Bonanza - The Decision | Episode 112 | CLASSIC WESTERN | Cowboys | Free Western Series

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[Music] boss just take a little sip of this water easy now there you go thanks little brother yes is the doctor in no what do you expect i don't expect him a ma'am my son's in that wagon he's been badly hurt and he needs immediate attention i'd appreciate it if you can tell me where when and how i can see the doctor the doctor can't help you soon he can't help anybody anymore when the sun sets this evening you can take my husband and hang him [Music] the law judged my husband of murder ma'am is there another doctor in town no none within 50 miles i i i i don't want to impose on you my son's in great pain could bring him into your husband's office until i can decide what to do oh you can't bring him in mrs johns needs a rest danny of course bring him in i'll do whatever's possible i often assisted the doctor and danny served as this handyman and between us maybe we can ease his pain thank you so [ __ ] across the street i've got to get him look as soon as you get hot into the house right i'm back to the herder well we'd like to stick around to find out what's wrong oh look look like paul says don't fret over me i'm gonna be all right you two would do anything get out a little work wouldn't you your house is right you're worrying isn't gonna help him or yourselves well now wait a minute paul don't argue with me do as i say and please believe me it's better this way to get him into the house would you [Music] [Music] hold on there ain't nothing in there that you want to see mister dr johnson's in there isn't he that's right him and sheriff wells got the whole thing to themselves and it's going to stay that way till this evening i'm going to see the doctor hold on they gave me two extra dollars to sit here and see that no one gets inside now i'm going to earn them dollars so now you back off try anything and you're dead now sheriff i come here for help my son needs help he jumped me sheriff let me have him hold it put your pistol on the desk come on now what's this all about the sheriff all i want is a couple of minutes with the doctor my son's been injured back outside home well if you're willing to risk your life for a couple minutes with a doctor i guess you're entitled to it five minutes no more back off arm's length from the bars uh i have a trail hurt better down about 10 miles from here last night my son got hurt his horse stumbled and rolled on him i think he has some cracked ribs on one side he's an awful pain why tell me this you're a doctor not a doctor a condemned murderer i say i couldn't help your son even if i wanted to well the sheriff would let you out for a couple of minutes just take a look at him you the doc is a condemned murder there's nothing i can do to change that well who can't change that the only man has that power judge grant the honorable judge grant judge franklin grant yes he has the power the power of life for death where do i find him last house north end of town just a minute i haven't agreed to treat your son you get permission from judge grant then we'll talk about it [Applause] hold on don't hope for too much you wouldn't like to try that trick again now would you misty yes judge grant that's right what can i do for you it's urgent that i talk with you sir won't you come in my door is always open to anyone in trouble mr um cartwright ben cartwright yes won't you sit down mr cartwright you uh you're not from around here are you also from virginia city i thought so i know most of the people in my district that's great i i just left my son at dr john's office he's been injured i need your permission to let the doctor examine him treat him that is out of the question what could be a matter of life or death sir last week john's killed a man he was tried and convicted as a criminal he has no rights or privileges all i want is for the doctor to to look after him i i don't know and i don't care about the the interpretation of the law but i do know and i do care it's my job to know and care judge i'm not asking you to set the doctor free i'm begging you to let him do what he can for my son the answer is no judge there's no other doctor within 50 miles of this place to me that a horse fell on my son this rib has been broken [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] boss i i gave him something to make him sweet how'd things turn out with you oh i failed all the way around i think your son has a serious internal injury [Applause] you said you said you assisted your husband didn't you why can't you do something for him i don't know enough i've done everything i can for him already what kind of a man is that judge risk my son's life on a point of law the judge hates my husband it's let me explain my husband once treated the judge's wife and in his opinion she needed an immediate operation the judge opposed it but finally because she was suffering so much he gave in and it was too late my husband's a fine doctor but mrs grant's infection was so far advanced nobody could have saved her she died on the operating table the judge blamed my husband feeling this way he sat in judgment on your husband yes he condemned him to die not for stephen's death but for his wives the right honorable judge franklin grant is about to honor us with his presence come in your honor come on danny i'll get you some coffee this is your only son i have two others and you have your wife no i have no children no wife mr cartwright do you know what it's like to be alone to lie awake night after night trying to drive back the memories that flood your brain