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hey hey now why don't you look where you're going I'm sorry I didn't see you you don't sound half sorry to me look I said I was sorry why don't we leave it at that if you don't mind we'll call the shots now suppose you use the other side of the street Joe Joe come here your daddy's : your little boy right I'll take you one at a time go sniper Joe did you get me call me you see what they were trying to do yes I said what they were trying to do I also saw a half dozen men across the street ready to back him up yeah well I don't care how many there are look what's got into this town you can't walk down the street anymore we're just gonna stand by and let him get away with it look do you think that walking into a trap they deliberately set for you and getting your head booking is gonna stop them get along - mr. kemeras go and help us focus supplies I'll round up Adam a joint my camera what's your answer you know my answer I'm gonna back down for you or Sam Bryant or any of the getting well now that's just plumb too bad you I got the press feet down up steady you say a thing like that we know your friends are why don't you leave her alone I'll take care of this all right that's what you think wait time you lock me in here how much is going around town bro ain't no bail that's a judge's job just getting his money too they don't treat you right you just let your old friend Sam No that might be real good idea not this time riot judge script isn't out he says he'll hold a hearing at farmer Perkins down the town hall just as soon as you can get there you know something I sure hate to see outsiders like a just mixed up in a private affair I think outsiders I'll attend their own business that goes for you contracts too you Oh don't right here your honor your honor before you start I think you should know these two didn't say Thank You mr. perfect acting like just what I am [ __ ] spray is mrs. K present the court stuck as to testify as to the alleged she's my office very sick woman estimation you certainly May it's the same sickness this entire job my best I'll test my brother and I were outside at Cameron store when we heard this shot we ran in and bomb Perkins mr. Kaplan was on the floor dead and his wife was standing over you chuckling but you do not see the actual shooting no your honor we did not mr. Perkins when I honor my good friends here the Cartwright boys they've already same thing with me exactly I heard a shot I ran in that was poor mr. camp laughs it is don't suppose you shot up you know what I do what kind of oranges mr. Perkins is capture is not I must mrs. K Isabella testify I gotta tone didn't happen I just don't know what's gotten into the people of this town they're just gonna stand by and watch us get away with a cold because that's what is a cold this time care one way or the other what you saying is that this case is closed even order in the mind that's what he was hired for that's what happenes men do I was gone a lot further than that joy they've taken over the whole town oh we could have started with that by myself I was told back me up you expect me to do I don't expect of you but I know what I'm gonna get that camera to testify and if she does the judge is going instead of trying that's done with I'm a practical man them and the sociable I don't chances on my life but if I'm going too right evidence is what I want the for agonal after farmer Perkins again this chance to have two people in this town you it was a here you were needed at that hearing you weren't there what do you want me to do isn't one coming in my husband's dead try to stand up to time kill them if I try to stand up they'll kill me of course not and it won't happen supposed my sons and I have promised to protect you would you justify them us to protect all of Virginia City and the judge can you pass the keeper can see in jail that he won't go that's just a bit your husband died for nothing we account for ours only you where they are for punishment boy repeat performance answer the question please mrs. kemmal ketchup thank you because my mr. Perkins i sentence you to hang by the neck until dead to take place to the town tomorrow this case is closed cars temporary for long I promised a car price you will never live to see the day headphone Perkins hangs you you you this is not sales campuses Sheriff fraid so so we haven't got enough minute once you're out python should be a lot safer in protective custody those boys you sighs hand keep an eye on it and circulate around out there let me know if you hear anything rights that's all boys games over what time is dawn there's only one way to get out of this mess what's it but farmer Perkins go we don't see a joke you boys think you're a match Bruce Alfred one of the smartest gun owner of a mining camp in his mouth numbers five to one he's got this whole town in his grip there's a scared Ellie she got you scared I got just one life it's against my principles to better Wow now if you boys want to play games with your father's life is depressed you can come up with how do you know he's in town maybe they've got him hidden a minor stone place besides we got neither the time if we went right ahead with the preparation for the hanging just like nothing happened and they never would know whether we got that message or not so just send another messenger that's right and we'd be waiting for we jumping no we'd following we've fallen right to where they're holding our pole now that's too we're spotted around watching the Jews in case samurai has been trying to Russia well that's not sound much obliged to you anyway though alright yes we're expecting