How To Remain Healthy | Bishop Keith Butler | May 3, 2020

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kalimera buzu guten morgen BOM dia hua motor and good morning and welcome to another service we are in for such a treat today no matter what you face this week remember God is on your side and you are still winning the Bible says this cast all of your cares upon the Lord for he cares for you God is your source so if you have been fighting on the front lines for us whether it be medical police military or essential staff we want to take a moment again just to thank you words cannot express our gratitude we are praying for you daily we are also praying for everyone affected directly by this we know that we will get through this with God can I get a Amen today make sure you check out our kids world page where you can find services tailored just for them and ideas on how to explain and help your child understand this time please make sure you share this service on all of your platforms join in on the chat and let us know where you are watching us from and what you are thankful for it's about that time grab your Bible and notebook and enjoy service we're gonna magnify God because the enemy's plan didn't work on me somebody say it didn't work on me I give you glory I'll give you praise my enemy somebody tell about that right now [Music] that's enough to sound like their what he tried did not work I did the boring how did you pray I hear you marry God think about that one think I got that one think I was on my way to a conference and my car start to spin it ran into a guardrail and the car crushed they had to get the jaws of life to get everybody out of the car I literally had to climb out the window now the only scratch I got from that vehicle was when I was climbing out of the window I wasn't patient enough I guess but let me tell you he's tried it over and over again but the general consistent is that it will not work I don't care how big the weapon and still can't work I don't care how and look it still won't [Music] somebody's cow right there you are you want to get your dancing shoes on right now because we've got to show the Devils our friends because he tried it over and over again but it does not work come on I'll get your glory did you pray but my enemy I'll get your glory [Music] I'll get you for it give your brain [Music] don't that the enemy [Music] right there [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody counter fridge like you got the victory [Music] Romans 16:20 says the God of peace will crush Satan under my feet taking overload in my finances he don't belong in my family he don't belong nowhere around the he belongs under my feet hallelujah my dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together Victoria [Music] you are a living testimony [Music] he trotted [Music] defeat [Music] [Music] hurry [Music] not a big up the victory good gun your mercy endures forever hallelujah [Music] and take your face [Music] that's what Kingdom [Applause] [Music] [Music] we enthrone you with ours are you doing [Music] we are standing on your premises [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have come to give you glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he's so good he's so good so have anybody free in here today are you really free in here today want me to the actual I get a prize back in this show like it honey oh yeah thank you Jesus thank you [Music] mr. raging that come to decay you said love [Music] there is no one [Music] there it is known [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great grace [Music] ranging [Music] [Music] No [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to word of faith let's take a look at some of the things we have going on this week early morning prayer will move to a live prayer call join us Tuesday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. as we pray for our family our church our community and the world call 4 2 5 5 8 5 71 83 listen to the entire message over the phone during our call in service times call for two five five eight five seven one eight three on Sundays at 3 p.m. and Thursdays at 12 p.m. small groups are now online to get connected go to word of faith that CC / small groups today kids world is here to provide lessons for your K through fifth grader this week's lesson is about Jesus mission to send us help right at our website at Word of Faith dot CC / kids world resources hello beauties this year we're bringing our Mother's Day event to you you're invited to an online Mother's Day celebration on Saturday May 9th at 1:00 p.m. we'll sing laugh and hear encouraging words from our first lady pastor Deborah Butler so call up your girls and tell them to meet you online let's show our love and appreciation for those special ladies in our lives especially the ones we call mom don't miss our upcoming youth service on zoom' mark your calendars for Thursday May 14th at 7 p.m. be on the lookout the link for this event will be updated on our Instagram as a church where the faith is always looking for ways to help those in our local community hospitals are in danger of experiencing a massive shortage of blood caused by the many blood drives being canceled due to the school and other organizational closures related to the Kovach 19 outbreak to prevent this we are partnering with the American Red Cross to help provide blood for our local hospitals we're asking our church family and friends to make and keep an appointment to give blood to the American Red Cross let's put our faith in action by serving others go to word of faith dot CC / Red Cross to make your pledge today don't forget to share with your family and friends thank you we're to faith hey you starting today we'll have our weekly devotional just for you and today we'll be talking about how not to pen so make sure you check out the weekly devotions by going to word a fake die CC forward slash youth and a stay up to date by following us on instagram @ underscore glorify god underscore and i'll see you online word of faith we'll be hosting another drivin prayer service on Saturday May 9th Bishop Keith Butler will be hosting a special service on the grounds of word of faith simply drive to the Hagin gym parking lot tune your radio to the provided FM station and hear the word from the safety of your vehicle service starts at 10 a.m. on the Word of Faith grounds at 20,000 West at 9 Mile Road Southfield Michigan four eight zero seven five see you there hey where to faith family because of your constant support we were able to feed EMS and firefighters on every shift in the city of Southfield for Tuesday April 28th Wednesday April 29th and Friday May 1st they have expressed their appreciation and thanked us for the gesture once again thank you word of faith for your support during these times after today's service make sure you stick around we have a powerful testimony recently submitted by a Word of Faith member that you don't want to miss word of faith invites you to stay connected and up-to-date with us online and word of faith that's CC check out our app and follow our social media platforms in addition be on the lookout for a daily word of encouragement from Bishop Butler we will continue praying for you and your families until we can all be together again thanks for watching join us this week Wednesday evening for midweek Bible service and next Sunday for our Sunday worship service for more word of faith news stay connected with us on Facebook Instagram Twitter the word of faith app and add word of faith dot CC [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise God it's time to receive communion in the name of Jesus let's turn there's our text to first Corinthians the 11th chapter and we're gonna begin reading here with verse 27 praise God with reason follows wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself not his neighbor and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that Cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation we're down nation means judgment to himself not discerning or not seeing not