BONANZA s. 8, ep. 7 / EN - whole series

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[Music] how's it going that's the last one really uh-huh 250 of the prettiest little calves you've ever seen you realize you're a whole week ahead of schedule I'm proud of you son ray they're proud alum and deserve the credit they're real good crew I still takes a man to lead the way you tell the boys they'll be a good bonus for each one of them hey they'll be happy about that how's it go for me too well if you consider that week off even wanted to take a bonus hey do I ever often hear I count Oakland what are you gonna do it out that far the prettiest girls in I model it right there and Oakland oh they do yeah I guess you wouldn't know about things like that hey Joe since you're going up that way do me a favor will you drop and see how Morgan Tanner's doing last time I saw him that broken arm of his wasn't sitting too well I wouldn't go by asking without looking in on Morgan I want you wait for me I'll get my horse we'll ride home together pretty girls [Music] hey Morgan Little Joe well what is surprise the deuce are you doing way over here on Alex's came over to see you and why there for one thing how you doing fine what the devil are you got on me what smells so pretty oh well that's uh that's some of that a bay rum Cologne stuff yeah oh that's what it is yeah must be a new girl in town huh well I don't know that's what I came down gonna find out we finished the Brandon and if I gave me a week off ain't hard send the best of you and your wife thank you been meaning to bring my over to see you folks but man never seems to get caught up on a place like this I see what you mean let me give you a hand with that all right [Music] use a little more Chopin I'm working you're lucky man having a wife like mother hey Jojo wait a minute what is always pay rom Cologne sentimental talk you sure there isn't some special girl in Elkin nobody special but you know you never can tell well it's time you found a girl and settle down when it's time for me to start planting rice let me know well don't rush it I got a lot of Wild Oats the super how's it I'm doing all right it could be better just keep forgetting it doesn't work so good it wasn't because of that you stopped by wasn't organ if you don't feel sorry for yourself why should I hey Joe that can wait come on let's go in the house and get something cold to drink you got yourself a deal I can't wait for mightor to see you [Music] it's why they still make it dried up fine she sure does that's my horse somebody's stealing my heart [Music] he's dead [Music] any idea who he was no name on anything Martin just the initials LJ and he was belt buckle just one bullet hit he went clear through he was hit dead center where I was aiming I'm sure it was my bullet brought him down and I'll take him in Elkton filed a report with the sheriff I'll bring you horseback run-through now that won't be necessary Jo I'll saddle up and go with you you're a stranger here sheriff Fenton is a friend of mine I want to tell him it was my blame and whatever think his best Morgan I think that's best won't take me but a minute to saddle up another horse I'll go ahead Lenny open fire on us there wasn't nothing to do but shoot back he was coming straight at us there wasn't no chance to miss him Joe and I both fired at the same time you're both fired yeah that's right sheriff I guess you could say though just one bullet hitting LJ LJ this is something here Luke Jordan with a bunch of aliases this is him your boys got a bad one yeah yeah that's him or I don't one sitting down I feel it right Luke Jordan wanted dead her alive for the murder of a cashier and the theft of $8,000 from the Tucson Express Company if apprehended notify sheriff went clerk Tucson Arizona there's a $2,000 reward looks like you boys did the community service and made some pretty good wages besides didn't enter my mind about there being a reward yeah some days you get lucky Morgan oh no I don't hold a Blood Money Sheriff I don't neither do i but it falls your way take it I bet there were 20 bounty hunters after this one if you boys hadn't gutted one of them more - he's right Morgan sheriff or the other three in the picture his brothers Virgil Boonen Walt Jordan they've all got records a mile long it seems like they've served their time and I wanted the moment you got all sheriff no there's one more thing now Luke's death could bring his brothers into town to claim his body if that happens well these are real hard cases boys they might want to claim a couple more bodies besides Luke's you mean Jo and me I think you're just looking for trouble for its start Sheriff well that's a heaven with me Cartwright just like staying alive if I broke one habit I might lose the other I guess you got a point well thanks for the time boys I'll wire the sheriff and Tucson and your money should be here in a couple of days right well what's the matter Morgan you got something against money got something against that way of getting it just put that kind of thinking out of your head you didn't have any choice I guess you're right well I'll go on over and get my horse I better be getting back to the farm I think I'll