Starline 223 Brass - Case Capacity Warning

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today has not gone according to plan at all like not even close we're going to talk a little bit about Starline brass star line to d3 brass and that is that was not supposed to be the subject of today's video today's video was supposed to be the 55 grain Bob's Full Metal Jacket Motel versus the Hornady Full Metal Jacket Votel 55 Greeners with Hodgdon Bourget but I made a huge mistake super stupid I was loading my charges and once I got to my fifth row and finished off the bobs bullets and switched over to the Hornady bullets I forgot the important step of actually switching bullets so I loaded though the next five rows with with Bob's bullets as well instead of Hornet ease I didn't catch it until I was on the range I had already fired my first group with the Bob's bullet I went to load up my magazine with the five rounds of the Hornady bullet and noticed like these aren't horn at ease now at that point what I should have done chill the F out calm down and realize like oh well crap this this video still has value we can just do ten shot groups with the Bob's bullets instead of doing that I got super mad shot all the aim he turned off the camera shot all the ammo in like three minutes and came back in the house I kind of rage quit I guess you could say so I wasn't gonna have a video today but I did find something as I was loading up the ammo for this video that's never going to happen that I thought I might bring to your attention as a standalone video one of my awesome supporters over at patreon in addition to already supporting me on patreon he dropped shipped me a box full of crap from Midway and it included 200 pieces of this new Star Line 223 brass we've already got some of the 308 brass and it's been doing a pretty good job for us so this is super awesome I'm looking forward to to using the new Starline brass so that's that's what I used in the failed video today was the new life was the new Star Line well it just so happens if you know anything about Varga and 50 five green bullets you need a really full case or I wouldn't shake I shouldn't say you need it but you can load up basically a completely full case with Varga and not blow your face off so the max charge right here on the bottle is twenty seven point five grains with a fifty five grain bullet so that's what I chose as my max charge but whenever I got down to it that charge was basically overflow in my brass I was having to you know dump the charge in and then tap on the side of the case like 50 times to finally get the the powder to settle enough to where the powder was below the neck and I could actually get a bullet in there and that just seemed kind of weird for you know published data to be that full so I grabbed a piece of Lake City brass out of the batch we've been using for the mark 262 cloning videos and I had some you know resized brass that was ready to go I put 27.5 grains of argot into it and the difference was massive it fit in there no problem so it's looking like this new Starline brass has a very low case capacity you know it's it's thick stuff and just doesn't hold that much powder so what I've done I went through my this is my cup of water that I've been using to measure case capacity I grabbed a whole bunch of different head stamps out of my stockpile and measured their case capacity in grains of water basically put the empty brass on your scale take a measurement fill it full of water with like a syringe until it's right to the top and then you weigh it again and you calculate how much water it's holding that's kind of a universal way of measuring case capacity and this list is what I came up with so I've got Starline new you know like a brand new unsub Starline so normally this measurement is done with fired brass like fire form - brass will give you a nice consistent reading assuming they were fired in the same gun but unfortunately I don't have a bunch of fired brass what I had to do is I resized them all exact same die setting and all of that junk so these these numbers are resized cases except for the very top the Starline new you can see it held 29.3 grains and the highest capacity was down there at Lake City Adi and Remington 223 and what I found funny was a piece of fired star line held 30.3 grains of water so even a piece of fired star line has got less capacity than a piece of resized Lake City so how big is a grain of water what the hell does all of this mean and how drastic are these differences in reality well when I'm done I wouldn't had the max charge that I used in my failed video was 27.5 grains right off of the bottle so I've got a little line up here of on the far left is a brand new piece of Star Line you can see the powder right up there to the neck right next to it is a piece of star line that was fired today and then resized next to that is a piece of IMI 556 which was kind of in between and at the end is the Lake City that has the the most case capacity so you can see that is drastic that is pretty darn drastic so with with our little 55 grain fullmetal jackets with with these powder levels I mean you're looking at a very compressed charge over there with brand-new Star Line and over at Lake City it's not even compressed probably it's almost clear the neck so maybe it would be just a touch so I would call that significant and that's why I wanted to go ahead and just make this video to highlight that because this is backwards from what a lot of people think in in the 308 world it's really reversed so you've got your 308 brass and if you consider that your normal case capacity and then you switch over to like seven six two by 51 military 308 brass they generally show that you know they're they're thicker brass and have less case capacity so you hear a lot of people warning 308 shooters that well be careful when you go to military brass because it has less case capacity which means you can run into higher pressures sooner than you expect well here in the 223 and five five six world it's you could either say that it's reversed or it's not really