understanding the Lord's body for this reason many were verse 30 many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep me they died early for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world several things praise God that he talks about here as we're about to receive Holy Communion it tells us praise God that we do this first of all understanding that we have to examine our own life examine ourselves praise God not examine your neighbor don't look and see well that's wrong that person who knows what's wrong with this person do self introspection praise God repent to the Lord are things you need to repent of first of all secondarily it tells us that people get in trouble not discerning the Lord's body this is about strife this is about an individual who's got unforgiveness and anger and issues with other people and will not forgive will not let it go and this kills your body in this other scriptures just tells you that and then verse 30 and he's writing the church at Corinth is writing to tongue talking gifts of the Spirit operating Christians and he says because of that many are weak and sickly and died prematurely in other words because that strife and that unforgiveness takes you out of God's protection it takes you out of the secret place so you you forgive someone not because you're being weak you've forgiven it to preserve your own self the Bible tells us praise God so he says many are weak and sickly and many die prematurely so close that door says that we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we were chasing the Lord and we should not be condemned with the world what is communion about the wafer or the representation of the wafer he's referencing Isaiah 53 and other verses that talks about with his stripes praise God we were healed in other words Jesus took stripes upon his back for us that that whipping post he would beaten savagely Isaiah says he would whip so bad beating so bad he hardly reserved resembled a human amen and so it is understanding what he did for us and they told us and I was at 53 first Peter 2:24 in other places he did it so that we could receive healing in her healing in our bodies and in all parts of man in other words praise God you when you take that bridge you're saying Jesus paid the price that I could be healed so I remind myself I am the healed and not too sick healing power is working in my body when we partake of the blood you reminded yourself praise God it just sins have been paid for what could wash away our sins nothing nothing but the blood of Jesus works couldn't do it only the blood and so take up the wafer or bread or whatever you have for that representation praise God we're about to receive Communion it's a holy thing if Jesus Christ is Lord of your life you've protected this praise God it reads here in verse 23 where I have receipt of the Lord that which also are delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me reminding ourselves healing belongs to us me particularly and I thank your Lord protections in my body from diseases and viruses of all types I thank you healing power flows in my body say it with me that's right from a brain not mune system is strong hallelujah my kidneys work and 100% effectiveness my heart and livers is healed and cleanse my knees and feeder our heel praise God no growth Lord knots or cysts or lumps or tumors or rashes or viruses or any type as they have no power ability to function in my body for the price has been paid for my healing I am healed in Jesus name now pick up your cup or glass or whatever you using praise God for the representation of the blood this cup represents the shed blood of Jesus his blood was shed for us the scripture said without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin no freedom from sin no deliverance from sin praise God so let's pick up verse 25 after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament or New Covenant in my blood this do ye is office you drink it in remembrance of me you may partake of the cup how many father I'm so grateful that Jesus paid the price for me thank you his blood was shed thank you my sins are washed away I'm now a new creation in Christ Jesus the old things are passed away all things become new thank you Father send second Corinthians 5:21 is true for me he who knew no sin was made to be sin for me that we might be made or I might be made the righteousness of God in you I thank you for the blood I'm now a child of God in Jesus name praise God and just praise the Lord amen because these things are so intrude in your life right now in the name of Jesus and father we thank you for it we know who we are in Jesus name praise God well as time has come to receive the offering praise God let's open our Bibles a couple of places first of all we're gonna turn to the Old Testament book and then we'll go to a New Testament book but the Old Testament book of Malachi praise God we're gonna read chapter three Israel got in trouble with God because of how they handled or should I say missed handle their offerings it says here in Malachi chapter 3 verse 6 for I am the Lord I changed not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed even from the days of your father you've gone away from my ordinances and I've not kept in return unto me he said and I returned unto you saith the Lord of Hosts but you say where and shall we return verse 8 will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me but you say well ha we've done that he said in tithes and offerings so you are cursed with a curse when you've robbed me even this whole nation bring you all the tithes into the storehouse or the place praise God where the food is kept that there may be meat in mine house prove me now herewith saith the Lord of Hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it praise God and so he told him and there was the curse and it was the blessing and they were based upon what they deal with their tithes and offerings because God always has had from the very first tide which was the tree right there in the midst of the garden in Genesis God has always had that what he put in his hand but he reserved it for himself that man was not to touch praise the Lord in Hebrews chapter 7 it also makes reference that's a New Testament text is the same thing it says in verse 8 and here men that die receive tithes but there he receiveth them of whom it is witnessed that he liveth or that he is alive right now who was that we are saying he's he's not dead he's alive it is Jesus today the scripture said he is the recipient of our tides and of course or our offerings in 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 it talks about people there who were recipients of the manifestation of the grace of God it says in verse 1 moreover brethren we to you to wit of the grace of God chorus praise the Lord in that word chorus refers to the revelation of God means a favor of God many other things but the grace of God bestowed a grant on the churches of Macedonia how that in a great test of tribulation or affliction the abundance of their joy they had abundance enjoy in a time of tribulation and their deep poverty but one thing we said poverty it's it even in their deep poverty what do they do there abounded unto the riches of their liberality praise God in other words they gave even out of their poverty let's continue to read here to get over to chapter 9 he's still talking about this he says in verse 6 this I say and this is the offering side tide is prescribed as 10% offering is left up as will read here to you large or small the tie being prescribed is a test of obedience the offering is a test of your heart praise God he says but this I say in verse 6 he so sparingly shall reap sparingly or a little bit he was so bountifully or abundantly shall reap also bountifully every man according as he chooses in his heart so let him give not grudgingly which means not out of distress and grief or it hurts me to do it or a necessity for God loves a hilarious prompt to do it giver one translation says who loves to give verse 8 and God is able for that person to make