Bobby Faces Iron Tigran | Fischer vs Petrosian | (1971) | Game 1

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hello everyone and welcome to the match you've all been waiting for it's the 1971 candidates fun the finals of the 1971 candidates Robert James Fisher versus Tigran were town which petrosyan definitely a clash of titans but before we check it out we do have a photo challenge it's not so much of a photo challenge because if you follow my instructions you will realize that it's not actually a photo challenge so I will ask you who is the person in the photo here but the thing is next there she's a singer from Chile you got the Prima and if you follow the link in the description below you will you will be led to a song now I don't usually promote songs on this channel but she wrote a song about former world chess champion josé raúl capablanca and I thought you know you guys should know about it and it's not every day that someone writes a song about was a role capablanca even though yes he was a world chess champion and he was a fairly handsome guy so you know you think you know people write songs about him all the time but you know the reality is they don't and it's it's a very nice song I thought you'd enjoy it but the the real challenge is the song is about is about one of his games so try to figure out which game the song is referring to so there we have it that's the challenge now back to our game let's check out some of the photos from this matchup here not of the highest quality but I'm sure you will appreciate it fisher arrived to to buenos aires where he shakes hands with Tigran Petrosian before the match and here we have a nice photo before the match started there you have it Petros in posing for the photo as Petrosyan always poses for the photo that's something you can if you google TV Tigran Petrosian Tigran Martin which but Rosen and check out his photos you will see that he's always posing for a photo that's that's the kind of guy even petrosyan was so about this match like we said we started this journey with the 19:17 Palma de Majorca intra zonal tournament which happened some ten months ago prior to this match so the intro zone 1970 palma de mer painters onal was in November of 1970 and now we are in September 1971 so ten months have passed since fish since Fischer started this piggy journey and as you know after you know crossing the field in palma de mallorca then he defeated mark time on of six to zero then he defeated then Larsen six to zero so basically Fischer won 19 of his last games that he played in a row but you know Tigran Petrosian also out of the 42 games he played he only lost two so it's not that he wants so much games but you can see that it's very hard to beat Tigran Petrosian and although okay he's the semi-final match versus Viktor Korchnoi was really really a close call he only won one game against victor question and that was enough to conclude the match so although you know we can agree that a former world champion Tigran Petrosian is the strongest of Fischer's opponents you know he proves it by being in the finals but also when you hear Tigran Petrosian you know you have the utmost respect for the guy so I'm sure you'll enjoy this game this is the first game of their match where Petrosyan actually goes on an all-out attack against Fischer you know he doesn't go with his usual style but rather prepares a very nice novelty in one of Fischer's favorite lines of the Sicilian so without further ado Fischer sits at the board and he opens with well what else he for petrosyan plays c5 now yesterday I believe I posted the game Fischer played against Petrosyan it was the match USSR versus the rest of the world so if you've seen that game you use you've seen how Fischer demolished him and that's the last game to have them played before meeting here so petrosyan changes his approach he goes for the Sicilian I will have Knight to f3 d6 d4 C capture son d4 Knight captures knife to c6 and now after Petrosyan chooses the time now no variation we have Knights the b5 Fischer follows the same path he played against the marked amount of in Game six of their match so we have d6 Bishop to f4 and now II five Bishop back to e3 and now Knight to f6 so at the same move order as Fischer head against time on off so we I'm just gonna mention it once more this is the position the famous game Murphy vs. Anderson where Anderson post f5 and then after night c3f for Murphy proceeded with Knight d5 and you know achieved the great brilliance against Anderson and took his hooking for a nice walk now you might have seen it on my channel if you haven't I will put a link to it in the description below you know just if you want to further increase your vast knowledge but okay Knight to f6 same in same as in the game against mark the amount of brush up to g5 and now eat a bunch of three six nights III a six night we have a bunch of captors on f6g captors on f6 and the knife to a3 so this is the exact same position Fischer had on the board against marked a monofin their candidates match and here you have a you know a lot of lines were familiar in those days for example Knights the d4 is the moved amount of played onion fissure and also a couple of years before that also neither tried this against Fischer and also it's there is a known game between taimanov and Karpov were teaming have also tried this not night before but rather nighty seven against Karpov and the Karpov won this game so a lot of things you know a lot of moves were tried in this position but the move Petrosyan played was never played in this position well perhaps it was but not in high competition so people would know about it Allah you know it was not in the database although in those days there wasn't like a digital database but well you know what I mean Petrosyan played d5 and this is a very interesting concept now I'm sure a lot of players thought about this move you know before because it's a well known idea if you can push d5 and you're playing the Sicilian and white can't take advantage of it then you're definitely doing okay so what what do you do here okay Fischer play ECAD 475 the strongest reply and now we have Bishop captures on a3 so there are a couple of things you can decide to do here so what do you do you have to capture the bishop if you try some wild idea like D captures on e6 you're gonna lose the bishop capture some d2 but it's not at all clear like immediately how do you lose for example a captures on f7 would check you don't