Passion & Fire Conference - Brian Simmons - 7/14/18

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all right thank you good morning everybody how we doing hey good to see ya welcome welcome why don't you come up everybody come up close I promise I won't hurt anybody and it just on a Saturday like this it just kind of brings us into the sweetness of fellowship so just grab somebody on your way up and say hey I'll sit with you and if it says reserved on it that means it's reserved for you so you know actually I don't it doesn't wouldn't bother me do you come right up here in the front I mean I'll just break every taboo I can here since it's not my church yeah come on up come join the party or as they say in Boston the potty let me introduce Tiffany to you tiffany travels with us and she is our ministry administrator and the brains and kind of keeps Candice and I on track do you have some things to share yes we are going to be having a partner's lunch and it's not just for partners it's for people who want to know what it means to be a partner or maybe like Pastor Brian said yesterday you just want to come and hang out and just be with them more we will let you join for whatever reason you want to come but that is today if you have not today right after the service probably around noon I don't know whenever you want to let everyone eat so so if you have not signed up and paid but you would like to come could you please raise your hands so we can just take count of you so we just make sure that we have enough for everyone so if you're interested and you have not paid already just raise your hand so I'm assuming everyone who's coming has already paid and we're set great all right well we look forward to seeing you this afternoon for lunch thank you so much for coming and pastor Brown I'm gonna hand the mic up to you Thank You Tiffany yeah you know just well a partner is just somebody that stands in prayer for my wife and I and and helps us finish the project we have founding partners are those that contribute monthly and we offer lots of things for our founding partners we have a few here so you know what I'm talking about but we do mentoring online webinar mentoring with live Q&A we make a lot of my material available to you plus you'll be the first one to get the Book of Isaiah Genesis whenever we publish a new passion translation book it's you'll be the one that gets it hopefully first kid on the block to get it so that's that's all that being a partner is but we thank you and we appreciate you coming out on a Saturday how many of you here we're not here last night a few okay cool thanks for joining us can we welcome all them yeah we welcome you we welcome you in Jesus name we welcome you we're glad you came anyway okay I'm no longer on the worship team anybody likes Psalms and proverbs yeah I love it our publisher put out a like it's a really nice gift faux leather Psalms and proverbs I'm gonna give this to is there a Carla here Carla okay Lord gave me your name stay right there just for a second because the Lord is gonna bless you immensely he's going to anoint you with supernatural grace to do something that looks impossible right now but God is putting you into a position where you're going to do exploits for Jesus Christ and you are like a Debra you are a prophetess you are hearing things from God you're dreaming you're seeing do not discount what God is giving to you don't devalue it and don't let other people devalue it because you're very very precious to heaven bless my daughter Carla in Jesus name amen okay so uh tonight I think we're gonna do some song of songs but today I want to finish up I want to talk some more about David what does David's name mean to boil over it comes from a root word that means doubt Dodie is the the the root word that means to boil over now passionate would be my definition of David beloved you can say his name means beloved isn't that sweet it's really nice but he's a lot more than that he is passionate everything about David was radical he conquered the Jebusites where nobody else could conquer the stronghold of the Jebusites anybody know the story of the Jebusites when you come to Israel with me in October I'll take you to the water shaft because David came inside the stronghold of the Jebusites he climbed up through the water shaft he and a handful of men and I'll show you that water shaft and it's unbelievable you believe anybody could ever get up there but he did and he popped up inside the Jebusite stronghold he killed conquered them and formed the city of Jerusalem so Jeb boosts means stronghold Jerusalem city of peace so David conquered the territory that that became Jerusalem there be no Jerusalem if it wasn't for David David is the most important historical figure in Israel perhaps you know Moses giving the law but David bringing the presence and the and the purpose of God for the for the the Jewish people so I'm like infatuated with David I I want to see a number of people in heaven my mom's there I got my brother there and of course I have Jesus there when I'm done with some of that I'm I'm going to David's house I want to talk with him I want to meet with him and hang a little bit with David because I really think you know he he is one of the most awesome examples of Jesus in the Bible Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is the City of David but Bethlehem and I will take you there when you come with me did I mention you're coming with me this October to Jerusalem to Israel we have six seats left I'll tell you what you sign up to go to Israel at this conference I'll give you a signed leather edition Bible okay if we have any left haha on the book table how's that I'm trying to make it easy for you but what was I saying something good about David yeah Bethlehem Bethlehem Bethlehem is a homonym okay you can't get around me very long without hearing the word homonym okay a homonym let me help you with this a homonym is a word that has multiple meanings but is pronounced the same so English has lots of homonyms Bank can be the site of a river or it can be where you put your money sea can be the ocean site and the letter C so English has a number of homonyms where the words are unrelated in meaning the only thing connecting them is the phonetic sound bethlehem bet is house lehem means what bread that's one of the meanings what if there's another meaning to lehem that was what confused Israel when Jesus came lehem is the Hebrew word warrior it's the house of warriors it's really not a good place for wheat to grow wheat if you've been to rocky hills of Bethlehem but it is a place where warriors come even to this day it's West Bank we have to go through a checkpoint just to get in there but it's not dangerous I'll bring you out I promise but lehem warrior so Jesus the greatest warrior they expected somebody born in Bethlehem ooh what's your name Sarah be blessed Jesus name I prophesy blessing over you he that gives a speaker a cup of caramel macchiato in Jesus name shall be blessed thank you I love it so a thousand years after David died in acts 13:22 God still calls him a man after my own heart that's fascinating and you know people think about his deal with Bathsheba and that would disqualify him and blah blah blah it did not because David wrote the book on repentance it's called psalm 32 and Psalm 51 and Psalm 6 and there penitential Psalms that he wrote where he really poured his heart out to God I mean it shattered David when he realized how wrong he was and what he had done and God esteemed him for that would you like to be a person after God's heart that really finds the heart of God I think David points the way and I think it's real important that that when you think of Jesus he's the son of David he is of the lineage of David and the genealogies that we have in Matthew 1 and Luke Luke 3 yeah Luke 3 that those genealogies all tie in to David so I want you to turn your Bible to Zechariah 12 verse 8 and if you take a moment to find it then I can drink my caramel macchiato so open your app iPad if you have paper go right ahead ooh that's good if you haven't memorized you don't need to go there zechariah 12 verse 8 the reason why i'm you know why don't you just talk about jesus why don't you just come to our church and just talk about jesus dude i'm talking about jesus okay but there is a David in your destiny David is in your future you see Zechariah 12 verse 8 it says the weakest one among us shall be like who let me try that again I know it's Saturday morning and you haven't had caramel macchiato like I am enjoying but the weakest one among us shall become like boom so the the weakest one some translations frail but it's actually one who stumbles repeatedly and gets back up the one who stumbled and gets back up shall be like David because David stumbled and got back up didn't he and this this giant killing champion named David is that DNA that identity is going to be in you it's like a David company is going to rise like men and women anointed with David's anointing and calling are going to arise on the earth this is why the tabernacle of David is so important and my wife had a dream about pastor Jim praying all night and a tabernacle of praise and worship I'm sure you're really glad I'm releasing that word over you here pastor Jim but I really believe a wave of passion for prayer is gonna sweep over you in this next season that the the meetings you won't want to miss will be prayer meetings and that God is going to be visiting the