This is Why Fischer is #1

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we return to the scene of the greatest achievement in chess history namely fiser performance in the candidates in 1971 leading up to the world championship against spasy where he won the match against timonov 6-0 against Larson 6-0 and 6 and a half two and a half against petosen and this will be game four against lson now today in the candidates they play a tournament whoever wins the tournament plays the world champion at that time it was match play so they would play the best of 10 and then whoever won that match would play the winner of the other match like brackets uh and this was match play against lson this is game number four fiser has black in this game and lson has white back let's uh flip the board what do you say Okay C4 from lson Fischer plays G6 Knight F3 Bishop G7 D4 and Knight to F6 again the Kings Indian defense not afraid to play very sharp Chess at the highest level against the best opposition Knight to C3 castles and E4 Larsson of course is playing the classical approach where you get a nice full Pawn Center and try toh suffocate the black pieces D6 Bishop E2 and E5 Fisher wants to gain his share of the center and put pressure on D4 black has a dark Square strategy in the Kings Indian so he attacks the dark squares first and primarily uh short castle for Larsson Knight to C6 continuing to put pressure on D4 so now D5 that pawn advances Knight to E7 and Knight to D2 now today the most commonly played move for black is Knight to D7 with the idea of maybe after A5 jumping into the C5 Square uh but here fiser plays C5 which looks like a better move at first I mean we know White's main goal here is to try to play C5 in advance on on the queen side so by just uh putting a Pawn on C5 doesn't it stop that permanently well there's a reason why this is actually less popular um yes it does for the moment stop C5 the problem is if white does crack open the queen side Black's position collapses very quickly and there are a lot of times where white can sacrifice a piece for these D and C pawns and these pawns just roll through the middle of the board so that's why C5 is a little less common uh and by the way if Larson were to take on pant after bc6 black is perfectly fine has ized and is a nice Center uh so instead he plays Rook to B1 planning to play B4 to attack this uh C5 pawn and he really wants to crack open Fischer's Queen side Knight to E8 from fiser the idea obviously is to unblock the F Pawn so he can play F5 and attack on the king side that's the main idea in these classical Kings Indians B4 and he doesn't want to take so he plays B6 he wants to keep a Pawn on C5 to prevent white from playing C5 himself Larson plays A4 just keeps rolling again he wants to play A5 and crack open Fisher's Queen side Fisher continues with his play F5 increases the pressure on the E4 square and pawn and at some point he can play F4 in advance on the king side A5 Larson continues his plan of again cracking open the queen side and now Knight to F6 from fiser increasing his pressure against E4 and moving the Knight back to a more active Square Queen to A4 from Larson now his idea here is to move that Queen to A3 where it accomplishes a lot um it puts pressure on C5 it puts pressure down the a file and on A3 it can also help defend along the third rank if need needs be uh so A3 is a good Square for that Queen Bishop to D7 and queen to A3 now we notice here this bishop on G7 is not active on the long diagonal it is blocked uh by this Pawn at E5 so Fisher decides to activate it on a different diagonal he plays Bishop to H6 since that's a fairly bad piece um he wouldn't mind trading that off for another piece on the board Bishop to D3 Larson supports e the E4 pawn queen C7 capturing twice on C5 now Larsson takes on F5 Fischer could have taken with the Knight that would have been fine aiming for the D4 square but instead he takes with the G Pawn um and one of the reasons he does this is is the main strategy for white in this structure is to play F4 because he doesn't want these enf pawns to be mobile and flexible he wants to to fix them in place make them rigid but in this position obviously Fisher could just take the pawn so fer he knew when he took here on F5 that he was going to be able to keep these pawns mobile and he'd be able to advance them forward uh Bishop to C2 from lson uh perhaps at some point he might want to try to trade off the light squared Bishop uh A6 lson excuse me fiser is keeping larsson's Knight out of the B5 square square we can see how irritating a knight would be on that square hitting the queen and this D6 Pawn so A6 keeps the Knight out the downside of course is that it does weaken this B6 Square where a rook can come and plant itself here lson plays a very when you see it at first it looks like just a blunder right he plays Knight D to E4 well isn't that just hanging a knight can't Fisher just take it well he can't because this Knight aims at this Knight and then this bishop at C1 is aiming at the bishop excuse me at at H6 so he'd have to make a choice here um if Knight takes E4 Bishop takes H6 and Larson would keep that material uh so instead fiser goes ahead and takes on C1 Larson takes on F6 with check so he has that Tempo from the check when he captures Rook takes F6 and Rook F6 C1 so Larson has succeeded