Bobs' vs Hornady 55gr fmjbt - Varget

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welcome back folks today I want to return to our 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boattail series that we got going on here we've been shooting the the Bob's bullet from two to three bullets calm lately these guys have been shooting pretty decent and we've been working through our working our way through powders trying to find ones that shoot excellent we're still on the hunt for the perfect powder but what we've done the last video we added in the 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boattail from Hornady these can be had for a reasonable cost especially when you buy in bulk so been looking to put these up against one another in the last video we shot IMR 3031 today's video I want to shoot Hodgdon bargain if you watched my video about case capacity in Starline brass you'll know that this Starline brass is what we're going to be using today it's pretty darn nice brass but it's a little bit thick and doesn't quite have the case capacity of something like Lake City or some of your other options and this powder in particular that presents a challenge because with varga you're looking at a pretty full case or the ability to load up to a pretty full case without blowing your face off so let's let's jump right into it and talk about load data two main sources we're shooting the Hornet e55 grain so we've got the Hornady manual they show a max charge of twenty six point four grains at an overall length of two point two inches okay our other source is the Hodgdon website and also actually right here on the can of argot they've got load data first for a 55 grain spear soft point and it shows a max charge of twenty seven point five grains now the problem with twenty seven point five grains and Starline brass is that it well with new brass it was absolutely overflowing the case and I was having to tap the cases and settle the powder in there enough to get a bullet on there which that's no fun and here in the in the this the brass were gonna shoot today has been has been fire form so it's got a little bit more Basti but it still ride up there to the top and it's just more powder than as comfortable load with you get spillages i mean god forbid you're trying to run it in a progressive you're gonna have powder all over the place there's no reason to shoot that much powder other than to say wow look how much powder we shot and that's dumb so what we're going to do so they said 27.5 we're going to back it down to 27.0 i was playing around with that a little bit earlier and that is you know comfortably below the case mouth to where hopefully we won't be spilling powder everywhere if you're shooting another type of brass that has it has you know a little bit more case capacity you might be able to squeeze that other half grain in there and I would say go for it shouldn't be a problem but I want to limit it to 27 just so we don't have any problems there and and just like in the last video I want to shoot half grain increments so 27 is our max so that makes 25 are starting charge should be a decent little range cover a lot of ground give us an idea of how these bullets are shooting with this powder over a reasonably wide velocity range now for overall length the Hornady book says they shoot 2.2 0-0 with their 55 grain but that overall length is just a little bit too short for the bob's bullet we go just ever so slightly past the candle or so I want to stretch it out we'll shoot the same overall length we shot in the IMR 3031 video which is two point two one five inches it's a good compromise overall length for these two bullets and for primers we're going to shoot winchester WS our primers those guys I think that's what we've been shooting and the Hoschton data uses WS ours and the Hornady manual uses W SRS so why not so another quick warning about the Starline brass one thing i've you know i've tumbled these pieces a couple times in my wet tumbler with steel pins and I'm getting steel pins that get stuck down inside of the case so I'm happy to keep my eye open on that these are my steel pins are from my Frankfort Arsenal wet tumbler they're the ones that came with it so your pins might be a different size might not have the problem or maybe your Frankfort Arsenal pins are newer haven't worn down as much whatever but just that's something to always kind of keep keep an eye out for is steel pins getting stuck either in flash holes or down inside of cases it happens occasionally no matter what size pins you use there's gonna be some case out there or some flash hole out there that's gonna want to attract them and get them stuck and for my pins it happens to be this Starline brass so keep an eye out for that have we covered everything yeah we're shooting the Hornady we're shooting the bobs we've covered our components this brass has already been prepped it's a clean and sized and I've actually already put in our WS our primers so I'm ready to start weighing powder all right so our seeding guys still set for 77 grain match Kings so let's get this guy dialed in it's one of the best things about a candle or it helps you get close to your target overall length quickly without measuring 1400 times alright that's pretty close I'm getting between two point two one six and let's see what's our shortest guy there's a two point two one two two point two one four I think we're good