The Only Game They EVER Played || Mikhail Botvinnik vs Bobby Fischer

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hello everyone as the title suggests this is the only game ever played between Mikhail Botvinnik and Bobby Fischer now before we check out the game and say something more about this event we do have a nice photo challenge so this was sent to me by a subscriber best of luck to everyone as this one is definitely not easy so here it is your your quest here is the find Frank Marshall and aron nimzowitsch now if you can find two of them that's two points and I would also like to know how many of the players were you able to recognize here and if by some miracle someone is able to recognize all of them then by all means do share in the comment section so we can all marvel at your vast knowledge so like we said Mikhail Botvinnik versus the 19-year old Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer tried to he tried to play a world champion Mika Botvinnik for a very long time when he was very young I remember reading in a book my my friend Bobby Fischer by Dmitri Bill it'sa that he heard that Botvinnik was staying at a hotel and then he traveled on foot with his umbrella as it was raining and then when he finally arrived he hit off the receptionist at the hotel that he was here to challenge me calm voice a witch and the reception is just you know sent him on his way so he did try tries to challenge both manic plenty of times and as he never got this chance even boasted publicly that if he played a match against the botanique that he would surely win even if even if he gave botanique odds so of course this is quite an important encounter I was played in the in the Chess Olympiad in 1962 in Varna Bulgaria on board one Fischer playing board one for the United States and Botanic of course playing board one for the Soviets and of course both manic cannot afford to lose a game such as this one especially not to to to Bobby Fischer the 19 year old American so let's check it out we have C 4 by botanique g6 d4 Knight to f6 Knight to c3 and d5 now Fischer knows that botany is a specialist at the groom for defense as the groom father did spend quite a lot of time preparing this for his World Chess Championship match against miss love we had nice to f3 here Fischer says I did take a couple of notes from the book my 60 memorable games where I will be using both Fisher and botanics notes about this game Fisher says that one botany plays Knight to f3 that he really played it quickly and that he was he really knew what he was getting himself into against the fishers roomful defence Bishop to g7 we have Queen to b3 the Russian variation D captures on c4 Queen captures on c4 and castles Fisher says that the Queen to b3 followed by Queen C for isn't isn't doing all that much for white so he doesn't really care for it will hit F or Bishop to g4 this is this missile variation and now comes Bishop to e3 9th to e5 doesn't give all that much for white yes he does attack the bishop but after Bishop e6 d5 and Bishop to c8 this equalized the game very nice for black Fisher knows this and Botvinnik of course knows this as he does prepare all of these variations for his match with Smith law so rush of three three by Botvinnik and now we have a knight f2 d7 capturing on f3 doesn't do anything now comes Bishop to e2 this was a this was very important as there is a well-known game why were white castles a knight c6 Bishop to e2 now Knight b6 attacking the Queen Queen c5 and now Queen to d6 and after h3 Bishop captures G captures an f5 this was played in 1965 in Las Vegas between reshef ski and Evans and white didn't achieve all that much here so instead after this night f2 d7 the botany decided to go back up to e2 immediately we have Knight to c6 we have rook to d1 and now knife the b6 forcing what we need to decide what to do with the Queen about 20 plays with the c5 and we have Queen to d6 here Fischer offers a trade of Queens h3 by botanique capturing the Queen isn't all that great because this simply improves black's pawn structure you know it emo prevents white Center from being pushed forward and the white has white can't even hope to achieve any advantage here from the opening so after Queen to d6 botanique plays h3 I would have a bush of captures G captures and now rook F to d8 again Queen captures and c5 isn't isn't good because after D captures on c5 we have Bishop captures on c3 pawn captures and now nice play for but this doesn't work for black because you're not gonna do anything King to d2 is coming and even after black checksum King is coming to c2 and this is very very nice position for white so after G captors on f3 Fischer goes rook F to d8 we have d5 now d5 Fischer says that this cannot be a good move as Fischer says that both we should admit that he didn't get anything out of the opening and that he definitely shouldn't advance a central pawn like this looking for advantage which simply isn't there but okay we have D v e5 also not really possible