prayer rooms he's going to come with anointing and power into our prayer our dull boring prayer meetings are gonna be changed well you don't you know we don't necessarily have to play the same song for 45 minutes until we're all on the carpet instead the glory is going to be coming and our intercession is going to turn the tide for Columbus of the state of Ohio Cleveland Toledo rumor has it Dayton God's going to smack the cities of this of this beautiful state with his glory and it's going to come through the vent of prayer so I am as a forerunner coming to you today I would have preferred to have thought on other things but the Lord gave me this clear word that you're in a news going into a new season with a new assignment and it will require a new identity David was a shepherd till he killed a giant then he was a warrior he had to get a new identity and killing a giant was great but he had to learn to be a king he had to get a new identity and there was there's two places one in Samuel one in Chronicles where it says David perceived that he was a king and I'm thinking what this is after he killed a giant and one-twelfth of Israel had already crowned him as king and he didn't get it yet and finally David realized his real calling I'm a king I think it's time you got your thing worked out you get the King thing worked out of who you really are beloved you are next of kin to the Trinity you're the look-alike partner of Jesus Christ you're the radiant Shunammite lover of God you're the one that he bled to death for he'd rather go to hell for you than live in heaven without you there's a fire and a passion in his eyes revelation 1 the fire in his eyes is not because he's mad he's gonna he's ticked off he's gonna kill a bunch of people on the way to his wedding no his eyes are on fire because of his bride he's he's in love with his bride it's fire passion and so our identity has to be changed I dropped one on you last night and I don't know if you were really following me but I'm gonna repeat it that there was a time David had to understand who he really was right there was a time Moses had to understand that he's going to leave the desert behind he's not going to be a fugitive you know serving Jethro out in the desert backside of the desert he is now going to go to Pharaoh and change the world he had to have an identity shift Jeremiah he had to be told don't say I'm a millennial don't say I'm a kid God God doesn't accept any excuse well I'm male I'm female I'm young I'm too rich I'm too poor there is no excuse before Almighty God when he calls you into your kingly reign all you do is say yes God I will take what you tell me and God calls you a mighty one long before you've ever done anything he calls you his look-alike radiates flawless beautiful partner well you're still struggling through life don't even drive right you know got a ticket last week and everything and yet God calls you beautiful so this this identity thing of coming into the realization of who you truly are I know it's a trendy teaching and I know everybody's got their spin on it but listen to me you need to see that you're the lookalike partner of Jesus Christ that you're the king in training for reigning schooling for ruling OJT for eternity don't make me keep going you you are you are being radiantly groomed for the highest level of authority and and royalty on this planet actually in the universe don't you know you're gonna judge angels but you realize we're sons they're servants servants are higher than sons I mean I sons are higher than servants we command the servants Jesus called forth the Angels when he was in the garden and so we can call forth the angelic realm I was in Atlanta so exhausted I just come back from Australia I think we were we've been there two or three weeks and the time change in the zone and I no sooner get off the plane I'm doing this conference hundreds of people there and I go the first night and did my best I got back to the room where I was staying it was an upstairs room in a home and I was so exhausted I didn't call an angel but I had one come I mean I was so exhausted I like bone dead I like I just soon quit exhaustion I don't know if you ever been there when I said God you got to help me and I fall asleep on bed and I'm feeling and milla night somebody waking me up and it's a nine-foot angel barely fit in the a-frame ceiling of that upper room this shining gleaming angel of heaven waking me up saying stand a little man and I stood and I said I've come from God to strengthen you and I hugged him my head up at his belt I hugged him literally the strength of Almighty God came into me man that was a hot conference whoa hi outlasted all the all the guys man I had to pry the microphone out of my hand we have authority now even Jesus it's my contention that even Jesus had to have an unveiling he had to have a time when he saw who he really was when did Jesus know I'm talking about Jesus on earth when did Jesus know that he was God that he was God the Son that is quite a question we need to answer that we need to think about it it wasn't when he was in Mary's womb it wasn't squiggling as an embryo he didn't know nothing he's a human being he was God funneled into a womb excuse me bless you he was God Almighty that had become an embryo when did he know he was God I don't think it was when he was crawling I don't think it was when he was nursed by his mother Mary I don't believe it was when he was a toddler playing perhaps with other kids at Nazareth there had to come a time when Jesus perceived he was God when was it at his baptism he was declared to be the Son of God I mean this is my son remember the holy spirit like a dove came upon the lamb and it was a public lambs had to be washed publicly before they could be offered at sacrifice so Jesus was publicly washed this is why it said he said it we must do this to fulfill all righteousness so we know at his baptism he knew he was God because the voice made it clear everybody could hear it but at 12 this unusual account of all the things of Jesus life there's one snippet one episode of his life included in the Gospels and it was Jesus in the temple remember Mary and Joseph had gone on headed back to Nazareth Jesus was nowhere to be found they finally searched for a couple of days and Jesus was like teaching the rabbi's he was instructing them in the temple he was fascinating them with the revelation God had poured into him and he said I have to be in my father's house doing my father's business so we know at 12 Jesus knew he was God somewhere between birth and twelve years of age Jesus had an unveiling Jesus had an experience of God himself unveiling who he really is now the very first verse of the book of Revelation I know I'm repeating myself you get old you can do that but the very first verse of the book of Revelation the Lord told me years ago when I was working on the Book of Isaiah I wrote a commentary don't buy it's not that good we're gonna revise it but I wrote a commentary on Isaiah and the Lord showed me when I wrote it he said I have put the key to every one of the books of the Bible I have put it under the doormat of the front door so you lift up the doormat and there's the key to get in okay and he showed me Isaiah 1:1 was the key that the word vision the chosen the Hebrew word the panoramic vision of eternity that was the key of understanding Isaiah and he showed me the book of Revelation the key is at the front door it's right there under the doormat lift it up and put the key in and read verse 1 it says this is the revelation God gave to Jesus when did God give it to him no like I said somewhere between birth and 12 Jesus had a revelation of who he is the word revelation is unveiling the last book of the Bible is unveiling Antichrist is not unveiled all this horrible judgment that's gonna make the hair stand up on the back here neck that's not what's being unveiled it's not a roadmap into the future it is a calling into the christ-like living its Christ emerging in us what if the last book of the Bible like Song of Songs is a parable an allegory that will unveil Christ within us I'm wandering a little bit from my topic but I'm gonna swing back we'll swing the wagons back but verse 1 gives us 5 I'm gonna use word channel even though I realize that's mistakenly a new-age term but the the 5 channels of communication is the father gave to Jesus who gave to an angel who gave to John to give to us the 5 levels of communication of Revelation 1 most believers don't realize the whole entire book of Revelation was communicated by an angel God gave a revelation to Jesus I want to you think of Revelation think of unveiling God gave an unveiling to Jesus Christ and that unveiling revelation was given to an angel whose gave it to John who gives it to the do loss the loving servants this fascinating it is to me so I have an online course I actually have two of them on the book of Revelation and in maybe 25 hours I've covered the first four first five chapters so I go in deep to the book and eventually I'm gonna do one in 2020 I'm gonna do a course called the four horsemen and the seven seals and the four horsemen are all Christ I'm and debate right now with a theologian about about this he's he's kind of fussing with me but I I can prove to you that the four horsemen are Christ's coming forth in four levels of his glory in the last days to bring the church into Christ's likeness and the one that always trips everybody up is this pale green horse poor translation