stick around town a little while I figured you wouldn't any chance you're coming out and having supper with me and Martha before you go back to the Ponderosa you can count on it just make sure Martha's got playing that dried apple pie for me right I'll see you back at the ranch [Music] what company sweetheart not that I know of favorite num before you stranger you play is fine with me man I've got a favorite number you when my neck needs washing mr. Rollins I'll do it myself are you an iceberg girlie we can't leave me alone don't play that holier now with me lady this is a saloon you're here to entertain mr. Rollins my kind of entertainment is supposed to be cultural not physical somebody once said if you can't whip them join hey you go finish your drink I want to hear the music get lost little boy college boy wants to hear the music [Music] you mind if I sit out no not at all fact I'd like it thank you my name is Lorna Medford I'm sorry you had to get involved in that incident mr. Cartwright Joe Cartwright I'm from Oh Virginia City Way and as far as the incidents concerned forget it today seems like my day for getting involved which place of music liven this place up a little bit that'll cost you a drink Joe got to earn my keep what do you have I'll have what you have what would you like me to play let me say that I'm not a beautiful dreamer you know that one Evolis songs to pull out of a head why did you have to choose that one oh you gotta be kidding Butterfield a real woman of the world aren't you Maccoby ville oh hi Oh population 58 minus one who's the real Lorna the address you're wearing and what you're drinking I ordered the buttermilk Joe the management ordered the dress that's for the customers whose hearing doesn't match their eyesight [Music] but wasn't rich man poor man beggar man thief one rich man I seen you were the girl from the other side of the tracks something like that wanting to marry the family money you think you were just after the family Treasury I didn't wait to find out he's ran away I didn't run I simply had to prove I could make it on my own without the help from any family Treasury that's good it's good you're really gonna prove a lot in a place like this then I was a we call the buttermilk you can drink and a wonderful fragrance of stale beer this is just a stepping stone to San Francisco if I'm good enough I can entertain the kind of audiences that I won't be looking at my legs well thanks for the buttermilk and the kind words would you ever stop to find out whether he believed when his family said about you no no not you he just ran off and left he really loved me he'd have tried to find me I tried looking at it from his side as far as he's concerned you just ran out on hey girlie you might like to know whatever mr. Cartwright buys for you has been paid for by a dead man what's that supposed to mean Oh town's talking about it there was a reward on that dead man and I'm betting Cartwright and his friend Morgan killed him for money you shoot him in the back Cartwright you're taking by surprise I know what about you you want to hear it got the floor mr. keep talking I'll do that he's a rich kid run out of money so he turned bounding on her what's the matter rich kid then you get your lollipop allowance this week don't push it too far mister I don't have a price on my head bounty hunter I'm not worth $2000 dead or alive if you're good enough to shoot me you might find some small change in my pocket yeah save you trouble [Music] a couple of bears my friends vine [Music] you know loud-mouthed they say that if a man could second-guess his mistakes he'd never die by accident I want to give you a chance to learn that Muslim I just leave that stand there she has a very important very glass that fig lass is you this one's me so you know the idea is to see if you can spill my view before I spill yours anytime you're ready loudmouth oh you would have died of a real bad case of slow put it back object your good health and your good fortune [Music] what can I get you boys beer same here yeah Virg whiskey [Music] something wrong no no nothing's wrong I I just remember something I had to do that song I'll see you later [Music] but he threatened to kill me I tell you well he didn't do it he quit shot I got a headache you mean you're not gonna arrest a man for attempted murder no I'm not going to arrest a man for shooting up a beer glass his body he pays for it how I pay for it all right there he is sheriff now arresting OKC will you shut up what's the matter crowd right you forget something yeah sure I think maybe I did I doesn't want to talk about in front of Morgan well I thought you and Morgan were close friends well we are we're good friends but you know Morgan gets gonna carried away with himself sometimes yeah well what's on your mind just one bullet in a dead man would you say put it there Morgan Tanner seems to think he did he's wrong I shot look Jordan what makes you so sure that Morgan didn't kill him shootin with his left hand looks like you were - come on sheriff I was born left-handed Morgan's new at it you uh you wouldn't be just after that reward money would you it was my bullet that was in Luke Jordan as a reward I'll take all $2,000 