Bonanza (TV-1960) ESCAPE TO PONDEROSA (S1E25)

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[Music] you take this bunch on in i'll look over that hill over there see if i can find any more you'll be along after that well if i don't find any i'm not gonna be sitting by the fire by the time you get those in the corral take it easy right you'll never get that thing off why don't you quit we can try can't we much good as it'll do tyree's slowing us down telling you bolton's picked up our tracks by now you ain't gonna leave me sudden we're not leaving yet you hadn't killed that guard bolton wouldn't have found out about us for another day i never meant to kill him i was just paying him back for something he done to me over to this friend's place where you're taking us maybe he'll have a chisel or something sure we'll just walk in and tell her you always go around wearing chains a girl [Music] [Music] well i always knew you were good for something brother but uh i never figured i'd be making houses out of cards i ain't got but three more cards left i'm gonna make it this time for sure gee i'm proud of you brother yeah you have to breeze to that gum heart when you're talking you don't blow out on my house of cards here oh yeah it will see what i mean i'm proud of you i mean i'm really proud of you little joke [Music] oh hi how are you oh it's nippy out there yeah boy did you collect them strays huh yeah yeah yeah i got a couple of them and i i checked them right off on a touchy good having to get back too no no but he said be right along good sit down fine glad to see you boys are riding the lion out but the old trains weren't you little joe maybe adam just decided to go by and pay miss ned a visit paul you know i wish one of you boys had sparked him his nana she's a fine girl she was a handsome one too hey paul what about little joe don't you think he'd make a nice husband from his netter and you could arrange it too couldn't you paul that's not a bad idea hey look you're kidding i don't want to get married why well she's a pretty girl isn't she well yeah but she's pretty itchy fine i think she's one of the prettiest girls i've ever seen of course she is and she's got the macon's one of the finest little horse ranchers in this country and she certainly has all paid for and clear little joe well i don't care i just i just don't feel like getting married online for a couple days anyway you know i think he's going to change his mind i'm sure he will paul and when he does we're going to all be real proud yeah it must be adam sounds like more than one to me paul retail soldiers that's strange mr cartwright yes that's right detail this month stand to your horses captain james bolton provisional barracks fort dayton uh captain oh please come in uh these are my sons hoss and little turn are you coming well captain i suppose you must have your hands pretty full these days what with the indian uprisings and all oh please sit down fort dayton is a casuals post what's that place for troops deemed not fit for line duty well the least we could do is get your men some coffee it's pretty cold out there today uh huh see that hops and get some coffee out to the man hold that my men are on duty well i ain't on duty captain you want some coffee no i'm trailing three deserters that escaped from my stockade well captain do you think they headed up this way the trail led to your land well as i was riding the fence all morning i didn't say anything how about you horse nope no sign of tracks campfire trample down brush i didn't see anything well that's odd captain i don't see why that should be so odd we have a pretty big piece of land here three men could very easily lose themselves on it perhaps who else is in the house with you now i'm seeing a cook a captain now surely you don't think that those three men are hiding in this house it's not within my province to think one way or the other mr cartwright then let me set you straight captain those men are not here then you'll have no objection to my men searching the area captain i just told you those men are not in this house let me state the situation very precisely for you mr cartwright we know that those three men came to this general area it is also quite obvious they cannot evade detection without some outside help now anyone aiding them in any way will be charged with and tried for obstructing military justice us will you be good enough to show the captain out you bet you paul captain we've got a man out here captain now in my son let him go let him go release him adam i don't know just west to where me joe split up i heard this noise turned around somebody jumped me did you see their faces well let's get them into the house joe get the lindemann okay it's not as bad as i thought at first the man that assaulted you because you told if there were three of them i know there were at least two of them i uh somewhere in the back of my mind i heard him talking about whether to kill me or not it could have been a third take it easy pop oh it looks to me like this right now time for some settling up to be done oh do the settling up move over uh-huh i want you to bandage adam up get him up to bed paul i