Bonanza S12E27 Kingdom of Fear YouTube

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you maybe cut that out I think somebody else might like a little Stu got burning I'm still hungry well you're still hungry yeah here vinegar what am I supposed to do that take it over that meadow and for it all around and you graze for about an hour oh oh you're funny you funny little brother oh no you don't stop teasing him about food when these days he's gonna eat you alive no if he does I guarantee you last four seconds hey Billy let's more Stu no no thanks Jim what makes the matter with Billy here I don't know hey you don't think he's he's thinking about backing out on the wedding do you all right now hold on you two nervous I am but backing out I ain't just anxious that's all yeah well I don't blame you Billy Sally's quite a girl Hado but oh good good get all that business settle yep everything paid up in full don't think up there this afternoon good yeah coffee smells good hey it's a cup Ted you will be glad to get home that's what that's what Billy I was just saying well wonder why why are you blushing Billy hey you know what I was thinking now we got the herd sold maybe we could move that wedding day up a little bit we could go back home to the high country save ourselves forever six days what do you think that sounds great to me nothing could rustle up your brother we could get moving yeah where is Hoss anyway I saw him in the meadow was a road bye did he take that bottle of vinegar with Haley what he would you know Billy the weight we're going you're gonna be made a week early Thank You mr. Cartwright I sure do appreciate it throw down your guns which is about threw down your guns with the offside hand now the rifles look miss it if you're looking for money just isn't it we've got a couple of dollars between us and the rest is in a bank raft money you got me all wrong mister this ain't your holdup Ellen what is it you met her trespass trespassing you're deaf trespassing this is private property yeah sorry for trespassing we just didn't see any signs posted I don't guess you did there ain't any but you are trespassing now you're coming with me it's just does make any sense we didn't see any signs posted so how could we be charged with trespassing I will let the judge decide that I'm done talking let's go I'll walk venture we didn't mean any harm I got a date to get married as soon as I get home ain't about the hanging around here because some guys got a burr under his saddle it's like the winds off period you never seen a prison camp before get moving I move along earlier at you told a lookout that five men wrote in where's the fifth man tried to get away that's a lie this man murdered him in cold blood murder that's a powerful statement to make against one of my deputies you the sheriff here sure I am the sheriff arrest this man seven witnesses saw him shoot down that boy for no reason at all seven witnesses if you men see Hat shoot that boy back there yes I I should why'd he shoot him he was trying to escape that's a lie the boy wasn't doing anything he didn't even have a gun Who am I supposed to believe my four deputies are you four strangers trespassers - boo I'm Ben Cartwright from Virginia City the sheriff there Roy coffee or watch for me I swear you I'm telling you the truth Virginia City that's a long way off well you can send him a message you'd be right here better take too long it'll take too long not me me won't be here in time for your trial what trial trespassing you keep talking about trespassing you got a murderer standing right next year yeah that's for the judge to decide I find my deputy hatch not guilty oh I forgot to mention I'm the judge here - I'm the sheriff the judge and the jury I find the trespassers guilty six months of hard labor put him in Chains of them all you men are gonna have to learn some discipline I'll finish mr. hatch fine play guys will hurt you for a while you get used to it that's the scandal burn it off and then the flesh will start to go missing okay Oh Robbie around see you get yours don't watch your mouth boy I'm gonna let you go this time boy but you remember that sound when you remembered good cuz there's a sound I guess kind of like dreaming well maybe I should say more like a nightmare one minute you're riding along quiet as you please in the next everyman he isn't changed for the same thing trespassin why slave labour to work the judges mind you can't get men to work any cheaper than Lincoln how does he get away with it man leaves here you gotta go to the law nobody leaves here unless you go the way your friend that I know I've been here three years none of the others have lived that long three years ago my wife and I wrote on to this land looking for a place to sell I guess that's why I stay alive to be near Sara where is she the judge wanted her to live up at the house with him but she wouldn't leave until he had his men drag her away they took her up to the house and locked him I buried Sara up on the hill there sorry it's the way Sara wanted it my wife hung herself well then get it Donna get it if you want to eat pick up your plate fancy but it's filling see we worry about our men who want to keep them as healthy as long as we can they only buy the second day and by the second month you'll be begging just like the rest of them all right time to get out let's go come on Oh I don't miss a thing good look yeah these chains these dogs and his rifles take a miracle to get us out of here Oh China listen thought yeah we had that vein and we lost it we found some girls in sin yeah two little pockets that Bane's here someplace we gonna find it I got the men working as hard as they can make sure you keep him working at that level there's old Hannah I want that goal yes sir get back to work here just let me move over the shade for a bit I said get back to work pick that man up put a shovel in his hand get my hand one of what get yourself killed every now you denied the way game how'd when you men like the work today works fine I'm not too thrilled about the wages well what can you expect when you've broken the law what are you staring at Farley you could told you I don't like it I know but I don't know why do you know why judge just don't like it that's all can't be because uh sir after all these years oh I I told my new friends here I told him how Sarah killed herself he'd like me to die like the others he'd like me to try to get away so the dolls could do it for him but I won't I'm gonna stay alive and I'm gonna stay close to Sarah and him come and get it you're sleeping I'm watching him don't worry don't worry what you do with the card right saddlebags what judges cavil says I always do uh-huh now what are you so touchy about