all grace every favor every earthly blessing every manifestation the grace of God abound toward you that you always or all the time have all satisfaction and all things may abound to every good word praise God all right so take your offering before the Lord and now lift your offering to the great High Priest of Lord Jesus Christ praise God as we're about to make that offering oh and incidentally before we do that there are five ways in which you can give here first of all first of all you can give in person if you're right here in the southeast Michigan area you can drive right up to 20,000 West 9 Mile Road right out there in the front it says word of faith amen our office doors open 24 hours a day with a slot in the wall that says offering and there's offering envelopes there and you can always just put it right there in a slot will receive it or you can give praise God by text message at two four eight two hundred fifty four ninety you can give online by visiting at word of faith dot CC slash giving you can give by phone by calling two four eight two or four one nine excuse me four nine three three that's two four eight four one nine four nine three three or you can give by mail by just mailing to us right here at Word of Faith International Christian Center twenty thousand West nine mile road Southfield Michigan four eight zero seven five and just make it out to accounts payable praise God and we'll know where it goes in the name of Jesus and thank you once again for keeping your trees and your church is going in Jesus name all right now let's lift at offering let's make our confession because we are titers the windows of heaven are open in the blessing is pouring out because we are source we are furnished in abundance for every good work we receive perfect assignments raises and bonuses contracts and benefits sales and commissions jobs I'm putting here settlements estates and inheritances interests and income rebates and returns and checks in the mail supernatural it may have to be wealth transfer scholarships tuitions paid in full bills paid off debts demolish wrote is received and properties acquired we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and even our aircrafts God is bringing into our hands seed we command our abundant harvest to come abundant harvest come to us now harbors angels go and get it bring it to us right now in Jesus name hallelujah and father I join my faith praise God with those who are doing such and they shall receive according to these words that they have just said they have what they say and we thank you for it in the name of Jesus praise God now we're about to get into the word hallelujah man that was good music praise God that that we've heard today glory to God and let's now borrow his for word of Prayer as we get into the scripture so having a father in Jesus name we humble approach your word your word is a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path you declared that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of your mouth and so praise God we expect and we use our faith to draw out now your words out of this vessel clay as we gild this vessel we ask you to use our tongue as a pen of a ready writer to write upon the hearts of your people your infallible Word Holy Spirit you are welcome in our homes in our devices in this place wherever we are we look for you to speak to us and have manifest on this your anointing to speak and to receive and follow we give you all the praise the glory and honor for we ask it in that holy mighty matchless and highest authority of all Jesus of Nazareth by his precious blood everyone in agreement with this prayer said amen praise God our text today is found in the third epistle of John and we're going to read here with verse 2 and it reads as follows praise God beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper the word proper means to succeed and be in health even as thy soul prospereth this verse tells us a number of things first of all it tells us amen that the will was that they be successful that they be healthy but praise God it was based upon the prosperity of the soul the soul was the mind the will and the seat of our emotions praise the Lord now the Holy Spirit as I was seeking him about what he would have me to share with you today was to Minister on to you on the subject how to remain healthy you know our four years the Lord's had been ministering to this congregation here at were two faiths about health about both the physical side as well as the spirit society man is a try part being you are a spirit being you have a soul which is the very mind will and seat of the emotions and you live in a physical body unfortunately what these doctors and scientists and all the stuff going on around the world about lock-ins and all that failed understand is that man not just a body but that man is also a spirit being and that man has a soul and in fact the soul that's polluted can cause the body to be sick amen and vice-versa you need to have a healthy trifold system spirit soul and body and so if you're gonna have like here in this particular state in Michigan if you're gonna open abortion clinics and you're gonna have places where people can still get drink and drugs if you can have those place open but you closed churches then what you've done is only treated one side and that's the body but when you close the churches what you do is make people potentially even physically sick because you've robbed them of their soul and spiritual nourishment as well and so when you talk about remaining healthy you got to talk about what do you do about your body you got to talk about what do you do about your spirit but you got to do you got spend time talking about what do you do about the soul of man praise God so let's just talk about the physical side just a little bit about it for a moment you have something that you were born with called an immune system amen and the immune system is something that you have that is a protective system for your body cells that protect your body from outside invaders amen I'm gonna get too deep into that there's a lot of stuff that I've studied about the immune system and even some doctors have told me about praise God but you need to understand you were born with a system God intended for every person born on earth that habitat can physically have protection very available to them spiritually have protection available available to their mind will and emotions God's will is that you prosper in being Health as your soul prospers praise God now one of the things that destroys our immune systems in fact I went on the web and looked at some things sent to me from some position and the one on the internet and on an Internet there it says there are six immune system busters found in Web MD let me list to you what they were things that harm your music immune system not having enough sleep it says lack of exercise bad diet succumbing to stress being too isolated and loss of humor amen so even the even the world system in the medical profession understands that there are things that have can affect you that are not just physical stuff because obviously when you talk about humor you talk about isolation amen those things are not just physical thing to talk about things you deal with people things that affect your mind things that have affect your whole temperament like a human humor does and we'll come back to that in a minute praise the Lord now around here I've been preaching and teaching a lot about words thoughts and prayers with decades and one reason why we do that is because your health while you are here on earth depends on it your words determines what happens to you the entire system here in the earth was developed and based by words unlike angels you are the only being on the face of the earth that has a right to say what you want and have what you say determine what happens in your life let's go let's go to the Book of Jeremiah here for a moment praise God let's read chapter 29 of Jeremiah we're gonna take a look at verse 11 here praise God here's what God says I know the