Book of Colossians | Bishop Keith Butler | April 22, 2020

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good evening family we are so glad you joined us tonight for church online before we get started with the service I just want to say that we are so blessed to have a service where we can worship God together church is not a building we are the church there is no distance in the spirit realm and in these unprecedented times God is moving in our family's lives now more than ever people have been testifying on how God is moving in their lives through service online small groups and prayer people are getting healed from kovat 19 and sent home bills are being paid supernaturally glory to God so don't tell me God is not real we serve a God that is more than enough a God that loves his children please make sure you share your testimonies with us and I'm so excited about the word tonight so get ready because God is about to speak to you share this service on your page pull out your Bible and notebook and remember to join in on the conversation in the chat enjoy service praise the Lord thank you for joining us online we just invite you right now to worship God with us victory belongs to Jesus [Music] no one can stand against the key [Music] Oh [Music] victory velocities victory were lost the hair [Music] Oh mystery my love the teeth victory belongs to him I say who can stand who can't stand against the law [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] cerebral artery belong Oh Oh victory belongs to G yes Lucic members again who can stand against the boys who can't stand against the low [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh victory was at e3 belongs to G Oh [Music] [Laughter] Oh victory belongs [Music] [Music] and we I [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh sorry velocity yeah victory belongs to [Music] victory belongs geez victory belongs to him welcome to word of faith let's take a look at some of the things we have going on this week hey sis how do I get to the Word of Faith text blast it's easy just text connect two two four eight two six six nine nine nine zero click the link to fill out the form then check opt in and click send request wow that was easy you're the best early morning prayer removed to a live prayer call join us Tuesday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. as we pray for our family our church our community and the world call four to five five eight five seventy one eighty three listen to the entire message over the phone during our call in service times call for two five five eight five seven one eight three on Sundays at 3 p.m. and Thursdays at 12 p.m. small groups are now online to get connected go to word of faith that CC slash small groups today in a world where everyone is crashing the net these can become little shaky that's why we're faith has increased your ability to watch us online having trouble accessing one platform don't worry we have you can join us and live got word of faith spat CC word of faith dot church online or word of faith about CC /watch slash wafak and you can do that at but don't miss the service you'll see you attention parents kids world is here to assist you with talking to your child about Kovach 19 and providing lessons for your K through 5th grader you can download too quick and easy documents confessions to speak over your children and how to talk to your children about Kovach 19 and fear in addition we'll have a new online lesson available each week this week's lesson is about Jesus mission to give us a real and satisfying life right at our website at word of faith dot CC / kids world resources want to continue to stay strong spiritually by studying the Word of God for the week go to a word of faith dot CC / media to download the sermon notes that will be available after the message we encourage you to continue to meditate and stay fed on the word of the Lord during these times raise your hands high and never stop reaching for he is worthy with our faith building products you can take your faith to the next level visit or dot word of faith CC [Music] you can now watch word of faith online with closed captioning updated every Tuesday and Friday go to word of faith about CC slash closed caption to enjoy our latest message hello beauties this year we're bringing our Mother's Day event to you you're invited to an online Mother's Day celebration on Saturday May 9th at 1:00 p.m. we'll sing laughs and here encouraging words from our first lady pastor Deborah Butler so call up your girls and tell them to meet you online let's show our love and appreciation for those special ladies in our lives especially the ones we call mom [Music] attention all youth Friday May 1st from 7 to 8 p.m. we will have a Friday night live virtual game night admission is free download the Xoom app and follow us on instagram at glorify god for updates and login information see you then hey word of faith family during these difficult times we remain honored and committed to supporting you and serving you while you're sheltering in place by staying safe and home we want to encourage you and to let you know we will get through this together word of faith invites you to stay connected and up to date with us online and word of faith that CC there you'll be able to sign up and receive daily devotionals of hope to help renew your strength also check out our app and follow our social media platforms in addition be on the lookout for a daily word of encouragement from Bishop Butler we will continue praying for you and your families until we can all be together again [Music] thanks for watching join us Sunday for our Sunday worship service and the Wednesday evening for midweek Bible service for more word of faith news stay connected with us on facebook Instagram Twitter the word of faith app and add word of faith dot CC praise God