Faith vs Fear | Bishop Keith Butler | April 19, 2020

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good morning and welcome to our Sunday service today is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it before we get started first those of you who have directly been impacted by this pandemic whether it's yourself your family member or a friend or someone that you know we want you to know that your word of faith family is praying for you and your family secondly we want to thank all of you who have been serving on the front lines during this time whether you be a medical staff police military those serving as essential staff in your business thank you we are praying for God's strength in his protection of a union family in Jesus name no matter where you are in the world the word still works like washing your hands kills germs the Word of God washes the mind from doubt unbelief fear and worried today press into the service take down all of the scriptures bishop butler will share and meditated the rest of the week and speak it out of your mouth hey don't forget about the kids god bless all of the parents at home we have something for the whole family so go to the kids section on the Word of Faith website and you will find services for the kids from how to talk to them about the time right now and also special services hey it's about that time share the service on your page and get involved in the chat enjoy service [Music] welcome to learn amazing thank you for joining us [Music] [Applause] I come to anything I can do all these cuz you look is me strength nothing is impossible you blind eyes Arobin strongholds are okay I am leaving [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I don't know that you're here with me I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna live I know my No [Music] I do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] I give to all things I can do oh come on it your best fat brothers you give me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to you you said [Music] you if you lived in control [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy [Music] I'm and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh God he's worthy a prize he's worthy of honor and glory now they're gonna take some time to just worship Him just take a moment and worship our God he has made us glad he's our provider or protection our shield ever present help us happening hallelujah [Music] mostly I will bless the Lord forever [Music] we bless the Lord boring [Music] we'll dress her heat has delivered me from all he delivered me from more we [Music] yeah set my feet upon the [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Missy home have I had but [Music] here is not the potty desire there is I did Arby's [Music] I Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] anytime [Music] we worship You Jesus we love you cheese we oh you were not to worthy welcome to word of faith let's take a look at some of the things we have going on this week hey sis how do I get to the Word of Faith text blast it's easy just text connect two two four eight two six six nine nine nine zero click the link to fill out the form then check opt in and click send request wow that was easy you're the best early morning prayer we'll move to a live prayer call join us Tuesday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. as we pray for our family our church our community and the world call 4 2 5 5 8 5 71 83 listen to the entire message over the phone during our call in service times call for two five five eight five seven one eight three on Sundays at 3 p.m. and Thursdays at 12 p.m. small groups are now online to get connected go to word of faith that CC / small groups today [Music] [Music] see attention parents kids world is here to assist you with talking to your child about Kovac 19 and providing lessons for your K through 5th grader you can download to quick and easy documents confessions to speak over your children and how to talk to your children about Kovac 19 and fear in addition we'll have a new online lesson available each week right at our website at word of faith dot CC / kids world resources want to continue to stay strong spiritually by studying the Word of God for the week go to a word of faith dot CC / media to download the sermon notes that will be available after the message we encourage you to continue to meditate and stay fed on the word of the Lord during these times raise your hands high and never stop reaching for he is worthy with our faith building products you can take your faith to the next level visit or word of faith CC [Music] you can now watch where to faith online with closed captioning updated every Tuesday and Friday go to word of faith about CC / closed caption to enjoy our latest message hey word of faith family during these difficult times we remained honoured and committed to supporting you and serving you while you're sheltering in place by staying safe and home we want to encourage you and to let you know we will get through this together word of faith invites you to stay connected and up-to-date with us online and word of faith that CC there you'll be able to sign up and receive daily devotionals of hope to help renew your strength also check out our app and follow our social media platforms in addition be on the lookout for a daily word of encouragement from Bishop Butler we will continue praying for you and your families until we can all be together again thanks for watching join us this week Wednesday evening for midweek Bible service and next Sunday for our Sunday worship service for more word of faith news stay connected with us on Facebook Instagram Twitter the word of faith app and add word of faith dot CC [Music] my hands in total that donation done to you you ready on the throne for you I got entire alone because of you my cloudy days are gone I can sing to you lives all I just wanna say [Music] I can say [Music] [Applause] my shelves around the store wait all my friends were [Music] like these people [Music] double [Music] you are my shelter [Music] so [Music] like this [Music] I just wanna say I love Jesus I worship and adore you just want to tell you know I loved you more than anything [Music] I love Jesus I worship and adore you just want to tell you Lord I love more than anything [Music] I love you Jesus I worship just war you I worship and adore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh [Applause] [Music] praise God is offering time here at word of faith praise the Lord let's go right to God's Word to Luke the sixteenth chapter the Bible says here and of course if you have a red-letter