of it no share and share alike is that it yeah that's it Casey will you get out of here the way I hear it you Cartwright's own half of Nevada I didn't realize you needed money that bad but the one at poster doesn't ask whether I need the money or not wants to know if Luke Jordan is dead and who killed him I've been known to throw reward money in the gutter and make a bounty hunter scrambled for it would you make Morgan scramble for it Morgan needs that money real bad he had a right to kill that man protecting what belongs to him yeah well if you're looking for justification sheriff I was protecting what belongs to me and just what might that be my life I was being shot at remember yeah yeah I remember and the way you play with that gun you're likely get shot at again so I hand it over at all I'll give it back to me to leave town well I like to keep my gun if you don't mind I mind there's an ordinance in town against carrying a gun oh come on sheriff I've seen 20 men in this town packing guns oh is it so well I'll have to look into that card right but the ordinance is still on the books so hand it over I'll be at the hotel I mean know what I'm gonna get you I'll do that hey go give me a drink now listen cacey you get out of here you caused enough trouble give me a drink anything else gents no more to drink but we can use a little information a much goes on around this town I don't know about we're looking for a man named of Luke Jordan ever hear them seems like here in the name some place well he's a brother of ours what do you know about him [Music] this is Elkton ain't it well you got something to say about our brother I think it'd save a lot of time at all if you had a little talk with the sheriff that drinks around the house I guess we won't have no trouble finding the sheriff mister didn't mean the eavesdropped that maybe I can save me some time maybe there's somebody in Elkton don't mind talkin well it's not easy to say your brother's dead shot I know the man that did it a bounty hunter by the name of Cartwright this Cartwright he's still here in town yeah he's still here thanks for the drinks and the information I don't know what you're trying to prove Sheriff but you sure must want to lose a dollar off a bad well things would get a little boring in time well I get bored I like to gamble dollar still says you can't get three out of five all right if that's the way you want it stand back Amy thanks Sheriff easy as dollar I ever made you can use it well that's pretty good shooting for a man who had to learn to shoot with his left hand Morgan how are things going around here since that horse busted you up Martha me goodbye I don't like the way we come by it any better do more ghen does but when we get that reward money we're gonna get along aside bitter sheriff you didn't come all the way out here just to lose a dollar to me what's on your mind I can't hate to tell you this Morgan but your friend Cartwright changed his mind change his mind about what about sharing that reward well maybe he changed his mind but I haven't look sure if he's gonna take his share just like I told him we both fired yeah I know but he claims you missed he says you've got no share coming he wants it all but how does he know who missed and who didn't you have to ask him Martha all I know is he wants it all oh you're not gonna give it to him are you no I haven't yet I want to see how good you could shoot first Morgan left coming at town will file a report let the judge decide no sheriff little Joe thinks that money's rightly his give it to him Martha I never did hold a blood money in the first place and you're not gonna argue with a friend about it oh sorry Martha sometimes money can turn a man mighty fast [Music] yeah here chef who's here the three brothers of that man Cartwright vo and hereafter Cartwright there's no doubt about it just how did they know was Cartwright they were after well because I told him figured they were gonna find out anyway so I told him KC why don't you go steal a horse so I'll have an excuse to hang you maybe you didn't hear what I said Cartwright I heard you you must want that reward money pretty bad yeah if I want to real bad bad enough to face up to three-to-one odds if I have to Carter I've got a job to do in this town and part of is to keep people from getting killed so why don't you do me a favor and just get out of town I want the money I'll send it to you I'll wait for it what good is $2,000 gonna do a dead man maybe I just don't intend being dead Sheriff you know I rolled out to see Morgan tanner he shoots pretty good with his left hand good enough good enough it could have been him that put that bullet in Luke Jordan so it might have been him but it wasn't now how many times do I have to tell you that you've been friends with Morgan a long time haven't you a really long time well as long as you're my town I'll I'll do what I can to protect you that's my job I can't be with you all the time so what come on by the office I'll give you a gun bag thanks for what good luck all right thanks for not turning your back and walking away when I came in I could never do that to you Joe I've got too much respect for you and too much gratitude credited what for