is offering time hallelujah let's turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 and let's read what the Apostle Paul has to say in verse 6 but this I say he was so experiment in gently shall reap a soul or receive sparingly or stingy Lee and he was so beautifully raised the Lord shall also reap bountifully every man according as he decides what chooses in his heart this is talking about offering so let him give not grudgingly or with sadness what would grief the scripture says here or of distress for God loves a hilarious givers the Greek here the amplified translation I believe says a hilarious prompt - to a giver whose heart is in his giving and then it gives you what happens when you do and God is able to make all grace again the translation the amplified says every good work and charitable donation come to you an abundance that you always have all sufficiency or satisfaction in all things may abound to every good work praise the Lord well it is offering time in the name of Jesus praise God we're about to worship the Lord with our given today and when you worship the Lord with your giving you set yourself up for a God for what the Word of God says about what comes your way and what comes your way is what the scripture says praise God now there are five different ways in which you can give today first of all you can give here if you're in the metropolitan southeast Detroit area you can give in person praise God our office doors our open 24 hours a day there is a slot right there praise God that says giving and you can we're offering and you can put your offering in there and praise the Lord or praise the Lord you can also give by text message at 2 4 8 250 490 that's 2 4 8 250 490 you can give online as well at word of faith dot CC / giving you can give by phone at two four eight four one nine four nine three three or you can give by mail right here at where to faith by writing us a Word of Faith International Christian Center twenty thousand West nine mile road Southfield Michigan four eight zero seven five praise God father I join my faith with those who are sowing seed today as they continue to allow the house of God to be full and a word of God to get out all over the world now we're going to give our confession or tighters confession that we do an offering confession and so do it with me today because we are titers the windows of heaven are open and the blessing is pouring out because we are source we are furnished in abundance for every good work we receive our perfect assignments and raises and bonuses and contracts and benefits and sales and commissions settlements estates and inheritances interest in incomes rebates and returns and checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer scholarships tuition paid in full bills paid off in debts demolished Road has received and properties acquired we are getting our buildings and our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and even our aircraft God is bringing into our hands seed we command our abundant harvest to come abundant harvest come to us now harvesting is going get it bring it to us right now in the name of Jesus and we thank you for father that the harbor's angels are doing just that we thank you for the honor and privilege to worship you with our giving in Jesus name Amen praise God hallelujah well this is course Wednesday night and on Wednesday night we do Bible study here at word of faith if you're here for the very first time with with our telecasts here and our midweek service on on Wednesday night we usually do verse by verse book by book study praise God and what we're studying now we've been studying the book of Colossians praise the Lord and we've been in Chapter three and so if you've missed most of the book of Colossians I will encourage you to go back and watch the previous teachings on there and catch up with us from Colossians chapter 1 verse 1 and we left off at verse 17 we're going to back up just for some context again and we're gonna pick up here verse 14 Colossians 3:14 amen it reads as follows and above all these things put on charity and of course the New Testaments translated from the Greek amen which was the business language of the day the word charities the word love agape agape love the god kind of love that sees everyone regardless to what they're like as valuable and precious praise God and it says put on this because it is the bond of completeness the word perfectness it is the sole tie the Greek says here praise God is when we come together and allow God's will to be complete in our life he continues and allowed the peace of God now this verse is extremely vital I covered some of it last week but I'm gonna take a little bit more and cover a little bit more about it again because this verse is critical you don't have a scripture that says in 2020 go to joy Street and this is the house you buy on Joy's three to four or five six seven joy I mean it's just not there it's caught now it's not intending but God has a way to direct you see the word says to acknowledge him in all thy ways in proverbs 3:5 and 6 7 and 8 acknowledge him in all thy ways he shall direct your path amen and when the Lord is directing your profit good things that the way it happened core to God because his will gets done and so he does that in part through this now there are several different ways and which the Holy Spirit can lead you he can lead you as we're about to discuss a little bit more by the inward man or the peace of God inside though there's the voice of the Holy Spirit just a written word himself praise God we found out in the word that sometimes God even leads people by visions and dreams even an angel appearing but there are a number of different ways but we're gonna take a look at what this one says see and let which means you allow any time the word tells you and you let that means you've got a