Gun & Ammo Shortages - "2020 - The Comprehensive Detail"

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hello and welcome back to the guns and outdoors channel i hope you're doing great today and that everyone in your household as well amongst the madness craziness upheaval and social decay that's going on around us in the world today some of the irrational stuff on tv just blows the mind really does so you've noticed that there seems to be a shortage on firearms and ammunition and you're wondering why well that's an interesting topic for sure i decided to do some research and dive into the what how why where when in an effort to demystify the situation some of it you guys already know and you could probably guess some of it you may not that's the topic of today's video yes why the shortage on firearms and ammunition that is the million or in this case billion dollar question that we're all asking we're going to have to have a comprehensive look at in a deep dive into the ammunition shortages let's kick back postulate as to what has transpired that has gotten us into this state in the first place i know you've all seen the headlines i'll quote fox business and stay away from the communist news network cnn first one skyrocketing gun sales trigger u.s ammo shortage another wholesale and distributor inventories are the leanest we've ever seen all-time high in gun sales and nick's firearms checks we've been seeing some online press gouging by retailers for example cheaper than dirt they're up to their old tricks again nothing new there then there's the gun shortage the ammo shortage and we are asking ourselves why is the price of ammunition going up across the board in most calibers when will i be able to buy that whiz-bang new model of pistol or rifle that i've always wanted perhaps it's when can i buy that gadget that will make me shoot better when will i be able to find enough ammo so i can continue my training how about should i start shooting more 22 long rifle instead of nine millimeter two two three five five six or 45 acp then again we used to pick on the old 380 caliber pistols if i own one right about now and i had the ammo for it i can tell you but i wouldn't be laughing at the anemic stopping power of it i know you wouldn't either suddenly all rounds even the old 40 smith and wesson sound good again you know i was joking with my local uh buddies at the gun store and i like to say that the shelves are all but empty anything that isn't nailed down is gone and they all knock their heads in violent agreement with me when i say that kind of smile because it's true you know for me guys i love to train a couple times a week you know what about our yours mine everybody's training plans what does this do to my budget your budget do i have to come to grips with the fact that i can't train as much as i used to well that really sucks how might i dial back on my hobby and sport in order to keep doing what i love and not break the bank we're going to continue to now unpack this conversation so make sure that you continue to hang on and enjoy the ride as we review my top 10 list of issues that we as shooters and marksmen are contending with in this cacophony of guns and ammo mayhem first up in the top 10 list in no particular order is number one gun sales gun sales are at an all-time high more and more americans are buying firearms for the first time this coupled with current gun owners wanting more as well drives the compounding effect our new gun owners have bought their first firearms and they want to shoot it but they can't find ammo due to its short supply b380 both of these two shells were nine millimeter if you if you pan over here for me so again a recap this usb 380. these two shelves used to be nine millimeter bottom shelf used to be all 40. this used to be 45 all right good news if you've got a shotgun i'm your guy i got you covered plenty of shotguns you got a 10 millimeter shotgun i've been out of 380 for over six weeks number two material shortages history lesson this surprised me here goes the united states has no more lead smelting plants say what justin well i'm glad you asked it turns out that our biggest plant was in missouri you see as you guys know they get the lead from war however the lead is a toxic heavy metal material found in mineral deposits in the earth's crust it's soft malleable and corrosion resistant material unfortunately we're in a double-edged sword scenario lead is in our environment as much as it comes from human activities including burning fossil fuels range use mines and manufacturers lots of america's smelting plants were shut down back in 2014 during the last administration due to increasing strict pollution requirements from the legislature and the evil protection agency oh sorry epa this strict regulations and requirements cost too much to implement so the plants literally close their doors and just shut down there is talk that we do recycle lead from secondary sources things like batteries here in the us but the prevailing wisdom is that we now mostly import it from overseas countries yep lots of our u.s ammo companies import lead for bullets from outside of the country now there is a caveat do remember that we also import ammunition so a lot of it so we're seeing that coming from korea italy serbia russia and others so this explains why we're getting and seeing some brands and calibers of ammos and not others speaking of ammo number three ammunition ammo sales are skyrocketing to unprecedented levels reflecting a degree of panic buying almost never experienced before one well-known ammo site reports that sales are up 792 percent across nine millimeter 223 40 smith and wesson and 45 acp handgun sales account for the most sales followed by rifle and then shotgun at this point we know that everything is selling out like hot cakes so if you have something that you want and you find it in stock guys don't wait jump on it as we talked about before on the channel do not have buyer's remorse go for it stuff is being bought up as soon as it hits the store shelves this is what reminds me about back in 2012 when we had guns ammos and 30 round magazine shortages you guys remember that right but i'm afraid it actually seems worse now