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this episode is sponsored by greenwood my graduates from my school being forbes backdrop backdrop backdrop [Applause] all right guys welcome back still in la this is gonna be a legendary episode this is something that um came organically so if you're a football fan obviously you know who bobby wagner is i just found out actually he has a 91 percent chance to be a person i think he just found out yeah i found out too 91 chance to be a first ballot hall of famer um nine years in the league troy you run down those stats nine years in the league seven time pro bowler six time world pro five years consecutively all pro uh 99 rating and matter 99 that's probably the most impressive thing of all time a 99 rating everybody that's extremely rare yeah we gotta talk to the people that he ate they started doing the chains after so either bobby's gonna have to do it again or they're gonna have to reimburse him for uh time served yeah we could do both yeah so he's a 99 rating man a perfect player but even more impressive is what he's doing off the court off the field so he's uh it's a venture capital company he's an angel investor um he interned at microsoft he's forbes 30 under 30. and he represents himself big time um so this is a this is going to be a dope conversation so first and foremost thank you for joining us appreciate it yeah i appreciate you man i've been watching y'all for a minute man and uh it's cool to be on the show be a part of this and excited to have a conversation with you guys let's do it let's do it so let's talk about this financial literacy situation so you're playing for seattle you play for seattle your whole career right arguably this is the greatest player that's ever played for seattle right yeah i told you it's you and russ both y'all need a statue i'm good with that so you're playing for seattle and anybody i know seattle you know one of the biggest things that ever come out of seattle probably the biggest thing is microsoft so you intern at microsoft talk about that um seattle was kind of doing this thing where they were offering like different internships uh within the city and uh microsoft just so happened to be one and um you know out of all of the ones that i got to choose from i chose microsoft because you know you know for obvious reasons and i just felt like i was gonna grow more learn more um there so i went and i did an intern there and um crazy enough we was all sitting in the middle of the um the lobby we're all in the lobby chilling in the lobby and we're waiting for the cfo to come down to talk to us and i'm not really familiar with everybody that works in and out of microsoft at this time i think it's like 2015. i forgot when it was um and you know i'm talking to this lady and we having like a crazy conversation we talking about all type of stuff and she's like man like so what was everybody waiting for and i'm like yeah we're waiting for the uh the cfo to uh to come and come and talk to us she's like oh okay well i guess we should get this started and she like backs out of our conversation and says hey everybody like welcome to the internship and i'm like i've been talking to her for like 30 minutes i have no idea does she have an idea who you are um i mean maybe i don't know i'm assuming um so she was a cfo yeah cfo yeah her name was amy hood and well that's just listen i'm packed out a little bit you never know who you're talking to so you were talking to somebody and you told them we're waiting for the cfo to come and she just played along with it yeah she's just but she's the person yeah she knew who yeah she was she wasn't saying anything bad about the cfo yeah no i didn't say nothing it was crazy because it was just like you know that's what y'all wait for okay like let's let's start it off then i'm gonna get interested even further because how many people especially rookies at this time this is like your first first year or second year oh no this was like my third year i think so even that like how many people who are now full fledged because you were ready i won the super bowl yeah in your third year are willing to even take an internship right how many you said that seattle had some choices but how many of your teammates took advantage of that um i would say for most of the league not not many but our our team was different we was all into different things and if you look at like the things that we've accomplished you had multiple guys from that team negotiate their own contract um mike bennett was a um number one uh selling author um cliff avril done amazing things cam you know has his own clothing line so we were you could just tell like our group was different like we thought different and so like from the the league perspective it was not many but from our team uh we was always interested in doing something like we wanted to be great athletes great players we wanted to be bigger than just you know just good players we wanted to be able to do something that was going to impact the city that we came from in the city that we was in so what did you learn in microsoft and how how did that help you in your career business um i think the biggest thing that i learned was just um i learned the ins and outs you know i learned a lot i did the financing part so they offered like you could learn about gaming financing um there's certain things so i went to the financial world so i just sat there and watched him do numbers all day and it was it was crazy because i was just like you never know how much that they got going on because they got to control every single entity within the whole thing like x from xbox to microsoft word to everything so i got to to learn about that um and really the the biggest thing that that came from that was you know i developed a amazing relationship with amy and you know we are now like close friends and she's helped me a lot um opened a lot of doors for me um you know talked to me a lot about what she does on a day-to-day basis and you know so the biggest thing i think you know outside of like what i learned in the finances was the relationships that i've developed while i was there steve ballmer was the ceo at that time did you ever run into uh i actually did connect with him um but i connected with him he wasn't there when i was there but uh i connected with him later because um you know when i started telling people i wanted to do my contract they started connecting me with different people because i wanted a different perspective i didn't just want asian perspective players perspective i wanted people who who had you know ownership in teams and things like that i wanted to see like what they thought about players or what they were looking for when a player came in and negotiated his own contract yeah so 2012 was your rookie year yep but there was a trip to silicon valley that kind of changed perspective you always were interested in in the business aspect i believe your wealth manager took you to yeah silicon to see what this is all about yeah so experience yeah so i didn't even know what silicon valley was until um until that trip like i knew i heard i knew like san francisco was the the area but i didn't know about silicon valley so he took me down um he took me down on a trip probably like 2013 or 14 and we just toured like all different type of startups a couple of startups we toured was uh instacart we saw them pretty early um and we toured another company called uh it was um [Music] i forgot what the company name was but i ended up investing in that company but you know we we didn't win on that one um but you know so i just started to get exposed into like you know certain things and that's when i i realized the term like what the term was angel investor was i didn't know what that was either and so i'm like all right now i'm getting exposed into to different things finding out with um you know i sat with different vcs while i was out there just you know asking questions i sat with different investors while i was down there and then so it just kind of opened me up to this whole world that i hadn't nothing i knew nothing about and so once i got exposed to that then i just try to you know see how much i get my hands on so i want to talk about this vc situation but let's talk about football for a little bit as far as um you represent yourself if i'm not mistaken right yeah so like let's let's talk about this you came in a league you had an agent at some point i'm assuming you fired your agent and you decided to be your own agent yeah why did you do that and what was the process of negotiating your you're the highest paid inside linebacker in nfl history yep 54 million dollars yep three years three years three years 24 guaranteed not bad 40 guarantees 20 40 40 guaranteed short yeah 24 at signing don't don't you negotiated that contract i did congratulations thank you appreciate that um and you're almost done next year you'll finish that yeah i got after this year i'll have one year left and typically um if the team wants to keep you they um you know extend you no we're gonna put a message y'all don't play yourself don't play yourself so so gorgeous and you so and god willing everything works out this year you're gonna get all of your money