choice you can decide not to listen you could decide not to follow it praise God all of us have had bad times not followed this and the result of it is that we paid the price for it I know ever had any I had an injury happened to me that injury happened because I didn't follow this Amen god of course hold me more accountable because I know more and I've been doing this for over four decades so when he speaks I know the instantly obey I kind of took my time a mint and and suffered as a result of it so listen again and let the peace now the Greek word for peace is Irene that word Irene means allow the quietness allow the rest and this word also in Greek means the prosperity because that's what the bringing said allow the peace of God to rule now the word ruined the Greek is is Barbie ole and Barbie o means to let it arbitrate let it govern or let it decide what govern repres what decides piece of gum so you must remember you are a spirit being you are not a body you are not a mind you are made very image and likeness of God the Bible says God is a spirit so are you you are a spirit being and you have the soul which the mind will and emotions and you live in a physical body when you were born again your spirit was recreated second five secretin 5:17 says therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature or new creation the old things are passed away behold all things have become new and he's talking about the real use not so much a body I mean before you were born again after you were born again physically you still look the same your mind praise the Lord it's still the same but it has to be renewed Romans 12:2 says be not conformed to this world would be transformed or changed by the renewing of your mind or renovation of your my new way of thinking that you may prove what is that good it says acceptable and perfect will of God and so you renew your mind through meditation of the word praise the Lord and then that's your spirit man the Holy Spirit when you were born again that's where he is in he's on the inside of you the real you the spirit of man and he directs you and guide you in one way in which he does it is with the peace of God amen quietness of God I said on last Wednesday night the bigger the decision the more time you need to take with this and even if you have to pull away so that your mind can get quiet and your body can get quiet so that your spirit can be more ascendant praise the Lord a little more and let the quietness praise God the rest of God let it arbitrate let it govern in your cardia that's the word heart amen you know we we say that word cardi and when we talk about cardiac arrest what we're talking about in the middle the word cardia and Greeks actually means the Middle's he says so what he said was allowed Aquinas allowed the rest of God to arbitrate and govern in the middle of you amen see so the peace that God's in here and you know you run up into situations where you go man it looks good this is just the way to go everybody says is that way everything looks that way I mean praise God but you always stop and you listen first before you act and see if you got peace in here not up here not out here not by the words of other people not even necessarily out of the words out of your own mouth you need kind of this pause I've learned to do that just pause Amen see if I got peace amen or if I don't have peace that tells me something so he said so allow that to garment to govern allow it to arbitrate from your middle and then he says something also I thought real interesting in the same verse 2 though which ye are called so again he's writing to the church at Colossae and writing to the believer today so he said that God has called you you are called to walk this way you have been selected by God now that you are born again praise God now let me go in and and read some other verses that might assist with this turn to first Corinthians chapter 12 and let's read over here verse 27 amen it says in verse 27 now ye are the body of Christ the word Christ crystals the anointed one and if he's the anointed one he has an anointing and members in particular if you go back to verse 12 in the same chapter it says swear as the body is one and a half many members and that all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles bond or free we've been all made to drink into one spirit but the body is not one member but many see so you are called to be part of the body now God's intention with all this is that all of the members all the people that belong to him all the people who are born again are being moved by the holy spirit in concert with the will of God so even though we are individual people we all fit into a much larger mosaic in other words God's will manifest in the earth is affected by how well you listen to the spirit not just making decisions on your own - often times people make decisions on their own without consoling God without taking the time to find out just moving on what they what the man tells them at the moment even though you have limited vision the Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians 13 we see through a glass darkly in other words we need we need to be led by the Holy Spirit and we need leadership and revelation from the Holy Spirit because he will grant us understanding and grant us wisdom about these things a little bit more on that in a minute so he says which you are called in one body that's what we're talking about we are the body praise God and be thankful now the word thankful means grateful be grateful for what be grateful that there's a way for you to operate just past your mind and to limited understanding that you can always hit it right every time that you can get it right with God every single time I know that we all make mistakes I've made you've made them but what is the ability for us god gave us is to be able to get it