Bonanza - The Underdog | Episode 180 | Classic Western | TV Series | Wild West | English

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[Music] oh [Music] something i can do for you uh you mr cartwright that's right my name is harry starr you mind if i have some of that water oh help yourself thank you [Music] what happened to your horse i had to sell him for his speed bill and mine mr cartwright i'm looking for a job i sure hope you have work for me well mr starr i think you're in luck we're looking for some extra hands for roundup so uh i want you to take your gear put in the bunkhouse we can start you out in the morning i thank you sir you know this is a handsome palomino you have here oh you know the breed oh yes i worked one up in oregon oh well maybe someday i'll let you i'll let you work this one when well you can start by putting him up on the barn that'll be a pleasure thank you [Music] hi well how's things at the rondo oh just great paul adam says he never seen so many little twin calves all fat and sassy oh yeah yeah who was that my new standard no no the fellow i know a new hand i just took down good we need some yeah well like the five new men in there i've had them working on a new remote or they should be ready to join item in the morning i hope you get the idea engine if you don't lee burton will be glad to give you a few more lessons i'm not gonna fight you mister maybe i'll let you decide that maybe i won't it's decided now both of you listen this goes for the rest of you and you men too this is a working ranch we don't have any time for gentlemanly sports it's get along or get out there's just one more rule anything you break you fix i bought these your hands i don't shake hands with no indian i draw my pay first all right burton you've been here two days if you don't know how to box over that i'll go to the barn and get some tools and fix that round [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh here's where you get your boots harry yeah take your time we're going to be a while why don't i go down to the blacksmith with you and i can help you unload this stuff don't worry come on we can manage we'll be back to you in a minute all right take your time you know [Music] oh what do you have i love a whiskey yeah don't you know better to serve indians in here i didn't know he was injured well that's what he is and you know engines and fire water don't mix well you look at the boots this guy's got on brand new and shiny none of us here got new boots not even halfway new most of us could probably stand on a five cent piece and tell whether it was heads or tails speak for yourself stranger i haven't seen a five cent piece in so long i didn't know which was head or tails that's cause engines and bridge took all the jobs like this one here came along got me fired from a good job now who ever heard of an inch and wearing a white man's boots anyway they'll ruin his feet and that would sure be a shame [Laughter] why it's our duty to look after our poor uneducated red brother [Music] hey joe same thing on this one buddy you got it yeah just pick up harry you know for an engine he sure does talk good english don't he yeah he not only talks good you've been watching one of those horses the last couple of days he talks pretty good to them too don't you darn right beautiful yeah that's one thing about a horse it don't make any difference what color the man's skin that gets on him he knows it's a man when he's on there hey hold by the saloon [Music] all right who did this to you doesn't matter look nobody can get away with this not in this town who did it don't be a favorite you won't get me out of here joey needs help let's get him the way come on bring him on come on [Music] thanks us well harry i had nothing but admiration for a man who bucks big odds fights his own battles you know sometimes it just isn't practical and that's why we have a government of law and officers to enforce that law mr cartwright those laws don't apply to me have you tried them sure i've tried them i suppose i named the men that beat me up and brought charges against them but what court ever took the word if i have comanche for anything look harry without you telling us we know that the man paw fired was in on this somehow now why not just admit it please joe let's forget the whole thing and after tomorrow you can forget about harry stone because i'm moving on you can't keep running all the time oh yes you can that's how i've stayed alive until now you see i know that if i stay around here and work the round up the same thing will happen again trouble not while we're around well i thank you but i guess the only hope for me is to find a job someplace where the only thing i can offend are rattlesnakes and jackrabbits boys would you say that harry has just given us an excellent description of the lion shack up in padilla canyon yeah it sure does felt like he'd been there you know we got a lot of work that has to be done up there padilla canyon it's lonely work but it's yours if you want it i sure don't know why you folks bother with me mr cartwright well uh it's about time somebody did huh hurry little joking right out with you is well as soon as you feel up to it if you're willing to take a chance with me i thank you sir i hope you're never sorry joe i want to take harry up to his room i think he needs a little rest right come on hey you're up early this morning yeah me and sunrises are old friends you feeling better just as good as new when you're ready to go after that line check anytime you say i'm ready right now as soon as i put this horse in the stall you mind if i ask a favor go ahead you think your part would mind if i climbed aboard this horse and just to get the feeling go ahead