Bonanza - The Jury | Episode 114 | American Western Series | Old Western | English

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[Music] that'll be all judge you may step down you have heard the evidence gentlemen of the jury you will weigh that evidence in privacy and render your verdict the sober and unenviable task but you must face it with responsibility you bet judge send those good men into their little hate closet that's right send them in there so they don't have to look at me when they tie that rope around my neck man way the evidence huh seems to me around here lies way up heavier than facts and you you gaping bunch of sheep like a medicine showing it that's right step right up and get your tickets see a man do our rope dance sam kick sam squirm and stop it and don't forget your box lunches not doing yourself any good [Music] oh it's mighty hot gents mighty hot well i guess it's best to get this over and done with you i got yours waiting at home we all got things to do right well let's get to voting i think all of us see this the same way don't we murdoch what else guilty of course murdock said what else he's guilty yeah i mean guilty i had a feel of wheat once and i had to plow it under bad seed bad crop sometimes people are the same you know renz paul is no good town drunkard his kid's following his footsteps i vote to hang him guilty good good button he's done it all right guilty and uh with it oh you look disturbed don't tell me yes mr breeze i am disturbed disturbed by this talk of getting out of here because it's hot or because their chores waiting like all the rest of you i feel that jamie wren is guilty and i'll vote that way but i want it known as because of the logic of what i heard in the courtroom not because i'm all fired anxious to get this over with oh of course williams the point is we all think he's guilty what's the use of dilly dallying around oh one more vote we'll have this behind us just give us your guilty we've had enough oratory i ain't much of oratory mr brees just remembering what the judge told us he called it reasonable doubt i reckon that's what i got are you gonna tell me horse that you doubt jamie wren's guilt yes sir i guess that's exactly what i mean i gotta vote not guilty [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] can't talk till now boy go away it's all right sheriff i'm gonna polish up that badge some more hey junior um pal you turned out to be i i know i wasn't in court jamie but i was right out here all day waiting how did it go are you gonna be i mean did they set me up for hanging no not yet but they'll get around to it for sure seems there's a squeamish chap on the jury and hang and don't sit too well with him the one friend you got in this world and you can't say a good word for him junior's the only friend i got that guy in that jury ain't any friend of mine the reason he's holding out for so long is for the buck a day gets for sitting on his duff let's get you back to your cell you can talk to him later junior yeah that's right you can once you come by later junior we'll have us a regular old tea party huh how about that let's go how'd it go not so good paul have you taken leave of your senses wanting to turn a killer loose in the streets if i thought jamie round was guilty i devoted that way mr may somebody's been talking out of turn what goes on in the jury room is not subject for gossip you can't keep such disgraceful goings-on a secret in this town postcard right i've known you a long time but i must say you're a real disappointment to me come henry you know hush he's right everybody in town feels the same way maybe that'll make you change your mind mr murdock it's how i feel it matters to me well now let me put it this way i don't intend to stay cooped up in that jury room sweat box because of your mealy attitude unless we begin home soon horse horse cartwright i here tell you a whole nother horse holding the jamie around ought to be lit off that's true mr olsen but we ain't supposed to be talking about it out here the judge said it don't figure how you can really feel that way horse jamie wren did what i said he did in court and that's playing fact well sir i tell you mr olson i i did what i thought was right and that's plain fact i'll hold you no grudge for that horse a man can only vote what he thinks is right but oh you've remained silent through this whole thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] man this pocket i mean profit from the money they give you to feed us prisoners huh look graham most jails you want to grub they make you cook it now this is russian food same identicals they serve their customers oh i do believe you i do for a fact the difference is you probably scraped off the plates they sold yesterday the law says i got to feed you you don't have to eat it i'll try and choke something down badge man otherwise i might just pine away and die of starvation and you'll be cheated out of your hanging teeth that'd be plum terrible wouldn't it you being cheated out of your hanging feet what i don't like about it is all the rules are always setting down for me what rules oh well brees and the rest of them are always they're always telling me that the the law says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth how come he don't say nothing about turning the other cheek or loving thy neighbor what are you getting that horse well paul that bernie poor little jamie ran it have a better chance if he's a total stranger i just can't see him killing a man in cold blood that's all unless you got to be careful about something you got to be careful not to let your heart through your head manny it's not a jury it's got to be logical he's got to look at the evidence got to weigh the evidence paul that's exactly what