thoughts that I think toward you God's thoughts what he's thinking about you say of the Lord they are thoughts of Shalom the word peace Shalom means safety and wellness and to me Happy's prosperity its words of favour and friendliness praise God not of evil thoughts to you to give you an expected in praise God or end of good expectations that's God's thoughts for you God's thoughts praise God that as he views it the way he approaches you he doesn't approach you as the big mean judge on the throne is that when I was a kid that's the way so often tizen appropriate God was presented as though he was just as kind of being judged sitting on a throne with a huge fly swatter the squad of us that we just make the mistake I know that's not who God is his thoughts about you is that for you to be blessed but in order for you to be blessed you need to have a prosperous slow in the other words you need to have understanding revelation the scripture said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge didn't say they were destroyed for lack of sincerity didn't say they were destroyed for lack of singing and shouting it said they were destroyed for lack of knowledge amen God makes knowledge available to us particularly through his word and the Holy Spirit so we read here in st. Corinthians chapter 10 praise God we saw what God's thoughts were gasthof governed why and how he deals with us and our thoughts govern how we deal with ourselves and others here in sin Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal the word carnal means of the flesh but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds there's not a period there casting or throwing down imaginations the word imaginations is just human reasonings and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God or the revelation of the word of God in other words anything that man may say including the talking heads on the news me praise God is lower than God's in God's thoughts bringing into captivity every thought the word thought here means every perception to the obedience or the submission of the Anointed One of Christ and his anointing his word is higher than going to viruses words higher than cancer his word higher than whatever prognosis the word is the world has just fixated on right now praise God his word is higher and he tells us where we are to deal with a toss down with their sin see it says in the Old Testament - he said in Psalm 91 a thousand may fall by my side and 10,000 by my right hand but you say it shall not come nigh me I'll go on the secret place of the Most High you have to deal with the whole question of fear again because you might know somebody across the street from you and somebody living next door to you you may have other people in your family who else to come to these kind of viruses but that's not you you are not them praise God but it tells you what you ought to say what you say will determine what you think so he says to cast down these things now this is very important because your brain amen is the is your body your human body's first line of defense and your mind is the functioning of that brain so as we change our thoughts then we're changing our brain and we change our brain we begin to change our biology and begin to change our body and I want you to know that what you believe sets the stage for what happens to you second Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 said God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power love and sound mind now soundness of mind is a man that is stable he gave you a stable mind he gave you a solid 9 praise God why that mind is based on the word you've been meditating the Word of God which means in part you've been saying what God says in the face of contrary situations you change your thoughts with words your thoughts can contribute to health even in your physical body let's turn to this the song the 19th song praise the Lord I mean get over here quickly praise God Psalm 19 is take a look at verse 14 thank you Jesus praise God the reasons follows he said let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer so the psalmist understood that the what I'm thinking and what I'm saying is important and it's important to God and is very important to you praise God what are you saying and the message is pandemic are you speaking words of doubt words of fear are you just sticking the Word of God in your mouth now let me tell you that the worst some of these things get higher you must raise your level the more it comes against you the more you must do it if you've been saying God's word once a day something you need to now start saying it 10 times a day I mean you need to do it and do it and praise God say it out your mouth say it out your mouth say it out your mouth praise God and guess what happened to you you will make yourself or keep yourself helping are healthy you'll keep that immune system working notice in the fourth Philippians chapter 4 and verse 8 he says finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure what sort of things are lovely whatsoever things are of a good report not bad if there be any virtue of the word virtue means excellent if there be any praise think on these things so he said think on these things which means you can control your mind praise the Lord and I'm trying to tell you and that control in your mind helps your body praise God it helps keep you well it keeps your immune system strong praise the Lord the only thing I know that's always true on its just purely loving a good report it's the Word of God God's Word says thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph synchron's 2:14 hallelujah amen now there was a study because even the world understands partially what I'm talking about the the famous Harvard University had a study and it confirmed I'll read parsley would have said that it confirmed the medical relationship between prayer words and health praise God and so the study showed that our mouths have a real relationship to what happens to our bodies that when we pray amen it has a real relationship to our bodies let me reduce a lot of things here it's that high blood pressure comes when we speak worry well one of the things they've been talking about with Koerner virus one of the mitigating factors that were making people some people susceptible one of them was hypertension high blood pressure amen and high blood pressure in part is there's a physical side to that of course from eating things that drive it and all that a bad diet of course but also is the whole issue of things about your mind and how you handle stress it says that high blood pressure I'm reading high brush high blood pressure comes when we speak worry then it enters our heart this is called white coat hypertension versus the relaxation response so high blood pressure can lead to heart disease heart attacks and it resumes I'm reading damage to your brain dementia problems with thinking speaking reasoning memory vision movement kidney failure sexual dysfunction and now if we've now found out even even things like Koerner virus but they found again I'm reading from some study I've been reading from they found that prayer and faith filled words sue your nervous systems brings to a peaceful state they call it relaxation response amen prayer elicits the relaxation response and brings feelings of gratitude and compassion forgiveness and hope it reduces anxiety all associated with healing and wellness it reduces the negative impact of stress on your immune system and it promotes healing well praise God spending time with God in prayer turn to James chapter 5 Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God James chapter 5 verse 16 tells us this confess your faults one to another pray one for me one for another that ye may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much the word avail that means he makes force available so first of all when you pray for someone else what are you doing you're acting on what God says you you're getting yourself off your mind you're getting your troubles off your mind you're getting your fears off