it's not a pale green horse it's a life green it's grass green it's evergreen horse it's light its death riding on life Galatians 2:20 it's death and life and Christ's death brings life okay so the revelation of Galatians 2:20 is the green pale green horse and it goes back to Zechariah's vision Zechariah 2:8 dreams in one night and recorded it in a book it's called Zechariah another drink can all get more anointed yeah like amos wrote a book called amos but my my point that i'm trying to the meta point i'm trying to make here on a saturday morning is this thing about who you are that you've got to understand the weakest person in this room is going to be a champion in the last days there is coming a day when the one person whoever you are I'll qualify I'll take it the one person that is the weakest the frailest that always falls and gets back up and falls and gets back up the Stumbler that week one is gonna rise and be like David in the last days yeah so David is in your future the David anointing is going to come upon the last days Church - there's more chapters in the Bible about David then there is any of the patriarchs combined and then throw in Moses on top of that you'll be shocked to know how much of the Bible speaks about David even in the book of Revelation it talks about the key of David the key of David is not a musical note the key of David is bending time I could stop and explain it or move on would you like me to explain it okay David was a time bender David pulled the future into the present he he went a thousand years into the future and saw an era of grace and unveiled presence David taught and understood and received and reveled in more grace than you know of he's way ahead of the church now we're three thousand years past David and this man understood grace way beyond most believers today so David bent time he went into the future and saw a thousand years ahead of time that there will be an era where God will not be in a building he'll not have a veil you don't have to come through animals to come to him and the sacrificial system and and guys with robes he he saw an era of God plus nothing of an unveiled glory and that coffee's good you he saw what we were living in he bent time he pulled it into the now and and to prove it now Gibeah tell me if I get boring on this but Gibeah was where Saul set up his headquarters all right Saul is a picture of the flesh it's a picture of fleshly leadership of leaders that do not walk in the spirit but in the flesh realm and Saul head and shoulders you know he lived in his head and shoulders realm human strength and human wisdom he lived in that realm and he set up headquarters on Gibeah which meant he took the tabernacle furniture the tent the curtains the sixty pillars he took the Laver the brazen altar and he set it up on Gibeah and he had the inner okay he had the inner chamber called the holy place had a veil you go in the veil and here's the lamps at the table of showbread over here and over here is the lamp stand and then just in front of this massive veil is the golden altar of incense and then you could open up the veil and and it was empty there's no Ark Saul had the form but no power it's the church today that has the structure but none of the power and give me the presence you keep your order you keep your you know I can trace my Apostleship back to this or that you can have that I'll go for the presence I'll just be a rebel like David and go after the presence of God because when David brought the ark he should have taken it to Gibeah it was already set up this is where the headquarters was but he hijacked God and he brought God to his backyard David the key of David is to see what God's gonna do a thousand years from now and live in it right now how healthy will you be a thousand years from now what what will life be like for you what will you know I can only imagine what it will be like then you start living it right now taste the power of ages to come that is the Davidic key that God gives the last days Church Revelation chapter 3 I will give to you the key that unlocked the treasures of eternity for David I will give that church the key of David Wow I've seen some of the future and it's pretty exciting I don't know much but I've seen roads I've seen pavement that is the energy source for vehicles the pavement itself I've seen I was taken into the heavenly realm and I saw cures for every single disease and they're already in the books like they're already there every disease every cancer every every illness known to man God has answers for I saw the doubling of the periodic table I saw sciences that have never even been discovered yet that I didn't even know what they were but they're in the Treasury room of heaven well I want to keep pulling those things back I want to keep pulling it back into time with me I brought a couple things back with me but I want to go again and get some more is that Alright man I'm telling you guys too much the coffee's making me talk you ever feel a week you're about to kill giant you ever feel betrayed disappointed you're about to assure in the presence for an entire city to experience God that's what David did he formed a nation David was not a tribal king he was an epic leader I actually was called contacted by a producer that's gonna be putting out a major full-length movie on David's gonna be awesome and he said I heard you had some insights I said well what are you what are you wanting to know he said well tell me about David's upbringing I said well he was probably an illegitimate child it's believed that he was and the the the producer of the movie said we were already on that we're already putting that in the movie I said it's gonna be awesome cuz it's gonna blow people away when they think of David they don't think of him as this insecure rejected thirteen-year-old adolescent that was out taking care of sheep and wasn't even called in and included with Jesse's sons and he had to get an identity transplant he had to understand who he was and the oil of God came upon him the sacred oil over and over in the Psalms David makes mention to that sacred oil Psalm 23 you anoint my head with oil that was Samuel pouring oil on him David may have written Psalm 23 immediately after that encounter because he was a shepherd when he wrote it it was a believe that Psalm 23 in Psalm 19 were written during his Shepherd days I'll probably talk about that here in a little bit after we do a morning break but what what David experienced is what you're going through because David is in your future so to speak if you'll let me say it that way that that David's path is the path you're on of encountering God of getting rid of the old and coming into a new season with a new assignment it's okay to take care of sheep but when the oil comes on you now it's time to be a warrior the lion and the bear will prepare you for the giant and the giant will prepare you for an even greater test the greatest test David went through was not the nine-foot giant it was a demonized boss it was a king that he served and threw his javelin at him his spear at him and the crazy thing is David kept going back what kind of man would do that you're in the presence of a guy that wants to kill you he's having like a demon fit and throws his spear at you misses by the grace of God you run out of the room Wow the next day you come back and you do it all over again you play your harp the anointing of David was so strong that he could pluck the strings and the demons would run the music anointing on David's hands he says he trained my hands for war and I think some of that is the spiritual war of worship but as he would pluck the strings of his harp demons ran out of the room I mean maybe he hummed you know he'd worship and play and and it's so set this demonized King free but if he took a break and stop playing then the guy would get the spear and throw it all over again Wow you know you're the harp of God that there's a harp inside of your heart you're a ten stringed harp two hands to serve Him two feet to go where he sends you two eyes to see his glory two ears to hear his voice a mouth to praise him and a heart that will beat only for him you are a 10 string instrument and he wants to pluck you he wants to play your very being who you really are not what your family says you are not what an excess you are not what the last church did or said to you not what that wicked person at work or the cruel boss may have injured you you know you you come to the place of an unveiling where Christ within you not Christ in heaven stopped thinking about heaven for just a bit because the heaven you've got isn't it there's a new heaven and a new earth God is is making all things new aren't you glad Ord you rather he said behold I make all things old I call you old creature in Christ singing to me an old song my mercies are old every morning this this effervescent ever creative God is bringing the new and the heaven that's new is not a distant beyond the Stars it's so wacky to think that when Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is at hand which means you can reach into it right now it's at hand it's close enough to reach ya I got 35 36 inch sleeve within 36 inches I can pull in heaven it's close enough to reach I can take the intimacy I'll have an eternity I can walk in it now that's bending time that's the key of David so David releases us into this realm of seeing God differently of living in his presence loving him so passionately that