i'm doing the only evidence i have heard the only evidence is olson's word that jamie wren killed his brother you saying that olson lied no i ain't saying that but what i am saying is that it was dark that night paul it was real dark it would have been real easy for olson to made a mistake too easy to hang a man on the strength of it answer me this am i wrong in what i'm doing man is never wrong doing what he thinks is right you better get saddled up you're gonna be late for georgia just some grassland bear oh haas you know you're going to take a real beating from those other jurors today no chance of you changing your mind i suppose mr williams i can't understand everybody expects me to change my mind has it ever occurred to any of them that they might change theirs [Applause] i'm telling you judge dismiss this jury and start over again that newly cartwright's the only man in town thanks mr murdock get one thing straight no one tells me how to run my court you'll go into that jury room and you'll return with a unanimous verdict whether it takes today tomorrow or the rest of the month do i make myself clear well now let me make myself clear judge i got a ranch to run i can't waste all this time you call it a waste of time deciding whether a young man should die no i don't mean that judge what i mean is the rest of us jurors has decided like we were supposed to that fool cartwright's holding us up everybody's here now let's get going yeah sure oh mr freeze it's come to my attention that certain jury members have been discussing the deliberations of the jury with outsiders that is something i will not tolerate yes sir well now how about it changed your mind yet i'm sure you want to get this thing over with getting this thing over with is not exactly my notion of our purpose and being here mr breeze now we all know why we're here to find jamie rengilde yeah but don't you see i still think he's innocent a horse we can't stay here day after day why don't you get off your high horse and swing over to our side because he likes to hear himself talk that's why hold on murdock i don't agree with hoss but he's got as much right to his opinion as the rest of us opinion oh come on haas be reasonable and none of us here like this job any better than you do the law says we got to do it you think i want to see that young man hang well i don't i don't make the laws i just do the best i can now we're going to try to convince you of wren's guilt i want to appeal your logic now if you remember when olsen was on the stand under oath he had no hesitation in making a positive identification of ren as the man who killed his brother has a jury come to a verdict or is that horse cartwright still acting like an obstinate donkey mrs taylor i must remind you that what goes on in that jury room is not your business nor is it mine to answer your question the jury is still in session good morning man ladies i heard him say reasonable doubt and i got a reasonable doubt about what is the doctor [Music] all day we've been arguing with that pig-headed fool all day i gotta do it again tomorrow i tell you i'm getting fed up cartwright must be a stubborn one all right yes why is he against stringing up that young killer well [Music] taylor [Music] man whiskey howdy horse hi miss dawson words out that you're still wanting to turn ran loose [Music] sorry mr olson yeah i'm sorry two horse i'm sorry about that young ran boy i hate to see a man die but you did kill my brother and they lost says he mr olson please mr i'm sorry you know mr olsen us jurors ain't allowed to talk seems like uh some of us don't want to talk but you can mr olsen you can now come on mr olsen tell us again just like you did in court how jamie wren killed your brother i don't see how it could do any good mr murdoch but i wasn't there mr olsen i didn't hear it go ahead and tell us well i mean not much to tell it's it's just that my brother and i woke up that night in our cabin and we saw jamie wren stealing our money box from the fireplace where we hit it we jumped him but he had a gun he shot my brother and run off with the money box ever said we had in the world i said that's just how he told in court under oath but it appears some of us weren't listening real then mr murdock jamie wren has already had a fair trial we're not going to hold a kangaroo court in here you've got a guilty conscience or something haas i didn't hold no court just refreshing my memory on what happened carol nice bill it's got my mark on it it's part of the money jamie jamie wren stole the night he killed my kill my brother [Music] strolling you say all your money was marked like this yes the sheriff it was and jamie wren stole every son of it right that just about decides it don't it judge you got no choice but to call a mistrial there's no need to declare a mistrial the jury will reconvene in the morning i'll hear them no more talk on the subject horse you're just gonna have to figure out where you might have picked up that money dad bernie roy i've been trying to backtrack myself i paid a bill over delivery stable and i bought some stuff from jake and a couple other things i don't know i must have got it back and change or something i don't know you had another thought mr olsen well it was real late that night when i saw ren robbis and shoot my brother i run over to the sheriff and got him out of bed because he grabbed bran before morning but then jamie couldn't have spent any of that money it had to be a bribe murdoch that ain't so and you know it listen to us you vote guilty like the rest of us then maybe nobody can say you took a bribe i better not hear anybody say that know-how oh been a long day come on let's get out of here well go on in yes don't take too long now you're here no sir they've been doing