the man and first of all you're focusing and I'm praying someone else or blessing someone else in prayer but also when you do that - is that praise God you also remind yourself because proper prayer is not telling God about a problem you are not reminding God or telling God about something he doesn't know God something such as happening no no God didn't tell you to pray the problem he's always told you even the Old Testament he told him in Isaiah 55 he told them that my word will not return empty praise God my thoughts are higher than your thoughts so take his thoughts that's what he said for his God and pray his word and when you pray his word a faith filled word prayer is a prayer that you pray back the word you go the word and find out what it said so father I'm coming even in Jesus name your word says we're just with your stripes I'm healed and so I just want to community take to you and acknowledge once again you said it I believe it that settles it healing powers in my immune system I said every day of my daily confession my immune system is strong and repels all invaders that comes against it no growth I say not sis lumps tumors no rashes nor gout nor stones no cataracts no cancers no polyps praise God no viruses comes against by by successfully they are cursed day where the day died and they pass in the name of Jesus my body is blessed in Jesus name I remind myself what the scripture said and praise God other places when it talks about my mind it says praise God at the memory of the just is blessing promised in Simon my memories plus so I'll never have a long time there's no dimension or any other brain wasting numerator destroying disease these are things when you say them degli lowers your stress level keep your immune system strong keeps you in the place where you ward off whatever comes against your buddy praise the Lord hallelujah let me read some more it reduces the negative impact of stress it reads on the immune system and promotes healing then there's something that said about exercise let me turn first Timothy chapter 4 also give you some Scripture word on this amen say hallelujah with me while you're watching for his car first Timothy chapter 4 let us read verse 8 but bodily exercise profiteth little but godliness is profitable into all things having promise of the life that now isn't that which is to come some people have read this verse to mean that well I don't need to exercise my bias concern don't really matters all just about the spirit because they don't know what the actual greek meanings of this is praise the Lord that word profit of little means that it has value for a while well we understand that I mean if if you start lifting weights okay today praise God it will then a fit your body when you lift weights or you do your bike or whatever you do today it a benefit but guess what you got to go back and do it another day or two amen in other words it is not eternal but it says here but spiritual things praise God our eternal and is profitable for everything it'll work in every area so he's not saying don't exercise he's just telling you praise God when you compare with spiritual things that is not quite as strong but you need both he told you bodily exercise profiteth now this of course is very important I'm getting a read from a study that I read it says that exercise is the most transformative thing you can do for your brain it says here a single workout will shift and focus your attention it protects your brain against brain disease and decline in aging it also read you need to exercise three to four times a week 30 minutes minimum aerobic exercise that will keep your heart rate up and this can protect your brain from incurable diseases and help the rest of your body I've been saying this for years praise God and that's what you do now these people with these underlying conditions issue in part some of this is a result of not doing some of these things the Bible says as a man souls he reaps and so if you do the things to keep yourself healthy then you remain healthy if you don't you open yourself up possibly for attack against your body then there's the whole issue of stress well stress is it's mental it's physiological and it is psychological it is anguish and anxiety this also talked about the effect that it has upon your brain this is the brain and your gut interact with each other on a variety of levels that can affect your I'm reading immune system which is the defense of your body it can affect your healing and your body so you have to learn to handle stress because it will help you with your overall well-being so you say well then how do I handle stress well we talked about one of them that you know that physical exercise helps you with managing your stress and it's also reading praise God first Peter chapter 5 glory to God hallelujah 1st Peter chapter 5 and we're getting reading here in verse 5 1st Peter 5:5 says likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder yea all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility submission and humility are two action words in this verse God resists the proud and gives grace chorus power of the Holy Spirit praise God manifestation of the anointing to who the humble he's not done humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may elevate you in due season the mighty hand of God of course was Jesus in the Old Testament he was the hand of God the hand of God is also his word his written word today is God speaking to you go to God's Word and find out what it says and then bow down to it you may not feel like it everything around you may be saying something different about it amen but God says he that comes to me Hebrews 11:6 must believe that God is he is what whatever he said and that he is a rewarder of them who seek Him diligently there is every war for going to the Word of God Fanning it making a decision praise God to not only hear it but then to receive it to believe it then say it all the time and then act like it's so fresh God which means you got to wipe away your tears and microwave the woman and it's listening to all who lose me to death death death and all this other kind of stuff man praise God I mean what would you consistently expose yourself to faith for it comes fear comes from consistently hearing all this negativity and he'd turn someone off safe comes by saying what God says repeatedly or prayers got put yourself position you can hear it again and again and again and again and again like you're doing this morning and do more of that praise the Lord so know where it says humble yourself under God's mighty hand that he may elevate you and do season casting this is how you do it Kassie means to throw all your care the word cares anxiety jesus said in mark chapter 4 that care is a thorn and that care will choke you amen yeah there to do that say so you have to make a session about that because you'll be laying in a night with sweat and you'll be can't sleep and you'll be all sorts of stuff because you have made a decision you have to decide with anything in the Word of God I'm going to do number five which is act as though it's so so when anxiety come against you because you heard somebody died you can't didn't start meditating upon that you got a well praise God believe in God they went to heaven and they went to their reward but I'm here and I got a job to do in your word says about me Father such as such and such and such and I decided to believe that praise going a thousand may fall by my side 10,000 by my right hand Psalm 91 said but when it come to me it not coming to me on my house praise God hallelujah so he said so cast all all of it your anxiety upon him why he cares for you be sober don't think like a drunk be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion and say he was one but as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour well if Satan could just wipe you out he would have put it on you and killed you already Amen but he's got to walk around seeking whom he can devour because there are people who we cannot devour I'm one of them I say in Jesus name you