addition you know that Jesus Christ himself is speaking he says in verse 10 he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in that which is much he that is unjust in the lease is also unjust and that which is much if therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon Mammon refers to money praise God who will commit to your trust the true riches I mean money is the lowest form of prosperity praise God but the highest form of prosperity is two manifestation of the anointings and callings of God note he says in verse 12 if you have not been faithful in that which is another man because we know that there tied and an offering belongs to God who shall give you that which is your own he says in verse 13 so no servant can serve two masters he will either hate the one and love the other or else he will hold the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon he's not saying that you shouldn't have money he was saying that money should not have you praise God then we can also add on to Philippians chapter 4 in verse 15 it says now you Philippians know also in the beginning of the gospel Paul wrote no church communicated the word communicated means enter into partnership with me concerning giving and receiving but you only even in Thessalonica you sent once again unto my necessity says not because I desire a gift but I desire fruit or results that may abound to your account the Greek word account here is actually the word Lugo's Amen or your word in other words he said you talked a good game but more than talking a good grand game you have done something praise God you did on what you said he continues I have all in abound I'm full I received a repair and itís the things that were sent from you and odor of a sweet smell note these terms it is a sacrifice yes it is a temp like this acceptable and well pleasing to God but the word actually but in the Greeks actually now my God shall supply the word supply and the Greek is play ro cram II own net for praise God whatever you require all your need according to in the manner or style of his riches and glory by Christ Jesus the riches in glory still Holy Spirit himself as a lead in God and opens the door for you praise God so we're offering time in the name of Jesus hallelujah thank you Father for the honor and privilege so we want to thank you for continuing to support the ministry here at Word of Faith because of your giving were able to continue the work and we're also not just receiving offers we're also sowing seed we have sown seed praise God into northern Italy to help those when they were particularly going through this pandemic there before us in the United States and Italy we've sown seed to Samaritan's Purse the Graham organization that's been of course providing hospital and medical intervention and help in New York and other places and right here Detroit rescue Michigan right here locally to help those who have needs praise God and physical needs and we do it because the Bible tells us giving is given unto us in Jesus name praise the Lord now there are five ways in which you can give it's going to give to where the faith today first of all you can give in person of course we're located at 20,000 West 9 Mile Road in Southfield Michigan you come right up to our office door and that doors open 24 hours a day and you come right into the office office you see a there that's this offering and just put your offering in there you're already envelopes right there you can also give by text message at two four eight 250 490 that's two four eight 250 490 you can give online by visiting word of faith dot CC / giving this word of faith dot CC / giving you give by phone I closed Monday but were open Tuesday through Friday at two four eight four one nine four nine three three or you can give by mail right here at word if a once again in twenty thousand West nine mile road Southfield Michigan four eight zero seven five praise the Lord now as you prepare your offering here at word of faith we are going to do our tithes and offering confession God built Israel a confession to make us they offered their offerings praise the Lord and we have also done the same with us modified it to the new testament but let's begin to say that confession you lift your arm from where you are and sit with me right now because we are tighters the windows of heaven are open the blessing is pouring out because we are sewers we are furnished in abundance for every good work we receive a perfect assignments and raises and bonuses contracts benefits sales and commissions settlements estates and inheritances interests and incomes rebates and returns checks in the mail supernatural wealth transfer scholarships tuitions paid in full bills paid off debts demolish royalties received and properties acquired we're getting our buildings our lands our houses our vehicles our equipment and our aircrafts God is bringing into our hands seed we command our abundant harvest to come abundant harvests come to us now harvest angels go and get it and bring it to us right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah and father we thank you for it give you praise in Jesus name hallelujah now the time has come for us to get until the word of God so let's bow our heads for a word of Prayer and father we thank you for the word today and and the honor of being able to share it the word is a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path your word declares that man shall not live by but by every word that proceeds out of your mouth and so we are hungry today to receive the word and we yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we look for you once again to live big of Ennis with innocent speak through these lists of Clare the all-powerful Word of God let it provide for us revelation to renew our minds and strength to our spirits and finally Lord for whatever you do manifest because of this message we give you and you only all the glory honor appraised we ask this in the holy mighty mentalist and highest authority of all Jesus of Nazareth by his precious blood amen praise God our text today is found the book of Matthew Matthew the 14th chapter praise God and we're going to begin reading from verses 22 through 31 praise the Lord let's read it Matthew 14 beginning with verse 22 and straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him onto the other side while he sent the multitudes away and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray and when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in deaf for watching tonight Jesus went under them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightway Jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid and Peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water and he said come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand caught him and said unto them old thou of little faith wherefore did is died out and when they were coming to the ship the wind ceased so we're ministering today we believe the Holy Spirit's directed us to minister on faith versus fear now there are some questions that we're going to ask this morning and we're going to answer first of all why is faith and fear important well you know some university studies have shown that both faith and fear affect your mind affect your body affect your attitude and affect your interactions for example they have shown that if you succumb to fear that fear depresses your immune system of course with just critical to defeating a disease attack against your body like corner virus and they have shown that people love strong faith and joy have the very opposite effect so you want to test but you want to test positive for faith hallelujah well then here's a another question that as people have asked me during this time how does faith and fear work well both operate by the same principle both are the same force but they are opposite ends you know if you had a if you had a compass and of course that round down and that you had that arrow on either side listen this to say north and south you'd have one arrow of course up north one south not different arrows one arrow amen and so if if you're headed north and you just made a decision to turn around and you could head south or if you're headed south you can make a decision to turn around and hit north you see faith and fear are the same force just at opposite ends and as I said they previously as I said previously they affect your body they affect your mind praise God they affect you spiritually indeed they can both be called the force they can be called the force of faith or they can be called the force of fear now there are five elements to each both of them work the same way one faith and fear both come by hearing repeatedly so whatever you hear again and again and again of course on the good side of this that's a faith side of this sir praise God and of course the word faith means Greek words Pistons means trust confidence belief and particularly we're talking about God because we're referring from the Bible and so the Bible says in Romans 10:17 so they saw then faith cometh by hearing and hearing referring to hearing again and again and again and again and so does fear fear comes by hearing again and again and again things that are negative fate comes by hearing the word again and again and again then a prayer has got another element of faith is that of receiving the word receiving means to do what it means to accept something praise God and so faith comes by accepting what you have repeatedly heard fear comes by accepting what you've repeatedly heard and then there's a decision the third element is then believed to believe is a decision it's a decision of the heart praise God it's it's even more so than just receiving it is believing because it's going to do the next two things and you know Jesus said all things are possible to him that believes and that's true on both sides that's mark 9:23 that I just quoted and so you make a decision to believe praise the Lord that that is the truth and to doubt not amen but then takes us to the fourth element of faith and that the scripture says faith and fear also come by speaking because as Jesus said in mark 11:23 whatever you believe in your heart and you say with your mouth you have whatsoever you say proverbs 18:21 I believe it is says death and life are in the power of the tongue robber six-two said thou art snared or trapped by the words of your mouth the entire system in this earth is based on words even God created the planet with words he said repeatedly in Genesis chapter 1 and then finally number 5 the fifth element of faith faith acts on amen faith acted upon brings results it brings the results you desire fear acted upon also brings results and it will bring results that you don't desire Amen now so then you know I was a teaching of course as the whole planet pretty much has been shut in and but we're still continuing the ministry and I was ministering at our french bible study praise the Lord that we do online this past Tuesday and after I ministered the word to them and I have an interpreter of course and then they asked one of the questions to me was why did God allow this worldwide pandemic to happen well let me answer it for you actually God allows much to happen in the earth due to his giving mankind free will and then he explained to them what would be the consequences of their actions let's read a few verses about that praise God i'ma start with sentence chapter 5 and we will read with verse 10 praise the Lord sent Corinthians 5:10 reads for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad so you have free will to do good you have free will to do bad amen let's continue to read here a number of scriptures let's go all the way back to the first man where Adam Genesis chapter 2 they bent Genesis chapter 2 verse 17 God says to Adam but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die what did he do he gave man a choice to live or die he told him look there is death out here and as long as you follow my will and follow my ways I have directed you here it'll only be life but if you decide to disobey then you will surely die and when God said death there he meant death in awe of his applications first of all there were spiritual death spiritual death is personal vows to be separated from God cause of sin because to go against what God said is sin because God's Way in God's Way only is the right way secondarily death is receiving Satan's nature and that nature showed up right away in their children the firstborn son killing his brother and it showed up at Adam because the first thing that Adam said the God was I was afraid Genesis chapter 3 in other words there was no fear no reason to fear until sin came in the earth but that came in the earth because of the choice of Adam amen well the same thing operated through Adam all the way up to Moses let's read Deuteronomy chapter 28 phrase God God or Moses rather write in to the children of Israel at the commandment of the Lord in Deuteronomy 28 let's read here in verse 15 but it shall come to pass if that will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day that all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you if you read through around me 28 you will see see that one of the curses he's talking about is