everybody gets nervous around you especially the guys when another guy starts getting gooey gooey with Jesus they don't like it I said bro get over it God has a plan to make you more tender and loving you ever thought you would be I'm telling you you're gonna end up one of those old guys crying all the time or hand you hang keys and Kleenex trying to share your testimony of the faithfulness of God over your 7080 years and how God was with you yeah you'll get there what go there now be the tender hearted lover God created you to be I had some of my friends that you would know their names told me said well Brian we like you and you kind of we like your ministry and blah blah blah but you're going around and you're feminizing the church I said what said yeah you got to make warriors we got to we got to be mighty warriors I said why amen but Jesus isn't coming back for a husband dude I ain't wearing the dress but I'll put on the combat boots okay but I am his bride I'll fight with the rest of you we'll go to the end of time we'll lay our lives down till we breathe our last for the glory of our King but we're lovers first of all love the Lord your God with all your heart isn't that the first and greatest commandment why would we ever throttle back when God says more you've been saying more God's saying it now more I want more of that I want more of your passion well in Hebrews 11 34 David is listed and one of the great faith champions and actually it says it's interesting let me read it here I don't have in front of me but it says that out of weakness he was made strong you see David tapped in to the to the grace that makes you strong when you're weak dude I would never do anything for God if I listened to my weakness I am as weak as they come I'm as fickle as any man but when God comes upon you and gives you a mission a commission a purpose a divine strategy he gives you a calling a mandate a scroll and a coal you're not going to turn back and he's done that to me and I found if if I will outlast my critics and if I will live and strength not my weakness if I'll borrow his life instead of trying to make mine strong and simply borrow his strength I found that in my weakness I could be made strong in the jungle when our partners left us our daughter was in a coma with a snakebite demons encircling our Hut we lost virtually everything in a flooding canoe accident I had only one place to go thank God my wife of course always a treasure to me but there are things that wife he can't do only God could strengthen a man's heart and and to find that place or the David and that's what God told me said my servant David encouraged himself in me now you do that son and I found the strength in my weakness it says in Hebrews 11 that that he you know he turned armies to flight that he he conquered alien armies he was Victor David was at one of the greatest faith champions of all the Bible let me give you some summaries here of him and then we'll take a short break I want to come back and give you the five prophetic seasons of your life that you're gonna walk through just like David did first of all David's name means boil with love or passion acts 13:22 he's a called a man after God's heart that was a thousand years after he had died David is two spiritual leadership what Abraham is to faith Abraham was the father of faith I believe David is a father of spiritual leadership and you see the way he handled criticism you see the way he handled even his own son Absalom who turned against him David was such a loyal faithful friend to Jonathan I mean there's so many qualities about David's life that are endearing that are alluring he was a winsome man he was obviously it says that he was very attractive as a youth and the women sang their songs about David and he didn't let it go to his head I mean if you had all the girls of the region singing about how cool you are come on and it not go to your head that was David that he understood and even when Saul tried to bribe him to marry marib one of his daughters and then Trulli Michal saw him and David's response was but I'm I'm nobody I come from a family of nobodies Who am I to be the son-in-law to the king I mean this is a guy that had thrown spears at him this is a guy that you would not want to work in an office with believe me and then David says but he took this humble place you see the character you see how he's a man after God's heart how do you handle criticism this is you know does it defeat you does it knock you down or does it purify you so the Lord showed me when he visited me that I was gonna have persecution over the translation I actually had a couple death threats over at people that are convinced King James Bible is the only one and and actually had to have police get involved in one of them it was it was legit and and so there's this nasty webpage telling everybody how horrible I am and gosh I'm reading I go man I wouldn't like that guy either and I said Lord what are you gonna do about it he said nothing he said what do you want me to do about I said can't you like shut it down he said I could but I'll raise up ten more I said well that's okay it's alright sorry and I found in my heart the freedom to say I'm a better man and I'm a better translator when I listen to my critics so I try my best to listen to my critics I hope if you're gonna be one I hope you at least know what you're talking about so don't come and tell me it doesn't really say that in the Bible when in fact it does say that study down a little bit before you want to come and correct me about something but how you handle criticism come on it it purifies our heart it's sifts our motives and david came out of this squeaky clean he was leaving Jerusalem Absalom his wayward rebellious son oh gosh kicked him out he and his comrades kicked David the King I mean guys David the Giant Killer the king who form Jerusalem on on and on we could go and this wayward runt kid of his thought he could pull the affection of people away from his dad and they drove him out of Jerusalem and as David and I believe it was Abner as they were walking along the path going out of the city Jimmy I was up on a little bit of an embankment and was cursing David you filthy dog you're a rat no wonder you kicked you get your butt out of here you don't belong in a city like and throwing dust and dirt and rocks on him Abner grabs his sword says I'll go take care of him David says no it could be God raised him up to say those things to me that's a man of strength and security of who he really is David was the eighth son eight is the number of new beginnings it's a new order that replaced Saul we're in the era of a Saul Kingdom fading they fall on their own sword and sadly Jonathan Jonathan is a picture of an ambivalence he's a picture of a guy who wants one foot in the old and well I can stay and I'll change the church I'll stay here even though they you know do gay weddings and they do everything that I don't really believe in and but I'll stay here one foot there and another foot in the river Absalom died with his dad fell on his sword he didn't even though he knew God was with David he couldn't pull away from the old and so like many today that see a new move on the horizon they see a new revelation that's being unveiled but they're so entrenched and their life has been so much in the old that they says no that a heavenly David is is emerging but they can't pull away that's Jonathan prayer and worship were the keys of David's intimacy with God I love the Psalms I'm actually doing an online study group for the Book of Psalms so I have anybody that's taking that with me you have a few people yeah taking Psalms with me awesome and weekly starting Monday I'll be teaching through the Book of Psalms online and we send you study notes believe me the study notes are going to be when I combine them it will be a scholarly commentary on the Book of Psalms believe me it's gonna be extensive the Hebrew words the meanings of Selah and so many different things that are in the notes intimacy and prayer were word keys David spent so many hours worshiping God composing Psalms he even invented musical instruments David was a prophet he gazed into the heavenly throne room David brought the Ark of Covenant back into Jerusalem have you had done that lately I mean you think about David's resume as a superhero man like captain Jerusalem you know just he established an entire new form of worship he didn't just compose new songs which he did he actually brought a whole new realm of worship that had never been seen before it never had this before David hired hundreds of musicians and worshipers around the clock to worship God in that what was known as the tabernacle or the tent of David that was not far from his palace I'll show you David's Palace by the way when you come with me Oh coming with me you are there's one side we won't let you look because that's where he saw Bathsheba no no don't look over there but we'll show you David's Palace it's being uncovered as we speak and the worship that David released I mean dude I'm talking about Jesus culture Hillsong Bethel times 100 the Beeb hadn't even touched this kind of stuff oh by the way he's reading the passion translation so skatey Perry we have a picture of her with it yeah so we'll see what happens but we want them to read the Bible period and just get blessed yeah the model of worship that David instituted God says I'm gonna restore it that's amazing that God will restore something that you started and