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[Music] not many men are so privileged as we are to see a new civilization born before our own eyes there are times in the streets of virginia city when i question the use of the word civilization it is always that way with the new hopsin a diamond before it is polished seems no more than a clot of dirt is this the american way to toast in an american occasion to your son on his 18th birthday to my son jimmy's american birthday to the joining of the past and the present to create a finer future you have honored my house and now there is much to do you are fortunate to know the cutwrite family so well hopsin it pleases me to know that here in america the affection and respect of the sons for the father is as strong as it is in the land of our ancestors the cartwrights have great respect for you my uncle an admiration for your son i am happy the younger sons will honor us with their presence at the birthday party and do not worry hopsin your friend hoss will be fed as well as if you yourself did the cooking [Music] hey you you speak to me yeah you know me we're good together billy boy we're gonna have to clean a lot more of this dirt out of here before virginia city is a fit place to live [Music] [Applause] little joe is it sure enough true we're going to have bird's nest for dinner at jimmy chang's birthday party that's what adam told us i ain't for sure i'm gonna like that well it's something to eat you'll like it all right saying oh adam come on here quick see what happened to you boy what happened to your boy can you talk hopefully looks like he's been a pretty bad fight yeah paul paul let me help him in the house you forget about it i've seen all right it's chinese business only what do you mean by that paul you don't think he's hanging up one of them tongue things we heard about do you no i don't son the tongue is a protective organization composed of civilized people i wonder how much more this has been going on a lot of it particularly in the california gold mines didn't think anybody spread over the mountains why would anybody want to do a thing like this because hopsin is chinese that's a craziest thing i ever heard of paul i feel like going in there and tearing that town apart board by board no you won't send you'll go to jimmy chang's birthday party tomorrow just as you planned i suppose we just forget about the fact that somebody beat up on hop sing we're not gonna forget about it but we're not gonna stir up more trouble for the chinese than they already have [Music] oh you sure you got enough money oh yes sir paul we we done paid for jimmy chang's present we're just gonna go pick it up all right we'll see you later come on what was it you wanted lee chane oh today is birthday of my son ain't that nice uh would like to buy 18 small american flags um i uh you know plumb out of them flags ain't you hammond hmm oh yeah yeah that's right i i forgot i don't have any american flags chain i'm sorry what are you sorry for i don't have any you'll have to go some other place uh thank you i will try capitals on c street you don't have none either and neither does anybody else in town [Music] please chime my friend ah mr ben mr adam it would seem my unworthy nephew feeds the food to bring good health it would seem hop sing feeds my brother horse a few extra servings too but there's a big day in your life chang you'll be mighty proud of that boy viewers mr cartwright could i ask you a question please well of course anything you want you know that there are customs of your people i do not understand i'd wish for my son an american birthday party i wouldn't worry about it just get my cake with candles oh yes it must be candles and not flags what do you mean jane i had thought to put american flags on the cake but i understand it is not permitted who says so oh it's no matter chang did hammond refused to sell you american flags to put on jimmy's cake i did not understand i do not wish [Music] trouble [Music] adam ben it's good to see you and what can i do for my favorite customers we'd like to buy some american flags i don't have any of them little ones man and how did you know we wanted some of those little ones yeah maybe we wanted a great big one well do you you running the store now jesse no i just take care of my own affairs that's all well then stay out of ours you pack a grudge a long time adam well how about it hammond i'm just sure we don't have none why don't you take a nice hard look we're right here here's some of them i didn't know i had any left see that's three four five six how many of them did you need eighteen they're to be put on a birthday cake oh there's a few extra it'll be a dollar there adam you shouldn't let jesse tips get under your skin that way i can't help it nothing but a cattle thief and a hired gun and yet he walks around loose he'll crap himself in time the fuller well this town's getting pretty hard up for somebody to run for mayor isn't it adam is jesse tibbs still foreman of that ranch that andy puma bought out souther carson as far as i know uh i'm seeing the