pestilence corner virus is a pestilence amen he said in verse 1 it should come to pass if you hearken if you do diligently divorce LORD thy God deserve and do all his commandments that I commanded this day the Lord thy God will set it on high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you and you'll see that health in their body and protected from sickness and disease was one of those things and so then to blame God for what happens when God gives men free will and choice it's just wrong let's continue to the New Testament how about what the Apostle Paul had to say about it the Apostle Paul of course is the disciple that God called and anointed to replace Judas in Galatians chapter 6 it says in verse 7 be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption or ruin but he that sought were plant to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting let us not be worrying well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not and so again he tells us as a man souls he reef what's happened in our planet well there's America and all the nations all around the world as I Minister all around the world is that we've turned against God kicked him out of the public square kicked him out of schools take the lives of children prematurely in the womb when God said I knew you even before you were born we can go on and on and on and on and on there's a consequence to that that happened with the very first group in Genesis chapter 6 it told us that the earth was so filled with violence that the thought of every man's heart was only evil continually that God of course then had to do what he had to bring the flood and wipe them out I was only one righteous man on the earth man by the name of Noah why well Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death the gift of God's eternal life but man has the choice that's what he told Adam he said now the price for your sin price for disobeying will be death well let's read some more praise God concerning these same things amen here's another question that this comes along with this one is it then god that's putting this on us to draw us closer to God and to each other and the answer to that is no let's read what Jesus had to say about that in mark chapter 4 praise God and of course here at Word of Faith I have particularly stressed what Jesus had to say to my congregation about this because Jesus himself laid it out for us how things work on the earth in mark chapter 4 verse 13 Jesus says no you're not this parable how then will you know all parables in other words this teaching here this short story which illustrates the point what's called a parable inste gave you a teaching of how things work in the earth let's read verse 14 the sower souls the word of course the sower is God God put the Word of God into the earth amen he has me ministering by the Holy Ghost the Word of God to you praise God see Saint understands the power of the word the Bible tells us in Romans chapter 1 verse 16 that the Word of God is the power of God unto all salvation at work their salvation or deliverance in other words there is a word of God that covers as Peter also writes everything that life has to offer just what your money does what your help just with your children just what merits it deals with being single whatever it is there is a word of God and there is power that we're their power and roans 1:16 is Dunamis and in Greek which means that it is has supernatural ability of the Holy Spirit power amen but it is released through the Word of God so God's sewing the word in the earth verse 15 of mark for these are they by the wayside or the side of the road where the Word of God is planted but when they have heard the word Satan underlying that word Satan draw a circle around that word Satan put a star around that word Satan because it tells you where the blame lies Satan comes immediately and taketh away the word that was planted in their hearts of course in this particular case Saenz able to do it because these folks didn't do number two they didn't decide to receive what they heard they didn't decide to believe what they heard they didn't decide to speak what they heard or act on it and so Satan didn't have to do anything and just walk up but take it but let's continue to read verse 16 these are they likewise with the sown or planted on stony ground or amongst thorn or stones rather who when they have heard the word again they heard the word immediately received it with gladness verse 17 now pay real attention and have no root in themselves they have not done what's necessary to develop the truths of the word in themselves amen they have no root and so they last just for a little while because they just got it just on the surface but afterward when affliction now the word afflictions the word to lifts us in the Greek Tech with the New Testaments translated from the Greek to lipstick means pressure it means persecution it means trouble it means tribulation oftentimes as translated tests and trials amen clearly what's going on worldwide as a test and a trial he said Satan comes immediately here he they have no root in themselves they last for a while when affliction or persecution arises for the word sake that's why you know as people used to saying these to write songs for my trials come only to make me strong amen the trials jesus said don't come to make you strong they come to do the rest of this verse no it says they are offended now the Greek word offended a scandal is oh and the scandal is amines they stumbled a trip up they get trapped they withdraw they fall in other words the purpose of the afflictions and the purpose of the persecutions is to make you back away from the world to make you stop receiving the word to blame God amen to get angry at God so forth and so on to move you away from God no God did not put disown us to teach us something or the draws closer to him remember what Jesus said in Saint John chapter 10 verse 10 he said the thief referring to Satan come up not before to kill steal and destroy clearly that's what we see corner virus is literally killing people it's stealing away their health and their wealth it's destroying indeed even whole families amen but jesus said continuing there but I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly in other words he he has a completely different opposite praise God intentions and manifestations and that we read of Satan well let's read some more praise the Lord so we've seen here what Jesus had to say about it let's also see praise God well let's do one more let's see what Jesus said about trying to Luke chapter 13 now let's take a look at verse 16 here's a woman that is