didn't get finished it's just amazing that the connection Almighty God has with the heart of a man and it's my prayer God I want a heart after yours I want to I want to accept criticism with meekness I want to walk as a leader that draws attention to one Jesus I want to model what David modeled and when he was wrong he could admit it and repent David understood Grace better than anybody in the Bible he was victorious in battle passionate and praised persecuted by others he established the capital city of Jerusalem overcame the Jebusites you know how he did it he came up the water shaft that's the Word of God the water of the word of God he came up the water shaft you come up the water shaft that's how you conquer your strongholds you take the word of God against the strongholds he established what's known now as Mount Zion listed in Hebrews 11 as a faith champion Jesus is called the root and offspring of David and finally Paul's name is mentioned 100 63 times that's a lot but David's name is mentioned 1120 seven times in the Bible there are 54 entire chapters dedicated to David not counting the 75 Psalms that he wrote so at that we'll take a short break and I want to take you through the five prophetic seasons of your life and I hope it'll be good one or two of them are really good all right take a quick break and if you don't mind coming back in just a few minutes pastor Jim I see you guys a few minutes so what do you think 5 minutes 7 minutes I have 5 minutes guys so see you back you the 42nd generation of the genealogy of Christ we complete the genealogical ladder of Jesus Christ we are the feet company because the last thing to come forth in birth is the feet and the Lord will soon crush Satan under our feet we are the feet company that complete the body of Christ Shah Baba ba da da I'm just starting 42 is a very significant number you cannot see a rainbow except at a 42 degree angle you'll never see a rainbow except from a 42 degree angle we are a rainbow company around the throne but we're not quite ready for that yet 42 is the number of stops or journeys that Israel made from Egypt to the promised land Book of Numbers I counted them there are 42 steps into their full destiny of God's inheritance 42 how many months did Jesus minister on earth three and a half years somebody quickly tell me the months 42 you take his three and a half an hour three and a half you got Daniel's missing week beloved we are going to be the completion of the genealogy of Christ because Christ is now a mini membered body I'm speaking in spirit not I'm not speaking you know a linear guys I'm giving you revelation you receive it in spirit the words I speak jesus said our spirit by the way the chochmah the Hebrew word for wisdom is found 42 times in the book of Proverbs and Jesus is lady wisdom that will blow you away but Jesus is proverbs 8 lady wisdom Jesus is lady wisdom so you're thinking in the flesh you can't you got to think different it's the renewing of our minds right so the number 42 is a very important number does anybody hear 42 no never mind I didn't want to I don't want to we may have to card you because you'd look much younger than that may the blessing of heaven come upon you on this your 42nd year 42 is the number of the fullness of Christ coming through his people 42 is the number of the completion of your inheritance of receiving the fullness of your destiny Jesus revealed the father in 42 months to the world he saved our soul in 42 months he completed it right what was the last word Jesus spoke on the cross it's finished right to tell a story in Greek you better sit down Jesus did not speak Greek on the cross he did not speak Greek he already said Eli Eli lama sabachthani which is Aramaic Hebrew the last word Jesus spoke was not to tell estoy it was Cala which is a homonym do you remember last night hominem or was that this morning anyway that Shakeology got me going Kalaa means finished but when you come to Israel with me will ask any Hebrew speaker tell us what color means they will not say finished even though that's what it does mean but the predominant meaning of kala is bride the last word Jesus spoke bride then he gave birth to her blood on water came from his womb how can he be the everlasting father and have no kids the heavenly Eve was born in the wounds of the cross the wounds of the site of Jesus the Dove is hidden in the cleft of the rock so Christ gave birth to the heavenly Eve and every one of us trace our genealogical route back to the wounds of the Cross you complete the genealogy of Jesus by the way when you think of Jacob's Ladder it's a DNA strand and you're the angel that climbs it you you are climbing Jacob's Ladder these are not angels from heaven because they ascend and descend if they were angels from heaven they would descend and ascend am i making sense the angels that Jacob saw in Genesis 28 they were angels that ascended they went up and came back with last days strategies mandates coals and Scrolls and Nathaniel and those like him will also see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the DNA of Jesus Christ the strand the ladder the stairway oh I like this you carry like Mary everything she had you have inside of you is the Christ not waiting in heaven for you to see him but now to enter into the trysting chamber room of delight right now you drop in to that realm you come into that that spirit realm and you mingle with him Jesus is in you like a tea bag is in hot water he's mingling he's sleeping he's taking you over he's changing you're very you're very substance he's consuming you because death is always swallowed up in victory and good always overcomes evil there's there's a overcoming overwhelming Ness of Jesus that when he is there he doesn't sit there idle huh he's doing his works in you like he did on the earth because you're made from the earth right dust what is the serpent eat everything you hold back from God he was cursed and had to crawl on his belly and eat dust anything you withhold from God is food for the devil the heart becomes the dining room of the devil if you do not fill it with the presence of God and humanity fed him a lot because he becomes a great dragon in Revelation so I'll touch on this kind of I'll weave this in and out but I want to talk about Goliath and then I'll give you the five prophetic seasons of your life Goliath is a very clear picture of the mind of man the biggest enemy you have spiritually is sitting on your shoulders the human mind that exalts itself the high thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God the walled city of Jericho is the heart locked into tradition and religion the mind the know-it-all mind of man is the walled city of Jericho by the way I will show you those walls you will stand on the Fallen walls of Jericho when you come with me did I mention I'm going to Israel TPT is but you don't want to go yeah what's gonna happen is you're like 85 and you go well I never read I wanna go to his room you're gonna be on the bus the whole time while we're enjoying so come now come on bro anyway Goliath and Golgotha come from the same root word Golgotha is the place of the yeah until the cross Pierce is yours revelation will not enter the cross must pierce the the place of the skull this is where Jesus was crucified who put what put Jesus on the cross but the mind of man you can't be the Messiah you said this you da da da da so Golgotha and Goliath both picture the skull so where did David hit Goliath yeah is that kind of like where the mark of the beast is if you'll connect all these dots you will get something I found the Antichrist he's hitting your chair right now yeah the Antichrist by the way it's very easy to say the Antichrist the Greek prefix the Greek definite article sorry the Greek definite article is ho H oh it's very easy ho is all over the Greek text the door the man the ship but ho never occurs with Antichrist biblically there is no such thing as the Antichrist it's a spirit and there are many Antichrist that's how John describes it that's how the Bible describes it now you can get your theology other places if you will but it's not in the Bible guys there's no such thing as the Antichrist well what about the man of sin standing in the temple how the sin of man's been in your temple standing there trying to be like God calling the shots saying you're this you're that what about the Beast coming out of the earth yeah I just told you what does man made of what about the seat beats coming out of the sea now the sea of humanity there are three levels in Revelation you have the the sea the lowest the earth and then the heavens you have those three realms when you take my revelation course I explained all of that to you but Golgotha and Goliath my point is Goliath is such a intimidating force in the church today intimidation is one of the biggest issues you'll face in your life the devil will always try to intimidate you who do you think you are when David goes out to battle against Goliath the first thing he faced was a Lee ABS and ten datian Davy get back to the Sheep dude who told you you could you just coming out here to watch the battle and this big brother of his put him down David had been put down his whole life but he rose up he said no I'm here to kill Johnny and this intimidation you've must shake it off in the last days and don't let the religious crowd I don't care what collar they have on or title they wear or have don't because your giant killers Goliath is always head and shoulders