business with the flags with lee chang and it sounds just about like the kind of tactics that fuma would use first the irish and now the chinese america for the americans has a pretty tired platform adam do me a favor will you take these flags over to lee chang tell him that hammond just misunderstood him what are you up to somebody want to talk to come in ah and cartwright i'm rightly honored what do i owe the pleasure of this visit mr cartwright you don't have to go through any of the formalities mr fulmer we've known each other for some time ah what school did you get that from school of hard knocks same one you went to ben only i don't call myself a lawyer folks get in trouble they come to me for advice ain't nothing in the law says i can't charge a fee for helping them now just what did you have on your mind ben andy i understand you're fixing to run for mayor that's right andy what's your platform virginia city for virginia city short sweet and to the point you like that it depends on what it means it means virginia city belongs to the folks that made it what it is it means we don't want outsiders well now what's your definition of an outsider andy well now ben you you live outside the city and you can't vote for me anyhow even if you would but i'll be glad to spell it out for you anyway it means our town's being overrun by foreigners who willing to work for nothing and they're taking the bread and butter out of the bounds of folks like us who built this country uh by foreigners andy what do you mean the uh the irish the welsh or the chinese now before you start getting into that high flowing talk about prejudice you just stop and remember this camp's full of those same irishmen and welshman and cornishmen and those are the very people i mean to protect i wasn't going to give you any high flow and talk about prejudice andy i just wanted to know where you stood yeah does that mean you're against me ben well andy it means that if i find out that you or any of your boys had anything to do with beating up my cook i'll tie a rope around you i'll drag you up and down main street now ben like i said before you don't live in this city and you can't vote for me no how so why don't you just stay out of this campaign i guess you just invited me in andy [Music] little joke don't call that jimmy chang just when i got a surprise birthday present right out there we would have to run into it i didn't expect to see you till tonight you are coming to the party aren't you sure we're coming jimmy what's the matter horse uh we really gonna eat bird's nest my father said he felt the same way about the first piece of apple pie you ever saw see you later i got to get the stable and get to work take it easy jimmy he's a good kid yeah made up his mind would go to college and he'll do it too you ready he knew this was his birthday present if he couldn't figure that out it sure has no sense going to college hey good-looking you know better than to say a thing like that in public you didn't seem to mind it so much last night billy wheeler i wasn't even with you last night then who are you with sally tommy gaines or ned wilkins uh the pierce kid or maybe him what if i was i didn't know you was making fun i'd slap your mouth let go of me suppose i tell your daddy what you just said what do you think old jr do to you huh now you just be nice and i won't tell but gorvert let go of her why don't you try and make me [Applause] boy you just made the biggest mistake of your life biggest mistake you'll ever make jimmy oh let me look at that cut that's all right miss sally leave me alone all i did was bathe your face a girl would do that for anyone yes anyone i didn't mean it the way it sounded that's all right i'm used to it here i'll put some more water on it sorry father get you into the house but father did you hear me why what have i done you've disgraced my name floating yourself in front of this heathen i was just helping jimmy billy wheeler hit him and i thank billy wheeler for that father how can you say that jimmy didn't do anything you get into the house before i thrash you i'm not afraid of you father i haven't done anything wrong every time i look at a boy you see evil hey sally you keep away from her you shouldn't have done that mr ridley oh father no no father no you've killed her oh i told you it was the biggest mistake you ever made boy i sure told you [Music] i wouldn't be too worried if i was you lee chang about jimmy he'll be around a minute the old man really probably gave him a few extra chores to do you know mr ridley he's tougher nails oh jimmy not mine he work hard you do what mr woodley tell him what do you think cosplay i don't know that boy is sedating anxious to make his college money he doesn't forgot his own birthday party man he's almost an hour late jimmy chip jimmy what happened to you you get some water and some towels quick what is it my son they were chasing me who was i had to fight him off horse they wanted to kill me well why what did you do no joe i didn't do anything something must have happened sally ridley is dead her father shot