an inverse eleven it says that she has a spirit of infirmity for 18 years she was bowed over she couldn't lift herself amen and Jesus is gonna measure to this woman heal this woman he says in first verse 16 ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham in other words she's a covenant woman she's Abraham seeing today Galatians chapter 3 verse 29 says if you belong to Christ you are also Abraham's seed he said ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham who seyton there is again Satan have bound Lodi's 18 years be loosed in other words the will of God was that she be loosed Satan is the one that bound her how about reading what the Apostle Paul had to say about it the man that God used to pen almost two thirds of the New Testament praise God an anointed Bible teaching of of God who received much revelation from God in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 1 Paul says it's not expedient for me doubtless to glory I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord and so the Lord taught Paul these things that he wrote and he did it with visions and he did it with revelation praise God verse 7 Paul says unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance or because of all this revelation that was given to me a thorn in the flesh I missed oh yeah but see God gave me thorn in the flesh how about keep reading the rest verse the messenger of Satan the Greek word for messenger is Angelus it's found 188 times in Scripture seven times as translated messenger the remaining times is translated as angel he said that Satan sent an angel a dimming spirit demon spirit rather to do what to bluff at me slapped me around lest I should be exalted above measure and if you read chapter 11 and you start over there from verse 24 on you'll see how the different ways he was buffeted he was persecuted like jesus said he was afflicted like jesus said he had all kind of things come against him praise the Lord and of course he saw the Lord and God gave him an answer as he did God said my grace is sufficient for you and my strength is made perfect in your weakness in other words praise God my power is there to assist you Paul during this attack and God's powers here to assist us during this attack not being waged by God to bring us closer but being waged by Satan to try and stop us how about praise got what Paul wrote about the Ministry of Jesus that the Holy Spirit Timm Acts chapter 10 let's read verse 38 talks about Jesus ministry it says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power why he went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him in other words every time you read in the scripture and you see jesus healed all of those people they were demonically oppressed in other words the sickness and disease draws a straight line all the way back to Satan in one way shape form or fashion praise God amen then in Matthew chapter 12 thank you Jesus amen the twelfth chapter of Matthew that's really verse 25 I'm taking a little extra time on this because during this time people or get full of fear people get start blaming God people don't understand and many people are just not well taught well let's read verse 25 jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand if I by Beelzebub cast out Devils or Prince of the demons cast out Devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges but if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come unto you well first what he said it was God is not using Satan or God isn't saying either way to accomplish his work no praise god there's god there's Satan Said's not working against the cell God's not working against themselves they are in separate corners continue to read here he said in verse 29 how else can one enter into a strong Mans house and spoil his good except he first bind the strongman that's what we're doing the name of Jesus and then he was for this house he that is not with me is against me that gathered not with me scattereth abroad wherefore I sent you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost should not be forgiven unto me and whosoever speak up a word against the Son of man it should be forgiven him but whoso speaking against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this word world not in the world to come in other words you better watch your mouth what you say about this when you say that God is God is involved in child abuse that's what people are saying I mean they're essentially what they're saying is this that will God in order to get us to praise Him and that God in order to get us close together God takes cancer sickness and disease and kornev virus and kills innocent people takes their funds and do all these things to them so that then the people who didn't turn around and give him praise and glory even our laws today if a man were to take his child and brutalize his child so that he can come and rescue his child and get praise from the child we will lock that person up why because that person would be sick in head and so he said here watch watch very cautiously what you say about God I'm gonna give you one more verse on that and that's what the Apostle James had to say about it praise God so let's turn it over to James chapter one and let's read verse one amen he says here James chapter one let's read verse 13 let no man say don't let this be in your mouth when he is tempted the word tempted means entice test it try all that he said that I am tempted or tested of God for God cannot be tempted or tested with evil neither tempteth tries or entices any man every man that is when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed that would happen with Adam and men ever since then when lust has conceived it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death so the Bible clearly tells us amen both Jesus and Paul and others Tara tells you these things and others praise God throughout God's Word to let you know God's not to blame for this and neither is he using it but God is so good say it again God is so good he helps us through these attacks from Satan through prayer he was 416 tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy mercy for what mercy for our sins that we may obtain mercy and find grace which is manifestation of God's power to help us in time of need and I'm here to tell you today the grace of God is here to help you praise God and you can tap into that grace of God particularly in five different ways hear God's Word today receive God's Word believe it's speaking this start acting like your soul and one way you can act like I saw started praising God that he is good and His mercy endure forever praise God amen so one way is through friend prayer another way is through faith in his word amen because the Word of God tells us what is God's will God's will is found in first Peter 2:24 he his own self Jesus bear our sins in his body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed God's will is for you to be healed but praise God God's will isn't automatic men have something to do with that isaiah 53:4 tells us praise God with His stripes we are healed as Isaiah prophesied about it in the future and then a phrase the Lord third down verse two said I will to Dowe me as prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers that's the problem amen the soul not prosper the soul is the mind will and emotions seed of understanding praise the Lord the Bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge not for lack of sincerity but lack of knowledge and if you don't have knowledge then you wind up in a person who is what the Bible says double minded since we're in James James chapter 1 tells us about what to do in situations where we on the tests and trials he says in verse 5 and any lack wisdom that's wisdom and the test and trial if you read the entire text let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not he said ask God it shall be given him but let him ask in faith nothing wavering he that wavers like the way driven with the wind and tossed don't let that man think he shall receive anything of the Lord why verse 7 Amen or verse 8 a double minded man a vacillating man is unstable in all his ways in other words you can't have two minds either God is good or he's bad either God is our healer or he's the one or Satan is the one attacking us I mean you have to make up your mind jesus said in mark 11:23 praise god in mark 11:24 I particularly quote verse 24 when you pray believe you received you shall have verse 23 says Amen that you have what you say if you can do without doubt well if you're not sure whether or not God is doing this to help me or gods or God's the one who's providing this for me regards to one beat me up with this or God's doing that to get us closer there's no way you can operate without doubt the only way you can operate without doubt is that you know that you know that you know what the truth is and the truth is God is on your side not against you now let's go back to our text from our last 15 minutes or so and let's go to Matthew chapter 14 because what I said there was very important and let's talk about here fave praise God versus fear and so Jesus let's pick up here oh praise God once again verse 22 and straightway Jesus constrained his disciples get into a ship go before him until the other side while he sent the multitudes away when Jesus said to the other side guess what that was the word Jesus is the Living Word and what he says is the spoken word praise God and no word from God is void of power it is chock-full with God's supernatural ability so if Jesus said go to the other side I'm gonna see the other side guess what there is absolute ability for his car to go to the other side period amen so just keep on reading and when he has sent the multitudes away he went went to a mountain apart to pray now I want you to knows what Jesus did Jesus then went to prayer and this is going to be important in the book of John that tells us Jesus never said said anything unless the father told him to say it he never went anywhere unless the father told him to go and didn't do anything unless the father told him to do do it praise God in other words he was completely and totally dependent upon the father and one way to find out what the Father's will was for that day was prayer so as he is about to begin his day he tells his disciples you go away I want to take some time to pray in other words i'ma find out what the Lord wants to do to tell you further praise God when the evening was come he was there alone verse 24 the ship was now in the middle to see tossing away from the wind was contrary so the disciples there on the sea and exactly what Jesus said in mark chapter 4 happens affliction comes to him Saint immediately attacks the disciples in the boat he brings this circumstance this horrible storm against them to do what get them to doubt get them to become afraid fear opens the door further for Satan to do to you what you don't desire he's trying to frighten you now telling you well so-and-so died with this disease and this happened with that disease and so you can't even go to the house of God you can't do anything you just full of fear and the more more fearful you are the more you even harm your own immune system to harm your own body and it changes your mind and changes your talk which makes everything worse and worse and worse and worse and worse again and opens the door for sleep he immediately attacks them verse 24 but in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them walking on the sea when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear they be getting the screen fear immediately grab hold of them when they saw him walking on the sea praise God but then Jesus said to them no be of good cheer be happy rather than be full of fear be full of joy it's me praise God Alleluia well Jesus is saying the same to you too regardless of the test and trial James chapter one says count it all joy in verse two when you fall in the divers temptations tests and trials count it all joy be cheerful Jesus said let's continue to read here verse 28 and Peter answered him said Lord now is this is you bid me come on the water now that wasn't strange we Chris I thought I mean if you're in the middle of something storm out on Lake somewhere amen and this things happens I don't think my first response would have been well Jesus and this is you bid me come out of this boat let me walk on the water I think my responsible to Ben Jesus this is you come on now get into the boat with us and then calm this thing down amen but there was something that I really loved about Peter you know Peter gets a bad rap a lot of time because he denied the Lord but who has it yeah amen Peter wanted to do what Jesus was doing Peter also understood that if Jesus says something would his work that his word will work if Jesus tells me that that I can walk on the water do the supernatural do something no one else has done before praise God do something I've never done before but if he says do it if I have his word I can do it amen praise God I love his attitude it was a can-do attitude I want you to notice the other disciples many times you know Peter would say something ever I say me too me too yes or me nobody else there's a thing I mean nobody else there's anything raised because