above its towering over its I'm educated you're not I know Greek and Hebrew you don't you know I'm I'm clergy eyes and you're not I've been to Bible College you have it well who cares I don't think Jesus went to Bible College but he would get up before the morning came and spend time with cheese with his father so he ever heard of Joel's army yeah there's two armies in the book of Joel in Chapter one there's a set of there's an army and then in chapter two there's an army and they are different armies in chapter one it's an army of locusts and there are four levels of locusts in English we have basically locust grasshopper right but in the Hebrew language there's multiple words for locusts because they were quite common and they were a scourge in the land the first Hebrew word is the cutter worm the cutter worm of Joel one verse for this army of cutter worms is it's an it cuts off entire parts of the Bible and says it doesn't apply today it's the cutter worm that wants to cut you off from your calling in your destiny that's a spirit the second was the was the crawling locusts which will crawl and hop around maybe but it won't let you fly the next is the swarming locust that's intimidating when the locust swarm comes but the fourth is it's called in the Hebrew it had the nickname of the devourer which rebuke the Devourer is speaking about this full-blown full-grown Locust Horde that strips everything that's called the stripper locust it strips all the green greenery of the land any living thing black in the Sun that is the religious spirit and the four stages as it tries to take root in your heart somebody tell me what John the Baptist ate there's got to be a people now eat your enemies for breakfast come on Shulamite that we we feed and learn and grow and get the nutrients out of warfare our battles only strengthen us what we go through what David experienced with Goliath it was to strengthen him it was to prepare him to go up against Saul which was to prepare him to go up against Absalom which was to pair him to rule as the king over a United Nation for forty years David shake he shook off intimidation you're always acquiescing to the enemy when you are intimidated it doesn't mean you be rude you'd be weird you know you tell everybody off all the time now that that's naughty that's know ah you don't you're not a junior holy spirit you don't have to correct everybody some people think that's their calling to make everybody look at the world the way you look at it that's a vain quest so intimidation I think you got it right intimidation is so when David killed Goliath what did he cut off his toes he cut off his head the mind the head the brain the David understood that the principality coming against Israel was intimidation and a nine-foot Terminator standing head and shoulders 480 times he came out twice a day for 40 days 80 times he stood in front of them and battled out give me a man I will fight and the people of God cowered in fear if anybody should have fought him it was Saul cuz he was a 7-footer head and shoulders above everybody else he was at least seven foot I've there's some pretty tall Israelis Saul was even bigger he's the one that should have gone remember he tried to put his armor on Saul on on David and David said I can't wear this you can't go out against an enemy and somebody else's anointing you can't copy somebody else read their sermon you know act like them dress like them back in the vineyard days we all had our hands in our pocket you know well I think God might be saying no prophesy it bro now everybody wants to sing the same songs wear the same outfit that's so in so where's in reading or whatever what is that you can't wear the armor of somebody else because that proves you're you're insecure and still trying to be who you're not you wear what God has called you to wear and I'm not just mean clothing I mean being who God has made you inside out you live inner realm outward that's New Covenant from the inside out outward in is always religion it's behavior modification it's trying to make you look you know a certain way or preach a certain way or read a certain kind of Bible and less it's passion translation so Goliath was an epic turning point in David's life so let me let me give you the yeah let me give you this the five prophetic seasons of your life and they're mirrored in the life of David actually they're five prophetic seasons of David's life that picture your life I think in a startling way first of all the Bethlehem days the Shepherd of Bethlehem the first season of David's life was from birth to 15 and he basically was growing up he was tender I mean I get a picture of a 12 year old you know I remember when my girls were 12 I mean there they were sweetest things in the world I mean they still are now that they're 40-something but I remember my son was 12 well we have two girls and one boy and they're so fun David would always want to go I named my son David so it gives you a hint and David would always want to go with me to fill up the car with gas and you know he was just always like my shadow at 12 he just wanted to be with dad and I love that now he's married does it call but anyway I stalk him on Facebook so that's okay no we we text and talk frequently but I for David to be that that boy growing up tinder you know probably learn to play music he was probably gifted no doubt as a young boy maybe you have a child that's bent that way that's gifted and maybe a little more tender than others around he or her I see David that way and he would pluck the harp and he'd watch over the sheep and he'd lead them beside the Stillwater's and you know the beautiful time this was an amazing season of David's life and I'm sure in your spiritual journey now you have entered into that season where everything's so exciting and it's new and it's fresh and the the spiritual youthfulness of your life you're enjoying it it's likely that David wrote Psalm 19 and Psalm 23 at this stage he would worship the Creator on the hillside look at the stars look at the beauty of creation and he'd write about it he'd sing about it I bet he composed songs that aren't in the Book of Psalms I know he did because the Dead Sea Scrolls we have five Psalms of David that at least two of them are legit the other three are kind of debatable but do you know the Dead Sea Scrolls found 5 more Psalms it's awesome he sings in the secret place he's loved God he's loving God and he's being loved by God so Bethlehem season is a season of prophetic promises right that phrase down prophetic promises that's when you get promises of your future that God is gonna be with you and he's gonna work out issues that look impossible and lots of prophecies come to us in this season of our life and of course Bethlehem means House of bread and the Lord feeds us living bread we get fresh revelation words into our destiny but we have no clue that the promises come with a cost that the prophecies come with some fine print there's always some fine print in your prophetic word I loved bringing prophets into our church we had a pretty large church and I brought in the best and my friend Dennis Kramer I don't know if anybody knows Dennis but the guy's a machine you know I say Denny come come and I come to our church and call out all of our elders I won't tell you who they aren't you call him out and prophesy over them he'd do it boo boom and our church go and he was so accurate and he prophesy five ten minutes over each of them we weed I mean dude cassette tapes we would record it and then give it to them and then they'd write it out and they come back to me their pastor and and they say wow I'm gonna I'm gonna change the world I'm gonna do this I'm doing that so did you miss this phrase here about some other things he's no I'm gonna and I had to help them you know realize that every prophecy comes with some fine print you don't realize that in that Bethlehem stage it's just like yeah after you grow up a little bit the second season of David's life and of your life is where you become the worshiper the minstrel at Gibeah GI beah David like I mentioned he was brought into Saul's Court Saul heard about a young boy that when he played the harp it sued the spirit and tormented as he was he asked his his guys go find this guy David and bring him in now David was in and out of Saul's Court and he would play in worship and get persecuted and still go back it was a time of amazing promotion but that promotion also came with some persecution and it came with some opposition and your promotion is coming the era of your advancement is about to be released today but with it comes some tests you say I don't like that just give me the promotion well God cannot promote you fully until you grow into the calling he's going to give to you and the best way to be promoted is for your spirit to be full and to grow into the fullness of Christ and then promotion chases you favor will track you down of Grace and anointing will fall upon you when your heart is right with God am i speaking the truth so the inward journey of learning to worship God even with opposition around you that's where you're at many of you right now you're in a family that's kind of messed up you're in a work situation that's really messed up and you know it looks like nothing's changing and God is really putting some pressure upon you to make you more like Jesus I can mark my steps in the kingdom of God I can mark them by the the humbling of my heart and receiving more of Christ that