her it was an accident they think i killed her look jimmy i want you to tell me the whole story right from the very beginning it was an accident joe i liked sally i wouldn't ever hurt her we know he's in there send them out send them out or we're coming in to get them somebody will get hurt just keep calm ain't nobody gonna hurt that boy we'll handle this thing proper little joe you come cover me first man that tries to come in this house is gonna have to clam over me we're not looking for any fight we want the boy is all well you ain't getting him he kills somebody and he's gonna get what's coming to him now that's a bit hasty billy suppose we give him a choice either we take the boy in jail or we get a rope what about it you wait here will they take my son no lee chang if anybody does any taking around here it's going to be little joe and me but you believe jimmy look don't worry lee chang sheriff also is a fair and honest man he'll know the truth when he hears it father in america man is innocent until proven guilty isn't that right hoss that's right jimmy come on let's go hearts opsync adam's gonna stop by for us tell him we're down at the jail why'd you let him have him we could have strung him up billy billy billy don't you remember what fulmer said what we do is let it boil we just let it [Music] boil now you've told me the whole truth you're sure you've left nothing out son i've told you just the way it happened well i'm inclined to believe him how many other folks will is the question well i believe him i've known jimmy and his family a long time they're good people sure they're good people but that doesn't tip the scales not with some who have political ambitions you mean andy fulmer yeah he's been waiting for this kind of thing to happen ever since he declared for mayor come on boy jeffy everything's gonna be all right this is for your own protection jimmy you'll be better off here than you will at home i understand cher see jimmy this doesn't mean that that you're guilty even an innocent man if he's suspected of murder can't be allowed to ruin the streets i know you'll be all right here all right billy sandy man how are you mr ridley andy won't you sit down all of our sympathies are with you mr ridley we all want you to know how deeply we feel for you in this this hour of your great loss thank you andy it's a tragedy mr ridley it's a real tragedy and if we hadn't let the bars down in the first place a thing like this couldn't ever have happened now you know me mr ridley i speak my mind plain your daughter went out with lots of american boys didn't she sure she did pretty little thing like her and did any of those american boys ever act any way other than decent with her of course not would an american boy have shot her down in cold blood there's something i think you should know that boy didn't kill my daughter it was an accident i had the gun the gun went off that boy didn't kill my daughter andy i did now you just sit there mr ridley you've had a very trying day jesse haven't you got some work to do sure sure andy you know sometimes when a man suffers a great tragedy it can affect his mind you understand that don't you mr ridley yes yes i understand that and in his grief he he might forget things or or even imagine things that never really happened yes yes that's true i'm sorry to say this old friend but i see signs of that in you in your eagerness to do what's right you're willing to shoulder all the blame for sally's death well shouldn't i andy now now let's face the truth didn't that boy that james chang didn't he provoke whatever caused sally's death as the lord is my judge that boy caused sally to die yes and our city's overrun with these undesirables and that breeds the sort of thing that happened to you and every decent citizen in this town wants to see that that don't never happen again now ain't that right mr ridley yes yes sandy all right then now let you and me sit down and examine what's really right for virginia city you asked me to order members of our tongue to fight if need be to protect your son my son has not killed anyone he has committed but one crime he is chinese is james chang chinese has he not given up the ways of his ancestors has he not taken the dress and the custom of another people he is ambitious he desires to educate himself in this new land he knows that one day the chinese will take their place alongside other people who have come from many other places to make this great country young eyes can see great distances and risk is the privilege of youth your son has accepted the new ways and with this he has accepted the risk he is my son and they talk in the streets of killing him it is written it is better to sacrifice one lamb than to cause the slaughter of the entire flock some men will fight even to save a lamb order order please now i don't want to have to remind you folks this is an official inquest and i expect order continue mr wheeler like i said i seen this chinese boy carrying on with sally ridley so naturally i went and told her father you know the rest now your honor aren't we taking