BONNIE'S AT THE DOOR! | The Joy Of Creation: Story Mode

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*eerie piano music* [Nick]: Hm. You really haven't changed one bit, have you? [Nick]: Wow. *phone vibrates* [Nick]: Tobias. [Tobias]: Hey Nick, the house. It's yours. [Nick]: Finally, after so long. Thanks, man. *click* *key clicks in the door* [Jack]: We have a house! *Door creaks open* *Door shuts* [Nick]: It's been years, decades at least, since I've been inside this house. [Nick]: I lived here when I was just a kid, with my family. [Jack]: Mmhmm... [Nick]: My mom. [Nick]: My siblings. [Nick]: My, uh, my dad... [Nick]: I received a call from Tobias telling me that they were finally ready with the repairs this morning. [Nick]: Took them long enough. [Nick]: Heh! It's funny... [Nick]: Even after what happened, and all that time away from home, [Nick]: it looks just like I remembered it to be. [Nick]: Is my memory that precise? [Nick]: *sigh* Of course, things like the furniture and photos aren't here anymore, but hey. [Nick]: Can't blame anybody for that. *Chuckles* [Jack]: *mocking* Te hehehe! [Nick]: Right, right... [Nick]: I guess I better use that memory for something useful. [Nick]: I don't have the full story, [Nick]: nor do I know why it happened, [Nick]: but I can tell you how it started. [Nick]: Everything else is up to you to figure out. [Nick]: This is the story the night I lost my home, [Nick]: my childhood, [Nick]: and almost my family. [Nick]: When Five Nights at Freddy's... [Nick]: just ended. [Jack]: Ohhhhh! [Jack]: That's neat, so it's actually playing off... [Jack]: like, the canon franchise -- [Jack]: -- fucking hair in my face, get away from me! [Jack]: Okay! Well... *whapoosh* [Jack]: Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to The Joy of Creation: Story Mode. [Jack]: Now I've played The Joy of Creation... [Jack]: Was it Reborn, Rebirth, or something like that? [Jack]: I played a version of it where I was able to actually walk around the environments and the big giant [Jack]: animatronics would actually chase me, and it was a 3D, [Jack]: walk-around kind of thing. Which I really liked. [Jack]: I really liked that idea because [Jack]: a lot of the other Five Nights at Freddy's sort of fan games that came out [Jack]: were all just the same kind of carbon copies, [Jack]: the same kind of mechanics and everything, so the Joy of Creation [Jack]: really sparked my interest. Now, [Jack]: I don't know if this is the same, or if it's different, [Jack]: or if this is a completely different version of the game or whatever. [Jack]: I don't know, but it seems to have just come out and I -- everyone keeps asking me to play it. [Jack]: And I want to play it because it looks cool! [Jack]: Erm, right. So we're doing "Play", "Choose Your Memory"... *creepy, toybox music* [Jack]: "Bedroom: Forgotten." [Jack]: Not sure I like that music, but let's play it anyway! [Jack]: I'm curious! *distorted, muffled voices; high pitched ringing* [Child]: Dad, who's at the door? *ears ringing; wind blowing* *door opens, flashlight clicks on* [Dad]: Uh, hello, uh, what are you doing in our house? [Jack]: I'm- I'm homeless! [Child]: Dad! Is the stranger okay? [Jack]: I... "live here". [Dad]: Yes, yes he's okay, don't worry. He just seems.. um, confused? [Dad]: Ex-excuse me, sir. Can you tell me your name? [Jack]: George. [Dad]: Look man, if you won't talk I'm calling the police. [Jack]: I just fucking -- [Dad]: You can't just barge into someone's house like this. [Dad]: A-Are you hurt? Do you need any help? [Woman]: Honey, what's going on? [Dad]: I don't know. This man suddenly appeared in our house *heartbeat thudding; voices distort* [Jack]: Oh, he's getting angry... [Stranger]: Michael! [Dad]: ...What? [Michael]: I, uh- I mean, my name. It- It's Michael. I'm Michael. [Michael]: I-I...Y-You asked me that before... [Jack]: I killed the Batman. [Jack]: *chuckles* [Child]: *muffled voice* [Mom]: Excuse me, but, just what