How Satan Attacks the Soul - Part 2 - Live Your Faith Broadcast

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this program has been sponsored by partners and Friends of keith butler ministries today on live your faith fear opens the door for safe to do to you what you do not desire just like faith opens the door for you and for God to do the things for you that you do desire seeking to reach the continents with the Word of God teaching the word during the world and touching the world [Music] this is the live your faith broadcast with bishop keith butler you know Satan has a way in which he attacks you as a as a believer Jesus told us about it in mark chapter 4 he says there are five things that Satan uses to attack the Word of God from you when you get it eases affliction persecution the cares of this world or distractions deceitfulness of riches and lust of other things and when you learn about what he's doing today in this message you'll know how to avoid it Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter 6 our enemy is not flesh and blood but principalities powers rulers of the darkness world wicked person heavenly places in other words demon spirits are the ones behind the people doing the persecution and that's the reason why people come against you and they don't know you from Adam they don't know you they men never even met you before they don't know much about you and they cannot stand you they don't like you they hate you and they don't even know you why seems trying to get to your soul trying to get you to become the very next word immediately they are offended now the word offended is scandalous all amen and the word that word has only found one other time in a New Testament it means to trap to trip up to cause the stumble or here's one or entice to sin amen depression is linked to this and also when you're fine when you look up the word scandal is oh you also find the term apostasy is of touchable attached to it apostasy means and abandonment of what one has professed a true desertion or departure from one's faith amen so what does that was here that Satan brings trouble he brings pressure he brings people who will come against you and these people will follow after you and pursue you to try and get you to a point where you become the press that you begin to stumble on your walk with that you become susceptible to sin because you become so disappointed about what's going on that you come to the place that you just walk away from the faith and walk away from God that's the whole point of it are you listening to Nintendo amen anybody here faced any of this since you've been saying I got news what are you gonna face it again if you get any anywhere around the word you're gonna face it again but if you walk in faith and not by sight what happens the Lord delivers you out of them all they may try and take you down but some kind of way every time they seem to knock you down you pop back up Oh every time they seem to try and take your money praise God you get more every time they try and say there's nowhere you can be promoted God finds another way to give you your own company in other words deliverance comes from God for the individual whose got love in their heart for the person being used by the devil against you we know that's true cuz the Lord Jesus said pray for those who use you with spite now we like certain verses in the back we like the ones that that say praise God my god supplies all my D we like that burst we don't like the one that says pray for those who use you despitefully and Dennis said and then go and give to him and said Jesus said the Sermon on the Mount he said and go give your enemy a gift I don't know Lord told him the first time that I remember the Lord telling me to do that and I did it but it took me a couple of days to reconcile on what I heard I'm being just honest with y'all I had been used despitefully and I was upset about it a man the Lord said to me he said I want you to take a gift to him I want you to hug their neck and tell them you love them and it popped up my mouth I thought about the Lord you've gone too far you can't be serious about this I'll hug them all right in the name of Jesus and praise God Jesus meant exactly what he said see now that's where that love came in see they lasted for a while but they didn't come over to the love of God so didn't last very long they didn't last and it got him the affliction got him the persecution gonna see love is the binding ancient the love of God is the cure-all that allows you to do all that Jesus said to do so that you can have the delivers what happened when I did what the Lord told me to do God brought us great deliverance after that and then the Lord said to me if you had not done what I told you over here with that I could not have done this miracle for you here so walking in love is not about being weak it's about keeping the doors open so you can be delivered are you listening to me all this affects the soul the will and the emotions it makes people go up and down and round and round and wise God and all what's happening and I thought you protected me and not made this confession and all of this it must not work so I depart I become apostasy I need parts it don't work in this walk guards because you got hit amen ain't the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog you got any fight in you some people said amen I guess the rest of you are sheep amen now what else that Jesus said praise God verse 18 these are they which are sown among thorns such as hear the word see still all about the word they hear the word and the cares of this world now this word care Maryna is found three other times in the scripture besides this one praise God and the word there Maryna or care means solicitude solicitude is concerned it's anxiety is uneasiness of the mind accompanied by fear of evil terror is about fear being in control now John wrote he that feareth is not made perfect in love and he said in first John chapter 4 he said he that feareth praise God not only is not made perfect in love but that fear hath torment and in fact if you look up that word tournament it means anguish in the mind and so Satan attacks the soul with thing that'll make you really anxious that can be about people places or things you'll try and make you anxious about your child amen you can become so paralyzed as a parent you'll never even let your children go outside amen and of course that's how you lose them because there has to be some trust you're gonna have to trust God most of all putting them into his hands and to some extent you're gonna have to trust them age-appropriate of course come on somebody amen and so you can be so full of anxiety and and fear and I remember fear opens the door for safe to do to you what you do not desire just like faith opens the door for you and for God to do the things for you that you do desire they're opposites amen and so Satan and uses concerning anxiety or what about what happens at the economy tanks what happens if they close the plant what happens if they close my section what happens if my child goes here what happens if I go there and he beat you and beat you and beat you and beat you amen till you come to the place where you anxious