an awful lot for granted here now surely your honor ben cartwright's been around long enough to know the facts when he hears him but this is not a trial andy it's an inquest is that all boy well ain't that enough your honor don't get smart with me son now you just get down and let's have the next witness this amanda ridley now amanda just tell us in your own words what happened last night jimmy chang killed my sister order order please amanda we're not passing judgment here we're just trying to get the facts well what did you expect everybody in town knows what kind of a girl my sister was always flaunting herself fluffing her hair and mincing around boys what's the matter with her she's jealous of her own sister um please amanda i know how hard this must be for you but all we want to hear is what you saw well i heard a shot i ran to the stable there was jimmy chang bending over my sister there was a gun next to him my poor father was standing there just staring and the gun was by jimmy chang it was right by him right where he dropped it now your honor how do we know that was jimmy chang's gun now busan drop it there ben you're not trying to tell us that gun just fell out of the sky are you ben cartwright i'm not going to put up with any more of your outbursts all right amanda that's all mr ridley will you take the stand mr ridley do you feel the testimony you've heard here is substantial of the way it happened as the lord is my witness that boy caused the death of my daughter thank you mr ridley you missed that jimmy chang stand up it is the finding of this inquiry that you jimmy chang stand trial for the murder of tyler ridley inquest adjourned i sure don't want to miss that trial they'll hang him for sure one thing mr fuller oh that's hard to tell jury trial sometimes you just can't depend on a jury like i told you boys before when i take over this town i want it clean maybe maybe we ought to see to it there ain't no trial boss jesse i sure like the way you think [Music] were you an obligation to this town boys andy's right we're all merchants we all earn our living here if we let the chinese take over our property will be worthless i never spoke true or word cyrus that's my way of and thinking exactly wasn't my way of thinking i wouldn't be running for mayor [Laughter] one thing andy i ain't a man to jump into things you know well you ain't a man to stand by and watch your own house burn down without tossing on a pail of water either are you cyrus oh god now if we let that [ __ ] get away with killing that white girl it's just the same as saying we don't even care what happens to our own wives and daughters what do you think we ought to do annie i think we ought to put a stop to it right now looks like you're a little off your game today little joe hmm sir i feel like i'm eating over at hammond store i don't like the looks of it andy pulmer in the height of his glory so-called cause and a hard-headed audience to listen to his ranting what do you think it'll come to paul i don't know but if puma can fire up that crowd enough that sure enough try to break jimmy out of jail oh don't you think we can hold them off paul i've got no right to ask you cartwrights to get mixed up in this thing you got no help either have you uh you want to get rid of me sheriff you're gonna have to throw me out jimmy chang's a friend of mine hello chef well i i won't lie and say that i'm not pleased but well to make this thing legal like i i'd better swear you all in as deputies good always did want to wear one of them deputy badges anyhow ben looks like you were right i don't think there's any more doubt about it sheriff look there's only one way to avoid trouble and that's by getting that boy out of town fast but i can't rightly do that ben well you can't rightly let them come in and lynch them either can you ben jimmy chang has been indicted for murder that's my sworn duty to uphold the law and it's also the sworn duty of you and your sons now what are we supposed to do sit here and wait that's the way it is look paw even if we get jimmy out we got to get him past those men yeah i suppose nothing would make puma happier than to kill jimmy chang while attempting to break jail i look ray there's uh no law that says a deputy can't walk out of here is he no there isn't if you boys want to change your mind i can release you from any obligations no that's not what i meant i just don't like the idea of sitting around here while andy fulmer calls every turn what's in your mind son well paul i can't help thinking about amanda and the way she behaved on the witness stand now i've known her a long time i just don't believe she's turned that bitter i think you might want to talk to her i'd like to try huh it's worth a chance maybe through here you could break down ridley's story i don't like the idea of you going out there though no horse and i could cover him far well that'd be playing right in the former's hands and there'd be three less guns in here for him to worry about i'll get through all right paul well i wasn't thinking of you getting through adam i was thinking