because after a5 Queen captures on c5 d captors and see if I broke characters King captures and not knife to d7 attacking the pawn and after f4 f k f g5 f captors and g5 and Bishop captures here and it's white didn't really achieve anything there so after this rook F to D 8 D 5 by botanique we have Knight to e5 and now of course by pressuring that f3 Square nice the b5 botanique ET forces Fischer to capture his queen and c5 or to react to this somehow somehow either you will capture it or move the Queen but here a Fischer plays Queen to f6 and we have f4 night e to D 7 and now comes C 5 and this is the this is the position botanique had analyzed a lot because instead of E 5 you could play Queen captures here but then Queen captures on b2 and white white is in trouble here Queen B four check is coming you didn't really achieve anything you're never gonna Castle not the greatest position for white so here after night 87 botanique play d5 and here botanique says these are both eunuchs notes from the book he says that he analyzed this position thoroughly especially prepared for his match against miss love he prepared against Queen at five he prepared against Queen to h4 and in all of these variations white gets a very a very nice game but the move Fischer played he didn't even consider during his analysis here Fischer played Queen captures on f4 and this is terrible because it's terrible for white because now nobody is playing I wasn't explaining a variation that he was extremely prepared for so it's actually Fisher who's supposed to be in trouble here but now Fischer played Queen captures on f4 and our botanique has to really start playing chess as he no longer and no longer can play this position from memory and the problem is you can't go into some munch fest idea like Queen capture some b6 I like grabbing a piece so if he captures you're gonna capture his Queen because of this screen to e4 move now attacking the rook and after f3 blocking Queen to h4 now this comes with to check if you move the King then the Queen will fall and after this Bishop to have two blocking then comes Queen to b4 check and now whatever you play white will lose the Queen take captures and b6 and it's all over so after this Queen captures on f4 you have to play Bishop captures on f4 here at Fischer played Knight captures on c5 we have Knight captures on c7 rook a to c8 kicking the knight back d6 now forwarding the pawn all the way and protecting deny he captures he captures and now Bishop captures on b2 and if you look at this position out of out of nowhere Fischer is now actually up upon against against Mikhail Botvinnik so Botvinnik says that okay fisheries up a pawn but but when it does have the bishop pair he does have a very strong test D pawn and to maybe counter the extra pawn he just needs to develop now so what we need castles we have Knight be seven preparing Bishop to e5 and now comes a rook to d5 that's why botanic says that this night should stay here and guard b5 that he shouldn't throw out this night that if I moved it better was night this night this see knife to d7 preparing Bishop to e5 but okay Fischer goes for this and we have looked to d5 and now comes b6 you have to defend the knight on c5 now Bishop to f3 here about when he says that he didn't really like this move that Bishop on f3 okay it is developed but it will mostly serve to be as a target he says that Bishop to c4 would have been much better here okay Bishop to f3 we have 96 attacking the bishop on f4 96 now capturing F captures on e6 and now rook to d3 we have knife the c5 attacking the rook rook to e3 and now II five a very nice idea by Fischer because idea of Bishop to d4 doesn't work after Luke a3 attacking the a7 pawn you have to do something so after E 5 Bishop to g5 attacking the rook and after rook captures and out comes Bishop to e7 and it doesn't matter where you go the two bishops are simply too strong and will pick up at least one rook so captures Bishop captures and black will be down the exchange but it's very interesting the engine actually prefers this position for black so it thinks that two extra pawns regardless of being down the exchange will will be will be you know sufficient for black to actually put four advantage here but okay after rook e3 we have E 5 immediately by Fischer Bishop captures we have Bishop captures rook captures and now Rock captors and e6 grabbing the very strong d6 pawn rook to e7 we have rook to these seven and here rook captures Knight captures and Bishop to g4 Botvinnik says that Bishop to g4 is basically a waste of a move you're not gonna do anything here as Fischer simply defended it you can't capture and go into a rook endgame being down upon as this would be winning for black so we have rook to e1 King to f7 rooked King to g2 nice see five now and rook to e3 we have rook to e7 and now rook to f3 check here Botvinnik thought that he could actually capture here and after Cain captures bring his King over into the game because if he if he can get his King over to