should say I'm one of those he can't devour not next verse home stand against the word resist who resists dead facile stead they don't stop in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brothers are in the world which means that other people also happen to stand but the God of all grace that's who he is here's the god of favor he's the god of power of praise God he's called us to into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered a while make you complete stablish strengthen and settle you yeah you may have to be doing some suffering in the flesh amen not that it is God's will for you to suffer but we are in the world and the word tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all praise God Alleluia all right so let's go a little bit more concerning this we are arresting Christians 10 this week Romans chapter 4 how God did it with a man and children this man I've been astir to a lot here at this ministry I talked about him a lot because outside of Jesus Christ he's the most important person in the whole Bible that's Abraham in Romans chapter 4 praise God we read here in verse 17 as it is written God said I've made thee a father of many nations God's this New Testament Texas quoting Genesis when God in Genesis 22 talked to Abraham after Abraham obeyed God's command he said I've made the father many nations Genesis 17 God entered into a covenant with this man before whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were God said I called things with be not as old a where he looked at Abraham and he said or Abram at the time and he says yeah I see you ninety-nine years of age and yeah I see that you never had a child and I see that your wife never had a challenge he's old too he said but no I'm calling you Father multitude so rather than speak what he saw he spoke what he wanted that's the pattern that God wants out of you instead of speaking just all this stuff you see speak what you believe in hopefully what you believe in is what the book says Abram or later Abraham got it praise God I got a covenant with God verse 18 says so who against hope he believed in hope amen the word against he remains near hope so he got right close to the word of God he believed in the word that he might become the father many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be being not weak in faith he considered not his own body dead but sure he could see it when he was a hundred years old he didn't considered the deadness of Sarah's womb but he staggered not the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God that's number five that's acting he became fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform but what was he doing every day every day he was saying my name is father great MOTU that's why God changed its name he changed its mouth amen the same is true of you that controls your mind praise God controlling our minds kills cancer it foretells it because a not control - big doubt causes cancer cells to grow it opens you to attack but we can control our minds with our mouths proverbs 18:21 says death and lives and the power of the tongue praise God with vari read Philippians 4:6 seven and eight the peace of God protects your heart but text your mind praise God as you think and then speak on those things that would help you praise the Lord now depression also causes a weakened immune system and the cancer and other related diseases are related to our emotional state the studies say faith in God this word leads to physical health by activating our stem cells and our immune system praise the Lord we activate those in a number of ways now when we started out we read to you that web indi said there were a sick things that destroy your immune system the first one was a shortage of sleep so let me read Psalm chapter four and see what the word says about sleep praise God for Psalm and let's read verse eight over here thank you Jesus Psalm 4:8 says I will both lay me down in peace and sleep the word peace of course is Shalom safety and quietness and prosperity for thou Lord only makes me did dwell in safety or assurance and hope and confidence praise God so these are words you put on your mouth before you get in the bed take out the scripture begin to read this read this out loud to yourself how about proverbs chapter 3 where is God this is a very practical message because right now we need some practicality for sure proverbs chapter 3 let's read verse 24 praise God thank you Jesus proverbs 3:24 reads when thou liest down down shalt not be afraid no fear here yay thou shalt lay down and I sleep shall be sweet I thank you Father I have no fear as I lay in this bed tonight and I thank you my sleep is sweet and sour praise God in the name of Jesus oh let's take a look at Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes Songs proverbs Ecclesiastes chapter 5 praise God hallelujah Ecclesiastes chapter 5 take a look at verse 12 the sleep of our laboring man is sweet whether he eat little much but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep the rich is talking about those who are concerned about what things amen we're not gonna make it we're not gonna lose my car or lose my he what he will not be able to sleep praise God the individual was in other words for was anxiety and worry instead of the word the word is the answer to walk you through what your body is going through the word is the answer to keep your mind together the word is the answer to keep you strong praise God hallelujah we've already read about lack of exercise bad diet praise God there's a reason why God told Israel to eat certain ways amen and he talked about the type of type of beasts the things you could eat things you couldn't and oftentimes when people read timothy they think the bible says it's saying over there that well you can eat anything and just pray over it and that's the wrong interpretation in the scripture praise the Lord the scripture tells you that there are things that are made to be eaten that help your body and things that people eat that don't help your body well you can just eat anything is pray over it then you can eat bats like in China and it would help you body obviously not amen so clearly it tells you that there's an interpretation problem when you read some things praise God God told Israel to eat certain way you have a responsibility to find out what things help your body what don't before we all got shut in my wife had a nutrition one day teaching for folks we have several hundred people come out but the whole church that have been out that on that day to learn about how to eat and what not to eat and the things that bless your body because the Bible says your body is holy and he that destroys the body shall be destroyed the Bible said now people are starting to pay attention to their health and it tooks for some people this kind of thing for people to start getting serious about it and don't say soon as this is over then I'm gonna start acting on it no to it right now no amen you can go to a computer you go to a cell phone you can find out today what things do what things you're eating fine about the sodium content find out about the sugar content find out about all the other things if you're eating hands and start working on your help right now when you start it right now repented God about it I hadn't been tinkering my body and been exercising haven't been eating right and I've been full of worry and anxiety and and so I repent because all of that is sin the scripture said that which is not of faith is sin so repent of that sin praise God God forgives you and cleanse you and go to work on it right now I said right now amen well the whole isolation problems also here in first John chapter 1 will come to understand why God says certain certain things for us to do even about that let's read first John chapter 1 I'm going to take a look at verse 3 phrase is holy name first John chapter 1 verse 3 reads that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that you also may have co-linear that's the Greek word for fellowship that means partnership it means social interaction