yeah all of it so talk about negotiating your contract and why you decided to um let your agent go and become your own agent uh i just think it was a process you know what i mean i think when i first came into um when i was a rookie i actually had a couple agents you know i think um you know i had let my my original agent go like probably like either midway through my rookie year or right after my rookie year and um i just was looking for something um i looked i was looking for someone who's gonna keep that word um i was trying to figure that out but in the process of figuring that out i i started to realize i was like this is something that kind of mimicked or was kind of like in the same way where i was at like wanted to be in business and um i just wanted to have a seat at the table and i knew i wasn't going to be able to do that having an agent like they would let me in the room but i knew like once i walked away i knew there was going to be conversations that was going to be had that i wasn't going to be involved in and so i wanted to make sure i eliminated all that so i wanted them to talk to me directly i wanted to to do it for myself and um you know really it i felt like it was going to to spark my my way through business and you know i felt like if i wasn't willing to take a chance on myself with my contract then i wouldn't be able to take a chance in the real world and so um you know i just started learning literally right after i signed my my second deal you know i grabbed the cba and i read it read the cba then i started reading different negotiation books i started reading um looking at every linebacker contract looking at all the contracts that the ceo had done over the last 10 years or since pete carroll had been there and um you know i just started learning and so you know i knew it was coming and you know once it was my time to negotiate my deal uh you know i was ready and you know i think i surprised him when i walked into the room because i think they they didn't think i had put this much thought into it so i don't think they knew i knew what i was supposed to know what was that feeling like when obviously most people say represent yourself represent yourself but now you're negotiating on your own behalf and the team might feel like you're worth a different value than what you're thinking what are those conversations like what's your thought process when you're going through that um i think the biggest thing is you got to put your emotions you know you got to put your emotions behind you like business is not emotional and so i think that was their biggest fear was um not being able to say how they truly felt and and because they was going to piss me off or something like that so like one of the first meetings we had i was like look like we we all grow men and so you know i want y'all to treat this negotiation like it was an agent so if you got something that you got something that you feel i can't do or you want to say say it like don't sugarcoat anything like we all grown men at the end of the day i got respect for you i feel like y'all got respect for me so you know if there's two lines of respect then we can get something done in a respectful way and i wasn't really into the whole negotiations through the media so i was like i'm not trying to y'all don't take no shot at me in the media i'm not gonna take no shot at you guys in the media and we can get this thing done real quiet and it could be big it could be something that can you know hopefully spark um interest of players and you know it was cool i mean they told me how they felt i told them how i felt i had numbers to back up why i felt i was deserving of what i was asking for and they had stuff that they had and it was genuine conversations and obviously it was some moments where i felt like i was winning and then there was some moments where i felt like i got to go back to the drawing board but ultimately we ended up where we was at and got it done well you were you originally thinking based on your performance obviously i don't know how many linebackers can match your stats you're thinking i need to be the highest guy was that one of the things well i was you know around the league you know you consider the best so i want to be paid top dollar so um you know if around the league you consider the best i think your your pay should uh mimic that or mirror that so that was it that's how i approached it shout out to brandon copeland um we interviewed him a while ago and he kind of broke down nfl contracts for us it's very complicated situation yeah where it's like most of the money is not guaranteed and you have signing bonus you have incentives built in if you make it to like the pro bowl or so can you kind of explain that because the average i feel like the average fan just watches it they hit okay he got a 50 million dollar contract he had 50 million dollars a lot of money there's a lot of moving parts and you being an agent now well first did you have to get licensed to be an agent or not because you're a player and you just represent yourself yeah your references so so can you break that down as far as like some of the terms like the signing bonus what's guaranteed what's not guaranteed stuff like that so i definitely feel like the nfl contract is probably one of the most complicated contracts because you know i feel like in every other league i don't i'm not i don't know for sure but every other league what you see is what you get so if somebody signs for x amount of years for 100 million dollars they don't get that over whatever life of the deal but with the league you know with the nfl it's it's all fluff so you kind of like you see the contract the initial numbers then you got to see what the actual numbers are and so somebody can sign for um 50 million dollars for 40 guaranteed but um the at signing is really the the real number like that's what you're walking away with if they decide to walk away from you so if you get um if it's like 24 million dollars that signing bonus when you if they was to walk away from you that's what you get you know what i mean everything else you have to hit certain things so there's all different type of things in the contract like you said signing bonus um your signing bonuses are part of it um you know you have different per games different incentives so you know one of the things in my deal um you know i had like roster bonuses that roster bonuses is basically like um what they give you they like basically it's a way to kind of for the team to kind of stretch their money over the signing bonus or stress their money over the the cap so a certain amount of money that you get for being on the team each year hey earnest did you know that the black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of black excellence i know i'm ready and that's why we've partnered with greenwood the in demand black owned digital banking platform greenwood's namesake was founded in 1906 built from the brilliance of black dreamers looking to create a self-sufficient community in the greenwood district of tulsa oklahoma aka black wall street today greenwood is a digital banking platform with the mission to strengthen the black dollar using the same community reinforcement strategies of the original greenwood district and it's powered by a best-in-class mobile app that allows you to bank from anywhere so earners if you're ready to build a new legacy of black economic achievement go to eyl and sign up to be a part of the new greenwood community that's uil don't wait don't hesitate head over there now so that was when i was looking at your sport track i know because you said you used that when you were looking at everybody's contract a sore amount of plays and so even part of that that game thing is there a certain amount of snaps you have to be in the game for it to count in the contract yeah there's there's certain um there's certain guys where it's like you got to play 90 of your snaps or 80 of your snaps or you know you see towards the end of the season these guys get these huge bonuses where um you know if you get nine 10 sacks then you get an extra 250 so you see the guys like you know normally you see a guy like um not play the last game when they they only in the playoffs but he'll play that game just so he can get that extra 250. um so they they can come up with all different type of ways to put the uh the bonuses in there so it really just depends on the team how they structure the team because no team structures deals the same so you really got to study um you know the team and the person who's the way they do the contracts because you could be asking for something that they haven't given in like 20 years or 10 years or whatever so um you know i knew it was it was kind of like easier for me because i knew who i was going up against or i knew who i was negotiating with but if i was a free agent it would have been different because you have to know each person on each team and how they structure each deal how was it it's interesting um because we spoke to brandon at he was he got cut a few times like he was i don't know if he got did he get drafted uh i think he got drafted but his path was different than your opinion yeah what i'm saying it's like he was probably