are you doing in our house? [Mom]: The sun's about to go down. I don't think you should be here. [Jack]: I'm squatting! [Dad]: Yeah, I was just saying that you, umm... [Dad]: You uh- you look a little bit roughed up. What happened to you? [Michael]: I-I-I don't know. I can't remember. [Michael]: And I'm sorry. But, that I just... [Michael]: I just don't know. [Child]: Michael should get up! [Child]: The floor is bad. [Child]: Daddy, can we help Michael? [Child]: Michael can come in, it would be bad to leave him outside! [Dad]: Oh, I mean, I-I guess... [Dad]: Can you stand? [Michael]: I think so, a bit. I just feel a bit... dizzy. Yeah... dizzy. [Dad]: Come on, man. Let me help you up. [Jack]: Thanks, bro! [Jack]: What a helping hand. He sounds a lot like the Joker from the Dark Knight. *Chuckles* [Nick]: After that, dad carried the stranger to our guest room. [Nick]: He thanked me for convincing my parents to let him rest in our house for a night, [Nick]: or at least while he collected his thoughts. [Nick]: After that, mom put me in bed. [Jack]: So I was the -- [Nick]: I can't remember much about Michael, but I knew he wasn't a bad person. [Jack]: I was the kid in that scenario. [Nick]: Or, at least he didn't look, you know... [Nick]: Dangerous. [Jack]: And isn't Michael from "Sister Location"? [Nick]: I was young, so I guess I just didn't know any better. [Nick]: Certainly didn't know what a burglar was, that's for sure. [Jack]: You're a dumb kid. [Nick]: Um... Not that I was implying he was. I never talked to him again after that. [Nick]: Well... [Nick]: Except for when the storm happened. [Jack]: Dun dun dun... [Nick: That's when I woke up on my bed. [Nick]: And I saw them. [Jack]: Ohh, jeez. The animatronics, they chased him. [Jack]: They came for him! [Jack]: Stupid Michael. [Jack]: Yeah, isn't Michael part of the... [Jack]: ..."Five Nights at Freddy's" universe? [Jack]: "Press X to continue. Press spacebar to stand up or sit down, left click to interact with objects." [Jack]: Okay. Aw, man! [Jack]: It's just that... [Jack]: you don't actually get to get up and walk around away from the animatronics anymore. [Jack]: That sucks. "Press spacebar to sit up and stand." Whatever.. [Jack]: Uh... "Press left click to interact with objects. Look up while sitting and hold left click to sleep." [Jack]: Okay. [Jack]: How are we gonna die? *baby monitor crackling* [Michael]: *over monitor* Hello? Hello, hello? Uh... Nick? [Michael]: Uh, hey little Nicky! It's me, Michael. [Michael]: Hey, d-don't say anything back to me, okay? There are monsters around that'll hear you if you do. [Michael]: There are monsters around that'll hear you if you do. [Jack]: Oh, god. [Michael]: Now, don't be scared, Nick, okay. Listen to me and we can defeat those monsters, alright? [Jack]: Okay? [Michael]: Okay, so these monsters might look... [Michael]: Uh... surreal. Don't look at them too long, or you'll feel weird and see creepy things. [Michael]: When you do, turn on your desk lamp next to your bed. You'll feel safe there. [Jack]: *whispering* Okay. [Michael]: But the more you stare at the scary monsters, the worse you'll feel, alright? [Michael]: Uh... [Jack]: Can't- ...oohhh! [Michael]: Alright alright, um... [Michael]: Okay, first things first. Uh... [Michael]: Freddy, uh, the fuzzy, brown bear. [Michael]: Uh, he's at the window. *thunder* [Michael]: He'll peek inside. [Michael]: Close your curtains and keep them closed until you hear him leave. [Michael]: Or else he'll get inside. [Jack]: Ohh. [Michael]: Uh, then there's Bonnie, the ill-tempered, big purple bunny. *music box starts to play* [Michael]: Uh, keep an eye on your door. He'll be there. [Michael]: Uh, he's not shy at all. [Michael]: Uh, he will knock on the door to let you know he's there. [Michael]: Once he opens the door, shut off the lights as fast as you can, Nicky. [Michael]: He can't see you well in the dark, and he'll leave. [Michael]: Oh! But make sure you're sitting down when you do