of you getting back in you know don't sell puma short he's got ridley on his side and he's gonna do everything in his power to keep him there well i'm gonna risk it all right adam look at him [Music] but sonata cartwright the stinker that woman killer get too thick for you in there you get out of my way [Music] you sure are probably adam ain't no law says we can't stand out here in the street yeah why are you cartwright so nervous we ain't doing nothing we'll just keep on doing it may i come in i suppose it'd be all right my father isn't home well it's really you i wanted to talk to amanda would you like to sit down thank you well all of us used to have some mighty good times in this house we haven't entertained since mother died seven years must get kind of lonely for you sometimes i had obligations and i assumed those obligations have to be at such a high price you think it's been easy keeping the household together with mother gone no i don't i i watch my own father do it for years yes but sally did everything she could to make things difficult yeah paul had his moments with all of us too she had no respect for anything not for me or for my father look amanda stop feeling sorry for yourself life hasn't passed you by why can't you cartwright's mind your own business and let us mind ours because it happens to be everybody's business when a boy's life's at stake you can stand there and say that to me when my sister's been murdered what do you expect me to do go over there to jimmy chang and tell him it was all a big mistake if that's what it was yes jimmy chang said he didn't have a gun he said it was an accident now look a man i've always admired you because you had the courage to stand up for what you thought was right sally was just exactly the way you used to be no more no less you don't need to pretend with me amanda oh i don't know i've been so alone what should i do tell the truth what are you doing in my house cockrite there's no woman safe in this town how dare you persecute my daughter it's not your daughter that's being persecuted there's a young boy over in that jail is just about to face a lynch mob my boy's a murderer and a heathen he's been indicted for his crime indicted but not convicted well don't you think jimmy chang deserves a fair trial james chang will have a fair trial not unless you tell andy fulma that's what you want him to have oh mr fulmer's an honorable man he doesn't need me to tell him what to do what's the matter mr ridley you're afraid to face up to andy fulman the principles you value so highly i fear no man well then talk to him i'll go with you father [Applause] what rights he got to stand trial anyway ain't even no citizen all right we're gonna let those cartwrights tell us how to run our town they don't live in virginia city and this town is for us that lives here for us americans that's right there are only three cartwrights in there adam left and we'll see twitty don't get back in again i say rush the jail chair paul still will be on our side when he sees me mean business what are you up to cartwright stop for a walk with some friends of mine it's not a jesse you seem nervous mr ridley is is adam trying to force you to do something against your will no man forces me against my will i want to talk with mr fulman you wanted to talk to me j.r i've got to talk to you about everything about those people out there well i certainly j.r not a man in this town can't speak to me whenever he wants to you come right on in miss amanda let's uh step into my private office we can talk freely there well i'll wait out here don't you sit down amanda j.r now then what was it you wanted to say to me jr i want those people out there to know the truth i want to tell them when i told you this morning and what did you tell me this morning j.r why that jimmy chang is innocent but my daughter's death was an accident and what did i say then mr ridley i just don't remember didn't i say that i wanted to help you didn't i say that the people of virginia city were behind you 100 did you see all those people out there in that street why do you think they're there they're there because they're your friends j.r just as i'm your friend because we both believe in the same principles we believe in honesty and decency and the american way now ain't that right mr ridley yes i suppose so father you don't suppose you know those people are out there because they're your friends they're out there to honor you they're there to honor a man who stood up in his hour of great tragedy not for his own sake but for the sake of an entire city now are you going to let them down jr are you going to let your daughter die and thing they're waiting for you out there j.r well mr ridley i have no right to stand in the way of my friends the people here in virginia city like i say j.r i like your ideas fine you talk to me anytime the door's always open what happened in there adam it was horrible it's as if my father has no mind of his own well i'll change his mind no adam let me do it i can make him understand that he's got to tell the truth all right if you