if i wouldn't mind okay [Music] ah yes [Music] look awesome [Music] well that takes care of that about another cup of coffee joe before you leave don't mind if i do you make good coffee yeah good at coffee making and horse breaking i guess it's because i've had plenty of practices both the life horse is not your hair yeah that's the indian part of me joe it's like they say an indian takes better care of its horse than he does a squat hey tell me how long did you did you live with your people well joe the comanches are no more my people than a white man is see my mother was a captive white woman and my father was a big brave until he met up with white man's fire water and soon after my mother died they just kicked him right out of the tribe or what happened to you though oh they had as little use for me as they did my mother and father you see joe when you're only half of something you're really half of nothing so i left well you had a pretty rough well it taught me a lot i picked up a few things like making coffee breaking horses and living alone yeah live it alone there's one thing about living alone you don't have to put up with the likes of lee burton by golly that's right that's one good thing i don't have to put up with the lee burtons thanks for the call me i'll be back in a couple weeks with some supplies for you all right joe joe thanks again for the help all right see you in a couple of weeks [Music] so [Music] so [Music] harry it took long enough getting here yeah well i came a long way the cartwright sent me to uh line shack and perdido canyon told him i wanted lonely work they sure came through how do you do it harry you take a man as smart as ben cartwright you make him give you exactly what you want old harry must hypnotize him yeah well i couldn't do it alone this is stuff i'll need you're in business yes it's very nice now what would a nice clean working cow hand from the pond roads i want with a tool like this you can count on me being around to answer that question when it's asked where do we hit first the ponderosa you can't beat bite in the hand that feeds you for a dirty half breed trick yeah that's always been a winner i know you'd like it [Applause] you know liam you're a great indian baiter why not that's my job ain't it you just keep doing your juggly how do you figure harry i don't try i wonder if he's still with us why not no place else for him to go let's get out of here yeah much obliged here don't you mention howdy ben roy i heard you had some horses stolen last night would you hear that well maybe i only expected to hear it i was talking to chet and billy here and they were telling me that they lost some horses last night like it's not i'm gunshots no you aren't they got six of ours including the palomino stallion a pause i took four of chet's best stock horses seven of mine including the mayor in full he beats me queen had a horse stealing around virginia city and so long that well i'd about figured it was gone out of style well whoever stole these horses had plenty of style we checked hazelton creek both sides of the bank for miles not a sign of them coming out there's no chance of trailing from my place i figured they must have took them out over the trail we used to bring in the remuter there's no question about it this heroin's a real smart umbra when it comes to covering up the tracks the boys you keep in touch and we'll do the best that we can horse these make mistakes too you know even smart ones right well thanks sheriff all right take care i'd like to make a little bet this horse thief i say he's that half breed that's working for you well i'll take that bed mister well now i ain't got no rich papa so you just make it for how much you want to make it for fifty dollars you're covered burton i'm pretty sure this bet have you seen harry starr stealing any horses no i'm just putting my money on what i know about breeds now are you gonna tell me you've had this engine where you can watch him every minute he was about as far away from where those horses were stolen as a man could be in perdito canyon that's where he's working anybody with him that little half engine must be getting lonely out there all by himself sheriff if you want to catch yourself a horse thief i gotta hunch this perdido canyon is a good place to start seems like kind of a long way to me to check on a man's hunch should have realized you wouldn't want to embarrass the cartwrights maybe after he gets away with a few more horses you'll see it different i agree with you roy there's no evidence that harry starr stole any horses and it's a long way to go to checking a hunch mr burton here's going to be shooting his mouth off around town maybe a little joe and i could save a little time by checking on it on the way home you do that then i'll be obliged to you and let me know after you talk to this hairy star i'm going with you i'll meet you here with my horse i sure want to see your faces when you find out that this half comanche has paid you back for trusting him that burton talks i can't figure out if he thinks every horse leaves a half breed or every half reigns a horse thief a man like burton uses it either way whichever way suits his purpose now let's get going take it easy roy i'll do that [Music] hurry [Music] it's funny he ain't here so funny about it we didn't send him up here to lie around the shack all day we sent him up here to work that's probably what he's doing he's probably up in the canyon working by watering basins that's one of the jobs he was supposed to do go right out and look for that i think i'll stick here poke around the shack a little bit i'll stay up here too huh yeah without pretending uh long you say he's been living in a shack brought him up here four