a nice central square maybe put his Bishop on c2 and you know block the position somehow perhaps would a four then this would be fine but the problem is after h5 the bishop is trapped at the only square for the bishop is c8 but now you can see this very nice relationship between a knight and the bishop the knight controls all of the bishops wears a king the eight will simply win the bishop so here both make couldn't capture the rogue he played rook to f3 check King g7 I would have rocked the c3 and now rook to e4 Bishop to d1 rook to d4 attacking the bishop bishop to c2 and now came to have sex Fischer brings his King into the game King to f3 we have King to g5 and now comes King back to g3 and here Botvinnik thought I said that when this position was on the board he was he was sure that he was doomed he was just waiting for the proper moment to have four young for his young adversary to win this game and fortunately for both winning Fisher didn't realize that botanique was actually in tubes one here so in anymore watch eunuch maid would pretty much ruin ruin the game for him here Fischer went for ninety four check he forced an exchange of of night and Bishop and went into a rock end game but here as Botvinnik suggests a5 simply wins the game for black because now the white is in soup swung and there is nothing white can do if white tries for example to move the King let's say King g2 then you get into h4 and now that the king is an h4 there's no moving the king away from h4 simply nice to e6 followed by Knight f4 will win the H pawn Knight captures pawn another idea after a 5 is you could go rush up the b1 if you move the bishop then rook to d1 it will be winning the bishop is under attack and if you move the bishop then rocks one again is winning King moves and now rook to a-1 attacking the a to pawn and once you take care of this you can either protect it with the bishop and now you can either go king gage for winning the h4 square or you can even exchange here captures captures and after captures here you have to defend the f2 pawn and here a four you can even give up the b6 bone and do win the game easily and another thing after this if I move if you decide to move the rook let's say rope here then Rock the c-4 will be decisive attacking the bishop bishop moves then comes Knight to e4 check you have to defend the f2 pawn after King moves 90 to check King moves Knight captures rook captures and here rook to e4 will again be sufficient to win the game a3 in defending but now King to f4 and white doesn't really have a good move here you have to capture a pawn and then after captures the a pawn will be winning so yeah this was an excellent position for Fisher but Fischer thought that 94 was also winning forcing forcing this exchange and going into a Roxanne game so Bishop captures was played rook captures and now rook to a3 botanique says that rook to a3 is not the best move that he would prefer if he'd played a rope to c7 and then I flew up to a for capturing on h7 and then after rook captures here F for this check King f5 and now check King moves and now rook the rook here preventing this pawn from being pushed as this pawn would fall and then maybe the King can go into the game and hold this position but after this rook to e4 he played rook to a3 we have rook to e7 by Fischer Rock to f3 and now rook to c7 here we have a 4 and this is move 45 and here the game was adjourned Fischer has to seal a move and the move he sealed well of course but he did not know which move was sealed and it was only it was only the next day that the game had continued and you know overnight of course botanique and his entire team of grandmasters were analyzing this game trying to save this game for and after a whole night of analysis in the morning they were having breakfast and someone from the other team as Botvinnik what of the game Botvinnik can you pull it off and Botvinnik you know just calmly responded a draw and quickly you know the word spread and everyone thought okay so basically Fisher Fisher Blewett he could have won that game but fish are actually still thought that he will win this game so the next day the game continued we have worked the c5 by Fischer this was the sealed move rook to f7 now attacking the h7 point this was botanique strongest idea rook to a5 now rook to h7 capturing the pawn rook captures on e4 and now h4 Fischer says that he also analyzed this position previously but he thought that Botvinnik would have played f4 here but he says that h4 is also very nice even stronger King to f5 we have rook to f7 check King moves and now rook to g7 attacking the pawn and now you can see that with the weak Jeep on and the Queen side pawns Fischer has aren't really all that mobile just yet it's very hard to produce anything here here rook to e1 was played and now King to f3 of course you don't want to capture the pawn here and then you would get a rope to g1 so first hide the king and now b5 but when it says that b5 is one way to go about it but that he also