Bobby Conner Weekend - Invigorating Passion & Strength in any Situation - Saturday Morning

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to dance they'll be tomorrow all right well hey glad you guys are here and so we're gonna go ahead and get started Bobby will be here tonight at 6 p.m. and tomorrow at this campus at 10 a.m. and so all right don't you last sip of coffee and let's give a Columbus welcome to Bobby Conner oh it is a good morning in you it really is it's a good good morning even God good I mean really he is really really good I'm so thankful for his mercy aren't you oh listen I don't you love the grace of God I'm sad that some are preaching a grace that's not really compatible with the Bible but I like the real grace of God in the Bible Titus 2:11 grace the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously godly in this present world looking for a blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ that's Titus 2:11 that's the kind of grace I want the grace of God that brings salvation sanctification and expectation Titus 2:11 the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously godly in this present world any grace that doesn't promote purity it's not the grace of God you understand that yes grace it's not a license to live loose second creaks in 7-1 says having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us purify yourself from every bit of contamination the flesh and of the spirit perfecting holiness in the reverential fear of God wow that's far removed from the hyper grace message in it that were to have the holy fear of God I'll tell you a problem is we're way too familiar with the God we barely know but get ready he's going to reintroduce himself to his people aren't you glad if you say what are you talking about revelations one is a good one remember John John the Revelator the best biggest best friend Jesus had it says that John laid his head upon the heartbeat of G and that we find him on the Isle of Patmos somewhere around 98 96 years old Josephus said he'd been boiled in oil Wow Wow think about that for a moment this is the best friend Jesus had apparently closest one lady's head on the chest of Jesus heard the rhythmic heartbeat of the Lamb of God and now it's 90 something years old they've tried to kill him ball him in all he's not dead but he is a prisoner in the penal colony on the Isle of Patmos I went there to see what the Isle of Patmos looked like it's a nine mile long Rock Island for the Romans sent to their prisoners to quarry out rocks for their forts here's the best friend of Jesus in a prison colony and he could have been going hey being your friend sucks yeah that's not what John did revelation once said I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day see your attitude can change your atmosphere no matter where your geographical location is I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and I heard behind me a voice and I turned to see the voice and he's reintroduced to Jesus he sees him in a whole new a whole new realm Wow what does he do hey man great to see you know it said he fell on his feet he fell on his face as though he was dead Greek says he probably was Wow I'm telling you guys I want us to realize something about God he's in fathomable that's what it says yeah he's inscrutable he's beyond understanding all about anybody goes all yes I know all there's about God it's an idiot all throughout the endless eons of eternity you'll never know all about God you know why every millimolar of eternity God will be unfurling more of his majesty can you imagine the intrigue of that endless eons of eternity and never come to the end of God Wow no wonder the angels go holy because every moment they're seeing more of the majesty of Almighty God Wow have you met can you imagine all of this in heaven - yeah I don't know where we get this well you know God's never done nothing for me he took out the kingdom of darkness and put you in the kingdom of his dear son flushes 1:13 said he translated us out of the kingdom of death and darkness into the kingdom of light love and liberation of his son Colossians 1:13 he took us out to put us in aren't you glad yes siree this is well we're gonna have a good time I really mean that don't come to church and not have a good time I really mean that you know listen just just look about it for a moment if you don't learn to enjoy Jesus Heaven's gonna be held for you captured with Jesus for all eternity listen we've got to learn to enjoy Jesus look for him one time I was in the Swiss Alps and I was walking in the mountains of the Swiss Alps I'm listen I'm hassling like a run ball because it's high and it's hard to walk up the things in the it's big old granite mountains I'm walk against this magnificent mountain and the Lord said isn't that beautiful I said oh yes Lord I thought he's talking about the mountains and he said no isn't that beautiful and I'm looking at the mountains and the sky behind them and I said oh yes Lord and he said it can no isn't that beautiful I said what and he said that and I looked down on the pathway and there's a little bitty purple flower no bigger than the head of a match and I got on my knees and got down there and looked it was the most integral beautiful little flower you could imagine and the Lord said Bobby I watched that seed as it was cascading over the mountains by the wind I watched it as it muscle between that rock and I've nourished it we've got to take time to see the things God's doing anybody could see the majestic mountain but I almost overlooked a little flower I think we've got a new Psalms 46:10 in 11 be still and know that I am God well the Lord came to me poked his finger to my face and said hey yes hey tell my people when it comes to seeking me I did test multitasking oh my god man that's what he said when it comes to seeking me I detest multitasking and he gave me a Jeremiah 29 2013 you will find me when you search for me and seek for me with all of your heart then he said tell the people half-hearted obedience is nothing but cloak rebellion half-hearted obedience is nothing but cloaked rebellion Wow so it's time to seek the Lord in me it's when it says seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near now I'm telling you guys this is a season we can really connect with the Lord I was preaching that put my hand like that and I'd run into what felt like to me saran wrap that plastic setting wrap up your hotdog Interzone and I pushed like that and I said Lord what is that and he said it's a membrane it's a membrane between this world and the spirit world and it's thinner than it's ever been the things of God are accessible right now Zechariah 3 7 says you tender the things I've given you to do I will give you open access to my presence Wow so I looked at open access it means unfettered nothing standing in the way of the presence of God Wow Zechariah 3 7 all right don't you want to get news presence why do we need to get this presence Psalms 16:11 Psalm 16:11 says with him as a pathway of life and maybe his presence is fullness of joy at his right hand are pleasures forevermore if you're looking for the most powerful statement in the Bible it's the most powerful statement in the Bible is the right hand of God that's the ultimate authorities the right hand of God where's Christ seated right hand of God before you see me in Christ were seated in heavenly places at the most powerful thing in the whole universe the right hand of God Wow in that something remember it says be still and know that I am God is there any benefit to knowing Oh Daniel 11:32 be Daniel chapter 11 verse 32 beat says but the people that do know their God will do mighty exploits one translation says they will display strength and take action now the devil knows that verse so what if his number one pause is to keep you so busy you won't be stealing no God he knows if you get to know God you're going to be empowered and you'll be able to do mighty exports you'll take action do you know everyone the Gospels present Jesus in a different genre I love the Gospel of Mark the most repetitive word in the Gospel of Mark is immediately in straightway mark is the gospel of action don't you like action my wife and I are really different on the kind of movies we like I like movies that have action in it oh man you know listen but my wife likes movies with them long dresses and slow music and dancing oh I mean somebody gotta blow something up you know what I mean but you know say anyway that's that's the one I like the Gospel of Mark it's a book of action immediately straightway get him don't you like to him see it mark I like mark chapter 5 it says Jesus came across the sea and he