it means communion it means participation Amen that you may have fellowship with us John says and truly our Fellowship is with the father and with the son Jesus Christ these things right we unto you that your joy may be play Rose the Greek word here for your neck crammed complete satisfied praise the Lord says in verse 6 if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth it says in verse 7 if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another see these one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ son cleanses from all all sin so he talks about fellowship is important that's one of the things Satan understands Saint understands that if you can keep churches close and keep believers men fellowship and if you keep believers from having fellowship then you weekend you put them in a position whereby they can be attacked stronger the founding fathers of America understood this the very first amendment to the Constitution there's a reason why it's the first Amen it says to do what it tells you you have freedom speech it says there's to be no restriction or religion and it's free exercise talks about having the right to a symbol okay so what's going on even now is actually unconstitutional but particularly is not biblical praise God and it's one of the reasons why I don't hear I don't know about the time you see this today praise God we may have already laid down the date but where we're gonna be having some fellowship things available here for us at least to see one another again praise God because fellowship is important ice being isolated is deadly to your body even the study says we need one another no the reason why gods against strife we just took communion about it why he's against strife and unforgiveness because it breaks fellowship it opens an attack from the enemy against us we need one another we operate together when we walk in love with one another and love never fails finally that last one there was loss of humor and said let's see what the Bible said about that too let's turn to the book of Proverbs chapter 17 praise the Lord glory to God I trust you getting something out of this today proverbs chapter 17 let's read verse 22 it reads a merry heart the Hebrew word merry means a gleeful heart a glad heart a joyful heart a rejoicing heart does good like a medicine praise God the word good here in Hebrew means makes well so a gleeful and a glad rejoiceful and rejoicing heart amen makes well like medicine does in fact it makes well period but a broken the word broken is wounded spirit dry up the bones now the medical folk will tell you about dried bones and I'll tell you about stem cells in your bones and and how drier dried bones deadly for you amen so he told you what laughter joy and rejoicing produces health in your physical body obviously it helps your mind it helps your attitude praise God spirit soul and body they are all tired together amen so that's why the approach we're watching governments takes are the wrong approaches they absolutely are I won't get into that amen but I can tell you what you can do you can decide I'm gonna keep the joy the Lord of function in my life the scripture said another place what the joy of the Lord is my strength joy of the Lord you could say it's your health the joy and your joy of the Lord is what you need to ward off saints attack against your body be filled with joy my doctor for his God said to me now his name is Don Cobert about dr. Coburn said to me years ago he said Keith I need 10 Billy laughs a day from you well in my position I could happen to manage international ministry and thousands of people and all that sort of stuff I could I could have stressful he told me he's gonna look now no your body is showing signs here he said so I want 10 Billy laughs a day from you he said even if you got to start out faking it he said because when you do it you'll find out in a start having an effect on your body and then he's born again and filled the spirit the Spirit of God I help him for you know what you'll just be laughing laughing laughing laughing praise God and laughter is also a sign of faith amen so you need to just laugh at the circumstance and laugh at the medical report and laugh out the window your house you got to do it Prescott just laugh and laughing praise God you have to do it cause it keeps your healthy praise the Lord I'm out of time here sober but I can tell you about miracles has happened with me and my wife when we came together and begin to laugh and how that laughter kept our faith going praise God and the end result of it was that we had even financial miracles happen unto us laughs laughter is a decision you don't have to feel it you don't have to have something come on you before you can do it just start doing it it's an act of faith praise God so if we'll make a decision to do the things that we've heard today you will find not only when you get through this crisis you'll be healthier and do this as a lifestyle you will live long with long life he will satisfy you Psalm 91 says and show you your deliverance in Jesus name now father the name of Jesus we decide right now laugh in Jesus body I asked you to forgive my brothers and sisters who who've gotten over into things that destroy your house the body you've given them but in Jesus name I pray you open your understanding lead and guide direct them and help them with these things praise God and we're grateful for it now where every head is bowed every eyes closed in prayer there might be someone here that says you know I need to make Jesus Christ the Lord of my life yeah you do God loves you and as you've already heard amen science is just catching up with what God said God's Word said these things thousands of years ago science is now finding it out his word is right God is real and Jesus is the answer of God sent to you the Bible said in Romans 10:9 that if you would announce with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the highest authority of all and shall believe in your heart that God has raised you from the dead or raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved what your heart you believe on - right standing were done with your acknowledgement confession that is is made unto your salvation Romans 10:13 says whosoever and that includes you I don't care what your background is what you've done in the past it said whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved and it might be someone here or watching me today wherever you might be who say well I've known the Lord but I you know I got away from him I did stupid stuff and I just fell away from God and I just maybe some horrible things or maybe I maybe my heart just got cold whatever it might be praise God you can come back to him and you can reconnect with him right now first John 1:9 was written to Christians it says that we would acknowledge our sin before God he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so we're going to pray so if you want to make Jesus Christ Lord your life for the first time your life or your returning back to him pray with me right now by here close your eyes pray with me from your heart out loud yeah grab me now dear Heavenly Father that's right Allah dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God I believe he died for me on the cross and carried my sins for me thank you Jesus they put you in a grave but I believe you are risen you are alive now come into my heart I accept you as my savior and asked a master of my life Lord I'm sorry for my sin forgive me for walking away I'll reconnect myself to you I receive you as my savior and as my master heaven is my home jesus is my lord hallelujah if you just prayed that prayer with me Jesus Christ of Nazareth is coming to your heart glory to God and now you have been born again I want to give you some free material from us that you can receive praise the Lord that would help you in your new walk with the Lord we've authored a book here where do I come from here we want to send it to you free of charge if you're on our church online platform just click the slide below to complete the