right every single time now also let me remind you when we say be led by the spirit the spirit will always lead you in line was what written if it's not written in the Word of God or if it goes contrary to what's in the Word of God then you know no that's not the Holy Ghost yeah amen because the spirit the scripture said and the work agree so now let's read it some more so and be thankful in fact let me add one more to about being thankful turn to Ephesians chapter 5 that's a good one too he just chapter 5 let's read verse 20 over here praise God it says giving thanks which means be grateful always for all things under God and the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ now I didn't say be thinking for what Satan's doing Satan is the one who perpetrate just corner virus sickness on the world so we don't thank God for corner virus amen but we do thank God for what he is doing that is he's provided healing for us he's provided leadership and guidance for us he's provided praise God or whatever we need financially he's making a way for us amen so he says give thanks would be grateful always for all things under God not unto Satan and the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of course the word name is the greek word anima which means in the authority and character but more on that also so let's go back to Colossians and let's look at it again and so then you allow that quietness that rests to arbitrate and govern in your spirit man to the which you are walking in the calling God has given you and be grateful about that let with me let or allow the word of Christ amen the word of the Anointed One the word of the anointing praise God the Bible if you would to dwell in you richly or abundantly now how do you let the Word of God do that because we're it did dwell in you abundantly means you'll fill up with the word well they're both Old Testament and New Testament texts they're just so many I'm just going to take one of my favorites and that's the very first song for his oh Lord it says Blasi that man is blessed as happy he's to be in the description citic glory to God is this blessed the man that walketh not in the counsel or the advice of luck godly he doesn't stand with the sinners he doesn't sit with those who are scorned and Ghana that's tough not true burst verse 2 but his delight his love is in the law of the Lord that's the word of God and in his law does he meditate now that word meditating the Hebrew doctor R means he mutters it he imagines it he speaks it he studies it he talks about it praise God know how often he does it day and night well what about this man he shall be like a tree place were planted by rivers of water in other words there's just long roots if you notice that trees that are planted right next to a river sometimes the root of the tree that you don't see is larger than the part of the tree that you do see and when you have hurricanes and you have all kinds of things come along against these individuals this individual trees others may get blown down but those have got really deep roots you can't move them says he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water guess what he will bring for his production his fruit in his in his proper time his leaf also shall not which means they will not fade away and whatsoever he does shall prosper praise the Lord let me give you a New Testament text I think also praise God that I think would be helpful that the Lord just brought it to me just to give it to you got amen glory to God that is if I can find it here it's God Alleluia duh Luke chapter 6 and it says here verse 46 and why I call you me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say whosoever come up to me and hear my sayings and doesn't that's the other way in which you get that ruling you you meditate the word and then you do it let me tell you what happens when you meditate the word and then you do it you get results those results help you those results help build your confidence for his car well here's my saying he does them I will show you the whom he is like he's like a man with built his house and dig deep and laid the foundation on a rock where is God I remember what the rock is the rock is doing his say it's the word so he's like a man that laid the foundation on the rock and when the flutter rolls that's disease that's probably that's tests and trials when it arose the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not could not shake it why cause it was founded upon the rock but he that hears the word but doesn't do it that's a lot of people who become the church and the only time they get any word is when I preach it to him they don't take the time at home they don't meditate the word they don't take take that message that didn't go home and meditate and speak it and put it inside their their lives they're lazy well he hears the word but he doesn't do it so he's like a man that without a foundation no foundation built a house upon the earth against which the stream ahem intently in other word tests and trials do they come to everyone when it beeped eminently immediately it collapsed the ruiner that house was great so that's why he says in Colossians as we go back he said now you allow the word of the Anointed One to dwell or reside in you abundantly in all wisdom now the word wisdom is Sophia in the Greek and Sophia means insight it means discernment praise God it means finding out what is the truth about a thing go over to God wisdom is the ability to utilize knowledge in a successful way you no individual can have a lot of knowledge and have no wisdom and he can be highly educated with a lot of facts but but doesn't have any common wisdom praise God even just common man-made wisdom and and the end result is that he makes major mistakes but God is offering you wisdom way past your common wisdom praise the Lord you know even