puts a little boat and steps off the boat he says immediately there met him out of the terms of man with an unclean spirit yeah I call that man that met Jesus as New Groove dude whoa have you read about in mark chapter 5 he ain't got a stitch of clothes so it's been living a maniac life in a tomb up there good lord I've been greeted by a lot of people with nothing like that yeah there is totally naked scars all over him and he comes running screaming yeah Wow now that's really happened and said had an unclean spirit it's a Greek word called demon it's Amaia means he was under the total control of devils see these people that want to play around with Satanism look there's a full flower of Satanism this guy's living a maniac in it too sliding and cutting himself trying suicidal day and night does that sound like you won't take a trip to Harry Potter no that's what the devil does he drives you out of your mind tries to kill you so but Jesus when he shows up anybody as harvester you see that this guy's naked comes running down there screaming Jesus have you come control minutes before time I'll answer that yes we're not going to be able to church where demons are comfortable we're gonna be able to church so full of the power and the presence of Jesus when demons step in they manifest and you cast him out cast him out yeah I'll guarantee you from heaven God has released a new anointing for deliverance I was over in Mannheim Germany in a Russian Church now that sounds too geographically impossible I was in Mannheim Germany in a Russian Church a lot of the Russians migrated down to Mannheim Germany I'm there preaching and man it is packed out to the hilt with these wild Russians there while earning this tree full of monkeys man I'm telling you they're eager after God anyway have you seen my coming forth that you like these big old fire crackers or cookies and make a big bald that happened above the heads of the Germans the Russians are in Manhattan boom and an angel came walking out of the fire walking over the heads of those people to me and he gets this far in front of me jerks Alice a sword out of a sheath and he pointed to the inscription on the sword and it had ICS 61 verse 1 I said 61 verse 1 said the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me he's an ordered me to set the captives free and so he said announced that the Spirit of deliberate just come to the church so I now sit then and I bet you 400 Russians ran Farber and got delivered just at the proclamation that God was releasing an anointing for deliverance in the church remember Isaiah 61 verse 1 this fear the Lord God is upon me he's anointed me to set the captives free Jesus stood and said this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears remember that one yes so you're setting in that so I won't pull your beard you're doing good good god bless you God's got good big Horsehead me can you imagine he wants bigger and better for us that we could ever engineer for herself really to us he wants you to succeed in every arena of your life he really does he want you to excel have you said the Book of Revelations the benefits are becoming an overcomer to him that overcomes I will grant to do something first overcomer says the second death won't have any hold over you so the first benefit of becoming overcomer in the seven churches there in the revelation is you ain't going to hell that's a pretty good one anything yeah the second death has no charge over you Wow anyway you study seven Church letters and find that what appears to be an overcomer if you're walking with Christ you are victorious I love Romans 8:37 Romans 8:37 says yeah that made all these things we are more than conquerors Paul had to come with a new word he wrote the word Hooper Nike super overcomer aren't you glad you're a super overcomer through Christ yet amid all these things Romans 8:37 all of what things anything and everything the devil can shovel your way in the middle of all that you're super victorious no weapon formed against you prospers isaiah 54:17 you can understand this first John 4:4 greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world I'm telling you you can't be defeated if you're walking with God yeah you saw a lot of people are struggling listen yea though I walk through the valley say through you'll come through it like I told you life's not right in the middle of it sometimes gotta holler timeout throw your party Psalms 23 said he prepares a table before me in the presence of enemies he ignores my head with all wow those are victory banquet words right in the middle the batter see the devil through all this only trying to drive you away from God and he drove you to God isn't that good Wow God wants to be your friend even John 15 15 years I don't call you a service but a friend that's right yeah let's look into this book you want to listen if you look into this book this book are looking to you it's a mirror it shows you how you really are shows us our have you ever been to these circuses where they got these from bigger room full of crazy mirrors you look one way in you're skinny and you look another way you're big as a blimp and it's but you look in this mirror and he shows you your actual portrait who you really are so don't you do I want to go I want you to come with me if you will to Colossians chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 I'll tell you what happened an angel came to me and talked to me and I'll I'll tell you about that you don't hear about it sure Bobby I live moravian false North Carolina and so I'm there and it's a wonderful portal because of moravian some Arabians had a 100-year prayer meeting 24 hours a day for hundred years the Moravians where they built my house in Moravian falls the Arabians got it on my birthday back in the 1700s and deeded it to Jesus Christ the land this is all true you can document it over there in the I read the original surveyors notes myself but anyway God sent me there and it's a wonderful portal it's a place where there's revelatory release like you can't imagine so I'm on my porch writing typing actually and the trees are beautiful people come to watch the trees because they're during the fall in term beautiful colors in any way they're I'm not tapping away the trees are dancing methodically and mystical and I'm typing away and I got wind chime sir I guess they say that I think it's maybe 18 feet off the ground and there's my wind chimes and they're digitally mean and I'm just I'm caught up in another world and I'm typing along then then I realize that I realized I didn't hear my wind chimes you know what I mean and then so I looked at the trees they're still dancing in the brook I looked at my wind chimes standing in the air holding my wind chimes as an angel he's got his hands around my wind chimes just like this he looked at me in the chair with my top Rodney goes got your attention and eternally through the wind chimes and so get me God my wind chime started playing the song I'll held the power of Jesus name right prostrate fall bring forth the royal diadem and crown him Lord of all then the Lord spoke to me said tell the body of Christ they'll learn more about the majesty of the master from the book of Colossians than any other book in the Bible you will learn more about the ministry of the master from the book of Colossians than any other book so okay so I started a intense study of the book of Colossians I'll give you a couple of verses about it you look at a couple of verses in Colossians that tell us a little bit about the supremacy of Christ here's one verse 15 says for in him that in far n if re it was in him that all things are created in heaven and on earth things that are seen the things that are unseen whether the be Thrones or dominions all things were created and exist through him and by him and for his intervention verse 17 and he himself existed before all things and in him all things consist and hold together verse 18 and he also is a head of his body the church he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so that he alone in everything and in every respect might occupied the chief place and stand and be in preeminence for it pleased the father that all the divine fullness the sum total of divine perfection and powers and attributes you dwell in him permanently does that sound like we ought to get to know Jesus deeper and look at first look at Colossians 2 3 in him all the treasures are divided wisdom and comprehensive insights into the ways and the purposes of God and in all the rich riches of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment are stored up and lie hidden Wow say all everything you need to know about God is hidden in Christ Colossians 2 verse 3 live any way we need to know more about Jesus doing so here's what the Lord came to me and said Bobby that's me he said tell the body of Christ that you I am preparing to answer the prayer Paul prayed in Colossians chapter 1 that's incredible word that is an exciting exhilarating Word Almighty God Jesus Christ said to me tell the body of Christ I am preparing to answer the prayer Paul prayed in Colossians chapter 1 but the pathway to the answer to that prayer the protocol to receiving it is this for all that are zealously in love with the Holy Spirit tell my people all better zealously in love but with the Holy Spirit I am preparing to answer the prayer Paul prayed in Colossians chapter 1 starting with verse 8 so let's go to Colossians chapter 1 verse 8 remember I told you we were going to talk about how to be invigorated how to be strengthened how to be full of ZAP here it is Colossians chapter 1 and we're gonna start with verse 8 and he this is one of Paul's friends had told Paul about the Colossians and how full of faith they were and how zealously in love with the holy spirit they were that's what he's saying and he also informed us of your love in the holy ghost now that's a little weak the word love there means burning zealous on fire love burning zealous love for the holy spirit verse 9 for this reason burning zealous love for the holy spirit for this reason we also from the day we heard of it you're burning zealous love for the holy spirit half I'm screaming have not ceased to pray and make special requests for you now this is a prayer God's going to answer for any of us and all of us that are zealously in love with Holy Spirit he said I'm praying at making special requests for you asking that you may be filled with the full deep and clear knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and comprehensive insights into the ways of the purposes of God and in understanding and discerning of spiritual things how many of us want to line up and say yes I want deeper clearer understanding let me look at that again for this reason I pray you'll be filled with a full deep clear knowledge of his will in all all spiritual wisdom in comprehensive insights into the ways and the purposes of God and in understanding and discerning of spiritual things verse 10 I'm praying that you might walk live and conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Lord fully say fully fully pleasing to him and desiring to please him in all things bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God with for deeper and clearer insights and acquaintances in recognition verse 11 Wow let's just stop for a moment maybe I said I started out by but the people that do know their God say we got to get to know God to do these exploits to have that fuller deeper clearer insides a lot of people going around you know just can't understand the ways of God get with God Holy Ghost will direct you he'll show you and teach you and talk to you concerning the Enlightenment you need from the Word of God the Holy Ghost is our teacher you believe that don't you have you heard what Jesus said about Holy Ghost you want to hear it I'll show it to you hold your finger there I got a laminated piece of paper I can put go with me if you will I'm sure what Jesus said about the Holy Ghost not one single miracles record in the New Testament that Jesus did and he'll he was filled with Holy Ghost what yeah not one single miracles record in the New Testament that Jesus Christ did until he was filled with Holy Ghost he was real Holy Ghost what he acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power anyone about doing good but here's what Jesus taught about the Holy Ghost so he'll here kind of help us and straighten us out on our doctrine concerning the Holy Ghost here it is John 16 verse 13 this is in the red part of the Bible Jesus talking this is what he said but when he the spirit of truth the truth giving spirit comes he will guide you into all the truth the whole truth the full true well he will not speak his own message on his own authority but he will tell you whatever he hears from the father he will give the message that has been given to him and he will announce and declare to you the things that will come that will happen in the future it's pretty sad a lot of people are hooked on psychics psychics is psychic called the hotlines are growing you know why gods many of God's people are paranoid they don't get into the Word of God their think pick and pick up in dollar one $900 demon psychics you can't get the future from a psychic you can get a demon but you can't get the future right here Jesus Christ said the Holy Ghost will tell you what's going to happen in the future look what it says are you reading with me he he will announce and declare to you the things that are to come that will happen in the future that's John 13 John 16 verse 13 now watch this in verse 14 okay I appreciate aim doing once he saw Bobby I'd be so afraid just to let go and let the Holy Ghost his way in my church no tell me what would happen I said hold on brother I'll show you exactly what happened verse 14 will happen he will honor and glorify me because he shall take of mine and receive and draw upon it what is mine and I and will reveal and declare and declares and transmit it to you Wow when the Holy Ghost has his way Jesus gets glorified in the coup but tolling us is really something he's here to teach us he's our comforter he's our counselor and listen he's I don't know a lot of people have an idea a Holy Ghost something twin to parakeet in a pigeon oh no he's only God agent work on his planet Holy Ghost is the only God agent and working on his planet God the Father we've already decided this in heaven God the Son you see there that's right hand guess who's down here God the Holy Ghost and he's powerful without him we came to a single thing but in here's the empowerment wouldn't do anything we can do what Jesus said remember Jesus said these works and greater works than these shall you do because I go to my father see if I don't go my father won't send back the confident but if I depart I will send him under you and where's come he will guide you in all truth Wow say all truth oh man if I'd have found that verse a long time ago I wouldn't had to bought all those commentaries back then you had about big books commentaries oh Lord bigger than a Sears Roebuck catalog and you get to one of the verses that are complicated and here's what the commentaries would say this is a very difficult passage to interpret I know good Lord I knew that beginner but if you want a good commentary let the Holy Ghost show you what it says he'll should compare scripture to scripture and he'll enlighten you about it don't you want me enlighten well he will do it these are teachers so let's go back to Colossians now I'm excited about this verse here that if you're jealous in love with Holy Ghost God is going to show you deeper clearer fuller insights into the ways and purposes of God don't you like the purposes of God if he pleases ecclesiastes the word Ecclesiastes means the preacher the preacher tells us Ecclesiastes 3:1 there is a time and a season the purpose for every activity of God under heaven a time and a season and a purpose for every activity of God under heaven and then here we just found out that the Holy Ghost would show us things and the purposes of God so help us to walk in the pathway God has for us if we be led by the Holy Spirit remember I patted a brother in the chest last night and gave him what Nehemiah 9:20 Nehemiah 9:20 says God gave him them the people of God the good Spirit gave his good spirit to them and he said he'll guide them with this good spirit in there's something Nehemiah 9:20 you gave your good spirit and with hell not your manna from their mouth aren't you glad I like that every time I read me my 9:20 and read that manner you with help not your manna from their mouth I'm really reminded I'm reminded of revelations 217 revelations 2:17 says to him that overcomes I will grant thee the hidden manna boo I'm already intrigued remember when I was growing up there's a television program called Alfred Hitchcock Jenna you know he would start out with his profile and shat up against but it always dealt with the solving riddles and so the revelations 217 it says to him that overcomes I will grant to eat the hidden manna this stopped just for a moment God hides things from us for us that's in the Bible proverbs 25 verse 2 proverbs 25 verse 2 says it is the glory of God to Castle American Cilla matter the honor of kings to search it out Deuteronomy 29:29 says the secret things belong into the ward but the things that are revealed belonging