and force yourself up each morning to face another empty meaningless day i've had such moments yes i suppose you have do you know why i feel the way i do yes i know i'm not a cruel man mr cartwright i'm not a callous man but my wife would be alive today if john's hadn't he's not a doctor he's a butcher that's why i don't want him to treat your son but he is my son and it's my decision as to whether dr john streets him or not yes it is your decision i only hope it's the right one [Music] you come with me now please [Music] sheriff this is mr ben cartwright uh we've met judge take the prisoner back to his office guard him until he attends to mr cartwright's son then bring him back here immediately yes sir off he's to communicate with no one other than the people directly concerned with young cartwright's condition you heard him let him out are you heard the sheriff out deputy let me talk to him all right hi doctor you said if i got the judge's permission we'd talk let's talk you are a very persuasive man mr cartwright either that a very powerful one i didn't think you'd be able to do it i didn't it was the judge's doing perhaps are you the ben cartwright of the ponderosa yes i'm the ben cartwright wow you are a powerful man and you mean to see that your son gets every chance don't you yes i do now please can we get started well you know it must be a comforting feeling to have wealth and power i wouldn't know i've never had either one you see all my wife will have to remember me by is a stack of unpaid bills from grateful but forgetful patients now that isn't much is it to leave to someone whom you've promised to love cherish provide for doctor please get mr cartwright if you want my services you're gonna have to pay for them i never expected anything else how much ten thousand dollars regardless of the outcome all right now please can't we get started the money is to be paid to my wife and judge you're a witness to this verbal contract for with your dedication and respect for the law i'm sure that you'll see that mr cartwright carries out is part of the agreement 35 years of my life have been given to that dedication and respect and i've never abused the power entrusted to me and what about you what about the power entrusted to you how many people have you butchered and maimed and killed and then hid your mistakes and incompetence behind the protection of your profession judgment what a disgrace to that profession john's and i'll tell you this all the men i've ever sentenced to die you're the only one i am the slightest regret or pity for [Music] leave them be there's little enough we can do for them something happened are they gonna stop no nothing's changed oh i got the doctor coming the sedative that i gave the patients worn off he's awake he's in pain [Applause] i'm dr john off back to the office well they told me you went and got yourself roughed up a little bit yeah they tell you about the other filler no only that he outweighed you by a thousand pounds i tell you you tell me when it hurts huh ah you found it [Applause] as uh has he coughed up any blood yeah it started to this morning well i think i know all i need to what is it fractured ribs the jagged into one has probably punctured the lung meaning means your son will drown in his own blood unless the damage is repaired are you sure i mean lung could be all right yes there's a possibility yes but i won't know unless i operate do you have to operate it's a risk a grave one do you think he's strong enough for an operation i think so he's got a good pulse of course i'll check him over thoroughly first [Applause] doctor says you need an operation it'd be a tough one how do you feel about it if he says i need an operation all right i need an operation paul gotta know she need to know more about it when we do besides i'm getting sort of tired laying here on my on my backside i want this room cleared the only assistance i'll need is that of my wife i'll be on the porch [Music] you can wait in this study oh yeah don't you work on you here i'll be honest yeah sure one good thing about it you big moose sky won't show you'll still be as pretty as ever that's right comforting news i was really sort of worried about that [Music] mr cartwright nothing [Music] i wouldn't worry if i was you he's a good doctor he saved my life when nobody else gave me a chance [Music] [Music] ready karen go upstairs rest i can manage here no you can't you need me i'm all right are you sure i'm perfectly sure i better get started doctor michael i i know it's not the time or place to say this but but i love you so much i love you there's never a time or a place where it's wrong to say i love you [Music] more ether [Music] so [Music] so back on it again after four long years used to be quite a drinker but then four years ago i i come down with a fever no doubt about it i was due for boot hill but then dr johns heard about me came to my house didn't get five hours sleep all the time he was with me afterwards he he talked me into kicking the bottle he gave me a job as his handyman doesn't sound like amanda could commit a murder he ain't i seen the whole thing but the judge wouldn't listen he said it was murder you'll hang by the neck he said and the doc even refused to help himself refuse to help himself well it's it's just that the doc is a spirited man not one to get pushed but at the trial he just didn't seem to care what do you mean didn't seem to care well he just just sat there and let the judge condemn him danny danny tell me what happened the night stevens was killed i can do that all right i can't sleep for thinking about it whiskey's all lit whiskey's all that helps