took me to the next place it's the humbling of my heart that's hard but that's the way to favor that's the path that David leads us into guys all right here we'll go eat lunch here in a couple hours this is where David is tested it's a season of testing through promotion he faced the lion and the bear he faced Goliath now he has a demonized King the Spirit of the Lord was upon David but every fresh anointing brings a fresh test Gibeah means the hill the hill everything is uphill at Gibeah you ever feel like you're going uphill my wife had a vision in worship of you all swimming upstream that it wasn't easy and I think that's the gibbous season where you you know you have promise and destiny you know you have favor but yet the tests are so many around you it's like always you go through one only to go through the next only to go through the next and nothing seems easy it's going uphill gets worse because the third stage is a dull 'im the cave stage where David is an outcast for seven years David is driven out of of Gibeah he's driven out of Saul's Court and Saul get a load of this he hires three thousand paid assassins to chase David down and kill him three thousand Jason Bourne's three thousand of them to go and find David and kill him Oh Saul cannot handle one more anointed than he the sole leadership thing cannot handle a young anointed vessel rising up underneath them and that cave of a dalam David was a true caveman in the Bible that that season of your life is just full-blown persecution your family turns against you I remember when we took my pregnant wife and two kids to the mission field our family ganged up against us like you wouldn't believe I had pastors screaming at me I mean these are like godly pastors sticking their finger in my face how dare you take your wife to the mission field and you take these kids and who do you think you are and you don't know that much Greek and Hebrew and how how do you think you're gonna be a Bible translator and I'm just going I'm in my twenties going dude I mean Jill God told me boom well God's not gonna tell you to take your wife when she's pregnant and you don't even have enough financial support and on and on and on I mean our churches and pastors I try to get into a church to speak and you know the mutiny I mean missionary offering and and I couldn't because they didn't believe a punk kid like me that I was gonna go and change a tribe persecution it's not easy if you don't think so you're not in it and this cave season of David it's like you feel like you're everybody's prey and that's what a Dulla means they're praying you become their prey people turn against you you don't have a lot of friends that believe in your vision your calling not a lot of support and the things God's calling you to do you become their prey anybody understand that anybody connecting with that step out and try to do something for God you'll find out you'll become their prey the church machinery may turn on you so you better know it's God your gift is ignored spiritual authorities don't like you David is tested for some of you the cave of a dalam is your job unfulfilled marriage a career track that went nowhere a situation that seems to never get resolved maybe a health issue that lingers I can be a cave but God will bring us through these seasons on our way to the throne and the real making of a man was in that cave you know really funny story about Saul he came out after David and he's chasing David David says he was hunted like a partridge out in the desert like a bird hunted and I don't think he was just in one cave I think Dave David kind of you know motel 6 cave Red Roof Inn cave and he's in different caves so he's in this cave David and his men are in a cave this is the funniest story and hold the Bible Saul comes into the cave to go to the bathroom number two hoist up his robe and does the deal and David and all the men are in the back of the cave and David's best bud elbows him says damn it hands him the sword kill him you can kill the guy that's after you do it David sneaks up and he cuts a piece of the hem of his robe but it was the Cygnet of the king it was it wasn't just he cut his rope he cut off the piece of the robe that designated him as king he got it off and took it and salt went back out and he gets over on the other hill and David comes out of the stinky cave and he holds up this piece of the robe I could have killed you Saul why are you chasing me don't you realize I love you and Saul's heart was smitten he wept he said David my son what am I done only to turn around and that demon came back on him and he kept hunting david you see the character of David what if you have the opportunity to uncover a sin or or to really stick it to somebody that has ruined your life would you do it that's David's heart he wouldn't do it the weakest one among us shall be like David the adult season is difficult but the fourth unveils even more of David's heart it's he's anointed king at Hebron Hebron means fellowship but Hebron was only where Judah was so David was anointed king by one twelfth of Israel only one tribe recognized David as king eleven tribe said no he's an outcast were with Saul you know we're with Saul David is wrong we know he killed a giant and he's anointed and rumor has it he's prophesied to be king but Saul is our man but the brothers at Hebron anointed David as king now here's the thing that and I'm just about done but the thing that really stands out to me is David went before God and he said do you want me to go up to Jerusalem and take over the rest of the tribes you've anointed me as king of one should I now go up to Jerusalem I mean the fact that David asked bro if you got anointed king you would take your gang and you would head down there to Jerusalem and you would strut your stuff crown king by the way you guys need to get in line with me David God said not yet can you take a not yet from God and still love him it's so rare I know we say oh you of course let me tell you in my experience as I've observed the body of Christ for my walk with Jesus and in my own issues it's rare that God can say not now and you say yes can you love him in the waiting room as much as you do when your prophecy is fulfilled if you will love him where you're at where you're at will change it's so important you find in the delay the delight of heaven and if God's you know God's clock God's hands of the clock moved by love not by time and therefore his timing is always perfect because it's love that moved those hands around for your eleventh hour victory for your breakthrough for whatever it is you're asking God believing God for you can know the will of God and miss his timing most Christians when they see the will of God they'll do it yet they missed his timing it's not now even Jesus says I have many things to tell you but you're not ready to hear it and inside the twelve disciples are going yes I am yes I am you got to tell me I think I'm ready what do you mean I'm not ready I'm ready I'm always ready to hear whatever you want to say ah jesus knew the hearts of men Joseph's story proves that promotion comes when we are ready when forgiveness is wrapped around our heart and we don't blame our Saul or our brothers who betrayed us but we look to God and say I don't know your timing but I know your heart I know you're good to me and if you want me to go another year single I'll stay single and pure because you're good to me god I'd rather have a husband or a wife I'd rather have my spouse but if you want me to remain single I will because I love you God your will not mine what I delight in is not gonna be what drives me so he bran eventually Saul died and the last stage of David's life he's the king he's not a shepherd not the minstrel is not the outcast he's not half king partial King now the other 11 tribes say David you're the one they all rally around him they thrown and thrown him as king in Jerusalem and it assured in the golden years of Israel the greatest years of Israel's history was the forty years that David the man after God's heart sat on the throne and led and governed Israel and David gave birth to an amazing son his name was Solomon who's given for us three books in the Bible proverbs Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes David gave us the Book of Psalms so four-fifths of the poetic books of the Bible were written by David and his son and the anointing of David's life no doubt spilled over onto Solomon who gave us the sweet Shulamite song though I'm going to talk about tonight a little bit and the the favor of heaven that was on Solomon I believe God because of David God gave Solomon what he did Solomon didn't quite have the strength of character that David had he ended up with a whole bunch of wives at the end and it turned his heart from God but that's the story that I want to leave you with the story of David the champion the poet the warrior the author the musician the mighty champion he was Agee bore the Hebrew word if you know Hebrew he bore a mighty man he was a hero in every sense of the word he was one of God's dread champions the mighty ones you'll meet him that one day he's listed in the in the faith chapter as a champion of faith and the Bible tells us that we're all going to be like him even the weakest one and combined as we come into that house of David realm the tabernacle of David in these last days as we step into a new season a new assignment and our new identity we will be like God on this planet so get off your