to us and to our descendants from now on there's a lot house yeah there's a tree and I like a tree don't you will be like trees of righteousness renowned of the Lord but anyway I just like to walk around up here occasionally to seek the camera man's awake I've been in some meetings I've walked off and you just there's nobody there just a podium but you can hear me speaking secrets God has secrets and he wants you to search amount you can't discern them and discover them unless the Holy Ghost is with you the Holy Ghost will guide you into all truth and I'll tell you guys we need a new understanding and appreciation for Holy Ghost he will unfurl the mysteries of God here's your another mystery about the mysteries of God okay yes favi its first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 Paul basically says there in first Corinthians 2 6 I would not I could not I will not release his hidden wisdom until I find me a group of people mature enough to be right and understand verse 7 says then I will release this hidden wisdom that will catch you up into the glory of his presence anything and everything the Holy Ghost does for the Saints of God is to conference that to get us into the glory of God's presence let's look at that verse y'all wanted to I quote verses in people go oh yeah oh you better read them you better look at them they're there now people ask me what translation you for each other and I say they've done all honesty all of them I studied them I studied this better the verses in every English translation I can find and then when I preach I'm Malcolm aid them together for example if you're if you're studying Psalms 92 10 the King James Version my horn has been exalted like the horn of a unicorn that doesn't do a thing for me does it you but you studied in the amplified classic it says my horn my emblem was stately grace I like stately grace better than a horn of a unicorn don't you well that's why you need to study the Bible in different translations and then when I preach I amalgamate them together with let me look doc I looked at first Corinthians chapter 2 don't worry about me hurry are you yeah we're here we're gonna have a good little time with studying the Bible and the Bible study yes o people ask me how do you remember I was the Bible I actually studied until all of my fingers wore the print off the page I got a stacks of Bibles about like this where I wore the print off the page by studying it let me tape about studying the Bible you only hear it you never see the Bible the same way twice it's like a diamond it's the same diamond but you get into a different environment and I told you last night this is the most revelatory season any generation has ever lived in we're walking in Matthew 13 16 and 17 Matthew 13 16 17 says blessed are your eyes for they see and blessed are your ears for they hear many long to see what you see deeply desire to receive what you hearing but they could not we're privileged generations live in these last revelatory days the unveiling the revealing the revelation of Jesus here we go I mean I'm in second Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 2 and I'm going to start with verse 6 yet when we to heart/lung here we are yet when we are among the full grown spiritually mature Christians we do who are ripe and understanding we do impart a higher wisdom the knowledge of the divine plan previously hidden but it is indeed not a wisdom of this present age are the world nor of this leaders and rulers of this age who are being brought to nothing and are doomed to pass away verse 7 but rather what we are setting forth is the wisdom of God once hidden from the human understanding and now revealed to us by God the wisdom which God has devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification to lift us up into the glory of his presence you see then maybe Joe could you read that this glory he this this anointing this secrets he's going to reveal what can't just up into the glory of his presence Wow what about the presence of God remember Moses said all the way back in Exodus God if your presence doesn't go with this no curious anywhere because only your presence will make us unique that's the only thing that makes us unique and separate from all the humans in the world is the presence Wow we're supposed to be a peculiar people the word peculiar don't mean wacky and weird it means that people surrounded by the presence of God wow garrisoned we're acute garrisoned by the presence of God Wow his presence is everything in it Psalm 16:11 said in his presence is fullness of joy get into his presence how do you do it some the Bible never tells you to do something that big this proper pathway to get it accomplished here it is Psalms twenty-four three and four who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord the presence of Lord that's the question who shall ascend the hill of Lord answer is he that hath what claim Hanson a pure heart book Hebrew says pursue peace and holiness for without holiness no man will see the Lord no man to give nice presents we've got to get back to this robbing desire to be pure we've got to be pure if we're going to see the Lord if he's gonna use this and move in US and on us we got to be period don't you think a Bacchus said God is a pure eye to look upon iniquity if you want to see it in its full manifestation you want to see how what God thinks about sin go all the way back to the cross remember Jesus was in gardening has said many once praying right before the cross it says if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thy will be done theologians some erroneously say he was praying you wouldn't have to go the cross are you an idiot he said for this cause came out into the world he knew he was going to the cross why was he praying what couple I'll show it to you right here when Jesus was nailed to the cross though he was sinless he became sin he took upon him all the sins from Adam to that present day to the ends of the world he who knew no sin became sin for us and Habakkuk says God is of a pure eye than to behold iniquity so when his son became all the sin of all the people in the world God turned his back on him now what Jesus cried my God my God why has thou forsaken me if you've read the Bible Jesus didn't die by suffocation or a spear through his side he died of a broken heart Psalms 22 says my heart is melted within me do you talk about a price that's the first time only time first time only time in the scriptures that Jesus Christ ever referred to God in a turn other than father my God sees not dying a son but Wow we're talking about the price of really getting to know Jesus and what he did for us Wow okay well I can't I wrote a book about it's crazy thing I preached on the cross hundreds of times I'm sitting in my desk but I got a piece of paper there and I'm gonna preach on the cross again and I'm pulling my chair a little bit closer to the table and on the on the journey from pulling my chair to the the table I said a prayer a sincere prayer not allowed prayer I muttered the prayer I said Oh father make this more than mere words when I said make this more than mere words so help me God I was jerked up in the office and I was transported back 2,000 years in history I find myself standing on the cobblestone streets in Jerusalem enclosed just like this it's crazy it's crazy one second I'm in the office next I'm standing on the cobblestone streets of Jerusalem 2,000 years back I see a mob of people coming down the hill and it's it's ruckus and it's Jesus bearing his cross my mind's active I'm screaming this can't be young I'm supposed to be an office Jesus walk from here to that flag and looked at me like this when my eyes met his life as my strength gave way i crumbled to the cobblestones and I get up and go to the cross of Christ our little book you can order it for mark is called the cross little bitty book about that event it'll take you five minutes to read it but I promise you it'll take you a whole lifetime to get over it that was back when Mel Gibson it's before he did the movie The Passion of the Christ when this event happened churches bought that little book the cross by the tens of thousands and stood at the movie theaters giving them out to the people what Mel Gibson couldn't capture what the smells the smells of the cross demons everywhere whirling around the smelling of urine and sweat and clotted blood Jesus didn't die from the spear he died of a broken heart Wow is that something you read Psalms 22 my God my God why well anyway I want to get to know Holy Ghost because he's gonna teach me about Jesus don't you want to be taught about Jesus well him to know whom to know his life eternal