sometimes common wisdom but not so common but when we talk about spiritual things God's wisdom is available that wisdom is first found in the work and when you meditate it and then act upon it that wisdom gets big and you become so smart you have such an understanding of things that people people don't have you're able to see into things and see in the situations and see what the enemy is doing you can see the attack this coming praise God and you can get ready for it so that you can walk through the valley of the shadow of death let's keep on reading here he says so let that word of the anointed dwell in you richly in all wisdom didn't know what he says teaching one another and so yeah we can do that and we can do that particularly with younger ones we can share that knowledge of God and mana Sheen one another that means warning one another praise the Lord tell them you know the Word of God said this about and again this is one another so he's talking about all of us as a body we are not just individual pieces we're all connected together we all work together praise God we are God's army in the earth his will is or is not accomplished in the earth based on what we do as believers nobody goes on the same so at mashing one another to do it you can do it with song that's the literal Book of Psalms praise God and hymns amen and that's when we come together and we can sing praise God because there is an anointing in power in song when it's word filled with this Holy Ghost filled I mean music can make anything move bad music and making anything move but work based music will bless you praise God so not what he says here Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs a spiritual songs when the Holy Spirit will give you your own song not one that you learn somewhere not one that you even heard somebody else do I mean he'll give you your own your own words your own song to sing that is if you fellowship with them and he'll give you one praise the Lord glory to God and know what it says singing with grace sprays the Lord now chorus the word grace in translated in English in English Bible I found at least seventeen different ways and which chorus is translated Amen and some time to tell you grace but you have to determine about the context which one of the seventeen is talking about and the one here he's talking about with joy you're singing with joy in your hearts to the Lord and whatsoever you do whether it's what you say that's word or deed how you act do it all in the Honorable now again this word honor my name is really important because most people when they read do something in the name of Jesus to them that's really more of a title okay like see what's really a title is Lourdes Lourdes a title I'm an angry word they're curious amen means highest authority that's the title Jesus is Lord but when he says in the name of Jesus the word anima is referring to his authority that he won by conquest over the devil and obedience under God the Father and his character the outstanding characteristic of God Himself is that God is love Swiss or whatever you say that's your mouth and whatever you do do it all with Jesus authority and do it all with his love praise God remember what the Bible says about loving for instance 13:8 love never fails one translation says love always works for it's car and it does because now you're acting like God and when you do it with Jesus Authority and not your own now of course if you're doing something in Jesus Authority and then you're doing what things Jesus would do so he's talking about that your words and your actions are scriptural that your words and actions or something praise God back to about the Word of God I mean he's not saying you cussing out somebody in the name of Jesus right because you know that that would be contra contrary to how God said you're supposed to act with another individual so I said so whatever you do with your words or your actions do it in the authority do it with the character of the kurios the supreme authority Savior or Jesus giving thanks there it is again praise God gratefulness given thanks to God and the Father by him this issue a lack of thankfulness is big and in fact this lack of thankfulness is what's opened the door for the world to get into major sin and open it over something like corner virus was our result of sin amen turn to Romans chapter one let's take a look at that for a moment there are lots of scriptures on yes but let's praise God let's be over here reverse all 18 Romans 1:18 for the wrath of God the wrath of God were rappings anger the anger of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness the word hold here means to hold it down okay they hold down the truth because that which may be known 'god is apparently manifest in them for God showed it to him you know even children if you listen to him even children know there's God Amen if you listen to him praise God let's keep on going for the invisible things of him or God from the Krishna the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that we don't have any excuse because when they knew God they didn't glorify Him as God and neither were they thankful they were not grateful God requires us to be grateful we should be grateful praise the Lord they were not thankful so the end result was they became empty or vain in their imaginations or in their discussions in their considerations and their foolish kardia their foolish heart their foolish spirit man was darkened well when you know darken you lose more light they and the more light you lose the dark and you get and it continues until you come to the place where that which is right in your eyes is wrong and that which is wrong in your eyes is right and that's what Isaiah prophesied is what would happen to Israel and what would happen in the last days and that's what we've seen praise the Lord we see governors