that, alright? [Jack]: Okay... [Michael]: Okay. Ah, then there's the chicken. [Michael]: Um, well, that one's a little bit weird, um... [Michael]: Check the closets often! [Michael]: Uh, if she's peeking through, make sure to disable the lights. [Michael]: She doesn't want to be seen, but ignoring her doesn't help either. [Michael]: If she does catch you with the lights on, she'll scare you and stun you. [Michael]: Now, I-I know this is a lot to take in little Nicky, okay? [Michael]: Just listen carefully, [Michael]: and try to remember everything. Please. Okay? [Michael]: *sigh* Alright, last is Foxy. [Jack]: Fucking hell! [Michael]: He'll be right beneath your bed, Nick. [Michael]: You'll hear scraping from the bottom of the crib when he's there. [Michael]: Be watchful if you see his hook on the back of your bed, [Michael]: 'cause soon enough, he'll be right there next to the bed. [Michael]: Don't look directly at him, Nick. [Michael]: Instead, pretend to sleep. *thunder* [Michael]: Alright? Just pretend to sleep, yeah, just lie down without moving too much, [Michael]: look up, and close your eyes. *music box lullaby plays* [Michael]: Uh, Foxy sees eyes as if they're big, bright spotlights. [Michael]: Okay? So if you pretend to sleep... [Jack]: Ugh, Jesus. [Michael]: ...he won't know you're there anymore. [Jack]: Okay! [Michael]: But don't open them until you know he's gone, okay? [Jack]: It's a lot of information! [Michael]: Okay, so, to recap... um. [Michael]: Freddy is at the window, so if you see him peeking, close the curtains until he's gone. [Jack] Okay. [Michael]: Bonnie will knock on the door and open it afterwards. [Michael]: Uh, disable the lights and sit down until he leaves. [Jack]: Okay... [Michael]: Chica will try to stun you by scaring you, [Michael]: so if you see her peeking through the closet, shut off your lights, [Michael]: and DON'T pretend to sleep. [Michael]: She'll think you're gone. [Jack]: WHAT?! [Michael]: And Foxy will appear under your crib and move upwards. [Michael]: So when he's next to your bed, pretend to sleep until you hear him leave. *Jack wheezes* [Michael]: Alright, you got all that? [Jack]: Ha, no! *laughs* [Michael]: Well, listen, I have to go, little buddy, okay? [Jack]: Oh, I'm so fucking dead! [Michael]: Just hang in there and they'll leave at 6 AM, I'm sure of it. [Michael]: You can do this, bud. [Jack]: Ah, Christ. [Jack]: Okay, that was a lot to take in. I am DEFINITELY gonna die! [Jack]: I can't remember what you said to me! [Jack]: I know the curtain one. And I know th-the Foxy one. [Jack]: But other than that... *rain hits the window* [Jack]: Okay. *light clicks* [Jack]: Other than that, I'm shit out of luck. What's the point of leaving the lights ON? *light clicks* [Jack]: I don't get it! [Jack]: Oh, oh, hi, hi, hi! [Jack]: Oh, fuck! Leave! *thunder* [Jack]: DUHH!!! God, he's closer! *thud* [Jack]: *Scared* Bonnie's at the door... *faint animatronic noises* [Jack]: Okay, He's gone. He's gone. [Jack]: Did Bonnie come to the door? I have to sit down and avoid you, right? [Jack]: Oh, i don't fuckin know. That one was unclear! [Jack]: Hello?! [Jack]: Okay. I'm fine. *knocking noises* J--! Fucking Jesus. [Jack]: I'm gonna just sit here. I'm a bouncing baby boy, and I don't need no- [Jack]: ffffuckers! [Jack]: *Whispering* It's hard to see anything... [Jack]: I'm fine! [Jack]: Sit down, turn off the lights. That was it, right? *loud thud* [Jack]: Dah, fuck! *door creaks open* [Jack]: *Scared* Are they in the room? [Jack]: I think they came in... [Jack]: Are they here? [Jack]: *Whispers* The door's open... [Jack]: I don't know what I do! *ANIMATRONIC SCREAM* [Jack]: AH FUCKING CHRIST! [Jack]: *laughs* Ohhh, man! [Jack]: "Bonnie will attack you if you are up. Shut the lights and sit down behind, behind your crib until he goes away." [Jack]: Was it Bonnie that got me? [Jack]: I don't fucking know, Freddy was right there though! (Happens to me a lot when I play T-T) [Jack]: Oh