think you can remember amanda jimmy chang's life depends on your father telling the truth i realize that now adam come along amanda [Music] just where do you think you're going cartwright why don't you leave those folks alone boys boys what's going on here cartwright here seem to be in a hurry we figured he was planning to pester the ridley some more you boys put those guns away jesse you know we're not men of violence you go right ahead mr cartwright just do whatever you like i'll do just exactly that mr pullman you sure you don't want me to stop him loss why should you do that jesse just when we got things right where we want him well joe do you ever taste anything like these jailhouse beans yeah yeah but i'm trying not to remember it what you mean to say is you you don't ever remember tasting anything that's good don't you yeah that's what i mean it's almost worth breaking a law to get this kind of chow jimmy you ain't need to buy to yours why don't you try to get some of that down thanks hoss but i'm not hungry hungry what's that got to do with it you think the only time a man can eat when he's hungry yeah you haven't got any kind of full idea like that do you jimmy i didn't kill sally you believe me don't you hoss jimmy you're you ought to have more sense than even ask such a question but there are some people in this town who think i did how can they hoss jimmy don't you worry none you got lots of friends understand friends are not gonna let you down here he comes letterman i really thought they tried to stop you from getting it back in uh phil was so sure of himself he figured he didn't have to well what about amanda did you find out anything from her oh i sure did and we have convinced her she should tell the truth i thought we had ridley convinced and then we got over to formers and i don't know fuma's got some strange kind of hole on the mat he's it's like so much clay in his hands anyway amanda's still working on him what do you think she'll get anywhere with him well if she doesn't we've got a lynch mob on our hands oh father how can i make you understand what i'm saying to you i'm on the side of right right you're just doing what andy fulmer wants you to do that boy's gonna die your sister died too didn't she yes she did until now i i don't believe i really cared but now i know you don't care how dare you speak like that to me dare speak like that because it's the truth your sister brought disgrace on us senate is it really chimichang you're trying to punish is it you're trying to punish sally father was her death really an accident or did you pull that trigger on purpose is that why you're afraid to talk amanda as god is my witness it was an accident then go out there and tell them father we both lied to ourselves we never really believed the things we said about sally and if we let jimmy chang die we'll really be condemning sally you and i father we're the guilty ones [Music] our boys you all know where i stand i'm just interested in doing what's right for our city are we gonna let those cartwrights stand between us and what we know is right i say let's rush them and get them out of that jail come on let's put a few shots over their heads that should scatter them here stop that stop it everybody stop ridley yeah looks like she convinced him everybody stop get in here jay all those card rights will kill you it isn't the cartwrights this town needs to fear fulmer ah j.r we understand each other that won't work again andy i'm gonna tell sheriff halstead the truth now we've been through this before i'm going to tell him the truth get him did you kill him what what are you saying you told me to kill him murderer you filthy murderer get him he just killed my best friend jesse stop the guy [Applause] father father my father wanted to tell you something i know what it was because i was part of it we lied on the witness stand this morning my sister's death was an accident jimmy chang didn't have any gun my father killed sally that's what he wanted to tell you well puma three dead you satisfied trying to make a murderer out of me ben you try to murder this town you still want this mafia mayor hold on wait a minute folks hold it hold it ah this is a this is a terrible thing that's happened here today and we sure don't want anything like that to happen here folks folks listen you know how i stand what i believe in all right [Music] i'm afraid you're at liberty mr chang come on jimmy can you hear him or don't tell me you done got to where you like it in here but but what but what i thought you were the one who had the fine ideas about going to college yes i do but well if you're going to go to college jimmy you got to bust out of this jail before you start it's all right timmy you can go home it's all over now come on
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 755,318
Rating: 4.4666667 out of 5
Keywords: CLASSIC, classic movie, #classicmovies, PUBLIC DOMAIN, FREE, filmstruck, MOVIES, classic movies, Tv Show
Id: NeQ8vlITDaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2012
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