BONANZA s. 6, ep. 19 / EN - whole series

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[Music] Oh [Music] hurry up with that iron Jake not being so jittery we've been caught yet first time for everything and if we played the way SIL shell and toes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I sure would take care of it Bob honey jets hell Iren I'm going on so JH meeting Roy close association meeting that's the little fellas ain't welcome to sit in us no I didn't know you boys remembered I always let us in before yeah tell you what you loan me $500 and I'll join that highfalutin Association I'll bill I don't make the rules for the Association I don't belong give my best to Cynthia with you you can defend those greasy sack outfits all you want Cartwright maybe the Ponderosa can't stand losing 20:30 head a month but the rest of us can't we've got to do something about it I'm not defending anyone Simmons there is such a thing as proof from sheriff coffee he can't get proof or anything else well until he does I suggest that while we take the losses are you telling us we haven't the right to protect our property against Kathy's it's coffees job I say let him do it coffee there's only one way to handle him chase them off all of them I don't go for blanket indictments lumping people into a group pointing the finger at them that's true maybe one or two of the small outfits guilty of some rustling but that doesn't mean they're all guilty that's your personal opinion which reminds me it's your father who's a member of this association not you you all know my father and my brothers are all in st. Louis well since they're not here to vote I don't see why we have to listen to your personal opinion my father gave me his proxy for he left mode as I felt [Applause] looks legal to me so as I was saying just because a man has a small outfit or has had some bad luck or can't afford to belong to the Association doesn't automatically make him a stock thief Adams got a point there Simmons make up your mind Jameson do you want to go broke because of these parasites so you want to get smart and put an end to it like how Simmons the same way they did it up in Montana a couple of years ago when they got through there wasn't a greasy sacker within 200 miles what they do the same thing I'm proposing we do higher arranged detective you can't be serious we all know what they are it's just a fancy name for a hired killer coffee can't get the job done so we hire someone who can what's wrong with that well address the people up in Montana sure it's true there wasn't a greasy sack or a small comment left but there was a dozen good man dead homes burned to the ground I hate that we'll live for years in their place and that's not what you want here Adam we've got to do something as president of this association I propose that we hire a range detective to put a stop to these losses before we all go bankrupt now let's have a voice vote those in favor say aye those against no looks like the Ponderosa has been outvoted Cartwright [Music] all right we'd sure like to know what's going on in there you expect him to tell us anything the Association decided to bring in a range the technique so that's what he kept us out you won't be satisfied till you drive us all out will you Cartwright you got a pretty short memory Shelton hadn't been for the Ponderosa most of us would have gone under long ago that includes you you just talk for yourself Taylor as far as I'm concerned Cartwright's no different than simmons at any of the rest being gonna let us get big enough to give them any competition Shelton you talk too much and think too little at least I don't go around calling my neighbors Cal thieves just because they don't belong to some fancy Association would you like to change your vote now card right now I think it's still wrong he's been killed sure shot clean through the brisket I'll simmer down Colby Jake Jeff where'd you find them Oh way out in the middle of nowhere out in Black Oak Canyon take them over to duck Dawson with it tell me a mental mound up have a look Adam I'd like to have you and mr. Simmons here come along [Music] [Music] madam just this a couple of 4440 well there's a lot of folks using the 44 rifle nowadays denim this running iron should prove he was a car thief looks like somebody did us a favor murders never a favor Simmons what's that two-bit beach it must have fallen out of his pocket with him wearing chaps anyone ever see the Denton's one without the other Oh Jake and Sam we're always together we'd better check out their cabinet maybe Sam's still there [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm done nobody ever me Jess who are you where's Sam I guess he hightailed it out of here by an Argo what's your name Sherman Clegg Sherman clay I see you're a man that's nice I like to be well-known are you sure of yourself aren't you Simmons took it for granted the Association will go along with you summers you have service I got your letter mr. Simmons I get here as quick as I could clay I know you've a reputation now I can't stop the Cattlemen's Association for hiring a flannel-mouthed gun but I sure wish I could so just you watch your step that's Brianna Kylie serf arrange detective I get along fine with the law I do my job I don't bother the law law doesn't bother me and there's only my last job I didn't any trouble with the sheriff or up in Montana that's right no trouble at all I can get your name friend Adam Cartwright the Ponderosa car right that's right way I hear it those stupid cattle thieves been pestering you too not enough to vote for bringing a man like you in I'm sorry you feel that way Kyle right you know how it is man gets around he throws a long shadow I mean he's buying to get a reputation so colored up you know what I mean you down there land