man... Phew. [Jack]: Woo! *laughs* Off to a great start! [Jack]: Probably not gonna pass this... [Jack]: Man that's disa- [Michael] Hello? Uh, Hello, hello? Uh... [Jack]: It's disappointing that it's not the same as the other "Joy of Creation" games... [Jack]: That it's just... [Jack]: A Five Nights at Freddy's clone now. [Michael]: Now, don't be scared, Nick, okay? [Jack]: Fuck you. [Jack]: I don't care. [Jack]: I don't care about anything. [Jack]: I'm a STRONG baby! [Jack]: You ain't never seen a fucking baby this strong before. [Jack]: Okay, so maybe it's... [Jack]: When Freddy's whole face is there not just his ear? (That's what's left of Freddy's hand Jack--) *thunder* [Jack]: I'm doing what you told me. I'm sitting down. [Jack]: No one's come - no one's coming to get me. *muttering* He's at the fucking window... [Jack]: Go... away! [Jack]: I heard movement. Uh, he's closer! [Jack]: Go away, Freddy! [Jack]: No one likes you! *faint animatronic noises* [Jack]: There we go. You're the least favorite one! [Jack]: Okay, I have those fuckers to deal with. I have two to deal with. [Jack]: Do I have any benefit to my light? *knocking* *Jack shakily gasps* [Jack]: Okay! [Jack]: It's fine. I don't -- no! Don't want any of your pamphlets. It's cool. Stay away, Bonnie! *lullaby music box plays* [Jack]: Why is there creepy music playing? *thunder* *music stops* [Jack]: It's fine; it's normal. [Jack]: Am I safe? I feel like -- I'm like dead. *soft thunder* *light clicks* [Jack]: Okay, not dead yet. [Jack]: It's 1 AM. God, I have to survive all of this?? [Jack]: DUH-UH HI! *Jack laughs* [Jack]: Jesus Christ... [Jack]: Are you closer now? [Jack]: Yeah, yep, yep! *loud thunder* *music box plays* [Jack]: Aw, shit! [Jack]: Okay. *knocking* [Jack]: Okay. Okay. OKAY. [Jack]: They're in the room. The door's open. *door shuts* *music stops* [Jack]: Ah, safe... at last! *closet door creaks* [Jack]: I forget what I do for you! [Jack]: It said not to pretend to go to sleep right? [Jack]: *Crying* I don't know... [Jack]: Okay bye! *laughs* [Jack]: Oh, ye scary bastards! [Jack]: Okay. [Jack]: *laughing* Fuckers.... I hate these! [Jack]: Stay away from Jack! [Jack]: Jack's nice! *scraping noises* [Jack]: I'm sleeping! *mimics snoring noises* [Jack]: Can't you hear? [Jack]: Am I okay? [Jack]: I think I'm okay. I'm fine! *rain picks up* *closet door creaks* [Jack]: Oh no, why? *banging on door* *loud thunder* [Jack]: All of you?! [Jack]: Oh fuck. I'm so dead. I'm so dead. *door shuts* *faint animatronic noises* *sigh of relief* [Jack]: Haha! [Jack]: Take that ye animatronic bastards! [Jack]: I'm a strong baby. Bouncy baby. Hulk baby! [Jack]: I'm focused. *scraping noises* [Jack]: Uh oh. [Jack]: Uh oh. [Jack]: Captain Hook, go away! *rustling* [Jack]: Uh oh. [Jack]: Was that a good or a bad sound? *banging* [Jack]: Fuck. [Jack]: Fuck! [Jack]: Why's stuff shaking? [Jack]: Am I dead?? *rumble of thunder* *door creaks* [Jack]: Oh God, I'm going blind. I'm starting to see things. *thud* [Jack]: *quietly* Uh oh. [Jack]: *door shuts* Uh oh. [Jack]: Hi, Freddy. [Jack]: Hi Freddy! *heartbeat pounding* *banging* *animatronic moans* *door opens* [Jack]: Okay, just pretend that nothing's happening. I'm fine! [Jack]: I'm just a shaky little baby right now! *guttural shaking noises* *laughs* *more banging* [Jack]: ...Shit. *heartbeat continues* [Jack]: Okay, okay. [Jack]: It's only fucking 2 AM?! *heartbeat still pounding* [Jack]: Why am I freaking out? *heartbeat becomes more rapid* *scraping noises* *thunder* [Jack]: Uh oh. [Jack]: Foxy's near! *door creaks* [Jack]: Ooooh shit! *soft thud* [Jack]: *Whispering* They're all fucking here. *banging on door* *door opens* [Jack]: Oh, fuck. [Jack]: Fuck. Fuck. Close them! *animatronic whirs* [Jack]: Okay, okay. It's fine. It's 'cause I keep looking at them! [Jack]: I'm getting the fucking shakes! [Jack]: Baby needs his milk! [Jack]: Baby need his bottle! *Jack laughs* [Jack]: Christ almighty. *scraping* [Jack]: Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. [Jack]: I'm asleep. I'm asleep. I'm a sleepy baby! *soft, siren-like noises* [Jack]: No, fuck. *ringing* [Jack]: What are these sounds and why? [Jack]: This baby's freaking out. *all sounds amplify* *banging* [Jack]: Oh, Jesus Christ. Oh, Jesus! *door creaks* [Jack]: I'm freaking out! [Jack]: Ah, he's in the fucking room, oh god damn it. There's bloo--AHHH! *ANIMATRONIC SCREAM* [Jack]: FUUUCKKKK! [Jack]: It was fucking blood everywhere! [Jack]: "Freddy will get you if he sees you through the window. Close the curtains to block his view!" [Jack]: I thought I did that! [Jack]: I thought I was like was like "Not today! I'm getting changed!" [Jack]: I'm going once more into the baby fray. [Jack]: Goin' to do it. [Jack]: I'm gonna beat these bastards! [Jack]: I hate these mechanics! [Jack]: Makes me agitated. It makes me anxious. It makes me nervous! [Jack]: Just give me some good old running away from giant monsters! [Jack]: I can handle that! That's fine! [Jack]: Really wish 6 AM would come. [Jack]: I mean it's- why can't you close your curtain from the bed? [Jack]: HI! [Jack]: Fucking tippy-tapping my window with your ear. [Jack]: *Silly voice* "Hello? Can I come in? [Jack]: "I'm Freddy I just-- I just wanted to hang, Ahhh! I just want to hang out --" [Jack]: Ah, ha ha ha! [Jack]: *silly voice* He's very close now! [Jack]: Are you gone? [Jack]: He gone. [Jack]: I don't if I have to worry about Bonnie until the door is kicked in. [Jack]: Me don't know. [Jack]: Me got no idea! [Jack]: I still don't know if I understand the Chica one properly. [Jack]: I think I'm okay with all of them until they show up in... they've like two states: [Jack]: Knocking, kicking in; [Jack]: showing up tapping and then showing up fully. [Jack]: Chica just shows up. *door knocking* *door opens* [Jack]: See like that? [Jack]: No one's here! I'm asleep look! *mimics snoring* [Jack]: Wait, no, I'm not asleep! [Jack]: I- don't pretend to be asleep. You're like a T-rex! [Jack]: If I don't move you don't see me! *door closes* [Jack]: See? Nailed it! [Jack]: The Chica one is don't pretend to be asleep. [Jack]: So I don't know if looking at it... helps? [Jack]: Or if just looking around, if I just stand up, I think I'm okay [Jack]: and then Foxy, I think I'm okay until the hook shows up. [Jack]: That kind of stuff. Know what I mean? [Jack]: You get me, you got me! [Jack]: I think I was close. I think that's why I was getting all the shakes last time. [Jack]: I think my memory was messing up. [Jack]: I got it. *door bangs* *jack's huff of fear* [Jack]: I got it! [Jack]: Bonnie, go away. I'm fine. [Jack]: I don't need to be tucked in. [Jack]: Mommy already did it. [Jack]: Mommy's dead now though. *closet door opens* [Jack]: Fuck you, Chica. *thud* *scraping* [Jack]: Oh god, oh god. There's a lot of them around. [Jack]: Chica, go away! *closet door closes* [Jack]: That's a bad Chica! Okay, you're gone. Cool! [Jack]: We're fine! *laughs* I'm doing it! [Jack]: Starting to get the shakes again! *heartbeat pounding* [Jack]: Think I got it though. I think this is good. I think the shakes are what I need. [Jack]: I need to shake up my life a small bit. [Jack]: Fuck off, Freddy! [Jack]: Someone else is gonna show up right now. I'm gonna get door knocks. [Jack]: How much you wanna bet? [Jack]: OH! [Jack]: Too close for com-fort! [Jack]: Bye. *door bangs* [Jack]: DUH-Uhh, stop! *door opens* [Jack]: Don't kick in my door! I'm a little baby. [Jack]: Don't need your shit! [Jack]: Go away, close the door! [Jack]: Close the door and - *door closes* [Jack]: ...the fuck? *rapid heartbeat pounding* [Jack]: Okay, we're fine. We're fine. *closet door opens* [Jack]: No fuck. You're the- you're the outlier. I still don't know how to deal with you. [Jack]: I mean I have been and everything's fine but... [Jack]: I'm worried! [Jack]: *Softly* Aw, Christ *pounding heartbeat begins to distort* *high pitched shriek* *door banging* [Jack]: Oh, Freddy! *far