a puff a lot of squabbling down in that jury room jim i i've been listening to him from out in the alley it's just an act pal no no no it ain't jane you know it ain't that that big fella uh a house caught right he's been taking a heap of abuse and lift from them other jurors you can stand it the dollar a day he's getting he'll give in when he's made his money and that is fun if he does they'll that's right junior they'll string me up and i'll waste no time about it either look quit trying to save my feelings will you because i ain't afraid i ain't afraid of him i get no satisfaction out of me no crawling no whiner no nothing and for something you've never done it just ain't fair jimmy it just ain't fair there ain't nothing fair in this world you're either born lucky or you're born to spit on the way i look at it jamie you only got one chance you gotta get out of here why didn't i think of that junior you know i think i'll just call that deputy over here and ask him to unlock this cell please jamie you've been the only friend i i've had i'm gonna get you out of here bye by the hunk of clay what are you gonna do you shape up an indian totem and get rid of the evil spirit oh no no no jamie no i'm not gonna make an indian totem i figured i figured if i could get the key i'll get him over here say uh deputy you mind stepping over here for a second thanks for dropping by junior thanks a lot see you later huh now what ren uh tell me uh can a prisoner make a complaint around us here jail what do you mean complaint here's what i said a few things i don't like around here first of all the food it stinks and there's that other thing there what are you getting at [Music] hey kip hey hey kid [Music] oh i i i i didn't do nothing nobody said you did i i just want to talk to you a minute that's all you know who i am who who don't know that your heart's caught right one's been holding out and jamie says you're just doing it for the dollar day you get my jimmy's wrong now i know you're a good friend of jimmy's and that's why i want to talk to you i want to talk to you about that money that was stolen from old oldson some of it was found in my pocket tonight huh you wouldn't know anything about that would you hey nate you ain't accusing me ain't nobody accusing you of nothing yes some of the fellas are talking like maybe jamie might have given you some of that money to keep for him so jamie's right ain't he you you don't think he's innocent well let me tell you something he couldn't give me that money because because he didn't steal him and he didn't shoot old man olsen neither boy how can you be sure of that let me tell you something it's the gospel truth i told jimmy i'd lie for him i i i said that i'd i i was with him the night of the killing give him an alibi but he wouldn't let me not jamie he said that he was innocent and and he didn't need no lies to prove it maybe maybe you wouldn't understand that yes i do i got gold proofs were right taylor [Music] them cartwrights them high and mighty cartwrights listen you boys spread this story real good tell everybody cartwright had some of that stolen money on them spread it real thick you here we'll say to it all right [Music] i just want to get to bed just standing around fighting isn't going to do any good i don't think anything's going to do any good paul i don't know i wish all roy could find some more that stolen money well maybe he will meanwhile going up to bed you need the rest tomorrow's not going to be an easy day for you ain't none of them been very easy lately no it's going to get rougher that could be adam well what sort of a mess have you gotten yourself into come out of you what sort of a mess have you gotten yourself into and what are you doing here where's joe he's back in carson city with the stock cattle buyer sent word he wouldn't be there to monday so we flipped the coin to see you'd come home for a couple of days and it looks like i lost i know what a reception i got in virginia city thanks to you well you got stuck in your crawl what happened to your hand i had to fat in a couple of faces because of you what'd this happen i'm down to sazerac it wasn't my seeking couple guys were shooting their mouths off about how you were taking a bribe to get jamie ren off and i kept it up until i had to plow into him well that ain't the half of it i know sheriff coffee told me the rest of it seems that uh bud murdock and his friends have got the whole town suspicious have you i don't understand that fella murdoch he wants to hang jamie around so bad he can taste it always figured him for a pretty decent fowler well sometimes even pretty decent fellas are too much in a hurry i'm gonna bet i suggest you two do the same [Applause] tell me something pop how do you feel about jamie wren you think he's guilty well i'm not going to discuss it in front of a member of the jury tonight never figured anything had come up me and paul couldn't discuss but i reckon the law changed all that oh and i don't get him wrong he's not feeling bad because of the family name or anything like that because of you he knows you're in a heck of a spot he also knows that you got to make up your own mind listen since you got me this how about give me a hand with my horse huh [Music] me [Music] well if it ain't the big brave badge man yes sir you got that bed shining like a new mirror huh you got no rope so i guess it ain't hanging time yet huh bet you can hardly wait the jury's still out son you know i can't figure you out i can't understand you at all i've tried to treat you fair fair he called throw me in this cage for something i didn't do than hanging around like a hungry vulture waiting for the happy okay to string me a fair [Music] you've been yammering at me for days now the time's come for me to