Bobby Conner Weekend "What a Difference One Day can Make" - Sunday Morning

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all right now let's just take a moment and just turn our attention towards the Lord what we love you but we are just so thankful for Jesus so holy spirit we want to encounter you today with whatever you have so right now guys I just encourage you just push aside anything you brought in any worries and he just troubles and just lock eyes with Jesus Holy Spirit we love you have your way this morning [Music] [Music] the highest phrase [Music] the highest praise it's crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we receive [Music] to see if I god we receive we received two [Music] seeing Lord of Oh dear me shout your name shove your name chilling up the skies with Italy's phrase in this praise Yahweh Yahweh [Music] the sky yah [Music] to see shortly the oceans floor not sure ain't useful rejoice so people No the skies the skies this phrase we'll have to shout so bouncing she [Music] I'd surely oceans roar and time that's your day ages who pass rejoice your people cry oh dear the skies just shout [Applause] the sky yeah we feeling up the sky filling up the skies with [Music] we fill up the sky with [Music] there is no like that God we will pray she prays you there's no one like a god we will see we will see there is no one like our God we will praise you this kaká we will see you ll see my god there is no let's see [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus is our God we will praise Jesus is our God we will see we will see Jesus is our God we will praise you we will see [Applause] [Applause] [Music] how many of you know worship is beyond music it's not about a song it's about his presence and today we're just going to continue our worship with the baptism this morning come on Jesus you know a baptism is something that Jesus asks us to do just one time so it must be pretty important we see at the baptism of Jesus that the heavens were torn open and a Holy Spirit came and descended on him so our baptism is our entry way into a greater revelation of God and who he is on our lives and this morning we have the privilege and honor of baptizing Thom Ruhe so this is Tom he's here today to baptize you guys his blessing right now hvala Jesus was so excited [Applause] and so Tom we love to be able to celebrate your public confession so why are you getting baptized this morning well I didn't know that speaking was a part of this but I just found that out normally it doesn't come very hard for me so but anyway I just feel like this is something that's been on my faith bucket list for a few years and and I really I know that I've been driven to it and I'm not totally understanding why but I'm hoping that through this that becomes more clear to me and pastor Shawn has made a terrific explanation and highlight of of the purpose and why I'm here and I'm just thankful to be here and to have my son be a part of it so if I can have some of our pastors and leaders just come on up real quick we just want to lay hands and bless so if you're a leader up here your Luke Bethany come on up you guys just just leaders come on up real quick we just want to we want to celebrate and just bless this decision on on his life and so man I don't know about you guys you know baptism is like that entryway into the more of God because it's the one thing he asks us to do right there's very few things he asks us to do so Lord we just blessed right now we blessed Tom's decision we blessed Lord what you're doing in his life and as a community of believers around you we just release you into the fullness of God on your life we release you into the fullness of God on your life and we just declare that as it says the Apostle Paul that you will come up in newness of life that that water baptism is a baptism it's also a resurrection and so we just release the more of God in your life and we bless come on church we bless what God's doing and we say Lord would you get him so deep that he is forever changed God Lord we just bless Lord our eyes to see him in a new way god bless family members and friends to see to see Tom and new lens because you're working of your spirit inside of him is going to change him into a new man God so father we bless who he is we bless your decision and we bless that relationship with him that you have been creating and crafting God for years and years Holy Spirit fill him today we bless him today in his destiny God in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen so so friends and family you guys can stay up on stage anyone else who wants to come up and take pictures you're welcome to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise you this new we will see we will we love yes again for the year Yahweh we love to shout your now the sky we love to shop listen you know shout your name shout your name [Music] yeah we love to shop [Music] singing Lord of all the shout your name shove your name feeling in this phrase and Liz breaks Yahweh Yahweh we love to shoot [Music] so praise the name of the Lord our God praise His name for evermore for endless days we will see your praise [Music] - appraising [Music] crazy for it for in we will see hola [Music] to pray haha who is they [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] it's watching over me but it's watching over me nothing but it's watching over me nothing but your blood is washing over me nothing but your blood it's watching over me nothing but your blood it's watching over me nothing but your blood it's washing over me nothing but your blood it's washing over me nothing but your blood is watching over nothing but your blood it's watching over me nothing but your blood it's watching over me nothing but your blood it's watch to know who Jesus your you're you're oh Jesus sir Oh you're Jesus your you're you're to Jesus you you're the blood of the lamb washes over me and I'm a new and I am a clean your light shines and to the darkness [Music] and what was one instead it's brought to life again [Music] the blood of lamb washes over me and and they when I'm 18 your light shines in into the darkened what was once to live again whoo Jesus Mooji the sea you're you Jesus no other name who saves me who breaks all my chains free there's no other name who saves me who breaks all my chains there's no other whoo sakes who breaks all my chains readers know there's no other who braids orgies Jesus your she the No Jesus your but the blood is washing over me nothing but the foot let's watch the nova mean nothing but your blood just watch the no over me nothing but the blood is washing over me nothing but the blood it's watching over me nothing but your blood is washing over me got a bunch of blood it's watching over me nothing but your blood it's washing over me nothing but your blood this watch to know [Music] whatever it takes please you are for me whatever rapping you are for you are for me whatever you are for you are for me Jesus I need she'sa sir you're you're [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] you you you make all things you you make all things things yeah who you may go Oh things yeah you make all things new all things new you may go things things [Music] [Applause] [Music] we get we get everything when we gonna use Jesus we get it everything we get it everything when we get here jeez we eat everything gee we when are we getting we get everything we the sir you're gee this your you're [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Lord yeah this feels like a room full of people I love Jesus [Music] yeah so I was during worship here I I started getting a word of knowledge but I before I share that I it's an actually an act of worship for you to be healed because Jesus paid for it and and he actually is worthy of you being healed it's not it's not based on your worthiness it's not based on your track record it's not based on how you feel about yourself that day or how great your devotion time was it's actually based on his worthiness and Jesus is fully worthy and there was blood spilled for you to be healed right now in this moment and so one of those things I kept seeing babies like kids under like 3 years old and I felt like there's diagnosis is over babies that God wants to break off today and healing he wants to bring so if if you've got a child that age that's here you got one there can we just gather around them real quick we're gonna release healing but we're gonna yeah if that's you parents just go ahead and raise your hand if you've got a baby with you and just find them to gather around them what we're gonna do is we're gonna apply the