i remember every minute of that night i was on my way home when i did the killing and like i said i saw the whole thing [Music] as i was passing the newspaper office i could hear two men arguing inside i couldn't tell what they were saying but they sure was gone at it hot and heavy i stopped and listened for a minute [Applause] oh [Music] zach he's dead he's dead penny doc what happened what were you fighting about nothing nothing man this must have been something always about a bill danny it was about a bill here with me he wouldn't pay me i seen the whole thing there's nothing to worry about doc better tell the sheriff what happened what's going on here i heard a shot sheriff we got a dead man it was an accident an accident like what happened to my leg he left it bent and twisted i did everything i could for your leg yes it's bent but you're walking on it you could have lost it it's steven's own gun it sure is and i saw him pull it on doc it was self-defense pure and simple is that true doc yes yes we had a quora and stevens pulled his gun and and the struggle for it the gun went off well with danny here's a witness you shouldn't have too much trouble why don't you go home now i'll need you in the morning i'll sign a report all right sure come on danny let's go hold it i wouldn't let the doc go home just like that sheriff not without seeing judge grant first what's judge grant got to do with it yeah and it seems to me i'm still sheriff here i say who goes home who gets locked up i'm a deputy swarmed up hold the law i say this man might be guilty of murder murder it's a clear case i didn't say it was whether i said it might be murder especially in view of what i know what do you mean what you know [Music] i know he threatened to kill stevens [Music] sheriff you say it was self-defense yes sir what proof have you got the doctor's an honest man under the law his evidence would be classified as self-serving danny kulp was there he saw the whole thing you'll swear to it mr cope is dr john's employee that don't mean i'd lie you have often said you credit the doctor with saving your life he did yes yes perhaps but the fact that you think so categorizes you as something less than a subjective witness but i saw the whole johns you say you went to steven's office about a billion that's right you quiet about it and you killed him yes we quarreled but i didn't kill him there are witnesses who say you wanted to kill stephen that's a lie half here says it isn't a lie the other day i heard you and stephen's arguing outside the newspaper office he said i'll kill you stevens remember that i'll kill you do you still deny this i didn't deny we were quarreling i told you it was about that billion did you threaten to kill him i don't know i was angry i might have said anything well perhaps you will have sharpened up your memory by the time your trial begins trial exactly sheriff wall trial for first-degree murder meanwhile he's to be held in jail without bail [Music] i feel very sorry for you for any man whose grief is such a sick thing please believe me judge your wife was doomed to die [Music] all right doctor please believe me your wife was doomed to die and the judge was just the same at the trial the cards were stacked the doc didn't have a chance the core that started the fight what was that about everyone claimed it was about an unpaid bill and danny [Applause] does the doctor impress you as the kind of man who'd resort to violence to collect a bill oh no matter of fact half the people entoured the doctrine then he didn't seem to mind before there must have been something else he called about then but the doc kept saying it was the bill he said it to me right after stevens died i said he said what was that again about a piece of paper paper oh he dumped a whole tray of type he seemed in a sort of a daze but he kept looking for something then he found that piece of paper he tore it up and threw it in the stove well anyway it was a kind of a strange thing under the circumstances man killed doc stops and tears up a piece of paper throws it under the stove hosey well the lung was punctured there was internal bleeding and i repaired that damage and set the broken ribs it's gonna be all right well i'll be better able to tell you i mean my wife should be able to predict his chances for you later on i've done all i can the rest is up to your son's constitution duck thank you i hope you're not being premature i'm just cartwright i wouldn't try to see your boy for a while he's at a pretty rough time the sheriff's impatient [Applause] danny [Music] [Music] so [Music] come to pay your last respects or complain about the doctor's bill i talked to him oh yes he's allowed visitors an hour before the time oh oh just a minute your gun doctor not in here mr farrah don't call me doctor in here how's your son my son had a very good doctor but i didn't come here to talk about my son sheriff may we talk privately oh we'll get back outside why are you sacrificing your life not sacrificing mr cartwright that's the wrong word the law is taking my life for murder sacrificing is the right word [Applause] what does coal town pennsylvania mean to you well the place where i grew up is did my wife and what else happened there nothing we left there came out here to open a practice and why did stevens after all these years want to put a story about coal town and your wife i don't know what you're talking about [Applause] i think you do i talked to cope i tried to save your son's life mr cartwright i hope i succeeded if you have any gratefulness then forget about this i can't that's saying gratefulness won't let me but it's it's none of your