kind of figured i'm riding with you well little joe knows exactly where adam and he were running up those strays right here any time you save uh yeah these are the men i'm after they belong to me i think there's something we better straighten out captain this is my land you're on and that's my son who's been ambushed now if you want to ride along fine but you ride where i say and you ride behind me otherwise take your men and get off the ponderosa and if they are the men i'm after [Music] joseph [Applause] uh let's take a breather something are you sure you know where you're taking us if you want to strike out on your own go ahead i'm not stopping you emily the ranch is over that way i think yeah i'm sure how how do you know they're going to take us in i told you i worked there when i was drifting west a couple of years back had it stayed on maybe except the old man running that booted me off cause his daughter took to me i always promised that i'd be coming back for just a little sooner and i figured that's all ain't nothing to hear us but who dolls and crawlies i don't like them either you ain't ever known anything better cut it out both of you that's an order that's an order you're hearing mertz only you ain't an officer no more tyler so maybe you ought to forget about issuing orders no i still don't figure you out mertz here was facing the gallows me i still had five years left to serve hey this cave it's a pretty good place to hold up and you had about six months to do and you'd have been free so why risk your neck breaking out my reasons don't concern you maybe maybe not look uh you two hole up here i'll go see if it's clear at the girl's place i'll just wishes you don't mind all right but not him let us scare off she sees him praying up in him chains you gonna leave me yeah yeah yeah he's right you uh you lie low here we get some uh other clothes and something to pry those chains off with you coming back for sure you give me your bible word you have my word okay coming let's get [Music] moving there's no sign of him up there pa i must have headed off in that direction yeah probably kept to the creek bed the other side turning cry now but the bank should still be soft enough to leave prince yeah [Music] [Music] yeah somebody came through here bro not too long ago [Music] hold it here again [Music] spread out search any spot that's big enough to hide any of them if that's all right with you mr cartwright [Music] what up your gun captain all right now where are those other two men that we're with you in charge and hereby arrest this man for known and specific crimes against the articles of war a captain he's a military prisoner now i'll get your answers for you corporal take the prisoner in charge so you better get those answers captain all right mertz where are the other two you put a blotch on my record mertz and i intend to erase it where are they i don't know we split off that's the truth mister i swear just get the answers captain maybe you're right if you know what the others were he'd be porn it out cause he's scum and scum always breaks isn't that right mertz or have you forgotten what it's like in the hot box someday someday somebody's gonna get you butcher well it won't be you mertz i can assure you with that no no no no i'd rather die than go into that hot box no no the prisoner was attempting to escape you're a witness to that i'm also witness to the fact that you deliberately tried to murder him bolton i'm going to see to that my good friend colonel metcalf at fort dayton gets to know exactly what kind of officer he has in his command [Music] nice wrench yeah where do you see the gal who lives on it we better get cleaned up first scared of death walking this way scared i guess you didn't listen good when i told you about her you were real friendly neda and me honey that i'm worried about it's her paw staples over here don't close the door so we can hear if anyone's coming hey here's what we want here put this on help you look human again good-looking cult his mother must have died he needs care this is a fine time to be fussing over horses i sometimes refer them to people and what's that supposed to mean nothing just a thought i'd sure like to see butcher bolton's face right now he's probably chasing us halfway across the sierra uh-uh i doubt it bolton's a sadist but he was one of the best indian trackers in the army we're not indians besides after we hole up here for a couple of days i'll probably quit looking for it not bolton all right not bolton maybe but the brass they'll figure it's not worth the effort you're an officer you know how they'd think i was an officer about this uh girl of yours you've been gone for two years how do you know she uh hasn't married or something i know yeah i'd like to make a little bet on her you already have your life yours too [Applause] and don't you ever forget it [Music] what are you doing i told you i'd be coming back i thought you'd forgotten me you think i could ever forget you oh tala come here uh this is my partner i've been telling him all about you now now we can see everything i said was true tyler hates your beauty sudden you uh you never even got close it's uh it's