the average player it goes to as guards getting cut trying to make a team on a team like kind of a journeyman situation you are a superstar so how is it in the locker room from being a superstar and being a regular player financially all of that stuff like we watch these movies and it's like you know i mean superstars always get treated better than the guys like you know i'm saying how is it sorry i was watching the game how how is that they roll the red carpet out for you nah i mean it depends on where you at i mean i think seattle we always treated everybody equal so outside of you know outside of whatever you purchase you know what i'm saying the lifestyle obviously is different you know depending on but unless you try to keep up you know you could be a guy who was undrafted but want to come across as living that lifestyle so you can blend in um and see that but for me personally i was never really someone that was caught up in a lifestyle never um cared about the lifestyle i wasn't interested and i was just interested in and um you know proving myself like proving stuff to myself so you know i still drive the same car i bought in um 2012 nice car the same car sports car this one no this was different it's different vibes though i bought that in my my ninth year so i had already put my money away i already you earned your leash yeah i earned my legion i i knew i got my money saved away yeah so now i can play and i feel like that's what's like backwards like guys in the league do it backwards they they buy the whips to impress the people they buy the houses to oppress the people and they either play five let's say a guy plays five years maybe maybe let's just hypothetically say an example a guy plays five years so he got the the the crazy car he got the the crazy house he got the you know crazy lifestyle but didn't save his money over time so now when he retires he gotta downgrade everything now he got to turn the car back in i got to down downgrade the house now you got to downgrade the lifestyle so it's i just flipped it so i just lived a really chill life and i didn't buy anything crazy i don't think i bought my house until like two years ago um i was renting until that point um you know i really just took care of everybody else around me before i took care of myself and so i was doing that but once i had got two three that was my third deal so i got my third deal then i bought this stuff for myself because now it's like i i was disciplined early on now i get to enjoy my my my fruits and my labor now and i don't have to downsize whenever i retire i don't my life can i i've saved enough for my life to be the same as it is today for years to come no that's that's what you're saying really resonates with me because a lot of stuff like even now to this day like people ask me even my mom actually like are you going through this when you're going through this and i'm like there's not any time yet but yeah like i feel like i could do any a lot of stuff that i want to do financially right now but i'm not because i feel like it like in a couple of years it'll just be way greater yeah and by that time i have invested so much money that it won't even matter like it won't even hurt me at all yeah so the delayed gratification yeah is something that especially for athletes like you know you young and you're getting millions of dollars or even you know half a million dollars that's like you know you want to just do every single thing that you ever dreamed of in life in one year yeah and then it's like you know you're not there anymore and now you gotta you know you're screwed yeah and that really came from uh you know just your influences i listened to nipsey a lot listening to jay-z a lot and i just watched how they moved and especially nipsey nipsey was never following the crowd he always did his own thing so that was the same thing i never try to that's what's hard being an athlete you come in and you see all these cars and you go to somebody's house you see how nice their house is and you want that so you go get that even though like you said maybe that's not where you're at right now peer pressure yeah peer pressure so it's like okay i'll go get a car maybe i can't afford but i'm gonna do it so i can i can flex you know what i'm saying so levels up yeah but it's levels and it's it's all about patience and timing i invested way before i bought a car like i was investing before i i thought about a car would you would you invest in stocks um i i i told you it was offline my first investment was um you know with a guy that i met at this event and you know he told me basically the only way i was going to learn is i put some get some skin in the game and so he challenged me to get some skin in the game he gave me kind of like an offer i couldn't couldn't refuse and i was in a company pc yeah yeah we went to this like um we went to uh um [Music] seahawks had partnered with a vc firm out in seattle and they had like a panel and we was all um it's a bunch of players but again even like that like they invited the whole team so 90 of us at the time but only maybe 15 guys came so um you know i'm sitting there and i just go to the back to get some food and you know i'm sitting in the back and i had this guy come up to me and he's like yo like what are you guys doing here i'm like well we trying to learn like everybody else you see the panel it's a great panel i feel like they got a lot to offer like i'm listening i'm learning what are you talking about he's like yeah but like what are you actually going to learn from this y'all go to all these panels y'all read all these books well what are you going to do after you read the panels and read the books like you got to do you got to get your skin in the game i was like all right well that's why we trying to learn we hear you know what i'm saying i'm like who is this guy you know we trying to learn to get some skin in the game i got to figure it out undercover cfo yeah you feel me so i was like all right well you know tell me what you think we should do is that all right well i got you know offer for you basically offered us a deal where um you know we invested x amount of dollars and if we if the company turned out well we keep the money if the company turned out bad then he would give us the money back and but we had to give it a charity we couldn't keep it so he was like that's way that way you you kind of get your first exposure into um into investing yeah and so we did it and the company ended up um 5x and really 15 guys showed up how many invested well it was only us who was ever getting snacks that day so i guess you know the opportunity you know i'm saying i got up at the right time but it's really just three of us so we uh we all got the opportunity we all invested and ended up turning well and i think you know obviously when it started going well i was like dang like i want to taste that again you know what i'm saying yeah um so yeah so i mean this is what i i think is amazing about you is the humility number one but being in the right place number two but the internships because you didn't just stop at microsoft right you went to another vc firm and that's where you met john cotters yep john connors can you talk about his role and and how he's helped you uh yeah he was um hugely influential um it's kind of funny i was i was just remember again like we were all different i mean it was all came from a different you know place in in the league but like we were all on the same mentality in the locker room so um i remember being in the locker room and i'm sitting and i'm listening to sherman doug talk and they talking about where they going for the weekend because they both went to stanford and they had this like um shout out to richard sherman yeah that's my guy he's another one we gotta give him one we gotta get him on try to connect you guys yeah but um um i was listening to them talk they were going to this event where it's like basically like everybody that went to stanford come in and connect and i'm just like dang i know utah state gotta have something like that like i know it's not enough of us to go to an event but like they gotta have somebody so i remember when i was there we were i forgot who we were before but we switched to nike because um [Music] the president of nike came from utah state okay so i reached out to my coach i got a contact and i just reached out to him i was like you know just want to you know pick your brain i know he was working at nike i was like you know like utah state alum like he was a fan of myself i was like you know i heard a lot about you as well so we started um just having conversations and he was actually lived in portland so i asked him like you know who in seattle should i know or should i meet and he introduced me to john connors and then after i got introduced to john connors we were you know he started taking me out you know to lunches every like every off day but every off day he was asking me like what do you want to do life after football and i'm sitting here like 21 22 and i'm saying like i just got here like what do you mean like i'm not thinking about like laughing football i want to be great like i want to you know i'm saying i'm trying to get super bowls and all these