I've seen you someplace before haven't no don't you try throwing no scare enemy Craig your rep don't mean nothing to me you got the wrong friend we'll have to get together talk it over Thanks I'm gonna ask you one question did you kill Jake Denton I mean that man I caught change of brands in the canyon yeah I kill him that's what you're hired me for when to mr. Simmons it's not the cattle rustling around here that gives you no right to kill a man and you know it look sheriff I want to bring him into you nice and legal-like but now he drew a gun on me I had to shoot him in self-defense that other hardcase I was with him at Vaughn's for that that is if you ever find him mr. Simmons I'm ready to ride into town if you are not look leg oh sure don't worry if you want to see me get up your rock nice mini car right you know maybe I'll stop by and see you sometime that all right nobody's ever turned away from the Ponderosa [Music] [Music] there's no drift fences up there mr. Cartwright I can't prevent Simmons cattle from getting mixed up with mine they do it all the time I'll get upset mr. Holtz Mayer it takes more proof than that to brand a man a cattle thief that's not the point Clegg gave me the warning he did well not personally it was left on my door it had to come from him so please whatever you offer me I know it'll be fair sorry I just can't buy your place but mr. Cordray the whole reason for you to sell that's easy for you to say you didn't receive the warning you know that man is judge jury and executioner I've only got less than 36 hours left so please no argument whatever you offer me I'll take I'm sorry I can't do it IRA Tatum said you'd have me I can't help you if you're gonna cut stick and run Phil Shelton said you wouldn't help said you wouldn't go against your own kind in the Association that's not true well I guess you just proved who's right [Music] well hello boy I brings you out this way little talk Fox in the henhouse I know there's a dirty wolf sneaking around on here senato synthy Adam Cartwright's here make yourself go home I'll bring some coffee visit her this morning yes I know mr. Holtz Mayer you just sold out to Simmons and pulled out about an hour ago sold to Simmons that's right we've all had a standing offer from Simmons for a long time told me a generous to about 50 cents on the dollar then a man doesn't quibble and his life is being threatened Oh Claybourne left last week pulls my this week will be next did you get a warning oh yes yeah baby stole a head of beef here and there rather than eat his own you know that's a trouble Adam we're all getting blamed for a few bad apples so there's nothing wrong with mr. holes my he's as honest as the day is long they all look to you I as a leader you're one of them can't you do something no I can't give a man courage when the fear of death has been thrown into him that Clegg he's got them all panicky no he's only one man one man with a gun and the cold blood to use it Adam he's put a bull's-eye on the back of every small Rancher around here an innocent or guilty and he one of us might be the next target you know I can't understand why you let the Association bring him in that was a vote IRA Ponderosa doesn't control the Association or help Simmons yes you better take a long hard look at mr. Ralph Simmons he just been here two years but already I'm Way ahead of you if he runs all of you who live around you South what next Ponderosa maybe exactly IRA he said the barn [Music] get away from those hides I'm just about done tell them it doesn't look like clean brass to me hello car right I hope I didn't alarm you ma'am you've been nosing around my place all week that's what I get paid for you're trespassing I got a right to put a bullet right through you you know there's some people might think different about that they might think you shot me to cover up for something you I've got anything to hide have you at least I haven't found any such evidence yet I'm gonna give you a clean bill of health to whom Simmons the Association well they're one in the same if I catch you sneaking around my place again scare my wife I'll kill you you couldn't do that mr. Tatum I just plain murder hey gents ma'am [Music] right honey can I do for you I'd like to take a little ride with me why should I take a ride with you just try and do your favor what's the matter car right you're not afraid to ride with me all right where to I can't quite this private place about three hours from here I'll have to show you every one of them got the final row sub ran on him how'd you find him that's my job where you think I get paid for suppose you tell me what do you mean by that this whole business intimidation unjust accusations its war of nerves that part of your job man's got a guilty conscience that's not my fault property's got to be protected that gives you a license to trample on people's rights turn them into frightened animals they got these little ranches a rattle there's no telling what they're liable to do that's a whole idea you get a man panicky enough he traps himself that works every time they're turning a wolf into a sheepfold come on now that's no way to talk to a man who's just done you a favor especially when you get that many head of cattle you get back to your own spread well must be but straight-up noon I ought to be getting back to town I tell you what car right I like you I mean even if you don't want to pay me for what I do so what do you say I help you with these critters and then you buy me a beer and get back the time [Music] thanks Bill Chilton they brought him in a while ago Bush wake the dachshund they're now giving the sheriff his report surely is his calling card Nonie yes Adam all right put down and click I like the black shirt the doc here dug this 44 slug out of Phil Shelton's buddy and we found