capture looking to a fate and now Knight to e4 you try to give up this rook but black isn't interested black would go Queen to a5 check now you have to block nice to d2 and then you get rook to b8 and now you see the problem if you try and save the rook then Bishop comes here and there's no saving the night or even even you don't even have to pin it you can simply play rook captures and now it's game over black one because if you capture them bishops eatery wins the Queen on the other hand after this rope to d8 move if you try something like what not dead but let's say Bishop to d3 but has this very simple efore move which now creates a nice pin the knight can capture because it's pinned if you capture with the bishop then you get the same idea rook captures and e2 so here white would be without a choice and you would simply let's say capture the rook Knight captures and then play Bishop back and you grab the piece and you are winning here so it's a you have to prepare this but I'm sure Fischer at some point thoroughly analyzed this position I don't think d5 was I like a move he never thought about it could happen in this position so okay he played B captors on a3 we have Queen to a5 now a very nice move these pieces are still under attack but Queen captures on c3 would come with tempo so okay Queen to d2 and here petrosyan castles Queen side now again you cannot capture here because now of course again you would lose the Queen so a very rich position happened here we have Bishop to c4 by Fischer he prepares to Castle kingside and now comes Luke H to g8 so now you can see that Petrosyan really plays a beautiful chess here very active you know his pieces are very active he has a semi-open G file and here a fetcher plays rook to d1 he increases the protection of his deep on and still okay he still can't capture anything but he's just waiting to see what what petrosyan will do and here he invites petrosyan to capture on g2 and although it seems like the the best idea for some reason Petrosyan isn't interested in the for example if rook captures on g2 it's not it seems that Petrosyan didn't analyze it all the way to here because now after 94 offering a queen trade of course black will decline now you offer to trade Queens yet again and now after Queen captures F captures and this Bishop to g4 move you can see that Petrosyan now untangles and still Fischer will not be able to capture here because of this rook to d1 threat and after you move rook captures you can't capture with the King because of Bishop to f3 Knight would have to capture and then after 97 you can see that now always well for black here but still so it's hard to make a call like this he perhaps he didn't enjoy this position to play this position against Fischer okay he keeps all the tension on the board he plays at Bishop f5 we have Bishop to d3 challenging the Bishop Bishop captures Queen captures and now comes Knight to d4 so okay still everything is on the board and here Fischer castles a very nice move showing that he's not afraid of the of the semi open G file here King to b8 a very important move because now this is actually an attacking move well it's a defending move but also an attacking move i Fischer is not careful here and for example play something like h3 do you see how black wins the game here instantly you know feel free to pause the video and try to find it it's a very nice idea one you can often use your own in your own games so for those of you who have found that congratulations you are an excellent player and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show Queen captures in c3 a temporary Queen sacrifice after white accepts 90 to check simply picks up the Queen and it's a lower white black is up a piece and winning the game so okay after King to b8 Petrosyan prepares this and now Fischer goes King to h1 not allowing 92 to come with check so K Queen captures on a3 here Petrosyan could have continued with ideas like rook to g6 this would have probably been best pile you know try to double up on the G file and then try pushing the H pawn to open up fishers kingside but here instead he goes for this Queen captures on a three move and this allows Fischer some counter play so here fish pushes f4 f4 is a very nice idea because it allows the both rooks to come into the fence of the of the g2 pawn and also attacks Petrosyan Center okay rook the c8 attacking Fisher's knight on c3 and now Fischer has to move the knight Knight to e4 offer a queen trade and here again you have to see what what do you want to do here do you want to trade Queens or do you want to play something like Queen captures on a - Queen captures on a - is very interesting because now I have two rook to d2 you go into this variation rook captures rook captures Queen captures Queen captures Knight captures and now Knight captures on f6 threatening the rock on g8 rook moves and now pawn captures on e5 and you would have this position where the material on the board is equal but Fischer's position with the two central pawns already on the fifth leg will be will be somewhat better and these bones are very weak you can see that Fischer has to pawn islands and Petrosyan would have three pawn islands so not something you want to do so instead fit Rosen traits Queens here queen capture son b3c capture some d3 and the now rook to c2 again with a lot of pressure against the fish or skiing side rook to d2 defending the G - pond and also defending the a to pawn rook captures Knight captures and here f5 was played I move like for example rook to d8 going after the pawn immediately would be met with captures on e5 captures on e5 and now captures on f7 here h5 not allow me to capture but look to h7 Rob captures the rook captures on h5 and here a Fischer would be up upon but also he would have to connected pass pawns on the Kings side so okay after 92 we have f5 petrosyan tries this idea sorry about that we have F captures on e5 and now rook to e8 attacking d5 pawn rook to e1 Fischer defense the pawn and now comes night to see to attack in Fishers rook and here after rook to e2 Petrosyan repeats rook to the Knights the d4 we have looked to e3 and night to see to hear petrosyan would very much enjoy a draw and I believe he even offered the draw here but Fisher declined it and he played rook to h3 and it's very important to know that Petrosyan took really really a lot of time for for most of his moves they say that he even took 25 minutes for some moves so Fisher was a really really a heron clock