the crimp tell you what let's try out the crimp we used from the more to 62 video yeah that looks good a little bit of a little bit of a squeeze down into the candle or just a touch but nothing crazy so if you didn't watch the last video with IMR 3031 I've got a couple of other 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boat tail bullets you know right now we're playing around with the Hornady but I also have the Everglades version too and I've got the 55 Greiner from RMR Rocky Mountain reloading I think it is so we're going to be testing several several 55 brainers here in the coming weeks and months so this is the first one with our highest charge the the last charge twenty six point five grains I did start feeling just of crunchiness this doesn't feel bad I'll tell you what before we crimp it I'll measure overall length and see if it's grown yeah this guy's 2.2 to 1 all right sometimes you got to watch that as you get more and more compressed your overall length will grow and you got to chase your bullets eating died down just a touch so I'm gonna go ahead and seat this whole row and we'll see how much growth we've got yep so our longest guy is 2.2 to 1 and our shortest is two point two one seven or two point two one eight yeah I want to screw it down just a touch just a little bit yep that did it so 2.2 1/4 is our shortest guy and I think 2.2 1 9 or 2.2 to 0 is our longest guy good deal so now I just need to weigh out the charges for our Hornady bullets and the other thing I need to do is take the bob's bullets and take them off of the bench because that's what I screwed up the last time I tried to film this video I accidentally loaded all 50 with the Bob's bullet forgot to switch bullets Midway sometimes you get in the zone man you get the tunnel vision and you forget what's going on all right so I've moved on to the Hornady getting these guys seated I'll tell you as I was measuring out these charges and getting them in the cases it made me think about a video Mopar madman did the other day if you haven't seen his channel he does a lot of 6.5 Creedmoor stuff with his Ruger precision rifle and the other day he did a video on the Forester funnel that has a long drop tube and these long drop tube funnels are supposed to help get more powder in the case you know like our top charge here with varga where we've really got a pretty darn full case using the a funnel with a long drop tube it just gets it in the case in a more organized manner I guess so that you know it's tough down in there a little bit more I'm gonna have to get one of those they're not expensive he went through and did some tests with standard funnel versus the long tube funnel and it was pretty shocking the amount of difference he saw I do have one kind of I've got one of these Universal MPM kits that comes with a couple different funnels and different size you know attachments that you can change it's it's not an awesome funnel it's like a ten dollar little kit but it does come with this drop tube so basically you would squeeze that in there put that guy in there and then now you've got an absurdly long funnel I didn't think about it until I was already done so maybe in the next video or the next time we're doing heavily compressed charges with extruded powders we'll give that guy a try or maybe I should just go ahead and get one of the Foresters or one of the other nicer ones that's something I always like every time I sit down at the bench I always tell myself like man I need to upgrade my funnel game because I mainly use Universal ones and they're just a pain in the butt especially with 22 it's not so bad with 30 caliber stuff for larger stuff but with a 22 these attachments they you know they go down on and they kind of stick because the fit is just you know a little bit too close I don't know if that makes sense but yeah I need to spend a couple bucks on some nice funnels at some point in my life so this is our second-to-last charge I did hear a little bit of crunchiness on that one there let me have a look at our overall length cue point u17 or in that range I'll go ahead and seat this whole row and see how they look yeah these guys are two point two one six and two point two one seven how do you get one it was two point two one eight so a little bit longer so I'm gonna give the dye just the slightest tweak here before we do our last row it might not have been enough that one's two point two two two two point two two zero so let's give it another another little tweak and we'll call that good enough two point one eight close enough good enough so that's it folks three more bullets to seat and then we've got a box of ammo so let's get out on the range hi folks it's time to get started we are at 100 yards shooting at three quarter-inch dots my gun has an 18 inch wide oak armament barrel and the remaining details about the setup are down in the description we're shooting from a clean gun today for those of you keeping track at home my my adjustable gas block I've got a wilson combat adjustable gas block in this gun and it's been set a little bit too high I've been over gassed for a bit and I went to adjust it today and it had completely frozen up so I had to pull the freaking handguard off this guy tear that guy apart and knock the crud out of there and put it back together so here on the first shots maybe we'll have some function issues I don't know regardless it won't be related to the