blood of Jesus that was spilled for that child so that Jesus gets his full reward today so right now holy ghost holy goes come and release it I just see the Holy Ghost is taking his finger and taking the blood off the mercy seat and applying it to the head of the child so we release the blood of Jesus over these children right now God bring full restoration we break off every diagnosis over these children in Jesus name full restoration full healing he's watching over you watching over you just watching over you blood is washing over me nothing but your blood it's washing over me nothing but your blood washing over me nothing but your blood just watching over me nothing but your blood it's washing over me nothing but your blood is washing over me it sounds like something Jesus would do he'll kids on Mother's Day doesn't it Brian said he also felt like he didn't have anything specific just something dealing with the heart and so if that's you I love his metaphorical I don't know if it's physical but just take it if you think it's you also if there's if there's anyone in here who there's there's something there's a physical condition in your body that you feel responsible for but that's something whether it doesn't matter what so you feel like there's a you had a responsibility and the reason that's happened to your body I just feel like this is really the mercy of God is here and I feel like God wants to he wants to heal those places because Jesus is worthy of it like I said it's not about your worthiness so that's you just raise your hand and let's just gather on those people real quick I went over there on there get around them guys it doesn't matter how guilty you think you are his blood is enough one drop of his blood is enough so we released the mercy of God over you right now mercy of God we break off condemnation and shame and we release the healing blood of Jesus be made whole now [Music] fired got come Jesus [Music] let's just pray a blessing over all women and so whether you're a mom or your gonna be a you're a spiritual mom or you're going to be let's just say wherever you see a lady just put and put your hand on their shoulder ladies you can put hands on other ladies but just put a hand on somebody which want to be a blessing you can see God is raising up women even Holly was recognizing you see Wonder Woman you see those Warriors on Black Panther I mean they're getting it here and so what we just bless the women we just thank you that lionesses are arising but I think you lionesses are arising women clothed with Christ's flowed with compassion clothed with wisdom closed with boldness what I just thank you that they don't have to try to fit some old guy they can be who you've made them to be thank you Lord so we just speak a blessing over women [Music] but I just pray for new levels of direction for women I just feel like I could just see women kind of emerging out of shells and just kind of wondering what's next it's new territory so what I just thank you that see what happens when you get into my eye you don't get a map you get a guide so there's no roadmap on how to walk this out but you've got the Holy Spirit as a guide so what I just think of that you're leading and guiding as women are getting more and more free thank you Jesus well we bless Columbus well we bless this great city lord I just thank you Columbus is the apple of your eye I thought I just thinking that heaven is invading government lord I thank you for mayor again Thur lord I thank you for the meeting with pastors coming up this Thursday May 24th but I pray that your favor and your presence would be in that room there be wisdom established well we thank you for the United States of America Lord we thank you that we get to worship like this but we thank you for freedom of speech we pray for President Trump that you would protect him you protect his family any plots to destroy him or his family that they would be silenced in the name of Jesus we pray for a godly standard in the White House that you give president Trump dreams in the night surround him with godly counsel speak to his heart Thank You Lora thank you Jesus we love you Lord just put your hand on your own heart that's the person who really needs it Holy Spirit give us eyes to see and ears to hear Laura let us receive your words as spirit and life not just good teaching lore Let It Be spirit and life well we recognize we do not live on bread alone but we live on every word that proceeds out of your mouth so today we just get ready to feast on you feast on your words we prepare our hearts God we're ready to listen and do whatever you tell us to do in Jesus name Amen well bless somebody anyway back to your seat if they took your seat just give them a double blessing happy Mother's Day I think I do this trivia question every Mother's Day does anyone know what the largest baby ever born is anyone in pounds anyone that is 24 pounds 24 pounds is the largest and the most number of children from one woman anyone know that one it's 84 several sets of quadruplets and triplets but she was busy well there are some facts for you oh my 84 goodness all right good morning again do we have any first-time guests here this morning if you're a first-time guest can you pop your hand up please so that our welcome team can come around and give you a gift bag pop them up there yeah don't be shy we just welcome you and we're glad you're here there is a card in the seat pocket in front of you if you will take that out and fill it in and then when the offering plate comes around just put it in there and someone will call you just to welcome you answer any questions you have and to invite you to the next newcomers dessert which is by the way it's going to be Thursday May 31st so anybody that is a first-time gas newcomer even if you've been around for a while never been to a newcomers dessert it's a great way to get to know pastor Jim and Mary to learn about the vision of the church and for the city and just to get to know the staff and it's a really fun night it's one of our favorite nights plus we have really good desserts so we don't have hardly any announcements which is awesome but we have a Normandy video right Adam are going to hear from Jim and Mary awesome they're gonna have they're gonna give you an update about Normandy [Music] here in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains and we are hunting Bigfoot the bounty on Bigfoot is actually the exact amount that we need to push us over the edge for the normative project and so let's just see how it goes smells like David Jonas [Music] [Music] well guys we weren't able to find Bigfoot it's very disappointing so we are going to need you to go ahead and give to the Normandy project so the Normandy we got about two weeks left to hit you $250,000 threshold again the Normandy and so thanks for participating with us it's quite an adventure but we're gonna need you to give [Music] [Applause] I can't even tell you how happy that made me remember one just to see Jim in the woods itself is worth at all so anyway okay it is offering time so you guys excited about giving you don't sound excited are you excited about giving so if you are giving to the Normandy project today just make sure that you put it in the mint memo that is for Normandy because it's counted separately obviously even in on the app just make sure you put Normandy so we're gonna do our declarations are you ready for declarations okay I'm gonna make you stand out because you don't sound ready get some blood flowing yeah so let's just say these together as we receive today's [Applause] No Limits keep standing no you guys can sit it's okay hey just a quick yeah uh sure is go get them so here's where we're at in the normative project we got two weeks from tomorrow is when it's due so we were at about a hundred and ten thousand dollars out of 250 so so here's what I'm saying is that building is ours I don't know I don't know how it's gonna come I'm not sure but I refused to I refuse to worry about it the only word that I had was that I've just kind of continue what the Lord says is what you began in the spirit don't finish in the flesh so same began with an open vision and my wife had a vision of a role windows overlooking the Statehouse it's gonna be a building that's gonna release prayer and worship over the city it's also gonna house girls coming out of human trafficking kind of a new model for them to be more of a handcrafted rather than mass-produced model and it's gonna be amazing and so hey just be praying with this gang again I don't know how this thing's gonna happen but I know that that building is ours so that's where