this came from Placerville last night read it what's it out there is Lana I followed you across seven states you are running away from me I will try to follow but if you're running away from yourself or my family stay where you are I'll find you I want to marry you love Richard you know I couldn't said it better myself you won your point didn't you looks like I want to just in time you're not making any friends in this town sitting around a bounty hunter I won't buy that name Joe you couldn't possibly be brutal or mercenary and just what makes you so sure because I saw you provoke beyond patience by Casey Ron's if you had any killer instinct in you it would have come out then try to explain to yourself I cheated my friend on his share of the reward did you have a reason for doing it yeah well then I'm sure it was a good one I'd bet my life on it things are gonna get a little rougher five to ten mine what do you mean by that is somebody threatening you no no no but there's always a good possibility well try not to worry about it was worried look at me like that right hands steady as a rock just wish I was right handedness how about a buttermilk a Cartwright three men asking folks if anyone knows where you are they're the brothers of that man you killed what are they know they're out there waiting for you you're the undertaking place and I got a funny notion that they're not gonna settle for shooting at beer glasses [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you looking at me your name Joe card right yeah this here's my brother boom my brother Walt I'm Virgil Jordan we come here to give our brother Luke a Christian burial gotta figure to send him on his way and some new clothes I always like dark suits you never got around to buying one sorry about what happened it's your fault card right if Luke was shooting you had every right to shoot back sides I hear tell he stole a horse they can hang a man for that no I figure Luke was lucky just getting shot chef if my brother made trouble if he puts you out any I want to apologize because whatever he got he was asking for it I know that's a hard thing to say coming from a brother you my brothers are just planning to stay in town long enough to do what we have to do my cigar dried don't trouble your conscience not about collecting all that money if Luke had a price on his head you put it there herself didn't raise their voices you think all that sweetness and life is on the level well oh why just don't bury a brother and then patch somebody on the head for killing didn't you tell me not to go dreaming up probably before it happened yeah I guess you're right of course I'm right let's grab a beer sure that sounds good my my heart's been up my throat the last few minutes I think the drink might get a backrub loss oh you will you can put these clothes on him later right now I wonder if we could have a few minutes alone with our brother of course I understand thank you sir all right now we're gonna plan this and I don't want no slips you know catching cartwright by himself couldn't be a problem Virge you figured out a way for that we got to get rid of the sheriff first maybe we can keep him busy Virge like we did up in Fargo yeah I would work you do it buna already figured out of eavers somewhere close to town where it'll draw a crowd and walk I want you to make sure the Undertaker is got another pine box just like this one [Music] [Music] maybe it would be best if we talked about in my then this is just stayed like that's not talking things over I've said my say no Martha you haven't said you say you're letting it build up inside it you didn't just start with this Morgan if it's building up inside of me it's been building for a long time when the well went dry I lost that little patch of flowers I had when you promised me those new curtains and then you had to spend the money on a plow handle Mike honey I don't blame you I know it's been hard that's the point don't you see that Morgan I have never complained I have never wanted you I have never figured that I had to because I knew that you were doing your best I kept hoping and hoping and even dreaming and now we get that chance to make some of those dreams come true and you just sit by and that little joke caught right walk off with money that's rightly ours he must feel for sure it was his bullet to kill that man he truly must but at first he was gonna share and share a life walk and don't you have any idea what $1000 would mean to us yes Martha I know what it would mean I guess it just wasn't meant to be that's all I can't accept that answer Morgan I won't accept it Martha they just ate much we can do but there is something that I can do I'll go into town and I'll find Little Joe and I'll tell him my feelings now that's what I can do what doing all good it'll do a lot more good than standing here listening to a man who won't even stand up for his own rights [Music] Morgan I didn't mean that you know I didn't I reckon I know that but it's said maybe it's true I'll go into town in the morning I'll stand up to the sheriff I'll stand up to Little Joe - I'll tell him I figure there was as much chance I killed Luke Jordan as there was little George added sometimes a woman