I'll show you something you want to see it yes Bobby I'm gonna show you you can never learn all there is about God you're to try to Paul's goodness Paul's pretty amazing and he wrote the biggest part of the New Testament but he said I barely know him my whole pursuit is push own to know him deeper forward but I want you to look at a verse here that the Lord gave me the Lord said I've got a mission for you Bobby I said I've that's okay what is it and he said I want you to discover all you can about me and then teach my people all that you discover I said Oh God I'm delighted to do that I want you to learn all about me you can and teach my people everything you're learning about me I said okay then he said oh and it'll take you beyond zve eternity and you still won't be finished and it gave me this verse here I'm reading from the Bible this morning I'm reading out of Romans chapter 11 starting with verse 33 this is my operating manual to fulfill that Commission oh the depths of the riches and the wisdom of the knowledge of God how unfathomable inscrutable unsearchable are his judgments his decisions and how untraceable and mysterious and undiscoverable are his ways his methods his pass verse 34 for who has known the mind of the Lord and who has instructed his dogs are who has ever been his counselor versa five are who has first given anything to God that he might be paid back or that he could remove claim of recompense verse 36 far far from him and through him and to him are all things for all things originated with him and came from him and all things live through him and all things sent her in intend to consummate and and in him to him be glory for ever and ever amen oh how inscrutable unsearchable how mysterious Wow you think you're just going to drop down and get 101 god you're gonna have to get into the Word of God and deep into the Holy Ghost to understand the mysteries of God I'll tell you about that here's what God told me you only hear it he said Bobby tell my people I shout my truth but I whisper my secrets he shouts his troops the books full of it but he whispers his secrets so we need to get our ear near his lip going you believe you can hear God sure you can John 10:30 says that people ask me Bobby how can i amplify hearing the voice of God you want to know intimacy intimacy nothing will amplify hearing the voice of God like intimacy my wife Carolyn I've been married this year we fifty four years if she calls me a girl who says Wow I should be able to tell her emotional being just by hearing her voice I could tell what she said and excited that's what it is with God nothing amplifies hearing the voice of God like intimacy we got to learn to have ears to hear if I wasn't seeing eye in the here year both of these God is created we need to work on our perception and discernment o me why what do you mean you got and we need to work on our deception and discernment I've counseled preachers that were old the Lord told me to leave my wife and marry the news director you're an idiot God didn't tell you that that was the devil we need to work on hearing the voice of God yeah anyway people do someone atrocious things and blame it on God God don't lead you to do those atrocious things he leads you to righteousness Melanie why don't you learn to hears voice why don't maybe hear the voice of God oh because it said in the last days people were standing in pulpits teaching doctrines taught by devils yeah is that what it says like sure to teaching doctors talk about devils well so we need people that know the Word of God so when they hear something they go yes that matches that with the Word of God and I'll tell you one thing if you as child of God you got the Holy Ghost inside of you and the Holy Ghost will bear witness with the Spirit of God and if somebody thinks that was sitting oh right in your heart you better listen everything glitters is not real gold if you read that Shepherds rod you find out about the pyrite it's in their fool's gold we need to make sure here's what God told me you ready he said you tell my people accept no imitations then they can expect no limitation except no imitation then expect no limitation we got to get it right we get it right God God God will give us everything we need you believe it sure so you doing well good glad you're here God's up to something he really is he's teaching us how dependent we really are on him we ain't got sense enough to get back to the house if he pulled his grace office yeah we can't do a thing without him without his grace but we can do everything through his grace we are absolutely dependent upon staying connected with the vine are we we really are without him we can't do anything but John 15 says with him here's a great verse about doing some stuff with God some John 16 24 John 16 24 says up until now you've not asked ask now and you'll get what you're asking so that you eat totally happy John 16 24 up until now so there's periods of time that God was holds things till we get to the position of where we can handle the things up until now you've not asked ask now and you'll get what you're asking so that your heart will overflow with happiness we hello everybody okay yeah that's good let's talk about creativity just for a moment the Lord told me that we ought to be most creative people on earth and here's what he said he said I'm releasing an entrepreneurial spirit and tell those that have an entrepreneurial spirit this anything that's been done once there's a better way to do it anything that's been done once there's a better way to do it whatever they've been there's a better way to build a water bottle than listen anything that's been done once there is a better way to do it and you ask God God is doing what he said the book of Proverbs I'm releasing witty inventions smart plans that work out and God wills doing that for people now and it's going to make him incredibly wealthy for the kingdom of God there's new ways to build buildings there will be a pervious to hurricanes and to earthquakes did that crazy I saw it I drew it I drew the drew the plan out carried it to an architect he goes this is amazing anyway I like that don't you Yoda listen here's what the Bible says you ready trust the Lord you'll be established to believe his prophets and you'll prosper as second chronicles 20/20 trusts the Lord you will be established believe his prophets in your prosper the word prosper there's a Hebrew word that means and live at God's highest pointed level for your life now I don't know it but when prophets come to town you need to be big-eared ready to hear what God's going to say because listening God's not gonna do a new thing on this earth without revealing to the prophets that's Isaiah 48 verse 6 I said 48 verse 6 says I'm doing a new thing is you now and not prior to them so nobody be blase about it brought into being by the prophetic word Wow I can show well it's documented if you want to pull it up on Google we prophesied the biggest discoveries of all gas and natural resources in America me in that crazy believe is prophets you prosper you the Barnett Shale you ever heard of it it's a largest gas reserve found in history of America discovered in Fort Worth region and I was down there into convergence church one day preaching boy they weren't at that time they were nailing up businesses in Fort Worth couldn't ha board over the glass and stuff and I'm trying to preach that morning in the Virgin's church there in Fort Worth and it was bad I didn't feel right I said God what is this I'm feeling he said it's blind I said I don't like it he said I don't like it either so I said what are you gonna do about it he said take your finger this one right here take your finger and point down right where you're standing this downtown Fort Worth park your finger down and say why there's wealth right here where I'm standing so I pointed this finger right down at the floor and said why there's wealth right here where I'm standing guess what they found right there downtown Fort Worth the largest gas reserve in the history of America they paid 1 million dollars a month twelve million dollars a year to drill people had their houses bulldoze down to have gas wells drilled strangest contract ever anybody in the lineage line gets a check isn't that crazy the Barnett Shale yeah yeah Balkans you heard about that one North Dakota I'm up there anyway this Wow Edmonton you hear about that as an Edmonton Civic Center and anyway I stopped preaching started singing a Jed Clampett song Oh from the ground came a bubbling crude and I said this all is gonna reappear in the sand pits actually prophesied they say 73 billion barrels of oil has surfaced in the sand pits of Edmonton I'm