form if you're joining us on another platform you can go to word of faith dot CC slash salvation offer complete that form praise God and you can receive your free book in Jesus name hallelujah I also want to encourage you to come and join us at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Wednesdays we've just begun a new study on the book of Acts we're starting a book of Acts verse by verse a very dynamic book we know you'll learn and you'll be blessed by it in the name of Jesus so have no fear walk in faith confess the word rejoice glory to God take it one day at a time Matthew 6 says sufficient it's the evil Darrell daily amen but in that same Matthew 6 it says but God supplies for you seek ye first the kingdom of God all the things would be added unto you praise the Lord so take it one day at a time and everything will be alright this is Bishop keep on reminding you be blessed and fight the good fight of faith hi everybody my name is Willy bill yeah I'm here to tell you about my testimony about being delivered from the coronavirus and what the doctor with the emergency March 25th they determined right away they said oh you have it that's that where they say you have the virus you have the virus and you have pneumonia and it's stemming from the virus so we need to admit you I said okay they came back and say what we have no rooms so I am I'm like okay so when you want to admit me but you have the rooms so what are you do is it well they said well we're gonna find out where we can send you and they finally ended up sending me to a University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor nonetheless I I was positive I was optimistic I was faithful of course and that's what you have to do you have to be faithful the whole time if you believe that God has healed you that you have to exhibit that in your in your whole ordeal as you go through every stage of the way you have to exhibit that and that's what I was doing and then so finally they told me this is what particularly instead mr. belyeu you're doing good and then we like where you are my stomach lock that same evening it appeared like my angels ain't it was just just before it in the room I mean I had seven doctors come in and click the lights on while I'm watching TV around seven o'clock in the evening and I'm lying in bed I'm feeling great I thought I was doing great the doctors delivered the news they said well mr. bill your oxygen has turned a stake of a turn for the worse we're gonna have to put you on a ventilator and I said I thought they told me this morning I was doing fine yeah well mr. bill you may have been doing fine but it start taking a turn for worse so we're gonna have to send you and this is our only answer right now by the way I have a wife and my mother loved my father loved one face time and we're talking to tell her about what's going on and she said well there are things to be just fine and finally this doctor leaves into my phone and speaking directly to my wife without my permission and he says like a demon just came out of nowhere he says well I want you to know this may be the last time you see your husband and I say man make it out of here then he leans back and he says well I just want to be I just want to be transparent um you know this may be the last time you talked to your wife cause you're going on a ventilator so finally got him on away from the Oregon elevator once I see you well that's icing you and telling him a wife if she's crying for a second here she's kind of bringing out a little bit and I understand why because he just emotionally impacted her you know her her her life and so we went back in the faith and we stood in faith and we you know stood on what we agreed on it what we prayed about the family was fine I got on the Villa later and I was only on the ventilator 40 hours I wasn't even on ventilator two days they opened up my chest I shouldn't say much that's not long to open up my lungs and got my lungs clear immediately I was able to function a lot better I started getting better the fever broke never came back and that was a turning point for me and the next day after getting back into my regular room and I'm getting stabilized he was stronger breathing better and everything else they send a young man into my room and as a you know as a a roommate and this this this this man he was he was struggling he was you know he had the virus but his body was was painting him all over I he explained to me that it was from head to toe that it was continuous so okay brother you heal I just spoke the word into it right away right away right away I spoke the word into him and every morning we would get up and I would start prayer with him every morning and and then I would make sure we we ate together when we ordered a breakfast together their lunch and dinner together so one morning I wake up I say I say hey brother I say you ready to order you your breakfast he said no man I painted so bad I don't eat this morning I said brother remember I say this fight is twofold I'll say it's spiritual and it's flesh I said you gotta feed your body and so I said you got to stay strong he said okay okay brother so he ordered his food we ordered a food as well but we kept going over the next couple of days they were talking about sending me home and somebody talked about that felt real bad that I was leaving now and so on finally they came and I got dressed and he's standing at the door of our room as I'm getting ready to leave and it's brother stood at 6 foot 5 and so he had his gown on I have my regular clothes on and I gave him a hug because we bonded finding that quick yeah so you're coming home so you come home you see man two or three days later he calls me safe you see brother bail I'm home oh praise God one mention this brother because I believe God allowed me to be transferred from role Obama to encourage this brother to give him hope and to pray with him so he'll have hope to come home so finally I'm in my home I'm in my bed I'm with my wife and my 18 month old son and what a joy and we're just happy to see each other it's just a beautiful thing to be home after after going through this ordeal right and one of the things that my mother loved is she gave me a song and I've been testing my lungs the whole time trying to see if if I could sing because I've been one to sing while I was in hospital you know sing some praise and worship it but like my my throat and my you know coming off that that ventilator and just wouldn't let me do it and I'm still healing from that right now as you could probably hear my voice but the song is it's your breath in our lungs so what I put on my face for my praise yeah yeah so I'm able to praise God now I just want to say thank you for listening thank you for uh you know this time a testimony god is good and it's my bishop would say continue to fight the good fight of faith god bless you [Music] great word congratulations on making a decision to follow Christ this is your day of change and the first day of the rest of your life make sure you get the book where do I go from here by simply completing the form on the website as always we want to thank everyone for joining us today for church online remember there is no distance in the spirit realm and the word still work make sure you go over the notes daily by doing so you will continue to boost your faith and starve your doubts we love you see you at the next service I remember Jesus is Lord you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
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Keywords: WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, health, healthy, how to be healthy, healthy food, healthy recipes, healthy meals, healthy habits, healthy eating, healthy hacks, healthy routine, public health, stay healthy, vegan healthy, healthy plate, fit and healthy, junk vs healthy, healthy recipe, healthy living, eating healthy
Id: nRarBU8wCb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 39sec (6639 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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