get so riled up she says a lot of things [Music] well maybe that's what husbands order before or listen when when the wives get riled up [Music] well this all you need chart right Telegraph order from Tucson you can take it out the bank and get your reward Thank You chef oh yeah but I don't get a chance to stop out and see Morgan on if you do me a favor I want to leave an envelope for him over at the hotel and you see he gets it yeah sure I guess you're heading back to Virginia City huh yeah yeah on my way home thanks again you bet [Music] [Music] hey even Ty and I was planning on how much I be a dollar you know lots of folks around here not gonna be sorry you're leaving town your horse is in the corral you want me to saddling no never mind I'll take care what's that alright and I'm head of the volunteers oh good ears right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't shoot him Boone not just yet well I wasn't fixing to very Judy wish I could see the fire though yeah wonder how that got started I reckon most everybody in town will be going to the fire don't you brother Boone yeah well I don't reckon it'd even be named ready around in the air a gunshot [Music] [Music] [Music] won't he's down Virg I can see it from here [Music] [Music] [Music] sure if I promise I'm really leaving this time goodbye card right hey Morgan Joe how am I ever gonna thank you oh just forget it remember you owe us a visit somebody else only say goodbye you'll have $2,000 at the bank in my name open the only bank account had ever had maybe fair it was your bullet killed who Jordan those men that thought I killed him might be dead now I wouldn't have stood a chance against him not even with two good arms yeah that's right it looks like we're both leaving town the same day I ran away from Richard once but this time I'm running to him I'm gonna meet him in Dayton Joe good I'm happy for you Thanks I guess I better be on my way [Music] to get back in one piece about time about time for gave me a week off I took a week seemed like a month I've been doing your chores you know hmm finally seems like a months to me to listen how's Morgan and Martha getting along Oh Morgan's just fine ranch looks real good I'm a matter of fact Morgan's even a manager to put a little money away in the bank good good good hear that yeah anything special happen anything special yeah I think I better tell you about it at dinner Oh go clean up oh I wanted to ask a favor of you pop yeah the next time I ask you for a week off don't give it to me [Music] [Music] well how's it going that's the last one really uh-huh 250 of the prettiest little calves you've ever seen you realize you're a whole week ahead of schedule I'm proud of you son really proud alum and azar the credit they're real good crew I still takes a man to lead the way you tell the boys they'll be a good bonus for each one of them good I'll be happy about that is it go for me too well if you consider that week off even wanted to take a bonus Hey do I ever Elton hear I count Elton what are you gonna to an open bar the prettiest girls in a model live right there and Elton oh yeah I guess you would know about things like that Hey Joe says you're going up that way do me a favor would it drop and see how Morgan Tanner's doing last time I saw him that broken arm of his wasn't sitting too well I wouldn't go by asking without looking in on Morgan watch you wait for me I'll get my horse we'll ride home together pretty good oh that's what it is yeah must be a new girl in town I don't know that's what I came down gonna find out we finished the Brandon and if I gave me a week off paint Hoss and the best to you and your wife thank you been meaning to bring my eye over to see you folks but man never seems to get caught up on a place like this I see what you mean let me give you a hand with that all right [Music] use a little more Chopin I'm Morgan you're lucky man having a wife like my mother hey Jojo wait a minute what is all this hey rum Cologne sentimental talk you sure there isn't some special girl token no nobody special but you know you never can tell well it's time you found a girl and settle down when it's time for me to start planting rice let me know well don't rush it I got a lot of Wild Oats the super how's it I'm doing all right it could be better just keep forgetting it doesn't work so good it wasn't because of that you stopped by wasn't Morgan if you don't feel sorry for yourself why should I hey Joe that can wait come on let's go in the house and get something cold to drink you got yourself a deal I can't wait for mightor to see you [Music] it's why they still make it dried up fine she sure does that's my horse somebody's stealing my heart [Music] hey Morgan dojo well what is surprise the deuce are you doing way over here on Ellickson came over to see you and Martha for one thing how you doing fine what the devil are you got on huh what smells so pretty oh well that's uh that's some of that a bay rum Cologne stuff [Music]
Channel: notarobot
Views: 332,556
Rating: 4.4074073 out of 5
Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: IvW8QyJ_r8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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