we're at for that thing and it's so funny we actually shot that video in my backyard and it was the first time I'd ever been in the woods forever our backyard but there's a bunch of people over our house we kind of got the idea they're like what you've never been in the woods and like now why would I go back there so so that was fun that'll probably be the last video I don't think we can top that one but that was a lot of fun well we have a special treat this morning our boy our good friend and boy at least anything else to say I mean he's he's Bobby Connor and so let's give a Columbus welcome to Bobby Connor good god bless you thanks ma'am god bless you thank you please be seated he looked kinda at home in those woods did he you know oh I love woods yeah I enjoy getting out in the woods in the rugged places I actually live and I have a plot of land where it is is a Bigfoot sighting its rested in the book yeah is that some sasquatch they think you know it's you that crazy but anyway god bless you bled you're here it's Mother's Day we really thank God for the mothers the Bible talks about how precious mothers are and how precious is is to be a virtuous woman you ought to read Psalms i order 'yes proverbs 31 a hole 31st chapter of Proverbs is about the godly mothers and the godly women and how they're very very noble in the kingdom of God as far as I can decipher in the Bible the smartest man next to Jesus Christ the smartest man that's ever lived next to Jesus Christ according to Bible was Solomon and if you study his life here's what he says adhered to the teachings of my mother we were saying Texas I did what mama taught me and can you imagine that that the he-here credited that wisdom to what his mother taught him I hear to the teachings of my mother and so we do honor the mothers today and god bless you and thank you for your service you know wow I'm telling you guys they're tougher than we are you let a you know I'm telling you they really are you know that Bible talks about giving honor to the women because they're the weaker vessel listen they're there listen I know the Bible's correct but I'm telling you I know most churches would the doors would have been closed if it hadn't been for godly women I'm showing the Bible where they carried the torch and it's wonderful in it so god bless you mothers none of us would be here without you yeah that's something yeah all right I want to talk to you about the book table just a moment there's books out there and I hope you'll go by every one of them and that we won't have to be hauling him back and shipping of different places you say what are they about here's one called the Shepherd rod now this is prettier this is a unit unique and unusual book for 23 years on the day of atonement we have this encounter and visitation from Jesus Christ now let that soak in a moment for 23 years.this this coming September b-24 years on the Day of Atonement Yom Kippur I have this visitation from Jesus Christ he'll tell me some of the things that's going to happen the future I write it in a book called the Shepherd's rod this is the one for 2018 this is one we're living right now and this one is talking about sonship it's time for the ring in the road and you remember the story in the Gospel of Luke were they tell the story about a man having two sons one took off and he ended up in the Pigpen the Lord told me said I'm tired of my people in the Pigpen a poor perception they don't understand who they really are and remember that son came to himself and said I'm going back to my father's house and I'm gonna say to my father father I'm no more worthy to be your son just make me a servant and that's not the will of God the father said get a robe and get a ring this was my son who was dead but he's alive forevermore the robe in the ring talks about authority and royalty and I'm telling you guys God wants us to get up out of the Pigpen a poor perception realized that we're sons and daughters of the Most High God and we're going to learn more about sonship in the days to come then we've known their whole life first John say first John chapter 3 verse 1 first John chapter 3 verse 1 says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we would be called classified and identified as the sons of God now the word sons of God there is we also it means a full-grown mature Christian that's ready to take over family business and boy God wants us to grow up and we need to grow up fast and move from mere children into sons of God where he can give us the kingdom like he wants to do and you're going to learn because you hear say here's what it says you said well how can i really make sure I am a son of God Romans 8:14 says as many that are allowing themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit they are the sons of God Wow and the Bible said if you're a son then your heir to the kingdom now you say what does that mean it means you're co-owner of the whole universe that's what the Bible teaches you'll find in this book you're co-owner of everything Jesus has and the book Hebrew says he's the rightful owner of the whole you verse Wow you know sometimes you go to the bank to get a loan they go real what are your assets well you can say well I'm half of the whole universe I mean that's pretty good credentials in it Wow that's pretty amazing so the Shepherd rod I hope you'll read in here is where we predicted about God's people praying for North Korea and for God to move in that thing and I wrote it's a ticking time bomb but the church by intercessory prayer can defuse it is something good happening in North Korea oh my goodness did you see them step across the Demilitarized Zone and the North Korea and South Korea meeting and our presidents going to be meeting in a few days in Singapore with the leader of North Korea these are unprecedented days and it's prophesied in this book another one we prophesied in this book that you can see on their news is the volcano over there in Hawaii I said you'll see ash in there and you'll see rivers are flowing fire the the lava I'm telling you guys we you need to understand the prophetic word gives us guidance to face what we're facing and here's what it says it says trust the Lord you have established believe his prophets and you'll prosper that's what it says in the Bible so you need to hear the prophetic word because God won't do things on earth according the Bible without telling first what he's going to do to the prophets that's what it says Amos 3:7 says surely it means absolutely God will not do a single thing on planet earth without first revealing to his prophets what he's going to do now I talk fast Donna Oh Lord people go why do you talk so fast I'll tell you I used to buy television time and I'm cheap do you see what I'm talking I figure if I talk real fast I get my money's worth since pastor Jim them's paying to this I'll just slow down I hope you'll get this book I really really mean it listen let me read you a little clip off the back it says shifting from servants to sonship but let me please believe me when I say that devil hates the message of sonship he wants you to remain as just a slave the Bible said though you're heir of everything if you don't understand you're heir of everything you - will be a slave that's what the Bible says in the book of Galatians I want you to move from now listen don't get me wrong servanthood it's wonderful but we got to move out of servant being a servant to a son and it's glorious and it's wonderful alright so visit the book table I'd ask him to bring me the other but we've got it's legacy and lineage line and they told me said we've only got two books left so we've got three in the house I guess the one I've got in my hand that two out there at the book table this book will help you break off family curses and ancestral curses and show you how to speak a blessing upon your children and upon your descendants here's a great verse about your descendants I see a 40 for three and four I'm talking fast again I said 40 for three and four it says I will pour water upon him this thirsty floods upon dry ground I before my spirit upon your descendants and they will spring up like willows by riverbanks I'm telling you mom and dad if you're hungry and thirsty and desperate for God your children will flourish the Bible said if the parents eat bitter fruit do living bad lives if the parents eat bitter fruit the children's teeth get set on edge how you live will affect your descendents from now on legacy and lineage line now I know there's just three books out there but you can order them from the book store that in the office if you want to but here's what the