away siren-like sounds; distorted atmosphere* [Jack]: He's gone, he's gone. *ear ringing escalates* [Jack]: What was that?! [Jack]: Am I dead? [Jack]: What's happening? [Jack]: Freaking out man! [Jack]: What is that?! *door banging* *door opens* [Jack]: OH! Jesus! [Jack]: Oh, no. Is this bad. Am I dead? I'm fucking dead. [Jack]: I don't know what to do. *closet door opens* [Jack]: I'M OKAY! *Distorted high pitched scream* [Jack]: What the fuck is happening?! [Jack]: It's hard to hear shit. [Jack]: I can't move! [Jack]: Did I do it? [Jack]: Heyyyyy! [Jack]: *Lying to himself* That wasn't that scary. [Jack]: What?! [Jack]: "You can determine your sanity by the environment around you keep attention to your surroundings." [Jack]: Did I just fail? [Jack]: Oh you motherfucker... [Jack]: Anyways, what that does it for this video on The Joy of Creation Story Mode. [Jack]: I don't know if I'm going to come back and try that again. I might I'll see what happens... [Jack]: I just- I'm not a fan of these mechanics. [Jack]: I like the idea with The Joy of Creation that I played before was you bounding around the environment, but again [Jack]: This is probably just a completely different version of the game. [Jack]: But it's just... it sucks to see it devolve back into those mechanics. [Jack]: Where it's just: get up, stare at things like all - [Jack]: Like very Five Nights at Freddy's mechanics [Jack]: Which I mean, it's a fan game of Five Nights at Freddy's, so that would make sense. [Jack]: It's just.... none of these games try anything new. That's why The Joy of Creation Re...born... [Jack]: really excited me because there was something completely different to what the normal formula was, and then you come back to this kind of stuff. [Jack]: And it's just.... it's disappointing. I mean it's cool in it's own regard. It has some nice... [Jack]: Um... [Jack]: Visuals and everything. It's just... I'm not a fan of these mechanics, where it's like... [Jack]: This character is controlled by this thing and then this character is this thing and everyone has their own mechanics, [Jack]: and you have to like juggle between them all. [Jack]: And then, there's some bullshit in there that dicks you over after a while. [Jack]: I thought I had it done. [Jack]: I don't know what I could have done at the end to fix that. Maybe I wasn't supposed to look at Chica. [Jack]: Maybe I was supposed to keep my light on. [Jack]: Some of that stuff wasn't very clear as I was playing it, and then it was really hard to hear like the [Jack]: "BOOM" Because everything went slow motion it was hard to determine... [Jack]: which sound was which anymore, so. [Jack]: I don't know, I might be back- Uugh! I might be back. Let me know in the comments what you guys thought of this... [Jack]: And I'll see from there, but anyways... [Jack]: Thank you guys SO MUCH for watching THIS VIDEO! [Jack]: If you LIKED it... [Jack]: Punch that like button in the FACE! [Jack]: LIKE A BOSS!!! And high fives all around!!! *Whoopsh* *Whoopsh** [Jack]: But thank you guys and I will see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO! (Outros- I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe) [Jack]: *Creepy voice* Don't forget to look under your bed tonight... *Deep inhale* [Jack]: There might be cookies!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,099,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, The Joy Of Creation Reborn, The Joy Of Creation Reborn Gameplay, The Joy Of Creation Reborn Walkthrough, The Joy Of Creation Reborn Playthrough, The Joy Of Creation Reborn Jacksepticeye, FNAF, FNAF Spinoff, FNAF Fan game, scary, horror, horror game, scariest game, scariest FNAF game, best fnaf spinoff, fan made, freddy, jumpscare, jumpscare reaction, funny reaction, FNAF jacksepticeye, scary moments, scary reactions, story, story mode, story campaign
Id: xRQhg6_RYO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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