music] [Music] so praise God being cursed anyway I know when you turn on that TV right now boys you don't looking at her j'en at all be encouraged anyway be like David said David said so why are you disquieted hold that one God is it keep its own self about it hold our God amen encourage yourself hallelujah praise God curd yourself but the enemy will not win you guys don't say about it is that right amen thank you Jesus I'm just kind of listening to the spirit before we do anything else amen praise God thank you Jesus praise God receive the anointing look your hands receive crater anointing receive an uptick in the map a station of the Spirit in your life more wisdom more understanding more revelation and more manifestation of power receiving my faith receive it right now go over to God be promoted and receive India now if you're watching me and watching this program tonight online you need to make Jesus Christ a little your life you're listening to me on its cell phone telephone God loves you so much and you say okay I realize I want to I want to make Jesus Lord afraid with me in this congregation right now if you're out of fellowship with God right now I'm gonna come back to him favorite he was conditioned now we're gonna pray out loud right now come on cognition pray with me right now dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God that had died for me on the cross where he carried my sins for me thank you Lord Jesus yes you will put in the grave but the enemy lost for you our risen you are alive now coming to my heart I accept you as my savior as the master of my life I repent of sin I'm sorry Lord I accept your offer of forgiveness thank God I forgive it and thank God and cleanse thank God I'm a steward heaven is my home jesus is my lord hallelujah father we thank you for those who pray with us so we pray you strengthen them with my inner man made a Anointed One in his anointing live big in them by faith I pray and they will fear not that you will renew their minds and jars of spirits that they walk us alone pease wholeness not the miserable broken we give you all the praise and glory for it in Jesus name Amen praise God my announcer will now tell you what to do about that praise God now if you made that decision in the name of Jesus there's often time for those of you in here hallelujah before we dismiss you can be seated praise God you can open your Bibles if you would to Hebrews chapter 7 please glory to God anybody encouraged tonight for is O Lord glory to God glory to God Hebrews chapter 7 I'm just gonna read this one verse II and that's verse 8 here men that die receive tithes but there he receives them of whom it is ill witness he is alive his name's Jesus praise God of course as you know there are five different ways you can give Amen you're here tonight you can give them a person you can give online informations on the screen praise God different ways you can do it do it by phone you can even mail it in right here where to faith 20,000 when I rolled Southfield Michigan for a zero seven however they'll leave you to do it praise God but I do know this the Bible says when you give is given unto you amen good measure pressed down shaken together running over so I trust you uh preparing you're giving right now amen praise God again if you're making our check may not make it out to word a favor we ask that you're not right in tongues amen did God hallelujah I said hallelujah amen praise God [Music] you Oh [Music] and I just want to thank you let's all stand to our feet praise God amen put our confession on the screen please if you would Amen because we are titers the winners of heaven are open and the blessing is pouring out because we are sewers we are furnished in abundance for every good work we receive our perfect assignments jobs raises and bonuses contracts benefits sales and commissions settlements estates and inheritance says interest and income rebates and returns and checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer scholarships tuitions paid in full bills paid off and debt demolished royalties received and properties acquired we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and our aircraft abundant harvests coming to our hands now God's bringing into our hands seed ministering angels harbors angels go forth now bring our return to us in Jesus name are they somebody praise God that's the end result we thank you for it in the name of Jesus hallelujah man that was an amazing service I know it blessed you because it blessed me I want to congratulate everyone that made a decision for Jesus that is the best decision that you can ever make and we want to give you some free material there's a link on your screen go ahead and go to that link we'll be happy to send you this material it'll let you know about your next step also if you have a testimony about any area of your life anything that's going on in your life anything that God has done for you let us know that as well we'd love to hear from you so everybody else see you next time you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 2,522
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The Proper Response, unjust murder, injustice, George floyd, racism, racism in america, police brutality, rioting, looting, WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord’s power, power, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, Sermon, bible study, bible verse, scripture, choirs, gospel, online experience, sunday service, Breonna taylor, ahead arbery
Id: e7tAOh5uing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 4sec (6964 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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