a pleasure to meet you miss uh tyler's my name uh paul paul tyler miss her name's nida how do you do are you you in the army with jimmy uh no no no not exactly oh you seen that i i left the army some time back uh tyler and me been uh doing a little prospecting why didn't you just come right on up to the house what are you doing in here oh we were covered with trail dirt we wanted to wash up a bit before we passed in on you now is that fair you get all prettied up and just look at me honey you're wonderful just beautiful i'm gonna take a walk outside uh wait a minute tyler uh uh yeah your paw's up in the house i guess huh jimmy paul died over a year ago oh that's a real shame she was sorry honey uh who's taking care of the place have a hired hand charlie he's he's in town for a week that's awful you're being alone like this honey oh it sure is good to see you again why didn't you write tonight i couldn't i was moving around a lot you know how it is yes i know how it is but do you oh jimmy after a while i i gave up hoping and then and then i just stopped dreaming i didn't stop that's the only thing that kept me going and i'm gonna make up all that last time to you jimmy i don't think you can i just don't think you can let me try [Music] ben i've known you for a long time but i can't accept these charges you make against captain bolton not without proof well what no proof do you want at the moment it's your word against his that's right what did he tell you that mertz was trying to escape that's what he says in his report have you spoken to mertz have you heard his side of the story i would have done so of course unfortunately private merch is dead [Music] dead he attacked a god in the stockade last night during the ensuing struggle he was killed and you believe that you really believe that i know how many men have died in captain bolton's decade captain bolton is an officer with a distinguished record ben commanded several times for bravery in action perhaps you noticed his hand it was captured and tortured by the sioux the sewer savages captain bolton i presume is a civilized responsible person come in the colonel sent for me you know mr cartwright yes sir i do captain bolton mr cartwright has made certain charges against you i thought you should be here to defend yourself i'm aware of mr cartwright's charges i'm sure the colonel knows my behavior has been and always will be strictly according to army regulations colonel i've never heard of any army regulations that cover the killing of prisoners mr cartwright maybe you don't know whom you're defending private mertz killed a fellow soldier in a brawl over a card game as for sutton he attempted an armed robbery of an army payroll ben this is a casuals post i don't know whether you realize that it's made up of outcasts and misfits they're still men and as such they're entitled to certain minimum standards of treatment ben i respect your opinion and your judgment but this is the army and i have to stand behind captain bolt [Music] yes yes i understand good day colonel good day ben thank you sir captain i chose my words carefully in front of mr cartwright but your conduct has been brought into question if there's a slightest indication of any transgression of regulations on your part i'll see that you're investigated and if the facts so weren't court-martialed that understood yes sir that's all with the colonel's permission i beg leave to return to the ponderosa with the detail of men well that's private land we can't search it without permission of the owner or an order from a civilian court i have already obtained the required court order from the federal district court of this territory request granted but if i were you captain i'd remember that warning i gave you i'd remember it very carefully sir that was great honey nothing like a good meal to make a man feel like he belonged thank you well you haven't touched your food oh i'm i'm sorry i guess i've spent too much time eating amico army chad well he was in the army too before we started prospecting who's that i don't know who it could be at this hour yeah honey would you do me a big favor uh don't say anything about tyler me being here why not well uh we just hit a big silver strike maybe and uh it's best nobody knows about it not yet you understand oh good morning house morning ma'am you sure do look nice and your new dress and all thank you ma'am i i don't want to worry you none but paul thought you ought to know about it there's there's some army prisoners lose army prisoners yes some there was three of them but they have two now one of them's already been caught oh well uh well thank you very much haas man everything's all right here hated i mean they've been nobody around here no no i i i'd ask you for coffee but my stove it well it's not working right ma'am i'll be having no hoss uh it's not broken it it's just hard to handle but thank you very much toss you right sure everything's all right yes uh is he going you can never be sure about people honey uh we heard about them army prisoners too it might have been one of them might have been just exactly where have you been prospecting well uh i've no other piece ain't that