about something that ain't even happen yet he stopped prophesying you start saying in their soul and it ain't even happening Amen it's reverse prophecy and what brings it about is not the force of faith instead because the force of theater opens the door for the result of that which you don't desire so that means praise God once again we're talking out of mind game what happens to the soul the mind the will and the emotions anxiety praise the Lord last week we talked about some of the things you got to do to deal with that first Peter chapter 5 verse 7 says to cast all of you that's that word care they're mirror inda cast all your anxieties all your concerns all your worries you and you must decide praise God no I'm gonna be about that dumb let that go free he's going to name one Jesus I think well how many times I gotta do that every time it comes up against you how long do I have to do this one more time then the devil tries to bring it against you I'm preaching better than then get an amen now in fact he tried this on Paul turns to Corinthians chapter 11 I understand what Paul talk talking about here because I'm in the same position praise God but in 2nd Corinthians the 11th chapter the Apostle Paul told course in chapter 11 talks about all the variant things that the Lord that the enemy rather brought against him and how the Lord delivered him but he says in verse 27 in weariness and painfulness in watchings often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in cold and nakedness besides those things that that are outside that which comes at me every day the care of all the churches Paul was not afraid of demons he's not afraid of Judaizers he's not afraid of anything but there is one thing that comes at him every day the enemy kept messing with his mind he was used to establish churches throughout because of his office as an apostle ministry and so all apostles ministry established churches and other ministries in other places many different places he went from place to place establishing the churches and the enemy would come against him and say Oh what happened to the church in Galatia they have been attacked by these people over here all the church may they may not stay with the teachers you taught them and other things every single day something good that Paul had been used to do by God Satan turned it around to use it to attack his money you may have received a blessing in your life and then Satan trying to make you become anxious about the blessing that you got maybe you'll lose if God blessed you with a house don't worry about losing it worst case scenario not in the only one God's got he's got a few more let me tell you in fact let me tell you he's got sound does better than that one you get the point I'm making to your praise God in other words you turn care around because Satan attacks your soul with it otherwise amen well as we go back praise God hallelujah that's really interesting that the Apostle Paul would say that he listed by being shipwrecked and all that but he said the thing that every day that comes my way is this so Satan's always proven to see where your weaknesses say it's not fair man he's not going to attack you in a strong point where you strongest that's not where he's gonna come at you he's gonna come at you where your muscle is not built up very much amen amen most people are right-handed for example 91% of the population is right-handed lift your hand up here right here see that see not only 9% of the population is left-handed and so your strongest hand is usually for most people 9 out of 10 it's going to be the right hand but how do you know in life you may have to use the left so if you only learn how to do things only with the strong hand if you have an opponent and the strong the opponent is not going to come at your strong hand you don't come at your weak side so what should you do build up the weak say what is the area that gives you the most issues that's the one people don't want to hear the word about you want to hear a word about the one that they like well they're some of the day weekend oh hey ear closes up they don't want to hear look down the road that's what them down there anything but receive that but that's that's the one thing that you need that's decide you need to be built up because that's where the enemy is going to make the attack Oh amen praise God Amen with that anxiety not worried that's fear in that area what are you most fearful of well I know some people are most fearful about I don't want to get old lose my memory and become what do they call it now memory diseases Alzheimer's or some of the others okay amen amen Nene they have a big fear about it well you got a big fear about it that's the thing you need to attack with the word right now and Saunders says the memory of the righteous is blessed maybe older but my memory is just as good praise God hallelujah amen and when I'm old my memory will still be good because the memory of the righteous is less gotta attack it with words of your mouth praise God but the word in your mouth attacking attacking attacking every day praise God tact that fear till is no longer a theater and it becomes automatic amen Satan brings you if you do forget your key somewhere it ain't all members going I just forgot my keys Lord show me where the key that I think in my memories doing amen I don't it is not that all I'm getting older my memories for how to even hold 30 year olds talking about how bad their memory lord have mercy come on amen well you are asking for it to be bad bite a mule 50 if you talk like that faith comes by hearing what kind of faith all faith you have faith and losing your memory with words on your mouth I'm preaching better I'm getting a man what do you fear the most what's the thing what's the thing that deep down that's the thing that maybe nobody knows this is what I'm most afraid of attack attack attack get the work now just go back to mark chapter 4 anybody anything out of this we're tell me how Satan attacks the soul praise the Lord we saw we won't be ignorant of his devices well he said and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches this word translated to see fulness F at a it's found one other time in a New Testament it's the word delusion so Satan attacks people with delusion of riches turn the Colossians chapter 2 praise God amen and let me show you this word and at one other place that is used because in particular our young people are facing this and large measure there particularly if they're in college then you need to understand what you sending these kids to in Colossians chapter 2 praise the Lord amen we'll start with verse 7 rooted and built up in him established in the faith as you've been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy that's that word actually delusions and vain deceit after man's traditions after the elements of the world and not after the anointed one in his anointing Amen well being diluted was if Satan can't get you with the pressure if he can't get you with the papal if he can't get you with the anxiety then he'll and trying get you by bringing you false information amen of course now I'm old enough to have seen many decades I've watched how they changed everything from whether