in trading off a couple of minor pieces the question is will that sufficiently reduce fiser attacking potential or will he still be able to generate attacking play we can see lson is over here on the queen side ready for his Queen side play uh but fiser is getting ready on the king side so let's see how this breaks down first Rook a to f8 the Rooks are on the f file and they could potentially support this Pawn's advance to the F3 Square Rook to B6 from Larson threatening this very valuable A6 Pawn if this Pawn were to fall then the pawn at A5 could advance so fiser goes ahead and defends that that's an important Pawn he needs to keep that protected Knight to E2 so what lson wants to do now is again play that F4 move we talked about earlier and the Knight on E2 supports that advance so how is Fischer going to prevent him from carrying carrying out his plan here yeah he plays F4 first now white is not able uh to play the pawn to f for the downside is fiser has weakened uh this diagonal in some of the key Central dark squares the question is is that enough of a problem probably not Bishop to E4 so he wants Larson wants to keep control of F3 because at some point Pawn sacrificed to F3 could really wreck his position and he knows that fisher plays Knight to F5 this Knight could jump into D4 but even more threatening Knight to H4 where it uh aims at G2 and again at F3 attacking these light squares around White's King uh Larson has to be very very careful here he plays Rook to C6 but this just pushes Fischer's Queen where it already wanted to go so he's kind of helping fiser in a way here uh Queen to G7 and fiser has lined his Queen up with larsson's King and there's potential pressure on the on G2 perhaps the best move for lson here was to just play King to H1 and uh make it so there's no pin on that g Pawn but instead he plays the more aggressive Rook to B1 he want wants to bring that Rook down to B8 and uh threaten that bishop and again he wants to end up trying to wants to try to win this A6 Pawn but now fiser gets an extra Tempo to attack and that's trouble Knight to H4 notice how the queen and Knight both aim at G2 if this bishop at E4 would have disappear fiser could just play Queen takes G2 mate and that gues a lot of Fischer's moves here he knows if he can distract that Bishop made at G2 is H just waiting um if Rook takes C8 this is probably the best approach from Larson to just give up the exchange get rid of that light squared Bishop so he could control the light squares he'd keep his light Square Bishop fiser wouldn't have his and after Rook to C8 Queen to H3 and he would be defended but he'd be down an exchange it actually looks like he's winning a piece here with an attack on the rook and uh this night but in fact that would not win a piece because the Rook would come to f8 and if Queen takes Knight then Rook to H6 would actually trap Larson's Queen so it's not it's not great for lson to do this but it's better than what happens in the game uh Queen to D3 just uh trying to increase his control of these light squares but now Bishop to F5 challenging that Bishop on e4 and as we said before if he were to take on F5 then Queen G2 mate is played because the Pawn at G2 would no longer be defended so here lson goes ahead and plays King to H1 but it's a little too late unfortunately for him and fiser plays F3 not only threatening mate but also attacking this Knight if he takes with the pawn just Queen G2 mate um so it's a tough position if he plays G3 to protect G2 then after Bishop takes Bishop Queen E2 Pawn takes Knight and after the pawn the knight at H4 is recaptured with a pawn then just Rook takes F2 the threats uh and then of course here with this Pawn queening are just too great and if he takes with the queen it's really the same story uh this is a complete win for black and white would have to resign so how does he deal with a threat to G2 and the threat to the Knight well Larson plays Knight to G3 so he saves the Knight blocks the mate the problem is Fischer can now take on G2 with check and uh he obviously he can't recapture with the bishop because he would lose his Queen uh so he has to move his King to G1 but now fiser takes on e4 Queen takes E4 and Knight to F3 check notice this Knight has a very powerful destination on this Square the next move is forced he has to retake that pawn at G2 but then Knight to D2 and uh this is a decisive shot forking the rook and the queen as well as threatening Rook to F2 check and in this lost position bent Larson resigned but hey what are you going to do you're standing in front of a bulldozer you got to get out of the way hope you enjoyed the game this masterpiece of Fisher's greatest achievement see you again soon at chess dog goodbye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 14,630
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Keywords: bobby fischer, fischer vs larsen, chess, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer chess game, bobby fischer candidates 1971, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer chess games, bobby fischer 1971, bobby fischer candidates, fischer chess, bobby fischer chess, bobby fischer vs bent larsen, fischer vs larsen candidates, bobby fischer vs bent larsen candidates
Id: q3Kc57H1hq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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