talking about Edmonton this week not this mix this this coming week we're going to be in Cincinnati I'll be with you guys we'll be with George and that'll be something and then after that we're going to Canada we're gonna start over east on the east at the east side of Canada to go all the way to the west coast Oh City after City after City and that'll be fun we'll be doing a different city every night that'll be why I wanted yeah you know I'm bilingual and cross-cultural Texas we go yeah Canada they go ain't so I come up with a huh see ya we have some wild times in Canada but anyway we'll be up there the rest of this month after since Cincinnati so y'all pray for so you got people around there tell them to come it'll be it's gonna be wild I like wow don't you I don't like when I've got it pretty good and I've got a pretty good expectation of what's gonna happen oh listen I am Telling You prepare to be surprised back at 1:5 God says look look among the nations I don't work I work in your day he'll be so harmless so magnificent you barely can't believe it a back at 1:5 God said tell my people prepare to be surprised I said how can you prepare to be surprised that's gonna do something that blows our perimeters he can do anything Kenny yes I back at 1 5 I don't know this morning service everybody well how long are we gonna go just till we get to hard listen you'll need the calendar yeah but we're gonna have another service today at 6:00 is that correct that would be fun you coming go lot to member fig now I show you how prophetic words sometimes there's this big old boy you know he's used to travel something with me and just sweetest thing be just rough as a cob the pipeline welder that's what he was when I found him tough as a boot I'm off somewhere in the world and I see him in a tattoo parlor and so I call him and I say to him get up tattoo parlor and get back in your truck he's right there and they're just scrubbing him down to give him this tattoo now I like that don't you scared the spit out of him yeah isn't that something you believe God will show prophets things about you it says the prophets hear what you whisper in the bedchamber well so you should be ashamed I'm telling you Amos 3:7 says surely absolutely God won't do a single thing on planet earth without first revealing what he's going to do to his servants the prophets that's why it's a wise Church and brings in the prophetic remember I recorded that verse I say 48 verse 6 it says the new things are called into being by the prophetic word so it's so important to hear and discern jot down keep notes it's amazing we prophesied about in the Shepherd's rod about events and you go all the way back the will you'd go all the way back and in 1998 I was riding the Shepherd rod for 1999 and that's where I prophesied about the terrorist attack back then America you never heard the word terrorists or terrorist attack but that's a crazy time I'm in Tyler Texas and God said go to Turkey and I'll speak to you I said God speak to me in Tyler he said no go to Turkey I speak to you well let me take it went to Turkey that's where I prophesied about the terrorist attack the one that happened 9/11 Road if you can read you read it you can order our Shepard shopper there's a different archived copies of our Shepherd job it's crazy the predictions that are made and there's a there's people full looking through there and cataloging when the they've news media over and over and over says exactly verbatim what the headlines are saying Shepard John one was this will be an unparalleled light show Tom Brokaw at that time said this is an unparalleled light show well anyway so we need to get a new appreciation for the prophetic well I'll all understand well listen we've got to be more prophetic anyway it's the only gift I family the Bible God said cop it to get it's the gift of prophecy earnestly this I got it written down on a piece of paper first Corinthians 14 verse one eagerly pursue and seek to acquire and love and make it your aim your greatest gold and he says and cultivate spiritual endowments and gifts especially that you might prophesy yeah that's what it says especially that you may prophesy interpret the Divine Will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching we need more properties don't we that's it I remember they said to mostly said I wish all the God's people were prophetic yeah I want to read that that Isaiah verse just justice mix well let me get some of the young I get somebody else to read it you you don't mind reading in public what course not here we go just read this part do you mind no no go ahead go ahead I'll get close to over there oh listen damn through there this is about the pathetic here we got a two mics this is a whoo this we got stuff around here Isaiah 46 you have heard these things foretold now you will see this fulfillment and you will not bear and will you not bear witness to it I show you specified new things from this time forth even hidden things captain reserve which you have not known they are created now called into being by the prophetic world and not long ago and before today you have never heard of them unless you should say behold I knew them yeah see that's good let's make sure you've heard these things foretold now you see this fulfill you need to look to see what's been prophesied to see if it comes to pass okay you see this fulfil and will you not bear witness to it I have shown you specified new things from this time forth even hidden things I like that hidden things kept in reserve what you have not known they hidden things kept reserve are created now called in the bank being by the prophetic word and not long ago before today you've never heard of them less you got I already knew that you can't teach somebody something that they think they already know we've got to have an open heart well I know some prophetic in my team I never let anybody prophesy like this thus saith the Lord unto thee most of that is a religious bombastic spirit if God's got something to say to you he'll say it to you in a way you've comprehended and most of people that I give a prophetic word to the person sitting next to them don't even know it is one yeah but I'll tell what a prophetic word does it validates and vindicates what God's already been saying to you that's what it does well anyway we're talking about oh I didn't finish that Colossians thing I'm been liver Sten let's go back to Colossians chapter 1 verse 10 here we go that you might walk live and conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Lord fully pleasing him and deciding to please him in all things bearing fruit in every good work and sadly growing increasing in and by the knowledge of God with fuller deeper clearer inside sitting out and acquaintances and recognition verse 11 we pray that you may be invigorated strengthened with all power according to the mind of his glory to exercise every kind of endurance and patience and perseverance and forbearance with joy there's that word invigorate we pray that you may be what invigorated and strengthened with all power according the might of his glory to exercise every kind of perseverance endurance if you know God's with you it'll stabilize you and he says I will never ever leave you nor forsake you as Paul and Silas and if Olympian jail God showed up delivered remember that Wow he won't desert us our problem is we desert him if I had one big word to furrow out over the body of Christ as a word of Correction here here's the word here's one of the biggest words you and I need to grasp and tonight I'm going to talk about and teach about it it's the word recalibration if the church needs to do anything it needs to recalibrate I looked up the definition of recalibration it means going back to the original point of accuracy we've drifted way away from steadfast truth and we need to recalibrate so we're going to talk about that tonight at 6:00 I hope you'll come you've got a lot of pins in this pocket here oh man huh take this let me write you something okay you don't mind that do you oh you got it full of stuff this is alright you say what you write I'm writing him a verse there's you a good verse okay there it is it's written into this green pen when you're sitting at a red light and the light turns water green it's time to go looky there yeah is the time there's no need for hesitation now is the time second Corinthians 6:2 that not what yeah it says now is acceptable time today if you here is well yeah 2nd Corinthians 6:2 if it's something how God has everything on time slots I told you it verse while go now up until now you've not asked ask now and you receive what you ask yeah so I'm sick of waiting what John 1624 