analyzed King d5 and king d4 and that this also draws for black and later it was found both unique even wrote articles about this move and about this game you know the game was analyzed intensively and later after you know strong engines appeared this game was analyzed by strong engines and I have no idea what the final word is about the game now with supercomputers maybe the supercomputer will say that the game is winning for white but I do not have access to this information so after b5 we have h5 now of course now the creating this will will be very hard for black to do anything if you capture then rule d5 immediately will win back the pawn king before rook captures and now of course it's a draw so here after h5 have a look to a3 this comes with check King g2 and now G captures on h5 Brooke g5 this comes with check King d6 and rook captures on b5 getting rid of that very strong pawn and but regardless even if beef I wasn't pushed at about tunic showed that King d5 or d4 would have also been a draw if you if you have you know if you are able to you know you can always acquire my 60-member memorable games and check out this game for ourselves h4 and by Fischer we have F for now king c6 rugby 8 h3 with check King H to now comes a five now we have f5 King c7 Rob here we have King King to d6 and hear what Nick says that the disposition is a theoretical draw even if even if white didn't have the F pawn so if even if you disposition porn did not exist here it will also be a draw botanique pushes f6 we have King e6 room b6 check King f7 rook a6 King g6 now rogue back to c6 rook the b6 also doesn't really do anything as after a four Rock a 16 to f7 a rugby 643 Rock a six a three and King to g1 it wouldn't really wouldn't really do anything so after this King to g6 we have worked the c6 a for now rook to a6 King to f7 Luke the c6 rug d3 rope to a six a three and after King to g1 the game was a draw as there is there is no way to push for any advantage here with with black either you will either you you can check the King and then King h2 will win back this point will win this point or if you simply move the rook then this point will be won and that's pretty much it you can ever win this pawn and the position is our one on theoretical draw so yeah that's the game the only game ever played between Michael botanique and a 19 year old Bobby Fischer and Fischer was a was very unsatisfied after this game he really as he boasted so much about that he would be able to defeat botanique especially if they played a match and especially if he gave bot 20 cards and he he always said that the botanique wasn't a very strong world champion he always said that tal was was a much stronger than him and that a lot of Russian players were stronger than him so this draw didn't really go Fischer's way so yeah there was even I found there is even a very short video 20 seconds on YouTube about this encounter here you can see this is after the match Fischer very unsatisfied getting up from the table and both unique there you can see a smile on his face he was able to draw again against Bobby Fischer with the white pieces so no no shame for for Russia so yeah I will also put a link in the description to this video although like I said it's a 20 second video not really not really much to enjoy there but yeah we do have we do even have a photo of this encounter so there we have him others Fischer and botanic all both of them still still like stone so yeah that's basically it I do hope you enjoyed it and you know the Allah a lot of things have been said about this game whether it was winning it that position losing it that position and then facial wrote in his book that it was winning then a Botanic wrote that it wasn't then Botanic publish tab I believe Kasparov's notes that the game was not winning for Fischer then you know it was a complete chaos but yeah yeah once again I do hope you enjoyed it I would like to thank I got masters dog and guilt or it's up for a contribution to my channel think a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos you're thinking for watching and I will see you soon hopefully with another interesting video and I also started a poll about my next video series the link to it will also be in the description but also if you haven't voted I feel free to check it out and drop your vote as every vote counts so yeah thank you all and I will see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 871,265
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, bobby fischer documentary, bobby fischer against the world, bobby fischer game of the century, bobby fischer trap, bobby fischer, bobby fischer anything to win, bobby fischer analysis, bobby fischer attack, bobby fischer best game, bobby fischer best sacrifice, bobby fischer best game ever, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer chess game, fischer vs botvinnik, fischer agadmator
Id: 94W--f7VT5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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