for a classroom from global cooling the global warming to I'm old enough to have seen to all the revolutions I'm old enough to see them say well cancer was caused by this but no longer it is and wasn't caused by that was no longer I've seen them I've heard them and watch them say well this is bad for you medically didn't change their mind ten years later as knows no longer bad it's now good in ten years later turn it back and 10 years later say something else I mean the man let me tell you about men's stuff it's full of lies it whatever will make them rich come on somebody somebody's got an agenda there's only one agenda you need to know God's agenda he is on your side the Bible said he is for you hallelujah and he's not trying to mess with your mind they're teaching this stuff to kids because they want them to move them away from God hallelujah I can remember the Big Bang Theory and what sold us remember that how'd the world come into being and all it just all happened with a bang I was in college man I was in a logic class and the first week the professor first thing he did was attack the Bible he said if you believe in God you believe in his Bible you are a fool what he said that my press is um he said it then he went off means he start describing how do I have anything involved and how he came from the apes and all that I'm thinking well yo granddaddy might have been a muscle girl might have been enough of dragging the end of thought but my great granddaddy wasn't no ape you wanted you you want to say you you are a blood go ahead but I ain't saying and you know the people some people came up with that stuff they changed their minds later then when they change their medicine oh they went crazy are they crazy now there wasn't crazy when they came up with it but not the same person is crazy I mean finally he got down to you know he got down to this dick came from this energy from this energy from that energy a man didn't deal with the bang and I said well where'd the energy from the bang come from he looked and I said it again and sir where'd the energy from the bank came from I mean you trying to tell me nothing came out of nothing he looked at me like what you wanted them crystals for god so loved the world that He gave and what ing come from God said might be and light is still going at the rate of 186,000 miles a second glory to God it came from the Word of God all man's doing with science is described in what this much as they know how God did what he did so if you can't get you the other ways then he'll get you this way here's number five almost done anybody anything out of this praise God back to mark chapter 5 so praise the Lord we saw that the affliction and persecution was to make you stumble trip and be trapped scandal is oh then the cancer this world of the sickness of riches and here's the other one lust of other things entering in choke the word and it becometh unfruitful the word lust means a longing or desire for that which remains in other words what he's saying here is there anything else that I didn't cover dr. flesh desires amen Satan will use whatever tool he can find whatsoever any focus on anything you just got to have other than the word strangles the productivity of the word in your life there ain't nothing you just have to have a set of Jesus I got about 12 amens on that one tell your neighbor there is nothing you just have to have and there's big deal between like to have I have to have they're done you have to have itself God with God you get everything oh yeah hallelujah and verse 20 Jesus concludes this parable with this and these are they which are sown on solid ground oh good ground see these are not this seed is not among thorns and it's not laying in the ground is not upon stones here it went into a good soil such as hear the word now the word here means they give audience to it so that individual is focused if I say focused focused on the word they give audience of the word and receive it no word received here means they accept it and they delight in it not only do they receive or accept it they also delight in it yes it's so thank you the Lord delivers me out of this to make the best decision you could ever make in your life by receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior that Bible says if you'll believe he's raised from the dead acknowledge him as the lord of your life you'll be saved pray with me now Jesus I do believe you are raised from the dead I believe you bore my sins for me come until my life I accept you as my savior in Jesus name Amen now my announcers want to give you a book here called where we go from here explain what you do now that you've made Jesus Christ your Lord please visit chief Butler org are called the number on the screen so that we can send you this very important booklet called where do I go from here it contains a wealth of information that you will need now that you've decided to ask the Lord into your heart and continue your walk with God our prayer for you is that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him praise God the Bible said going to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and as you can see from our intro we're ministering in Europe we're Minister in Africa many other places praise God were taking the Word of God East Europe West Year praise God and you know God wants everyone to heal the word that happens because people partner with us they become people who support what we do and if you want to see the gospel go beyond just your neighborhood praise God and go to people around the world with the heart of God then we want you to pray about being a partner with us here to keep all the ministries we want to thank you for your prayer support and remember now keep fighting the good fight of it the lives of many people are being changed dramatically through the works of Keith Butler ministries people who have never heard the message of faith preached are hungry for God's Word they're experiencing the manifestation of Holy Ghost power as they dare to take God at His Word how exciting to be a part of this we invite you to become a partner with Keith Butler ministries today as we work to fulfill the Lord's mandate to go into all nations and preach the gospel your life will be richly blessed as God continues to manifest his blessings in your life join today God's will is for you to live long and prosper but it's up to you to participate and cooperate with this plan in this series you'll learn what God has to say about how you can live a long and prosperous life get the entire series starting at $11.99 on mp3 CD DVD and mp4 order today at Keith's Butler dot-org a call one eight eight eight nine oh nine nine six seven three get connected check out our live stream Church online and follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram to get connected go to Keith's Butler org this program is brought to you by the friends and partners of Keith Butler ministries
Channel: Keith Butler
Views: 3,689
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Keith A. Butler, Faith4Life, Word of Faith, Keith Butler, Keith Butler Ministries
Id: qSw9Cg0TSmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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