days ago looks pretty neat don't it almost like he hadn't been here at all you remember pretty well what he brought with him uh-huh well would you say there's a four days grub missing a lot of game in this canyon burton is that right now what do you expect to find i don't know maybe i'm looking around just for the fun of it well look here looks like brandon irons don't they never saw one like this before maybe i'm not as smart as you are card right but uh couldn't this iron be used to change the ponderosa brand when i find a brand that's been changed i'll remember your idea let's try something card right see if there's anything to that crazy idea of mine that's the ponderosa brand right [Music] see how easy it is [Music] sure no trick to change your brand is it no sign of harry huh no just found that corral hidden up in the drawer but half a dozen horses there some of them are some the neighbors you mind paying me that bet now cartwright not until we find harry i'll tell you what i'll do i'll let the bed ride 100 says that comanche friend of yours is off right now fixing to steal some more horses i'm going into town and tell the sheriff he'll want to get up a little search party and that's one party i don't want to [Applause] miss [Music] [Applause] i just can't be i rode out here with harry the other day we had a little time to talk he told me about how it was when he was a kid he had no friends nobody wanted him he said we were the only friends he had i want to believe in him pop i'd like to too [Music] let's get the rest of the horses [Music] uh [Music] that stream must be fed by snow back in the mountains never mind that stream did they raise a reward money yet i doubled it well it's about time beginning to wonder if i was appreciated appreciate it it's all you hear anybody talk harry starr harry starr word he hit last night makes our job simple lee's right nobody questions anything except where's that breed getting off to with all them horses they're spooked real spooked well it took 10 days to get them smooth enough to raise a reward but you know this is rich country they'll double it again in a couple more days we're pressing our luck now harry i say we cash out we move to wyoming or the dakotas let them folks take a look at harry they have breed horse thief no no i want to see that reward money doubled again you're talking like you're hungry harry listen these ranchers got up a kitty they'll pay 20 ahead for every stolen horse it's found add that to the reward money we can be in the clear with 5 500 why take any chances lee you sound like a man whose skin might be a little yellow or even so harry i never thought i'd hear you judge a man by the color of his skin we pull out when i say not before i see it different harry stokey i do too clausen me too warren so you had it all worked out before you even got here no matter where we work it out harry we worked it out you gotta live with it [Music] [Music] hello joe i've been watching for a chance to talk to you that's funny i haven't wanted to talk to you too harry do i talk to my friend or do i talk to his gun oh i'm not a horse thief joe i know it's hard to believe but i'm not you tell me how the horse has gotten burdito canyon you answer that and i'll meet you halfway i can't you all i know is what happened to me all right what happened to you well it was about the third night in the lion shack and i thought i heard somebody outside i remember opening the door and taking about two steps and that's all the next thing i knew it was daylight and i was coming two and a pine thicket about ten miles in the shack why didn't you go back to the shack i did we were there you weren't i saw lee burton first so i crawled back into the brush and i heard you all named me a horse thief tell not all of us but if you weren't why don't you come out then and tell us if your father was a renegade comanche you wouldn't ask that question a lot of horses are stolen harry people in a real angry mood you didn't help yourself by running away all these people have to do is think i have breed guilty and he's liable to hang oh you'll get a fair trial here a trial you asking me to turn myself into the sheriff you have to oh no no at least i had this chance to talk to you joe i'm sorry i can't let you go harry well then you're gonna have to shoot me down because i'm not buying the lynching party even from you oh harry look all i'm trying to tell you is you'll get more justice in virginia city than you will by by running into some bounty hunter out on the road i'd never get as far as that sheriff if i rode into town we'll be with you you'll get there well now if you and your father rode in with me then maybe i would have a chance pause in the house i'll tell them well just a minute now if i go your way i'll meet you the furnace creek crossing tomorrow at noon straight up we'll be there don't let me down harry i'm believing in you i won't you [Music] [Applause] um [Music] so i made a mistake i'll give him a little more time it's an important decision for him to make i never should have left that decision up to him you did what you could it's up to harry now [Music] that's far enough cartridge stop right there right out now [Music] two cartwrights are in there [Music] well i don't have to tell you that i uh earned this reward you earned yourself a rope around your neck for hanging a horse thief poster says dead or alive done it what i've been trying to tell you all he ever wanted to do was kill a half breed now i say the object was murder and that's what it was now ben i don't believe you got any real proof of that besides hanging a horse thief simply ain't murder in this territory look roy there were four of them they could have brought them in for trial if