this two-bit piece in his shirt pocket yeah at least he didn't die broke where are you early this morning clang I got a right to know why you're asking because that's when doc Dawson here says that Sheldon was killed between eight and ten hours ago yes sir sometimes between dawn and now right that's right well you want to tell him Adam or should I Adam what's this all about well from early this morning till now Clegg was with me are you giving flake an alibi Adam I'm just telling the truth are you sure all right I didn't ask that question but it is a since she couldn't be with you and out the Frenchman's Creek at the same time Frenchman's Creek that's what we fish shall not of Frenchman's Creek is glacier-fed pretty close to freezing this time of year everybody knows that extreme cold would affect a body wouldn't it doc meaning Shelton might have been killed earlier or later and I couldn't tell it by the body you know your cows Cartwright I know my corpse is oh I'm beginning to believe what Sheldon said about were you Cartwright Stan [Music] [Music] ah sure blown up a big one out there never mind oh whether you figure out anything yet you hear me I can't help but hear you now I haven't figured out anything yet then I'll figure it for you Tatum's called a greasy sacker meeting for tomorrow I wanted to stop tonight I think I chase him off for leaving with one of your two-bit pieces Tatum's clean I've been over him with a fine-tooth comb what's that got to do with it dad I'm gonna ruin all my plans especially with the help of Adam Cartwright so take care of him so much sure I think it's kind of mixed up huh I mean you've hired me own as a range detective might just as another gun oh come on clay you use your gun for money period there'll be an extra little bonus in it for you I don't hear you Simmons up to now up to now every man I've handled for you deserved it I'm not about to stick my neck and a news for you or for anybody else especially not for the money sure you're afraid of being accused just plain murder huh I guess that's it it's kind of a quirk I got why did you kill Sheldon he was the worst of the bunch probably their leader you know that I know nothing of the kind but I do know that our agreement called for me to be able to name every man for you to take care of never ask you to take care of Sheldon Lee what you kill him all right that was a personal matter finally came to me where I'd seen that face before he was hired to bushwhack me up in Montana I had to kill him [Music] I'm the only one that knows it so you don't do as I say you're drinking too much Simmons not too much to give you your orders you just give me what you owe me up to now you do it tonight Tatum can follow up all my plans and a bat of Cartwright backs him up do you hear me Clegg I want Tatum all the way or you'll end up with that murder charge against you Hague you heard my orders yeah I heard you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] show me a handle accident worse on the month four five miles back broke his leg I'd shoot him come in what's art you say that nobody's ever turned away from the Ponderosa just thought I'd take you up on that I'll take off your poncho as wet money doing out here in the middle of the night looking for another victim no car right sure I was making a plane you don't like me or what I do I make my living my way you make yours your way yeah but with you I don't think it's just a living oh I think you'd find a way to do what you do whether you got paid for it or not oh no I never thought too much about it pays pretty good though most the time no you got an extra buck I'd sure appreciate tonight upstairs second room on the right Thanks [Music] in case we need to remember it's 11 right well you sure got a powerful lot of mistrust for me Clara [Music] [Music] [Music] leave the horse of Kelso stable I'll pick it up next time I'm in town I'm not exactly going into town but I'll see that you get this horse back I probably won't see you again car right he's pulling out well that's the best news I've heard in years I'm curious with all the small ranches still around why well my business like a gambler's you got no one to take your losses and leave come on all right [Music] you [Music] [Music] don't tell me another killing he really stuck his head in the noose it's time it's Cynthia he's killed cynthy last night just before the storm how do you know that well the ground was dry underneath her body he ambushed her new yard and you're sure it was Clegg well we found a 44 shell and a two-bit me and his horse was not far away dead well he's mounted I gave him a horse he left here not more than a couple of minutes ago you did how come he spent the night here he killed cynthy you trying to give him another alibi Adam I had no way of knowing we'll get him Adam when he got here last night with you wearing a black poncho that's right Roy he was good boy [Music] where you stand there Ronco right I don't know nothing but they turn around why did you come in here and hide when you saw the posse coming well as long as I've been in this game don't you know I can smell trouble I knew there was something wrong when I'm riding up out there look I give you my word I don't know nothing about this killing I didn't do it I'm not that low you just save your breath for the trial I know who killed her was summons it had to be well why would he do murder he's got you on call no let's just say we had it out last night he was drunk he kept a man and I get rid of Tatum for him well I decided I'd had enough of him I was on my way out of town when my horse fell why the sudden Reformation under status why you kill mrs. Tatum it unless he was just too drunk to know the difference like you give me a chance with Simmons I'll get it out of him maybe you didn't kill mrs. Tatum but you've