Fischer Reveals the Secret to Chess Success! (Learned it from Morphy!)

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in our game today Bobby fiser uses the Paul morphe strategy for chess what is that well get a big lead in development and open lines of attack for those pieces to be activated this was played in 1960 at the United States Championship in New York his opponent a very strong player Grandmaster William William Lombardi who has the white pieces Bobby fiser has the black pieces let us Jump Right In E4 is the move played by Lombardi Bishop responds with the Sicilian which he always pretty much always did Knight to F3 and D6 now to understand this game let's look at this position if he had played Knight C6 D4 CD4 Knight D4 and black had played G6 or what's called The Accelerated Dragon a common response from White is C4 this is called the maroxy bind and the idea is to create a bind on D5 and B5 which makes it very hard for black to liberate his position the reason this is possible is because black made a a pawn move on move four now let's look at our game D4 CD4 Knight D4 Knight to F6 attacking the E Pawn and the most common move by far here for white is just Knight to C3 getting a piece out and defending the pawn but William Lombardi plays the move F3 instead and the reason he defends the pawn with with the F Pawn is because he does not want to block his C Pawn he wants to play the maroxy bind in a different move order so fiser plays Knight to C6 and William Lombardi plays C4 creates the maroxy bind there's only one problem fiser hasn't made a pawn move he's made a piece move so instead of having one piece out he has two pieces out which means it will be easier for him to break the bind because he's focused on development so it's hard for that bind to constrict him he immediately plays E6 now we can already see he wants to play D5 and crack open the position he already has a lead in development Knight to C3 Bishop to E7 Bishop to E3 and castles so fiser has castled he has three minor pieces developed he's ready to go now White's still okay and the best move here maybe he could play Bishop E2 to develop a piece or queen to C2 um but Lombardi indulges in one luxury to many here and plays the move Knight to C2 the Strategic reason for this is white has a space Advantage so he wants to avoid the exchange of pieces that part makes sense the problem is he's now falling behind in development a little bit too much he already fell behind earlier now he's falling behind more and Bobby fiser wastes no time he immediately cracks open the center of the board with d D5 White's King is still in the middle he says let's go he's ready to to get after it cd5 e D5 and here uh White could take with the the E Pawn that was probably a little better than the game Knight to B4 attacks that pawn a third time both Knights and the queen are are attacking it uh if white defends with Bishop C7 then Queen to C7 attacks that Bishop Bishop B3 Rook to E8 with pressure down the eile aiming at the king and if Lombardi castled Bishop to D6 and white is up a pawn here but uh black has easily has sufficient compensation for a pawn threatening Bishop H2 check pressure on the E3 Bishop so on and so forth so Lombardi instead takes on D5 with his Knight bisher takes back and here again you could take with the E Pawn Knight to B4 Bishop C4 but then Knight C2 check Queen C2 Bishop B4 check and uh he would have to play King to F2 H you rather not have your king there but uh the problem is if he blocks with the bishop then after Queen to H4 check G3 then Bishop takes Bishop with check King takes because he can't take what the queen or the bishop at C4 would hang then uh Queen to D4 check and black is just crushing here with this pieces about to develop and White's King in the middle of the board so Lombardy takes with the Queen instead uh being down development you'd love to trade the queens and limit Black's active play so Fisher's not going to do that he just plays Queen to C7 and prepares Rook to d8 he wants to gain tempos against that Queen kick it around a little bit while he increases his own development Lombardi plays the queen to B5 so how does fiser continue to threaten the queen that's right Bishop to D7 gets another piece developed and now he's threatening Knight to D4 which would be a discovered attack on the queen as well as hitting the knight at C2 twice Lombardi has to do something about that so he plays Rook to C1 defending that Knight but now the Knight goes to B4 instead and here uh Lombardi gives up the exchange if he tries to hold everything together by Queen to E2 allowing the queen to develop defend that Knight then Fischer can take the pawn at A2 which hits The Rook when The Rook moves his Rook goes to C8 as a rook Rook takes Knight Queen takes Knight when this is all exchanged uh he has two Rooks pressure on the B2 pawn and black is completely winning in this position it's not not even close uh so instead Lombardi gives up the exchange even though he has gets a pawn for it so he plays Knight takes B4 Fisher takes on C1 with check when the bishop takes then he takes the queen um Bishop takes B5 might have been best after Bishop takes Knight check King to E2 at least white has the bishop pair as well as an extra Pawn to