other stuff and he was like man you know i don't i didn't play football but life happens fast so you know you got to think about it i'm going to challenge you on that every time we come here i'ma challenge you and i remember one conversation i told him about the investment that i did and i had and you know how well i was doing he was like man you should um come see you know what we have going and i had no idea what he what he was talking about i didn't know i thought he you know microsoft days they made a lot of money i thought he was retired just chilling and you know he he brought me down to ignition and ignition is a vc firm um down in seattle and um you know he kind of opened up the portfolio let me see what they were doing let me see the different type of companies they were doing they were doing way different companies i even saw like i was looking at more consumer like things like that they were doing more sas like um you know software as a service companies and so i'm like i have no i'm not even realizing like you know i'm using docusign but i'm not realizing they invested in docusign so from um from that we just started doing that and then i think that kind of sparked me into like wanting to do my own deal then after i did my own deal i remember him reaching out to me like yo like let's i didn't realize how much you was into this like let's take it to another level and how about you be a venture partner on this this new fun that we're we're thinking about creating and you know i took it took the opportunity and here we are all of this while playing but being the best linebacker in the league so let me ask you a question about um negotiating a contract what are some things that you put in the contract or you took out of the contract that you know you when negotiating like outside just the standard stuff like stuff that you actually put in or you saw something that was like nah we're not doing that um it was the it was the 46 and and 53 game you know roster bonus or per game is what they call them um you know was basically like i had had like a lot of money tied up in having to be on the field so i remember during that um during that contract i was always stressing about missing games because i knew like that was money missing and this is this is why guys play with broken hearts yeah because you know again like you said like you got a guy saying i got to play 90 of my snaps to get x amount of dollars and you're like all alright well i know my my my hip not feeling right or my shoulder not feeling right but i'm at 85 percent i need to get to 90 and so they go out there and they they play and it's you know not they're not always thinking about the betterment of their life and so i was thinking like that i was thinking like dang i don't like why i don't want to think like this yeah and so um and so during the negotiations i brought that up i was like look we're not doing this i'm like i don't want to think about this no more i like we got to turn these to 46. yeah and it was like no we you know we can't do that and and yadda yadda yadda i was like no y'all can do that i was like yeah i was like you said running back is probably the most dangerous position positions right it was like yeah i was like well you gave a running back exactly what i'm asking and you saying his position is more dangerous than mine so why did he get it and i didn't when it's more of a risk with him than it is with me and so what was their response they didn't have a response here's your contract right it was just you know they they understood and again it was part of just you know doing your homework and uh you know again like that's all studying like i just i knew that i knew that was the case and so had i not known that i wouldn't have been able to to argue it so i knew that was the case and i knew um what they had done years before and it was just basically something for my mentor i didn't want to have to worry about that that's the best feeling in the world even with us we've done that before like we've negotiated deals with corporations and you can tell like they're not they're not expecting us to know certain things yeah so then we bring up like we noticed it's like there's no response because yeah give them what they want it's really nice yeah it's like okay you know he got that but that's the unfortunate part is like you said the vast majority of people just aren't aware of these certain yeah and it's like that's crazy for nfl because it's like nba you get a sprained ankle when god is missing four weeks like you know i'm saying because they're getting paid yeah it's like you know it's like they're not rushing back and it's like all right but the nfl is only a couple it's only 16 weeks and um they're like real serious injuries and yeah they're playing so how do you think do you think this will ever be solved as far as like the nfl contract situation i i personally feel like the owners have too much power where the nba is like more even you can actually even argue that the players have more power than the owners on a certain level but what's the because anytime like a lockout happens it's never really beneficial because a a billionaire is always going to have more power than a millionaire and they can just starve guys out i want to get you your thoughts because she was around for the last lockout right i was yeah so hey well my first question is how do we solve this problem and make these contracts better for nfl players i'll let you ask i'll let you answer that and then i gotta follow up um i think we gotta as a group want to make them better and i think we do want to make them better but i think we got to like really figure out what that looks like and then you know the toughest part about it too is um the difference between the nba and the nfl is the amount of people that we have on a team and the differences in pay and structures and everything so um you know you might have your top 20 percent of guys on the team that's making x amount of dollars or whatever um and they're fighting for that but the bottom half they like oh we cool with that so a lot it's a lot of this it's like a lot of like you know butt heads within um you know within the players so we would have to come together at first to get that done i feel like it's you know it's it's changing from a standpoint but i think the biggest thing that that will help is education like you said a lot of things there's a lot of times i feel like in talking to players and talking to guys like they don't even know what's in their contract or they don't know what the structure of their contract is they just they like they like the consumer they like the the fan they watch their contract get reported on the screen and they believe what whatever that is like they don't take the time a lot of it too is on the agent you know the agent has to you know take that time to explain but if the agent tries to explain to you and you don't care about it then there's really no point in in doing that i'm pretty sure there's a bunch of players it's just like man i just want to go out and play ball and we got to change that we got to change the whole i just want to play ball and do my job and do whatever because at the end of the day this is a business and everybody treats it like a business but majority of the players you know what i'm saying so we got to treat this like a business treat yourself like a business understand you are an enterprise entity like so you need to understand the ins and outs of everything that's going on yeah so i think it starts with that it starts with um guys treating themselves as a business and educating themselves and putting the energy into wanting to learn the ins and outs of their business because we can change the contracts and we can change the way they structure the contracts but if guys don't care about um what's in them and people can hide things in the contract then it really doesn't matter because there are certain things like when we talk about um you know when we talk about guys you know wanting guaranteed contracts or um wanting to have guaranteed contracts it's nothing that says we can't it's just we not doing it so there's you know it's not like a thing that you have to you know excite for yeah you don't have to accept it because um kirk cousins was a guy who who had all his whole contract guaranteed granted he had tons of leverage 88 million yeah yeah tons of leverage so they was your team no i told you i was watching okay so we let them go to minnesota okay that's a good point though because it's like after a while you something just becomes normal and it's just normalized that nfl contracts aren't guaranteed but i remember when he got that he was like it was guaranteed that was weird to me but it's like it's not to say that you can't have a guaranteed contract it's just most people just don't have guaranteed contracts yeah it just it don't it don't end up working out that way do you think he had um leveraged because he already had i think they franchise tagged him twice so he couldn't do it again so it was didn't have anything to do with it yeah 100 that had a lot to do they franchising twice so that's the reason why um the washington football team let him go yeah because his next franchise number or