it Peter you I you by yourself boy amen but then what you just do Jesus says come he issues the Word of God no word from God lacks power amen and when they would come and when Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus Peter is doing the supernatural he's doing the same thing that Jesus is store now you will say now that's just incredible oh not really you see Jesus walked the earth as a man anointed by the Holy Ghost we read in acts 10:38 yes he said but he was the son of God well who are you John 1:12 says as many as received Jesus did them gave he power which means right and privilege to become sons of God even to them that believe on his anima his name praise God his authority his character praise God and the Bible also tells us now Jesus told the disciples you go to Jerusalem you're gonna be endued with power from on high that was the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost today the scripture children's the first John 4:4 ye are of God little children you have overcome the spirits of Antichrist because greater is He that's in you didn't he that's in the world the Holy Ghost and many many other scriptures praise God the difference is Jesus received what God's will was Jesus praise God heard it of course he believed it he spoke it he act on it and so did Peter for a while praise God but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying lord save me now you can't see the wind so what he saw was he could he could feel that he could hear that whistling he could see the waves pick up more all of that all those are what circumstances the circumstances whipped up by Satan to do what to try and get to get over into fear fear not Jesus said don't be afraid don't receive it choose not to believe it don't talk like it praise God don't act like it well the scripture tells us when he saw these things he began to sing I mean it had nothing to do these the the winds and waves nothing to do with him walking on the water I mean you can't you can't walk across any body of water just because it's still Amen you came well cause a swimming pool just because there's no winning waves no one has no relation to the other walking in the supernatural praise God because you have the Word of God and the Spirit of God has nothing to do with what's happening in front of you but I will tell you when you're walking on the Word of God you're able to over come what's in front of you you're able to surmount what's in front of you you're able to do things you couldn't do yourself amen and notice beginning to sink he didn't just go kerplunk but beginning to sink in other words his faith began to air about him more and more the more he looked at it the more he thought about it the more he started talking about it the more he gave way to what he saw instead of what he what he originally believed you see the scripture says in Corinthians we walk by faith not by sight in other words we walk by the word and not just our physical senses but then he cried out lord save me and the Lord praise God when you call out to him it's the same as it was for Peter Jesus stretched forth his hands the next verse says and caught him and said no I swear he said first of all you saved it and braised God he will save YouTube you come to him but he said old a little faith wherefore did is now thou he said o thou of little fist as' little trust confidence belief in other words little faith causes a man to be able to do the supernatural little faith in God's Word releases God's power releases God's ability praise God think about what great faith did Jesus ran into a man in Matthew chapter 8 I believe it is and this man he said to Jesus he said I'm a man in authority he said I got servants and I said to them do this and they do it I say do that they do it I say come here they come I say gold air did they go he said and my servant is sick that man reportedly is almost 20 miles away he said but you don't have to come down there I'm not even worthy for you to come just speak the word only and my servant shall be healed and what did Jesus say about that in fact I think I'm gonna trying to look just that text up that's Matthew chapter 8 praise God yep verse 10 and when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to him truly I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel well what made it great the man didn't need to have any physical evidence whatsoever he had total and complete trust in God regardless to what his senses told him and Jesus told that man in verse 13 go your way and as you have believed so it shall be unto thee it's interesting to me that Jesus didn't say go your way demands heal he said go your way and as you had believed in other words still you have something to do about the manifestation of this healing go thy way and as you have believed it'll be done unto thee and his servant was healed in the selfsame hour in other words what Jesus said about this man was right this man had great faith and the end result was healing and manifestation finally as I wrap up here in Matthew 14 hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it says in verse 32 and when they were come into the ship the wind ceased in other words praise God as they were all reunited with Jesus the tests and trials ultimately cannot stand up against him and ultimately corner virus or or any of the other diseases because there's so other diseases going on I mean they just all centered in on this while other people are having issues with other things that also can take their lives well regardless to what area we're talking about God's Word is more powerful than it gods were carries more authority than it faith in God's Word released will bring about the things you desire but if you chose not to believe that and chose to believe just the fear-mongering of the media and the fear-mongering that you hear hour after hour after hour going for from front of us right now then fear will grab you fear acts upon brings about results that you don't desire so in the name of Jesus make a decision right now himself took your infirmities and bore your sickness with the stripes you are healed the Lord is on your side Psalm says in verse six what can man do unto you yay Psalm 23 though I walk through the valley of the shadow death don't camp in the valley walk through the valley of the shadow of death thou shall fear no evil why Lord you are with me you've given me your rod you're wearing a staff you provide me comfort through the Holy Ghost and you prepare you have provisions before me even in the presence of this enemy and you are knowing my hand with the oil the Holy Ghost tell me our cup runs over surely goodness and