killed others sure I've killed it's my business but I'll tell you one thing I've always had a reason when I've done it they deserved it it was always within the law it hadn't been I'd have been behind bars are strung up at the end of rope long before this that doesn't justify you or your methods I think they're wrong and should be done away with well that's your opinion but that's all it is you're not God no I'm not and that's why I'm taking you back to town and let a judge and a jury decide about you you saw the mood of that posse one of those hotheads will put a bullet in me I'll never get before a judge or a jury well you're a great one for talking up for the little guy but the guy who needs help you play God there too you just give it to those you like or anybody who needs it well I need it to help me prove I didn't murder that woman did I get it all right I'll give you a crack at Simmons but don't try any tricks he's still hitting the bottle maybe you've never left here he left what do you want well we just thought we'd drop by Craig what are you doing here don't you know the old towns out looking for you oh why are they looking for him he killed our Tatum's wife last night you you've gone too far Clegg the association's washed his hands of you killing a woman you sure have a bad hangover this morning Clegg spent the night at the Ponderosa you're lying they found a two-bit piece under a body in a 44 shell well anybody could have left those there that your rifle over there looks like a 44 what are you trying to do give him an alibi I made you the laughingstock when he set you up as his alibi to kill Shelton you messed yourself up this time Simmons where'd you go last night don't you question me remember what I know what you do mistake mrs. Tatum for her husband doesn't matter what I did give me a medal for killing you clay and as for you card right you just gotten away of a wild bullet it's that simple [Music] I told you daddy why did you kill him I had him winged I did him a favor I kept his neck out of my noose and you put your own in it yeah look man you making a mistake Clegg didn't kill simply Tatum Simmons did of course he did that's why he's dead now so he can't deny it drop that rifle Clegg he can't take all of us plegh is innocent you got my word for it your words no good you alibi for him before but now we got him dead to rights [Music] [Music] we try to bust out of here what's going on here we just heard that Clegg kill Simmons - where is he at him nobody's gonna get that man but me he's dead well where's your body in the alley sorry it wasn't me that killed him he didn't kill Cynthia IRA you're still trying to protect him Cartwright yeah I believe a crew who helps NT Tatum and account of the man had done it fell over some cordwood and tore this out of his poncho oh there that's Simmons poncho legs are still outside on this saddle that's what I was trying to tell you Simmons killed mrs. Tatum well I guess that's about it I mean boys want to be useful why we can take these bodies over to doc Dawson Elson he believed that all he needed to put the noose around Craig's neck was a two-bit piece and if Clegg had an ear on needed been alive and free today [Music] why do you figure he ran at him why do you suppose all of his innocent victims ran I think he found out for the first time how they felt he wrote his own epitaph get a man panicky enough he traps himself [Music] [Music] while we take the losses are you telling us we haven't the right to protect our property against Kathy's it's coffees job I say let him do it coffee there's only one way to handle them chase them off all of them I don't go for blanket indictments flopping people into a group pointing the finger at them that's true maybe one or two of the small outfits of guilty of some rustling but that doesn't mean they're all guilty that's your personal opinion which reminds me it's your father who's a member of this association not you you all know my father and my brothers are all in st. Louis well since they're not here to vote I don't see why we have to listen to your personal opinion my father gave me his proxy or he left mode as I felt [Applause] looks legal to me so as I was saying just because a man has a small outfit or has had some bad luck or can't afford to belong to the Association doesn't automatically make him a stock thief Adams got a point there Simmons make up your mind Jameson do you want to go broke because of these parasites or you want to get smart and put an end to it like how Simmons the same way they did it up in Montana a couple of years ago when they got through there wasn't a greasy sack [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I sure will take care of it Bob honey jets well Iren I'm going on so JH meeting Roy their close association meeting but as little fellas ain't welcome to sit in a no I didn't know you boys is membered I always let us in before yeah tell you what you loan me $500 and I'll join that highfalutin Association I'll bill I don't make the rules for the Association I don't belong give my best to Cynthia with you you can defend those greasy sack outfits all you want card right maybe the Ponderosa can stand losing twenty thirty head of month but the rest of us can't we've got to do something about it I'm not defending anyone Simmons there is such a thing as proof from sheriff coffee he can't get proof or anything else well until he does I suggested [Music] [Music] hurry up with that iron Jake stop being so jittery we've been caught yet first time for everything and if we play it the way social and toes [Music]
Channel: notarobot
Views: 335,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BONANZA, whole, series
Id: xV4HmhfE9b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2018
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