I'm just tired you checking up on me old time at all that's what I'm here for right right right sure you know makes it happen but that bank draft is a meal uh-huh $22,000 ah what I got for the hula so hey how'd you like to make a deal do you deceive your lap first I want you to know and no knocking would've but I would get into what I came here I won't you know what I've never killed nobody and I ain't saying what I did was right but I never killed nobody oh I don't know you do it whoa I can do it don't worry about that I'm address to the prisoners thank you Allah to be less one alright what's the deal I want twenty two thousand dollars and I feel I swear I'd swear I never killed no man all right let my promise all right that the judge sent me into Dawson once a month for supplies at the two-day ride then I'll be back in four days with a passing don't say a word cause of the judge flying that neither will this be allowed to talk about leave in the morning but everybody else let's go oh that's a good news for you what come on come on all right you men pay attention George got a few words for you ma'am I know all the most here trying to do your best here long as you do your work I'm trying to be fair now you all know the penalty for trying to escape I don't have to go into that w-well it's come to my attention that while you men are doing a good job one of my men hasn't he's gone as far as play some temptation running one of my prisoners ain't that right since ain't that right please George take off his shirt it's good in order to be fair I feel that my men should receive the same punishment as you would run since run all right let's do it work like good news you're talking about it's something to do with a guard this morning Jack when the other judge found out about hello God is gonna come back with a posse yeah was well right back when we start come on it looks like for you to lure that car you you and you get back to work yeah come on spit it up buddy you want the door tried to go faster that's right I think I'm gonna accommodate you oh go it's gonna cost you your food ration tonight hey wrong without my house I'll help you I only know what help now that be anyway other wheels huh look under the wheels I hear you were disobedient the mind today is that true be lighter you know what are you asking me for you look at me when I talk to you you're gonna lose your food tonight I'm afraid you're gonna have to be more severely punished you put them dogs on me and I'll kill dogs won't be necessary man you disobeyed or discipline here will be a lesson the rest huh Mila dad press the u-men watch remember what you see you mean it's just me and him that's all nobody'll interfere you mmm everything to me afar thank you judge feed them can't get it alright man time to eat I said time date hey come on move all right until there's only one chance in a thousand of this will work it's still betting no chance at all I can make it the glacier like I can lose the dogs even if it works you'll be on your own we won't be able to help you well timing is the important thing absolutely essential not a second to be lost a candy and farri gonna have to make it look real good well I'll spread the word to the other prisoners they'll help ah here it is network it's trying to get some sleep we can you it may closing time okay here goes you ready what Carly look at how long you've been y'all tired of doing your work for you and I had enough talk out of you all right quitting time let's take a man kick it up have it where's the other one what the big ones brother where is he I don't know I thought sure they're all here get the judge tell him to bring the dogs you think he's man back you can't they try to give you trouble you shoot and that kid couldn't gotten too far enough change up write him back all right move along you Oh you hello Mia ringers man I don't know how far is it to the water about 3 miles he'd make it to that water they'll never find him get up you let me go now I'll make sure when the judge judges up - yeah it goes easy on I said get up move I said move holy as far as we go you shoot me and the dogs are gonna get you anyway I ain't gonna shoot you hedge take off my shirt what take off my shirt come on come on hurry up and hand it over now right come on run but you saved us a lot of trouble to reject Satan go get the dogs I'll be back at the cannon Oh Paul you know as well as I do they in no way to catch my own foot Adam and I tried long enough you know that my prisoners don't escape the dogs make sure they don't do well to remember that one of our men has lost a son that's a difficult thing to lose a loved one especially when he knows that he's responsible for his son's death I hope this is the last lesson that will be necessary you cannot escape I could punish y'all I should but I won't I'll give you another chance I know you won't disappoint me where's the dogs why didn't you bring the dogs who is scared the dogs are going crazy they didn't get Cartwright they got that what we do now just one thing we can do you want hat you share all that gold up in the shack waiting to be spent kill them all judges judges kill them all kill hang if you don't now jela alright trouble wait for water just can't just can't kill these frozen cold blood yes they love this cut right you've been here a few days I've been here two years I look I don't pretend to know how you feel or how you suffered but you just this is wrong right or wrong it don't matter anymore what you say it is that you just like them is that it they're animals I saw you fellas it's been enough killing here enough of death let the Lord take care of this all right let's tie them up head leaves the judge will go up to him right now hey where's Farley hi honey bunny there's a lot of coal there judge well a lot of men died get you all that girl judge how'd you get up here I'm afraid the men disobeyed you again judge they didn't die like they were supposed to know you won't punish us will you judge listen follow your right there's a lot of gold up here the other men will be here any minute now I'm sure they're gonna want to thank you for looking after them a man could buy anything he wanted anything raw like gold buy me back Sarah's life buy back my wife for me honey honey don't let the Lord take care of him we're all set to go Paul divided the goal along the present but I won't make up for what they've gone through but at least we'll give them a new start dinner but they're waiting for me yeah I guess I'd better be going I love you you
Channel: Lisa Minzer
Views: 462,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MREJo1VgsxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2013
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