compensate for the exchange but Lombardi plays Knight to D5 which uh hits the bishop at E7 but Fischer plays Bishop to H4 check trying to get white to play G3 to weaken that pawn structure which he does and he takes the bishop at F1 Rook takes F1 and now he Retreats the bishop to d8 which is the only every other Square it can be captured he wants to keep that Bishop on the board a bishop to d8 now he has a clear idea in mind what fiser wants to do is activate his Rooks I mean he's got the a rook versus a minor piece so he wants to activate the Rook white wants to shut that down keep those Rooks from finding any open files so Bishop to D2 is played Rook to C8 threatening to come into C2 so Bishop to C3 white is trying to shut down this C file so fiser can't activate his Rooks there um so what is the best way for fiser to find open lines for his Rooks well he makes a beautiful move here F5 immediately attacking this Pawn at E4 looking to open up lines maybe the file maybe the e e file and uh if white were to take and after Rook takes F5 with pressure on the knight uh Black's just all over white is white is lost in this position black has far too much activity plus the material so Lombardi plays E5 again trying to keep those lines closed he doesn't want a any open files that Black's Rooks can become active on the problem of course by advancing that pawn is Knight at D5 is now undefended which fiser takes immediate advantage of with Rook to C5 attacking the Knight the Knight goes to B4 and threats every move Bishop to A5 threatening Bishop takes Knight followed by Rook takes E5 with check uh so he plays A3 to defend the Knight but then he goes ahead and takes that Knight and uh damages White's Pawn structure white again cannot take with the bishop it looks like he's skewering these Rooks the problem is a rook takes E5 with check and uh black is just completely winning so Lombardi has to concede the further structural damage by taking with his Pawn Rook to D5 wants to get those Rooks on the squares where they have maximum Effectiveness D5 and C E4 are the squares he targets King to E2 King to F7 the king wants to blockade on E6 keep that pawn from advancing H4 King to E6 King to E3 and now Rook to C8 the second Rook begins to activate uh and this also limits White's Kings available squares Rook to G1 and then Rook to C4 beautiful placement notice how all three of these key pieces are on light squares and black has a dark squared Bishop definitely a very instructive moment uh he knows he's safe on light squares um now Rook to E1 big moment here this gives fiser the opportunity to transition into a king and pawn end game with even material and if you're going to do that anytime you transition to a King and pawn end game you better make sure you calculate it very very accurately many wins have been thrown away by people inaccurately calculating the transition to a King and pawn and end game fiser calculates and says it's good for me so I'm going to do it and this is how he he does it he gives back the exchange with Rook takes bishop and when the pawn takes then Rook takes E5 check remember White had that extra Pawn so now King moves Rook takes King takes so this position with even material is the one fiser calculated that he felt he could win this position he had a win and let's look and see how that win Works after King to D5 what Fischer wants to do play the king to C4 sort of blockade these two B and C pawns for white then he wants to play B6 and A5 and create an outside past Pawn forcing White's King to chase that pawn and while he's doing that fiser will come in and Munch Black's kingside pawns that's his strategy let's see how it works King to D2 King to C4 H5 from Lombardi B6 we see Fischer's plan and action designed to play A5 to create that outside pass Pawn to draw Lombard's King away King to C2 now G5 one thing before he breaks with A5 he wants to advance his kingside pawns as far as possible so it's his King will eat those white pawns a little bit faster um Lombardi plays H6 if he takes on pan that doesn't really change anything H6 F4 again advancing those pawns G4 and now we can see this F3 Pawn is a little closer to the black king so he'll be able to to win it more quickly and now fiser is ready to execute his key idea in this end game A5 boom creating the outside past Pawn B A5 ba A5 now King to B2 Lombardi has no choice he has to chase that pawn with this King A4 King to A3 King takes C3 King to A4 and we can see King to D4 fiser begins to March towards these Pawns on the king's side his strategy has worked to Perfection King to B4 and King to E3 and with the w writing on the wall he's clearly about to eat the uh FNG G pawns uh William Lombardi resigned and fiser had a great Victory I hope you've enjoyed this game see you again soon at chess dog goodbye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 16,639
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Keywords: bobby fischer, chess, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer games, lombardy vs fischer, william lombardy vs bobby fischer, fischer vs lombardy, bobby fischer vs william lombardy, bobby fischer chess
Id: rZ34YgdfqLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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