due to this super storm of events these multiple causes and affecting factors when it comes to ammo supply let's not forget the additional and old school order of things as well the feds get their stuff afield first as in first pick then the states then the local law enforcement agencies followed by the retailers distributors and the public you me we we're at that bottom of that pecking order oh well let's keep going number four primers and lead they're currently in a shortage too no surprise people are buying it up whether they really need the components or not i'd add that there are 15 major countries that are exporting the lead get this according to one source china is now the leading producer having mine and melted 2 million metric tons last year which is 40 percent of the world supply china also produces a large share of primers used in ammo production lots of primers and these days even shotguns are manufactured in both italy and now china remember they were shut down due to the cv 19 situation which adds to the effect of lack of supply and then we have number five pandemic you're waiting on me to mention it guys so here it comes the nasty cv 19. we saw china shut down because of it then italy then spain uk eu followed by the us the rest of the world then we all receive confusing messaging by all sides shut down no shut partial shut lock down the effects on our daily and personal and work lives our livelihoods what a terrible situation what a mess no wonder my heart goes out to everyone all of us that have been affected by it and guess what no wonder we saw the retail prices start to go up earlier this year in 2020 number six panic buying or bulk buying how about this let's call it for what it is hoarding when people are scared they panic by whether they need it or not we saw it when people were home more the average person isn't even up to the fema recommended three to seven days of supplies for emergencies some of us are caught in a just-in-time on-demand culture you know they got caught without food and supplies so therefore we saw a run on things like medical supplies food non-perishables canned food bottled water rice pasta remember over-the-counter medicines battery uh where does toilet paper fit into all that you got me on that one all right tp aside let's look at the why from a psychological perspective it makes sense as humans feel threatened anxious or scared our first instinct is to gain some sort of control over the situation people have loved ones that they care for and are responsible for so people resort to the only action they feel like they can which is stockpiling and this is a good segue that leads back into firearm sales we just discussed people stockpiling items like medical mass cleaning supplies and food that are in line with the cv 19 situation let's now discuss items that would now protect us from the bad people situation from bad people wishing to do us harm this is where we see a rise in the purchase of security cameras firearms knives and other self-defense items number seven the new gun owners fact there have been more than 20 million background checks for gun purchases so far in 2020. to put that into perspective that's up 35 for the same period last year as i was researching i found out that so far this year we've seen more checks for firearms purchases than any other single year in history as of july 2020 two million eight hundred nineteen thousand two hundred seventy one checks have been done with five more months still to go last year the entire total was 28 million my personal estimate at the guns and outdoors channel based upon looking at the website is that we'll see 38 million checks and sales this year in the fbi nix tracker to keep that in perspective that's 38 39 million versus 28 million last year quick stat and two quick stories number one quick stack number one four in ten households report to having guns in the home and we know that's actually more than that i think that's a beautiful thing the second amendment is important and we need to keep it that way quick story here that's a true story number one my sixth great-grandfather william stevens participated in the boston tea party he was born in england he immigrated to the united states for a new life and he fought against his homeland the british during the revolutionary war every one of us is an immigrant don't ever forget that okay unless you're a native american at the age of 25 interested in artillery and heavy ordnance he served in the massachusetts militia later as lieutenant then a captain in the continental army he wrote the only textbook on the artillery of the revolution serving under general henry knox and in general washington's army he did his part in bombing the [ __ ] out of general lord cornwallis at yorktown cornwallis later surrendered his 8 000 men and signed the articles of capitulation quick story on that one on how i got on that back on topic quick story number two local gun range droves of people are coming in want to learn how to shoot a gun we're seeing every concealed carry class on the calendar sold out absolutely packed to the t 20 30 people couples individuals boyfriends girlfriends all signing up classes are selling out left and right we're seeing a surge in one-on-one sessions as well as private classes for groups at an all-time high business is great and it is good on that front when the industry and qualified instructors are teaching first-time fundamentals of good and safe gun handling we all win this is a great thing for our industry we should all be very glad to see the positive side effect here and we must do our part to support the effort team don't criticize don't be so dogmatic support your brothers help people be positive we'll get through this i promise you number eight protests and riots demand spiked with the cv19 hit and then spiked again when the riots hit the american people want to protect their lives and their property look um police and everyone let's get the bad cops and the crooked cops out of the system let's stop working with and covering for them it's long overdue guys we know that we have lots of good leds and feds that joined up to fight crime for all the right reasons the most common quote that we all hear is