rapture rug you know for just like a day don't think about Antichrist you know get more guns plant a garden get some seeds find a cave mark of the beast dude the mark listen the marks been on your head a long time you've been thinking that stuff for a long time 666 is the number of yeah last time I checked you're one of those a woman is just a man with a womb well man am I making sense boys and girls so the Beast nature eight times in the Bible the Beast is equated to the sin nature it traces all the way back to Adam when Paul said I fought with beasts at ephesus there weren't lions and bears rolling down the streets it was the religious spirit it was the men he fought in Ephesus that wanted to kill him destroy his message Asaph said I was a brute beasts Psalm 78 he says when I held my sin to my heart and would not confess I was like a brute beast before you Jude speaks of men that are like beasts so that this beasts nature is what we overcome the seven overcomers of revelation 2 and 3 are those that overcome that life of the Beast and this is how we overcome it's by the blood the spirit and the life of Christ I'm crucified my Beast got crucified on the cross and now I'm robed crowned and enthroned with Jesus a lookalike bride of the Son of God I carry like Mary the Christ divine I am a member of the 42nd generation a rainbow around his throne glory and I'm going to release an awakening and anointing into every city I go into and every room I walk into I want to be the most loving man in that room that's been my prayer that in that clumsy awkward moments make me bring your heart Lord into this situation I'm saying I always do it but that's my prayer I always pray it so I took your rapture and I took your Antichrist can now you now you're ready for the unveiling of Christ coming forth in you the seven seals seven times in the New Testament were sealed with the Holy Spirit I have those seven seals and my teaching seven bowls we are bowls that are emptied out and some of the things that you think are judgments are actually against some of you and some of us inside are the things are getting judged by the Lord and dealt with by heaven and the trumpets bowls seals and trumpets always relate to men we carry that message the trumpets sound of our word that pierces the hearts of men his voice is like a trumpet revelation one that's the key to understanding what the trumpets are it's the voice of Revelation coming forth through his last days servants so the book of Revelation is gonna unfold for you and I'm totally off track but I just wanted wanted to use up every second of my time so love you guys so very much and I hope you'll get fascinated with the story of David I feel prompted this morning as I prayed and studied I felt prompted to write a book I've got all these notes I've got probably a hundred plus pages and notes about David and Jonathan and the anointing the three anointings of David and stuff that I can't I haven't even got into here I might as well put it in a book but I love the story of this giant killing man and I think it's in your history your future I should say too that you're going to kill the Giants of intimidation the things that come against you I had to I came from a broken family I was a drug busted head I mean total trash total trash anybody in this room that knows that it's my wife she would have nothing to do with me even though he went to the same school we were in the same school from first grade on she stayed as far away from me as she could because she knew I was instrumental in bringing drugs into our community and getting thousands of people into drugs I said god I want 10 times every person I let into darkness I want ten I want to bring to Christ I got to lead all my family her family and my friends as many of them in ministry now hallelujah because I'm gonna kill my Giants I'm gonna go after them of course I'm gonna stumble and fall but I'm gonna get back up you may see me on that fall in place and kick - he's mad I knew he was not gonna make it ha you watch you turn your back I'm gonna get back up I may be missing some teeth but I'm gonna get back up and do what God's called me to do can you get the fire of passion in your heart or you want to keep living as a passive believer you want to keep living in spiritual passivity or will you rise to be a champion shake off the upbringing of your household David had to break through as the runt the the nobody probably the illegitimate kid stepbrother that nobody believed that he would all people he would be king yet there was a heart that was after God God sees into your heart and he knows your motives and he calls that reality he calls your desire as fulfillment if you want him and love him he calls that as success and fruit and that beautiful it's like giving if even if you want to give it'll be according to your heart and God will take what you want to give and say that I'll accept that as ten billion dollars there's something so good gracious sweet about God kind about his heart do you love him today we'll come and get a God's pack tonight we're gonna do shoot him i loveed of stuff and want to pray over you all tonight my wife and I pray and prophesy she had eight dreams last night she's gonna share you want to share them tonight maybe and we want to save some for tomorrow for the church yes she'll have eight more tonight would you stand please let's pray lord thank you so much I just think about my own life god I know I shouldn't be selfish but gosh what you done to help me God how you picked me up Lord I was so hopeless rocking out in a rock band drugged-out hitchhike didn't even know where I was at times I don't even know how I lived through that God and yet you looked into my heart and you said I'm gonna grab something in there I'm gonna use it for my kingdom I'm gonna take that while think come on now wow damn I'm gonna take that wild thing and I'm gonna use it for my kingdom Jesus would you look deep into our hearts look past the weird stuff look past the the hiding the excuses in Secours to look into the depths of every heart here and grab the passion that loves you intensify it let it be our true north let it be what stirs us and guides us take my life God say those words take my life God and use me for your glory lord I pray that you will make us radical lovers of Jesus that we will love him tenderly compassionately and we'll make his love known to others get the men God go after the men in this room so so blessed to see the guys here I think it's almost 50/50 that hardly ever happens thank you God for them wild men and flame them let them become so radical for you God in a holy way the character and integrity and passion will rise until the women get scared yeah yeah help us to out love the women ah teach them how to love from a male heart on fire for God make us like David and Lord for the women bless them we knock intimidation out of you in Jesus name you are wild you got a ways to catch up with me but you're wild and Lord I pray for the gals our sisters our precious women of God that you'll continue to inflame their heart Lord like Mary of Bethany that there's no sacrifice there's no no string attached God there's no limit to their devotion so bless us men and women as sons and daughters of the Living God in Jesus name Amen hey if we could have the ushers come forward we'd love to just bless Brian and take up an offering and we've also got partners lunch afterwards and so if you sign up for that it will be downstairs and so take a left out here you'll see the only door that's not a bathroom so if you open the door and it's not leading downstairs and their toilets in it's a different door so but yeah if we gotta brushes come forward you can give by there's the different ways cash check text to give Zion app design app if it's scroll down you'll see it'll have a Bryan Simmons as one of the categories and so we can give towards that you can make the checks out design Christian Fellowship would count this all separate for Bryan so uh sure's go for it and usherettes I want to be sensitive to that thank you well 6 o'clock tonight 10 o'clock tomorrow morning 5 o'clock tomorrow evening 7 o'clock Monday so my goodness gracious come get washed in the word bring some people drag some people bribe some people whatever it takes just encourage you guys to yeah what biblical bribes I think it's ok I did it to get him to come to Bryan Simmons so it's good alright keep going Brandi did you just have the one box of books is that all you had the one you brought her Bryan's got books out there and so yeah go check those all let's send him home with empty suitcases and full hearts and full pockets that'd be good that's a good slogan empty suitcases and full pockets I like that yes that's good that's a good mission statement for our giving 4 speakers I like that that's good shall we write that down Ryan can you make a meme out of that real quick thank you appreciate that well good well we love you guys and we will see you in less than 6 hours so go get refresh meditate on this hey if you're gonna stick around in the area maybe look around for somebody who looks like they want to go out to eat with you or me looks like they need a friend and I just go for it bless you guys we'll see some of you downstairs
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
Views: 1,727
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 8sec (7328 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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