Bobby Fischer's Shocking Treatment of Russian GM's Exposed!

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Bobby fiser gives up one of his own pawns to create an open Lane to his opponent's king this game played at the height of the Cold War in 1961 his opponent is the top Russian Grandmaster FM Geller Bobby fiser has white Geller has black let us Jump Right In Bobby fiser has pretty much always did began with E4 as he always said E4 was best by test I don't think there were any tests actually made but he loved E4 E5 Knight F3 Knight C6 and Bishop B5 Bobby's Spanish opening again he almost always played the uh the ruie Lopez with Bishop to B5 A6 kicking the bishop back Bishop to A4 and D6 FM Geller is playing what is known as the steinet Deferred deferred because he played A6 first and only then D6 and fiser castles now the most commonly played move here is Bishop to D7 and often black will try to build up or an F5 Pawn break but here Geller plays a much more aggressive move he plays Bishop to G4 immediately pinning the knight at F3 against the queen quite an aggressive idea fiser plays H3 hitting the bishop now there is an idea here for black uh they can play H5 and this is a very tricky line uh it's dangerous to take that Bishop if white just grabs the bishop and after Pawn takes you don't want to play Knight H2 because then black is just completely winning after Queen to H4 threatening to take that Knight with mate so Rook to E1 is played to avoid the mate and then after a couple of checks you grab G2 and black is just completely winning in this position a more calm response after taking the bishop is D3 but even here uh threatening mate on H1 forces the queen to interpose and black gets a pawn so that's a a very dangerous line in this case actually just taking on C6 and playing D4 is the best way to deal with it but Geller has another idea in mind he does not play H5 but plays a less common Bishop to H5 trying to keep pressure on the knight at F3 and even threatening B5 Knight to D4 to build up more pressure on that Knight so fiser plays C3 that keeps the Knight out of D4 of course it also allows him to play D4 himself and the bishop might tuck away at C2 he needs to now the most common move here for black his Knight to F6 but Geller continues his aggressive ways he plays the move Queen to F6 threatening to capture twice on F3 and create a damaged Pawn structure it would be doubled pawns on on F3 if he's able to take Bishop takes Queen takes Queen takes Pawn takes so fiser plays really the best move in the position stopping that G4 and he kicks that Bishop to G6 now one of the problems with this structure for white is that it he has advanced the Pawns in front of his King but it's not so easy for black to get at the king and right now he actually is threatening to just take the pawn on e4 and fiser could play sort of passive chess and play D3 uh but then black might play H5 say G5 Queen to E6 threatening to take on H3 but then Queen to B3 the threat of Queen to B7 is too strong really forces Queens off the board and in this position white would have a slight Advantage but not much else fiser of course wants it all he wants the he was a maximalist in chess he wanted to get the most out of every position he possibly could so instead of playing the more passive D3 He plays D4 not worrying about the hanging Pawn on e4 in fact if the bishop takes and he can play Rook to E1 and aim at Black's King nevertheless even worse for black would not be to take that pawn and allow fiser to sort of con consolidate his Center and then he would just be able to to crush black so black really needs to take that pawn whether he wants to or not and Giller does grab the E4 pawn and of course at the moment he's threatening to win the knight at F3 but fiser plays Knight B to E2 defending the knight at F3 also hitting the bishop at E4 so that Bishop has to make a decision he could take the Knight U Knight F3 then it looks like Black's doing okay after E4 say Rook to E1 pinning the pawn E5 it looks like black is clogging up the E file has some space and is is in pretty good shape but all is not what it appears to be after a move like Bishop to G5 if he plays Queen to G6 then Queen to B3 is very strong a double attack on D5 and B5 and if black plays B5 to win the bishop Queen to D5 is just very destructive not only does it pin the knight at C6 it undermines the pawn at E4 let's say Pawn takes Bishop Rook takes E4 check black is in huge trouble here after Bishop E7 Rook takes obviously if you take with the Knight Queen takes the Rook a king takes Rook E1 check I mean this is over pretty much and then Knight to D7 Rook will just take the queen those are just some sample uh lines he takes that Knight so he just Retreats the bishop to G6 he keeps the bishop on the board now Fisher again wants to play The Rook to E1 and put pressure on the king but in order to do that most effectively he first takes the knight at C6 he gives up the bishop pair but he removes the best defender of the pawn at E5 and uh also does some damage to Black structure Pawn takes and now this Pawn is undermined and if you look at Geller's kingside development it pretty much non-existent right the bishop the Knight and the Rook are still all on their original squares he is not yet castled and the queen side does not look like a very safe place for his King so fiser has a lot of pressure for that pawn he goes ahead and takes on E5 he could have played Rook to E1 immediately they actually two or three decent moves here but he goes ahead and takes on E5 the E5 and now Knight takes E5 opening up the file leading directly to the king the the Knight is taboo because of Rook to E1 pinning the queen and uh the bishop can't block on e4 because the Knight