whatever was going to be crazy or they couldn't do it again is the average of the top five yeah what's the what's the franchise tag what is that all about franchise tag is something that no player really wants you know every player hates but it's a way to kind of keep the any player that they want there so if they franchise you basically for that year your contract is guaranteed and for that year you make the the average of the top five guys in the league um so i think for myself it was like um like 16 million i think when i was up last time i was up so um it's basically like a you know like a strategic way that a team can can use if you can't if you can't get a deal done or you can't get extension done and you don't want that player to leave you just franchise tag them so now you have them for a year then they have a period in where like you can still negotiate and you know work on a deal or whatever but um if you don't get a deal then you have to you basically you tied to that team you can't go nowhere for that year you have to play you don't necessarily have to play those guys that didn't want to play on franchise tech but you know you you were basically tied to that team for that year and each team gets one um yeah that year and so they did him twice and so now the third year he can't be franchise that yeah i don't think you can be franchised which is why they let him go yeah and then price is gonna be like 36 minutes he's gonna be crazy and then that's what he used to negotiate the numbers you know you use that so now it's like you know if if you a quarterback in yo your final year or whatever you 36 million all right well i want more than what i was going to make and you just kind of go from there so this last lockout that we had um it was an unfortunate situation and a lot of stuff started to come out vince young this is documented so he he had some financial issues at the time and they were saying that he went to um his financial guy one of these financial guys they was giving out loans to players but it was like 20 30 interest long story short like the guys didn't have enough money to actually pay their bills so they was getting loans from like pretty much like loan shark loans yeah like this whole thing came out it was like a whole big thing and it was crazy to me because i'm like it's you know it's interesting that guys have you know 10 million 20 million contracts and they have to pretty much get payday loans it's really what it is like a payday i'm going to cover you over here so did you see that did you do anybody do you know anybody that had to go through that and how did you like how was that time for you and the other guys in the league when the lockout happened i mean that's like a deeper question you know what i mean like as men you know it's it's very rare that you don't tell another person that you're struggling financially for sure so were there guys that was probably struggling maybe but did they cover it up really well probably so i don't know anybody nobody came and openly talked about struggling but you know you had an idea of you know some guys that that was um you know but as far as that time with me like i was like i said i was good because you know i i had been saving you know for for a very long time i've been um you know saving and investing and things that nature and just so happen around the time of the lockout some of my investments was coming back so i was actually getting paid for some of my investments and i really just focused on using that time of what life would look like if i retired so i was like constantly on zone calls meetings investment meetings things of that nature so you know i feel like i had a different experience just because of the way i positioned myself but um you know i know a lot of guys were worried you know about the state of the league and what was going to do and i think that's what played into the deal that we all ultimately end up getting you think it was a good deal uh i wouldn't have done it i would have done it i think we had a lot of power and i think we had a lot of leverage what's the percentage that has to be approved um i think we have two-thirds or something like that so everybody in the league votes yeah and even a voting situation like the way that they the way they push the voting out it was like you know you get this email or send this text message or whatever and you basically got it in your email and said vote and i know there was a lot of guys that voted that hadn't even looked at the terms of what the cba was and so you know i think that's you know not only a nfl thing it's an nflpa thing like we got to do better um you know a lot of guys were just seeing whatever they saw in the media and voting off of that like so i don't know if i would have i would have done a deal but again it's a hard thing when you have so many guys to try to get them on the same page you know because you have the middle class the upper class you know what i'm saying and you got the best everybody yeah and you got a lot of guys who didn't vote which could have changed what kind of change you know so how did that how does that work they they tally up every single person's vote and majority rule wins yeah i think they need like either like 66 percent or whatever two-thirds and they needed um you know so they just sent out either email or a text or whatever and you voted um from your email and they just counted it up and if it was 66 percent of the league or whatever it was um it got approved who's the president of the other associations uh the morris smith was him yeah the marksman yeah yeah he's still steve smith still is yeah but you're the captain of the team i'm a captain captain for a while so is that something that you can organize and say guys we're gonna have this meeting here's what's happening or is that like is that what you did is that happening in the league yeah it happens all across the league i think everybody was doing it but i think the the thing was it was again we had 60 70 you know whatever players and you had maybe 20 that felt one way 20 that felt another way and 20 that felt another way and we had one vote so we had to get all of us on the same page to put in our one vote hold see i don't have one vote seattle had a vote oh so every team had a vote so it's like it's like the presidential election like the state rep is like everybody votes and then the majority of the team whatever now seattle casted his vote for yesterday yeah it's not like every single vote count well yeah it wasn't you know i don't believe it was every player but like you know as far as like seattle or whatever it was you know kind of how we were doing it because we had reps okay you know you had to rap so i was a player rep and so we was meeting in in miami and we was going over it and then we was like voting upon our um we was voting on the teams whether or not who would like would we send this to the rest of the players and once that passed then it got sent to the rest of the players and when it got sent to the rest of the players then everybody has a vote you vote and then it was over i didn't know that's how i worked that's interesting like i said it's like the presidential election where they just pick it like new york voted democrat yeah arizona colleges voted yeah yeah um let me ask you this as far as on the financial side for building your financial team yeah we hear about agents a lot but we don't hear about players when they're financial management financial planners counting i believe you have a pretty a pretty good uh obviously yeah talk about that how does that work out for um for players or for you specifically what does your financial management team do and um how do you choose a good financial manager wish some tips and advice for that yeah um you know my team is is amazing um shout out to humble we kind of do everything in house so they take care of a lot of a lot of the stuff and it took it was a progress a process to get to that you know i had a couple i had a couple of um financial advisors before i had him and you know when i first got out um you know from a rookie my my thought processes was i went with a financial advisor who i knew had other guys that i knew so i knew if he did me dirty it was other people that i'm did you see that like you know so you know i feel like that's kind of how my my two first financial guys was and then i went to another one who had like a star-studded you know clientele and things of that nature and i just realized that wasn't where i wanted to be either and i think the thing that i was looking for was i was looking for someone who was willing to teach me and that's what i was missing and all of them everybody wanted to tell you to tell me what to do and tell me what i need to put my stuff in but nobody wanted to teach me and you know you know the guy i have humble he sat down you know i remember uh i remember like sitting down and like you know all right like let's let's invest let's let's do this let's do that it's like all right well what's a stock and i was like he's like what's a bond i'm like you know what i mean i'm like you know what do you mean i don't know come on we could just invest like nah like i'm not you're not investing one dollar with me until you