mercy is with me all the days of my life I dwell in the house of the Lord forever and say it out your mouth praise God and then rejoice again and say it out your mouth again faith comes by hearing and hearing and the best way or a best person through whom you can hear it from is out of your own mouth amen so choose not to be double-minded understand that God's not the one who produced this worldwide pandemic but God's the one who ended already God but it came about cause of sin and so our nation and the world needs to do what turn back to God we need to put him back in our public square we need to put him back in our school we need to once again train our children to it we need to make a decision to walk and live by the word you see if my people which are called by my name humbled themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways I will hear from heaven will forgive their sin and heal the land so father in Jesus name we come before you right now and we thank you for this message and I thank you Father this message I know has helped those who heard it now as we pray now for those who now recognize that Jesus is what they need I pray you would give them courage right now the prayed is prayer with me and become members of your kingdom and if you want to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life I want to pray with you right now and let me tell you how to do it the same Bible says in Romans chapter 10 in in the ninth verse 10 first and 13 verse it says that you will acknowledge with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the highest authority of all and shall believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead strictly reads thou shalt be saved for what the heart man believes unto righteousness with God and with your mouth acknowledgment is made unto your salvation your deliverance Romans 10:13 reads whosoever and that would include you wherever you are whoever you are she'll call upon the name the authority of the Lord shall be saved you might be someone who's known the Lord walking him in and passwords some kind of where you allow Satan to trick you in your life he got away from him but you can come back to him first John chapter 1 verse 9 was written to Christians it says if we would acknowledge our sinned as is to God he is faithful he can be counted on he is just he's qualified to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness so you know if you've been cleanse from all unrighteousness what do you do drop the un-- what are you righteousness again so we're going to pray you're either one of those categories praise God pray with me right now we're gonna pray out loud and when we do you'll be born again or plays back and full fellowship with God to what you should just by us for a word of Prayer that's right pray out loud now dear Heavenly Father that's right pray out loud with me right now dear Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I do believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God daddy died for me hung on the cross at Calvary carried my sins for me thank you Jesus you were put in a grave but I believe you're risen you are alive now coming to my heart I accept you as my savior and as the master of my life our repent of sin I'm sorry Lord I accept your offer of forgiveness thank God I'm now forgiven thank God I'm now cleanse thank God I'm back in fellowship heaven is my home jesus is my Lord hallelujah well if you just prayed that prayer with me Jesus up matters because now your Lord and Savior or you're placed back in the right relationship with him I encourage you today get you a Bible you don't have one get until the Word of God watch some more of our broadcasts praise the Lord in time in the future find you a good church to get into and get yourself in there and staying there for it's god and growing the things that got me want you to know how much we love you we also want to pray for those a men who have prayer requests praise God and so we're gonna pray for a prayer request right now many of you have sent sent them in and I'm asking believers to join with me as well Matthew 18:19 says that two of you shall agree the big thing is the agreement on earth it reads touching anything they shall ask it shall be done for them which are in heaven but where two or three are gathered together in my thought is the word honor my authority and character I'm there to make good that which they agree on and so Father in Jesus name I thank you for those who are in agreement with me right now we're joining our faith with those who've sent prayer requests in for healing and for financial miracles and for family restoration and whatever their need may be in Jesus name angels go forth and get involved and bring about wonderful solutions father we join our faith to you we thank you as your as your text says you are there to make good what we agree on so we agree by faith and we thank you for it in Jesus name hallelujah thank God praise God we believe prayers are being answered all over America and other parts of the world in the name of Jesus finally we want to know how much we love you and we thank God for the broadcast for your being able to be a part with us don't forget on Wednesday night we're also continuing to minister time-it week Bible study it's at 7 o'clock praise the Lord and then next Sunday same time same place at 10:30 so this is Bishop Keith Butler reminding you to have a wonderful day in Jesus and always remember fight the good fight of faith thank God for the word today and let's continue to meditate the Word of God this week I want to congratulate those of you who made a decision for Jesus I'm sure you want to know where do I go from here so I want to encourage you to fill out the form at Word of Faith that CC forward slash salvation offers so we can get you your free book where it explains what to do next we want to support you in your new walk with Christ and I want to remind you all to get involved in our faith groups check out the website at Word of Faith that CC there is something for everyone we continue to pray for our communities and those fighting for us on the front lines we love you god bless you see you at the next service you
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 2,158
Rating: 4.7368422 out of 5
Keywords: WOFICC, Word of Faith, Bishop Keith Butler, minister, Word of God, church, church online, bible teaching, Holy Bible, Jesus, Jesus Christ, power, Southfield, Detroit, michigan, metro Detroit, God, Christ, Sermon, faith, fear, faith vs fear, faith over fear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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