deal is legacy is what you leave behind lineage line is who you leave behind and they're inseparable how you live will affect your descendants from how home do you understand you and I today are forging the future our grandchildren will live in that's pretty wild in it you and I are forging the future our grandchildren Bolivians well we're going to have a good time today don't go to church you not have a good time Wow you know what I found out some people have just enough Jesus to be miserable they got him in there the head but not the heart they got a lot of rules to regulation stipulations God detests that although all the rituals in the in the Bible was to point us to the relationship but who religion is when you cut off the relationship and hang on to the ritual God don't like the ritual he loves the relationship every every ritual in the Bible was to bring us to a relationship but when we jumped the relationship and hang on to the ritual that that's a that's religion and have you read the Bible God don't even like religion here's what he says it was it you ready away with your near moons and your Sabbath's and your holy convocations they weary me Wow one place said I detest it well that's God talking about religion there's a great difference between religion and relationship that God loves relationship he wants you to love him and he wants you to understand his father's heart for you God wants better for us and we could engineer for ourselves one time Jesus walked up to me he said Bobby I give you my personal permission to attempt to exaggerate what I'm about to do now listen being a preacher I said okay but I'll need a verse for that he said no problem Ephesians 3:20 21 he features 3:20 21 says now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask are dare to imagine he's able to do things in me Genesis 18 14 says what oh I'll tell you what it says is anything too hard for the Lord is it that's the question you don't you're going to find the answer look all the way over there to Luke 1:37 Luke 1:37 says this with men think you're impossible but with God nothing is impossible in that wonderful say yes joke 42 to says I know you can do anything and nothing you plan to do can be stopped joke 42 - oh man people say well yeah I like when it gets like this I I do because people go he don't know what he's gonna do I tell him oh no I'm like a mosquito at a nudist colony there's opportunity everywhere you know what I mean I'm just looking for the place just light ice no don't think about that too long I want to talk about two things to two things together so I'm going to give you two messages can you do that you know one two that's hurting me think how dare you tried yeah one two three pretty hard to do but you did you I practiced a while I fly a lot okay I got two things I'm gonna talk about today what to do when you don't know what to do and then what to do when you don't want to do nothing I'll show it to you the Bible in a moment so I'm gonna talk about that and then the next thing don't talk about is hang on to hope hold on to your promise from God one day can change everything so let's do this one before we do what to do when you don't know what to do you want to take your Bible you got a Bible Psalms 90 some snotty I'm sorry some 30 verse five let's look at some 30 verse five and I'm settling down psalms 30 verse five here's what the Bible says God's anger God's anger for his anger is but for a small tiny moment but his favor is for a lifetime or in his favor is life weeping may endure through the night but joy comes in the morning now I want you to hang on to something now I want you to realize one day can change everything weeping made last of the night but joy comes in the morning you and I need to be persisting ourself to embrace God's dawning of a new day I'm going to show you just real quick how one day can change everything I I want you to look at it probably one of the most vivid stories about hanging onto hope because one day can change everything is found in mark chapter 4 or mark chapter four we enter a story there let's just turn there we got we got time we not playing that late till three so we go to mark chapter 4 just just real real quick if you will and I want to show you something it's a story about Jesus and His disciples and Mark chapter 4 they're going to get Jesus says to him there in mark chapter 4 he's coming to the end of a day of ministry and so verse 36 and says leaving the thrones they took him as he was and they got into a little boat they're fixing leave a ministry session get in a little boat and go across a lake so Jesus says to the boys get in we're going to the other side so they get into a boat now the disciples before they were disciples what were they most of them fishermen they were used two ways wind water so they get into the boat because Jesus said boys get in the boat we are going to the other side don't forget that they get in the boat Jesus goes to sleep on a leather pillow let me read that for you but he himself was in the stern of the boat asleep on a leather cushion and they yet so Jesus gets in the boat goes to sleep and the disciples they're going across this little ocean this little C and a horrendous storm comes a storm produced by the devil himself and the little boats rocking and it's waving and oh man I'm sure when it first started the disciples thought oh you know we've handled this but it gets bad and if you're reading this I'm telling you if you're reading this in the Greek it is massive drama they're screaming these disciples it looks like the boats going to sink and they there's Jesus of sleep and these disciples are paranoid they go master don't you master get up don't you care we're going to drown now I am so glad Jesus didn't get up go in that he's by noting terrified and if you walk with him you won't be either Psalms 27 bucks throwing the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength in my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked even my foes come up deep in my place they stumble and fall the whole army should camp around about me I will not fear that Psalms 27 you are to memorize it well Nene wait so Jesus they wake him up the disciples are afraid they're going to drown Wow now here's what Jesus does now if you're reading from the King James Version of the Bible oh it's pretty sad it says Jesus gets to the boat and he says to the storm peace be still that ain't what he says and that's not how he said it like said if you're reading this in the Greek I mean it is high drama these men are screaming this is it what are what call such paranoia I know what it was same thing that causes you to doubt they didn't listen to what Jesus told him before they started the journey get in we're going across I didn't hear anything about coast guard rest I didn't hear anything about resuscitation drowning did you so they didn't they didn't listen to the instructions so Jesus gets up and I'll tell you what he did say he's looking at the raging wind the flashing lashing water and here's what he said you ready now I'll say it he said here's what he said shut up and lay down yeah I'll leave that hook around we're just instead casing starts working so I'll try to be careful I know y'all are sensitive to earring - you're getting a concert or something turn it up yeah anyway here's what Jesus said to this raging shut your mouth and lay down he used a word called get gagged be gagged and when he said it the strongest and it gets his strangle his glass that's what happened and then he looks at the disciples and here's what it says they were horrified of the storm now they're petrified of who's in their boat that's what it says what manner ran is this that even the wind's and the waves obey Him that's what they said so I said all of that has introduction to get us to chapter 5 because the little boat gets across the other side of the sea and the gangplank comes down and Jesus steps out mark chapter 5 verse 1 it says immediately right then there met him how the terms of man with the unclean spirit well that's a you you need to see him he's been he's dot he does not have one stitch of clothes on I call him the new drew dude he's coming out of tombs on the mountainside and he's running down to meet Jesus and there he comes he's matted with sores and scars and scabs because he's been shedding cutting himself with stones trying to commit suicide over and over and over screaming and screeching night and day and nobody could tame him they couldn't chain him up because he the demons in him could break the chains he runs to Jesus and he says Jesus son of the Most High God why have you come he