declaring that what's essential is abortion clinics marijuana distribution sites liquor stores and was not essential it's the Church of God amen and synagogues I mean everything is just turned on his head and I'm here to tell you that where doubt morality and the word has been said by even many founding fathers of this nation without those things you cannot have a good society or order Amen but things are turned on its head because of it now let's go back to Colossians I won't get on it much further oh man Rick Scott so I said so whatsoever you do with your words or with your actions do all of it in amla do all of it in the authority do all of it with the love of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him now he didn't change subjects here because when I'm about to read a lot of times people just pick up right here praise the Lord and take it out of its full context say you got to go all the way back when we start reading verse 18 you got to go all the way back in the chapter to how you live what you did about tradition about being reason or risen with Christ about putting your body down about communication out of your mouth about having your mind being renewed praise God following the Holy Ghost walked in and loved all these things he said wives submit yourselves unto your own husband's as it is fit in the Lord the word fit means proper in the Lord so it says wives Amen married women subordinate yourselves unto the unto your own husband's not someone elses husbands as it is proper in the Lord and as read several verses about that so Amen before the women get too mad at me because I'm read the next verse it talks about husbands so hold on it's God but if he just chapter 5 let's read here for example amen with verse 20 giving thanks or being thankful praise God always for all things under God and the father in the Ummah in the authority or character of our Lord Jesus Christ submitting or support a subordinating yourselves one to another in the fear of God why I submit yourselves to your own husband's as unto the Lord praise the Lord now notice that it says they're submitting yourselves one to another so yes wives do subordinate themselves to their husbands praise God but husbands also do subordination to praise God all of us subordinate ourselves to what God said and we support new to ourselves to each other I know some years ago this is many years ago but I was doing a counseling session here a couple came in to see me and the old I think maybe twenty years ago and the husband sitting in the chair the wife sitting in the chair the wife was a member of the church here she loves God the husband is somebody who doesn't in born again but he submitted to come to counseling and so soon as he sat in a chair he said now a preacher done the Bible say that the wife supposed submit to the husband tell this woman she supposed to submit to me and I know I knew right away I mean this guy just wanted to use me as a way to control his wife and a hammer on his wife to make her do whatever it is that he wanted her to do so I took him to that Ephesians verse and I said and I said well actually the Bible said submitting yourselves one to another in other words not just that she submit to you but there's times you submit to her when he heard me say that oh that session is over with he was done good amen well done praise God understanding the Bible talks about submission all of us the word tells us in first Peter we have to UM our sales in the sight of God that he can exalt us in due time amen first Peter chapter 5 no so he says here why some more your subordinate yourselves unto your own husband's as is a fit in the Lord well let me also say there's another reason why he said it let me give you one more turn the first Corinthians the eleventh chapter amen because God has a order with everything that he does praise the Lord whether we like it don't like it but God always has an order 1st Corinthians 11 chapter let's read here verse 3 Paul says but I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ don't forget this see so every male's head who he should be listening to who he should be following who he should be seeking and to whom he should be leading his household with it's by listening that they had they're known to the one in his anointing now I want to say right here for you single women if you date a man and consider marrying a man that doesn't fit the description that I just gave you you put yourself in great peril because if you put yourself of your own volition knowing in advance and you put yourself under a man just to satisfy your flesh or your ego or some something else and you put yourself under someone who won't follow God the end result is then you're gonna suffer for it and whatever the short-term gain you think you get will quickly be overwritten and you'll be wrong the person that I had to pray for all the time and that is folks who are born again and they are not equally yoked the word said in sin Christians chapter 6 verse 14 be not unequally yoked wouldn't unbeliever it says for what fellowship righteousness would unrighteousness part that he did Belize with an infidel and verse 17 says wherefore come out from among them be separate saith the Lord touch not the unclean thing and I'll receive you so you want to get a man of God not just cause he says it you want to observe and see how he lives his life so don't be in a hurry keep on reading here let me go back the head of every man is Christ the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God so he said the male listen to Jesus to Jesus and the work rather than the woman she'll be listening to the man that follows Jesus praise God and Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God the Father if I could be read here in verse 8 same chapter for the man is not of the woman but the woman of the man neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man verse 11 says nevertheless neither is the man without the woman neither the woman without the man for us the woman is of the man even source the man also by the woman but all things are of God so the woman was taken from Adam we know in the book of Genesis she was created for him well now she also has to follow God we saw what happened when II didn't even to the serpent and even Genesis 3:6 after she listened to the serpent and then became the seed and instead of following God and her husband because the word told us in Genesis chapter 2 that God spoke to Adam not to touch the tree in the midst of the garden he wasn't created yet see it several different verses after that that then Adam is put to sleep and the very first surgery takes place praise God amen and God creates from the man real the wall man praise God she wound up leading her husband in the sin Genesis 3:6 he didn't gave to her husband with her and she led him into degradation and despair so now the one that sexist is more virtuous than the other amen now let's keep on Colossians chapter 3 let's go back so he said wives submit yourselves on your own husband as it is proper in the Lord husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them well praise the Lord we read what love does last week from first Corinthians chapter 3 look love is patient love is kind love doesn't Bowl all the way with envy it doesn't get anger love pays no attention to a suffered wrong phrase god that says hallelujah it says love bears up under anything and everything that comes at reason first Corinthians 13 and it says love never fails so that when you walk that way with your wife the way God made her is that she is a responder she responds to the stimulus that you give her because that's the way she's paid so if you give her love she blooms and opens of it like a flower if you give her anger she shuts down and depending on her personality she either completely shuts down from him becomes coal or she becomes what the scripture says is the rooftop woman says it's several times up on the roof top where she's the kind that she is so bad so Russia she's so hard that you came staying house with her either way love never fails so he says love your wife don't you be bitter against him verse 20 children obey your parents in all things today we need to teach that to our children praise the Lord well this is well pleasing under the when you find something in the word that is well pleasing the god of gods pleased with it guess what happens that's where you have a manifestation that was power that's when and where God begins to move in the circumstance praise the Lord when is well pleasing your children need to understand why they need to do the right thing so that the blessing of God can work in their life and that when they go against God's Word and God's Way to open the door for the enemy and the enemy has one thing in mind to do to kill steal and destroy let's keep reading verse 21 father's provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged particularly fathers have to have patience with children now it is the father's job we read in Ephesians chapter 6 recently I know we did we read it in fact let's go back and read it again amen about fathers in the school but if we're saying Ephesians chapter 6 it says in verse 4 any father's provoke not your children to wrath but fathers bring them up in the nurture which means the instructions and notices bring them up already understood sudden ago this sentence is you father's do the training see two months that this has been left to the wife to do fathers are supposed to be the first line of training fathers are the ones were supposed to sit down with kids fathers are the ones who are supposed to first grant discipline fathers are the one not that discipline however should be done with love not an anger unless you provoke the children discourage them and anger them there's a way so you sit down and you explain to them what was right what was wrong why does this happening and you do it in a calm reason way that they can feel dad is talking to me about this and yeah I'm not happy about what's about to happen but I do know he loves me and he's teaching me why that's a big difference grabbing somebody and start whaling on them yeah amen so that's not what he says so he said but bring them up you do it in the nurture which is the instructions and the admonition the word admonition is the word warnings of the Lord and so when you have a fatherless society one of the reasons why you have the crime which you have and things happening in our major cities is for several different reasons too many children are being born what our fathers too many married too many people are engaged without the merit union without the responsibility of marriage without the love of merits amen all these things the end result you have children who are fatherless they are untrained and how you think they're going to act they're gonna act like heathens they're gonna act that way because every person is born in sin and has the nature of sin and until they are born again and then enlighten how to walk in the Word of God then they act like the devil ecclesiastical Evan tells children tool to obey or give your life to God while you are young well what makes them do it when they come it's the training and teaching by their fathers and pretend mothers of course all my children I have three children all three of them are born-again filled with the Holy Ghost all called the ministry all serving a full-time ministry and it wasn't and didn't have by accident it happened because I and their mother did what the scripture said and not only did we teach them what it said we did our best to live it in front of the end result was they were not discouraged and when they got older they didn't run away from God they never ran away from the