these are that's something yes a lot of things to talk about it yeah let me see do you believe there's going to be an increase in demonstrated supernatural power there's gonna be a increase in soot in the demonstration of supernatural power Paul said mass in 1st Corinthians 2 verse 1 2 it says when I came to your brother and I came not with excellency of speech declare to you the things of God but he says I came with a demonstration of God's power and that's what it says in 2nd Corinthians 2 4 it says my the kingdom doesn't consist just with talk but God demonstrated deeds so there's going to come a new revelation of supernatural power to the people of God the strongest churches in the country are going to be those that really get the people involved in ministry we're training a bunch of spectators to sit and watch that's not the kingdom of God my job is to work myself out of a job my job is Ephesians 4:11 is to train you prepare you for the work of service now what that'd be good yeah and you can't do it I don't know where we got this the biggest lie the biggest miss know where I run into worldwide in the body of Christ is this God only uses the superstars if you're not some big-name evangelist so this or that God will use mother's thing from the truth if you want to see it amplified Paul apostle was the greatest apostle I think we've ever found in history Paul the Apostle started most the New Testament churches wrote the biggest part of the New Testament but when God got ready to Commission him and send him out he called somebody you've never heard of an unknown disciple and a nice I've got me some bigwig would you I've got me somebody everybody knew and but God didn't he's going to Commission his number one chief apostle and he calls a disciple that no one have ever heard of Wow remember when he called him and a nice yes Lord and when he called Saul on the Damascus Road quite a difference there wasn't it and an ass was a seeker yes Lord that's how he's going to use those he's been seeking him those that have been in the secret place of the Most High Psalms 91 don't you want to get in the secret place of the Most High how do you do it first of all hunger you got to be hungry for God how hungry came to get Psalms in it sound forty-two like the little desert of your pants after water Brooks so pants my soul after thee how old are you 18 that's wonderful god bless you got plans yeah you got some plans yeah yeah get up eat breakfast that's what I'm playing be a history maker okay I really mean that start setting goals and say god I'll do anything you ask me to do I'll tell you the happiest people I know you know I've been preaching 49 years average speaking five times a week for 49 years if you were to come up to me and ask me advice I'll give it to you here's the best advice I can give to any of us those of you watching the best advice I can give to any of us is this to be a successful follower of Christ swift and complete obedience do as quickly as you can as thorough as you can anything ask you to do he said how far did obedience is nothing but closed rebellion so obey Him okay he'll teach you he'll show you what to do and you can be divinely unique with God he totally understands did that something people feel at home nobody understands me God does he totally knows every fiber about you and you can be real with him it's sad when some of one of the most dangerous places to get real is Church everybody's super great brand on Sunday we need to have such a fellowship such a brotherly love we can share the real secrets of our heart yeah pray for getting before people come so man I'm having tough yeah okay now the service tonight at 6:00 that's gonna be fun are they songs whirling around about any Indian this is a great time for getting revelatory songs it really is and musical sounds I just know I don't know what you called the music but I know when God's anyone they ain't now that he came to me the other day the other day and he said tell these musicians I'm gonna start breathing again you remember years ago there was a sound came out and it sounded like it was computer-generated he said tell these people I'm gonna breathe on that again to reach a lot of these younger people you know it's I don't know what it is but it sounds like a computer talking sorta but anyway jump into one of those see what happens no that's my one time the Lord told me I love that Jimi Hendrix sound that's what he told me I said he sounds like two cats fighting in the sack that's what I told him Jim Henry can you believe God used me to give fashion designers fashion tips yeah hmm honest to god I've given fashion designers fashion tips from God now God can get his message through the most unlikely be human you got to figure out you're the postman not the author you just give what's giving me you know what I mean you don't have the privilege of jotting it down you know what I mean you're not the author of the letter just the postman so anyway you might ask what was your prophetic word to the fashion person you're gonna like well it worked for her anyway so yeah a lot of stuff in here D jot down stiffen your Bible you'll make the Millennials good and bad here it is you'll never memorize the Bible on the computer or an iPad or a tablet it's a great way to study the Bible it'll pull up the verses just like that but you can't memorize it you can read from a tablet flip the tablet and two seconds later you can't tell me what you just read you're not Deirdre that you take the tablets to pull up the verses and then you take your Bible I mean the Bible a printed Bible and you set it down and open that Bible to that verse you take a pen a pencil and you circle it you you wrap what it said to you about it that's how you memorize the Bible you can't do it electronically it's a great tool to study with but it won't stick in your brain okay run your finger across the page color the thing mark that thing and listen it'll get in your heart the words of this law shall not depart for your eyes you shall meditate see you'll get in there okay now you go well oh I got the verses all over my phone but wouldn't you get in the airplane or something like that put you some headphones on instead listen up chairman Allen listen to the painful whatever comes in here we'll get down in here you understand that mail anyway you listen to the Bible read the Bible if you read it and start feeding you I've I've desired your word North in my food that's what the Bible talks about well we gotta go what's your name Emily god bless you how old are you I'm 75 you're 21 god bless you I'll tell you about life enjoy it don't somewhere down the road expect to start in joining start right now today so to say I'm gonna enjoy this you might say well Bobby I got so much opposition listen in the midst of all of that rejoice yeah when things look like they're coming in blue rejoice yeah I get a fly every week I get so tired of people taking God's name in vain you know and one of the favorite things now is they blaspheme when they say Jesus Christ all right now I'm not recommending you do this but I'm on a plane and the guys up there trying to close them overhead and it's having a little difficulty and he's slamming it he's slamming and he cuts loose he uses God's name in vain and Jesus Christ so he sits down and I jump up and go down Buddha yeah [Applause] you can't imagine how many people off indeed and they sit there as the guy just turned the air purple with bless me so I want an equal air time damn to boot and boot is down all of his followers are down acts 4:12 says neither is there salvation in any other there's none other name given among men whereby you must be saved you say you mean everybody that's not Christians go-to yet Muslims Mormons anybody that don't know Jesus is going to hell hmm jesus said I'm the way people feel ah no man comes to the Father but by me you say no Bobby we need to be more perfect no we better love people enough to tell them the truth you can't get there any other way to Jesus but he is accessible and he's available and if you'll come to him he will receive you yeah all that come to me Holly no wise turn away it is so strange how we get into this compromising situations we'd better tell the truth about the truth because one of these days guys come safe why didn't you tell them if I tell you to warn the wicked man who's wicked way and you don't do it his blood I'm gonna require your hands that's the motivation to stand up now and speak up don't you think but we need to do it out of love if people know you love them you can tell them just about anything I'm telling you that's true in it you're a good reader let's talk to this side and we'll go home what you