become to torment us before our time and then they get into negotiation with Jesus the demons do he said what is your name I said my name is legion cuz there's a bunch of us and Jesus says to these demons they said don't send us out of the country there's a bunch of pigs up on a hillside remember the story you can read mark five and is the demons were saying let us go get in the pigs that and Jesus gave him leave he gave him permission to come out of this demon-possessed man and go get the pig's demons go up there and get in about 2,000 peaks and it said the pigs go nuts they jump and run and jump into the ocean and drown I'm Mike number three no the pigs jump into the ocean and drown about two thousand of them well now I'm telling you I don't know how you look at that but that's a mass case of Swan aside don't you think pretty wild there's 2,000 dead pigs bumping around out in the ocean so the guys keeping the pigs around in town and said you better get out of here something's coming down so those that owned the pigs go out to see what's happening and here's what they see they see the man that had been naked the man had been suicidal the man had been living and hitting the tombs now they see him seated clothed in his right mind it looks like they too fell on their faces go glory to God hallelujah this is what we've been longing for not the pig owners the pig owner said to Jesus get your stuff and get out of here it costs too much to have you in our community they'd rather have the profit of the pigs than the salvation of this poor demonized man Wow so Jesus is getting his booth he's getting his gear he's gonna get back in the boat and the demon-possessed guy that had been healed he said oh Jesus Jesus let me go with you and what does Jesus say no go back to your friends go back to your family show them teach them tell them reveal to them what great things the Lord has done for you and it says he went back to the capitis the capitis means a ten-city region down the coastline he went back and it says everyone that heard him marveled you ask any theologian it means everyone that heard him was converted now we're talking about hold onto hope what a difference one day can make okay watch it in that man's life he woke up a screaming scratching maniac and he goes to bed that's about as big of transformation as you're going to see hang on God can change everything in one day weaving may last through their night but joy comes in the morning the next one would be second Kings chapter six second Kings chapter six of woo if you read it it's this it's horrible the people of God are in a famine because an army has surrounded the city of Samaria shut down all food routes in and it is horrible it's one of the most severe families mentioned human history there cannibalizing their children it's unheard of the famine is so severe they're taking they're taking their children dismember them and boiling them in a pot and consuming him that's what he says in your Bible you opened it up to 2nd Kings chapter 6 you hear a king is walking on a wall he's so distraught over the situation that they're in and a woman is screaming King King help me and he said oh dear I can't help you there's no all in the that there's no grain in the bin and here and then he asked her it's almost unbelievable 2nd Kings the King asked her said why is it at you that you're at this point of had your aggravation frustration and this is unbelievable the woman says in reply to his question why are you so upset it's because of her she told me yesterday let's eat your son and then tomorrow we'll eat mine then it says in your Bible so we boil my son and ate him and now she's hidden her son Wow I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't in the Bible then you had to face forward just a little bit over to 2nd Kings chapter 7 verse 1 it starts with the English word th en then then that means it puts it right back in the middle of the scenario we're talking about then there's sort of prophet in the midst of the people about this time tomorrow there'll be so much food in this village there'll be based giving it away good lord I felt boy that's amazing and there was a wise guy a counselor that the King listened to when the Prophet gave the good word the counselor said to the king don't believe a word of it it won't happen just hot air even if God ripped over heaven he couldn't do that so the property said to the gains there okay buddy you'll see it but you won't get to participate and then the story shifts Tingting second Kings it says and there were four lepers laying outside of the gate good God I won't hear about for six dudes I'm gonna who's getting the groceries don't you where do these four sick dudes come in you know I write books they tell you if you're gonna author books keep the story flowing I mean we hit a bump here from a prophecy about this time tomorrow they've been the food in this village every basically gives it away a guy going that's a big lie never will work for suckers laying outside the gate advanced leprosy whoa have you seen well steady about it no don't stay about it and dance leprosy pieces fall off fingers ears nose these forecasts are in advanced stages of leprosy they're rotting away the only way to survive is to take a rough weed and rough away the teacher izing flesh til you get down and full fresh meat they're just living in a pus pool I've named one of them limping Larry can't you see him laying out there and I can hear them talking one says yeah you're half the man you used to be yeah well you're all thumbs and then I love these old boys they're laying out there as weak as they can be and here's what they said this is amazing this is second King seven here's what happens the word lepers begin to take inventory of their life they said wait a minute hold on if we lay here we're gonna die if we go back in Samaria we're gonna starve our only alternative is to get out and challenge change and let's go find out of it this army that's shut down the food round have you noticed this if we lay here we're going to die if I go in there we're going to starve if you go out there the worst thing to do is kill us have you read we don't get out of this thing called life alive do you understand that I don't think this one's working is this yep look I'm back to normal thanks my hole let see I went to preaching school let me tell you about preaching school here's what preaching Saku said I I didn't I didn't pass they said when you take the podium stand directly don't pray all around as though you're tempting to fly this is what they told me they said and seemingly make eye contact with everyone in the room and then he said should you find it necessary to make a strong point this is my preaching class take two and a half steps turn slightly and gesture [Laughter] you know I'm not going to take something like that you know what I did I shouldn't I said oh my god I feel like I'm in an author Murray dance studio can't you see John the Baptist's going was that one or two we better get out all of that kind of mess and just be real so those yeah those those four six lepers said let's get out there and challenge change so here they go well here they go and since when they get out there to the armies camp the whole camp is there but no soldiers they fled in haste it says in your Bible there's food and abundance there's gold and silver in abundance there's beautiful clothes and boy these lepers are going you rekha whoa and they're taking the food they're taking the gold they're taking the silver and they're hiding it and then they go wait a minute wait wait wait this can't be just for us what about our brothers back there in Samaria they're shuddhi in you say how can this be reverent to us today you're a spirit-filled Church you found the bounty of God and there's people today meeting in churches don't even believe there's a Holy Ghost see we found the feast and they're still in the famine he said let's go back and share with them what we've had so here they come they go back King we found it it's everything you need but let's wait a minute what happened to the army where did they go in such a haste they left everything I mean they left the keys to the Bentley young listen they left the checkbook never you see they run off and left everything here you have to study second King seven find out what happened it says when the lepers went out God sent a sound before them and the whole army heard the sound of chariots and shields and swords who was coming limping Larry Ami's three buddies but the army heard a massive army coming and they go we better get out of here see God will put the fear of God in your