business i have to go to judge grant and show them this new evidence on your behalf no sit down [Applause] i'm gonna tell you about it and after i'm through you're going to agree that i am doing the right thing you're going to know that i'm making the right decision i'm listening in order to go to school and become a doctor my wife karen worked in one of the coal companies as a bookkeeping cashier to support us and in my last year of school she became ill lung trouble and all the money went from medical bills and it became impossible for me to continue my studies so she embezzled money from the company where she worked you knew about this no not at first she told me she made a loan from the company they started to audit the books and then she told me you ran away come here then we started to save the money to repay the loan and stevens came out to start a paper he knew about your wife see he was a reporter out of uh philadelphia when the theft was discovered and he covered the story well a possible jail sentence for for mrs johns surely that isn't worth your life have you ever been to coldhound pennsylvania have you ever seen the coal dust hang so thick that it blots out the sun and breathe in that black death day after day it kills people mr cartwright and it would have killed her if we just stayed there and it will kill her if she goes back what about karen don't you think she has a right to know what's happening and why no she'd do what you want go to grant tell him she's a beautiful woman mr cartwright and out here she'd have years of life ahead of her but if you go to grant hand him that paper you're sending karen to her death [Music] sheriff you're all finished oh finished how is he we're still waiting did you see michael yes i i thanked him for what he did [Applause] mrs jones are you going to see him now no it would make it more difficult for him i'm going upstairs if you need me for anything please call i will thank you for everything [Music] uh i love you [Music] i just dropped by to see how your boy was getting on will they recover we don't know i'm sorry for you mr cartwright well this will never happen again i'm on my way to see that you're going to see the execution yes it's my duty to be there and if it weren't your duty you'd still be there wouldn't you yes i would again my sympathy vengeance hanging what did you say i said you're going to a vengeance hanging your vengeance because of the strain you're under i'll excuse that remark no don't i meant it what was your real reason for coming here judge i told you mr cartwright my concern for your son no justification to justify what you're about to do out there because if my son dies that will justify everything for you that will prove that you were right and you're not you know it john's murdered a man he admitted it no he admitted to fighting a man not murdering him there's no proof of that [Applause] what is this a newspaper article the story that stevens was using to blackmail dr john's blackmail yes blackmail when john's tried to destroy it stevens pulled a gun i don't believe it read that article what you won't find in that story that karen jones is ill if she was sent back east it might mean a death how do you know all this i learned it from dr john's he begged me not to say a word of this to you you'll feel that you take out your vengeance on her too then why do you tell me earlier today you said that you never abused the power and trusted to you well i think you're doing it now you're sending a man to death because of what you think he did to you to your wife not because you really believe to be guilty you're a liar and prove me to be a liar 35 years of your life have been dedicated to seeing that men receive equal and fair justice under the law prove me to be a liar or better still prove to me that you're a judge not just a man using his power to seek revenge you all right son yeah a little fuzzy but a dang sight better than i did a couple of days rest and i'll be ready to go out there and take on that old flea bag that set on me and get my good woven you didn't know if your son would live or not john's might have caused his death yet you defended him my son had died i'd still know that the doctor done all he could for him just as you know that he did all he could for your wife he's only a human being judge nothing more you can't play god no one can oh what's all that about oh take it later [Music] so [Music] everything's ready sir just waiting on a word from you judge bring him down from there oh just a minute judge this man suffered enough already i say if we're gonna hang him do it now don't drag it out we're not going to hang him he's innocent [Music] there there now you see you see dr johns now that i understand i think i can use my office to see that you both of you need suffer no further anguish thank you well now i think we ought to be getting back to our patient don't you [Music] mr cartwright thank you [Music] you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Series
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Keywords: western series full episodes, western series tv, western series on youtube, western series movies, old western series, western, western movies, full episodes, full episodes movies, westerns, best western, best western series, western series movie, classic western movies, series western, lorne greene, bonanza full episodes, western series tv shows, old western series tv, old western tv series full episodes, american western, classic western series, free western series
Id: 40yWAZOg2dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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