know the basics and when he said that to me at the time i was like dang i gotta wait to invest but then two hindsight i'm like it like ended up being one of the best things for me and i i respect him for that because you know i remember sitting in my living room and it was like class and i had a notebook and he sat down he just started throwing out terms at me and just constantly quizzing me and putting me in the different different things and so my advice is to find somebody hey you trust and um someone that you can um that teaches you you know because at the end of the day you want to be taught not told and so that's that's my biggest thing is like if the person's willing to teach you that means he's not afraid of you figuring out everything that he's doing if the person's not afraid of you figuring out everything he's doing that means you know got nothing to hide if he don't want to teach you then i feel like he got something high and if you got something high you can't have my money like you don't need it yeah you can't you can't do that and that was his thing he was like man i want to teach you to the point where you don't need me you still have me but you won't need me and then we can actually have conversations so when i bring a deal to you and i'm saying this is what's in it this is not in it this is what we can make on it i want to be able to have like you give me your opinion back versus just me tell you what to do and so that was the biggest thing for me just just um you know positioning myself with somebody who was willing to teach me take the time to you know because i think the nfl is cool from the standpoint of we play from august to february if you're lucky and from like february mid february to uh july you just work out now you know i don't think any of us is the hulk maybe maybe you're on donald but um you know so uh you work out maybe four hours that's still 20 more hours to do something else and so you know i use that time to to learn something else and get um understanding in a different field so knowing the knowledge that you know now if you could go back this two-part question you can go back would you represent yourself knowing the knowledge that you know and do you see a a change or maybe a revolution where more players are going to come into the draft and say you know what i don't need an agent i'm gonna represent myself what would your advice be uh because i believe there's a defensive event from michigan is it gary might have been gary i think so first what's going on traditional universities are outdated and don't teach you how to become an entrepreneur they just teach you how to become an employee you go to school for four years and you leave with nothing but debt but here at eyl university our curriculum is much different our university teaches you real world skills that you can use to gain financial freedom right away in traditional universities you learn from professors that have never did what they teach and they teach you how to become an employee at our university we use instructors that are currently successful in specific field that they teach and they teach you how to become an entrepreneur for a limited time only you can join eyl university for 25 off of the annual membership learn about stocks credit real estate crypto and more go to right now and sign up to become an earner don't wait don't hesitate head over there now oh yeah then he had his own agency he became yeah he had his videos fresh out of college oh that might spark some change what are your thoughts um what i do it all over again um i probably would still have an agent um the first the first time um but that fee would be close to nothing because they're not negotiating anything so you know our the rookie contract is slotted so you know you know wherever you go first round second round third round whatever you don't get a percentage more than what that guy got last year you know even matter of the position so if a quarterback got to again 40 seconds don't matter you still get it don't matter if you're the second round pick and if you know 47 pick overall you're gonna make a certain amount more than what the last year god made regardless of your position and so um knowing that you know they not really negotiating too much the numbers are already preset so um you know i would definitely negotiate that percentage down and um you know i would see what they what they offer to me outside of the field and really just see you know how much they um are or amanda they work and um do i see like there's a shift i don't know if there's a shift because i don't think like you got to want to do business i don't think everybody's into business so you know i think more guys will do it um i think it would be more of a thing it will become common but i don't think it'll be like a point where the whole league will do it because there's certain people who just don't do business and they don't no they're not interested they're not interested in they like maybe you like art maybe you like something else like this and i don't think i don't think there's any wrong anything wrong with having an agent because like you said i mean you know it's representation and somebody's doing a good job for you but you have an option not to if you want to yeah there's a lot more work and everybody's not going to read the cba everybody's not going to go through all of that so i personally feel like um agents representation financial plannings all that is good but you should always be educated as well yeah just in case you never know and you know it's just good to just be able to ask questions and not to just you shouldn't trust anybody blindly yeah yeah i agree i think the same thing like everybody kind of felt like myself sharing and i can't speak for sure but um you know they thought that we was like against agents i'm not against agents i just you know felt like i wanted to be at the table and i felt like that was the only way that i could truly be at the table and like you said like there's guys that um you know they probably do need some representation to help them out but i think the biggest thing the biggest shift that need to have to to happen is um like players not trusting bonnie like players knowing um what's in their contract and knowing what the negotiation process was and knowing you know what they got in a contract can they get that out like it should be a conversation with the player like i always thought my mind i always thought like there was like two processes when it came to negotiation it was the negotiation between the agent and the team and the negotiations between the team and the player like basically the agent and the team would negotiate the deal then the agent would come back to the player and basically tell him why this is a good deal and to take it versus you know hey like this is what they said today like you know we're going to counter with this what do you think no no no counter with this like this is what i really want like i need this in my contract well blah if we have more of that dialogue then that's that's a bigger shift to me then and everybody want to represent themselves how much was your first contract for uh my first ever contract yeah uh i think was four million so how how how did life hit you and how is it just coming out of you know college and becoming a millionaire and you know 21 years old 23 years old stuff like that like we always hear the stories of like but most people like even in our pla our world like in business it takes years to become a millionaire you know mid 30s 40s 30 years old where you already worked for 10 years yeah the athletes and entertainers is a little different because you become a millionaire like instantly as soon as you become a professional where other professions you have to work at that profession so how is it you know as far as the temptations the splurge the lifestyle i know obviously you kept the level ahead but how is that to become a millionaire that young um it was it was a it was definitely an experience for sure it was it was different because you know when i got drafted you know like people were calling me a millionaire like the next day and i was like yo i ain't got nothing in my account so i'm not a millionaire yet and so um that was that was the thing then uh i got my signing bonus and i saw the amount of taxes that was taken out of my signing bonus and i immediately called the seahawks and i was like man i know y'all y'all stealing from me you know what i mean like i know i know what y'all up to i'm not going to be the 80 you guys are not stealing from me like where is the other half somebody get mr allen rest in peace yeah i'm like where's the other half there's like nah bro this is taxes like you never played tax before like no i have not paid taxes before like and what like isn't there a level up i'm like i go from zero to the top now i can't like get gradually i can't gradually go up i'm like y'all gonna take all my money i'm like so but as far as like the temptations i never really was a person that was into like material things like um you know my uh i had a car that i was driving um you know my in college and i was gonna use that car for the league but the only reason why i got another car was because my