do a little yammering i told you i wasn't much on oratory but i think the time has come for me to speak my piece and buy gum you're going to listen to me that's right cartwright you talk you talk i'll listen i sure will tell us how jamie wren got to you with his stolen blood money that's the way the guilty ones always zack all i know is no enough of this sit down you two were part right like i was saying there's a young fella jamie wren namely sitting over there in the jail all along sitting there wondering when somebody's going to come and get him there can't be no fear like the fear he knows fear of being taken out and putting under a hanging tree his hands tied behind him and a rope around his neck that's part of the punishment house if he's guilty mr breeze if he's guilty but what if he ain't what if he ain't guilty then you're guilty of murder ain't you but they ain't gonna put you in that jail none of you they ain't gonna tie your hands behind your back and take you out and put you under a tree and put a rope around your neck are they huh that's a lot of ifs hoss none of us here have any doubt any doubt at all jamie wren is a killer hey there mr brees ain't there no doubt is that true mr brees or is it just that all of you has got a gut in your head to hang jimmy around and there just ain't no they ain't no room left in your heart for any doubt the law is a mighty peculiar thing it's all black or white yes or no there ain't no in-betweens it appears to me that you fellers have been thinking a lot in the black well i've been dwelling in the in-betweens you can't hang a man that's right that's right mr brees you can't [Music] well i'm going over to rest and for my supper son i'll bring yours back with me just don't stuff yourself badge man there won't be any scraps left for me all right jamie jamie and i got two horses out in the alleyway hey hoss you're still in town yeah hi roy hey roy you run on any more of that stolen money no i ain't i checked every store in this town you know horse it does seem likely that if somebody else stole that money like you think that they'd be moving around yeah it does see in the morning yeah [Music] so [Music] sir hey sheriff i got your killer he's trying to make a getaway tell me where you hid that stolen money admits you killed poor olsen hold it that murder yeah now i'll take over now you tried to escape huh you bet he was you'd have made it too if it wasn't for me you've seen that cartwright you've seen this murder and welt make his escape you think he's innocent now mr murdock you better come along with me as soon as i lock him up you can give me a full story come on i i i i i tried jamie i i really tried you come along too junior come on you tried right we both did how'd it go today not too good i'm afraid how's the hand it's coming along real good sheriff can't be finding any more of that marked money oh jamie around tried to escape jail tonight i'm sure it doesn't do him any good nope makes me wonder if i ain't been wrong about him all along you're changing your mind huh yeah i reckon i am i guess it's about time i started doing like paul said start thinking about the evidence not so much about my feelings that's kind of what a journeyman's supposed to do just one thing that bothers me adam you do me a favor yeah sure what is it look i i got to know for sure i got to know for certain that olson recognized jamie ran that night and not just thought he did well sheriff coffey said they tested his eyes in court oh they gave him a printed page of small print to read and he read it right off but that ain't the same as recognizing a man in the dark and from a distance especially when you're in shock from seeing your only brother shot down right before your own eyes see what you're getting at what would you like me to do i'd like for you to go out there and talk to him go out there while he's calm and collected and talk to him check on him make sure adam i gotta know absolutely sure why haven't you talked to him yourself well i thought about it but the judge said we german are not supposed to talk to anybody about the case except in the jury room but i i figured you being my brother you know i understand all right missouri mule i'll talk to him it's nice and dark tonight too i'll find out just how good his eyes really are [Music] well that'll take care of the paperwork now if you just sign this report mr murdock thank you very much nothing of it just happened to be in the right place at the right time say sure did you catch the look on cartwright's face when he realized ren was trying to escape you know ren i think the jury will finally reach a verdict of delhi tomorrow you got a dirty soul inch of murdoch a dirty vicious soul and you got the devil's taste for pushing misery on those that can't fight back you talk about me killing you got your own special way of murdering listen if i had killed 10 times over i wouldn't trade my soul for yours i don't have to take that from you mr murdock i'm gonna have to ask you to leave i don't allow nobody badgering my prisoners just remember something sheriff he wouldn't be your prisoner no more if it wasn't for me now that sort of makes him my prisoner too doesn't it hey sheriff yeah is that true what he said i mean about about the jury coming in with a verdict tomorrow i don't know it wouldn't surprise me none after all horse cartwright was the only german that was holding out for you and you had to go and pull this foolish jailbreak right in front of him well it's like i've said some people born lucky no rhyme no reason just born lucky and there's others that have trouble dribbling on them all their lives like like sand in an hourglass dribbling down and piling up n now don't get too far down in the dumps jamie i mean after all we don't