gonna do the rest of the day you got any ideas that was my number and football number 22 Oh school got in my way of having fun not drama teacher miss Ellis y'all did know miss Ellis did you so help me God miss Ellis you know when you graduate you get a yearbook miss Ellis wrote in my yearbook I graduated well in 62 I think it was I was incarcerated but they sent me my diploma but this is true miss Ellis wrote in my yearbook it's your fault I had a nervous breakdown honest to go but that was my number in football that's pretty good at football uh I was a middle linebacker you didn't have to worry about just knock them knock somebody down and get the got the ball did that simplify that you know I went back and played an old-timers football game my wife said Bobby don't do it I said yep I'm doing it she said Bobby don't do it I said yep I'm doing it just to be honest it was full pads full contact football and I hadn't been in a football uniform in years these are college kids guys playing football they're all suited up here I am in my middle linebacker position for the baby we went back to the school I graduated from and they made a video for to raise funds I tried to buy up every video you know it was pitiful but the first couple of plays it was spectacular i blessed sue the line knocked him guys down and stuff the quarterback bet the third play I couldn't even spit I was so tired I try to spit me and hang on my lip not have to poet off it's crazy my mind was still working real good that quarterback would pull back in my mind I go it's a pice the button my body or ours one guy got his thigh bone broken it stuck out it was crazy people got the concussions I was sold for weeks I mean I just languish in agony and my wife said I told you but anyway school it's pretty wild but seemingly the drama the drama did you bless their heart mmm you oughta hear some stories yeah bad school stories I still owed it well me and the football team one Friday night about well Saturday morning back in Texas you had to do something entertain yourself so then I was lost to he them and in Texas everybody had chickens in and chickens sleeping a tree stick their head under the wing like Christians you know and so these are saying the world still you just woke him jerk him out of the tree and we stole well we got a whole truckload of chickens it's fun while you're doing it then it's about to come sunup on Saturday morning and we've got a truckload of chickens somebody comes with the idea what are we gonna do with the chickens uh somebody said let's put them in the school now listen you were the thought they would lock a school we go up their front doors lock when de to this soup the superintendent's office is locked everything's locked except the study hall window we dumped a truck load of chickens in the school a truck we was catching sick chickens and stuffing them in feed sacks so we emptied a whole truckload of chickens in the school and it's early Saturday morning you don't have any concept what kind of a mess a truckload of chickens can make in a brown spur high school all day Saturday all night Saturday night all day sunday all Sunday night didn't Monday morning Monday oh man they own the school chicken stuff everywhere I mean all over everything now I'm gonna give you one other piece of advice if you ever still a load of chickens and dump them in your school vacuum your truck [Applause] here's what happened they called us the whole football team in there and they said y'all did it we know you've done it we've got the proof and said here's what you're going to do you're going to come to school you're going to do the to our football workout then you're spending two hours in the school scrubbing down the school with bleach and little brushes no bigger harder than toothbrushes it's awful we scrub things didn't need to be scrubbed I mean had to scrub it down with this bleach spray that off and wipe it off toxic you know what here's much fun as it was Friday night but that's the cleanest of schools ever been I suppose but anyway that happened in school a lot of things happen in school I got to go back and preach there oh my you know when they've been that all 40 years something like this Wow but we got to go everybody okay yeah if you'll come back tonight we're going to talk to you about recalibration we're going to talk to you about how to reset your passion for the Lord he never leaves us but I can show you a verse about since we've abandoned him Wow can you imagine we want to get back to first love don't we yeah that's what we got we got to get back to first love Wow god bless you okay would you put your hand on your heart and say this with me okay you ready Wow Wow there's nobody like me I'm one of a kind God make me I'm gonna serve him I am unique you are unique there's not another human being like you seven point six million people alive and not anybody like you that's divine uniqueness and he wants something special for you don't you think now here's what I'm going to pray for you I'm gonna pray that you'll get retention of the Word of God God said explain to the people you're preaching I said okay he said when you preach to the people leave their head along fling his word he used fling the seed into their heart I will guard the seed you fling in their heart I keep the Fowler there from stealing a single seed and I'll cause to see the spring of and bear forth fruit that will remain so that's why you need to get the copies of the messages listen to it again because the seed is inside of you okay yeah he said I'll guard to see and I'll cause it to spring up you can't take notes as fast as we preach but you can get the thing again you go oh my I didn't even hear that and you'll retain more of it so I'll pray for you about retention you want it father I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus their Holy Spirit would give us recall and retention of the facts and the scriptures that you're putting in our heart you said if we pack them in you'll pull them out when we need them so lord I thank you Holy Ghost you will be our guide you'll be our counselor you'll teach us you'll bring to our remembrance of things that you've taught us so Holy Spirit have your way its convict us and extract from us everything that this disappoints the Lord that disturbs the Lord in your life we want unfettered access to the presence of the throne of God you said father who has been in my courts who's heard my counsel Lord we want to all say I have so lord I pray that you'll bless the people of God those are in this room those that are watching and I pray over them the wonderful favor of God I pray that this would be a time that you would just bask over them with your wonderful sunlight let the Rays of your shining glory be on our hearts in Jesus name Amen all right okay I don't want to turn that off yet yesterday you were out there yeah bill that did I it was good though did I tell the family secret or anything maybe it's just the gate code is they don't know oh good was that awesome so good thank you Bobby are you gonna walk again all right Bobby's gonna be out of the book table for a while and so sign-in books and so let's let's have them go home with empty suitcases on that stuff so we got the ushers come forward we want to take an offering just be a blessing to Bobby and so so there's a couple different ways to give you can give by cash you can get by cheque will count this offering separate for Bobby if you give on our Zion app there'll be a thing you can kind of scroll up to it'll have Bobby Connor on there and so tonight at 6:00 and tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. and so mushers go for it here if you need a little extra time we'll make sure you still able to give it there's nobody like Bobby Connor is there is something else awesome yeah bring a friend tonight man tell somebody else is just there just something about being around a high level proper like that it just it just affects your heart like nothing else and so I encourage you guys bring a friend this is this is Bobby Conner Harris is amazing well all we just seal up these words and our hearts and a Holy Spirit let us just let's just keep it an awesome focus on you today just to enjoy you throughout everything we do and now Lord let us be blessings and the restaurants that we go to in the name of Jesus I'm out all right bless you guys will see United six
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
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Id: 0k2mGxPH3Oc
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Length: 83min 2sec (4982 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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