enemies if you'll obey god no weapon formed against you works isaiah 54:17 anyway there they are king on the gate finally the king the guy again said no no it's a trick but finally the King opened the gate and they brought the food and they brought it in such abundance the gate was open and everybody rushed out desperate for the food and some poor soul got trampled who was it remember the guy that said anything no way it's gonna happen the Prophet said ok buddy you'll see it but she won't get to participate in it Wow he's the guy that got trampled but see hold on what a difference one day makes they woke up in the world's worst famine where they were cannibalizing the children they go to bed that night in a feast hold on to hope one day can change everything well that's that message there's more to but we're moving on what do you do yes oh man tell them don't spend more than they make that's pretty good but god bless you guys up to something he's tired of the devil stealing the wealth of the kingdom I promise you before God the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous and it's about to change hands I promise you you say well we've heard that verse forever the wealth of the rich is laid up for the righteous yeah we took off after the wealth and it has qualified us from when left we forgot the righteousness so it disqualified us from receiving the wealth but now we're after the righteousness which we'll call it for qualifies to receive the wealth ok the world's been juggled but God told me I'm going to change hands with it so let's go to the next message what to do when you don't know what to do let me preface it by saying this you may be some deceived person in this room are watching that would say hahaha Oh Bobby that's not applicable me because brother I always know what to do well let's me and you chat for a moment you're an idiot I promise you from God he will see to it that you get in a dilemma above your pay raise he will see to it why is he trying to hurt you nope he's trying to instruct you I'll show it to you you'll see it in the Bible you ready yes Bobby yes what to do when you don't know what to do second chronicles chapter 20 second chronicles chapter 20 is a story about another arm in another city there's a king called Jehoshaphat and a boy it is something that all the mobitz and the Hittites and them arrives a whole bunch of bad people their armies have come up against Jehoshaphat and the people of God in and Judah and so anyway here's what happens they come and say oh they're everywhere they're entrenched around about us and there's a great multitude and it says this that there's no way in the world Josaphat and the people of God could defeat these armies that have come up against them but Jehoshaphat I think does what y'all going to look at it I guess we could look at in the Bible that wouldn't be bad would it no Bob because it it you'll be nice I'm in second chronicles chapter twenty first one after this and more about samurais and the mewn odds and came up against y'all so fat to do battle it was told your house fetta great multitude has come up against us from the Dead Sea and from Edom and behold there and he's our Tamar which is M Gaddy then Jehoshaphat feared had set himself to determine Lisi as his vital need the Lord he proclaimed a fast in all of Judah and Judah gathered together to ask help from the Lord even out of all the cities of Judah they came to ask of the Lord yearning for him with all of their desire verse 5 and G Hospit stud in the same way of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new chord verse 6 says and he said O Lord God Oh this is what I think is a stoker stroke of genius and Jehoshaphat said in front of all the people that were facing a dilemma that seemed like there was unsolvable and he said O God O Lord God our fathers are you not the God in heaven and do not you rule over the kingdoms of the earth nations and hands are not there all power so that none is able to withstand you verse seven did you not oh god drive out that happens of land before your people Israel and what he's doing he's rehearsing how faithful God had been in the past to the people facing it unto your future you see the genius of that Oh God are you not there so you're not that or not that and so that was a wonderful stroke of genius I think sometimes you we need to look back how faithful God's been to us in the past to face this unsure future and I'll tell you what we need to understand God want you to have a bright future here's a great verse about your future you ready yes Jeremiah 31 17 Jeremiah 31 17 you know what it says I'll tell you honey it says your future is filled with bright hope Jeremiah 31 17 says your future is filled with bright hope that's a lot better than going well buddy you'll never make it Jeremiah 31 17 says your future is filled with brilliant glowing bright hope but here we learn so what did it 1 you don't know what to do they're fasting to praying they're seeking God there it called a solemn assembly they're rehearsing how good got some into the people of God in the past and then it's just it's just that we'll get down to verse 12 2nd chronicles 20 verse 12 o our Lord God will you not exercise judgment upon them the armies that have come up for we have no mind to stand against this great company that's come up against us neither know we what to do what you do when you don't know what to do neither know what to do second Chronicles 2012 but our eyes are up on you when you don't know what to do you've reached the point of you've got to make some kind of decision turn your eyes to Jesus I see a 26 verse 3 says that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee some hundred and twenty-one verse one said I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help comes from the Lord so they said we don't know what to do but our eyes are upon you see a lot of people they use God as a last resort and still the first resource you see what I'm talking about but now they're they're seeking God they're praying they're fasting they're crying out - in verse 13 and all of Judah stood before the Lord and their children and their wives verse 14 is paramount there's that word again then then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jerusalem Jerusalem Zechariah the Spirit of God falls upon the Prophet and says okay here it is you hear and he gives them a prophetic word that has never been before in the history of men he said yeah they're coming but here's what I want you to do instead of sending out the soldiers send out the singers study the annals of history never in the history of humanity had a war being fought like that if I'd have been in the prophetic council that they ought to go second opinion wouldn't you but that's where you get that famous verse he's the Bible said you don't have to send out the soldiers send out the singers and now Jehoshaphat stands in second chronicles 2020s says trust the Lord you establish believe his prophets and you will prosper so they did what the prophets said it said here's all these armies armed to the teeth armed to the hilt and here comes the army of Jehoshaphat the singers and they're singing something like our God is an awesome God I don't know what they were singing they were praising God and it says in your Bible God said an ambushment I looked up every Hebrew word I could find about ambushment and it's not you know it's kind of vague what it is but oh god it works it said we set up an ambushment and here's what all those alien armies mentioned in chapter verse one said it's a they jerk their sword out and they started killing one another and then kill himself the whole army disintegrated themselves killed each other then to kill themselves God's people never broke a sweat our God is an awesome God pop-pop you do it God's Way you'll get God's victory said it took this people God three days to pick up the bounty that's the gold the silver the smalls of the war Wow went from an impossible situation what to do when you don't know what to do see how papal God's been to your past find out his strategy for the future and then follow it Wow that'd be difficult to do now send up the singers but see I said 48 verse isaiah 40:8 verse 6 says god loves to do new things behold i do a new thing it's you now that was a new thing wasn't it well sure it was what did it mean you don't know what to do now let me turn to that up a little bit that story I told you about God put you in a situation where you won't know what to do you have to go to Psalms 107 verse 23 Psalms 107 verse 23 says these men that do business from great waters these are seasoned sailors