church even though they were P kids PK's and many times preachers kids are known for being wild and crazy but I never were there was another reason for that too and that is we didn't put the church ahead of our children we learn on say no Prescott so that they knew that they were number one in our lives because of my first responsibility and passed a deborah's for sponsibility was to raise god godly seed that can continue the work of God even when we are gone praise God hallelujah alright I'm wrapping up here now so let's go back here to Colossians chapter 3 so it says father's provoke not your children to anger lest they be discouraged and so praise God for the book of Colossians and we're gonna pick up next Wednesday night with verse 22 in chapter 3 and we will finish the book of Colossians on next Wednesday night but there are some of you here who are watching me who've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and you need God and in times like these you need got more than ever and if there's anything that's being laid bare now is how men systems don't work what you need is God and He loves you so much he provided for you his only begotten Son that's John 3:16 why the whosoever believe in him should not perish but have eternal everlasting life Paul wrote to the church at Rome in his Tim chapter verses 9 10 and 13 how a person can be born again how you can be changed and saved it reads if you were acknowledged with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the highest authority of all if you were believing your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead it reason you shall be saved the tenth verse says for which your heart man believes unto right standing with God and with your mouth your acknowledgment praise God opens the door for your salvation you know what that goes for whoever is watching me because verse 13 says whosoever that would include you she'll call upon the name the authority and the love of the Lord shall be safe and so you're not born again I'm a lead you in that prayer you can join with me and be born again supernaturally wherever you are then there might be some of you who are watching me and you've known the Lord but you didn't meditate the word you didn't get it deep in you you got moved by the enemy how whatever happened and you felt away from God you became discouraged amen got your eyes on what other people did which is not your business and get your eyes on what you - Amon whatever is the reason that's Satan tricked you and got you back out there you need to come back to God God made provisions for that the Bible says in first John chapter 1 verse 9 if we would home alone Jill there it says in the Greek and we will acknowledge our sin God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness and so when we pray you pray - amen and get reconnected the way you should and you'll find out God not only forgives you he cleanses you he all will treat you as though sinners never been so if you're interested in it bow your heads and pray with me right now dear Heavenly Father that's right pray with me out loud dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God that he died for me hung on the cross at Calvary where he carried my sins for me I believe you were put in the grave but I also believe you are risen you are alive now coming to my heart I accept you as my savior and asked a master of my life I repent of sin I'm sorry Lord I accept your offer of forgiveness thank God I'm forgiven thank God I'm door thank God heaven is my home jesus is my lord hallelujah praise God well if you just prayed that prayer with me Jesus Christ of Nazareth is coming to your heart or you've been placed back in fellowship with him praise the Lord now we want to give you some free material that will help you in your walk with Jesus we want to give you a free ebook called where do I go from here so if you're on our Church online platform you can click the slide below to complete the form if you're joining us on another platform you can go to word of faith dot CC slash salvation offer complete the form and we'll get your free book to you praise God we want to encourage you to watch this Sunday morning we're at 10:30 Eastern Standard Time Lords give me a great message to deliver to all the people praise God that I know will bless and will help your life praise the Lord that next Wednesday we'll be right back here at Eastern Standard Time seven o'clock praise God we'll pick up with the book of Colossians and you'll be blessed don't forget we have a wonderful East store you can get many other materials that we have here on many different teachings on all kind of topics that will bless your life well this is keep all the reminding you to have a wonderful day and remember fight the good fight oh babe what a great word let's meditate this word that rested this week and renew our minds with the Word of God I want to congratulate those of you who have made a decision for Jesus and encouraged you to fill out the form at Word of Faith that's easy forge slash salvation offer to get the free book we want to support you in your new walk with Christ and just a reminder God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind let's speak a life instead of doubt and unbelief see you in service on Sunday and remember Jesus is Lord and the blood still works you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 700
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Colossians, WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, The Son of David, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus, Jesus Christ, mindful, be mindful, Lord’s power, power, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, Sermon, video, Book of Colossians, Bible Study
Id: xcDCQ38Hc9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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