load or the powder you're not going to have function issues with varga and 55 grain bullets if you've got a standard setup so let's get started we are going to start with the Bob's bullets 25.0 grains okay let's switch back and forth between our two bullets to hopefully spread out the effects of barrel heat on our groups so this is 25 grains with Hornady okay back to the bob's bullet next up is 25.5 grains [Music] all right pretty crappy group so far back to the horn indie 25.5 green okay back to the bobs for 26 screens I'll tell you what I got my gas block setting perfect first try they're ejecting right where I want them so alright back to Bob's 26 grains all right that's a little bit of an improvement and good-looking standard deviation number as well all right we're at the halfway mark we fired 25 shots so I'm gonna go ahead and give it a little time to cool down I've been shooting pretty slow anyway but it is a bit warm it is in the 80s so time for a break all right folks break time is over time to get back to it 26 grains of argot with our Hornady bullet all right the groups are getting tighter the standard deviation numbers are getting smaller I'm liking where this is headed next up 26.5 grains with the Baba's bullet okay 26.5 with the Hornady [Music] all right another nice group for the Hornady Bob's has one more chance here it's not looking good all right 27 grains with the Bob's bullet all right disappointing finish there for the Bob's so let's let's see how the Hornet he does with 27 so the Hornet he opened up there just a touch at the end but still not a bad showing let's pack up all this crap get back to the bench all right so at this point I've gotten into the habit of showing you the brass there's nothing at all to see so I'm not gonna worry about moving my camera I'm feeling lazy today there's nothing to see good-looking brass if we would have hit pressure signs with Margot I would have been extremely shocked our velocity range we were right at 2,800 feet per second starting off with both bullets and we made it up to a little over 3,000 the Hornady bullet shot just a little bit faster all the way along and yeah about 50 feet per second more on the top end with 27 grains not a big deal once again Hornady is definitely our winner although this is an interesting target and the similarities between the two bullets the 26 and when t 6.5 grain loads were the two best for both bullets now unfortunately the bob's bullet was a little over an inch you know one point one inch one point three inch and Hornady was a point nine and a point seven seven so this range right here man that's that's a good looking good looking range with the Hornady with both bullets the standard deviations more or less kind of tightened up as we went along this was a little bit of a shock here 26.5 with the Hornady gave us a twenty four point two feet per second standard deviation but on the whole standard deviations seemed to get better as we headed towards a completely full case of powder so Varga did okay right I mean yeah Varga did okay and look you know it looks to me like I would probably choose 26 grains just because it would be nice and easy to remember 26 grains plus we're not overflowing the case you know like we kind of are up here towards the top end you know you'd have more risk of spilling powder and stuff like that as you load so 26 looks like a pretty good number so this is twice in a row that Hornady has shot remarkably well and I'm so shocked by this right because this is my previous experience with the Hornady 55 Greene Full Metal Jacket boattail this is the 500 bullet bulk pack from Midway I bought this box of bullets back when I first bought my colt they are my first AR I picked up this box of bullets thinking that these would be you know good for plinking ammo I've only got a handful left there's actually twelve of them left they shot terrible they shot awful now I haven't tried them in my white oak armament barrel this is by far the most accurate 223 barrel I've had in an AR so maybe it needs to be the same but I think in the next video where we shoot the Hornady I'll go ahead and load up these last ten or twelve and see if I get the same results like I don't know if there's a difference between their bulk bullets and there are you know hundred count packages but I'm just shocked I'm really really shocked I expected I expected them to shoot consistently worse than our Bob's bulk bullets and that's just not what we're seeing that's just absolutely not what we're seeing as I think I mentioned earlier I've got the version two bullet from Everglades ammo and I've got I've got the ones from rmr so I'm interested to see how they do but I'm just shocked by by how well these horn ADIZ have been shooting for us so the next video I'm going to do I want to go back to 22 Nosler I haven't even I've got the new barrel to test in that and I've got the other barrel back from odin works and I kind of need to get into that but I haven't even built the upper yet so there probably won't be a video tomorrow it'll probably probably be the next day and it'll be a $22 video so if you enjoy the channel want to help support what we got going on here come check us out at slash reloading and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 51,889
Rating: 4.9698601 out of 5
Id: 11SPRvQXncw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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