dad had got this audi and it was like a coupe and it was like low to the ground and it was hurting his back every single day he was getting in and out of it and so he won another car and i was like all right well i'll just take over you i'll just take over your um your payments and we'll get you a car so that's how we worked that out and that's how i got another card just because he was i didn't want to see him you know hurting his back every day he was getting out of his car and i was like you know so that was that was my purchase i don't remember having a big purchase like that i didn't run and go buy stuff or whatever like i was just like man you know what i just want to play i want to like we had went through so much i had went through so much at that point like i you know i was i got sick before the combine um you know i i got the draft day experience was was this old another thing and so i was just like man like now that all this is behind me i just want to play so like my first year i just wanted to to play so i wasn't really worried about everything and then two like majority of the defensive majority team was my age so yeah we didn't have like older guys that had all these cars and stuff like that we was all just coming from you know college really so everybody was he wasn't driving nothing crazy so like it was easy to be humble in that situation because you know you had a couple of older guys that had crazy cars but we always like all right we'll get there you know i'm saying everybody was our whole team was pretty level-headed from that standpoint it was like look like we don't got to do that right now let's wait and then we'll get it when when we uh when we good 2012 man let's change the channel franchise change the franchise i think that's probably the best draft class that they had maybe in history who knows easily yeah 2012 2012. yeah where you what round were you drafted in second year in brussels first round for us was third yeah yeah russia's third who was the first round driver bruce bruce yeah yeah he was very fast yeah he's on oakland now well uh no he was with us last year he came back to us last year and then he got hurt yeah yeah it was a good draft that's that's they did yeah we were silent yeah that was the angel let me actually you talked about taxes we talked about this also with brandon copeland but i was gonna go there oh yeah there you go the taxes um there's a thing called the jock tax and people aren't familiar with but um like you get taxed in each state that you're playing and um i remember oh it's my man's name that um played for the bronco shannon sharps he was always a big supporter of us remember thank you oh uh rod smith rod smith shout out to rod smith so this was early on on instagram he became a big supporter and he was telling me how i spoke to him he was telling me how he played for the broncos but he was like guys used to hate playing in california because whenever they played in california then they paid california state tax for that for that game and he was like you know you you train in denver to like let's say it's a sunday game right you'll train in denver until like thursday night go you might go to san francisco friday or sometimes even saturday right and he said and then you leave right after the game so you're only spending like 48 hours sometimes even less but you get but that whole week's paycheck is in california who has the highest estate tax and it's like for every state that you go to you're playing you're paying different state taxes it's like a lot of times it's why you know florida and texas has an advantage because even though you're not playing all your games there at least playing half the games there makes a big difference and don't forget the city tax well yeah brandon copeland told us about that city's like detroit but then he was saying like one of his guys argued that he's not paying detroit tax because the training facility is in the suburbs or something like that yeah so it's very complicated situation but can you talk about that as far as taxes yeah it was the same thing man when i uh surprised yeah surprise you know what i'm saying like i the first two games first three games or whatever uh the season was in uh in seattle so i'm looking at my check and i'm alright cool and i played in california and i was like again walking up they probably hate me at this point yo seahawks y'all at it again y'all trying to steal from me y'all not doing that like where's my money like it's like nah that's california texas like okay that's cool i don't play in california y'all notice the washington team like what's up like so it was one of those situations where you just had to you know you had to be mindful of it and you had to um you had to figure out a way strategically to kind of uh combat that so um kind of what i did was i found out with the seahawks um you know we have our we pay our taxes whatever like 33 or whatever 30 whatever percentages i found out the seahawks were always under withholding on our um on our checks and so it was it was always being under withheld so the money that we were having one we thought we were made weren't it wasn't being taxed all the way so you know i went up to our test guy and i said yo like can we over withheld like you know i'm saying just kind of come back like either the money i made off the field or some of the taxes or whatever i just try to figure out a way to you know the under withholding was just not going to cut it because i was oweing money yeah i was over money at the end i didn't want to owe money after i was done or whenever i you know at the end of the day i either wanted to be flat or get money back so instead of um that was one way i thought about doing was i went to the uh the tax guy for the seahawks and i told him to you know up the percentage and that's not something that everybody knew about you know everybody didn't think how'd you realize that um humble okay i mean yeah he was he was saying like yeah they're not they're not withholding enough what do you mean and i'm not withholding enough it's like okay bro like you said it twice i don't know what that means and he was like well you know he started breaking to me to tax and he's like they're not withholding enough and so we kind of found that that's kind of how they did the you know the taxes and so i was like okay well i went to my guy and i told him like yo can you over withheld like and you know that was their thing and so probably everybody on the team is under withheld unless you go up you got to go up and tell them so they just did it individually for you or it became a teamwork thing it wasn't a team-wide thing but i you know as soon as i found out i started telling guys like yo like just let you know like if you're trying to they under withholding so if you want to adjust that you got to go and tell them that you got to go up like physically walk up there and tell them or send them an email saying like can you change this but again that's one of the things that you know you don't think to know about you know i think to know that um how much is the team withholding in the check and is it the amount that it needs to be and you got no choice you gotta you gotta play twice in california every year every year twice but there was a there was a stretch where um there was a stretch it was a very good stretch it was around christmas too we played in um washington yeah florida then i think texas and then we played in washington and then we played um one more state that didn't have any taxes but it was like five states in a row with no taxes now they got now they got nevada with the vegas yeah so that's yeah yeah oh yeah but that's like once every four years for y'all yeah well i mean just in general yeah that's good but that that really plays a role like you know what i'm saying like when i think about when i think about um teams that i would play for like knowing what i know now like that comes into effect like which division do i want to do i want to play for a team that gets taxed now because like i've been my whole career has been no income tax so i'm like do i want to do that you know californians california is crazy yeah and that's why i'm assuming a lot of nfl players live in miami obviously miami has a lot of great advantages outside having those state tax helps too though right yeah so like i'm assuming like most guys have two homes usually like with a home that they play in and then like the miami win the offseason they're going to my yeah a lot of guys have um a lot of guys have um i think the they have homes where they grew up at um and some guys like you said go with miami and things that nature but i think from a tax perspective like you know it's whatever you spend majority of time yeah and so um you know however you got to do that or finesse that to you do your thing yeah so what's the what's the future for you as far as envision obviously you're a very bright guy do you want to spread the financial literacy are you planning on teaching people um yeah agency compensation and things of that nature no no agency i'm good i'm good i'm good but teaching i i definitely teach i give knowledge for sure even like whether it's from the game or what i know financially because i think at