i want to help people okay do that we have and hold you to a high standard that's noble what you're doing it's great you can make a difference you're making a difference every day keep doing that be safe and continue with your firearms training beyond what your agency teaches you so that you'll constantly get better that's what we all strive for you we need you now out there more than ever public everyone us me you once you start damaging innocent people's property you're not a protester but you're a writer and you're a common criminal you must go to jail and you will go to jail karma is a mother mr bad guy trust me one day you'll meet your match and it will be from a person that you least likely expect it to be from that person is going to be somebody that's prepared there is no politics here it's crystal clear a part of living in a modern society that operates within the rule of law number nine political season if you're too far to the right i've got no use for you if you're too far to the left i've got no use for you we have idiots on both sides and you're dead to me i do not agree with the madness and crazy ideas that are out there defund the police are you kidding me really who do they think is going to answer the call when you dial 911 and ask for help think about it this way and let me ask you guys a question would you want a doctor that recently took a pay cut to operate on you or a loved one heck no i didn't think so young people please don't for one second believe the new radical marxist socialist idealism will any way result in something positive for america my military brothers here will agree with me if you've ever been in a branch of service army navy chair force marines coast guard space force you'll know that we don't see black white tan and yellow we see green camo or blue we work together and operate 24 7 in some of the most austere environments possible some of the best leaders and mentors in my career when i was in that i've known were people of different ethnic backgrounds when you're in the middle of the persian gulf the indian ocean doing an underway replenishment a con rep a vert rep via halo or you have two ships side by side with hoses and lines used to transfer jp5 jet propulsion fuel ammunition and supplies you'll come to appreciate and respect all people and your military brethren their efforts and things of that nature require coordination trust teamwork in order to achieve 100 percent critical success i choose in my life to categorize situations personal and in business as shades of gray i don't always default to black or white not in terms of people or ethnicity but in situations i kind of take an honest look at things i personally take a glass half full approach versus a glass half empty number 10 supply and demand can manufacturers overcome all of the above by making and shipping more that's the question i'm not sure if they can there's only one way to find out and guys we're going to have to wait and see on that one and there you have it those are our top 10 reasons on why we're seeing this ammunition firearms and shortage situation we should probably expect to see this continue to happen until the threats are diminished maybe it's if trump is re-elected in november if it's not the alternative will 100 percent continue to be the effect on the supply chain for a very long time as the increasingly more radical left digs in and comes for our firearms make no mistake they certainly will do that with all of the above stated let's expect to fill the crunch and see shortages through the end of the year into early 2021 in the meantime what can you and i do for ammo i've been doing a lot of web pages where i leave up the major ammo websites i check them early in the mornings say monday tuesday mornings between eight and nine a.m when the ammo comes in they are posting the availability so be on the lookout now here's the deal be prepared to pay but don't overpay for example on 9 mm i'll go up to 19 cents around i think that's decent but i'm starting to see stuff like 40 cents around no way my shooting buddies and i have about five or six places that we check on the regular and when we find it we jump on it we've all heard the stories of it being in your shopping cart only to not be there by the time you enter your credit card and personal information uh there's plenty of seven ticks two by 39 ak ammo out there as well as 22 in stores and online so i think we're good to go and by the way even the 30 round mags are in stock these days in terms of firearms glock 6 springfield they're getting hard to find if you walk into a place and you have a g17 or a g19 on your list be prepared you're only gonna see one in the shell and you need to jump right on it and also don't worry about the generation we all want gen five if there's a gen four and you have a new shooter that's in need pick it up don't be picky i'm finding that shops still do have the 1911s some mechanics they still have the high-end gucci guns ars leave fast and they stock fast and then you're gone shotguns come in they trickle out there's still a lot of decent deals on shotguns for home defense it's a great option you don't have to go high-end if you just start and by the way it shouldn't have to be said but don't expect to find any nine millimeter in your local gun store it is gone all right and if you do it's one or two boxes max all right team we've covered a lot that's the top ten we covered some stories tips on how to source ammo as well as some current pricing all eyes are on this year the election 2021 and beyond guys as we work to close out this video i want to thank each of you for watching and ask that you drop kick the like button if you would be sure to also subscribe to the channel so you can see more content down the line good luck happy ammo and firearms hunting do your part and renew your nra and goa memberships and we're out of here see ya
Channel: Guns and Outdoors Channel
Views: 193,806
Rating: 4.7102804 out of 5
Keywords: ammo, ammunition, ammo shortage, firearms supply, lead plants, 2020 election, guns supply, primers, new gun owners, new shooters, firearms training, reloading, glock, training classes
Id: R5LDOd6VcHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.