can you imagine what they must look like seasoned sailors skin weathered by the wind and the Sun arms rippling with biceps and muscles from pulling in anchors pulling in big nest pulling up sails these kind of men not prissy strong he men used to the struggle and the endurance of being a seasoned sailor some 107 verse 23 these men that do business in great waters they see the works of the Lord because he raises up the stormy winds it lifts a ship as high as the heavens it drops it down as low as the dips and it said these seasoned sailors stagger to and fro like drunken man and here's a little phrase that's stunning they are at their wit's end you ever been there I promise you it's a journey every one of us have to take we get into situation and circumstance we don't know what to do everything we thought we were trained for we did it but it didn't work it says they're at their wit's end that means they've dispelled expensed all of their Vinay and the storm still raging these men that do business in great waters they see the works of the Lord he say he being God raises up the stormy winds is he trying to hurt those boys nope he's trying to help them get their wit's in then there's that word again th en then they cried unto the Lord in their distress oh that little word cry that ain't the word cry the I dare you look up cry in the Hebrew it means they scream and screeched in agony groan physical strong stout seaworthy man screaming and stretching in agony then they cried unto the Lord in their distress and he hears them and brings the storm to a calm Wow and they're brought in to their desired port or Haven then it says oh that man would praise God for His goodness don't you know those sailors again didn't get back to the dock going well we got that and done didn't we they were giving God glory for what he did so what to do when you don't know what to do wow these guys did everything they thought they knew what to do but it didn't work there's one more that I ought to share with real brief because it's a holiday Mother's Day and I don't understand that mother has to cook the big meal we ought to tear it out to eat or do something for mother don't you think aren't they wonderful mothers oh man my wife and I we got two children got five grandchildren been married 54 years this year oh man when we had our first baby yeah you asked what the biggest baby was gracious yeah he was huge himself but anyway that was pretty wild back then we had real diapers I know Ty's in Texas they can gut a deer and can't change a diaper yeah back then we had real divers they got the thing there looks like a sandwich wrapper when we had our kids it was a real stuff I mean you pinned it on it was a blood sacrifice somebody's going to believe when I changed the diaper I'm here the boy and somebody's gonna bleed and then you had to do something with it I'll tell you what I did with it honestly I'm ashamed of it I would drop it in the toilet till my wife got home yeah oh man you know I don't know how it is with mothers they the baby could be in in the room over there away and and when they're little and the dad's sleeping sound like a hibernating bear and little baby could whimper and the mothers babies up I mean listen car horn could be going off what we wouldn't hear it but these mothers have this system they have the same Oh Lord women are different I told you my wife not been married all these years so one time she got a I don't know a cold or flu whatever it was and she's back there in that bed covered up I'm in there in there kind of watching football it could have been caged I'm not sure and I hear down the hall Bobby Bobby I said oh that's Carolyn so I go down the hall and I cracked the door open like this and she's laying in bed all covered up and she said would you do something for me I said yes baby I do I'll do whatever and I was thinking what you might need a drink of water she might want to bath your hand or something like that now they're different here I echo and I said what is it honey what is it you want me to do she looked up at me with big blue eyes and said would you clean off the top of the refrigerator what I didn't know we had one I got up there I found my golf tees I found out a whole bunch of stuff on top of the refrigerator but where do these where do you you know just laid there and I guess thought well this would be a good project she went to her Marilyn Hickey meeting one time her and some ladies from the church took off to Dallas or somewhere - Marilyn Hickey meeting the kids were little then and so I I know I gotta quit I'm gonna I instead of carrying the boys to get a hamburger or some cheeseburger or something I thought I'll just fix something for the boys myself it's home alone Bobby and the boys they're just little kids like this so I got in the cupboard or whatever that thing there's some chicken cream of chicken soup now back there again you could buy a 5-gallon bucket of potato chips five-gallon bucket of potato chips you can't eat them till they get soggy down in the bottom so I thought I've got a plan I'm gonna hate that cream of chicken soup and I'm gonna put those mushy soggy but tater chips in the bottom of the bowl and then I'm gonna put the cream of chicken on it instead of throwing the potato chips away so I've got the soggy potato chips in there bold I needed the chicken cream of chicken soup and I scooped it out and have thank you here it's a unique smell rotten grease em hot cream of chicken soup so I called the boss certain members they're little now they're 54 and 46 now but they're little that's it hey boys come on Supper's ready oh here they came right little puppies there's a little and they plopped down in their seat and I said Lord bless this food and the oldest one picked up his spoon and he took about a little untick you hit again and so me being the loving gentle father as I am I said to those boys the oldest one I said hey boy if you don't eat that I'm gonna bust your butt you know what he said he said daddy I'd rather have a whooping see thank God for mothers you don't get him dilemmas like that so I tasted my where see I put that in my mouth oh my goodness listen salty stuff jumped at my throat I listen I go they said to my boys I'm sorry I carried that out there I had a pen full of bird dogs I mean they need a wet rag I went out there and poured my concoction in the bird dog pen they ran with others how the females the bird dogs wouldn't eat that crap that stuff anyway off to the hamburger joint we will see anyway I'm trying to say thank God for mothers they can do stuff right the first time and it's just wonderful well anyways what to do when you don't know what to do then what to do when you don't want to do nothing you remember when King David comes back to zigzag legs burned everything is laid before and loved is gone this a saddest story I can find it says that these men will these are warriors these are the elite these are the Rangers these are the elite of the lead it said they fall to the ground they beat the ground and they cry oh no sound will come from their voice over the tragedy and trauma they've experienced their law everything they've loved and longed is gone their whole village is burned to the ground and it says that David's men picked up stones to stone him I suspect I suspect if there's any place to give up that would been ended you say I'm not doing this anymore what to do when you don't feel like doing nothing the Bible says but David encouraged himself in the Lord is God what to do when you don't feel like doing nothing get with God David encouraged himself in the Lord his God doesn't tell us what he did and I'm thankful if he told us what all he did we'd have a seven formula for success I think I could tell you what he did I believe he did what he wrote about I believe he offered the sacrifice of praise when you need to do it at the most it's when you feel like it the least he didn't feel like getting them praising God but I'm sure he did and I believe he did that verse that I said quoted earlier Psalms 120 1 verse 1 he lifted up his eyes to hills and then he asked God some questions shall I pursue them shell uppers and he said you shall pursue them you shall overtake them and you'll recover it all and David did exactly that what to do and you don't feel like doing nothing that would have been a good place just pull it in say I'm through with this but David didn't let disappointment and this loyalty stop him and God honored him he got back everything was stolen from his village and all the villages around Wow sometimes what the devil means the hardest got to give you the best victories well we gotta go