the end of the day like i want to help like nfl guys especially um see the money see the future they labor especially because our sport's so dangerous so it's it's unfortunate you got guys walking away from a game that's so violent with with nothing to show for so um you know i always feel like anybody that wants to come and ask me questions or tell me how i do it i'm like i'm an open book from that standpoint so you know if there's an option you know opportunity for me to teach or to me to give the knowledge away you know i'm always open for it there's nothing that i'm really like withholding the information i'm you know if you want to know i'll tell you and that comes from football too it's like you know i always feel like whatever you give you'll get back so um you know i wanted to give whatever i know i think is important information for guys to have i want that number to change i don't want to look and see you know i want to look and see guys walk away from the game a healthy and be with with the money so um you know if there's an opportunity for me to to teach then i definitely will but um one goal of mine has always been uh when i came to the league was i thought i made a pretty good transition from college to to the nfl and i wanted my transition from the nfl to life after football to be better than that and so that's what sparked me to um start doing internships and doing um different things because i wanted to know what i was doing when i was done so bad you know by the end of my career i was playing because i loved the game versus because i needed the money and so that that was my mindset and that's that's my main goal outside of the pro bowls all pros and all that stuff was to um to be on that that 20 side of guys walking away with with good health walking away with um you know holiday money and you know being able to to live the lifestyle that um you know that i created and playing for the rest of my life we um we spoke to steve style and uh yeah he spoke broke up the name uh addressing horowitz he was talking about how you know he had sat down and brought knives and showed him some some deals and some investments and that name came up when i was doing the research on you yeah how did you get introduced what was the role been from mr horowitz um man the connection was was a chris lyons i met chris lyons actually with uh my my business manager my boy my brother clubhouse right yeah um [Music] i met chris lyons in san francisco probably in 2013 and so you know we were just uh you know i thought it was crazy because he was in um you know a financial world and i hadn't seen that at the time outside of humble and so i'm like man like we need to stay connected and throughout this time he just was always sending me deals or sending me certain things you know investing in a couple of funds and we just always had that that line of communication and um he's been great with just sharing knowledge helping me get a part of certain things down there and introduce me to those guys and that's kind of been my connection with them um let me ask you this before we wrap cte how do you feel about that are you concerned um yeah do you ever think about that like as far as your own personal career and your colleagues um obviously it's a thing um it's a thing you can't ignore uh for me i'm uh you know i'm a big law of attraction guy and so i don't necessarily speak on it like that because i don't want to attract it but that being said um you try to be mindful of it but you know i think there is something there there obviously is something to it we got to figure out what it is that causes that but i also think that um the style of play also results in that your lifestyle also results in that you know this isn't you know for me i don't think it's just football i think it's more than just football it's your diet like what you eating what you drinking what you doing with your life how much sleep you getting it's it's more than just to me football and um you know i try to play the game you know as violently as i can but i also try to use my shoulder like when i tackle people i don't try to use my head i try to use my shoulder as much as i can to avoid that for that for those specific reasons but um i definitely think like it's a thing i think it's like thing that you got to be conscious for but i also think there's ways that you could prepare yourself for you can do some research for there's a lot of things out there like stem cells and different stuff like that that helps um prevent or grow on certain things and so again like it's it's all about you know educating yourself and investing in certain things that's gonna help you in the long run help your life and so i feel like i do those things i feel like i play the game in a way where i you know try to avoid those crazy hits like that and you know it's not necessarily something i think about because i don't i don't attract it or try not to i feel you oh bobby it's been a pleasure my brothers appreciate you guys little known fact i was actually a seattle fan a few years ago i switched teams every year i'm like dang a few years ago yeah okay every year yeah but i think i'm gonna go back to seattle this way okay this year ken city no kansas city was two years ago i think seattle seattle is a good team yeah i think you should go ahead and do that i think i'm going back to this guy's favorite player yeah you should do that you should do that man come on man you were telling the story clinton portis is my favorite player okay sean taylor is on the list okay and um i'm bobby wagner he's up there come on man he's number one i'm coming to new jersey come on man come on get raised we got to hang it up at the uh eyl uh headquarters yeah that's it we got it yeah yeah we need we need to sign jersey done we'll get that that's a good time and we gotta go to the game i have to experience what the 12th man is like yeah you gotta wait for it to open when it's okay when it's open full capacity and then pull up it's going to it's going to be it's going to be crazy hopefully it doesn't rain no i can't guarantee that i can't guarantee that we'll come early in the season don't wait till later no we definitely got a cable schedule we gotta pay for this yeah we got a lot of support in seattle and um we haven't been up there so we definitely have to come to seattle for sure yeah sure for sure well what would you like to tell the people um with some some things you'd like to leave them with ah man um [Music] i think over this last period of time with with covert and everything i think it's uh brought a realization to i think the world that you know if he wasn't present before this time it's important to be present and and cherish those relationships that you have and uh be mindful about those relationships that you have make sure you um you know continue to grow yourself and the people around you because life is short a lot of stuff that can be taken away at the instant and um i think this year has shown us how short life can be and so i think that's something i've learned over this time is you know self-love is is important also loving the people around you because you never know when they're gonna be taken from you and um you know being more present you know i think a lot of times we have so much going on that you know you might be playing with your kids or playing with you you know with your girl or whoever and you're on your phone or you're on your computer and you're not really paying attention to them until you're in a situation when they're not there no more so that's something i feel like throughout covey is you know i'm putting more of an emphasis on being more present more self-love more love for the people around me and um being present and making sure i'm growing myself but also helping grow the people around me appreciate it brother pleasure as always troy housekeeping items we're gonna shout out support black colleges oh yeah shout out to my shout out to my god just just so happy today yeah yeah yeah yeah support black college gotta get i gotta get a red one i'm not saying y'all give me as i'm saying this look just i need red yeah dark green uh another black i love black and gray josh you heard it yeah we're gonna make that happen yeah shout out to everybody on that is our proud paid program obviously tier five members you have access to uil university the number one place for everything in the business world is our what's up baby it's grown in in overtime we got over 8 000 members so shout out to all the earners that are in there and shout out to everybody that's supporting the merch earnings season is here that's the merch is here shout out to the merch team shout out the band shout out to smitty shout out to the whole eyo uh staff man love from everybody over there and uh yeah man uil sports soon comes thank you guys for rocking with us we'll see you next week i might invest i might invest [Laughter] fuse is involved my graduates from my school being forbes backdrop backdrop backdrop [Applause] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 24,375
Rating: 4.9564204 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: y346mmftBBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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