a call you you you you how should I know they shut him down he got the sheriff up our way I didn't see her come here - team Sam why don't we give it up they got guns God Matt J well giving up nothing I'm getting Palmer Pickens out of that chair and I'll still be running this town why the way you talks I'm with you can count on me goodbye Oh try one scheme it was kill the messages that might have us back to it well now if you've got any ideas I'd like to hear just exactly what we can at least if we could pick up some looks damn Brian's got his spies all over the place you'll only pick up what he wants you to pick up sure think he's smart yes I do because he is again in the field a key lies in Brian's mind what do you mean a couple hours ago when the sheriff was all set that let mama Perkins go we're both against it how do you still hold to that there's a couple of we still thought we'd find papa I don't and now you're not so sure we cannot make it any easier what you're going about it all I asked was if you're still intent on hanging farmer Perkins I don't play question-answer games haven't Joe I feel the same way about it you do I done told you that Paul sure wouldn't want us all fighting among ourselves right then let him start making sense well if you give me a chance maybe I will now look at it this way what would Brian do say come dawn hadn't hung farmer Perkins regardless of what Stan Brian said he didn't pop regardless what would you do if you're wrong would you talk to my father I'm sorry Paul I made a big mistake Joe he's my father too I sure hope you're right you're thinking murder in this town and you'll have no qualms about go ahead and hanging paw anyway you still haven't told me how we're gonna get far away from it on the other hand we go ahead and hang farmer Perkins and we show that we punish murderers and Sam Bryan I'll see that his only chance is to let her go oh come on and tell me how smart you think Sam Bryan is then you say he's gonna back down he's not afraid of the law in this town nobody's ever been charged with murder either once Sam Bryant knows that he's facing a murder charge I think he'll be smart enough to back down that's why we gotta go ahead and hang farmer Perkins I'm sorry Adam I can't go no that's too big again you go right ahead thinking like that if you want to you're gonna have to do it alone we're gonna go find Paul like a people want to sing a waiter Oh that I just wanted to see what kind of a life I'm putting in the balance with my father's before you let me go huh what makes you think I'll let you go you don't worry none Brown get me out of here each might emphasize what kind of thought was robbed is all pause by four you got 90 minutes left you want to talk to a preacher what's so funny freeze you want as I think what was for reaching at me once you're right enough there's tons tell them running out of patience tell them that farmer Pickens go when our there's probably we're in a new nectar I raise my steps to make the decisions times run out for looking anymore we just you but even if he knew three of us against ten or more of that risk people than what we got at stake all right so would i but in a pie who get killed one of Mines minute take it on pop first back to Bryant baby convinced me just for a lot of Brian's men will be there stir the mob up against me sorry the fancy gals like the town we'll just have to make do ain't you gonna wait to see if they hang the pop sure I'll hang I like to thank my friend Perkins in honor I'll enjoy it perfect fit God race you never looked so good get out schedule so behave and if so Brian wants to escape hanging father go I don't Brian better noodles there's tiny is it the badge all the principal it's only part of it well that's the way Paul would think and it's all a matter of hope you're thinking it you know branch my love into this little poker game you're playing yeah I guess it comes out of that but it's Paul's life you're gambling with what have you moved don't you think I thought you all right mr. Adams now acting sheriff says he's gonna go ahead and hang follow workers regardless then leave it up to me whether or not you swing I think so it's double and we Cartwright's can be we want to be yeah stubborn but not stupid still time to write - his dances doing exactly what I do then you hang cuz that'll be the last straw this town would need to bring it to its densest don't we Bryant anything you'll feel dang about thirty minutes you're gonna find out Carter I remember that's my rope over thirty minutes you you ain't got the guts to do it for McNeal ones Judd and crowd running in here and you'll be the one that's gonna hang for killing me not him let's take my seven he sticks by me he's sticking by the training [ __ ] easy I don't know McNeil why did you wait and stake and when you find out you come and let me know I'll be around you outside watching things I what it's like thank you the cause of it but the noose around his neck you get down come on back you know there wasn't any knees in the boy they'll hang Perkins all right after they do that we come in here for you got a thing they can prove against me they will have after you hang me right probably ain't this table iPhone to you right now you oh I bet he ain't so hot money with a rope around his neck Neal you the farmer down he was a golfer good you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 2,101,728
Rating: 4.4107347 out of 5
Keywords: FREE, filmstruck, classic movie, classic movies, PUBLIC DOMAIN, MOVIES, Tv Show, CLASSIC, #classicmovies
Id: hYNwwnXgxWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2012
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