they wanted to card right that half comanche got away with over 75 horses some of them yours hold on there nobody saw him steal one horse and nobody saw him in possession of any horses what about the animals we found out at your lion shack what about them brandon irons this poster says there's four thousand dollars come to me and that's all i care about mr i've got to see the remains before i authorize the payment of any reward money sure if you need to tell me you don't take the cartwright's word for what they saw you think they'd come in here just to make me an easy four thousand dollars mister it don't make no difference what i think i have got to see the body now i believe it's a little late to be heading out that way this evening we no more and get the crossroads and be dark but we'll go out the first thing in the morning and examine that grave well i'm ready whenever you are sheriff me and the boys will be glad to take you there ben don't look at me like that i'm doing my job the best way i know how suppose some regular rancher had a caught star and strung him up would you be telling me to lock him up for murder if he'd gone out of his way to kill him yes then i agree with you that every man is entitled to his day in court and all that but let's look at this thing practically an expensive court trial wouldn't make no difference to star he'd been hung anyway oh yeah that's right roy just forget about him he's only a half breed joe forget it joseph i'm sorry ben but it's in the books hanging a horse thief just ain't murder in this territory sure it ain't [Music] pepper [Music] didn't expect to see you cartwright's out here this morning don't you ever give up we came out to claim harry starr's body i guess we're a little late what was gonna tell them already [Music] that's all we could find right don't you even have enough respect for a dead man to give him a proper grave did you ever see a white man after comanches got done with him don't talk to me about respect for dead indians sheriff you still have to see the body before you pay the money you get your money all right but i'm going to see to it personally that you spend at any other place in a virginia city well we might as well go home if all your hosts go ahead i'll be along after a while what do you have in mind i know that i just want to take some time and think this thing through you uh like to talk it through i just can't help thinking i put that rope around harry's neck myself look joe if harry done like you told him if he had gone in and turned himself into the sheriff he'd still be alive wouldn't he that's right joe we're men we're not mystics or foretellers of the future we can't be responsible for the consequences of any of our actions we don't know what they're going to be even in the best of faith i think that's the word though what faith i really had faith in believing when harry told me that it's about time i did something about it like what there were 70 horses stolen i'm going to be honest in believing that harry didn't take him and i want to find out who did and where they are don't use this as an excuse to go after burton for what he did to harry i won't i promise y'all i'll be careful [Music] [Music] [Laughter] hey bartender bring some whiskey over here come on let's go go no we're just getting started we gotta go come on wait what are you looking at go on get out of here you'll be back to see me sure i just keep your light burning i can't afford to keep it burning too long well let me see here better be enough to keep it burning till i get back [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] hey what did you do that for shut up stokie get back down the trail see if anybody's following us we'll wait for you up ahead [Music] uh [Applause] see anything ah i didn't see a thing you're sure sure i'm sure what are you getting so spooky about [Music] my hmm [Music] easy joe easy [Music] harry yeah not a ghost joe i'm as real as this gun yeah i saw you hanging from a tree sure i still have the robe burns under my arms trying to keep the weight out of the noose so that's why the grave was empty huh yeah that's why joe now get your hands behind your head move on down there i said move uh uh [Applause] oh [Music] come on burton keep digging i want harry starr's grave real deep this time go on throw it over the others throw it over with the others [Music] i just can't believe i could have been so wrong about him i wanted to be his friend i'm afraid that isn't what harry had in mind i hope i'm never that stupid again oh you weren't stupid it wasn't you have to admit pie sure made it easy for him don't try asking yourself why you did why i thought i was the only friend he had in the world but he was alone taking a beating he couldn't help himself in other words he was an underdog you had no way of knowing that he was anything else joe never feel guilty about having warm human feelings toward anyone it'll be of any comfort to i felt exactly the same way about harry as you did for the same reasons i'd just make the reasons wrong just harry [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 757,253
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Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, classic tv, western series on youtube, bonanza, bonanza full episode, western series movies, bonanza season 6, lorne greene, western series, old western series, wild west, youtube series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, cowboy, tv western, westerns, best western, western youtube series, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, cowboy series, Bonanza series
Id: tzjFJbPcdp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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