know for sure if haase is going to change his mind hey badge man where's that supper you was gonna bring us huh yeah yeah we're we're hungry that's right you'll get it boys just as soon as my deputy gets back [Music] adam adam cartwright yeah miss dolson over here i just came by to pay my respects i sorry about your brother glad to see you adam come on in i'll light up the oil lamp yeah i didn't see you like when i wrote up i thought maybe you were asleep don't burn the lamp much adam oil costs money besides i got eyes like a kid yeah so i just found out and won't you sit down adam thanks your horse tell you to come out here yes yama as a matter of fact he did i just got back in town and we were talking about it and he's still kind of concerned about the testimony at the trial you know as to whether or not you saw what you said you saw and well we talked and i agreed to come over and maybe you know go over it with you once more real careful i can maybe help him make up his mind well you can see for yourself what good eyes i got yeah sure gave me a start out there in the dark well if you went back in total at the horse wouldn't that satisfy him yeah maybe well then horse could vote with the jury and then they could bring in a verdict of guilty against jamie wren yeah but i can't tell haas how to vote oh i know that adam all i'm looking for is a way to end it once and for all first i i wanted to see ren hong for what he did i wanted vengeance for my brother adam maybe the jury could just give jamie a life sentence well of course the jury doesn't determine the sentence and it'll be up to the judge but i don't know crane's kind of got his hands tied jury comes in with a guilty verdict i feel pretty sure he'll sentence him to hang so be it then tell me elmer where exactly was that box when jamie took it oh oh i'll tell you all about it adam you see i was oversleeping in that bed and my brother was over here yeah and this noise woke me up and i i looked over and i saw jamie ran at the fireplace and uh he'd found the money box behind this stone well my brother was scuffling with him i jumped out of bed and ran to help him and there was a shot my brother my brother fell jamie grabbed the money box and ran how do you suppose he knew where the box was hidden oh folks around here know we're frugal adam they figured we got a hoard hidden someplace and well who else yeah would you hide a money box up in the fireplace yeah you're right that's a nice one too not like you and your brother did a very good job in this place my brother didn't help me i did it all by myself this whole place with my own hands my brother wasn't very good with tools adam yeah i understand oh this this whole thing's been a sorrowful mess yeah she sure is oh adam um tell me jamie ran after they hang him what then boy comes from a poor family end up on boot hill i suppose oh adam i want i want to make a contribution to sleep to it that jamie gets a headstone very generous of the elmer well thanks for your time i'm sorry about you brother i better be getting along i'll walk you out hey omar it's uh kind of a long ride back and all that talk made me thirsty i think i'll have some of your well water i had him uh i got a fresh bucket in the house uh i'll go get him don't trouble yourself well's right here [Applause] no no wait um wait a minute adam you're my guest that please let me oh thanks y'all [Music] got a loose stone there you gotta get that fixed thanks good night [Music] man [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whew well i guess you could say the whole thing was kind of accidental anyway when i wrote off all the pieces sort of fell together and i decided to double and i found him there for the money what do you got to say for yourself mr olsen my brother was always wanting to spend our money buy land money is too precious to squander like that we are getting argued and i killed him but what did you want to try to throw the blame on jamie ran for because he was the easiest one always getting into trouble sassing people everybody knew he was no good would ever think he was innocent sorry i put that doll in your pocket horse i just had to do it i want him to think he was mixed up in it mr olsen i don't understand huh how could you let an innocent man die for a crime you'd committed well it was a loss that he had to die not me i was willing to chip in for a headstone for him that's mighty big of you would you listen to that now would you listen to that well badge man you're going to let me out of here you're going to keep me cooped up in this stinking hole all night long now you take it easy jimmy come on you got the wrong man there come on let me out of here yes sir badge man you keep that badge polished who knows someday you might even make us marshall huh well you're a big man cartwright yeah you really are big man well see you around citizens you know if all you is right that one you said a a man was never wrong when he stood up for what he thought was right and jury trials are going to be the death of me yet now i got to go out and arrest that ralph blackman stealing chickens and he'll probably want a jury trial too where in the world am i gonna get anybody to sit on a jury for hey you fellas could help me out just this once huh it pays a dollar a day all you have to do is sit down [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
Views: 138,192
Rating: 4.5964689 out of 5
Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, western movies tv series, western movies full length in english, western tv series, tv series, cowboy movies, old western movie, classic western series, series to watch, bonanza all episodes
Id: tOJacG5rj5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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