controls that also uh so Bishop to D6 is played Yeller begins to develop his kingside he know he has to get those pieces out maybe he can play the Knight to E7 Castle short and consolidate a little bit uh Fischer goes ahead and takes the bishop at G6 and here if uh hg6 looks strong opening up the H file for The Rook but after Knight to E4 Fischer is putting on a lot of pressure Queen to H4 again looks very dangerous Queen to H3 with mate threats but they just don't pan out after Knight D6 check Pawn takes Queen takes D6 the threat of Rook to E1 is very very tough to deal with for example you can't play Queen to H3 because Rook to E1 and it's just a a quick mate um so Knight to E7 Rook to E1 and notice this queen on H4 has to stay there to keep that Knight defended that locks things in place after Rook to d8 Queen to C5 and uh fiser just has far too much pressure and is is winning in this position so Geller goes ahead and takes with his Queen preparing to put some pressure on Fischer's King side with H5 and maybe try to open up uh that g file create more Pawn weaknesses Rook to E1 check now King to f8 have to move the king aside Knight to C4 hits the bishop now fiser has the better Pawn structure although these pawns are a little sensitive U and also has the safer King obviously his King isn't completely safe but this King on f8 is in bigger trouble than Fischer's King is black plays H5 again wanting to open up lines directed at White's King Knight takes D6 if he takes with the queen he just take with the queen Pawn takes Bishop to F4 threatening Bishop takes D6 check for example if if he plays D5 just Bishop to D6 and he he would have to block with the Knight and that would would win that piece um but if Rook a to d8 a rook to d8 excuse me Rook a to D1 piling up D5 then Rook to D4 and White's in total control basically he can't defend against the check on D6 and the A6 Pawn after Rook to A4 and white just uh eats eats Black's lunch in that case so Geller goes ahead and takes with the pawn leaves the queen on the board hoping to maintain some attacking potential on White's King Bishop to F4 and here Black's best move might be Knight H6 with the King tucking away at G8 it's not great but it might be better than what was played in the game um he plays D5 which makes sense defending the pawn the queen at G6 keeps the D6 Square defended preventing the Bishop from going to that square at the moment but Fischer's next move is very very powerful he plays the move Queen to B3 with two very serious threats the first is Queen to B4 check so he's checking on the same diagonal that the bishop wanted to be on but the queen controls it but he's threatening to play Queen to B4 check and that would be truly devastating uh if that were allowed and he's also threatening to penetrate at B7 get control of that seventh rank while hitting Black's Rook on A8 a very difficult position for the Russian Grandmaster Geller to deal with if he plays Knight to E7 trying to block that check then Queen to B7 threatens Queen takes Knight and queen takes Rook pretty much forcing Rook to E8 but then he would Fisher would have this powerful idea Rook takes E7 Rook takes then Queen to B8 check forcing The Rook back and then boom Bishop to D6 check he doesn't want to give up his Queen uh but if he moves the king then Queen takes Rook check and obviously that's too much material for black to survive he would have to resign so he plays H G4 he knows he can't play defensively his hope is to create some pressure maybe a discovered check dealing with Fischer's King before fiser has a chance to attack Black's King so fiser uh Queen to B4 check actually is fine here he could have done that the Knight would have U gone uh and he would just take have taken it but he plays an even stronger move Queen to B7 attacking the rook and still maintaining all sorts of additional threats um if Rook to E8 that does not work Rook takes King takes Rook to E1 check uh if King to f8 Queen to C8 is mate by the way and if King to d8 Queen to C7 is mate so there would be no good choices in that case so Geller continues on with his aggression trying to win the race for checkmate plays Pawn takes H3 with a discovered check from the queen Fisher blocks that check with the bishop now Geller has to deal with his Rook at A8 so he plays The Rook to d8 we already know what happens if he plays The Rook to E8 The Exchange and then the other Rook comes to E1 that was a previous variation so instead he plays The Rook to d8 but the position of his Rook at d8 makes it even more vulnerable to the first tactic we looked at this move Queen to B4 check and that's what Fischer plays and in this position black resigned uh basically I mean he could play Rook to D6 but that does not work Queen to B8 check Rook d8 Queen takes Rook his his mate um so otherwise he would have to play Knight to E7 but then Queen takes Knight and now because the Rook is on d8 after the king moves he would win The Rook as well and of course that would be the end of the game a brilliant win from Bobby Fischer against a Russian rival at the height of the Cold War get that ewn out of the way and go for the king I hope you enjoyed the game see you again soon at chess dog goodbye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 109,982
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Keywords: bobby fischer, chess, bobby fischer chess game, bobby fischer best chess games, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer best sacrifice, bobby fischer games, bobby fischer chess, fischer vs geller, bobby fischer vs efim geller, geller chess, efim geller, efim geller vs fischer
Id: wjuspXwZyjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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