right tyler sutton yeah yeah i guess it is if you say something sure it's right what's got into you jimmy is it you they're looking for is it i guess it is but i was framed honey you know me i was wild but i never did anything dishonest and i tried to serve out my time but but you don't know what that that starcade was like beatings starvation there was a captain getty's fun by kicking us around you know what happened to him he was in a sweat box for three weeks when he brought him out he was almost dead tell her tell her yeah yeah that part's true why didn't you tell me all this last night i was going to i was afraid for me you were afraid of me that's what captain bolton does to you it makes you feel like an animal all the time and you're scared what can i do hide us out oh sutton why do you have to drag her into this why don't we just why don't we just get out while we can to where they got mertz that means bolton thinks we're heading out of here we're gonna stay here it's our only chance yes you can stay here both of you i want you to i knew i could count on you thank you miss nutter [Applause] uh i don't know paul she she seemed all right it was just she was kind of nervous like or something you mean by you're not letting you in the place well that and it was just a feeling i got i don't know how to explain it if i didn't know miss nettle better i'd i'd think she was trying to get rid of me or something well if things didn't seem right why don't you have a good look around the place i kicked myself all the way home for not doing just that little brother i think we'd all better take a good look around that place suits me fine i'm getting tired of being an invalid adam i i'd rather you say though apart oh look with captain bolton and those deserters still in the area can't leave the house unguarded all right i'll hold the fort the coat will be in eating this you and that tyler you sure do a lot of worrying about that cult i'll see you later where are you going scott around the area hey that's army talk i guess it rubs off on you whether you like it or not [Music] there brought him some milk he needs it is it warm i think it's just right come on poor substitute for your mama huh where did you learn all about horses i grew up with them my father used to breed trotters back in maryland we don't see many of those out this way [Music] i love to watch them the way they move you got to see them being trained oh they they fight you make it tough but once you have their trust you can depend on them i wish you could say as much for people [Music] you've been hurt pretty bad haven't you [Music] well there's something a little funny about this i don't believe she left here without long enough for you i know you want to take a look out back i'm going to look at the stable all right you know i get a funny feeling about you like you don't care whether you get away or not oh you're wrong neda that's something i care about very much bolton's never gonna get me back did they do that to you oh that's terrible that's just terrible i'm sorry you had to see that i'm not neda nedo don't worry about me i'm i'm not worth it i haven't known you very long but i think you are i'll put it down please i'm sorry neda i mean put it down come on put it down and you drop that gun now mister i got to drop and i ain't gonna miss from here this has been cartwright don't you get out of the way great work pal what's great about it i i might have killed him will he be all right i hope so i hit him hard too hard ben cartwright huh wait he was talking he knows who we are doesn't he i'm afraid he does nothing to be afraid of his hard luck not ours neda get away from him no get away from this put it down you uh you decided to start giving orders again lieutenant i have no choice you try killing him and you're dead what's got into you you wishing to have bolton beat you to death all right all right but we got to get out of here before he comes too where are you going to go do you have another friend all right stay here [Music] what's the matter sutton you forget something and i can't leave you not with all the plans made for us you and me honey we're gonna make a great bear are we jimmy problem boys combo right get up move boom come on get over there you all right paul yeah i guess so that was quite a wallop young man what are you after give us a break you can help us get out of the territory but give us a break that's all mister you turned us back there and they're gonna kill us yes i saw the scars they got in the starcade please ben can't you help him that it's it's an army matter it's out of my hands what if one of them was your son hoss or little joe please you gotta help him well they were my sons i i think i'd ask them to give themselves up to the mercies of a captain bolton give me your name tags what do you want them for so i can convince the colonel that i've really seen you and that you are ready to give yourselves up to captain bolton i'll speak to the colonel i'm sure he'll be as fair as he possibly can be you ain't gonna do it mister do we have any choice one thing mr cartwright if bolton comes for us no matter what it takes i'm not going back take care of them [Music] dismount i'm taking you into custody on what grounds captain for aiding and abetting the escape of an army prisoner search him you're stepping over that line bolton i'll be the judge of that [Music] where are they which direction was he coming from from the west sir take your man in that direction and bring him along yes sir [Music] lead up [Music] come on fella come on come on try it come on he's gonna make it it's funny what a thin line separates things yesterday i wouldn't have given him much of a chance sometimes it can be the same way with a man yesterday i might not have thought you were worth saving well what [Music] what makes you think i am now well you saved ben cartwright's life [Music] you know we're gonna be here for quite a while why don't you set yourself somewhere i'm just stretching my leg well i think you got all the kinks out sit down all right all right friend doctor don't get angry you think quite a bit of that cold don't you why not he needed my help and in a way i needed him yeah mr tyler you don't have to answer this unless you want to what'd you do that got you into all this trouble i was convicted of cowardice i don't look so surprised it's true the actual charge read dereliction of duty refusal to obey a command and cowardice in battle it was in the border campaign against the apaches my first command the regiment was pinned down i was ordered to take my platoon and make a flank attack in in the open 27 men against 400 apaches i refused maybe it was because i was afraid all i know is that i i couldn't bring myself to lead 27 men to their deaths how come i want you to do that in the first place that's the terrible part i didn't know at the time that it was meant to be a diversionary attack the real attack was coming from the other flank well they they were thrown back and half the regiment wiped out maybe my life and the lives of my men could have made the difference but now i i'll never know i wasn't cowardice paul how could you obey an idiotic order and commit suicide with all your men you're wrong miss neda wasn't an idiotic order the army generally knows what it's doing well what were they doing when they put scars on him ma'am you can't judge the whole army by a man like captain bolton but friend that's the man we gotta go back to look god told you to take care of that didn't he look your part's a good man and maybe he's got good intentions but he's never come up against anyone like boaten before i tell you he's gonna kill us oh no aid look there's only one way to beat this and that's if you fix it so we don't have to go back mr we can't do that can't you this morning when i scouted the train i left a buggy and a couple of horses up in a gully all you have to do is turn your back for a couple of seconds and me and tyler and the girl will disappear save your breath look look you think a lot of neda don't you don't you want her to be happy well all right what do you think she's going to feel like when she's watching him taking me away to be killed she's been waiting for me all these years tell him that time to let us go i can't jimmy i i just can't but but why not [Music] hey what's been going on in this table besides taking care of sick cults [Music] okay hold it you take one step my way and i'll put a bullet in him you do that mister all the bullets that gun ain't gonna keep me from squeezing the life out of you don't you worry none friend i'll do it i got nothing to lose now hurry a gun on the floor come on the other one all right you over there with him move so long lieutenant you had your chance and you you're gonna have what's left of him after captain bolton gets through with [Music] hello [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no i don't corporal you're a witness he was armed and dangerous you too mr cartwright i just tell him that that paul's going to give himself up and that he doesn't have a gun i'll i'll tell him it's not even but captain board ain't going to wait long well just give us a minute yes come on little joe come on where are you going the back door we can still make it to the gully oh neda bolton would shoot you down just as fast as he would me i don't care i don't want him to kill you no honey i can't risk your life paul i love you me you love me yes yes i want to be with you then i can't run i can't run you ain't got a gun kevin get out of the way corporal this is army business i'm taking that prisoner don't forget he hasn't got a gun take them aside corporal [Music] tyler [Music] all right drop your gun tyler i said drop your gun all right all right you're gonna be sorry you interfered with the army he's dead you better get started back to the port corporal we'll bring the captain in tyler how long i don't know will i be here let's go couple [Music] you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 326,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FREE, classic movie, CLASSIC, #classicmovies, classic movies, filmstruck, Tv Show, PUBLIC DOMAIN, MOVIES
Id: SmdHN9PvmlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 13sec (2893 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2012
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