here and they still needed to make 10 more moves to reach time control so okay but rosen place rook captures an e5 Fisher finds a very nice way how to continue the struggle and now Knight to f3 a very important move guarding d1 square from from checkmate and also preparing enough to capture on h7 rook captures on d5 and now rope characters on h7 rook captors on d3 and now h4 official create some breathing room for the king now the knight can move and also he can start pushing his own passport and because now you can see that it's actually Petrosyan who is up upon but Fischer is the one that has the outside passport and of course when you have a past point you have to push it because pass pawns and must be pushed oh ok nice the e3 now by Petrosyan he wants to now grab the a to pawn and try to start pushing his own Queen side points you can't really play route to d7 to protect the f7 pawn because the f7 pawn is pretty much worthless here Fischer will simply push h5 and say okay you now have a rook guarding the useless f7 pawn I'm just gonna push my own passed pawn to victory so after h4 nights to e3 was played we have rook captures on f7 rook to d1 check King to h2 and now Luke - a - ok Fischer pushes h5 and here I move like rook captures and a 2 would have been best for Petrosyan and then after because the geophone is threatened night to h5 comes defending and now rook to a5 and this would have been the best choice because now h6 isn't possible because Knight to g4 check would pick up the pawn but like we said petrosyan was very low on time and here he played f4 he decided to sacrifice this pawn and he thought that he would be able to hold this but that that couldn't be farther from the from the truth Fisher simply captured upon rook captures on it for we have rook a person a to now threatening the G to pawn and here he probably thought that okay if you push h6 then I'm just gonna capture on G to King h3 rubgy 8h 7 roof h8 okay my rook is passive but I'm defending here let's say Knight g5 defending the pawn and now a5 b5 is coming a4 is coming Petrosyan would have a passive rook but he would also start pushing his own Queen side pawns probably due to the time trouble this was petrosian's idea but Fischer plays rook to e4 and now you're you're in a lot of trouble here what do you do here now you can no longer play rook captures on g3 on g2 because of after king h3 your rook is under attack and the night so if you move the knight you lose the rook and if you don't do anything simply rook captures night you would lose a piece here you would have to move and after rook to e2 defending the knight now you would get h6 and you would have this funny rook defending your funny night but okay it's still not all that clear what you do here after this rook to e4 move if you try rook to a5 immediately you could still kind of continue the struggle but not really you lose the night here and then after rook captures on h5 wood checking to g3 is coming and here you could hope that your two connected passed pawns on the Queen side are you know substitution enough for for a whole piece but still white would be better here and the most likely Windus but okay after this Knight captures energy to move after this move Petra simply denied captures in g2 but it's still not enough pressure plate King to g3 now getting out of any unnecessary discoveries rock to a5 was played and here of course Fischer did not capture the night if King captures the new rule captures on h5 you have zero points now as white and two two connected passed pawns on the Queen side will be enough compensation for the piece so you white would not be able to win this even though his upper piece so after this rook - if I move Fischer simply played 95 and now in this position Petros and resigned to the game because there is nothing he can do this point is gonna be promoted to a queen but even worse than that the knight is trapped the knight has nowhere to go the rook and King are nicely guarding all of the squares the knight can jump too so there's really nothing to do here anymore well of course if you if you try and protect the night and then simply h6 and again you have a funny rook guarding a funny night so yeah after Knight to e5 this is move 40 so petrosyan did didn't even reach time control here Fischer played Knight to e5 and here it's very important to say that Petrosyan had a couple of seconds on the clock and I don't know if his clock time on the clock right after or if he resigned with only a couple of seconds on the clock but Fisher had over over half an hour on his clock in this position so yeah fish were played 95 on the 40th move and Petrosyan resigned the game so Fisher continues his legendary streak making this his 20th the victory in a row and it couldn't be greater achieving his 20th the victory in a row against top grandmasters against the former world champion such as Tigran Petrosian sure that's the game I do hope you enjoyed it and you know hope you're enjoying the Bobby Fischer series so far it's very interesting I was contacted by a subscriber of mine who works in a theater in Buenos Aires where this match took place and he said that he will send me some photos so I saved I will try to show you some of the photos of the place where they played and try to compare it with you know the older photos so you can see the comparison in some other videos of this match so I would like to thank you James nor would I be no-hit TPM de Graaff and Mario and see no Sara Weston and the Georgian it is for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check too on my previous video see our thing called for watching and I will see you soon hopefully with another interesting video and do check out the song about Jose role Capablanca in the description below and try to figure out from which game the song is which game the song refers to yeah thank you all and I'll see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 363,839
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, fischer agadmator, fischer taimanov, fischer 1971, bobby fischer chess, bobby fischer trap, bobby fischer games, bobby fischer as black, bobby fischer amazing, bobby fischer movie, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer agadmator, fischer spassky, fischer tal, blunder chess, fischer taimanov game 6, fischer vs larsen, fischer larsen, fischer larsen agadmator
Id: NOkre0J6PJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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