a thing because if we go back to our list here with case capacity you can see 223 s and five five six is kind of sprinkled together here so the 223 cases I've run into that have the least amount of case capacity is this star line and also Norma Norma is a very thick heavy brass that you know kind of has a smaller case capacity so this is not necessarily a bad thing it doesn't mean star line is bad brass or anything like that I mean like I said Norma is the other one that I've run into that has a pretty small capacity and I don't think you're gonna find that many people saying Norma is not quality brass maybe they don't like it maybe it's not their favorite but it's quality stuff and this star line seems like quality stuff but this case capacity thing it might be a thing for you you know maybe you have your favorite load and it's a heavily compressed charge and this is gonna mean that you know you're spilling over or whatever hopefully you're not shooting up like you got your favorite super hot load that you run with mixed brass I mean you don't do that do you so it situation like this where you know maybe you want to shoot Vargas Vargas your favorite 223 powder and you just need that case capacity you need that extra case capacity then you know Starline might not be for you but on the other side of things maybe your favorite powder just doesn't really have a very good case fill maybe this could help you know like I'm saying it's good bad it's just something I wanted to bring up because for one people get confused about this but you know I get this question quite a bit like videos where I'm using like city brass people will mention like oh you know be careful that stuff is probably higher pressure than 223 brass well you can see here from the numbers looks like the opposite to me so I just thought I would clarify that otherwise man this Starline brass is looking good like it's really looking good the flash holes look nice we'll look at it a little bit closer as we go the primer pockets felt good when I was priming them what I think I'm going to do is so we're going to continue to use Lake City brass in our mark 262 cloning series because mark 262 uses Lake City but for basically everything else I want to go over go ahead and switch over to this Starline brass to this batch of Starline brass and see how it goes maybe in a little while once we get familiar with it I'll make another video you know specifically highlighting what we found but otherwise just tune into the 223 videos and you'll start start seeing it in action couple things I could mention before I let you guys go I did finally get some remington seven-and-a-half primers so our next mark 262 video which did i mention that's going to be tomorrow assuming I can remember what bullets are what and not screw that one up as well that yeah tomorrow will be Mark 262 with Varga you guys want to see it so I'm gonna do it now the problem as you just saw taste capacity man case capacity is going to be a killer but hopefully we can get enough crammed in there to get some respectable velocities on the Bob's vs. Hornady front I picked up a hundred of the Everglades version two fifty five grain Full Metal Jacket boat tail to test against the Bob's and I also picked up some of the RMR 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boat tail so here's here's the the lineup with Bob's and Hornady and our more and Everglades so those are the upcoming matchups on that that 55 grain Full Metal Jacket boat elf series another thing I picked up are some of these guys these Inceptor you might have seen the the video I did recently with nine-millimeter on the Inceptor a rx these are frangible bullets these are the 35 grain option for 223 so look for trying those guys out like I said they're safe on steel up close and stuff so if you and your buddies want to build you a house out of railroad ties and do CQB drills live-fire CQB drills that's your bullet brother rock out with your Glock out man or I guess rock out with your AR out that doesn't sound nearly as good but whatever you get the point you get the point here is my 22 Nosler barrel if you happen to be following that series this guy get came back from odin works they took the measurements and did some test firing with it and said they didn't see any issues so it came back just the way it left so what I did I went ahead and grabbed a freaking AR stoner barrel you know not too pricey a little bit of looting going on here and everything you know whatever yeah so the 22 Nosler that's the way it's headed we're gonna throw this barrel in the upper and see how it does and at that point yeah if this behavior all behaves the same ways the Odin works barrel we're done we're done with 22 Nasser and it was crap now if a our stoner does great and gives us brass that we can reload and all that stuff then well-well cross that bridge when we get there and I did pick up a box of the 77 grain factory ammo just for the heck of it because that's what that's what Oh Dan works fired in the barrel to test and they sent me some pictures of the brass so I want to fire my own in the AR stoner and then we can compare what whatever why am i rambling about $22 and a 223 video about Starline brass I don't know I wish Starline brass would make us some $22 er brass that'd be pretty sweet and on second thought maybe they should stay the hell away from $22 alright guys I think that's where we'll leave it for today just wanted to do a quick video as much to tell you that I'm an idiot and that I'm sorry as anything but this is good good info here about the Starline brass seeing is how i can't put together a video or figure out what bullets I want to go in brass then there's really no reason to support my dumb ass at slash reloading cause I'll probably just waste your money making more stupid mistakes so see you guys tomorrow mark 262 Varga it's going to be a party see you then
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 51,678
Rating: 4.8774705 out of 5
Id: HO02Ugpfm_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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