so you said you're working were you working what call sinner can you give me some help I got an American Express card and needed some help from American Express so I called the number and I get somebody said I love Allah I said hello I let all along is this Amir I got mad caderousse I said I've called American Express and I'm talking from to somebody in India how do I learn to i holla I couldn't understand one single word finally I said I made English what's your name he said David David only word I heard how the conversation was David something seems out of whack there don't it to you now I didn't call Indian Express but this outsource listen I'm not against outsourcing but get somebody that can I mean and my boys years ago bought me a TomTom one of these before the cars came out with GPS they bought me a TomTom and I programmed in my little TomTom oh I was so proud I was techy and so I took off with my first TomTom on the dash ready to go you know so help me I get out on the road and it says I saw proceed on the motorway it's some Briton chick in there I saw persuade on the motorway I don't need that if you're entrepreneurial somebody ought to come up with a redneck GPS go down yonder to the old tree take a ride at the trailer house you couldn't get lost sat away but this I say proceed on the motor was anyway now thank God they got other stuff I remember when I got my first bag phone you could make potatoes with that thing man good lord anyway I got to pray for you guys I want to tell you something about your destiny I said it a while ago God's got big plans for the church God's plan says to fill this whole earth with the knowledge of the glory son here's your great verse if you wanted said the voice of one in the wilderness crying prepare you the way the Lord make straight in the desert a highway or the mountains filling the valleys make crooked way straight because the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh you see it together because the mouth of the Lord has declared it that be a good testimony for this church you say make a road in the wilderness yes a desert and hire a highway in the desert say this isn't yes it's a desert as far as hearing and eating the Word of God it needs to be blooming so I'll tell you the laws have one in the wilderness trying to pair you the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for the mountains will in the valleys and it said there in the glory of the Lord so that's Isaiah 43 through five I like verse five and the glory say the glory of the Lord shall be revealed in all flesh shall sit together all flesh meets all flesh Islamic Hindu Baptists he's gone he's got big plans for the church to feel this whole earth with the knowledge of his son he's got big plans for you too what is it take over this world yeah he's not schizophrenic eat and they have a whole plethora of plans his plan is found in Genesis 1:26 let us make man in our own image let's give them Kingdom Authority well god bless you I want you to have a good good life can you imagine this you'll never face one single issue without Jesus stationing with you Wow well he is a very present help in the times of distress in trouble lord I thank you for all of your promises towards your people and I thank you that there yes yes and amen I thank you that what you've uttered will come to pass and I want to thank you that the word that goes out of your mouth we won't come back empty and without purpose it will accomplish what you sent it to do bless this church bless Zion and I pray that you would help them to duplicate and replicate what you're doing across this city in Jesus name Amen I'll tell you one of the things I think he's talking to you about is franchising you got to start duplicating what do it God's doing here and across the city I'm telling you we've got to start doing that we can't we need to get what's going on here in other places and it'll really really help okay Susan the best way to say it is to franchise what does that mean it means if you go into like we'll say McDonald's you can go into one in Columbus you can go one in Cincinnati they're both alike aren't they and that's what I'm talking about about franchising years ago I bill Johnson asked me about what do you bet early and I told him the same thing franchise so that everybody would see Zion fellowship they know what they're gonna what they're gonna get they're not gonna walk like I didn't know ahead no do the teachings that you've got the franchise at around Spain start of fellowship churches all right easy for me to say you need but God said he'll raise up every man or workman good okay I saw a whole bunch of angels and they're up there and they're just there they're supposed to be singing but they're giggling they're happy and I think they're happy over what's happening in your heart I'll tell you I've seen happy angels and I've seen angry angels and I thank God I saw a semicircle of happy angels and I'll tell you why they're happy here's one of they're giggling and happy you are about to put them to work they're dropping little leaflets of Psalms 104 verse 4 that's what those angels are doing they're dropping Psalms 104 verse 4 they're ministering spirits sit down here to aid us through our heirs of salvation they're happy because you're about to put them to work angels are mentioned 273 times in the Bible most of us in this room would be dead or mangled if it hadn't been for an angel they're ready to help us okay that's why they're happy yeah I'm glad they're happy you want to see angels you have the propensity to see angels most of you have seen them and didn't even recognize him yeah Lord I pray you'll open their eyes and let them see enter the realm of the spirit the realm of the Spirit is more real than this one yeah remember in second Kinks when the young guy goes oh they're everywhere and the Prophet said son settle down there's more that be with us and be with them and he goes one two and then got he pray for more that him see and his eyes are on me so the whole heavens full of armies Wow there's more that be with us and they're gathered against us well god bless you I want you to start doing something okay I want you to get up and start riding yourself a challenge every day okay yeah something you intend to get done that day for yourself and it'll if you get you a yellow sheet of paper and start writing yourself a challenge every day I'm gonna do this yeah okay a little to do this it'll help you you know yeah inactivity is deadly we better have some goals aims and purposes god bless you good oh lord thank you that you are who you say thank you you'll do what you've told us thank you we can trust you that everything we commit to you is in good hands isn't that good okay I'm through you'll my mic god bless you so good we'd love to take up a love offering for bobbies who got a rushes come forward it was good man oh man happy angels that sounds like a good idea that's it's interesting he talked about franchising I just pray for us as a leadership we had an african-american church in Columbus reached out to us and they asked if they could be a Zion Church which I don't even know what all that means and so um they were meeting with them this week and so yeah just praying about it and you guys know who it is all right there we go Derick and tisha all right so um yeah so fun stuff fun stuff so a Bobby's gonna be out at the book table and so don't all leave before you give an offering so you can get in line early but um there's a couple different ways to give cash check sign app what okay and all right well hey thanks for being generous to the Bobby you guys are great and hey thanks for printing to the normally project like I said two weeks from tomorrow and so man we're just anxious to see what God's gonna do and no Christian katchadourian where you at hey just stand up you guys just put your hands towards Christian she is going to Mozambique for a couple months to school emissions or we blessed Kristin got everything that she puts her hand to let it prosper let her be protected and I'll Lord let it be such a transforming time for her and those around her so God let her thrive in the jungle bless her Lord mm all right well guys happy Mother's Day and if you could just wait till the buckets past you before you take off but bless you guys our ministry teams will be coming forward to be the ones with tags on I'll love you guys blushing
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
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Length: 118min 4sec (7084 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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